Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: Alexa voice control (development thread)

2019-09-23 Thread StephenC

I requested to be a beta tester way back, probably around March. Didn't
get any response. I'm still optimistic that this hasnt gone away
forever. Unless Sonos made the developer an offer they couldn't refuse

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-09-25 Thread StephenC

Man in a van wrote: 
> Not crucial, it's back to 7 days

Thank you. I'd missed that thread.

Back to iPlayer Extras!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-09-25 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
> For the less adventurous who want 30 days availabiliy of "Listen again",
> you can test 15 day and 30 day option from BBCiPlayer plugin settings
> by changing opml file as I have uploaded to 2 more menu opml file
> variants.
> Steps.
> 1. In BBCiPlayer Plugin Settings. Change the last part of URL in the
> "URL for menu.opml replacement" field from "default-menu.opml" to either
> "default-15day-menu.opml" or "default-30day-menu.opml" 
> i.e.
> 2. Click the "Load Menu from this URL" button. Sorry there is no
> feedback on the click. 
> 3. On player/Web go back to Home, and from Home go into the Radio and
> then BBCiPlayer menu - the new opml will take effect. 
> LMS caches menu generation so if you do 2 opml menu changes in quick
> succession, a LMS restart may be necessary to clear cache if expected
> menu changes do not appear (also double check the URL used in Settings)


I hope you can help. I've followed the steps above, several times,
including shutting down the server, deleting
/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/cache.db, and restarting.

I still don't get the 30 (or 15) day listings.

My server version is 7.9.1, iPlayer 1.6.0.

Have I missed something crucial?

Thanks a lot.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotty and Family Account - Assign User toplayer?

2017-07-17 Thread StephenC

rkrug wrote: 
> Hi
> ... is it possible to assign a member of the family to one player, i.e.
> that children only live with their player in their “spotify world
> (favourites, playlists, …) and do not populate other playlists with
> their music?
> ...

Yes, it is - Home > Spotty > Account > Select Account

This is a per player setting. There's nothing to stop your children
selecting other accounts, if they decide to, though.

It can be done from either the LMS web interface, or the player itself.

I use a Spotify Family service, with four accounts, and it works very
well with Spotty. We're all very, very happy with it.

Hope this helps.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer Extras - problem?

2017-05-15 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
> As promised the BBC have killed the APIs that Extras used and so the
> Extras plugin no longer works.

Such a shame. I will keep everything crossed that this is a short term
hiatus before there's a viable solution.

Thank you so much, BPA, for your fantastic and much appreciated efforts
over the years. iPlayer Extras was superb, and is much missed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayerExtra v1.0

2017-03-15 Thread StephenC

I haven't tried a huge number of programmes, but those I have (from
Radio 4 A-Z) have been ok.

Maybe we have a small stay of execution... 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayerExtra v1.0

2017-03-14 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
> I won't say definitive end because there are alternative ways of getting
> the info - just at the moment I don't have a lot of time to research the
> other sources so there will be no update for a few weeks.

This is music to my ears! I wish you all the good fortune in the world.
Thank you for giving hope. I promise to not ask any more questions about

My girlfriend is addicted to the archives of In Our Time, and The Life
Scientific. She was almost bereft when it stopped working. But, I've
placated her by adding a couple of folders in Favorites, and populating
them with links to the mp3 files from the Podcast pages. That works well

Thanks again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayerExtra v1.0

2017-03-14 Thread StephenC

I had feared that the BBC had pulled the feeds. So, does this mean the
definitive end of iPlayer Extras? I used it, loads, every day. If it's
gone, it's gone, but I'll miss it terribly :(

BPA, as always, thank you for all your efforts.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2017-02-17 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
> What I need to do is modify the plugin to be more pragmatic - if delay
> is greater than 3 hours - go back to live.  This is effectivley what
> 1.4.10 is doing (e.g. a 410 error occur but the error handling triggers
> a stream restart losing the delay)

Wow - Can it pause live radio for 3 hours? That's fantastic. I didn't
know that. I always assumed that it was fairly short lived, as I think
(but only *think*) that in the dim and distant past the pause seemed to
go back to live pretty quickly (five minutes or so).

