Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer keeps rebuffering

2014-06-25 Thread nfshirley

Thanks to everyone for replying, it sounds very much like the issue is
with the BBC's iPlayer service and that I should wait a while before I
start changing everything to see if I can resolve it.

Although, I am tempted to remove the AAC and Flash settings that 'danco'
mentioned and see if it changes anything.

Hmm, to tinker or not to tinker.

Thanks again though everyone, it is very pleasing, in a strange way, for
it not to be just me!

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer keeps rebuffering

2014-06-25 Thread nfshirley


I am experiencing a few issues with the BBC iPlayer plugin which is
firstly a fantastic plugin and secondly has been working very well for
over 5 years.

I don't believe anything has changed on my network.  I am running LMS
7.7.2 with plugin v1.1.12

I have tied BBC2, BBC3, BBC4 and BBC5 and they all play and work for a
bit but they keep rebuffing every 30 seconds or so.

I have completed a line speed test a few times and it would appear that
I have a fairly constant 20mb download.

I have tried other "normal" radio stations, such as Heart or Jack FM and
neither of these does it, it just seems to be BBC iPlayer that is

I wonder if anyone could assist me trying to work out if I have some
issue in LMS or if it is a BBC issue - I don't really now where to

Is there any logging that I can look at all?

Sorry if I haven't given enough information or that I don't know the
inner workings of LMS or the plugin - they have both just worked for

Anyway, any help or advice would be really appreciated.

Many thanks


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Triode - Spotify App - No Sound - Help Needed

2013-02-01 Thread nfshirley

After so much toruble shooting I decided to install on a Windows machine
and it all worked fine.

Therefore, I upgraded Ubuntu to 12.04 and re-installed 7.7.2 from

All works fine.  I'm happy.

Thank you so much to Triode for what is really a wonderful plugin and
which has breathed a complete new breath of fresh air into my music and
listening experience.  Thank you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Triode - Spotify App - No Sound - Help Needed

2013-01-31 Thread nfshirley

OK, so I have now disabled the UFW ubuntu firewall and the iptables are
set to:


Which I am presuming means everything is open.

Unfortunately this has not made any difference.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Triode - Spotify App - No Sound - Help Needed

2013-01-31 Thread nfshirley

Hi All

I wonder if someone might be able to assist me.  I have installed the
Triode Spotify plugin and everything works except for the fact that
unfortunately there is no sound on any of my players at the moment.  I
must have something set something incorrectly, but I am struggling to
work out what it is.

I am running Squeezebox Server 7.5.1 on Ubuntu 10.04.1.  I have 3
radios, 1 SB3 and 1 Touch.

The plugin installs ok.  The helper app is running.  Client logged in to
Spotify and there are no errors.

If I try and play a track from spotify, I can browse, it brings up all
the lists and it brings up the artwork and the player looks like it is
playing (ie the time moves), but there is no sound.  I have tried this
on all players I have (as well as a installation of Squeezeplay) with
the same result.

I have checked the firewall on the Ubuntu machine and it is set to
inactive and I don't think the players have any port blocking facility. 
I have opened the router completely, so it is not blocking anything.

If I run the Self Test, the results are:
Helper App Running: Pass
Logged in: Pass
Spotify MetaData: Pass
Streaming from Spotify: Pass
Player Unable to Connect: Fail
"Player did not connect to helper app - check your firewall allows the
helper app to receive incoming connections from players on the helper
app port defined above" (set at 9005)

I have uninstalled the plugin, rebooted the Ubuntu machine and
re-installed the plugin - but unfortunately it is the same, no sound.

I have tried disabling FLAC in the file types for spotify, but it has
made no difference.

In the server log, I get an error:
[13-01-31 21:48:48.1677] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1945) Error:
While trying to run function coderef
[Slim::Control::Commands::playlistJumpCommand]: [Can't call method
"master" on an undefined value at
line 82.]

But I am unsure if this is the issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-01-31 Thread nfshirley


I have installed the soptify plugin into the system (Ubuntu 10.4) and
everything looks great, the album art comes up on the radios and touch,
the classics get track info, they all look like they are playing, but
unfortunately I get no sound.

I don't suppose anyone could help if they have a moment?

The log looks like this:

