Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotify access problem, bad username and/or password

2014-01-23 Thread red_eric_zero

So, you were obviously right Triode, for some reason I had more than one
server process, but I had to reboot my system for solving that
authentication problem, just killing the processes was not sufficient,
that deceived me at first approach.

Unfortunately I have another problem now :P the plugin correctly access
to my account and the safe test passes the first three ones, but there's
an error on fourth, while trying to stream from spotify and the error I
receive is:

-Stream from spotify failed   FAIL-

-Unable to start streaming from Spotify - check connectivity to

here is my log, should contain the self test too:

-[01:42:36.665717] logged_out:60 logged out
[01:54:53.365607] main:591 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[01:54:53.365665] process_status:1279 process status
[01:55:59.732853] log_message:80 log: 00:55:59.732 I [ap:1766]
Connecting to AP
[01:55:59.899758] log_message:80 log: 00:55:59.899 I [ap:1224] Connected
to AP:
[01:56:00.981777] main:591 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[01:56:00.981817] process_status:1279 process status-

and here is the server log:

-[14-01-24 01:25:10.6452] main::init (354) Starting Logitech Media
Server (v7.7.3, 1375965195, Mon Aug 12 03:11:32 PDT 2013) perl 5.01
[14-01-24 01:25:12.8763] main::init (354) Starting Logitech Media Server
(v7.7.3, 1375965195, Mon Aug 12 03:11:32 PDT 2013) perl 5.01

I made a small search on this forum, but the log were different.
My router forward all the traffic from helper port 9005 to my macbook,
that should be correct.
I really appreciate your help! Can't figure out what's wrong now :(


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotify access problem, bad username and/or password

2014-01-22 Thread red_eric_zero

Hi to all, well yes I have a mac with intel processor 32bit, dual core
duo, and I use only the Triode plugin, the other one already installed
has been disabled since I simply need to stream to my ps3.

Good to hear that its normality that the password space remain blank,
all I have is my log then.
I'll follow your suggestion, I'll search for Triode main thread too and
I'll try post the problem there too.. I'll post a link to this one

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotify access problem, bad username and/or password

2014-01-22 Thread red_eric_zero

Hi Triode! Sorry but you answered me while I was already answering, so I
did't read what you wrote..
I'll try your indications and report.. thanks for now!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotify access problem, bad username and/or password

2014-01-21 Thread red_eric_zero

Thanks for answering,unfortunately I have a true spotify premium
account the triode plugin working for you? Is it normal that the
password disappears when I apply the modifications in the settings? my
password space is always blank :( no matter what I write in

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotify access problem, bad username and/or password

2014-01-20 Thread red_eric_zero

Hi, I'm desperately trying to set up my Logitech Media Server v7.7.3 on
OSX 10.6.8 with the 3rd Party Triode Spotify plugin v2.2.16 with no
success :(
I've read a lot of possible solutions inside and outside this forum but
nothing solved the problem, the best match suggested to update the
repository address, but I verified and it's correct.
I set up my router creating a port 9005 forward rule and a firewall rule

Fist of all (only) when I set the password and I press Apply the
screen refreshes but the password line becomes empty again, despite
above I can read that my setting where correctly saved. Is this
Anyway If I launch the Self Test it report after a few seconds:

-Not logged In FAIL
Failed to receive Metadata FAIL-

-Unable to log in to Spotify: Password not set-

The significant part of my debug log:

[02:20:11.577386] main:476 error on bind listenfd: Address already in
[02:20:11.578807] log_message:80 log: 01:20:11.578 I [ap:1224] Connected
to AP:
[02:20:12.066599] log_message:80 log: 01:20:12.066 E [ap:4097]
Connection error:  410
[02:20:12.438825] logged_in:50 logged in error: Bad username and/or
[02:20:12.815168] main:420
2.2.16 started
[02:20:12.924314] main:450 Config: username: red_eric_zero cachedir:
/Users/REZ/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/spotifycache bitrate: 320 volnorm:
1 httpport: 9005 cliport: 9090 cacheaudio: 1
[02:20:12.926053] main:476 error on bind listenfd: Address already in
[02:20:13.438988] logged_out:60 logged out
[02:20:13.439103] main:591 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[02:20:13.439121] process_status:1279 process status
[02:35:11.745952] main:591 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[02:35:11.746022] process_status:1279 process status
[02:35:11.788241] main:591 req: toplist.json res: (null) par:
q=tracksr=user prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[02:35:11.788316] main:691 no remembered user
[02:35:11.788334] main:1600 bad request for socket or no track
[02:35:26.790817] main:591 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[02:35:26.790890] process_status:1279 process status

Any idea? Thanks in advance for the help.. 


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