I often get interrupted at irritating times, and to be able to
confidently pause for as long as a couple of hours or so will be

Thank you for all your efforts on this. I've been using Squeezeboxes for
ten years, and find myself fully addicted to the iPlayer plugin. Your
work is outstanding, and hugely appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-10 Thread StephenC

castalla wrote: 
 The moderator on the blog is threatening to close the comments if people
 don't stop 'campaigning'.
 Do I detect wagons being drawn into a circle?

I read through the most recent comments, and can't see any
'campaigning'. Have I missed something?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-10 Thread StephenC

I've emailed Nick Reynolds and Andrew Scott, voicing my continued
concerns, and asking for clarification on the reason for the comments
closure. I can't see any justification under their 'campaigning' rule
(which, as far as I can tell, is only rolled out during elections, so to
use it to silence complaints about the issue at hand seems disingenuous
at best).

I've also emailed the In Touch Production Team, asking if they're
planning a follow-up to their 24th Feb. item on this issue, and pointing
them at Andrew Scott's (now neutered) blog, and here.

Hopefully the momentum of this problem will continue to build. It's a
disgraceful way for them to treat their customers. I was dismayed
recently when the news that non-payment of the Licence Fee would be
decriminalised. Now I think it might be a bit of luck. I have frequently
stated that I'd be happy to pay twice the fee for just Radio 4. It seems
clear that there is now a 'campaign' to kill the BBC and leave Murdoch
as the Overlord of all media.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-09 Thread StephenC

Listen Again was my interpretation of 'LA'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-09 Thread StephenC

Is the situation completely without hope? Is it the case that the feeds
needed won't be available to Squeezebox users? Or is it the case that
there are feeds, but the plugin needs to be changed? I'm not up to speed
with the finer points of the technicalities. Has the BBC said that they
won't allow Squeezeboxes to access the streams?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-09 Thread StephenC

Sod it! I only just got it working again, thanks to BPA's sterling help,
over many hours, and several pages of this thread. I knew the streams
had been mooted for switch off, but didn't think it would be this

I'm really, really, really disappointed about this. Fingers crossed that
there's a solution that'll give us back what we've been enjoying for

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-09 Thread StephenC

castalla wrote: 
 I'm certainly not buying a slave-labour Apple to listen to the BBC.

Is there anything else at all that has similar usability as the
Squeezebox family? I have about seven SB3s, two Radios, a Boom, a Touch,
and four Raspberry Pis running PiCorePlayer. They're used locally, and
remotely, and I always take a Radio when I travel. They are all
exclusively used for BBC, live and Listen Again. Mainly Listen Again. If
this functionality is now permanently broken, then they're all largely
useless to me. This is a real shame. I suspect that the eBay resale
prices for Squeezeboxes in the UK just took a hit.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-09 Thread StephenC

expectingtofly wrote: 
 Just do this :

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-08 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
 A lot of users are happy with 7.9 but it has a smaller user base (with
 fewer use cases) and those users are willing to have a beta system.
 That said, I think it is easier to go forward to an update within a
 version than to go back to an earlier version.

Oh happy day!

-*Logitech Media Server Status
Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1425585294 @ Sun Mar 8 04:05:14
UTC 2015
Installed, and working a treat. I can't thank you enough. I feel pretty
bad that the problem was down to an old, unstable, installation. I
should have updated to the latest, but got blinded by the BBC streaming
issues, and assumed it was down to that. So sorry for having taken so
much of your time.

I definitely owe you a few drinks.

