Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-04-15 Thread azaz44

Thanks a lot for solving the battery problem. Much better here. Honestly
saying, iPeng wasn't really useful for me, when everytime I picked iPod
up, it was dead.

Playback functionality is great, although I didn't test it much. This
is because I have organized everything to have music everywhere. If I
would have this thing before, I probably wouldn't buy Boom for the
bedroom, rather listen with iPeng instead (I use headphones anyway).

I have a small suggestion, although I don't know how to solve it.
Here's the problem - for me (and I think a lot of other people) using
iPeng always starts with the same thing - selecting the player. I have
four of them and I never know which one was used on iPeng last time.
Thus it is normal for me to always go to players screen first. It is
also very common to start music on the wrong player, and then fixing

I would love the option to have a quick player selection right after
startup. Also it would be great if this would be somewhat less
complicated than players screen, which has a lot of information and
stuff, and I need to scroll it because all players don't fit there.

I know requiring the player selection at each startup is problematic,
but I think something clever can be invented.

For example:
1. If iPeng was used short time ago (ie. 5 minutes), use the player
which was used last time.
2. If iPeng wasn't used recently, and only one player is playing
something, go to the "Now Playing" of this player.
3. Otherwise (no players or more than one playing music) ask which
player should be controlled

or something similar..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-25 Thread azaz44

How could I downgrade iPeng to 1.2.7? I didn't find any way to do this.
Also, if I downgrade, and upgrade later, will I still have playback
capability which I've paid for and have now?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-01-14 Thread azaz44

This one happens so rarely, that I think most other issues are more
important. It happens when rotating iPod 90 deg while on "Now Playing"
and then rotating it back, but only sometimes. I tried to find a way to
reproduce it each time, but no luck. The buggy button which suddenly
appears shows what is notmally shown in "Music Browser" to go back.

|Filename: Picture 010.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-01-10 Thread azaz44

No jailbreak here.

I tested volume keys (didn't know such functionality exists). Seems to
be OK - if iPeng goes to background, it works as regular iPod volume
and doesn't change anything on the player. If I switch the device to
sleep, it doesn't do anything, even if iPeng was in foreground.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-01-06 Thread azaz44

I have the battery issue as well. I run 1.2.10, but I think I had it
with 1.2.8 too (not 100% sure). I've disabled Notifications, disabled
Push (but I don't use email client anyway). I grabbed some battery app
and measured it several times. On the attachment: first part is only
battery app running, second app - iPend added, third part - iPend
closed, 4th part - iPeng added again. The graph is not quite OK (high
usage with no apps in the first part) - I think it's because accuracy
in measuring battery level. But I tried several times, and the battery
always goes down more, when iPeng is running. In this test I always
turn the device off (so it sleeps), and iPeng was in the foreground, at
"Now Playing". Running it on iPod 32GB, I think 3rd gen.

I wonder about one thing. When I bought iPeng initially, I set it to
always keep connection (and drain the battery). After some updates
(probable to OS4 version) this setting went off, and now both settings
(prevent sleep mode and preserve connection) are off. Could it be that
somehow it's still on somewhere inside?

I tried to switch it this way and back, but this didn't change
anything. Can do more tests if needed...

|Filename: Picture 009.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-12-31 Thread azaz44

I added a bunch of tickets to the trac.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-12-31 Thread azaz44

Weblink works fine. But not very useful for me, as it closes iPeng and
opens Safari with no clean way of getting back.

I have two new bugs for you, one important. If you fix my trac account
(shell I just create new?), I'll report them.

Bug #1 (critical):

I have a menu displayed, each item has two lines (newline character in
the string). Now I refresh menu contents (by going to submenu and going
back with refresh). In new content each item has only one line (no
newline char). What happens, it shows two lines for each item, first
coming from the new item, and the second coming from the item before

Bug #2:
This one is not important to me, because I made a workaround. Just so
you know.

I set "ID" for each of my menu. Then I use this in "nextWindow" so
iPeng goes to the window I want. I use it instead of using 'parent',
'grandparent' (because I need 'grandgrandparent').

Now, all my menus have the same ID. This should be allowed.

Behaviour in SP: it goes back until it finds the menu with given ID
Behaviour in iPeng: it goes to the first menu (starting from plugin
root) which has given ID (wrong).

