Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LmsUpdate and LmsRepack - Synology 8.0.* packages

2020-12-04 Thread MunichMelly

Just managed to add LmsUpdate to my DS216+II and therefore upgrade to
LMS 8, 
having previously added the Version patch recommended elsewhere in this
thread to my Squeezebox radio just in case.
Every thing working fine so far.
Thanks for your great work and clear and easy instructions.

 System Info 
Squeezebox Receiver Firmware: 77
Squeezebox Radio Firmware: 7.7.3-r16676
iPod Touch Gen3 v5.1.1, iPeng v2.0
iPhone 6 iPeng v2.0.17
QNAP 209 pro II
Logitech Media Server Version: 7.7.5 - 1416570306 @ Thu Nov 27 08:36:03
UTC 2014
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv5tel-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - armv5tel-linux-thread-multi
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
BBC iPlayer (v1.4.7)
BBC iPlayer Extras (v1.9.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer Won't Play BBC Listen Again on QNAP

2009-11-28 Thread MunichMelly

Triode;488897 Wrote: 
 For people having a problem with NAS cpu load, try the latest iPlayer
 (0.9j) plugin and set the prefer wma preference on the settings page.

Brilliant. I can also now listen to BBC outside the UK using iPlayer on
the QNAP without rebuffering. Thanks for this simple solution.


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 65)
QNAP 209 pro II
SSOTS:  4.1-7.4.0
Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 @ Tue Oct 20 08:02:44 PDT
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
BBC iPlayer (v0.9j)
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-11-22 Thread MunichMelly

bpa;479606 Wrote: 
 BBCiPlayerExtra - a plugin to provide additional menus for BBCiPlayer
 for Categories, A-Z and Schedule.

I may be changing the subject but thought someone might be interested
in the following problem:
I used the Home Menu setup to add BBCiPlayerExtra as an entry into my
main menu, which worked o.k.
Later, however, when I tried removing it from the main menu, it has
stubornly remained. Although according to the Home Menu setup it is not
selected for the main menu, it is still there in the controller's main
Not a major issue but the author might like to look into this.


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 65)
QNAP 209 pro II
SSOTS:  4.1-7.4.0
Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 @ Tue Oct 20 08:02:44 PDT
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
BBC iPlayer (v0.9f)
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer Won't Play BBC Listen Again on QNAP

2009-11-19 Thread MunichMelly

bpa;486972 Wrote: 
 It's definitely using faad - you just have to find it.
 Enable logging with os.paths set to DEBUG and also set player.source to
 DEBUG and then try to play an AAC file or stream.
 Check the log for faad - there should be one line where a full command
 line with path to faad is shown.

o.k. I enabled the relevant loging (see attached file and it seemed to find faad, but when I go to this
directory I still can't work out how to execute it to get the banner
you're looking for (see attached file faad search.txt)

|Filename:   |


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 65)
QNAP 209 pro II
SSOTS:  4.1-7.4.0
Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 @ Tue Oct 20 08:02:44 PDT
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
BBC iPlayer (v0.9f)
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer Won't Play BBC Listen Again on QNAP

2009-11-19 Thread MunichMelly

bpa;487290 Wrote: 
 Copying from the log you type the following at a shell prompt
Simple when you know how (which I obviously didn't).

Here's the result (hope it helps) ...

[~] # /opt/ssods4/bin/faad
*** Ahead Software MPEG-4 AAC Decoder V2.7 **

Patched for SqueezeCenter

Build: Oct 20 2009
Copyright 2002-2004: Ahead Software AG
Floating point version

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.


