Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezelite -a ::: - can anyone explain this option?

2021-07-19 Thread bpa

my basic understanding.

PCM Audio is sent via ALSA interface to ALSA device driver.

Audio samples are put into a ring buffer. 
The ring buffer size is controlled by the buffer parameter.  
The ring buffer is processed in terms of periods (i.e there x periods in
the whole buffer). 
There is one frame per period.
I don't know how samples are fitted into frames.

The audio samples can either be copied into buffer using API Read/write
or the buffer can be memory mapped into calling process memory so no
additional copying of audio data.

These are all hardware paramaters and so valid values are dependent on
the audio device.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Problem getting spotty

2021-07-08 Thread bpa

Ikabob wrote: 
> Thank you all for your advice. I was hoping there would be a simple
> solution.

Post the exact error message.
If it is a redistributable issue, many are available from MS to download
but you need to know which one.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Problem getting spotty

2021-07-06 Thread bpa

Ikabob wrote: 
> I get a message to download Microsoft visual C 64 but that download
> fails.

That sounds like a redistributable library is missing (possibly because
your are running W7). In which case you should post the EXACT message
that is displayed as there are many versions of the libraries -
sometimes systems have the right version by accident (i.e. another
application has installed them).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-07-05 Thread bpa

bobertuk wrote: 
> Maybe a question for @expectingtofly and @bpa...
> I seem to recall reading in the early days of the BBC Sounds plugin that
> it is (hopefully now was!) dependent on the BBC iPlayer plugin being
> installed as well. 
> If I recall correctly @bpa has said the the iPlayer plugin is
> effectively being deprecated by the BBC so will the BBC Sounds plugin
> continue to function if I uninstall iPlayer?

Uninstall BBCiPlayer (and BBCiPlayerExtra)

BBC Sounds has no dependencies on BBCiPlayer.  

If you have any "iplayer://" favorites - you'll need to recreate them.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezelite processing on DSD recordings?

2021-07-01 Thread bpa

MikeDC wrote: 
> It has worked in the past.  And it is a SoTM USB card running in a Linux
> Box.  No drivers.
Is there a choice for the ALSA device you are using as output ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezelite processing on DSD recordings?

2021-07-01 Thread bpa

Is there any way to confirm that Vortex box USB driver support DSD
format ?
Any simple audio player to play direct ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio Rights Restrictions

2021-06-29 Thread bpa

agbagb wrote: 
> Rightly or wrongly, I expected to hear what I have heard for the last 20
> years...  pretty much uninterrupted programming on R4, R4Ex and R3. 
> OK, sports and live music will often have restrictions - but I don't
> listen much to them on the BBC.  BTW, there is an oddidy here - BBC R3
> has many, many live concerts, some of them presentation of live events,
> some in-house studio performances.  Never once have I heard the Rights
> Restriction message on R3.

My understanding. 

Where the program is a BBC originated even such as a Panel show, drama
or a live performance such a concert, in studio or Proms  - BBC makes
sure beforehand it has agreed all the rights to broadcast (live &
repeats) with the performers. 

Sports events etc which are not put on by BBC and so BBC have to buy the
rights and accept restrictions by event organiser. 

Others rights such as from composers - often don't apply to R3 which has
a lot classical or are negotiated as part of the event or normal
Performing Right fees.  R4 content is mainly contemporary.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio Rights Restrictions

2021-06-29 Thread bpa

I agree with Paul and finger trouble is an issue especially where
programs get delayed such as football going into extra time or with
cricket where rain stops play.

In the past, I have found examples of the Podcast of a program being UK
restricted but the "Listen Again" version not restricted (and have
better audio quality). This is finger trouble.

Restrictions can also apply to First-time or Live broadcasts (and so not
on later repeats) or sometimes an unexpected performance happens (e.g.
an interviewee starts singing) 

Just for completeness - the MP3 streams are classified as non UK.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio Rights Restrictions

2021-06-29 Thread bpa

agbagb wrote: 
> I'm listening in France, and not (usually) using a VPN.  No Rights
> Restrictions messages at all for the past several months, but a flurry
> of them yesterday and today; and in the middle of programs / segments,
> rather than at the start of something "restricted".

If you are in France you should not be able to play UK only streams
except with a VPN but VPNs are not guaranteed to provide the UK only
streams - the bitrate will indicate this.

BBCiPlayer plugin is out of date and shoudl nto be used. UK vs nonUK
options is no longer trustworthy especially since BBC stopped using

Rights restrictions often happen in summer because of more sports.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio Rights Restrictions

2021-06-29 Thread bpa

agbagb wrote: 
> I listen to the BBC (usually Radio 4 FM) here in France, usually these
> days via the Sounds plug-in.  Lot's and lots of interruptions these last
> 2 days with that annoying "Rights Restrictions" message over-riding the
> programming.  I'm getting that same message via Sounds, the old iPlayer
> streams (both UK and non-UK) and even the BBC's own mp3 stream.  Anybody
> else getting the same?  It of course always happens from time to time,
> with specific programming or segments / guests.  But I'm getting it now
> half-way through, for example, a sports report, or an interview with a
> UK politician

I only listen to a few BBC "Listen Again" and so don't encounter rights
restrictions but from dealing with BBCiPlayer plugin I got to know when
rights restrictions messages typically occurred.

You should not be getting any rights restrictions messages on UK

Are you outside the UK and using a VPN to access UK streams ?
BBC often actively try to restrict VPN access. With BBCiPlayer plugin,
some VPN users had to use the Limelight CDN as their VPNs didn't work on
the Akamai CDN URLs. I believe BBC have now moved away from Limelight.
If you are UK based it's possible you are getting caught by accident 
(i.e. a VPN is using the same ISP as yourself for the UK access) and so
should report it to BBC.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LMS on New Synology DS220+

2021-06-23 Thread bpa

guptaas wrote: 
> I was able to find x86_64 versions for Perl 5.24.0-0074 and LMS
> 7.7.6-116. Installed successfully without any container but not tested
> on players yet. File copying will need some time! Auto update of
> packages is disabled.
> I hope this approach doesn't create some other problem.
LMS 7.7 is ancient (last Logitech supported version)  and has no https
support so lots of plugins & services will not work.

Use Docker container version 8.1.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.5 - improved Ogg direct, Autoplay, multi-user setup

2021-06-19 Thread bpa

castalla wrote: 
> So if there's no file, how to I get that info?
The aim was to confirm the executable arch etc. Michael has given the
details assuming that you have both the same executable.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.5 - improved Ogg direct, Autoplay, multi-user setup

2021-06-19 Thread bpa

castalla wrote: 
> Okay. 
> Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
> piCorePlayer | piCorePlayer v7.0.1 | www v00015 | linux 5.4.83-pcpCore |
> piCore v12.0pCP | Squeezelite v1.9.9-1386-pCP
> What to do now?
Do a "file ./spotty-hf " to see what sort of executable it is

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-18 Thread bpa

fmanchu wrote: 
> Been successfully using BBC Sounds plugin, via RaspberryPi/piCorePlayer
> and SQB radio, for months until recently when I get a "Connect timed
> out" on accessing 'Stations & Schedules' through iPeng.
> If I bypass iPeng and access the LMS web screen directly via the
> piCorePlayer, I notice that if I open the plugin tab, at the top of the
> screen I find the following error message:
> "Bad repository
> - Connect timed out"
> As this is incomprehensible to me, I would appreciate some help as to
> what to do to get BBC Sounds up and running again. Thank you.

A common reason for connection timeout is LMS or OS not up to date with

What version of LMS and what version of IO::Socket::SSL as shown in
WebUI Settings/Information (should be about 2.06)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-18 Thread bpa

expectingtofly wrote: 
> The whole thing appears OT to me :) .   However, if there are dash video
> streams I think that also could be a relatively straight forward route
> to go down to get it streaming, as it has already been done (see youtube
> plugin).  But all the routes you mention are valid routes.   The
> question is, is it worth the effort?
Definitely OT.

This approach may only be worthwhile if internet service is bad. Some
users use TVHeadend (e.g.
) or FM adaptors because in their location internet connection is very
poor & broadcast (Terrestrial/satellite) can provides an alternative.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] squeezelite with config file starts but no sound

2021-06-18 Thread bpa

pantomnesia wrote: 
> Must admit, I was starting to think the problem might be elsewhere. I've
> done 'systemctl daemon-reload' and 'service logitechmediaserver restart'
> in my testing and it seems to make no difference. With just
> SL_NAME=Player in the parameter file, LMS recognises the player straight
> away, no restarts of LMS nor init.d reloads needed. So, no urgency
> bpa... in fact, if you want to forget it completely then that's OK with
> me too. :)

I spent a little bit of time but the problem is "elsewhere". I think the
init.d script was created before systemctl was added as default.  I'm
not familiar with systemctl.  systemctl says it is executing the init.d
script but now squeezelite doesn't start. I'm not sure command line
systemctl is using to start squeezelite is right.

Need to spend time with systemctl.

Part of output of trace of "status".