[20:13:59.215010] process_track:1253 browse track: ok
[20:13:59.215291] main:534 new connection
[20:13:59.215676] main:586 req: browse.json res:
spotify:track:72C7aUQECOhNtnD0AC36ua par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[20:13:59.215714] main:1045 queuing track browse
[20:13:59.215732] process_track:1229 process track
[20:13:59.215758] process_track:1253 browse track: ok
[20:13:59.216053] main:534 new connection
[20:13:59.216437] main:586 req: browse.json res:
spotify:track:5zsYl9Nl4kQmPSjwscVASJ par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[20:13:59.216474] main:1045 queuing track browse
[20:13:59.216493] process_track:1229 process track
[20:13:59.216518] process_track:1253 browse track: ok
[20:13:59.216826] main:534 new connection
[20:13:59.217205] main:586 req: browse.json res:
spotify:track:65QVpgBIutEZlpDCi6AH2F par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[20:13:59.217243] main:1045 queuing track browse
[20:13:59.217261] process_track:1229 process track
[20:13:59.217286] process_track:1253 browse track: ok
[20:13:59.221901] main:534 new connection
[20:13:59.226097] main:586 req: browse.json res:
spotify:track:0SPGL2j5OrG1L7YvP6tT6X par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[20:13:59.226180] main:1045 queuing track browse
[20:13:59.226201] process_track:1229 process track
[20:13:59.226231] process_track:1253 browse track: ok
[20:13:59.226551] main:534 new connection
[20:13:59.227023] main:586 req: browse.json res:
spotify:track:4RpsltwxERLiq6AXU39Dhx par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[20:13:59.227062] main:1045 queuing track browse
[20:13:59.227080] process_track:1229 process track
[20:13:59.227106] process_track:1253 browse track: ok
[20:13:59.227385] main:534 new connection
[20:13:59.227814] main:586 req: browse.json res:
spotify:track:4RC5YmcpCbRsX3AtRzoQeh par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[20:13:59.227855] main:1045 queuing track browse
[20:13:59.227873] process_track:1229 process track
[20:13:59.227898] process_track:1253 browse track: ok
[20:14:23.610332] main:534 new connection
[20:14:23.612052] main:586 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[20:14:23.612094] process_status:1279 process status
[20:19:18.705635] main:534 new connection
[20:19:18.707164] main:586 req: toplist.json res: (null) par:
q=artists&r=GB prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[20:19:18.707228] main:1179 toplist type: 0 region: 18242
[20:19:18.713959] toplist_callback:803 toplist: ok
[20:19:18.737456] main:534 new connection
[20:19:18.738337] main:586 req: browse.json res:
spotify:artist:4AK6F7OLvEQ5QYCBNiQWHq par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[20:19:18.745346] main:993 created artist browse
[20:19:18.747225] browse_artist_callback:147 browse artist: ok
[20:19:18.758533] main:534 new connection
[20:19:18.759315] main:586 req: tracks.json res:
spotify:artist:4AK6F7OLvEQ5QYCBNiQWHq par: max=20 prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[20:19:19.135851] main:1274 created artist tracks browse
[20:19:19.135953] main:1294 tracks max: 20
[20:19:19.287889] browse_artist_tracks_callback:309 browse artist
tracks: ok
[20:19:19.297607] metadata_updated:85 new meta
[20:19:19.303845] main:534 new connection
[20:19:19.305204] main:586 req: browse.json res:
spotify:track:7kSLdGdXLey7pzLsWpdg1h par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[20:19:19.305283] main:1045 queuing track browse
[20:19:19.305305] process_track:1229 process track
[20:19:19.305337] process_track:1253 browse track: ok
[20:19:19.429195] metadata_updated:85 new meta
[20:19:19.507397] metadata_updated:85 new meta
[20:19:19.667198] metadata_updated:85 new meta
[20:19:19.880433] metadata_updated:85 new meta
[20:19:20.119218] metadata_updated:85 new meta
[20:19:20.185221] metadata_updated:85 new meta
[20:19:20.219265] metadata_updated:85 new meta
[20:23:03.831452] main:534 new connection
[20:23:03.832383] main:586 req: browse.json res:
spotify:artist:3gd8FJtBJtkRxdfbTu19U2 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[20:23:03.832488] main:993 created artist browse
[20:23:03.930371] browse_artist_callback:147 browse artist: ok
[20:23:04.015499] main:534 new connection
[20:23:04.016688] main:586 req: cover.jpg res:
spotify:image:0c70afb892357c85df3a86148fc5c1422fbe65a5 par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[20:23:04.056019] write_cover:96 cover fetch: No error
[20:23:07.313378] main:534 new connection
[20:23:07.314251] main:586 req: tracks.json res:
spotify:artist:3gd8FJtBJtkRxdfbTu19U2 par: max=20 prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[20:23:07.314355] main:1274 created artist tracks browse
[20:23:07.314373] main:1294 tracks max: 20
[20:23:08.752129] browse_artist_tracks_callback:309 browse artist
tracks: ok
[20:23:08.76] metadata_updated:85 new m

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2010-04-29 Thread nfshirley

Yep, at about 7pm yesterday both 5 live and bbc2 went garbled, had been
working fine up until that point for me.

I switched to wma, but am now having problems with listen again as it
doesn't want to load the lists of programs unless I had already done so
prior to the switch.  ie I had listened again to radio 4FM and that
loads but hadn't listene again to radio 2 for a while and when it trys
to load the program lists it crashes the sb3.  Rebbot, start again and
when you try again, same thing happens.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2010-04-22 Thread nfshirley

Hi all

So I upgraded the iPlayer to 1.1.5 and everything is now working

To confirm, I live in the UK and the BBC live streams would have all
the information come through on the screen but there would simply be no
sound.  The listen again all worked fine.

I changed to WMA and everything then worked fine. although the quality
of wma streams does not seem as good, but hey, it worked.

Updated to 1.1.5 as suggested on this forum and changed back the
setting back from wma to AAC(?) (took tick out of use wma), and
everything now works perfectly.

Thank you so much, I use the BBC iPlayer everyday to listen to radio 2,
radio 4, radio 5 and it is a real joy to myself and the family.

What a fantastic turnaround for a fix, simply amazing, thank you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2010-04-21 Thread nfshirley

Thanks for the notes on this thread, the BBC iPlayer live streams
suddenly stopped working for me yesterday and I have just switched to
the "prefer wma" and they are working again.  Does anyone know why it
stopped?  Quite strange as the listen again all worked fine.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2010-04-21 Thread nfshirley

Thanks for the notes on this thread, the BBC iPlayer live streams
suddenly stopped working for me yesterday and I have just switched to
the "prefer wma" and they are working again.  Does anyone know why it
stopped?  Quite strange as the listen again all worked fine.


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