/opt/ssods4/bin/faad [options] infile.aac
-hShows this help screen.
-iShows info about the input file.
-a X  Write MPEG-4 AAC ADTS output file.
-tAssume old ADTS format.
-o X  Set output filename.
-f X  Set output format. Valid values for X are:
1:  Microsoft WAV format (default).
2:  RAW PCM data.
-b X  Set output sample format. Valid values for X are:
1:  16 bit PCM data (default).
2:  24 bit PCM data.
3:  32 bit PCM data.
4:  32 bit floating point data.
5:  64 bit floating point data.
-s X  Force the samplerate to X (for RAW files).
-l X  Set object type. Supported object types:
1:  Main object type.
2:  LC (Low Complexity) object type.
4:  LTP (Long Term Prediction) object type.
23: LD (Low Delay) object type.
-dDown matrix 5.1 to 2 channels
-wWrite output to stdio instead of a file.
-gDisable gapless decoding.
-qQuiet - suppresses status messages.
/opt/ssods4/bin/faad infile.aac
/opt/ssods4/bin/faad infile.mp4
/opt/ssods4/bin/faad -o outfile.wav infile.aac
/opt/ssods4/bin/faad -w infile.aac  outfile.wav
/opt/ssods4/bin/faad -a outfile.aac infile.aac
[~] #


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 65)
QNAP 209 pro II
SSOTS:  4.1-7.4.0
Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 @ Tue Oct 20 08:02:44 PDT
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
BBC iPlayer (v0.9f)
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer Won't Play BBC Listen Again on QNAP

2009-11-18 Thread MunichMelly

bpa;486919 Wrote: 
 Find the SBS server\Bin directory - it should have executables such as
 flac and sox in a subdirectory.

Still no joy. In the Squeezeboxserver\Bin directory I can't find faad.
I can find it in the SSOTS directory but I don't know how to execute
Output is below - maybe you have some more ideas.

[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/var/home/SqueezeboxServer] # ls
Bin/  Changelog6.html 
CPAN/ Changelog7.html   License.he.txt 
SSODS_NOUPNP  slimservice-convert.conf
Slim/ slimservice-strings.txt
Changelog1.html   HTML/ License.txt**
Changelog2.html   IR/   Logs/  
convert.conf  strings.txt
Changelog3.html   Installation.txt  MySQL/ 
lib/  types.conf
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/var/home/SqueezeboxServer] # cd Bin
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/Bin] # ls
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/Bin] # faad
-sh: faad: command not found
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/Bin] # cd /
[/] # find -name faad
[/] # cd /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/bin
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/bin] # faad
-sh: faad: command not found
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/bin] # ls
alac* date* id*   madplay* 
oggenc*   rmdir*tar*
awk@  df*   id3convert*   metaflac*
ogginfo*  sed*  top*
bash* du*   id3cp*mkdir*   
openssl*  shorten*  touch*
bunzip2** id3info*  mp3gain* 
pcregrep* sleep*uname*
bzip2*faad* id3tag*   mpc123*  
pcretest* snice*vorbiscomment*
cat*  flac* id3v2*mv*  
perl* sort* w*
chmod*free* kill* mysql*   
pgrep*sox*  watch*
chown*gawk* lame* mysqld@  
printenv* sqlite3**
cp*   grep* ln*   nice*
ps*   ssctrl*   wavpack*
curl* gunzip*   locale*   ogg123*  
readlink* sudo* wvgain*
cut*  gzip* ls*   oggdec*  
rm*   tail* wvunpack*
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/bin] # faad*
-sh: faad: command not found
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/bin] # exec faad
-sh: exec: faad: not found
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/bin] # exec faad*
-sh: exec: faad: not found
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/bin] #


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 65)
QNAP 209 pro II
SSOTS:  4.1-7.4.0
Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 @ Tue Oct 20 08:02:44 PDT
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
BBC iPlayer (v0.9f)
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer Won't Play BBC Listen Again on QNAP

2009-11-18 Thread MunichMelly

bpa;486939 Wrote: 
 It's possible SSOTS has set up AAC decoding to use something else.
 Confirm by looking at WebUI/Settings/Advanced/Filetypes/AAC

Settings there are as follows:
AAC AAC  Native
AAC FLAC faad/flac
AAC MP3  faad/lame
AAC PCM  faad

Is there any logging I can do to confirm what's happening?

