Secession, Sarah and the State

2008-09-11 Thread M.A. Johnson

Secession, Sarah and the State
by Andrew Murphy
One of the more egregious attacks on Republican VP candidate, Sarah Palin
is her affiliation and her husbands with the Alaska Independence Party
(AKIP). The left-wing bloggers like the Huffington Post, Daily Kos and
several in the media including MSNBC have
tried to make hay with this. One wag at the Washington Monthly
went so far as to say the idea of secession is
Why? The truth is secession is as American as apple pie. So, the nerve of
Mrs. Palin to advocate a long-lost American doctrine like secession,
let’s bring her down they must be thinking. 
However, just as a sidebar to set the record straight, Sarah Palin was
actually never a member of AKIP. Lynette Clark, Chairmen of the AKIP
issued a press release September 3, 2008 to correct any
misunderstandings. Clark wrote, What was correct was that Todd
Palin was a member, that Sarah as a candidate for Governor appeared at
the AIP Convention in 2006, and sent a welcoming DVD to the membership at
the 2008 AIP statewide convention. 
Perhaps the Kossocks and the Huffingtonites need to brush up on their
American history. For starters,
Declaration of Independence in the final paragraph states pretty
That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, FREE
and INDEPENDENT STATES……….and that, as free and independent states, they
have the full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances,
establish commerce, and do all other things which independent states may
of right do.
Thomas Jefferson, America’s first libertarian president, in his

first inaugural address declared, If there be any among us
who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form,
let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of
opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it

Jefferson several years before in 1798 with James Madison wrote the

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions which stated, Where the
powers were assumed by the national government which had not been granted
to the states, nullification is the rightful remedy. 
During the War of 1812, several states in the northeast USA threatened to
secede because they did not want a war with England. The Connecticut
state assembly went so far as to draw up a letter of protest; the opening
sentence starts off, But it must not be forgotten, that the
State of Connecticut is a FREE SOVEREIGN AND INDEPENDENT State; that the
United States are a confederacy of States; that we are a confederated and
not a consolidated Republic. 
I will avoid mentioning the Confederacy of the United States simply to
avoid being accused of being a neo-confederate which is the
smear word for anybody who mentions secession in liberal circles. I will
mention that many northern newspapers in 1860–1861 saw secession for the
South as a perfectly constitutional thing to do. The New York Daily
Tribune wrote they saw no reason why the South shouldn’t have the
right to leave the Union (December 17, 1860). The Wisconsin
Democrat, on January 11, 1861 wrote in their editorial that the right
of secession inheres to the people of every sovereign
More ironic, the left forgets that one of the most liberal states in
the Union has one of the largest secession movements in the USA, Vermont.
The state that gave us socialist Bernie Sanders and politically correct
ice cream (Ben and Jerry’s), has a huge secession movement. One of the
strongest supporters for the
secession movement in
Vermont is Nation magazine contributor, Kirkpatrick Sale.

Therefore, whether you are a secessionist or not, it is impossible to
deny that it has a rich tradition in American history. It is an idea that
unites both libertarians and some decentralized leftists. If the media
and the leftist bloggers want to continue to try and make an issue out of
this perfectly respectable American idea, I say, Sarah and Todd Palin
shouldn’t back down. If it was good enough for Thomas Jefferson, it ought
to be good enough for the rest of us. Right? 
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Re: Palin described the building of a $30 billion natural gas pipeline in Alaska as God's will, which she would work to carry out as governor.

2008-09-11 Thread mike532

oh poor baby i guess you didn't like her speech calling the pipeline
Gods will and asking for prayers . here is a liitle  a tip for you
because you don't like something and it gets your panties in a wad
doesn't mean  it isn't true it just means your judgement is flawed !
and if you can disput any of my sources just do it and stop whining .

On Sep 10, 2:40 pm, Cold Water [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 WTF are you talking about??? Your words:  In her actions concerning gays
 and her tinkering with a Supreme Court ruling.  Please give a link (a real
 link to a real source and not one of Mike's BS sources) to her actions
 concerning gays and her tinkering with a Supreme Court ruling or are these
 like the four heart attacks you claim John McCain had  (HE DID NOT)

 I REALLY hope you aren't as stupid as you appear to be.  You certainly don't
 believe EVERYTHING you read on the Internet do you?  Mike's posts are like
 the British tabloids - they are full of garbage.

 BTW -  Most Americans are AGAINST same-sex marriage.  Palin's position is
 NOT extreme at all and as governor she had every right to do as she did.
 You know absolutely NOTHING about government in the US.

 - Original Message -
 From: creusa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: PoliticalForum
 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 9:06 AM
 Subject: Re: Palin described the building of a $30 billion natural gas

 pipeline in Alaska as God's will, which she would work to carry out as

 She is truly a bigoted recidivist who may also be a closet white
 supremacist (they think like this too) who believes in the Voice of
 God telling her things...she is now handling truckloads of money
 because she hears voices!!
 I cannot believe that she is taken seriously...she needs locking up!!
 In her actions concerning gays and her tinkering with a Supreme Court
 ruling, she WOULD be locked up in Europe for hate crimes. And quite
 rightly too. It is bigotry pure and simple, born of stupidity and
 closed-mindedness. I'll bet she doesn't care for Muslims taking their
 Q'ran litetrally...what hypocrisy!!


 On Sep 10, 8:24 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sarah Palin: A Gidget for God's

  The Constitution established the United States of America as a
  Christian nation, declared John McCain back in September 2007. With
  his vice-presidential pick of Governor Sarah Palin, he has found a
  winsome soul mate who is even more of a Christian nationalist, eager
  to use government to impose her religious views on the rest of us.

  Palin's stance on abortion illustrates her approach. As she
  proudly declares, she sees the Bible as literally true, which leads
  her to believe that aborting a fetus is murder. That position
  contradicts our long history of common and statutory law. She then
  goes on to conclude that government should severely punish anyone who
  has an abortion or performs one, even in the case of rape or incest.
  She also opposes stem cell research.