So, how long do we have before the BBC break the Listen Again

Thank you so much.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-08 Thread StephenC


Thanks for all the additional replies. To address the various

1. I was using this particular version of LMS as I was having problems
with the stable version media scanner falling over on many files in my
library. There were known problems with the (7.8, I think) scanner at
the time, so I tried the latest version, and it scanned everything
without issue. Everything else was (as far as I was aware) working fine,
so as it wasn't 'broke' (I thought), there was no need to 'fix it'.
2. The recent issues I've had appear to have brought a long standing
problem with my system out from hiding. Apart from this problem, it's
been rock solid since the day I installed it.
3. It is running on a 32 bit operating system (Ubuntu 13.10),
specifically because of the library dependencies noted by Dom in a
VMWare virtual machine.

So, what's the recommended version at the moment? I'll try that. Or, if
there are no known major problems with the latest 7.9 then I'll go with

Thanks once more for all the help with this.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

castalla wrote: 
 Strange - AFAIK the listen again section of iPlayer is still working
 without any fixes.  
 What do you see/get when you select a program stream?


Thanks for the reply. With BBC iPlayer I get the title scrolling on the
player display (Boom), and the text above says 'NOW PLAYING
(CONNECTING...)'. The web interface indicates that the stream is
playing, as the progress bar and timer behave as if it is, but there's
no audio, and the 'CONNECTING...' status remains indefinitely. With
iPlayer Extras the player behaviour is similar, but the progress
bar/timer resets to zero (and stops) after two to three seconds.

Thanks again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

PasTim wrote: 
 From your description it might be a File Type issue.  Did you change any
 when trying to get Live to work?

What can I say?! I may well have. I just had a look, but I don't know
the 'default' set up, and I can't see a 'reset to defaults' option. My
apologies for the somewhat nebulous info. Is there anywhere that the
default file type settings are listed?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
 Please give specific example so people can test.  There are some BBC
 programs which are missing from Listen Again via the BBCiPlayer plugin
 and there are other programs which are missing from Extras and in some
 cases they are missing form both. Programs can be missing for a number
 of reasons but without a specific example it is hard to know whether
 your system has a problem or whether you have just managed to choose the
 mising programs.

Here's what I've tried:
(All from Radio 4 FM)
all the currently available Afternoon Drama episodes
The News Quiz - both Friday and Saturday edition
Midnight News (any of the currently available)
15 Minute Drama (all available)
Inside Science (16:30 on 5th March)

Plus many other, randomly selected, programmes - nothing worked.

However, as I've 'fiddled' with it, and the consensus is that a standard
installation does work, I don't think it's fair to waste more of
anyone's time until I've done a fresh install from the ground up. Thanks
for all the help so far. I'll come back once I've got a vanilla setup,
to hopefully confirm that it's ok.

Thanks again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

PasTim wrote: 
 If you haven't started rebuilding yet, take a look at Settings,
 Advanced, File Types .  What do you see under AAC?  At least some of
 these should be enabled, and work on your player.
 One other question. When you installed the PlayHLS plugin did you modify
 any of the 'custom-convert.conf' settings?  If that's all G(r)eek to you
 then don't worry - it will be OK!.

Haven't yet started the rebuild. Under the AAC format I have:
AAC - Native
FLAC - faad/flac
MP3 - disabled
PCM - faad

I don't think I changed any of the custom-convert.conf settings. Should
I have? If so, I'm happy to.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

majones wrote: 
 If you go via BBCiPlayerExtra, you can find zillions of archive tweet
 programmes that also play in WMA. :confused:

Yes indeed - many of those work fine for me. But, I would dearly like to
be able to listen to stuff from the last week. I'll keep my fingers
crossed that the nuke and rebuild solves it. Fortunately it's running as
a VMWare virtual machine, so changes in either direction are easy. If
only I knew what to change!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

PasTim wrote: 
 For what it's worth, what I would do is:
 1. Stop LMS
 2. Delete cache.db (just that, not library.db etc)
 3. Restart LMS and try again
 4. If no go, uninstall BBCiPlayer plugins, restart, re-install (without
 opml changes) and try again
 5. If listen again now OK, do the change to the opml to get live running

OK. Did all that. No difference. So, to make sure that I *really* did
it, I did it again. Still it made no difference. In a weird way I'm
slightly reassured that it seems to be an unusual issue!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
 Play a problem stream with LMS logging player.source turned on to DEBUG.
 BBCiPlayer plugin settings - transcoding must be enabled and most
 comprehensive setting used for Listen Again.
 Copy all lines (no editing) from log file into a text file from just
 before stream started to about 30 secs afterwards.
 Zip and attach text file onto a post.

