Re: [pmwiki-users] New recipe: PageListMultiTargets

2013-04-15 Thread Maxim
tamouse mailing lists writes:
> Any idea how it performs on large page sets?

On my site I implemented an alternative version of this functionality
as posted on (with less
functionality - no + operator and no wildcards), and I've also added
this recipe. I have thousands of pages (>18000 files in wiki.d, work.d
is elsewhere) and a 5.5MB .pageindex.

Example searches, with cache=0 and a simple fmt to reduce rendering time:



My link= modification:


Please don't hammer my server, though :)


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] WikiTitle

2011-03-05 Thread Maxim
> what is your preferred way to use the HTML  tag?

I have it wiki-driven. In Site/TitleTag:

(:if name {$DefaultName}:)(:else:){$Titlespaced} - (:ifend:)(:if group
{$DefaultGroup}:)(:else:){$Group} - (:ifend:)SMS Power!

Then, in config.php (should be in skin.php really...):

function TitleTag($pagename)
$page = ReadPage('Site.TitleTag', READPAGE_CURRENT);
echo trim(strip_tags(MarkupToHTML($pagename, $page['text'])));

Then, in my skin:

It's not very efficient, and the wiki part should be more complex to
suit all cases, but it does the trick for me. I find it vastly
preferable to move the logic into a wiki page rather than be editing
PHP whenever I decide to tweak it.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Site.AllRecentChanges lost

2010-10-01 Thread Maxim
> Is your PmWiki installation in some way special/particular ?

Well, it has a lot of recipes and tweaks to PmWiki settings. But
nothing that should affect this (e.g. $RecentChangesFmt is unchanged).

> By the way, your site runs fast !

Not fast enough... plenty of pages take multiple seconds...

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Site.AllRecentChanges lost

2010-10-01 Thread Maxim
My Site.AllRecentChanges got wiped today. The page has
ctime=1285935469 (today). This happened as I added a new page (same
ctime), something I've done hundreds of times before without issues.
Are there any known issues that might be related to this?

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Conditional Question and PageList Question.

2010-09-15 Thread Maxim
> I am trying to make a pagelist template that uses a conditional that
> will detect whether the pagename has a "-" in it.

Inside a pagelist, you can't use the regular (:if:) conditions in the
way yuo want because they only reference the page being rendered. You
need to test the currently iterated page using the {=$Name} variable.
To do that, you'll need to install additional conditions like
"matchstring" on and have
a template like:

(:if matchstring {=$Name} '/-/':)
* %red%[[{=$FullName}]]
* %blue%[[{=$FullName}]]


> The second thing I am looking for is a way to have a pagelist style
> directive that will list all of the anchors on a page.

Pagelists can't do that (anchors are not pages). You could write a
recipe to do it. Here's a start:

Markup('listanchors', '

Re: [pmwiki-users] No history for first page revision

2010-08-10 Thread Maxim
I overwrote my 2.2.17 installation with a fresh download and it was
fixed. I suspect some core files may have been edited somehow.


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] No history for first page revision

2010-08-10 Thread Maxim
I've noticed that newly-added pages to my wiki have a blank history.
If I subsequently edit them, I see diffs as expected. I can see older
pages show the first revision as a "diff from nothing". What could be
causing this?


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] PVs in PTVs not resolved by PageTextVar()

2010-07-28 Thread Maxim
>> I can't pass the string through FmtPageName because that doesn't
>> handle this sort of string.
> Why not?

It substitutes things like "$Name", not "{$Name}" or
"{Group.Page$Name}", so I end up with something like
"{Group.PagePage}.jpg". Parsing out the {...} seems like hard work.

Here's what I get:

PageTextVar($pagename, 'Filename') = "{Scans.AceOfAces-SMS-EU$Name}.jpg"

FmtPagename(PageTextVar($pagename, 'Filename'), $pagename) =

> Note that using FmtPagename() on user-supplied data opens potential
> security holes

I saw that at ; it's not
a concern for me.


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] PVs in PTVs not resolved by PageTextVar()

2010-07-28 Thread Maxim
I have a page (e.g. named Scans.Foo) that contains a PTV with a page
variable inside it:


If I call

PageTextVar('Scans.Foo', 'Filename')

...I get:


...when I want:


I can't pass the string through FmtPageName because that doesn't
handle this sort of string. Right now my workaround is:

$filename = strip_tags(MarkupToHTML($pagename, PageTextVar($pagename,

This seems hacky, is there a better way?