  McCain hears God less extremely, but the Republican platform
  echoes Palin, and if she ever became president, she would feel
  completely justified in making her religious belief a litmus test for
  appointees to the Supreme Court.

  Her attitude toward gays and lesbians is similar, though observers
  in both the gay press and corporate media have misrepresented the
  firmness of her convictions. The confusion stems from a legal suit
  that some same-sex couples filed in 1999, arguing that Alaska had no
  right to deny domestic partners of state employees the same health and
  pension benefits that the state gave to married spouses. The case made
  its way to Alaska's Supreme Court, which ruled in 2005 that the state
  could not discriminate against the domestic partners.

  In the political firestorm that followed, the Alaska legislature
  passed a bill forbidding state officials to pay the benefits. Alaska's
  attorney general then declared the bill unconstitutional, and the
  newly inaugurated Governor Palin felt legally obliged to veto it. But,
  she loudly proclaimed her opposition to spousal benefits for domestic
  partners and signed a separate bill calling for a state referendum,
  which she said would lay the groundwork for overturning the state
  Supreme Court ruling.

  She also declared her long-time opposition to same-sex marriage, a
  position she had displayed as early as 1998 when she enthusiastically
  backed a constitutional amendment to ban the practice in Alaska.

  I believe that honoring the family structure is that important,
  she told the Anchorage Daily News in 2006. She was not out to judge
  anyone and has good friends who are gay. But, she explained, her
  opposition grew out of her strong religious views.

  Palin's religious convictions, and her willingness to use the
  power of government to force them on others, has won strong backing

Re: Dems trash U.S. flags at DNC convention

2008-09-11 Thread mike532

bingo !

On Sep 10, 2:14 pm, doctoroe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The Republicans tried to set that up. They put flags in the trash then
 tried to 'leak ' it to the media.  It didn't work.

 On Sep 9, 9:08 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I don't murky, but you sure as hell do.  so you are saying the nyt
  spreads lies?

  On Sep 9, 8:55 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   he has written a book, ''Fugitive Days'' (Beacon Press, September).
   Mr. Ayers, who is 56, calls it a memoir, somewhat coyly perhaps, since
   he also says some of it is fiction
   you do seem to have a problem seperating fact from fiction don't
   you ?
   On Sep 9, 7:55 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

how does your liberal rag the nyt suit ya

''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't
do enough.'' Mr. Ayers, who spent the 1970's as a fugitive in the
Weather Underground, was sitting in the kitchen of his big turn-of-
the-19th-century stone house in the Hyde Park district of 

On Sep 9, 7:49 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 please provide the source of your information !

 On Sep 9, 7:46 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  murky murky murky.  so naive,  so child like, do dense.  ayers not
  only has admitted his part in bombings carried out in the 60's, but
  has also said he wished he could have done more.

  On Sep 9, 3:24 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   i know who ayers is ! i also know trying to link ayers who was 
   charged or admited to any crime and obamam is just as dishonest as
   trying to say that because flags were stored in plastic bags they 
   in the trash .

   On Sep 8, 4:19 pm, BlueFlorida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A.nowwouldyouadmitseeingitorcontinueto dismiss the
I'm shocked you do not know who Ayers is.

On Sep 8, 4:10 pm, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i already saw the picture ofg the flags stored in plastic 
 bags .
 there is no picture of any flags thrown in the trash as you 
 claim but
 nice try sparky !

 On Sep 8, 12:31 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  murky, go here, scroll down 
  until you see
  the picture.  can't miss it.  it's the one with all the 
  flags in
  garbage bags thrown out by the dems.  and right below it is 
  a picture
  of nobama;s friend and colleague, ayers, standing on an 

  On Sep 8, 12:00 pm, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   what in the world are you talking about ?

   On Sep 8, 11:44 am, BlueFlorida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'd love to know your remarks about Ayers in an alley 
stomping the
flag.  You sure Obama wasn't in the background?

On Sep 8, 3:57 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 please show where it says the flags were being thrown 
 out in this
 propoganda piece . and you are the one who said it 
 was wrong to burn
 the flag . to which i showed you how stupid that 
 statement was   you
 are missing the poing here sgt.  the dems have so 
 little respect for
 this country and it's flag that not only do they have 
 no problem
 burning it,

 On Sep 7, 8:19 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  these were not worn out flags, murky, they were 
  brand new flags that
  they did not use.  so they threw them out.  real 
  nice respect for our
  flag and our country.  actions speak louder than 
  words murky, and this
  action speaks volumes.

  On Sep 7, 7:59 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   Jesus what do you think happens to worn out flags 
   Take the United States flag down, and replace it 
   with a new one when
   you see signs of wear. It needs to be disposed of 
   in a fitting way
   that shows respect. Do not just throw it in the 
   Step2Contact your local VFW (Veterans of Foreign 
   Wars), Girl Scout or
   Boy Scout Troop, Knights of Columbus or Local 
   Elks club to see if they
   offer the disposal service and ceremony for 
   worn-out United States
   flags. Retired flags are 

Re: Surprise! Palin Investigators Are Obamatrons

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

The investigation began before she was nominated,
try again, do a little research before posting such BS.

This Lie was so superficial I could use it for a window pane.

On Sep 10, 8:58 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In yet another indication of their desperation, Democrats are trying
 to concoct a scandal out of Sarah Palin's having fired Walt Monegan,
 who used his office to protect a deranged State Trooper best known for
 blasting a 10-year-old with a Taser.

 you need to go to the website to see the picture referred to

     The man overseeing the investigation, Sen. Hollis French, is the
 bald guy near the back (fifth from left, by the Obama '08 posters).
 Any doubts about this hack's objectivity yet?

     Well, it gets better. Last week, for obvious reasons, Rep. John
 Coghill asked the Alaska Legislative Council to remove French from the
 probe. Coghill's request was rejected:

     On Monday, the head of the Legislative Council turned down his
 request. Democratic Sen. Kim Elton responded that he is sure that
 partisan politics can be kept out of the probe.