Here it is. I can't thank you (all) enough for the help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
 Looks like something is corrupt on your system.  Could you have
 sym-linked flac to faad at sometime ?
 Somehting isa very odd
 The conf file line which had faad and flac

   Matched: aac-flc via: [faad] -q -w -f 1 $FILE$ | [flac] -cs 
--totally-silent --compression-level-0 --ignore-chunk-sizes -

 gets converted into the following for playing - notw the flac on the
 RHS has somehow changed into faad when path is expanded.

   [15-03-07 18:58:39.9888] 
Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::tokenizeConvertCommand2 (621) Using command 
for conversion: /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/i386-linux/faad -q -w -f 1 - 
| /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/i386-linux/faad -cs --totally-silent 
--compression-level-0 --ignore-chunk-sizes -


Wow - I definitely haven't (knowingly) symlinked anything at all. It's a
virtual machine dedicated solely to running LMS, and nothing else. Is
there something I can/should do to fix it, or would you recommend a
complete rebuild of the LMS system?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

majones wrote: 
 Presumably you've set the BBC iPlayer stream preference to
 AACFlashAACFlashMP3WMA? WMA is supposed not to work any more (though
 oddly enough it does for Tweet of the Day on Radio 4!).

I had changed the stream preference for iPlayer (Live and On Demand) to
AACFlashAAC, as that's what I thought I'd read was needed after the
termination of WMA. But, after changing it back to the
AACFlashAACFlashMP3WMA, even Tweet of the Day still doesn't work for
me, sadly.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
 What OS is LMS running under ?
 This feels like faad or flac is not working and up to now you have
 been playing native WMa and so had no problem.

It's running under Ubuntu 13.10

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

PasTim wrote: 
 I've got that setting on.  I'm out of ideas right now :(

No problem. Thank you very, very much for the help so far. Maybe it's
time to bite the bullet and start again. Such a shame - until the
problems with the WMA streams started it had all been rock solid for a
long time.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

bonze wrote: 
 Are you trying to listen again using BBCiPlayer or BBCiPlayerExtra ?
 BBCiPlayer only has The News Quiz Episode 3 which works OK.
 I can't get any TNQ episodes to work on BBCiPlayerExtra, although they
 do show pictures :)

On iPlayer there's only one episode listed, ep. 3 (the most recent), and
it doesn't play.

On iPlayer Extras there are three listed (eps. 1, 2 and 3), and only ep.
1 plays.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
 What OS is LMS running under ?
 This feels like faad or flac is not working and up to now you have
 been playing native WMa and so had no problem.

In case it's relevant:

faad returns:

*** Ahead Software MPEG-4 AAC Decoder V2.7 **

Build: May  1 2012
Copyright 2002-2004: Ahead Software AG
Floating point version

flac returns:

flac - Command-line FLAC encoder/decoder version 1.3.0
Copyright (C) 2000-2009  Josh Coalson
Copyright (C) 2011-2013  Xiph.Org Foundation

ffmpeg returns:

ffmpeg version 0.10.12-7:0.10.12-1~saucy1

lame returns:

LAME 32bits version 3.99.5 (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

PasTim wrote: 
 That looks fine. And double-check that the iPlayer settings mentioned by
 majones are definitely set as he said.