  + /bin/systemctl --no-pager status squeezelite.service
  ● squeezelite.service - LSB: Lightweight headless Squeezebox emulator
  Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/squeezelite; generated)
  Active: active (exited) since Thu 2021-06-17 22:12:43 IST; 13h ago
  Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Tasks: 0 (limit: 4915)
  CGroup: /system.slice/squeezelite.service
  Jun 17 22:12:43 pi4sys squeezelite[5965]: + DAEMON_ARGS= -n "The Player"
  Jun 17 22:12:43 pi4sys squeezelite[5965]: + [ -n  ]
  Jun 17 22:12:43 pi4sys squeezelite[5965]: + start-stop-daemon --start --quiet 
--pidfile /run/ --exec /usr/bin/squeezelite --test
  Jun 17 22:12:43 pi4sys squeezelite[5965]: + start-stop-daemon --start --quiet 
--pidfile /run/ --exec /usr/bin/squeezelite --background 
--make-pidfile -- -n "The Player"
  Jun 17 22:12:43 pi4sys squeezelite[5965]: + RET=0
  Jun 17 22:12:43 pi4sys squeezelite[5965]: + [ no != no ]
  Jun 17 22:12:43 pi4sys squeezelite[5965]: + exit 0
  Jun 17 22:12:43 pi4sys systemd[1]: Started LSB: Lightweight headless 
Squeezebox emulator.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-18 Thread bpa

expectingtofly wrote: 
> If the BBC stream their video content in DASH format (like the audio)
> then it is probably possible (the youtube plugin extracts audio streams
> from dash video/audio)
A bit OT.

Freeview and Freesat provide TV services using MPEG2-TS encoding which
can be converted into HLS stream without transcoding. Some dubious IPTV
services offer BBC TV HLS streams - they have never worked for me. 
Official HLS TV streams have played OK for me on LMS.

The home brew approach would be to have your own satellite box which
provide the IPTV streams on your own network. The TVHeadend plugin
) provides some facility for radio - I think it is may be possible for
TV and you may get EPG. It may be a bit of work and expense if you don't
have Freesat and an appropriate box.

Even more of a project would be to use Freeview broadcast (DVB-T) to
provide the TV feeds and a USB DVB-S/T dongle attached to LMS server to
tune etc.

The hard work is to make it easy to use.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] squeezelite with config file starts but no sound

2021-06-17 Thread bpa

pantomnesia wrote: 
> It looks to me like SL_PLAYER *is* being correctly picked up.

I booted up a Pi and I think there is something else happening not just
the name quoting - possible the need to reload init.d after edits.

I can't do more until later today.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] squeezelite with config file starts but no sound

2021-06-17 Thread bpa

pantomnesia wrote: 
> I'm trying different things out, trial and error, simply because - as
> you say - it's picky. 

Picky but with well defined syntax. I'm surprised the backslash didn't
work. As it is picky, the best way to approach is NOT trial and error
but finding out the result of each attempt and what is failing .

You could try running  the /etc/init.d/squeezlite shell script from a
login session with the "-x" option ahead of the 

if you are using bash then something like

bash -x /etc/init.d/squeezlite

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] squeezelite with config file starts but no sound

2021-06-17 Thread bpa

pantomnesia wrote: 
> > > > SL_NAME=`"The Player"` > > 
> ...but no joy there either. I'll have a search and play around with
> the various ways of escaping the string.

The escaping mechanism can be picky - your 2nd example show you used
character back tick *`* and not single quote *'* - single quote.
Backtick is special character in shell scripts.

Your backslash example also has an error 
> SL_NAME="\"The Player"\" 

It shoudl be escaping the inner quotes 


SL_NAME="\"The Player\"" 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] squeezelite with config file starts but no sound

2021-06-16 Thread bpa

pantomnesia wrote: 
> Edit: the version that didn't work had
> > 

  >   > SL_NAME="The Player"

> > 

Not exactly sure of shell syntax fo escaping but your quotation marks
are not escaped - either enclose by single quotes (my 1st example - hard
to see)  or use double quotes and escape the inner ones using
backslashes \

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] squeezelite with config file starts but no sound

2021-06-16 Thread bpa

Paul Webster wrote: 
> If you post the entire contents of /etc/init.d/squeezelite (put inside
> code tags) then we can see what it does with it.
>From the debian package 


# add squeezelite name if set
if [ -n "$SL_NAME" ]; then

The SL_NAME needs to have qutotation marks escaped if a name with spaces
is to be used with squeezelite probably something like
SL_NAME='"The Player"'
SL_NAME=""The Player""

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] squeezelite with config file starts but no sound

2021-06-15 Thread bpa

did you drop the necessary argument 

SB_EXTRA_ARGS="-r 44100 -a :::0"

I think you need all of the args especially the "-a"

SB_EXTRA_ARGS="-r 44100 -a :::0 -d all=info -f /tmp/squeezelitelog.txt"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] squeezelite with config file starts but no sound

2021-06-15 Thread bpa

pantomnesia wrote: 
> Thanks for the replay bpa. I put that code as an additional argument in
> the '/etc/default/squeezelite' file...
> > 

  >   > SB_EXTRA_ARGS="-d all=info -f /tmp/squeezelitelog.txt"

> > 
> and restarted with 'etc/init.d/squeezelite start'. Scanning the
> logfile, I see...
> ...over and again, until I 'stop' the service. Might that indicate a
> problem?

That is the whole log file ?

usually all the important stuff is at the very start - showing problems
in starting.

zip and attach the whole log file.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] squeezelite with config file starts but no sound

2021-06-15 Thread bpa

pantomnesia wrote: 
> Ok, many thanks for your time. Much appreciated. I can't be ars...
> bothered with building a new image, not when I have a workaround, but if
> I do then I'll remember to start from scratch with LMS & squeezelite. :)

I think you should enable some squeezlite logging and redirect the log
into a file and see if any obvious errors appears (e.g. permissions).
Start and stop squeezelite - then look (or attach to a post) log file. 

Additional command line which should put a log file in /tmp directory


  -d all=info -f /tmp/squeezelitelog.txt

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2021-06-10 Thread bpa

Paul Webster wrote: 
> The module does not have a "use warnings;" at the top so the double
> declaration is not flagged as a problem ... unless, I assume, something
> that is calling it has turned on warnings and it persisted.
I spent a little bit of time enabling warnings in different "ordinary"£
LMS modules trying to reproduce the error but I couldn't.

IIRC plugins are loaded using *eval* and  a closure so there may be some
other warning settings invloved.

> I wonder if the order in which plugins are loaded at startup could be
> something that triggers different things happening.

The order of plugin load in unclear - I had presumed it would be
directory by directory but it is isn't - there is some sort of
alphabetical order on last part of module name . Below is output from
"-d_startup" enabled.


  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::AppGallery::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::AudioScrobbler::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Plugins::BBCSounds::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Plugins::CDplayer::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::CLI::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::DateTime::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::DnDPlay::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::DontStopTheMusic::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::ExtendedBrowseModes::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::Extensions::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::Favorites::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::InternetRadio::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::JiveExtras::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Plugins::MaterialSkin::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Plugins::MusicArtistInfo::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::MyApps::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::NetTest::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::OPMLGeneric::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::OnlineLibrary::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Plugins::PlayHLS::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::PresetsEditor::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Plugins::RTE::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Plugins::RadioFrance::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Plugins::RadioNet::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::RandomPlay::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::RemoteLibrary::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::Rescan::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::SN::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::SavePlaylist::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::SongScanner::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::Sounds::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::Visualizer::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::WiMP::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Plugins::iHeartRadio::Plugin] ok!
  Loaded module: [Slim::Plugin::Favorites::OpmlFavorites] ok!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2021-06-10 Thread bpa

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I checked that the plugin was installed earlier to day and then later on
> I checked again and it wasn't with no restarts as far as I know and the
> server log agrees. I'll keep an eye on it.

It is strange. 

Michael's conclusion is that it is a Perl implementation issues as it is
valid Perl and should trigger a message of "warning" is enabled.  It is
annoying it is not easily reproducible.

The "my" fix I suggested  in #950 creates the additional log message for
you whereas Michael's same fix does not.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SharkPlay plugin - radioSHARK player

2021-06-06 Thread bpa

Toei wrote: 
> thing its am side. but yeah sounds its terrible despite of that i get
> like 10 am stations with a good sound quality.
> looks like shark add noise to am stations i have another radio  v-115
> and i get more am stations better reception.
> i was reading something about hd am or am digital, that be take time.
> > 

  >   >

> > 

This is why SDR offer flexibility for the future for radio broadcasting.

With mobile networks & internet, there are only a few commercial
situations to justify updating AM/FM networks to digital and then you
have user resistance. Many countries are shutting down DAB services,
keeping FM as range is worse than FM and internet (over 3G/4G/5G) gives
all the added features - higher quality services are offered over
internet - no need for two "broadcast" HD networks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SharkPlay plugin - radioSHARK player

2021-06-06 Thread bpa

Toei wrote: 
> thanks for the patience bpa, i see post from 12 years old wow!
RadioShaqrk is v.v. old tech now - most people who want Radio use SDR
with something like rtlsdr but is trickier to set up.

> question if i plug both sharks 1 and 2 it be work? thanks!

I expect they  should appear as two ALSA devices.  I think my tune
application only expects one Radioshark. Ralphy's mods is unlikely to
support it if it uses my application directly.  If you can code, I guess
it should be modifiable.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-06 Thread bpa

Raymond Woodward wrote: 
> It doesn't play R4LW Scot MW or any of the 25 Live Event streams (as
> they are not part of BBC Sounds) .

OK - that clarifies the differences and expectingtofly's response about
how to save the streams as Favorites provides a migration strategy. 