     You know what's coming, right? Senator Elton is also in the
 picture. He's the tall bearded guy on the far left (ahem) of the

 Thankfully, it looks like Obama's campaign will go down like the
 Hindenburg. But The One can console himself with the knowledge that
 even so, he has left his mark on America, by spreading Chicago-style
 politics all the way to Alaska.
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Re: Sarah Palin

2008-09-11 Thread creusa

Sir when you have come to understand European history, the
enlightenment and its subsequest effects properly, I will discuss this
with you gain. I am not here to give you a history lesson and clarly
you have been educated by a system which is not only biased but
I suggest a three year stay in Europe so that you will stop making
such silly remarks.

On Sep 10, 7:03 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The enlightenment was was the supremacy of reason. Not 
  something you have maintained.

 Go read the Scotiish Enlightenment writers (Locke, Hume,
 Berkley) ...   You will find that they advocated human rights were
 inalienable precisely because those rights came from a higher and
 unknowable power than rational man...

  Don't be silly...France was Roman Catholic.

 The French Enlightenment spawned Karl Marx and his like...  It saw
 rationalism as self defining truth separate from faith...  The English
 Enlightenment was quite the opposite...

  Nonsense. WE have our problems but we don't HATE them as I have seen 
  expressed fact wehave a far greatertolerance for muslims

 than it seems Ameicans have for their black citizens since it is this
 which is making Obama's victory so difficult. Hatred? You have only
 had Civil /Human Rights here for 45 years.

 What BS...  It is clear you believe in the myths MSM force fed
 you...   Would France serious consider a North Africa for
 President???  After all the Moslem population in France is roughly
 that of AA in the US...  Would Germany consider a Turk for PM???
 Would Britian consider a Black Indian Brit for PM???

 Until Europeans are willing to give a member of a 14% minority the
 highest office in the land, then tell me about America's human

  That is why Europe is so keen to see Obama elected...we know he is more 
  in tune with the way the rest of the world thinks.

 AMERICA IS NOT EUROPE  While European settlers dominated from 1700
 to today, we have quite a different culture understanding  --  one
 that allows for multi-culturalism within a relate civil polity...
 Europe is still rift with the problems of ethnic based nationalities
 and a mere 50 years ended a 40 year world-wide European Civil War that
 showed the European underbelly of totalitarianism that one still sees
 in conflicts in Kosovo and Georgia...   Thank god European can not
 vote in the US...  I suspect Germans fell the same way about Turks not
 being able to vote in German elections, I suspect Germans favor
 governments that center on German needs rather than Turkish ones...

  Not what I read here a couple of years ago.  How do you know it was a 
  myth? Please post documented proof that it was a myth.

 Just look at what we did after 1991 in Kuwait...  Or are doing in
 Iraq...  Those countries own their own oil and are in control of their
 own oil fields...

 On Sep 10, 3:52 am, creusa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Sep 9, 5:40 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

he is running for the possible top job in a supposedly enlightened, 
balanced  and rational country.

   I understand YOUR position is that this means all leaders should
   believe in Science as I understand it...   Part of the difference
   between Europe and the US is that the US is grounded by the English
   and Scotish Enlighenment which was Deistic.

  The enlightenment was was the supremacy of reason. Not
  something you have maintained.

    Europe settled for the

   French atheistic version...

  Don't be silly...France was Roman Catholic. In those days it mattered.
  We have become more secular as we have had to absorb so many other
  faiths and cultures.

  Now in OUR enlightened, balanced  and

   rational country we allow for different opinions and not insist on
   only the Truth as seen be Evolutionists...

  So you rationalists deny science? Do you then deny the study of
  genetics and do you, for example, never wonder why it is possible to
  modify animals and crops for yield, looks and performance?  Are you
  just stubbornly blind?

   What I am suggesting here

   is maybe it is Europe which is not the enlightened, balanced  and
   rational ones when it comes to philosophy and theology...

  You wouldn't know, not living here. Your assessment of Europe is not
  the one I llive in but a product of your media...not known for its

As for the US being more tolerant of other religions than ...(you 
mentioned Europe) , it isn't Europe which has spewed such hatred for 
Muslims as I have seen in this list.

   There is less anti-Moslem violence in the US than there is in
   Europe...  Holland, Francs, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Denmark among
   others have story after story affirming the ghettoization of Moslems
   (either by general society or self imposed)...  The news is full of
   Moslem violence and rioting and anti-Moslem violence and rioting...
   I will suggest that there is LESS toleration in Europe 

Glitz, hype lies and war. A little hard reality and the US election campaign.

2008-09-11 Thread Frank

Glitz, hype lies and war. A little hard reality and the US election

The US primaries leading up to the election have had no more substance
than “American Idol”. Glitz and carefully stage managed hype vaunting
a handful of multimillionaire political mediocrities and scoundrels,
financed by the wealthiest sections of Corporate America. In the
current political climate, the ruling elites cannot abide any
opposition to their policies of war and attacks on the working-class.
All political dissent has been crushed during the farcical nomination
ceremonies, with charges having being laid invoking anti-terrorism
provisions within the patriot act.

Both the Democrat and Republican presidential nominees failed to
condemn the brutal police state repression used to curb the freedom of
speech of political protestors and the arrest members of the media so
as to prevent them filming these attacks.

America is not a functioning Democracy; it is a police-state
Plutocracy of Burgher and surf where the ruling elites enjoy the
privileges of obscene wealth, while 40% of the population share just
0.2% of the nations wealth—the richest nation in the world that ranks
number 42 in life expectancy.

The extreme gulf in wealth and privilege between the candidates and
their corporate backers and the hardships, insecurities, house
repossessions and job lay-offs facing 10’s of millions of the
community will continue to increase unless Americans move to rid
themselves of these most reprehensible exploiters, war criminals and
thugs and take matters into their own hands.

You cannot vote for progressive change, a vote for either party is a
vote for war and the destruction of the living standards of hard
working honest people everywhere. This is an objective fact.

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Glitz, hype lies and war. A little hard reality and the US election campaign.

