Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-11-22 Thread Supertramp

cpd73 wrote: 
> What time interval?

It happens irregularly between 3 and 9 seconds.

My player has a wired connection to the router, however I did a reboot
of the router. Also cleared the safari cache and terminated and
restarted Material Skin.

Unfortunately the issue I'm facing did not go away. As mentioned, I'm
using Material Skin since almost a week and I did not experiece this
before today.

Let's assume the issue is unique to my situation and park this for
now... until someone else faces this too.

Many thanks for your follow-up though.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-11-22 Thread Supertramp

Supertramp wrote: 
> Many thanks !!

Not sure if related, but while playing music the player name keeps
switching between only the name and the name + tracks/total time as in
the attached images.


|Filename: MS2.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-11-22 Thread Supertramp

cpd73 wrote: 
> Previous fix for power state changes broke this, will be fixed for 3.0.2

Many thanks !!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-11-21 Thread Supertramp

cpd73 wrote: 
>   When toggle power of player check status after 1/2 second (as
> before) and after a further 1 second.

Hi Craig,

Would it be possible to have the power button (upper left corner, when
configured to be shown) act like a toggle? Right now, pressing it,
switches the player off. Pressing it again doesn't switch the player
back on though.

PS. After having used "the other app" for many many years, I discovered
your Material Skin last week. It is a pleasure to use, both on the
iPhone and iPad. Thank you !!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2013-10-01 Thread Supertramp

pippin wrote: 
> Well, thanks for letting me know.

I updated to the latest version of iPeng yesterday, and performance is
again as it used to be before IOS 7.

I thought I let you know this as well.

Many thanks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2013-09-26 Thread Supertramp

pippin wrote: 
> OK, I've got a fix for the performance issue. Submitted to the App
> Store.

Many thanks for your prompt resolution. Looking forward to the update!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2013-09-25 Thread Supertramp

pippin wrote: 
> Could it be that you are seeing interruptions in the connection?

Definitively NO. I have a strong signal throughout my apartment.
I did some more navigation on my library using iPeng and I can confirm
my previous observation that as-I-navigate, the time between a button
touch and iPeng's reaction increases to 1-2 seconds max. I completely
close the app using the task manager, relaunch it and all is fine... for
a while until the above experience recurs.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2013-09-25 Thread Supertramp

Supertramp wrote: 
> ...Example: when showing the artwork for the currently playing album and
> swiping right to left in order to view the play list, the screen changes
> in two steps meaning that the play list screen fills up the right half
> of the screen... waits... and then gets shown completely. Waits is
> probably an overstatement, however it is clearly interrupts for a
> fraction of a second...

Having used iPeng on IOS 7 a bit more, I can add to my previous
observation that navigation performance decreases over time to a
situration where it does take more than a second (or even 2) after
touching a button before iPeng reacts.

Closing iPeng through the task manager and restarting it makes it
responsive again for some time before the performance degradation starts

Hope this observation contributes to further analysing why this is

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2013-09-23 Thread Supertramp

Ikabob wrote: 
> After updating to iPhone ios7, I am finding that ipeng remote is very
> slow.

I can confirm this. I'm running LMS 7.7.3 on a ReadyNAS Pro and use
iPeng on an iPhone 5 w/ IOS 7. I'm also still using iPeng on an iPad 1.
The latter runs fine however the iPhone is very slow reacting to iPeng's
buttons. Example: when showing the artwork for the currently playing
album and swiping right to left in order to view the play list, the
screen changes in two steps meaning that the play list screen fills up
the right half of the screen... waits... and then gets shown completely.
Waits is probably an overstatement, however it is clearly stops for a
fraction of a second.

Other then that: keep up the great work!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2013-02-03 Thread Supertramp

pippin wrote: 
> I've read a comment here somewhere that the server doesn't scale artwork
> correctly when the size gets beyond a certain threshold but I don't know
> whether that's the issue at hand here.

I can confirm that smaller sized rectangular artwork works fine. What
does surprise me though is that the 800x626 example, I mentioned
earlier, does show without padding when looking for an artist's albums
or when browsing albums.

There is some very nice large artwork available these days, which is why
I scale down to 800 and no longer to 500. Also looks nicer on the iPad
when watching full screen.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2013-02-02 Thread Supertramp

pippin wrote: 
> That sounds like your server doesn't scale the images, maybe due to the
> size? Which server version is this and on what kind of machine?
> iPeng requests the images with transparent background and this works
> fine for me for DVD covers, too.

Sorry for my late reponse. I upgraded from a ReadyNAS NV+ to a PRO 6
last week and I wanted to double check my experience.

I am using Logitech Media Server Version: 7.7.2 - r33893 with Artwork
Pre-caching enabled. I can confirm that on both the NV+ and the PRO 6,
rectangular artwork (e.g. 626x800) which shows in the left-down corner
with black lines on the left and right side (a bit like letterbox on
your TV but then vertically). On the right-hand side these covers look
fine though.

Of course, this is only cosmetic and iPeng works absolutely great!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2013-01-20 Thread Supertramp

First of all: iPeng HD is an absolutely fantastic app and a pleasure to

Just wanted to share some feedback which you may consider as part of its
development roadmap:

1. I am typically using square album artwork (600x600, 800x800) which
works very fine both in the left-down corner (currently playing album)
as well as on the right-hand side where the artist's albums are shown.
For ripped DVDs or Blurays, I use rectangular artwork (e.g. 626x800)
which shows in the left-down corner with black lines on the left and
right side (a bit like letterbox on your TV but then vertically). On the
right-hand side these covers look fine though.

2. Prior to iPeng HD, I have used Logitech's app which - when you select
a title to play next - automatically cross-fades the tracks without
enabling cross-fade in the SBT settings. This is quite nice if you have
friends over and you determine your "playlist" on the fly.

Just some thoughts from a very satisfied user.

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