The "Live Events" streams never seemed to be part of the BBC Radio but
rather Sports and possibly deliberately hard to find out what was on
what stream.  

R4 LW,  Scot MW are not in the imda feed and not in the mysqueezebox BBC

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-06-06 Thread bpa

Saetta_McQueen wrote: 
> Tried everything, the plugin works fine with LMS 7.7.6 but doesn't work
> with LMS 8.x.

This is a LMS/plugin install issue on your system. Check your LMS and

> One question: is there a way to reduce the reading speed?

No, the speed is governed by the CD drive.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-06 Thread bpa

After explaining the imda entries. Just noticed that it looks like the
BBCiPlayer "alternate " URLs are now broken as they are different to
those now listed in imda document.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-06 Thread bpa

This is a bit OT - entries are grouped by "" (red) - each station
is a "brand". Radio3 shown below.

Within a brand there are media type - DASH , HLS and Shoutcast (blue)

Withing a media type - there are streams (green).  Each stream has
"*physical=*" which say UK or international and "*url=*" - the actual
URL for the stream.  There is additional info on the stream such as
44100,bitrate etc.


 min-bitrate="50880" max-bitrate="50880" audiosamplerate="48000" 
protocol="http" method="unicast" audiocodec="he-aacv1" audiochannels="2"/>";
 min-bitrate="101760" max-bitrate="101760" audiosamplerate="48000" 
protocol="http" method="unicast" audiocodec="he-aacv1" audiochannels="2"/>";
 min-bitrate="135680" max-bitrate="135680" audiosamplerate="48000" 
protocol="http" method="unicast" audiocodec="aac-lc" audiochannels="2"/>";
 min-bitrate="339200" max-bitrate="339200" audiosamplerate="48000" 
protocol="http" method="unicast" audiocodec="aac-lc" audiochannels="2"/>";
 min-bitrate="50880" max-bitrate="50880" audiosamplerate="48000" 
protocol="http" method="unicast" audiocodec="he-aacv1" audiochannels="2"/>";
 min-bitrate="101760" max-bitrate="101760" audiosamplerate="48000" 
protocol="http" method="unicast" audiocodec="he-aacv1" audiochannels="2"/>";
 min-bitrate="50880" max-bitrate="101760" audiosamplerate="48000" 
protocol="http" method="unicast" audiocodec="he-aacv1" audiochannels="2"/>";
 min-bitrate="50880" max-bitrate="101760" audiosamplerate="48000" 
protocol="http" method="unicast" audiocodec="he-aacv1" audiochannels="2"/>";
 min-bitrate="135680" max-bitrate="339200" audiosamplerate="48000" 
protocol="http" method="unicast" audiocodec="he-aacv1" audiochannels="2"/>";
 min-bitrate="135680" max-bitrate="339200" audiosamplerate="48000" 
protocol="http" method="unicast" audiocodec="he-aacv1" audiochannels="2"/>";
 min-bitrate="131072" max-bitrate="131072" audiosamplerate="44100" 
protocol="http" method="unicast" audiocodec="mp3" audiochannels="2"/>";
 min-bitrate="339200" max-bitrate="339200" audiosamplerate="44100" 
protocol="http" method="unicast" audiocodec="aac-lc" audiochannels="2"/>

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-06 Thread bpa

agbagb wrote: 
> And that URL won't open for me in F'Fox - blank screen.

I assume referring to the imda URL. Strange I use ffox and it opens OK. 
It has XML content so FFox interprets the XML which means items can be
collapsed / expanded etc.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-06 Thread bpa

agbagb wrote: 
> Where are with the BBC mp3 streams that some of use use in  
> For instance, I occasionally use this one, theough I no longer recall
> where I saved it from!
BBC Sounds only offers DASH streams as you can rewind live streams to
say start of programs or just a few minutes.

The BBC App for should be kept up to date with the
international MP3 streams ( I haven't tested).

Most BBC stream live stream URLs can be found at link below.  MP3
streams are: media type="shout"

IIRC it's aimed at 3rd party equip vendors but it is not always bang up
to date.

Your URL is the international MP3 128kbps stream

This is the AAC 320kbps UK-only stream (I assume it still works - I
can't test as non UK)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-06 Thread bpa

Raymond Woodward wrote: 
> The only things I use the iplayer plug in for these days are Radio 4 LW,
> Radio Scotland MW and the 25 BBC Live Event streams (though I do
> appreciate that sooner or later it will 'fall over' and that will be
> that). ...

But why not use the BBC Sounds plugin since it plays the same streams
and is maintained  ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-05 Thread bpa

agbagb wrote: 
> I'll do that upgrade tomorrow!  BTW, up until a couple of days ago, all
> my saved iPlayer streams were working just fine: and I use them all day,
> every day .

BBCiPLayer is not being supported and so at some point they will fail
(BBC makes small changes often), so it is better to migrate at leisure
rather at an inopportune time.

Is there some convenience that BBCiPlayer has over BBC Sounds - the
audio is the same and metadata/stream control should be better with BBC

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-05 Thread bpa

agbagb wrote: 
> H - my suspicion now is that this an artifact of some LMS /
> connectivity problem.  I.e., Sounds thinks I'm not logged in because LMS
> (or the whole PC) is intermittently losing connection to the 'net.  I'm
> no reader of the lgging, but below is what I got just now when a) I lost
> BBC iPlayer streams, b) tried to get Sounds to work instead (and got the
> "false" not-logged-in message), and c) rebooted the PC.  I'm now
> listening to BBC R3 via Sounds.
> So, I need to root around my local network a bit, methingks...

Shouldn't be be using BBCiPlayer plugin anymore - not sure about how
well it works under 8.* .  595 error means problems with network data
not being received from source (i.e BBC)

Consider upgrading LMS from 8.0.1 to a 8.1.* - IIRC https support was
improved since 8.0.1.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SharkPlay plugin - radioSHARK player

2021-06-05 Thread bpa

Toei wrote: 
> for run radio shark it need be plugged to a windows system?[/quuote]
> Radioshark just needs USB port. Linux,OSX or Windows doesn't matter. You
> need an application on the OS to "tune" the Radioshark.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SharkPlay plugin - radioSHARK player

2021-06-05 Thread bpa

Toei wrote: 
> okay, so looks a way i guess. 
> i need a pc for run shark? or i can plug it to picoreplayer pi?
> if i need vlc then its pc i guess, main idea to use picore its not run
> pc 24 hours. well for what i try to do.

I don't know pcp very well but IIRC pcp had a facility to create a http
audio stream from an input.  If that is still the case then it should be
possible to modify.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SharkPlay plugin - radioSHARK player

2021-06-05 Thread bpa

Toei wrote: 
> yeah its just one tuner so it be only one available. i use hdhomerun so
> its several tuners.
> ok so same frequency its possible. gotcha.
> i was planning use ''radio streams'' to add to tivimate on android tv
> like i did with tvheadend ones, so looks like those only work on
> logitech devices because not are htpp ones?
> thanks!

The support app just Tunes the Radioshark (and turn on/off LED).

Once tuned it is a normal USB audio device and can use something like
VLC to create a http/MP3 stream with ALSA audio device as source.

So no need for LMS if you want create a http/mp3 stream from the FM

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SharkPlay plugin - radioSHARK player

2021-06-05 Thread bpa

Toei wrote: 
> but my idea its get a shareable link , stream link to able to play in
> other devices
> like tvheadend do with tuners. thats possible?

It won't be like tvheadend.

Plugin installed in LMS. LMS runs on a server and Radioshark is plugged
into server.

RadioShark only support playing one frequency at a time.

Squeezebox players use LMS to play stream.  
The Radioshark plugin enable one player to tune the Radioshark hardware
and play a single stream (not a http one) on the player. 
Players can be synced to play same frequency on multiple players.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SharkPlay plugin - radioSHARK player

2021-06-05 Thread bpa

Toei wrote: 
> thanks for answer
> i have two models  white and black.

I meant Model 1 or Model 2 - different interfaces.

> i tested with your plugin and works perfectly. (Black shark)

RadioShark2 then.

Plugin has a small support exe which is needed to tune to a frequency.

> new here, what suppose to do this pcp-radioshark.tcz? its a extension
> that ralphy mention before.
tcz is a package format used to easily install libraries or the support
exe such as Radioshark support app - otherwise it has to be done

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SharkPlay plugin - radioSHARK player

2021-06-05 Thread bpa

Toei wrote: 
> Hi 
> im installed pcp yesterday, i able to see three sources repository but
> im unable to see 
> pcp-radioshark.tcz
> 2 repositories have 533 extensions and one 1067 . 
> new here. thanks for help.

I don't think the Radioshark support tcz has ever been built for pcp. 

Do you actually have a RadioShark ?  Which model ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2021-06-05 Thread bpa

slartibartfast wrote: 
> It looks like it happened on the 31st May I can't remember any plugin
> updates. It would be handy if there was a record of updates somewhere.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Just noticed the LMS version of the "same" file in LMS lib/AnyEvent
directory  (I had previously looked in CPAN) had a change in 2019 to
stop similar error message.  
Michael blamed it on newer versions of Perl.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2021-06-03 Thread bpa

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Do you have any players set to resume on LMS startup?
Not sure if that could be a reason. The error is occurring on Plugin
load. Later Plugin init will be called.  Only much later (all plugin
installed and LMS startup finished) will Plugin->new be called when a
player tries to resume.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2021-06-03 Thread bpa

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Now it has happened again. Plugin failed to load. Again reinstalling the
> plugin fixed it. I even tried restarting LMS again after reinstalling
> the plugin and it is still there so I have no idea why it sometimes
> disappears.