2008-09-11 Thread Frank

Glitz, hype lies and war. A little hard reality and the US election

The US primaries leading up to the election have had no more substance
than “American Idol”. Glitz and carefully stage managed hype vaunting
a handful of multimillionaire political mediocrities and scoundrels,
financed by the wealthiest sections of Corporate America. In the
current political climate, the ruling elites cannot abide any
opposition to their policies of war and social regressive policies.
All political dissent has been crushed during the farcical nomination
ceremonies, with charges having being laid invoking anti-terrorism
provisions within the patriot act.

Both the Democrat and Republican presidential nominees failed to
condemn the brutal police state repression used to curb the freedom of
speech of political protestors and the arrest members of the media so
as to prevent them filming these attacks.

America is not a functioning Democracy; it is a police-state
Plutocracy of Burgher and surf where the ruling elites enjoy the
privileges of obscene wealth, while 40% of the population share just
0.2% of the nations wealth—the richest nation in the world that ranks
number 42 in life expectancy.

The extreme gulf in wealth and privilege between the candidates and
their corporate backers and the hardships, insecurities, house
repossessions and job lay-offs facing 10’s of millions of the
community will continue to increase unless Americans move to rid
themselves of these most reprehensible exploiters, war criminals and
thugs and take matters into their own hands and bring those
responsible for crimes against humanity to face justice. The Democrats
won’t do it; they are as dishonest and responsible as the GOP

You cannot vote for progressive change, a vote for either party is a
vote for war and the destruction of the living standards of hard
working honest people everywhere. This is an objective fact.

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Lehman looks into the abyss

2008-09-11 Thread Frank

Lehman looks into the abyss

September 11, 2008 - 3:34PM

Commentary by Michael Lewis

To see the mental state of financial markets at the moment you need
only to sit at a computer with an Internet connection and watch
investors respond to journalism.

On Tuesday morning Bloomberg News quoted an unidentified person inside
Lehman Brothers saying his firm had tried and failed to raise capital
from the Korean Development Bank. This report came on the heels of an
earlier one by Dow Jones in which a named person who regulated the
Korean Development Bank denied such a thing had happened -- but no

A few minutes after Bloomberg News posted the piece, it was the most-
read news of the day, and Lehman's shares went into a free fall.
Fifteen minutes later they had lost almost half their value.

What's interesting, among other things, is the total lack of
reflection in the markets. Who had heard of the Korean Development
Bank? Who knew what it did, or whether the people inside it were
shrewd assessors of subprime-mortgage portfolios?

Basically no one, I'd guess. And yet a single report from an unnamed
person inside Lehman that some Koreans had considered, and then passed
on, investing in the firm was enough to cause the shares to crash.

And all that had really happened was that KBD proved it may have
finally grasped what should be for Asians a cardinal investment
principle: Never buy anything an American investment banker is

Lehman doomed

What one can see from this event is that Lehman Brothers is doomed.
It's doomed, in part, because it still owns all sorts of crappy assets
at inflated prices.

It holds tens of billions of dollars in subprime-related assets of the
sort Merrill Lynch  Co. just disgorged at 22 cents on the dollar. But
that's probably just the beginning.

There's no happy reason they haven't explained in detail their
exposure to credit-default swaps. No one -- not its big investors, not
the analysts and journalists who cover it, not even, perhaps, the
Korean Development Bank -- has had a clear view of its assets and

This opacity was once a huge advantage: the people outside assumed the
best. It's now an even bigger disadvantage: people outside assume the

But Lehman is doomed for another reason: People are enjoying its
failure. The pleasure and interest the markets now take in seeing it
fail now exceeds their pleasure and interest in seeing it survive.

Interest in failure

This is one of the many unintended little side effects of the
government bailout of Bear Stearns: to greatly reduce the interest of
the people who do business with Lehman Brothers in the survival of
Lehman Brothers.

All those people whose affairs are intertwined with Lehman might have
pressured them to handle their problems more briskly and intelligently
-- and might also be trying to keep it afloat. The US government has
made it possible for them to instead stand back and watch with some
detachment and even pleasure as Lehman collapses.

After all, the Federal Reserve will give them their money back, re-
insure their credit defaults, take another pile of these distressed
assets out of the market. And when the dust settles they can go in and
poach Lehman's business and its smarter employees.

The Bear Stearns bailout was supposed to prevent the crisis from
rippling through Wall Street. Obviously it hasn't done that. It's
merely thrown the crisis into slow motion and prolonged the agony.

And it's given the Korean Development Bank whole new powers.

(Michael Lewis is a Bloomberg News columnist and the author, most
recently, of ``The Blind Side.'' The opinions expressed are his own.)

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McCain's Integrity

2008-09-11 Thread mike532

McCain's Integrity
Editor's Note: Historically a John McCain supporter, conservative
journalist and blogger Andrew Sullivan takes on the issue of John
McCain's integrity as he strives to win the presidency. - vh/TO

For me, this surreal moment - like the entire surrealism of the
past ten days - is not really about Sarah Palin or Barack Obama or
pigs or fish or lipstick. It's about John McCain. The one thing I
always thought I knew about him is that he is a decent and honest
person. When he knows, as every sane person must, that Obama did not
in any conceivable sense mean that Sarah Palin is a pig, what did he
do? Did he come out and say so and end this charade? Or did he
acquiesce in and thereby enable the mindless Rovianism that is now the
core feature of his campaign?

So far, he has let us all down. My guess is he will continue to do
so. And that decision, for my part, ends whatever respect I once had
for him. On core moral issues, where this man knew what the right
thing was, and had to pick between good and evil, he chose evil. When
he knew that George W. Bush's war in Iraq was a fiasco and
catastrophe, and before Donald Rumsfeld quit, McCain endorsed George
W. Bush against his fellow Vietnam vet, John Kerry in 2004. By that
decision, McCain lost any credibility that he can ever put country
first. He put party first and his own career first ahead of what he
knew was best for the country.

And when the Senate and House voted overwhelmingly to condemn and
end the torture regime of Bush and Cheney in 2006, McCain again had a
clear choice between good and evil, and chose evil.