By the way, if I use the Logitech BBC app (under MyApps) then I can
listen to live BBC streams without problems (but obviously it does not
support Listen again). Do these use a different format?


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 65)
QNAP 209 pro II
SSOTS:  4.1-7.4.0
Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 @ Tue Oct 20 08:02:44 PDT
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
BBC iPlayer (v0.9f)
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer Won't Play BBC Listen Again on QNAP

2009-11-17 Thread MunichMelly

bpa;486191 Wrote: 
 can you run the faad program on a command line with no arguments.  It
 will display a banner and check if it the fixed point version.
Sorry but I don't really know how to do this - any tips?


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 65)
QNAP 209 pro II
SSOTS:  4.1-7.4.0
Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 @ Tue Oct 20 08:02:44 PDT
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
BBC iPlayer (v0.9f)
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer Won't Play BBC Listen Again on QNAP

2009-11-17 Thread MunichMelly

majones;486283 Wrote: 
 I found with my TS-119 that the CPU load became excessive when using the
 RAID configuration, because the software interpreted Squeezebox
 streaming over the internet as a trigger for disk duplication. My
 solution has been to run a planned backup overnight rather than RAID.
 Worth a try?

Do you know if it is possible to reconfigure from a RAID 1 setup to 2
single disks without losing data and/or network shares and/or
reinstalling SSOTS / Squeezebox Server? (if so, how?)
Do you know if it's then possible to change back to a RAID 1 setup if
it turns out this change doesn't help?
I couldn't find anything about changing the configuration in the QNAP
documentation, only setting it up in the first place.


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 65)
QNAP 209 pro II
SSOTS:  4.1-7.4.0
Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 @ Tue Oct 20 08:02:44 PDT
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
BBC iPlayer (v0.9f)
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer Won't Play BBC Listen Again on QNAP

2009-11-16 Thread MunichMelly

It's good to see lots of people are now successfully running iplayer on
their QNAPs thanks to the contributions in this thread. 
Having done a clean install of SSOTS and Squeezebox Server, and
applying the iplayer filechange provided in this thread, I am also able
to start both live and listen-again streams on my QNAP.

Unfortunately I am having problems with very frequent rebuffering
(several times a minute, i.e. not useable) with pretty much every
program (both live and listen-again). I am not in the UK.
The QNAP is connected to the squeezebox duet receiver via cable so I
don't think its a local network problem.

As a comparison, if I run Squeezebox Server on my laptop (via a 802.11n
wireless router) instead of on the QNAP then there are no problems - so
the problem seems to be specific to the QNAP setup.

Have other QNAP users had similar problems (and how did you solve
If other non-UK QNAP users are using iplayer without rebuffering
problems, did you change anything from the standard setup to achieve
Are there any settings which I can change to help this?
Hope someone can help 


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 65)
QNAP 209 pro II
SSOTS:  4.1-7.4.0
Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 @ Tue Oct 20 08:02:44 PDT
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
BBC iPlayer (v0.9f)
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer Won't Play BBC Listen Again on QNAP

2009-11-16 Thread MunichMelly

bpa;486141 Wrote: 
  ... your QNAP must transcode the AAC stream and this would have a
 significant processor load.
 Have you disabled AAC-MP3 and AAC-Flac.  This will ease processor
 load but increase network load.

I haven't (knowingly) disabled anything.
How can I check this, and how can I try this?


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 65)
QNAP 209 pro II
SSOTS:  4.1-7.4.0
Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 @ Tue Oct 20 08:02:44 PDT
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
BBC iPlayer (v0.9f)
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer Won't Play BBC Listen Again on QNAP

2009-11-16 Thread MunichMelly

bpa;486158 Wrote: 
 WebUI Settings/Filetypes
 set AAC - MP3 to disabled
 Set AAC-Flac to disabled
 Click Apply
Thanks - I tried this but it didn't appear to make any difference.
That left AAC-AAC as native and AAC-PCM as faad.
As it didn't work, for now I've put it back to 
AAC-MP3 faad/lame and AAC-Flac faad/flac
Any other ideas?
Are there any logs I can switch on to look at this in more detail?