Any other plugin updates in the meantime that might somehow change order
of plugin loading ?

As I said the V3 will remove the modules which seem to trigger this
response. However, I haven't been able to work on it in the last week
and I think it need some rework to facilitate some probable LMS changes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-31 Thread bpa

Saetta_McQueen wrote: 
> Thanks, I try LMS 8.1 waiting for news.
Just checked 1.11 worked OK for me on LMS 8.2 nightly playing an on SB

If you haven';t restart LMS - try restarting LMS - it will clear caches
etc. which may have some sort of error.

Look into server.log for any odd messages especially at LMS startup.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-31 Thread bpa

Saetta_McQueen wrote: 
> In the log file, the errors is (is repeated several times):
> [21-05-31 18:17:23.2303] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (455) Request
> failed with error: Bad dispatch!
> [21-05-31 18:17:30.2285] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1888) Error:
> While trying to run function coderef
> [Slim::Control::Queries::statusQuery]: [Can't locate object method
> "isRemote" via package "Plugins::CDplayer::CDPLAY" at
> /Slim/Player/ line 714.

I've never seen this error in relation to CDplayer.  I'll try to get a
Windows 10 system going with LMS 8.2 later and do a test install in case
something odd has happened with an 8.2 change or the 1.11 release. I
haven't tested CDplayer with 8.2.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-31 Thread bpa

Saetta_McQueen wrote: 
> Hi guys. I have a problem with the plugin v. 1.11.
> I use LMS on windows 10. Inserted the cd, I visualize the list of the
> songs but the reproduction doesn't start choosing the play. Any
> suggestions? Thank you.

If plugin can identify the CD in driove correctly (i.e correct number of
track & duration) - it means the cdd2wav and drive settings are

What is the version of LMS ?
What is the type of player ?
Have you altered WebUI / Settings/Advanced/Filetypes from default ?
Are you using a plugin that can affect Filetype e.g. c3po

Also do a log with logging player.source set to INFO. (Logging is in
WebUI Settings/Advanced/Logging)
1. Note start time. 
2. Try to play a track
3. Wait 30 secs.
4. Note end time

Copy ALL (no editing) entries from server.log from start time to end
time into a post.  If too big for a post then save in a text file, zip
and attach.  Do NOT use screen shots.

Server.log can be easily accessed from WebUI/Settings/Information.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Idea/PoC: Using ROC to inject arbitrary audio data into the system

2021-05-26 Thread bpa

Hypfer wrote: 
> Thanks! That did the trick.
> I've documented my setup on github for those who might be interested:
> It's unpolished but it works well enough for what I was trying to
> achieve

To be useful to other readers who don't want to read code.

What did you get the delay down to ?

What threshold setting did you use ?
Any other relevant settings  ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2021-05-26 Thread bpa

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Yes it was on start up but reinstalling PlayHLS somehow fixed
> everything. Make of that what you will [emoji3]

LMS already uses the AnyEvent::Handle module in ImageResizer with same
code but no error and no changes in at least 2 years.

My suspicion is the PlayHLS load error is a casualty of something else
which may be affecting other plugins but not in a noticeable way.
PlayHLS use of lib modules may be part of it. Makes me more determined
to get V3 finished - no lib modules.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2021-05-26 Thread bpa

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Removing "my" worked as far as the PlayHLS plugin goes but then this
> appeared in the server log. Uninstalling PlayHLS fixed it. I'll try
> reinstalling.

Very odd.

plugin strings.txt

Why should a line change in PlayHLS during compile time (not even
execution) - break string lookup ?

I feel there is something else behind this maybe a bit like the BBC
Sounds change that broke lots of things.


I assumed the errors messages appeared during startup - or perhaps they
appeared on execution of something ? please clarify ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2021-05-26 Thread bpa

Re: the AnyEvent problems,

AFAICT The message "masks earlier declaration in same scope" is by
default a warning and not an error which seems to indicate something may
have changed warning levels. Not definite though.

The AnyEvent module is commonly used and maintained and still has same
code - so it is not considered an error in "normal" situations.

However, I can't reproduce even by altering warning levels. There may be
an interaction with another plugin or AnyEvent::common_sense

Workaround that might work.  Edit the file
PlayHLS/lib/MyAnyEvent/ and at line 2048 delete the "my"
coloured in red.


  sub _tls_error {
  my ($self, $err) = @_;
  return $self->_error ($!, 1)
  if $err == Net::SSLeay::ERROR_SYSCALL ();
  my $err = Net::SSLeay::ERR_error_string (Net::SSLeay::ERR_get_error ());
  # reduce error string to look less scary
  $err =~ s/^error:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}:[^:]+:([^:]+):/\L$1: /;
  if ($self->{_on_starttls}) {
  (delete $self->{_on_starttls})->($self, undef, $err);
  } else {
  $self->_error (Errno::EPROTO, 1, $err);

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2021-05-26 Thread bpa

slartibartfast wrote: 
> 21-05-26 06:54:23.2077] Slim::bootstrap::tryModuleLoad (286) Warning:
> Module [Plugins::PlayHLS::Plugin] failed to load:
> "my" variable $err masks earlier declaration in same scope at
> /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/PlayHLS/lib/MyAnyEvent/
> line 2048.
> .
> .
> [21-05-26 06:54:23.2103] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::load (323) Error:
> Couldn't load Plugins::PlayHLS::Plugin

OK. It's the AnyEvent associated error.  As it seems to have started
recently I can only assumed it is associated to some 8.2 changes so I'll
see if I can reproduce it.
On first inspection, a simple name change might fix the issue but I'd
like to verify.

I don't want to put too much effort into 2.8 as PlayHLSv3 is for the
most part ready except there are few issues that need to be chased down
and then test on 8.2.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2021-05-26 Thread bpa

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Maybe I over interpreted but see post 935 and the following ones in this
> thread.
I had assumed the "plugin failed to load" was the only message in log
which usually means a download issue.
@slartibartfast - can you check server.log ?

@Paul, I think you're right the "bootstrap" error you're referencing
might be timing using the AnyEvent module. 
I haven't chased that issue as in PlayHLSv3 I have removed the AnyEvent
module as LMS now has full HTTP 1.1 and https support.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2021-05-26 Thread bpa

Paul Webster wrote: 
> I think this was diagnosed before as the PlayHLS plugin being invoked
> early during the LMS startup process but before everything it needs was
> ready i.e. a timing issue that might not always happen.
I don't recall see this. Any links to the where it was diagnosed ?
It's a but strange as all initialisation does is register a protocol
handler and playlist parser.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2021-05-26 Thread bpa

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I have just noticed my PlayHLS V2 plugin is showing up as "plugin failed
> to load". Restarting LMS didn't help. This is on latest LMS 8.2. 

I can't test on 8.2 at the moment.

I haven't made any changes/updates to the repo file or the ZIP file. 
The repo URL and ZIP both work as I checked them outside of LMS. Both
are hosted on github so the usual issues with SF don't apply.

On a 8.1 system - I have uninstalled and reinstalled plugin OK.

It is probably a intermittent problem and error is being cached
You could try a https URL instead of a http URL for the repo.

It maybe an 8.2 issue - but I cannot see why one plugin should be
affected more than others as it is just downloads from a normal source.
To debug you need to enable logging for plugin.extensions and

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Idea/PoC: Using ROC to inject arbitrary audio data into the system

2021-05-24 Thread bpa

Hypfer wrote: 
> And indeed it was working surprisingly well with only latency being an
> issue.
> Using the MP3 codec there causes some buffer in the audio path to add
> >10s of audio delay into the setup which is of course unacceptable.
> Interestingly, choosing pcm as the output format instead will result in
> the desired latency of 2-3s with no additional changes.
> That suggests that there's some fixed-size buffer somewhere which will
> just buffer as much as it can which will be a lot when using compressed
> audio.

Yes in application called flac which compresses the pcm from input port
into flac but not fixed size buffer.

Most of the delay will be in the application (i.e. lame for MP3 or Flac
for flac) which compress the data.  Very little delay in LMS.  Rest of
delay will be in player, transmission time and network buffers and don't
forget the roc stuff (its own buffering and network delay).

> There must be something I can tune to get this down to an acceptible
> level.
I think "must" is too optimistic if acceptable is less than maybe
200-500ms.  If using windows - don't even bother trying.

The only setting left buffer threshold - min value is about 50 but then
if data is a little slow (i.e. don't use wifi) you'll get rebuffering
If filling buffer is the delay - then try a higher sampling rate (i.e.
96khz andnot 44.1khz) then buffers will be filled faster but take longer
to transmit - swings and roundabouts.  
Player should be wired and not use 2.4G Wifi.

> Secondly, I hope that someone has an idea how to adjust the latency when
> using mp3 as the codec.
Buffer is the problems - buffer to compress and then player has to
buffer data before decompress.

> There is a webradio buffer setting in the audio settings of each
> squeezebox, however it doesn't seem related to this issue

Add the following in - it can cause more problems than it
solves but for a fixed setup. Value can be 0-255 but less than 50
generally doesn't work.


  # use a small buffer threshold to make stream start playing quickly 
  sub bufferThreshold { 70 }

Radio station bufer seconds is the setting which changes how much data
must be in a player before ti start playing. The above means it is a
plugin specific value and not general settings.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] is there a Twitch Plugin?