He capitulated and enshrined torture as the policy of the United
States, by allowing the CIA to use techniques as bad as and worse than
the torture inflicted on him in Vietnam. He gave the war criminals in
the White House retroactive immunity against the prosecution they so
richly deserve. The enormity of this moral betrayal, this betrayal of
his country's honor, has yet to sink in. But for my part, it now makes
much more sense. He is not the man I thought he was.

And when he had the chance to engage in a real and substantive
debate against the most talented politician of the next generation in
a fall campaign where vital issues are at stake, what did McCain do?
He began his general campaign with a series of grotesque, trivial and
absurd MTV-style attacks on Obama's virtues and implied disgusting
things about his opponent's patriotism.

And then, because he could see he was going to lose, ten days ago,
he threw caution to the wind and with no vetting whatsoever, picked a
woman who, by her decision to endure her own eight-month pregnancy of
a Down Syndrome child in public, that he was going to reignite the
culture war as a last stand against Obama. That's all that is
happening right now: a massive bump in the enthusiasm of the
Christianist base. This is pure Rove.

Yes, McCain made a decision that revealed many appalling things
about him. In the end, his final concern is not national security. No
one who cares about national security would pick as vice-president
someone who knows nothing about it as his replacement. No one who
cares about this country's safety would gamble the security of the
world on a total unknown because she polled well with the Christianist
base. No person who truly believed that the surge was integral to this
country's national security would pick as his veep candidate a woman
who, so far as we can tell anything, opposed it at the time.

McCain has demonstrated in the last two months that he does not
have the character to be president of the United States. And that is
why it is more important than ever to ensure that Barack Obama is the
next president. The alternative is now unthinkable. And McCain - no
one else - has proved it.

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Paul Begala rips MSM, Republican operative for flat-out lying about Palin’s record

2008-09-11 Thread mike532

Paul Begala rips MSM, Republican operative for flat-out lying about
Palin’s record
Paul Begala goes to town on GOP media consultant Alex Castellanos for
peddling blatant falsehoods about Sarah Palin’s “reformer” record,
specifically her phantom opposition to the “Bridge to Nowhere,” which
she not only supported, but for which hired a Abramoff crony to secure
the earmark.
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ALEX CASTELLANOS: The amazing thing about Sarah Palin is when she
became governor she actually stood up and said no.

BEGALA: That’s not true.

CASTELLANOS: She took a strong stand. That is rare and that never

BEGALA: That’s just not true. You know, John, the facts matter.
There’s lots of things that are debatable who is more qualified or
less experienced or more this or more passionate, whatever. It is a
fact that she campaigned and supported that bridge to nowhere. It is a
fact that she hired lobbyists to get earmarks. It is a fact that as
governor she lobbies for earmarks. Her state is essentially a welfare
state taking money from the federal government… This is the problem.
We have this false debate when we ought to have at least agreed upon

Begala couldn’t be more spot on here: Facts are facts. Opinions can be
debated, but facts are concrete and can’t simply be spun away. It
seems to me that this is the crux of the McCain strategy: take an
unknown hockey mom from Alaska, tell everyone she’s a reformer, lie
about her record in order to convince people of it, then keep her
sequestered from the press when they start asking questions. Are the
American people really dumb enough to fall for it?

Full transcript below the fold:

ROBERTS: Paul, there’s a lot of controversy about whether or not she
supported the bridge to nowhere. We pulled some sound from a 2006
debate in which she appears to at least give tacit approval to it.
Let’s listen to what she said.


in the way of progress that our congressional delegation and the
position of strength that they have right now. They’re making those
efforts for the state of Alaska to build up our infrastructure. I
would not get in the way of progress — this project or other projects
that they are working so hard on.


ROBERTS: That would appear, Paul, to end any argument over whether or
not she supported the bridge initially. But why can’t Barack Obama
make that point stick?

PAUL BEGALA, CNN POLITICAL CONTRIBUTOR: Because the press won’t do its
job, John. I criticized Barack Obama when he hasn’t been tough enough.
Barack’s job is to run against John McCain, right. Don’t shoot the
monkey when you can shoot for the organ grinder. His job is not to
focus on number two but number one. But it is the media’s job when a
politician flat out lies like she’s doing on this bridge to nowhere so
call her on it. Or this matter of earmarks where she’s attacking
Barack Obama for having earmarks, when she was the mayor of little
Wasilla, Alaska, 6,000 people, she hired a lobbyist who was connected
to Jack Abramoff, who is a criminal and they brought home $27 million
in earmarks. She carried so much pork home she got trichinosis. But we
in the media are letting her tell lies about her record.

ROBERTS: Hey, OK. We got to let Alex respond to that. Flat out lies,

Look, every elected official in this country works under the system we
have, which is you try to get a little bit of your tax money back. You
just don’t want to leave it all in Washington. The amazing thing about
Sarah Palin is when she became governor she actually stood up and said
no. And she made it -

BEGALA: That’s not true.

CASTELLANOS: She took a strong stand. That is rare and that never

ROBERTS: All right.

BEGALA: That’s just not true. You know, John, the facts matter.
There’s lots of things that are debatable who is more qualified or
less experienced or more this or more passionate, whatever. It is a
fact that she campaigned and supported that bridge to nowhere. It is a
fact that she hired lobbyists to get earmarks. It is a fact that as
governor she lobbies for earmarks. Her state is essentially a welfare
state taking money from the federal government.

ROBERTS: We still have 56 days to talk about this back and forth.

BEGALA: This is the problem. We have this false debate when we ought
to have at least agreed upon facts.

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One year of the Democratic 110th Congress: A record of duplicity, cowardice and political reaction

2008-09-11 Thread Frank

One year of the Democratic 110th Congress: A record of duplicity,
cowardice and political reaction
By Patrick Martin
21 December 2007

The Democratic-controlled US Congress ended its first year in office
Wednesday with a record of capitulation to the policies of the Bush
administration all down the line. In the main areas where voters
expected a change when they brought the Democrats to power in November
2006—the war in Iraq, the deterioration of working class living
standards and social services, the mounting attacks on democratic
rights—the Democrats have proven to be Bush’s collaborators, not his

The last major action of this congressional session was the passage of
budget and tax legislation that demonstrates the gaping class divide
in American society—and underscores the role of the Democrats, no less
than the Republicans, as defenders of the financial aristocracy.