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 65)
QNAP 209 pro II
SSOTS:  4.1-7.4.0
Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 @ Tue Oct 20 08:02:44 PDT
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
BBC iPlayer (v0.9f)
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer Won't Play BBC Listen Again on QNAP

2009-11-16 Thread MunichMelly

bpa;486179 Wrote: 
 Check CPU load of the QNAP - if it is high 70% or more then then
 transcoding is likely the cause of the problem.
 I don't know what tools are available on QNAP to show cpu load but top
 is the usual linux tool

QNAP supply a web admin tool, which has a system information screen.
When playing an iplayer stream cpu load is indicated to be around 100%
confirming your thoughts, compared with playing a local mp3 file showing
a load between 5% and 25%.

Is there any way to avoid the transcoding, or do I have to wait for the
BBC to start supporting other stream formats?


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 65)
QNAP 209 pro II
SSOTS:  4.1-7.4.0
Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 @ Tue Oct 20 08:02:44 PDT
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
BBC iPlayer (v0.9f)
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer Won't Play BBC Listen Again on QNAP

2009-11-08 Thread MunichMelly

bpa;482988 Wrote: 
 I have attached a file which does not change any of the original
 0.9f code but it has a new log message just to definitive test whether
 QNAP is behaving as a mixed endian system as follows

   [09-11-08 09:02:50.7050] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::new (103) ENDIAN:LITTLE 
 Test of unpack: 0ff3  Swap flag:0

 Can you please replace and play a test BBC program as before.

Not really sure if I've done exactly as you wanted, and I may have a
different setup and/or problem, but I tried to replace on my
QNAP as you requested and tried to play something on BBC7. 
Logfile is attached, but I'm not sure it got far enough to get to your
new debug line on my system?
Let me know if this was of any help.

|Filename: server[1].log|


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 62)

Squeezecenter v7.3.3
on QNAP 209 pro (SSOTS v3.15) or Vista laptop

BBC iPlayer (v0.9f) - laptop o.k., but most streams don't play on QNAP
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer Won't Play BBC Listen Again on QNAP

2009-11-08 Thread MunichMelly

bpa;483254 Wrote: 
 Something has happened to your setup - the faad application can't be
 found so AAC is not supported. 
 However I thought the code I added would have been run.  I think
 perhaps the program you chose has not been added to Listen Again.
 If you disable BBCiPlayer AAC setting and try a different program - it
 may still give the info I need.  The log message should give info
 whether the endian is a possible cause of the problem or definitely
 not the cause.

AAC was already disabled in the iPlayer setting. My main problem is
that I can't play any listen again programmes. I tried a few anyway, and
also some live streams, and also tried enabling AAC in the iPlayer
settings, but I don't think it made any difference and I still didn't
see the debug you were looking for. Logfile attached anyway just in
By the way, I thought faad was supposed to be included in SC 7.3.3 ?

|Filename: server[1].log|


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 62)

Squeezecenter v7.3.3
on QNAP 209 pro (SSOTS v3.15) or Vista laptop

BBC iPlayer (v0.9f) - laptop o.k., but most streams don't play on QNAP
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC vs BBCiPlayer plugins

2009-11-07 Thread MunichMelly

MunichMelly;477443 Wrote: 
 Only very few of my iplayer items will play.
 The ones which play seem to have a URL displayed (e.g.Listen Live - BBC
 Radio 1Xtra). The majority of items only have a picture and a
 description but no URL, and do not play (e.g. Listen Live - BBC Radio 1,
 or any of the historical items).

bpa;477539 Wrote: 
 I'm at a loss.
 AAC support on Linux was not standard in 7.3.2 so something has been
 added to your system which is non standard but enabled AAC support.
 SSOTS is a special build of SC with a lots of things added and changed
 to suit the QNAP systems.  
 To stream BBC in AAC you need a special version of faad and I don't
 think your setup has it - even if you move to 7.3.3 I could still not be
 sure about what changes SSOTS has made.

