

Over twenty years after the signing of the Camp David Accords,
anti-Semitism in the Egyptian media, continues unchecked finding
wide-spread expression in official government publications, telecasts and
radio reports. Anti-Semitic stereotypes also are flourishing in cartoons,
caricatures and opinion columns.

The focus, though, has slowly changed from portraying Jews as dirty,
hook-nosed, money-grubbing, world dominators to comparing them with Nazis,
denying the Holocaust and advancing traditional libel charges on their
racial character.

The latest example occurred in the Egyptian daily AKBAR AL-YOM, when on
August 13 of this year, the paper praised LA gunman Buford Furrow for his
calls to murder the whole of American Jewry.

AKBAR, which has a circulation of 700,000 and whose editor is a government
appointee, said that Furrow "has a goal to annihilate the Jewish race in
the United States. I ask god to assist him in his efforts to attain this
goal. Let us join together saying, 'May it be god's will.'"

Furrow went on a shooting spree in a Los Angeles Jewish Community Center
last August, wounding 5 people, four of them children.

On May 1, 1999, an article entitled "The Jews are Liars," appeared in the
publication AL-AHRAM AL-ARABI, in which American Holocaust-denier Fred
Leuchter denies the Nazis used gas chambers to execute Jews during World
War II.

Leuchter states, "It's completely clear that this chamber is not an
execution chamber, since it contains air inlets, but not air outlets. These
chambers, like other facilities, were not designed as gas execution

According to AL-AHRAM, Leuchter's statement "by itself constitutes a death
verdict on the false legends told by the state of Israel."

Last December, AL-AHRAM ran an article by Nabil Amar, which stated, "Has
there been any change in the personality of the fanatic Jew, as it has come
to be known and described in the literature and heritage of most of the
nations of the world?

"That is to say, has there been any development of his character traits
after his state has been established and he has obtained international
influence? For example, is there any difference between Netanyahu's traits
when he is negotiating with the Palestinians, Lebanese and the Syrians, and
those of the money-lender from the play 'The Merchant of Venice?'"

The previous November, an article in AL-SHAAB entitled "The Talmud, the
Jews and Human Sacrifice" said, "Jews carry out human sacrifices to please
their blood-thirsty God... [The Talmud says] 'We have two ways of
satisfying our God: the first is on the Feast of Matzah [Passover], using
matzah mixed with human blood, and the second is the circumcision ceremony
of our children.'"

Last, but certainly not the least of examples, is an article appearing in
AL-ARAB, saying, "As for the Jews today, there is no difference between
rigid or flexible. They are all the same, the difference being whether they
kill a person with a thick, hard-bladed knife or by placing him on the
electric chair...It is possible to deter these swindlers and tricksters and
foil their schemes..."

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