The $555 billion spending bill funds the budgets of 11 of the 12
federal departments through the end of the fiscal year, next September
30. The Senate approved the bill Tuesday by 76-17, with a large
majority of the Democrats joining all the Republicans to back
legislation that conformed exactly to White House specifications.

Funding the war in Iraq

The Senate voted by 70-25 to add $40 billion in emergency funding for
the war in Iraq to the overall spending bill, acting on an amendment
introduced by Democrat Carl Levin of Michigan, chairman of the Armed
Services Committee. The Senate rejected, by a 71 to 24 vote, an
amendment to set a date for troop withdrawals from Iraq. Five fewer
senators voted for the measure than backed a similar amendment last

The resulting bill, funding the war through the first several months
of 2008, was approved by the House of Representatives Wednesday by a
margin of 272 to 142. Nearly all the Republicans voted for the bill,
while a majority of Democrats voted “no” in order to sustain their
pretense of being “antiwar.” The support of a large minority of House
Democrats, a total of 78, guaranteed final passage of the bill—the
outcome desired by the Democratic leadership.

This week’s voting is at least the third such collapse of the supposed
Democratic opposition to the war since the current Congress took
office. The House and Senate passed an emergency funding bill pumping
$150 billion into the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq last May, after
months of empty protest were answered by Bush with a steady escalation
of US military operations in Iraq (the “surge”).

The funding bill set a September deadline for a report back to
Congress on the surge by top US military and foreign policy officials.
Following the testimony of General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan
Crocker, Senate Democrats held a handful of test votes on antiwar
amendments to the defense appropriations bill, lost each vote, and
then abandoned the effort.

Attacks on democratic rights

The Democrats’ record is no better on the other major political issues
that have dominated this year’s congressional session. On democratic
rights, the principal concern of the congressional Democratic
leadership was that they might be branded as “soft on terrorism” if
they opposed the Bush administration’s shredding of the Constitution.

There was no action to repeal the Patriot Act or to compel the Bush
administration to shut down its concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba. Congress approved interim legislation last August granting the
National Security Agency and other intelligence groups vastly wider
powers to conduct wiretapping and other forms of domestic electronic
surveillance, and the Democrats have promised to take up legislation
in January to extend these powers indefinitely.

The Democrats did nothing to ban the use of torture by US intelligence
agencies or to reverse the grossly unconstitutional legislation
adopted one year ago that eliminates the right of habeas corpus for
prisoners at Guantanamo and at secret US prisons in other overseas
locations. The Democratic congressional leadership also caved in to
the racist anti-immigrant campaign whipped up through right-wing talk
radio, scuttling legislation that, while loaded with reactionary
repressive measures, would have provided a path to legalization for
some of the millions of undocumented workers now living in the US.

The Democrats moved aggressively only in their effort to oust Attorney
General Alberto Gonzales, brought down by the scandal over the firing
of US attorneys who failed to join in his efforts to target Democratic
Party officeholders and candidates. But once Gonzales resigned, the
congressional Democrats dutifully confirmed Michael Mukasey as his
successor, despite Mukasey’s refusal to characterize water-boarding as
torture and illegal under US and international law.

The only legislative “achievement” in the sphere of democratic rights
was a retrogression—passage of legislation to enact several of the
recommendations of the 9/11 commission which had been opposed by 

Alaska Republican senator renominated despite indictment

2008-09-11 Thread Frank

Alaska Republican senator renominated despite indictment
By Patrick Martin
2 September 2008

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One of the most powerful Republicans in the US Senate, Ted Stevens of
Alaska, won renomination in the state Republican primary August 26,
four weeks after he was indicted on charges of concealing lavish gifts
from an oil services company when he filed disclosure reports with the
Senate required under the Ethics in Government Act.

Stevens, 84, has been a US Senator since he was appointed to fill a
vacancy in 1968. He won renomination by 63 percent, but trails in the
polls against his Democratic opponent, Mark Begich, the mayor of

The likely ouster of Stevens brings to at least five the number of US
Senate seats that the Democratic Party is expected to gain in the
November elections. Democratic candidates are heavily favored to win
three seats where Republican senators are retiring, in Virginia, New
Mexico and Colorado, while Democratic challengers are leading in the
polls against incumbent Republican senators in Alaska and New
Hampshire, and competitive in Oregon, Minnesota, Mississippi and North
Carolina. Only one Democratic seat, in Louisiana, is considered at

The case against Stevens is part of a broad corruption probe that has
targeted much of the Republican Party establishment in Alaska.
Governor Sarah Palin—now selected as the vice-presidential running
mate of John McCain—defeated the incumbent governor, Frank Murkowski,
in the Republican primary two years ago in large measure because of
Murkowski’s ties to the scandal. Palin was previously a political
unknown, the part-time mayor of the town of Wasilla, before Murkowski
appointed her to a position on the state’s powerful oil industry
regulatory authority.

The gifts received by Stevens included improvements worth several
hundred thousand dollars to his home in Girdwood, Alaska, kitchen
appliances and other furnishings as well as a new Land Rover. The
company, VECO Corp., repeatedly sent employees to Stevens’s house to
carry out repairs and construction, including jacking up the entire
house so that a new ground floor could be built. The company also
hired one of Stevens’s sons for a management position.

In return for these payoffs, Stevens was an ardent advocate of VECO’s
interests, both within Alaska and internationally. In 1999, he
earmarked $2.5 million in Labor Department funds to bring Russian
oilfield workers to Alaska for training, an effort to assist VECO
build up its oil and gas exploration work on Sakhalin Island in
Russia’s Far East. He also put pressure on the government of Pakistan,
which was in dispute with VECO over payments for oil pipeline work in
that country.

