Hello All,

Recently, iPeng is not displaying the artwork (folder.jpg) for my DSD
files properly. 
What happen is that iPeng will display the same random artwork for all
DSD files. (the rest of the files types are displayed correctly).

On the iPeng, I have flushed the cache. Then I went into the music
server to clear the database and rescan the media files.
When I go back to the iPeng, the artwork for DSD files are shown
correctly.... until the next session when the artwork will be messed
I'm really at a loss of what to do. 

My current setup:

Antipodes CX (server) -> SoTM SMS 200 Ultra (streamer) -> DAC

Any kind advice for me please?

Thank you.

shsoh's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=69696
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