Just upgraded to 6.5 and I'm trying to get SuperDateTime to work and
show me the local weather (Melbourne, Aus)

If I set the screensaver to SuperDateTime I don't get anything coming
on the screen.

The inbuilt DateTime works fine.

I have set all the strings to:
%1 - %T

The player is off with the following output:

-d_plugins is:

Aysnc: No DNS servers responded, you may have trouble with network
connections.  Please check your network settings.
Prevent Standby plugin: client Middle Level Player in playmode pause
Prevent Standby plugin: starting timer
SuperDateTime: Data refresh in progress...
SuperDateTime: async request:
Prevent Standby plugin: client Middle Level Player in playmode pause
Prevent Standby plugin: starting timer
Prevent Standby plugin: client Middle Level Player in playmode pause
Prevent Standby plugin: starting timer
Prevent Standby plugin: client Middle Level Player in playmode pause
Prevent Standby plugin: starting timer
Prevent Standby plugin: client Middle Level Player in playmode pause
Prevent Standby plugin: starting timer

....any ideas??  I really like having the temp displayed and I've had
no trouble in the past, but I was running on a NAS and I'm now back on
a dedicated server..

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