I can't make Gallery show any pictures in my SB touch or in the web-UI.
Both show the folders I configured in the plugin page and my favourites
folder, but nothing's in them.
I run Ubuntu 8.04 and SQBXServer 7.5.2 - r31527
I bet it's a rights issue, it always is with Linux... Which user is
accessing the files? 

With the plugin logging for Gallery set to Debug I only get these
results. Any other place to get more detailed info? 
Notice that at  22:48:04 I enter a nonexisting folder, but get the same
[10-11-26 22:46:28.2753] Plugins::Gallery::Common::_readdir (238)
Reading folder: /home/shares/allusers/Foton/Favorites
[10-11-26 22:46:32.9738] Plugins::Gallery::Common::cliFavQuery (501)
File: /home/shares/allusers/Foton/Favorites
[10-11-26 22:46:32.9752] Plugins::Gallery::Common::cliFavQuery (502)
Favorite ID: 0
[10-11-26 22:48:01.9869] Plugins::Gallery::Common::getMainMenu (274)
Getting main menu
[10-11-26 22:48:04.4255] Plugins::Gallery::Common::_readdir (238)
Reading folder: /home/shares/allusers/Foton/Fa
[10-11-26 22:49:42.2222] Plugins::Gallery::Common::getMainMenu (274)
Getting main menu
[10-11-26 22:49:44.2322] Plugins::Gallery::Common::_readdir (238)
Reading folder: /home/shares/allusers/Foton/familjen
[10-11-26 22:49:47.3641] Plugins::Gallery::Common::_readdir (238)
Reading folder: /home/shares/allusers/Foton/Favorites
[10-11-26 22:49:55.8400] Plugins::Gallery::Common::cliFavQuery (501)
File: /home/shares/allusers/Foton/familjen
[10-11-26 22:49:57.3886] Plugins::Gallery::Common::cliFavQuery (502)
Favorite ID: 0

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