2021-05-21 Thread bpa

Rasputin_GY wrote: 
> Thanks @bpa! Really appreciate your support on this. Please find
> attached an example m3u8. Please let me know if you might need
> additional information.

The sample is good.

>From a technical perspective - they are using old HLS "#EXT-X-VERSION:3"
and MPEG2-TS stream which has video, audio and possibly timed ID3
metadata.  I assume the plugin is playing stream audio OK.

The PLayHLSv2 plugin discards any video but video still has to be
downloaded so overall data rate will be high but audio data rate will
only be a fraction of it. 

The plugin does not process "Timed metadata" because I never seen one
actually working.

In the stream there are Twitch specific directives and use of Daterange
but it seems they can be ignored. I am noting this stuff here in case
things change.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] is there a Twitch Plugin?

2021-05-20 Thread bpa

Rasputin_GY wrote: 
> I'm using V2 for this workaround, edited in previous post.
OK - if V2 works they are probably "standard" HLS - however there are
many options.
I'm working on updating PLayHLS adding a bit more HLS support.  Can you
post an example of the top level m3u8 URL or if it is transient the
contents just so I can visually check whether the update could break

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] is there a Twitch Plugin?

2021-05-18 Thread bpa

Rasputin_GY wrote: 
> As a prerequisite you need BPA#s HLS plugin which is explained in detail

Clarify:  Is your workaround  are using V1 or V2.

V1 uses ffmpeg and so can handle different file types even though it is
may be called under the HLS guise - if your workaround relies on this -
it is not a good approach.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2021-05-17 Thread bpa

Hypfer wrote: 
> Hello,
> I'm currently trying to get the WaveInput plugin to work in my setup.
> I can confirm that arecord is able to record proper audio from the
> device, however unfortunately, I am getting the "Problem: Can't open
> File For" error message on the Squeezebox screen.
> I've set player.source to debug and here's the log:

"Cant open file for" means LMS couldn't crreate  a command line to play
you file.  The log is way too short.

Log must be from just before your press play (note time) to about 30
secs after you see the message "Can't open file for".  It'llprtobably be
too to incldue in a post so copy all messages (no editing) into a  text
file, zip the text foiel and attach to a post.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-17 Thread bpa

MichaelPr wrote: 
> 'Pause' with Win10/VLC just stops playing (DVD-Drive keeps disk spinning
> on slow speed (guess x1) and 'play' starts playing w/o delay. 'Pause'
> with LMS on Linux/CDPlayer stops playing (don't know if the disk kept
> spinning) and after 'play' spinning speeds up with max. speed. Then it
> takes about 15 sec. to resume at the org. position.

The plugin starts a separate instance of cdda2wav for each track. 
The plugin aimed to be simepl by using a common exe to habdle CDs across
Windows, Linux and OSX and keep OS specfic system calls to minimum (e.g.
on Linux cd specific calls are used to get status of drive/door and cd
type in drive - better user feedback)

cdda2wav is a ripper not a player - once started it does not provide the
capability to "pause" a track rip but it can started at a timepoint in a

When LMS plays a a track, data stream from cdda2wav goes into a pipe
(and OS buffers) and then into LMS input side buffers (e.g. flac) and
then into player buffer. It is possible to enable pause (via settings)
but if pause is too long cdda2wav may have finished ripping and some
audio never gets into buffers. So depending on size of buffers (which is
system dependent) when play is resumed track may be cut short.  More
reliable approach used was to record time position at pause and restarts
cdda2wav  when play ius restarts - actual delay is system dependent.

VLC may be taking the approach of ripping whole tracks into memory in
background (with VLC readahead of next track) and so can play /pause
track as it is total control of whole track as it a player only system
and can use disk / memory to temp store audio data.  VLC is mainly a
video player and so can play video DVDs and so has more capabilities to
handle BD/DVD/CD drive and knows it has to implement schemes to handle
big volumes of data and not be subject to drive delays.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-16 Thread bpa

MichaelPr wrote: 
> Ahh - OK thanks for explanation! Make sense. I just tested wit V1.10
> before I read you answer and you are right. Exactly the same behavior.
> Btw, radio station buffer is set to  3sec. (guess that are my 2 to 3
> sec.) and radio station timeout is set... to 15 sec. make sense, right?
> :D
IIRC CDplayer set the effective radio station buffer to small value when
playing CD track so that to make playback ASAP.

> I just noticed - the differences between this CD and others seems to be
> CD TEXT. But finally I guess the easiest is to skip this CD ;)
> Nevertheless, I'm wondering how VLC and the Win 10 PC handles it (also
> using MusicBrainz and the same Internet connection). Especially
> Pause/Play doesn't have any delay. LMS/ CDplayer seems to be to seek the
> position again and load/cache data.

CD with CD-Text are rare but CD-Text should not be the cause of the
delay.  I did test with a CD-Text CD.

CD reading is mainly handled at OS level so VLC will probably be similar
to cdd2wav on same OS.

In CDplayer context Windows CD handling is crude and CDplayer could only
use cdda2wav and be less informative about state of CD drive. Handlign
CD from Windows API is horrible.

No idea what the Muscibrainz speculation is about - it has nothing do
with CD handling - IIRC it is just looking up an id based on track
lengths from info on CD TOC.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-16 Thread bpa

MichaelPr wrote: 
> Great! Thanks! Works fine with me - Eject 'Play' sets a warning - but
> works!
> > 

  >   > [21-05-16 16:08:26.1381] Slim::Player::Song::open (480) Warning: stream 
failed to open 

> > 

The warning comes from another part of LMS which I have no control.

Making the Eject a "playable" command provided the simplest solution
that didn't leave a confused cdda2wav.  Other methods I tried sometime
left cdd2wav in a CPU loop looking for a CD and I have no "killorphans"
code for Linux (I have for Windows because cdda2wav.exe was vary badly

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-16 Thread bpa

MichaelPr wrote: 
> But I've an odd behavior with one CD which I guess also occurred with
> V1.10 but I never took notice about. With this CD (OASIS/ Definitely
> Maybe - [Helter Shelter from 1994]) it always needs about 15 sec. to
> play something (Start playing/ Start from pause/ Jump to next track,
> etc.) The time counter starts until 15 sec. /silent and jumps back to 0
> sec. to start playing. It's something like 15 sec. caching... before
> streaming
> Edit: Other CDs shows a similar behavior but only with 2 to 3 sec. delay
> (which normally goes unnoticed). Can't see any related debug messages
> but the same DVD-Drive did not show the behavior connected to a Windows
> 10/VLC PC. Will try it within the next days with v1.10.

This is normal. This is true for all sources but is only noticed when
there are long delay to start (e.g. a very slow internet stream, high
sample rate and radio station buffer seconds has been set large).

The WebUI will start a clock once play has been pressed on the basis
that it will take no time to start playing (e.g. a file).  The clock is
reset once acctual playback has started.  

In this case, the delay before and audio stream starts will depend on
the CD (e.g. scratches, pressing, age etc.  I have one CD which the
drive hates and takes over  20 secs to get going - sometimes never),
what the OS has cached about the CD and the speed of the CD drive.  I
can do nothing about it - it is between CD, cdda2wav and OS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-15 Thread bpa

I have just upload V1.11 - it should become available within a few

The update mainly includes a fix for the bug playing Albums through
Squeezeplay, based on solution provided by TristanLateingne.

Summary of changes in V.11

- Fix to playing whole Album as a playlist 
- Added Eject menu (Play to execute) on Linux only and only if "eject"
command is installed
- Added Material icon when CDplayer is shown in Extras menu
- Updated included Windows cdda2wav.exe to V3 - better support for newer
- Updated CDDB support to use gnudb as freedb was shutdown in May2020

Anybody using the original playlist fix, check the LMS Playlist
directory and remove any files with names like HASH(xxx).opml and
raw.opml .

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-14 Thread bpa

MichaelPr wrote: 
> It's the URL I posted in the thread before:
> As I understood, usually it's:
> \\HTML\EN\plugins\-PlugInName-\html\images
> there are these files:
> icon.svg
> icon_svg.png
> icon can be be any string.
Sorry I did chase the link in earlier post as I saw the image and
thought you were commenting about different icon in different pages.
It'll be strange that I have to have to add an image for an icon that
Material already uses - if not then there'll be different icons for same
menu item.

I needed to check the location of the icon as plugin icon can either be
from a skin (for webUI) or sometime from the tag in the install.xml file
if access by a plugin - as Material is both a plugin and a skin it is
not obvious which it uses.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-14 Thread bpa

MichaelPr wrote: 
> As far as I understood the naming is special for Material-skin use. The
> main plugin icon should be a .png but named as x_svg.png. If that syntax
> is used for the icon name, then Material will use x.svg instead (so this
> x.svg has to be provided alongside the xxx_svg.png). It looks inside the
> .svg file and change the colors to match to the current setup.
> like @cpd73 wrote:
Please giv the post - it is not clear where the icon is to be stored.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-14 Thread bpa

MichaelPr wrote: 
> Currently, if enabled under Extras a 'puzzel piece' appears per
> default... under Home Screen items a nice default icon is chosen (2nd
> picture). But this is really only a minor thing.