Triode;477908 Wrote: 
 I believe it needs to be 7.3.3 to have support for AAC radio streaming. 
 I would upgrade this server before using it to test iplayer.  Ideally
 you upgrade it to 7.4.1, but 7.3.3 should work.

MunichMelly;477990 Wrote: 
 After upgrading to 7.3.3 on the vista machine iPlayer now seems to
 Unfortunately the same thing did not work on the QNAP, where I still
 have missing URL's for programmes which now work on the vista

There seems to be many people still having the same problems i.e.
BBCiPlayer not playing listen-again streams on a QNAP (e.g. see ) but I can't
actually find any bug reports or any signs of anyone working on a

I understood from the above, that the necessary version of faad is
included in Squeezecenter from version 7.3.3 but this doesn't seem to
help on a QNAP installation. 


Is this an issue with the Linux version of SqueezeCenter, 
or is it a specific problem with SSOTS?

How can we help to find out?

How can users with this problem best raise or support a bug report to
get this issue fixed?

Thanks in advance, and sorry if this post is out of sequence.


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 62)

Squeezecenter v7.3.3
on QNAP 209 pro (SSOTS v3.15) or Vista laptop

BBC iPlayer (v0.9f) - laptop o.k., but most streams don't play on QNAP
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-11-03 Thread MunichMelly

bpa;479606 Wrote: 
 The user can save a Category or Schedule menu as a Favorite so that
 having Radio 4 comedy or BBC Radio London Today favorite can provide
 a quicker way to get to a program both in time and menu navigation. 
 The user can also create and customised their own RSS feed menu using
 any one of the BBC feeds as follows:
 1. Use SBS Web interface and create a Favorite from one of the Extra
 menus (e.g. Radio Highlights)
 2. Edit the Favorite entry.
 3. In another browser window - open this page
 4. Select All Feeds Tabs 
 5. Using the drop down selections choose the required feed.  Make sure
 you are using a Radio feed in Programmes from: box. Do *not* click
 Subscribe now.
 6. Copy the URL link indicated by Or you can copy and paste its URL
 7. Go back to SBS UI web window and now paste the link into the URL
 field of Favorite entry being edited. Change the Favorite description to
 match and click Save.

I have found that this works someties but not always.
For example when I tried the
entries give lists of programmes, but when choosing one of these
programmes, there is no iplayer icon to be seen and no chance to play
My favorites.opml is attached for reference as a text file - Childrens
/ Childrens 2 / Childrens 3 do not work.

|Filename: favorites.opml.txt   |


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 62)

Squeezecenter v7.3.3
on QNAP 209 pro (SSOTS v3.15) or Vista laptop

BBC iPlayer (v0.9f) - laptop o.k., but most streams don't play on QNAP
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)

MunichMelly's Profile:
View this thread:

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC vs BBCiPlayer plugins

2009-10-26 Thread MunichMelly

MunichMelly;477443 Wrote: 
 Only very few of my iplayer items will play.
 The ones which play seem to have a URL displayed (e.g.Listen Live - BBC
 Radio 1Xtra). The majority of items only have a picture and a
 description but no URL, and do not play

bpa;477481 Wrote: 
 Can you play the following URL - it is a AACplus stream.
Yes, that plays o.k. via Tune In URL
Any more ideas?


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 58)
QNAP 209 pro (SSOTS v3.15)
Squeezecenter v7.3.2
BBCiPlayer plugin v0.9e
Alien bbc plugin v2.4a4-7.3

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC vs BBCiPlayer plugins

2009-10-26 Thread MunichMelly

bpa;477524 Wrote: 
 Since the AACplus stream seems to work and you are on 7.3.2 - AACplus
 was not part of SC build.  
 What have you installed to handle AACplus - is it the AACplus plugin ?
 If you are not sure - do you have a filetype AACplus or AACP under
 WebUI Settings/Advanced/Filetypes and if so what is in the MP3 and Flac
 entries ?