He has responded to the indictment by seeking to have the charges
suppressed, claiming that they violated the “speech and debate” clause
of the Constitution, which makes congressmen and senators immune from
executive branch prosecution for their legislative actions.

The indictment, however, does not relate to legislative acts, such as
the earmark for VECO, but to Stevens using his influence with the Bush
administration and the Alaska state government to further the
company’s interests. During the period in question Ben Stevens, the
senator’s oldest son, was the Republican leader of the Alaska state

VECO chairman Bill Allen pleaded guilty early this year on charges of
bribing state and local officials, including $250,000 in cash bribes
to Ben Stevens. He is expected to be a star witness against Ted
Stevens as well, although the senator is not actually charged with
bribery, but with failure to disclose (similar to the famous
prosecution of mobster Al Capone, on charges not of racketeering, but
for failure to pay income taxes on his illegal earnings).

Senator Stevens demanded an early trial and sought to have it held in
Alaska, in a transparent effort to rig the outcome, since every
sitting federal judge in Alaska owes his appointment to the senator. A
federal judge in the District of Columbia ruled against him, however,
and the trial is now set to begin in Washington September 24.

A second long-serving legislator, Congressman Don Young, was locked in
a tight primary contest, as he led his main challenger, Lieutenant
Governor Sean Parnell, by barely 100 votes out of more than 80,000
cast. Young has also been linked to the VECO scandal, which has
embroiled much of the state’s Republican establishment, but he has not
yet been indicted. Several thousand absentee ballots remain to be
counted and the second-place candidate will undoubtedly seek a

A VECO executive who pleaded guilty to bribery charges testified that
part of his job was to arrange annual fundraisers for Young. The
Democratic-controlled Congress also approved a resolution this year
asking the Justice Department to investigate a $10 million earmark
Young put into a 2005 highway appropriations bill, funding the

A judge repeatedly told Palin and family not to badmouth her sister's ex

2008-09-11 Thread mike532

A judge repeatedly told Palin and family not to badmouth her sister's
An Anchorage judge three years ago warned Sarah Palin and members of
her family to stop disparaging the reputation of Alaska State
Trooper Michael Wooten, who at the time was undergoing a bitter
separation and divorce from Palin's sister Molly.

Allegations that Palin, her husband Todd, and at least one top
gubernatorial aide continued to vilify Wooten—after Palin became
Alaska's governor and pressured state police officials to take action
against him—are at the center of Troopergate, a political and
ethical controversy which has embroiled Palin's administration and is
currently the subject of an official inquiry by a special investigator
hired by the state legislature.

Court records obtained by NEWSWEEK show that during the course of
divorce hearings three years ago, Judge John Suddock heard testimony
from an official of the Alaska State Troopers' union about how Sarah
Palin—then a private citizen—and members of her family, including her
father and daughter, lodged up to a dozen complaints against Wooten
with the state police. The union official told the judge that he had
never before been asked to appear as a divorce-case witness, that the
union believed family complaints against Wooten were not job-
related, and that Wooten was being harassed by Palin and other
family members.

Court documents show that Judge Suddock was disturbed by the alleged
attacks by Palin and her family members on Wooten's behavior and
character. Disparaging will not be tolerated—it is a form of child
abuse, the judge told a settlement hearing in October 2005, according
to typed notes of the proceedings. The judge added: Relatives cannot
disparage either. If occurs [sic] the parent needs to set boundaries
for their relatives.

A spokesperson for the law firm that represented Palin's sister, now
known as Molly Hackett, said Hackett's lawyer would have no comment
because custody issues are still in litigation. Other lawyers
representing Sarah Palin in connection with the state legislative
investigation—which is examining whether she abused her powers as
governor in trying to have Wooten fired or disciplined—had no
immediate comment. Palin's official gubernatorial spokeswoman did not
respond to e-mails and a phone message requesting comment.

Wooten's lawyer also did not respond to messages requesting comment.
John Cyr, executive director of the State Troopers union, who
testified at the divorce hearing and is acting as Wooten's spokesman,
said Wooten has avoided giving media interviews because he wants to
avoid criticizing his former relatives (to date, Wooten has granted
just one interview, to CNN).

As the divorce case dragged on, the judge's concern about family
disparagement appeared to deepen. In an order signed Jan. 31, 2006,
which granted Palin's sister and Wooten a final divorce decree, Judge
Suddock continued to express concern about attacks by Palin's family
on Wooten. The judge even threatened to curb Palin's sister's child
custody rights if family criticism of Wooten continued.

In monitoring how a joint-custody arrangement worked out, the judge
said in his order that he would pay particular attention to problems
noted by a custody investigator, specifically the disparagement of
the father [Wooten] by the mother [Molly Hackett, Sarah Palin's
sister] and her family members.

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Iraq Cancels Six No-Bid Oil Contracts

2008-09-11 Thread mike532

Iraq Cancels Six No-Bid Oil Contracts
A Bush  plan to award six no-bid contracts to Western oil companies,
which came under sharp criticism from several United States senators
this summer, has been withdrawn, participants in the negotiations said
on Wednesday.

»Iraq’s oil minister, Hussain al-Shahristani, told reporters at an
OPEC summit meeting in Vienna on Tuesday that talks with Exxon Mobil,
Chevron, Shell, Total, BP and several smaller companies for one-year
deals, which were announced in June and subsequently delayed, had
dragged on for so long that the companies could not now fulfill the
work within that time frame. The companies confirmed on Wednesday that
the deals had been canceled.

While not particularly lucrative by industry standards, the contracts
were valued for providing a foothold in Iraq at a time when oil
companies are being shut out of energy-rich countries around the
world. The companies will still be eligible to compete in open bidding
in Iraq.