It is specified, it should search menus -backwards- here:


Valid nextWindow directives are:
  * nowPlaying: push to the Now Playing browse window
  * [...]
  * (7.4+)any other value of a window that is present on the window stack and 
has a "windowId" in it's window fields. Search the window stack backwards until 
a window with this windowId is found and pop all windows above it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-12-31 Thread azaz44

So I wait with the weblink, cause it takes too much time to try

BTW. I got multiline in SP. What I was doing wrong, I was having '\n'
in a string, but this was a backslash-n and not an actual new line
character (I didn't know you have to use "\n" and not '\n' in Perl..).
What is funny, is iPeng displayed it correctly which might be
considered a bug. Would be trouble with a string line "Catalog number:
KV/120/n" :)

This is how ugly it looks in SP:

|Filename: SP_multiline.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-12-31 Thread azaz44


userInterfaceIdiom:iPeng - works fine.

menuIcon - doesn't work, it still prefers 'icon' if it's there. But one
can use uiIdiom to set only 'icon' or 'menuIcon' here.

webLink - didn't get it working. Where should I specify it? Tried at
item level (removing all actions) and at item->actions, removing all
other actions. No luck.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-12-31 Thread azaz44

I have problems using your tracking system. I registered myself in the
past and I know my username and email. I think I know the password, but
am not sure about it. I cannot login, I cannot use "Lost password
option" - it sais my email and username don't match any account. Also,
the bug which I reported in the past - #294 - is not there, and there's
some other issue in this place. Help...

This is what I reported in the past:


#294: Context Menu - should close when going to NowPlaying
  Reporter:  azaz44  |Type:  Bug report  
  Status:  new |Priority:  major   
  Milestone:  |   Component:  Native application - Browse menu
  Version:  1.2.8   |Keywords:  
  If you show a context menu on any item while browsing music, you typically
  have the action "Play", which plays the music and moves to the "Now
  Playing" screen automatically. However, doing this doesn't close the
  context menu. So if you move back to your music collection, you're still
  in the context menu.
  I think it should close the menu, and then move to NowPlaying, like it is
  in SqueezePlay. It's also more consistent with "Add" and "Insert" actions,
  which close the context menu when used.
  Ticket URL: <>
  iPeng Native <>
  iPeng native iPhone application project


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-12-31 Thread azaz44

pippin;598454 Wrote: 
> On the "help" thing:
> What exactly is it you are trying to accomplish?
> iPeng currently ignores help strings because originally they were
> tailored for the controller and were just plain wrong in iPeng.
> Not sure whether this is still true, after all the Touch has a touch
> screen, too.

Hm, actually I've never seen this thing until I tried it in the plugin
to test. I don't have a Touch, have one radio but it's in the kitchen
and I hardly ever use it..

Here's what I could possibly do with this --> screenshots.

I'm aware of the fact, that having this help button in the same place
as 'now playing' makes it harder to go to the 'now playing' (you have
to click twice). But well, that's how they did it. They could place two
buttons instead and maybe one day they change it..

[Haydn's bio taken from wikipedia]

|Filename: help3.jpg|


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-12-30 Thread azaz44

Most of these things don't have to be iPeng specific. I raise them with
the understanding, that any other controller can use them as well.
iPeng was the first, so it has some rights now to specify new

pippin;598437 Wrote: 
> It depends on two things:
> The menu needs to have enough items (at least 50, I believe) and it
> needs to be alphabetically sorted.
> It's not supported, yet. We'd have to define some protocol for sorting
> categories.
> Could you file a bug at and link here, I don't
> think this should be strictly iPeng specific.

Will do tomorrow.

> iPeng sends a parameter "userInterfaceIdiom:iPeng", maybe you can use
> that to detect whether you are generating a menu for iPeng or SP.

This is just great to hear. I will test tomorrow.

Actually I cannot get two lines on SqueezePlay at the moment. It always
shows just \n in the middle of the string. I'm sure I got two lines in
SP one day, but it looked ugly - it was same font, same size, and two
lines of the same colour and style which barely fitted to the space
they had.

> It's resized by the server.
> There is no way to change the size, you could see whether it helps to
> use the menuIcon tag, maybe it takes precedence and maybe it's shown
> smaller(don't know right now).

Will test menuIcon...

> Do you know how that looks in the protocol? Any example where I can get
> this? So far I thought this is strictly client side.

see here:
search for "window_fields".

However the page says it should be:


help = {
  text = "..."

And this didn't work for me (but showed question mark). This worked:


help = 'text'

All under the 'window' entry.

> Will come in one of the next two releases. Next one is probably playback
> only but the one after that will bring a lot of integration stuff so
> this will be doable, then.
> You can even now integrate content that will then open up in Safari by
> adding "weblink => " tags to your menu and not defining any other
> default actions (do or go).

