Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayDASH Plugin

2015-02-22 Thread Havin_it

Hi odw199,

Great to see this. Thanks for your work; it validates many people's
investment in Squeezebox as well as your own :)

I haven't seen a DASH stream yet in the wild either, but if I come
across one I'll certainly give it a whirl and let you know.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-15 Thread Havin_it

castalla wrote: 
 I'm experiencing the same dropout/buffering on a previous working pi
 Has something changed at the BBC end???

At a guess, I'd say a lot more people are now consuming the streams, now
that they know how, so contention is going up. I've known how for a
couple of days but didn't try it out until just now.

Not sure whether it's Auntie or the CDNs you need to see about that, but
I guess you could try switching CDNs to see if the other is doing better
(switch between 'ak' and whatever the other one is in the URL).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-12 Thread Havin_it

bpa wrote: 
 As I understand it,  a good reason is to get away from rebuffering
 (which users hate)  - HLS/HDS/DASH all allow for changing bitrates while
 a stream is playing so if backbone network gets overloaded or just the
 user home wifi gets slow - the server will be able to choose to send a
 slower bit rate audio stream fragement for the duration of the overload
 so eliminate/minimise rebuffering.  It will also probably enable
 servers to be more efficient.  Side effect is that audio quality could
 vary during a live transmission - that'll be the issue BBC has to get

That sounds horrendous. A more-or-less listenable stream repeatedly
descending into compressed, dishwasher-in-a-bag squelch. Yummy. I think
I'd rather have the gaps.

As for the issue the BBC has to get right: well, given their
performance of late with anything they *should* have gotten right (and
in many cases a five-year-old could have gotten right), my hopes aren't

Big thumbs-up to the agitators on the BBC thread who managed to get the
BBC mob talking to Triode. Here's hoping something comes of that, it
could be a real scalp for this community if Auntie is actually seen to
be listening to us.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Softsqueeze 3.9 beta for testing

2011-10-22 Thread Havin_it

ralphy;664656 Wrote: 
 You can checkout 3.9b2 from the sourceforge cvs. See the bottom of the
 download page for details

Ah, thanks - I never made it to the bottom of that page (but then the
message at the top doesn't really encourage one to do so!)

Well, if anyone's interested, the experiment was a success.  After
grabbing the source from CVS, I added mp3plugin.jar into the lib/
directory with the other third-party jars, and added it to the various
places those libs are mentioned in the build.xml file (the two items
where they are listed in the classpath for building, which may or may
not be essential, and a signjar/ tag below the others which I'm
pretty sure is).  Then I built it with ant dist, edited the
dist/common/softsqueeze.jnlp to identify the host my SBS is on, and
uploaded the dist/common/ folder to my webserver.  On running the jnlp
from the server and viewing the Settings dialog, the selected mp3
decoder is preset to Java MP3 Plugin, so it appears to have worked as

DISCLAIMER: This will be only for my own use, and I won't distribute
the built app to anyone else.  To my understanding, this means I'm not
violating the license of either Softsqueeze or the Java MP3 Plugin, but
IANAL so don't take my word for it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Softsqueeze 3.9 beta for testing

2011-10-20 Thread Havin_it

Hi, I don't know how alive this thread or BPA's work are at this stage,
but I have a point to add and a question to raise, if I may.  Both are
related to the Java MP3 Plugin.

Point: The most recently-posted link above for the plugin now goes to
an Oracle page for a larger bundle of multimedia-stuff.  I found a link
for the MP3 plugin alone, at

Question: Is there any way the MP3 plugin can be included into the
Softsqueeze applet/jnlp when deployed from one's own server, instead of
the client having to download and add it to their Java install?  Note I
appreciate the licensing issues, but I'm only talking about individuals
being able to include it by themselves for their own use. (As long as
only I use the applet, I believe I'm still honouring the license for
the plugin, no?)

I realise the plugin is only available compiled, but can it somehow be
supplied along with the main Softsqueeze applet, or does it have to be
properly installed in the client's JRE?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Softsqueeze 3.9 beta for testing

2011-10-20 Thread Havin_it

Hi mkanet,

Yes I understand that's why it cannot be distributed with Softsqueeze,
but what I'm trying to suggest (perhaps poorly) is that if it were
technically possible for me, as an end-user, to re-pack the softsqueeze
.jar with the mp3plugin .jar inside (so that Softsqueeze would use it if
present), then as long as I don't re-distribute the resulting .jar to
anyone else, then I am not violating the license for either component.

I have come across this at least once before, where the source of an
application came with a simple instruction to place the required
library in a given subfolder and make a small edit to another source
file in order to make use of that library in the resulting app when
built.  That was also a Java app, but the lib in question was available
as source, so I don't know if the same trick will work with the MP3
plugin as it's precompiled and source is unavailable.  That's really
what I'm asking: is it possible techically, and if so could I get any
pointers on how to set it up?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Softsqueeze 3.9 beta for testing

2011-10-20 Thread Havin_it

Hi bpa, thanks for the info on current situation. I should reiterate,
though, that I'm not concerned with any issues of licensing: I assert
(though you may disagree) that license incompatibility is irrelevant if
I build a combined package myself for my own use, because no
distribution occurs. By supplied in the sentence you quote, I mean
supplied by me from my own HTTP server to my own browser, that's all.
Should have phrased that better.

If I can get hold of newer source (there's no source with the
sourceforge release and the slimdevices svn is, as you say, 3.7 only)
then I'll try to make some sense of it myself. Even absent that,
perhaps I'll get lucky with some trial-and-error on the binaries.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Softsqueeze 3.9 beta for testing

2011-10-20 Thread Havin_it

Yes, after seeing those I hoped I could perhaps just add the
mp3plugin.jar to the /lib folder with those others, and name it in the
META_INF/MANIFEST.MF file in the SoftSqueeze.jar and in the jnlp file,
but alas not so simple :(

The jar is unsigned, which makes the webstart fail. Self-signing it
would be the next step, but I'll have to work out how that's done as
that's new to me. If that succeeds, we'll see whether there is more to
the problem than that alone...


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC streams not starting

2007-08-26 Thread Havin_it


I'm setting up slimserver while I wait for my SB3 to arrive, and
installed both slimserver-6.5.4 and alienbbc-1.06 on my Gentoo server
from the ebuilds available in portage.

Playing my mp3s to realplayer or VLC on my Linux laptop worked
perfectly, and I've also had success with playback. 
But the BBC streams are a no-go. By following the instructions on the
ripcaster website I can successfully play a stream on the server in
mplayer, although there is no sound setup so I can't verify that the
sound is OK.

When I select a stream to play in the web UI, the player status
switches to STOPPED. Running 'ps ax', there's no sign of
being called.

Attachment below is output of running in a terminal with
--d_plugins. Please ask if you'd like any other outputs or system

Thanks in advance :)

|Filename: slimdbg.txt  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC streams not starting

2007-08-26 Thread Havin_it

Works like a charm!

Thanks for the info, I wish I'd just asked here straight away, instead
of all the time I spent trying to debug it today :(


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