I'm afraid that they are - both Live and On-Demand are set to

However, I tried switching off 'Allow Transcoding' on the same page, and
now Tweet of the Day works! Disappointingly, as far as I can tell,
nothing else does, though - It reports 'PROBLEM: CAN'T OPEN FILE

Ah well, at least I can listen to some soothing birdsong!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
 You are running the faad etc. from the LMS Bin directory  and not from
 Ubuntu /usr/bin or other bin on the PATH.
 It looks like you have installed standard faad which will not work with
 Also can you run flac.

I installed the faad and flac after your suggestion that it could be
down to a problem with them. This made no difference. I've since
uninstalled them, and the output from the LMS Bin directory versions is

flac - Command-line FLAC encoder/decoder version 1.2.1

*** Ahead Software MPEG-4 AAC Decoder V2.7 **

Patched for Squeezebox Server:
* ALAC decoder integrated
* Seeking support with -j and -e switches
* STDIN support
* Source at

Build: Apr 14 2010
Copyright 2002-2004: Ahead Software AG
Floating point version

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC


Like everyone else, I'm very, very, very irritated by this debacle. I've
been largely addicted to Squeezeboxes and Triode's and bpa's wonderful
work from AlienBBC onwards for the last 8 years. My system is now
largely useless as far as I can tell. I do have the live BBC radio
working, but can't get any Listen Again stuff to work at all, even using
BBC iPlayer Extras. I read on here that people do have Listen Again
working, and have worked through the various instructions to reinstate
it, but have failed. Is there anywhere with a step by step guide to what
changes need to be made, to what version of LMS, to get this working?
I'd be happy to start from the ground up with this, if it means it'll
work again.

My system is currently Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1407430050
@ Fri Aug 8 04:05:34 UTC 2014, with iPlayer 1.2.14 and iPlayer Extras

Thanks a lot.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

Owen Smith wrote: 
 I have made no changes whatsoever to my system to cope with this
 debacle, and iPlayer Listen Again is working fine for me. As I type this
 I am listening to last Sunday's Early Music Show on Radio 3 at 320kbps
 Playing live does not work for me, obviously. I have the choice of FM,
 DAB and Freeview to fill that need. I usually use FM, it sounds the best
 of the three except on Classic FM for which I use DAB (but Classic FM is
 not part of this debacle anyway).

Interesting. In which case maybe something that I changed in the early
days of the debacle (mid-Feb) broke it - I edited the opml file as
detailed elsewhere (I'll edit this post shortly, once I find the
source). Although I didn't make any changes until it was already not
working. Maybe I should try reverting to a vanilla installation and see
what happens.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
 Don't change setting when doing debugging - you could introduce
 different problems.
 Not sure what happened - it looks like you left the player,source
 logging on and didn't turn on the os.paths.
 I expect to see something like this in the log

   15-03-07 19:47:09.2067] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (100) Looking for 
executable: [flac]
   [15-03-07 19:47:09.2069] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (111) Checking for flac 
in /mnt/hddrive/home/xxx14.04/repos/7.8/logitechmediaserver/Bin/i386-linux/flac
   [15-03-07 19:47:09.2069] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (115) Found binary 
for flac
   [15-03-07 19:47:09.2072] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (100) Looking for 
executable: [lame]
   [15-03-07 19:47:09.2073] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (111) Checking for lame 
   [15-03-07 19:47:09.2073] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (111) Checking for lame 
in /mnt/hddrive/home/xxx14.04/repos/7.8/logitechmediaserver-7.8/Bin/lame
   [15-03-07 19:47:09.2074] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (111) Checking for lame 
in /usr/local/sbin/lame
   [15-03-07 19:47:09.2075] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (111) Checking for lame 
in /usr/local/bin/lame
   [15-03-07 19:47:09.2076] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (111) Checking for lame 
in /usr/sbin/lame
   [15-03-07 19:47:09.2077] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (111) Checking for lame 
in /usr/bin/lame
   [15-03-07 19:47:09.2077] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (115) Found binary 
/usr/bin/lame for lame


My apologies - Attached the wrong file! Have edited the post.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
 Looks like you didn't do os.paths logging.  This is what I expect - I
 don't see any of the findbin message in your log.