Not sure how it's going to work, but weblink looks not bad. Will test


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-12-30 Thread azaz44

Hmm, I'm afraid I have more questions. All of them to make iPeng even
better :)

Question 5
Any way to get the functionality, which is marked at the screenshot, in
iPeng? This comes from "window -> help". I consider using it to display
information / help about the menu which is just displayed, but it
doesn't make sense if iPeng will not display it.

Question 6 / bug
I'm not sure if this was ever reported.

Sometimes, especially when using context menus, strange situation
happens. Typically when you enter context menu on some item, then close

Then you click on another item, but iPeng makes action (ie. goes to
submenu) on the item which was previously selected (the one used to
open a context menu).

Additionally trying to show a context menu by holding a finger will do
this it on this wrong item, or (mostly) do nothing at all.

I have a feeling it is related to the context menus, but I'm not 100%
sure. It happens a lot in my plugin (extensively uses context menus),
but I also get this in standard "Music Folder" from time to time.

Just wondering if you know about the problem. If it's new, I can look
for ways to reproduce and fill some report..

Question 7
Ok, this one's really crazy. But who knows, maybe iPeng has something
:) Any possibility to display some entirely custom content, like a web
page, or at least at image, somehow from the menus?

|Filename: Capture.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-12-30 Thread azaz44

Hello pippin. More questions about iPeng:

Question 1:
I would love to group some items in the browse menus in my plugin. For
example there would be 20 items with a title "Piano Trio" and another
20 with a title "String Quartet", all in the same menu. I think
SqueezePlay doesn't support such thing. iPeng has a great UI to do this
already, and it actually uses it to display first title letter
sometimes. Not sure what it depends on. I get it in one particular
menu, but on one of my servers. On the other one I don't get it
somehow. Both are SBS 7.5.1. See Screenshot.

So, what I want is I want to control these things and put my strings
Is it supported or any chance to have it?

Question 2:
I can use '\n' in menu item->{title}. Then iPeng will show two lines,
one black, one gray. This looks great and allows me to put more
information. But SqueezePlay will display two normal lines and it looks

Any way to have a separate title for iPeng, so I leave SqueezePlay with
one line and add extra support for iPeng?
(Or mayby it is better to go with menu style 'album'?).

|Filename: Picture 005.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-12-01 Thread azaz44

pippin;591921 Wrote: 
> This one.
> Oh yes, that's "off" for me anyway.
> :(
> iPod touch 4G?
> I've only tested this on iPhone 4 and iPad. I believe iPhone always
> worked correctly (even with 4.2.1), iPad worked correctly before the
> update and seems to do now with notifications set to off. I just
> checked mine, it's at the same charging level as this morning. And yes,
> iPeng's "running" :)

iPod Touch 32GB - MC008RP (is it 4G?).

I left it full-charged yesterday evening and it is full charged now, in
the morning. But still the WiFi icon is always there, right after
turning it on and unlocking.

So maybe they made it in a way, the icon is always there even if it is
getting the connection? Or maybe it gets the connection as soon as you
pick it up (using sensors), so it is faster? I don't know...

Overall I like that it's always ready to use, but the battery usage was
recently nightmare. I'll see how it is now.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-11-30 Thread azaz44

How did you solve this battery drain, in details?

I've disabled Notifications in Settings -> Notifications, right below
I've also disabled "Push" in emails settings, it's now Off. But I don't
have any accounts configured anyway.

Still the Wifi never goes off. I get the iPod, turn it on and Wi-Fi
works immediately, even if no applications are started.

I remember having WiFi icon appearing some time after turning it on,
before OS update. Now it's always there. How is it at yours?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-11-30 Thread azaz44

pippin;591732 Wrote: 
> Well, it's just how iPeng behaves.
> Could you file a ticket for this, it might be worth changing although
> it will be difficult. All menus in iPeng (including NowPlaying) are
> part of a menu stack and I'd have to extract the menu from the stack.
> It's possible, I'm doing it in other places, too, but needs tweaking.

I added, but I'm not seeing it. So I'm nut sure if it is there, because
I also see a lot of DB errors now, while going around screens, looking
like this:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/trac/web/", line 387, in 
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/trac/web/", line 206, in 
  req.hdf = HDFWrapper(loadpaths=chrome.get_all_templates_dirs())
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/trac/web/", line 135, 
in __init__
  raise TracError, "ClearSilver not installed (%s)" % e
  TracError: ClearSilver not installed 
(/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ failed to map segment from shared 
object: Cannot allocate memory)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-11-29 Thread azaz44

Excuse me to bother you with another question, but this one looks like
some general issue with iPeng.