That is a Material issue - the plugin can't tell Material to use a
particular icon,Material chooses what it wants to do with menus,
placements & icons. For example, Material has chosen how to handle other
"Extras" in its own way. It has taken away from Extras , "Alarm Clock,
"Music Source" and DSTM and moved them elsewhere in the Material UI -
those plugins didn't tell Material to do it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-14 Thread bpa

MichaelPr wrote: 
> You are absolutely right - here is a screenshot of the corresponding
> directory link to my NAS...

Good. You've confirmed what I've sen - the update gets rid of any files
it generates on LMS shutdown and reuses file name so there'll only be
maybe 10-20 OPML files.

> Wherever you're tidying up, might you think of the material icon
> (icon.svg) under Extras. That would be great :)

I don't understand - please explain in more details.  What the CDplayer
plugin does is standard - Material should pick up any icons.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-14 Thread bpa

MichaelPr wrote: 
> Oops - sorry! Hope this time I got it right... No not at all. I just see
> my Spotify Playlists - and I played/read about 4 CDs (maybe it's not 'a
> lot of' you are talking about...)
Not quite right. 

Although the CDplayer OPML files are saved in the playlist directory, 
OPML files are NOT playlists and so are not scanned by LMS and so will
not show under LMS Playlist menu.

Use your system's file manager to look at the files in the LMS Playlist
directory (e.g. command line "*ls -l /path/to/playlistdir/*.opml*"  )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-13 Thread bpa

MichaelPr wrote: 
> Sounds great! I've never tried to build up a playlist with with CD
> tracks but now I tested with the patched plugin on RasPi/Linux and yes
> it works (no error logs)! I've built up an opml with "only tracks" from
> one CD and also mixed up with local and online (Spotify) libs.

You misunderstood my question. I think the original fix creates and then
leaves lots of opml files - usually 2 or 3 per CD read in the LMS
playlist directory.  If you play a lot of CDs it will get out of control
and they need to be deleted.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-05-13 Thread bpa

MichaelPr wrote: 
> Hi @bpa, Do you plan to update/integrate the hack from TristanLateingne
> and release a new version of the CDplayer plugin in 3rd party plugins? 
> It works fine w/o side effects within my system - and I'm afraid that
> the info get lost somehow over the time when setup a new system

Yes I am updating the plugin at the moment. I felt there were some rough
edges to the fix.

I have also updated the CDDB lookup to use as
stopped in May 2020. 

I have some issues testing on Windows - I'm also including an updating
the cdda2wav.exe from v2 to v3 as it help some issues was found in 2020

With the original patch, have you checked for any buildup of opml files
in the playlist directory ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2021-05-12 Thread bpa

Manlycookiebear wrote: 
> [11:31:49.002531] raopcl_accept_frames:441 [0x7f7c009610]: restarting
> w/o pause n:3829800709.7937099, hts:168894211266981
> [11:31:49.078405] check_header:117 [0x4ab778]: unknown format - can't
> parse header
> [11:31:49.086015] _output_frames:53 [0x4ab778]: start buffer frames:
> 129856

This looks like a starting point but I don't know raop enough to help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2021-05-11 Thread bpa

Paul Webster wrote: 
> I never explicitly change the Radio France URLs from https to
> hls-anything.
> The contents of "More" is also not something that I knowingly set (at
> least for the stream link).
> It appears as hlsplays: or whatever as a result of the https content
> being detected by PlayHLS.
That what I thought - I'll have to check some more but it's not urgent.

> Regarding the stream URL parsing ... I didn't intend to suggest removing
> all of the rest of the URL - just a to be agreed set.
> I'll send you some more info about the stream I am looking into at the
> moment.

I'd prefer to find a generic solution but some broadcasters of HLS
streams are doing custom variations as they usually can control the
player (i.e. App, browser based) so generic may not be possible in this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2021-05-11 Thread bpa

Paul Webster wrote: 
> I am working on something that needs (at least) a specific HTTP header
> to be set (might also need some cookies) to get a protected stream to
> play.
> The stream is only available via HLS.
> I can make the stream work using mplayer -http-header-fields.
> The header name is fixed but the contents is variable (I have not
> determined if the change of the value is per stream launch or on a
> longer timer that I can provide outside).
> I was thinking that one way to achieve it would be to append something
> to the URL that is used to launch things and then have PlayHLS create
> header from it and strip it.
> something like
> Any thoughts?

The hlsplay must not be used as a playable URL  - it is used internally
by plugin to deal with m3u8 playlist and if used directly will skip some
HLS processing.

Many HLS URL already have that have to be supplied with http parameters
- so PlayHLS cannot strip universally parameters from a http URL.  The
parameters would have be "special" a bit like the LMS "#SLIM"

Can you give an example of an URL that works with mplayer ?
Does it work with ffplay  - I prefer ffplay as it give better logging

BTW - I noticed when playing one of your Radio France that a "hlsplay"
URL appeared in "More" - this should not happen. At some point I was
going to check it out. It can happen if the "wrong" LMS API is used -
the API to show playing URL of a son is $song->streamUrl - if that is
what you using then I need to look further (e.g you are using requesting
hslplay URL to play)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] What (if anything) is the latest word on AccuRadio?

2021-05-09 Thread bpa

mitchhellman wrote: 
> I found mention of this in Forum>User Forums>Logitech Media Server>LMS
> 8.0.0 Questions,  beginning with message #162 , especially in message
> #167.

The #168 answer with related to problem in #165 and
not Accuradio.

Accuradio is separate service which plays tracks/streams and nothing to
to do with which is a directory of services and has no
playing/streaming capacity of its own.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] What (if anything) is the latest word on AccuRadio?

2021-05-09 Thread bpa

mitchhellman wrote: 
> If I recall correctly, AccuRadio was supposedly available, or was going
> to be available, by using the RadioNet 3rd party app on LMS. I did a
> search on the website and came up empty on the keyword
> "AccuRadio" (and also on the keyword "Putumayo," which is part of
> "Putumayo Showcase," the name of one of the channels on AccuRadio I'm
> hoping to make a favorite on LMS). Anything new about this? Any other
> way to achieve this result?
> Thanks in advance for any enlightenment anyone can provide? is just a directory of stations. Where did you get the idea
that Accuradio is listed in ? if there is a misunderstanding,
it might help find to re-examine the source.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-04-27 Thread bpa

I'm surprised this plugin is still being "actively" used. 
Since now
- CDs are now less popular.
- CD drives on PC are less common and often external
- LMS servers is usually physically distant separate from the player.
- CD interface emulates 30 year old standards which have long gone (e.g.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: SB Player, a software Squeezebox player app for Android.

2021-04-27 Thread bpa

Murdock wrote: 
> I thought SB Player could play WMA natively.
> My LMS works on Linux. I'll see what I can do for the transcoding.
> Thank you for your answer.

Install ffmpeg and PlayWMA plugin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2021-04-27 Thread bpa

TristanLateingne wrote: 
> Hi,
> After searching and testing, I have found what the problem is with the
> playlists : the plugin does not comply with LMS opml implementation. The
>  tag for playlists does not contain a URL field as the LMS
> documentation states is required. I tried creating an external opml file
> containing only the tracks information and modifying the
> CDplayerCDTOC.opml file, deleting tracks information and adding a URL
> field like this :
>  URL="test.opml"/>
> and voilà ! It works !
> Now, I do not know how to properly code this into the plugin, but I will
> give it a try (if nobody does it faster than me :D )

Thanks I'll check it out.

The LMS documentation is not complete and there are a few cases where
URLs are not required.  That said I wrote the plugin a long time ago
when I was still learning the basics of LMS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Group Players: Songs stop prematurely with an error

2021-04-25 Thread bpa

philippe_44 wrote: 
> My observation on the Smokey Robinson file was an error toward the
> *very* end (confirmed by both ffmpeg and my built-in decoder)

Log from ffmpeg of Smokey Robinson track - shows the error in input
stream - not a duration issue or EOF error.


  [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x55b5950ad700] stream 0, sample 7725, dts 
  [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x55b5950ad700] stream 0, sample 7726, dts 
  01_The_Tears_Of_A_Clown.m4a: corrupt input packet in stream 0
  [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x55b5950ad700] stream 0, sample 7727, dts 
  [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x55b5950ad700] stream 0, offset 0x2be9ec: partial 
  01_The_Tears_Of_A_Clown.m4a: Invalid data found when processing input
  No more output streams to write to, finishing.
  size=2792kB time=00:02:59.39 bitrate= 127.5kbits/s speed=2.02e+03x
  video:0kB audio:2760kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB 
muxing overhead: 1.131146%
  Input file #0 (01_The_Tears_Of_A_Clown.m4a):
  Input stream #0:0 (audio): 7727 packets read (2826691 bytes); 
  Total: 7727 packets (2826691 bytes) demuxed
  Output file #0 (output.m4a):
  Output stream #0:0 (audio): 7727 packets muxed (2826691 bytes); 
  Total: 7727 packets (2826691 bytes) muxed
  0 frames successfully decoded, 0 decoding errors
  [AVIOContext @ 0x55b5950b50c0] Statistics: 2 seeks, 14 writeouts
  [AVIOContext @ 0x55b5950b6540] Statistics: 2877931 bytes read, 0 seeks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Group Players: Songs stop prematurely with an error

2021-04-25 Thread bpa

benh wrote: 
> By amazing coincidence, that error above is from 1-13_Last_Kiss.m4a. 
> The error plus the bit immediately after, when the session ends:
> [alac @ 0x56149523bc40] invalid samples per frame: 0/s speed=80.7x
> Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing
> input
> size=5876kB time=00:06:07.15 bitrate= 131.1kbits/s speed=80.9x
> video:0kB audio:5768kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB
> muxing overhead: 1.874181%
> [aac @ 0x561495222680] Qavg: 188.669
> By the end of this whole deal, the last 30 seconds of that song will be
> etched on my bones.

