To chyba rekord. Moja gazeta napisala o Polsce po raz trzeci w jednym
miesiacu. Artykul nie stanowi oczywiscie dla nas zadnej rewelacji, ale
przyjemnie pomyslec ze sa jeszcze w tej czesci swiata ludzie ktorym nasz
kraj kojarzy sie nie tylko z berlinskimi zlodziejami samochodow czy
rzucaniem nozem w pilkarzy. Fragmenty przepisalem ponizej.

Michal Niewiadomski

Jiang can draw on the Polish experience

Christopher Lingle, SCMP 30 maja 20000

Champions of democracy from around the world remember June 4, 1989, as a
day of infamy because of the outrages that were witnessed on and around
Tiananmen Square. However, on the same day on another continent another
notable, and less tragic events unfolded. A comparison of these events
provides an interesting perspective on the failures of the regime in
Beijing. At the same time, it offers a guide for those who seek further
economic and political reform in China.
There have been frequent claims in Asia and elsewhere that authoritarianism
provides greater stability (...). However, historical evidence suggests
that democracy is the best means for peaceful conflict resolution. The
Polish experience confirms that consensus can emerge from conflicts with
authority, without passing through chaos.
After wresting political power from communist functionaries, Poland quickly
underwent a period of eliminating some of the worst effects of central
planning. The new democratic leaders understood that political and economic
freedom would offer mutual support to one another. But China's leaders'
inability to grasp this interdependency means that their attempts to hold
on to power will doom their citizens to slower economic growth and greater
future hardships.
Poland quickly shed industrial over-capacity and resolved a potential
banking crisis (...). At the same time the economy opened to free trade. By
unleashing the enterpreneurial skills of the Poles ,many jobs lost to
post-communist downsizing were replaced by the private sector.

(...) President Jiang Zemin can join the pantheon of Chinese heroes if he
allows his people to realise their just destiny.

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