I made a context menu with Add, Insert, Play. On 'Play' action I
specify, that the player should go to "Now Playing" after executing the

This works fine both in SqueezePlay and iPeng. But iPeng doesn't
"close" the context menu (so actually it doesn't go back from the
context menu). So if are at "Now Playing" now, and you press the left
arrow to go back to your music collection, you're still in the context
menu with Add-Insert-Play.

SqueezePlay (and Radio, Touch) would close the context menu, which I
think is correct behaviour.

I wanted to look how to fix this, but then I realized, that this
happens everywhere in iPeng (in Music Folder, Albums etc), not only in
my plugin.

Is there any reason for this behaviour?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-11-27 Thread azaz44

Another question.
I made a context menu with too items: 'play' and 'add' (no
translation). And somehow iPeng displayed proper icons for them ('+'
for add, triangle for play), which I didn't expect. I guess it's
because of these common names.

But soon I'm going to change the names (minimum use translation). How
do I control these icons, with IDs? (which?)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-11-27 Thread azaz44

pippin;591291 Wrote: 
> cool :)
> Do you have a screen shot you can share?

Here you have it.
It's just a private plugin, I don't know if it ever get a state so it
could be released. But still it's good to have a nice icon :)

|Filename: icon_main_big_touch.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-11-27 Thread azaz44

It worked like a charm.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-11-27 Thread azaz44

pippin;591146 Wrote: 
> Here's the documentation for this:
> For the "menuIconID" thing you can use any menu id as provided by the
> server, e.g. "myMusicArtists" for "Artists" or "opmlnapster" for
> Napster and so on.

This is exactly what I dreamed about.
iPeng is good ebough to make extra icons for it :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-11-26 Thread azaz44

pippin;591128 Wrote: 
> Which icon is it? How do you display it?
> Is it shown in SqueezePlay?
> "normal" icons that are being transferred as an image URL should show.
> iPeng has it's own icon display mechanism for top level menus (in which
> the big SqueezePlay Icons don't work), is this a top-level menu (or one
> in "My Music")?

This is a menu in "My Music", but iPeng shows it at the root (which is
normal I think).

I display the icon by specifying the URL as menu property "icon", the
URL is: 'html/images/plugin.png'.

This is a standard icon, which exists in SC, but maybe iPeng doesn't
support it (I think I didn't see it displayed anywhere in the Radio).

In future I would like to make my own icon. I would make one for iPeng
as well if there's any way to send display it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development for iPeng

2010-11-26 Thread azaz44

Can I somehow display an icon in iPeng?

I display one for Touch/Radio, I'm just using one of existing icons for
now. But iPeng shows a blank space.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development - environment

2010-08-31 Thread azaz44

erland;572517 Wrote: 
> I suggest that you use the "Developers" section if you have questions
> regarding plugin/applet development or APIs

Thanks Erland, I hope this helps me. Cheers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development - environment

2010-08-27 Thread azaz44

Thanks again Erland.
I ended up with tracking SC source code anyway, to find out how things

My last question (I think), if you wish to answer. What's the right
place to discuss SC/SBS (I noticed they changed the name again!) coding
issues, like how to do this and this from the plugin code? It seems to
me this forum is more about using 3rd party plugins, not coding.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development - environment

2010-08-24 Thread azaz44

azaz44;571647 Wrote: 
> Also, is there any documentation available besides "Technical
> Information" in SC Web interface and I just try
> to add a file to the playlist or play it, and have hard time finding
> out how to do this.

I found it can be done with $client->execute(['playlist...]) by
studying SC source code. I found there are some docs embedded into the
source code. Are they available somewhere, or do I need to extract

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development - environment

2010-08-24 Thread azaz44

Thanks Erland. I have to use Windows. I'll try to make SQL server
separate, I think this will help a lot. But first have to upgrade, I'm
working on SC 7.3.3 here and it's time to change this.

By saying "svn version of SBS", do you mean source code of the SC
grabbed from the repository?

Also, is there any documentation available besides "Technical
Information" in SC Web interface and I just try
to add a file to the playlist or play it, and have hard time finding
out how to do this.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin development - environment

2010-08-23 Thread azaz44

Hi there
I used a seach functionality and didn't find related topics. But if
there are any, I'm happy if one redirects me there.

I try to make some small plugin development and wonder how you do this.
I found SoftSqueeze works great instead of testing thing on the real
hardware. This way I can also development anywhere, not only at home.

But is there any way to get rid of SC stop/start everytime I make a
change and want to test? Or any way to make this work faster? I
disabled all unneeded plugins in SC, but still it takes some time to
stop and start again.

Any other tips on how to develop things?

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