Not sure I'm afraid. 
Can't see a AACplus plugin anywhere.
AACplus or AACP don't appear as file types in the QNAP Squeezecenter's
MP3 says MP3 native.
FLAC says FLAC native, MP3 flac/ame, WAV flac
Alternatively in the PC's Settings/Advanced/Filetypes
MP3 says MP3 native.
FLAC says FLAC native, MP3 disabled, WAV flac


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 58)
QNAP 209 pro (SSOTS v3.15)
Squeezecenter v7.3.2
BBCiPlayer plugin v0.9e
Alien bbc plugin v2.4a4-7.3

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC vs BBCiPlayer plugins

2009-10-26 Thread MunichMelly

MunichMelly;477517 Wrote: 
  The iPlayer problems also occur when running squeezecenter on my P.C.

bpa;477539 Wrote: 
 I'm at a loss.
 To stream BBC in AAC you need a special version of faad and I don't
 think your setup has it.

I also have an independent squeezecenter installation (v7.3.2) on my
Windows Vista p.c.; i.e. I can connect my Squeezebox to this server
which then leaves QNAP and linux completely out of the game.
Maybe we should therefore ignore the QNAP / Linux issues to begin
Using the Vista installation I see exactly the same iPlayer problems,
i.e. most programmes show a picture and description but no URL (and do
not play).
I am outside of the UK.

- Would a missing or wrong type of decoder cause iPlayer not to display
any URL for the stream, or just not allow it to play a displayed URL?
- Would the necessary version of faad normally be available in Windows
Vista (and any tips as to how I can find out if I have it)?

Thanks in advance - I appreciate that this is taking up a lot of your


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 58)
QNAP 209 pro (SSOTS v3.15)
Squeezecenter v7.3.2
BBCiPlayer plugin v0.9e
Alien bbc plugin v2.4a4-7.3

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC vs BBCiPlayer plugins

2009-10-26 Thread MunichMelly

Triode;477908 Wrote: 
 I believe it needs to be 7.3.3 to have support for AAC radio streaming. 
 I would upgrade this server before using it to test iplayer.  Ideally
 you upgrade it to 7.4.1, but 7.3.3 should work.

After upgrading to 7.3.3 on the vista machine iPlayer now seems to

Unfortunately the same thing did not work on the QNAP, where I still
have missing URL's for programmes which now work on the vista
Maybe I still have a decoder issue on the QNAP/SSOTS platform.


 System Info 
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 62)
QNAP 209 pro (SSOTS v3.15)
Squeezecenter v7.3.3
BBCiPlayer plugin v0.9e
Alien bbc plugin v2.4a4-7.3

MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC vs BBCiPlayer plugins

2009-10-24 Thread MunichMelly

Does BBCiPlayer work outside of UK?
Is there a summary of alien bbc features not supported in the
BBCiPlayer plugin?

I'm considering updating to Squeezebox Server 7.4.1 but am worried
about losing bbc (non-live) programmes if I change my current setup.

Squeezebox duet
QNAP 209 pro
SSOTS version 3.15
Squeezecenter version 7.3.2
Alien bbc v2.4a4-7.3


MunichMelly's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC vs BBCiPlayer plugins

2009-10-24 Thread MunichMelly

bpa;476815 Wrote: 
 BBCiPlayer works outside the UK and on SS 7.3.*.
 Thanks for the Infos. I've tried installing the BBCiplayer plugin (via
 extension downloader) both on my QNAP209pro and also on my Vista PC, but
 the non-live programs don't appear to work on either platforms. When I
 select play or add then nothing seems to happen. Listen Live works. I
 wanted to check out iPlayer on 7.3 before upgrading to 7.4. I've tried
 changing the iplayer settings but that didn't seem to make a difference
 Any ideas?


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