An expanded version of the conversion is below


  [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x5592f983b6c0] stream 0, sample 3949, dts 
  [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x5592f983b6c0] stream 0, sample 3950, dts 
  [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x5592f983b6c0] stream 0, sample 3951, dts 
  [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x5592f983b6c0] stream 0, sample 3952, dts 
  [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x5592f983b6c0] stream 0, sample 3953, dts 
  [alac @ 0x5592f98b2bc0] invalid samples per frame: 0
  Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
  [out_0_0 @ 0x5592f9907d40] EOF on sink link out_0_0:default.
  No more output streams to write to, finishing.
  size=5831kB time=00:06:07.15 bitrate= 130.1kbits/s speed=78.8x
  video:0kB audio:5768kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB 
muxing overhead: 1.090229%
  Input file #0 (1-13_Last_Kiss.m4a):
  Input stream #0:0 (audio): 3954 packets read (40275288 bytes); 3953 frames 
decoded (16191488 samples); 
  Input stream #0:1 (video): 1 packets read (87523 bytes); 
  Total: 3955 packets (40362811 bytes) demuxed
  Output file #0 (output.m4a):
  Output stream #0:0 (audio): 15812 frames encoded (16191488 samples); 15813 
packets muxed (5906100 bytes); 
  Total: 15813 packets (5906100 bytes) muxed
  3953 frames successfully decoded, 1 decoding errors
  [AVIOContext @ 0x5592f9898280] Statistics: 2 seeks, 26 writeouts
  [aac @ 0x5592f9896b40] Qavg: 188.669
  [AVIOContext @ 0x5592f98444c0] Statistics: 40387228 bytes read, 0 seeks

Note it says zero samples in error - so no audio encoding error.

The "error" was that end of file was found before it was expected.
Below shows a dump of the file header which has a duration of 367246
msec which is 6 mins 17.246 sec.
During conversion the output converted time was 00:06:07.15  - so there
was fewer seconds than expected, so end of file was unexpected.

Using the same MPEG-4 utility, from the header output shows the duration
to be 367178 msec.


  major brand:  M4A 
  minor version:0
  compatible brand: M4A 
  compatible brand: mp42
  compatible brand: isom
  fast start:   yes
  duration:   367247 ms
  time scale: 44100
  fragments:  no
  Found 1 Tracks
  Track 1:
  flags:1 ENABLED
  id:   1
  type: Audio
  duration: 367246 ms
  language: ```
  sample count: 3954
  duration: 16195584 (media timescale units)
  duration: 367247 (ms)
  bitrate (computed): 877.345 Kbps
  Sample Description 0
  Coding:  alac (Apple Lossless Audio)
  Sample Rate: 44100
  Sample Size: 16

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Group Players: Songs stop prematurely with an error

2021-04-25 Thread bpa

benh wrote: 
> This suggests to me that the payload of the misencoded file is intact
> and that the error is in a container structure.

I checked out the container structure of the 1-13_Last_Kiss.m4a file and
it was OK. 

Which is the file that ffmpeg throws up an error ?  I'll check it out. 
The issue might be something like metadata which can be Apple

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Group Players: Songs stop prematurely with an error

2021-04-23 Thread bpa

benh wrote: 
> Well, it is short.  That is because I only cut and pasted the contiguous
> section of log that was relevant to this transaction.  Player pretty
> much goes from idle to nope to idle.  

What you thought was "relevant".
Sometime what is missing is more important - and only context can show
what is missing.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Group Players: Songs stop prematurely with an error

2021-04-23 Thread bpa

benh wrote: 
> SB Radio and Library pCP/SL: Track won't even start playing.  Here's the
> debug from that:
> > 

  >   > [21-04-23 11:08:45.4894] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream 
(1213) 02:00:96:66:70:5e: preparing to stream song index 0
  > [21-04-23 11:08:45.4895] Slim::Player::Song::open (360) 
  > [21-04-23 11:08:45.4897] 
Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (485) Error: Didn't find 
any command matches for type: mp4
  > [21-04-23 11:08:45.4898] Slim::Player::Song::open (384) seek=false time=0 
  > [21-04-23 11:08:45.4899] 
Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (485) Error: Didn't find 
any command matches for type: mp4
  > [21-04-23 11:08:45.4899] Slim::Player::Song::open (415) Error: Couldn't 
create command line for mp4 playback for 
  > [21-04-23 11:08:45.4900] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_playersMessage 
(796) Problem: Unable to play file type for:: 
  > [21-04-23 11:08:45.4902] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_willRetry 
(1408) no retry data
  > [21-04-23 11:08:45.4903] 
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2386) new streaming 
state IDLE
  > [21-04-23 11:08:45.4903] Slim::Player::StreamingController::nextsong (889) 
The next song is number 0, was 0

> > 

This log looks very short. Lines look missing. Did you enable
player.source to INFO ?

What are the LMS MPEG4 settings in WebUI Settings/Advanced/Filetype

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Group Players: Songs stop prematurely with an error

2021-04-23 Thread bpa

benh wrote: 
> I mean to say that the ALAC files that are all problematic were all
> originally FLAC, transcoded to ALAC and then included in my LMS library.
> I use iTunes to manage my library, so all of my lossless music is ALAC.
> And indeed, I have a LOT of ALAC files that were transcoded from FLAC,
> so this isn't unusual, but thought I'd mention it.
> I also mean to convey that the problematic tracks are not all from the
> same album or artist or source, so there's no obvious commonality in
> that regard.  I have an entire album where this last 10 seconds thing
> seems to be an issue with every track, and then I have a single track
> out of 27 on another album where the problem exhibits.

I think it makes sense to check the transcode chain in LMS especially as
it is within a Docker setup.

Changes were made in 8.* to handle MPEG4 files which also generate
similar symptoms.

You have an issue which is ALAC, AAC/MPEG4 and Group player with
possible . It is likely there is ony one crticial factor so the aim
first is to simplify and find the critical factor.
Since problem does NOT happen with player which include SB3 - I think
transcoding is NOT the issue so the problem may be associated with
playing "natively" (i.e. sending M4A/AAC or M4A/ALAC) to players.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Group Players: Songs stop prematurely with an error

2021-04-23 Thread bpa

benh wrote: 
> I ran that command on the AAC/M4A file:
> > 

  >   > Stream mapping:
  > Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (copy)
  > Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
  > [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x55ea023e6980] Packet corrupt (stream = 0, dts 
= 7911424).
  > 01 The Tears Of A Clown.m4a: corrupt input packet in stream 0
  > [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x55ea023e6980] stream 0, offset 0x2be9ec: 
partial file
  > 01 The Tears Of A Clown.m4a: Invalid data found when processing input
  > [ipod @ 0x55ea023fe6c0] Starting second pass: moving the moov atom to the 
beginning of the file
  > size=2792kB time=00:02:59.39 bitrate= 127.5kbits/s speed= 373x
  > video:0kB audio:2760kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB 
muxing overhead: 1.131287%

> > 
> The problem persists after running that command.  I'm not sure if the
> errors given indicate an actual problem or not

Without seeing the original command you used I cannot answer
definitively. The file name extensions affect ffmpeg behaviour.  

> For the ALAC files, they are transcodes from flac, and are tracks in
> different albums by different artists from different sources.  On one
> album, other tracks exhibit the same issue in a grouped player or set of
> synchronized players, but not to a singular player.  On another, it's
> just the one track.
I don't understand

> When played in a singular player, problematic tracks do something
> strange, visually.  In Material Skin while watching the progress bar,
> the track hits the 10 to 9 seconds left mark, the audio from the problem
> track continues to play, but the progress bar switches to the next track
> and appears to be about 10 seconds in.  
Generally ignore the on-screen timer behaviour - it is generated locally
within browser and not closely tied to action until the file has been
playing and audio is heard.

> When the next track actually starts, the progress bar goes back to the
> beginning of that new track.  It's as if the player is confused about
> what's happening.  When played as a group, when the track hits the 10 to
> 9 seconds left mark, the audio skips to the next track at the same time
> the progress bar does.

This seems normal. Time display on browser is started when user presses
"play" - the timer will then be updated by LMS with real time value once
playing has actually started. 
In this because there is a problem in playing the file - the timer
update becomes apparent.

Can you confirm that the LMS supplied "faad" runs OK within your docker
environment. What does the faad banner show in terms of version and

To see what is going on try enabling player.source to INFO.  
Note time and try to play a known single file unti the error "cannot
play for file " shows  and then note end time.
Copy into a text file, all log entries from server.log from start  time
to end time 
Zip text file and attach to a post.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Group Players: Songs stop prematurely with an error

2021-04-23 Thread bpa

benh wrote: 
> I may try to re-transcode a file from the source flac to alac again and
> see what happens.

If you are messing with the file. You should check whether the file
FASTSTART enabled (i.e. streamable) is an issue. 

A file is "streamable" when the index to audio frames is placed at start
of the file (i.e Flag FASTSTART is enabled when file is created).