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Getting source page name in custom markup in transcluded text

2010-03-16 Thread Maxim
I want my custom markup to be able to get the page name of the page it
is on, even when transcluded. In other words,


(:include Page1:)

...I want to somehow get "Page1" to show up on both pages. Is there a
way to do this without requiring "{$Name}" to be present in Page1?


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Searching with Unicode ranges

2010-01-10 Thread Maxim
If I attempt to search (or pagelist) using a range of characters in
English, it works fine:[A-Z]*

If I use Unicode characters in that range, things go wrong:[%E3%82%A2-%E3%82%A4]*

Exact matches work fine:*

It seems to be expanding the Unicode subrange that is searched. Any
suggestions on how to tackle this? On someone commented
that one ought to pass the u modified to correctly match Unicode
subranges. Where is the right place for that? Is it there or not?


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Mini vs Thumblist2

2009-12-07 Thread Maxim
> do you know how to make Lightbox displaying pictures zoomed down to
> browser window size?

I like the Highslide recipe:

which can pick up the direct image links and/or be integrated by
setting a class attribute on the links. By default it scales images to
fit the browser viewport. You can see some large images using it with
PmWiki here:


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Attachment links with square brackets in both the filename and link text

2009-10-31 Thread Maxim
On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Petko Yotov <> wrote:
> On Saturday 31 October 2009 22:32:45 Maxim wrote:
>> I want to do:
>> [[Attach:Filename [x].zip | Link Text [x] ]]
>> I've made a page at
>> with various
>> iterations of the markup while removing the square brackets. There's
>> also a version linking to a regular page, although having a square
>> bracket in the page name is less likely. In both, the parsing seems to
>> fail for tests 1, 2, 5 and 7. How can I get a link like the one above?
> You cannot -- brackets, parentheses, and punctuation are not allowed in the
> names of wiki pages or uploaded files, and trying to allow them could bring
> more trouble than good.
> You can use a link like this:
>  [[ | Link Text [x] ]]
> Clicking on the link will bring you the upload form with the correct filename
> already selected. You can send a file with any name on your system
> (like "Filename [x].zip"), it will be renamed to the correct filename
> ("").

The square brackets in attachment names do not cause any problems
otherwise. It is a fairly large problem for me to not have any
brackets available, as the downloaded files' names are quite
important, and it seems quite restrictive in the case of general
http:// links. I added those to and they are even
more buggy...

Notice also that [[ Link Text [x] -> ]] fails.


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Attachment links with square brackets in both the filename and link text

2009-10-31 Thread Maxim
I want to do:

[[Attach:Filename [x].zip | Link Text [x] ]]

I've made a page at with various
iterations of the markup while removing the square brackets. There's
also a version linking to a regular page, although having a square
bracket in the page name is less likely. In both, the parsing seems to
fail for tests 1, 2, 5 and 7. How can I get a link like the one above?


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Fwd: Custom markup accessing page variables in an included page

2009-10-23 Thread Maxim
I have some custom markup. It is an evaluated function; in its markup,
it wants to access the value of $Name for the page it is on. It does
this like so:

global pagename;
$filename = PageVar($pagename, '$Name') . $desc . '.png';

This works fine but as soon as this custom markup is transcluded in
another page, the value of $Name reflects that page, not the original.
I don't really want to have {$Name} specified in the markup (which I
think would allow (:include basepage= :) to work). Within the context
of the markup function, is it possible for it to know the original (base)
page name?


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Getting a random page name inside a cookbook recipe

2009-10-21 Thread Maxim
>  $mypages = ListPages( array_merge(
>    $SearchPatterns['normal'], array('Sprites'=>'/^Sprites\\./')));

This was the magic part, I hadn't realised the $SearchPatterns arrays
were actually the parameters to ListPages. Many thanks.


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Getting a random page name inside a cookbook recipe

2009-10-20 Thread Maxim
Within a cookbook recipe I want to select a page at random from a
particular group. The solution I came up with is:

$pagename = trim(strip_tags(MarkupToHTML('', '(:pagelist fmt=#simple
list=normal group=Sprites order=random count=1:)')));

This has the advantage of not needing any dedicated pagelist format.
However, I'm a little worried that it's doing more than is necessary.
Is there a nicer way?


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