From: Maria Sliwinska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Digital Libraries Research mailing list
Subject: Interesting opportunity

Excuse me for duplication, but there is a special opportunity
for professionals from Central and Eastern Europe to visit
European events.

A few grants are still available for suitable applicants to attend one of
two key events that are taking place in Luxembourg: Telematics for
Libraries concertation meeting--17th-19th November 1999
(see also advertisement attached belowe)

and Helsinki:  Exploring the Information Society-- 22-24 November
1999  WEB SITE: http://www.ist99.fi/.

Further information and an application form are available from
Deadline for applications 25th October (Monday).

Don't miss the real opportunity!

Maria Sliwinska
ICIMSS Executive Director
ANNOUNCEMENT : Telematics for Libraries concertation meeting

Under the Fifth Framework Programme, Associated States (candidates for
EU-membership) may participate in the programme with community funding.
In Central and Eastern Europe, these states are Bulgaria, Czech Republic,
Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia,
once the Association Agreement is in force. This event is an opportunity to
meet with partners from the Telematics for Libraries programme and to find
out about key topics of interest to the cultural heritage community of
archives and museums in the next programme.

"Consolidating the European Library Space" is an important concertation
meeting for Telematics for Libraries projects and will take place in
Luxembourg from 17th-19th November 1999. There is an exciting and
focused agenda with top speakers from the cultural heritage sector and
private enterprise.

There are keynote speeches on:
-key issues and achievements of the Telematics for Libraries Programme
-accessing the future : new media literacy in the Information Society
-the converging worlds of libraries, archives and museums
-new synergies between national and European library policies
-opportunities for co-operation with Central & Eastern Europe
-the future role of the cultural heritage sector in the IST Programme

Projects can find out how to produce better project exploitation plans or
learn the latest on key issues - copyright & licensing, e-commerce and
cultural heritage institutions, new ways of delivering education services,
interoperability & standards and digital preservation. There'll also be a
session on the current Call for Proposals "Digital Preservation of
Cultural Heritage", how best to promote a project Website and the
new project Website guidelines using metadata.

Projects will have the opportunity to demonstrate their project results -
book your project into a demo slot.

Mark the transition from the Telematics for Libraries programme to the IST
Programme in the last FP4 concertation meeting of the millennium.
Be there!

Full information, an agenda and an online registration form available from:

Sun's Summer Administrative Advisor newsletter is now at
wwwwseast.usec.sun.com/edu/admin/adminadvisor2.html.  Articles
include a review of the JSTOR project, a Computer Portal update, and
the announcement of a Java in Administration Special Interest Group.

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