The following command will make a MPEG4 file streamable.  The audio
encoding is not changed.


  ffmpeg -i input.m4a -acodec copy -movflags +faststart output-audio.mp4

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Group Players: Songs stop prematurely with an error

2021-04-23 Thread bpa

benh wrote: 
> [21-04-18 22:54:21.6627] Slim::Player::Squeezebox2::statHandler (149)
> Error: : Decoder does not
> support file format, code 0
> I have confirmed that these files play normally using other music
> players, such as iTunes.  I can play the SAME file on a single pCP
> rather than a group/synchronized player, and it completes normally with
> no error logged.  Files are ALAC or AAC, for the most part.

This error is often (not exclusively) shown when LMS tries to stream an
"unstreamable" MPEG-4/AAC source for native decoder.   
Phillippe would be best placed to answer the questions but more
information will help.

1. Are all the players identical ? are they all all squeeze lite or is
there a Radio, Touch, Jiveplay, etc. in the mix
2. Identify a single problem file and give full format/codec details as
LMS sees it (i.e. drill down on track and show webUI left hand pane)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Mixcloud plugin?

2021-04-21 Thread bpa

mrmichaelwright wrote: 
> Seems to have been some progress (I'm a bit lost)
> Is there a fix for my original problem with playback not starting at
> all?  I've read through the posts since but just managed to confuse
> myself.

Not sure what your problem was.

There were lots of problems with mixcloud, some LMS and most mixcloud

You need to upgrade to very latest 8.2 nightly.
You also need to install the mixcloud plugin version that is posted as a
zip file in this thread as it is not part of the mixcloud plugin that
gets installed with LMS Plugin

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2021-04-18 Thread bpa

v2k wrote: 
> There is an option to turn local access on/off in the settings for the
> plugin but its purpose seems to be, right now anyway, to enable playback
> on a machine running LMS, which as per the description for the plugin
> includes the player. I think the plugin will install the bundled player
> regardless of a player being present on the machine or not but I can't
> read the source well enough to tell.

Playback on the local machine will happen with any squeezleite player -
no need for LocalPLayer plugin. LocalPlayer provides payback using
direct access to files(directed by LMS) rather than LMS streaming.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2021-04-16 Thread bpa

v2k wrote: 
> Thanks! That might be a better solution than the plugin. That machine is
> running Ubuntu 18.04, the version in the repo looks to be 1.8.
> Everything else in bin is supposed to execute so I don't think you're
> doing anything wrong by being explicit :)

IIRC the LocalPlayer plugin enables a player on same system as LMS to
play files directly and not have the audio data streamed via TCP from

Squeezelite is the same player just version included with the plugin has
not been updated.
The plugin provides a subtle enhancement to reduce network traffic - not
that important. Not sure that installing Squeezelite was its primary

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce Planet Radio / Bauer Media plugin - PlanetRock, Absolute, Kiss, Scala ++

2021-04-16 Thread bpa

I'll look into it this evening - Reliable seems to be part of the issue.
This is important to resolve as a proposed 8.2 change makes Reliable
like functionality more widespread.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce Planet Radio / Bauer Media plugin - PlanetRock, Absolute, Kiss, Scala ++

2021-04-16 Thread bpa

I tried the "problem "stream" on my 8.1.2 and it plays OK on my Radio. 
I do not have Reliable installed.

The log also has enabled "" logging to show LMS MP4

The intermittent problem which shows as"Decoder does not support file
format" might be due to a problem in LMS MP4 handling perhaps corrupting
some of the "initial audio block"


  [21-04-16 11:13:52.9905] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState 
(2377) new playing state STOPPED
  [21-04-16 11:13:52.9906] 
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2386) new streaming 
state IDLE
  [21-04-16 11:13:52.9913] Slim::Player::Song::new (109) index 0 ->
  [21-04-16 11:13:52.9916] 
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2386) new streaming 
  [21-04-16 11:13:52.9928] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_playersMessage 
(796) Getting stream info...:
  [21-04-16 11:13:52.9933] Slim::Player::Song::getNextSong (223)
  [21-04-16 11:13:52.9934] Slim::Player::Song::getNextSong (245) scanning URL
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.2981] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 
(485) Error: Didn't find any command matches for type: unk
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.4553] Slim::Player::Song::__ANON__ (261) Track updated by 
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.4555] Slim::Player::Song::getNextSong (223)
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.4557] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_nextTrackReady 
(744) 00:04:20:27:a4:99: nextTrack will be index 0
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.4558] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1210) 
Song queue is now 0
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.4559] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1213) 
00:04:20:27:a4:99: preparing to stream song index 0
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.4560] Slim::Player::Song::open (360)
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.4561] Slim::Player::Song::open (384) seek=false time=0 
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.4564] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 
(488) Matched: mp4->aac via: -
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.4566] Slim::Player::Song::open (414) Transcoder: 
streamMode=I, streamformat=aac
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.4567] Slim::Player::Song::open (470) Opening stream (no 
direct streaming) using Slim::Player::Protocols::HTTPS 
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.5922] Slim::Formats::Movie::getInitialAudioBlock (181) 
Reading initial audio block: length 172736
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.6618] Slim::Player::Song::open (491) URL is a song 
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.6624] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1282) 
00:04:20:27:a4:99: stream
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.6636] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1319) 
Song queue is now 0
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.6638] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState 
(2377) new playing state BUFFERING
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.6639] 
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2386) new streaming 
  [21-04-16 11:13:53.

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce Planet Radio / Bauer Media plugin - PlanetRock, Absolute, Kiss, Scala ++

2021-04-16 Thread bpa

I had aquicj look at the orhginal log 


  [21-04-16 08:30:09.6927] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState 
(2377) new playing state PLAYING
  [21-04-16 08:30:09.6934] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Playing (368) 
Song 0 has now started playing
  [21-04-16 08:30:09.6952] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Playing (397) 
Song queue is now 0
  [21-04-16 08:30:09.7735] Slim::Player::Squeezebox2::statHandler (156) Error: 
x: Decoder does not support file format, code 0
  [21-04-16 08:30:09.7740] 
Slim::Player::StreamingController::playerStreamingFailed (2248) x
  [21-04-16 08:30:09.7748] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_playersMessage 
(796) Problem: Can't open file for::
  [21-04-16 08:30:09.7771] 
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2386) new streaming 
state IDLE

Radio & Touch can play a subset of MPEG4 - only streamable files - the
data has to be in the right order The index into where the start of AAC
frames are located within the subsequent data stream has to be sent
before the AAC frames.

This error was typical of files which are in non streamable MPEG4 that
Radio & Touch cannot process.

A quick look at the file and it seem streamable  (i.e. moov before mdat
aka fasstart) but there is something else that Radio/Touch can't

In 7.9 PlayMP4 and "leading audio" filetypes (i.e. mdat before moov)
were setup to ensure that incompatible files were not sent direct to
Radio / Touch.  I think in LMS 8.* these "leading audio" type are
redundant now and should be removed. 

LMS 8.* MPEG4 handles the "leading audio" but perhaps there is something
else and Reliable maybe adding complexity as changes to transcoding was
also done in LMS 8.*

PlayMP4 using ffmpeg - bypasses LMS so basically the ffmpeg process
downloads the files into memory and sends out flac and so all LMS issues
are avoided.


  xx@minitower:/tmp$ /Bento4/bin/mp4info 
  major brand:  M4A 
  minor version:200
  compatible brand: isom
  compatible brand: iso2
  fast start:   yes
  duration:   1879702 ms
  time scale: 1000
  fragments:  no
  Found 1 Tracks
  Track 1:
  id:   1
  type: Audio
  duration: 1879702 ms
  language: und
  sample count: 40476
  duration: 82894848 (media timescale units)
  duration: 1879702 (ms)
  bitrate (computed): 48.000 Kbps
  Sample Description 0
  Coding:  mp4a (MPEG-4 Audio)
  Stream Type: Audio
  Object Type: MPEG-4 Audio
  Max Bitrate: 48000
  Avg Bitrate: 48000
  Buffer Size: 0
  Codecs String: mp4a.40.5
  MPEG-4 Audio Object Type: 5 (Spectral Band Replication)
  MPEG-4 Audio Decoder Config:
  Sampling Frequency: 22050
  Channels: 2
  Object Type: Spectral Band Replication
  SBR Present: yes
  PS Present:  no
  Sampling Frequency: 44100
  Sample Rate: 44100
  Sample Size: 16

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce Planet Radio / Bauer Media plugin - PlanetRock, Absolute, Kiss, Scala ++

2021-04-16 Thread bpa

Paul Webster wrote: 
> ffmpeg is me not slarti.
Sorry. I need to go back and review. My hobby horse is PlayMP4 on 8.*  -
paradoxically it is causing problems by solving problems.

This issue will have two part (i) the conversion rules and (ii) player
"direct" capabilities - can it play HTTPS/MP4 direct

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce Planet Radio / Bauer Media plugin - PlanetRock, Absolute, Kiss, Scala ++

2021-04-16 Thread bpa

slartibartfast wrote: 
> The strange thing is with reliable enabled I can play a boxset once on
> my Radio but if I play something else then return to the same boxset it
> doesn't play. I also don"t understand why disabling native MP4 doesn't
> seem to have any effect.

I've only come into at the last post so I'll have to go back and

>From your recent log where it shows ffmpeg being used - it means native
MP4 is not being chosen so disabling native MP4 would have no effect.

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