   [15-03-07 21:53:41.8834] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (241)   
Found command: [faad] -q -w -f 1 $FILE$ | [flac] -cs --totally-silent 
--compression-level-0 --ignore-chunk-sizes -
   [15-03-07 21:53:41.8835] 
Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (428) Matched: aac-flc 
via: [faad] -q -w -f 1 $FILE$ | [flac] -cs --totally-silent 
--compression-level-0 --ignore-chunk-sizes -
   [15-03-07 21:53:41.8835] Slim::Player::Song::open (408) Transcoder: 
streamMode=I, streamformat=flc
   [15-03-07 21:53:41.8836] Slim::Player::Song::open (461) Opening stream (no 
direct streaming) using Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP 
   [15-03-07 21:53:41.9992] Slim::Player::Song::open (482) URL is a song 
   [15-03-07 21:53:41.9994] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (100) Looking for 
executable: [faad]
   [15-03-07 21:53:41.9995] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (111) Checking for faad 
   [15-03-07 21:53:41.9996] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (115) Found binary 
 for faad
   [15-03-07 21:53:41.9997] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (100) Looking for 
executable: [flac]
   [15-03-07 21:53:41.] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (111) Checking for flac 
   [15-03-07 21:53:41.] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (115) Found binary 
 for flac
   [15-03-07 21:53:42.0001] 
Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::tokenizeConvertCommand2 (553) Using command 
for conversion: 
 -q -w -f 1 - | 
 -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 --ignore-chunk-sizes -
   [15-03-07 21:53:42.0002] Slim::Player::Song::open (558) Tokenized command: 

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

I have checked, and get the following behaviour - with both os.paths and
player.source set to 'debug', there are no 'FindBin' entries in the log
file. However, if I set player.source to 'error', then the FindBin
entries do appear:


  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7422] main::init (370) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v7.9.0, 1407430050, Fri Aug  8 04:05:34 UTC 2014) perl 5.014002
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7479] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding 
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7482] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (149) not adding 
/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/linux - does not exist
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7485] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding 
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7488] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding 
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7490] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding 
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7493] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding /sbin
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7495] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding /bin
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7498] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding 
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7500] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding 
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7503] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding 
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7505] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding 
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7508] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (149) not adding 
/usr/libexec - does not exist
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7510] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (149) not adding 
/sw/bin - does not exist
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7513] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding 
  [15-03-07 22:14:07.7516] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (149) not adding 
/opt/bin - does not exist
  [15-03-07 22:14:08.0866] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1312) Warning: 
[22:14:08.0861] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query returned more 
than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is DEPRECATED for -find and 
-single at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/ line 1876
  [15-03-07 22:14:08.3590] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (149) not adding 
- does not exist
  [15-03-07 22:14:08.3594] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding 
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9124] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (94) Looking for 
executable: [faad]
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9128] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (105) Checking for faad 
in /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/i386-linux/faad
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9130] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (109) Found binary 
/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/i386-linux/faad for faad
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9133] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (94) Looking for 
executable: [flac]
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9136] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (105) Checking for flac 
in /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/i386-linux/flac
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9139] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (109) Found binary 
/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/i386-linux/flac for flac
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9716] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (94) Looking for 
executable: [lame]
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9723] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (105) Checking for lame 
in /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/i386-linux/lame
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9727] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (105) Checking for lame 
in /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/lame
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9732] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (105) Checking for lame 
in /usr/local/sbin/lame
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9737] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (105) Checking for lame 
in /usr/local/bin/lame
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9741] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (105) Checking for lame 
in /sbin/lame
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9745] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (105) Checking for lame 
in /bin/lame
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9750] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (105) Checking for lame 
in /usr/sbin/lame
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9755] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (105) Checking for lame 
in /usr/bin/lame
  [15-03-07 22:14:21.9759] Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (109) Found binary 
/usr/bin/lame for lame
  [15-03-07 22:14:38.0025] 
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (337) Unable to get 
players from SN: A account is required for this service. 
Please access Logitech Media Server Settings - with a web 
browser to configure., retrying in 30060 seconds

I hit 'play' around 22:14:20.

