Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Still Trying to Port LMS Playlist Real-Time to Winamp. Any Ideas?

2021-08-18 Thread RobbH

I do not have a solution for you, and I already wasted your time in one
of your other threads, suggesting the mp3 stream output. I probably
still don't fully understand what you're trying to do, so it's very
likely that what I am about to suggest is equally off base. But here

There is a plugin called LMS Event Trigger. I have never used it but I
THINK you could set it up to detect every time a track is added to the
current playlist. You could have the playlist playing in squeezelite
using null output, so that it is "playing" in real time, but with no
output. When a track is added to the playlist, LMS Event Trigger could
run code that returns the path to the newly added track and exports it
to the Winamp playlist.

This is all very vague, because that's as far as I've gotten. I think
you could use the LMS Command Line Interface to obtain the path to the
added track, but there may be better and easier ways to do this.

I hope I haven't wasted too much more of your time! Good luck on finding
a way to achieve your goal.

LMS 8 nightly running on Raspberry Pi OS. Mostly virtual players,
occasionally with SB Radio, Boom or Classic.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Still Trying to Port LMS Playlist Real-Time to Winamp. Any Ideas?

2021-08-08 Thread typecrazy789

I've posted about this a couple of times, and months later still haven't
found a solution.

I am trying to get an online radio station going (via Live365) and want
to use Spicefly Sugarcube in combination with the old SqrSoft
crossfading plug-in of 20+ years ago.

I was able to use the UPnP/DLNA bridge to get the Foobar2k version of
the plug-in going in combination, but it just doesn't work as well as
the old one - not only are there less controls, but it won't crossfade
anything less than :12, which is a real deal-breaker as it affects
pacing. (I have a bunch of jingles and such.)

I'd posted here a while back asking if anybody was interested and
qualified to write a DLNA Renderer plug-in for Winamp, with no
responses. The old Winamp forum, which I logged into the other day for
the first time in 18 years, apparently is no longer accepting new posts
so I wasn't able to ask there. 

I've wondered if it's possible to have something written that could load
the old output plug-in via Squeezelite/Local Player, so that it is just
directly connected to that without having to use the bridge, bypassing
Winamp completely. In theory this is the cleanest solution, but I have
no idea if it's possible. I reached out to Triode privately asking, but
if anybody here thinks they could pull this off, let me know. The
plug-in itself is just a DLL file with an accompanying INI file.

The only other solution I can think of is using Powershell to monitor
LMS' M3U file and pass information as it is added to Winamp using the
command prompt, but so far nobody's attempts have actually worked
although on paper they should...but as I have a custom LMS plug-in that
inserts the jingles and commercials in between the next-to-last and last
tracks, it can't just do this in real time as both (A) it needs to watch
for the last track, wait about 10 seconds for more tracks to be added,
then (B) insert the entire string. This isn't ideal and is a dicey
solution but might be the only way.

Any ideas are appreciated...and no, the stream function won't work as
the whole idea is to use the crossfader, so the tracks have to go
individually, and in advance enough that the fader can capture them soon

I won't keep posting here about this if there's no solution, but I can't
help think given there are a few ways it -might- work that somebody
might have an epiphany...I will pay you if you can figure this out and
it works!

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