Does this make any sense? Please feel free to throw your hands in the
air and walk away - I can always do the re-installation and see what
happens. You've already given orders of magnitude more time to this than
I'm comfortable with!

StephenC's Profile:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
 Enable the logging os.paths to DEBUG will show how LMS find the

OK. Here's the info:

1. File Types:

AIFF - flac
FLAC- Native
MP3 - flac/lame
PCM - flac

Is it the PCM - flac that could be causing the issue? (I changed it to
PCM - disabled, which made no difference.)

2. Paths:
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4527] main::init (370) Starting Logitech Media Server
(v7.9.0, 1407430050, Fri Aug  8 04:05:34 UTC 2014) perl 5.014002
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4583] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4586] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (149) not
adding /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/linux - does not exist
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4589] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4592] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4595] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4599] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4602] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4604] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4607] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4610] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4613] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4615] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (149) not
adding /usr/libexec - does not exist
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4618] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (149) not
adding /sw/bin - does not exist
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4621] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (143) adding
[15-03-07 19:50:48.4624] Slim::Utils::Misc::addFindBinPaths (149) not
adding /opt/bin - does not exist

Full debug log attached.

3. flac files:
find . -print | grep -i flac
-(any with flac as substring removed)-


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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
 Now it looks ok but am now v. puzzled because LMS finds the flac with
 the expected path and this is the code that is run when creating the
 tokenized command.
 Can you repeat a log with player.source set to DEBUG and os.paths set to
 1. Restart LMS and enable logging player.source set to DEBUG and
 os.paths set to DEBUG. 
 2. make sure no other stream is playing and all players are stopped.
 3. Note time.
 4. Just play once a BBCiplayer stream which is in Flash/AAC format.
 Choose a new one so that cached info is not used.
 5. Wait 30 secs and then stop stream.
 6.. Copy log message from noted time until end into text file and zip
 and attach as before.

Attached. I'm not sure how to know what is in Flash/AAC format, though.
I selected a stream from BBC Radio 2  After Midnight  0:00 Sunday
It didn't play.
The log is attached. I hit play at 21:40:22

I can't thank you enough for the continued engagement.

|Filename:   |

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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-07 Thread StephenC

bpa wrote: 
 I cannot explain it so All I can assume is something is badly awry in
 your system.  You said you are using a VM - so perhaps there is some
 side effect but I don't think so as others use VMs.
 Just to be sure you are enabling logging correctly. You have set
 player,source to DEBUG and OS.paths to DEBUG and then click Apply. Close
 the Settings Window down and then re-open and check that both logging
 are still set.  These settings will be lost is you restart LMS so do not
 restart LMS after setting logging.

I am indeed closing the Settings window, and then re-opening it to check
that the setting persist. I've also tried the option to 'Save logging
settings for use at next application restart' and confirmed that they
persist after an LMS restart. It's mighty strange that the os.paths
debug information changes if the the player.source debug option is
enabled at the same time. Maybe the Law of Diminishing Returns is now
beginning to apply? Whatever happens, I owe you some drinks!

Thank you for giving this so much time. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2014-09-20 Thread StephenC

Matkubicki wrote: 
 Hope this helps someone.

Indeed it helped me. Thank you very, very much. Normal service is now
resumed, and as far as I can tell all the programmes are listed again
(solving the problem I asked about a month or so back).

Superb work. Much appreciated.


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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2014-09-02 Thread StephenC


Are there any updates on this? I emailed (several weeks ago) the email
address listed in the XML file ( So far there has
been no reply. I really miss the ability to find programmes in the
iPlayer Plugin lists. I'm aware that I can use the iPlayer Extras
plugin, but this is more cumbersome for general browsing around.

Thank you for reading.


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