The six no-bid deals were for work to increase Iraqi oil production
from existing oil fields by half a million barrels a day — the same
amount by which OPEC countries agreed Tuesday to reduce output. After
its cancellation of the deals, Iraq reduced by 200,000 barrels per day
its goal of producing 2.9 million barrels per day by the end of the

The deals would have been the first major oil contracts with the
central government since the toppling of Saddam Hussein in 2003,
though the Kurdistan region has separately signed more than 20

Since that time, however, Iraq’s central government has moved on with
other energy deals. The Oil Ministry last month signed its first major
post-Hussein contract with the China National Petroleum Corporation.
On Sunday, the Iraqi cabinet approved a deal with Shell to process
natural gas in southern Iraq.

The ministry informed the oil companies of the cancellation on Sept.
3, according to a statement from Shell. In Vienna, Mr. Shahristani
said the ministry would now invite bids on the contracts.

Shell said the Iraqi side had broken off negotiations. “Shell can
confirm that we received a letter from Iraqi Ministry of Oil on
September 3rd informing us of their decision to cease further
discussions,” the company said in a statement.

Earlier this summer, a group of Democratic senators led by Charles E.
Schumer of New York had appealed to Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice to block the deals, contending that they could undermine the
efforts of Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites to reach agreement on a
hydrocarbon law and a revenue-sharing agreement. This criticism was
conveyed to Mr. Shahristani by the American Embassy in Baghdad in late
June, and after that the deals were delayed.

“I’m glad the Iraqis heard our plea that to do this now would be bad
for Iraq and bad for Iraqi-American relations,” Senator Schumer said
in a telephone interview on Wednesday. “It’s a good first step. Now
let’s make progress on the long-term” goal of passing a hydrocarbon
law, he said.

The State Department had responded that the contracts were an Iraqi
affair, though American advisers had helped draft them. Meanwhile, the
ministry has said it intends to proceed with new oil deals whether or
not the Iraqi Parliament passes a hydrocarbon law.

Senator Schumer said Wednesday that he would propose an amendment to
the defense appropriation bill in Congress that would specify that
should Iraq sign any petroleum contracts before passing the law,
profits from those deals would go to defray United States
reconstruction spending in Iraq.

Andrew E. Kramer reported from Moscow, and Campbell Robertson from
Baghdad. James Glanz contributed reporting from New York.

More Articles in World » A version of this article appeared in print
on September 11, 2008, on page A6 of the New York edition.   Bush
Lied, Soldiers Keep Dying.
4,155 U.S. Military Fatalities in Iraq
584 U.S. Military Fatalities in Afghanistan
30,683 U.S. Military Maimed in Iraq (source: DoD Update as of August
26, 2008)
94,990 Iraqis Reported Killed (source: Iraq Body Count)
1,255,026 Iraqis Reported Killed (source:

[ bush / mccain supporters have to ask themselves was it worth it ? ]
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Why Feminists Fear Strong Women (THE BIG LIE)

2008-09-11 Thread Cold Water
Why Feminists Fear Strong Women
By James Lewis

  I assume John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential partner in a 
fit of pique because the Republican money men refused to let him have the 
stuffed male shirt he really wanted. She added nothing to the ticket that the 
Republicans didn't already have sewn up, the white trash vote, the demographic 
that sullies America's name ... yet has such a curious appeal for the right.  

That delicious tidbit comes from a Canadian feminist named Heather Mallick, who 
writes for the tax-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Mallick is a 
career journalist for the CBC and other major Canadian media. She has decided 
to blame Governor Sarah Palin on the white trash vote -- because it's obvious 
that trash attracts trash. 

This just another little tribute from sneering, caterwauling, 
traditional-woman-hating feminists all over the Western world. (With the 
wonderful exception of Camille Paglia.) 

Aye, 'tis a grand sight to behold. 

Governor Sarah Palin is Everywoman -- she is your mother, your sister or your 
wife; even your grandmothers and great-grandmothers, going back generations. 
She is a normal strong, healthy woman. Just as in Lake Woebegon, in reality all 
normal women are strong. 

For decades we've been told that half the human population -- the female half 
-- are somehow weak, oppressed victims, who cannot handle the normal challenges 
of life.  Those are not the women you or I know. Normal women are incredibly 
strong; that's how evolution, or if you prefer God, made them; they are hardly 
pushovers or pitiable weaklings. Weaklings perish over the generations. The 
strong survive. 

All too often modern women have been suckered and bamboozled by a lifetime of 
Leftist agitprop, which has turned their strengths into weaknesses. But it's 
100% hogwash.  

Hillary Clinton has based her whole political career on the Myth of the 
Victimized Woman. Feminists who run our schools and colleges are always trying 
to push that story to naive students, just like the young Hillary of forty 
years ago, who was indoctrinated at Wellesley College. Even perfectly normal 
women have come to believe it. 

But ask yourself: How many weakling women have you ever known? I've known very 
few, and I suspect those few learned to behave that way for sympathy. Just put 
them on a jungle island and soon they'd be swinging through the trees like Jane 
of the Jungle. 

Weak women are a figment of the Left, just like weak black people or weak 
poor people. Those folks never used to be weaklings, until the media made them 
think they were. With the unanimous help of mainstream radio and TV you can 
talk yourself into feeling you're a victim of circumstances, just as under 
better influences you can talk yourself into feeling strong. 

But the media don't celebrate winners in life. (Wonder why?) 

Comes along Sarah Palin, a strong, joyous, normal woman, who doesn't mind it if 
the world knows who she is, and shatters the weakling stereotype just by being 
herself. What a blast! And the voters, who know from personal experience 
exactly how strong women really are,  are just recognizing their mothers and 
sisters and aunts in Governor Palin. 

That's not white trash. It's not lipstick on a pig, as Obama wittily told 
his adoring audience a few days ago. It's normal, healthy behavior --- in fact, 
it's pretty much like Michelle Obama, who is also a strong woman (but bitterly 
angry, for some unfathomable reason). 

So why do Leftist feminists fear Sarah Palin? Because their personal ego-trips 
and their political power depend upon The Big Lie. Like all Leftists, feminists 
desperately need to feel superior to the rest of us. That makes them feel good 
about themselves. For some Lesbian feminists I've known there is another, even 
more personal feeling: An intense sense of sexual competition with men. If you 
believe that all men are evil abusers, Lesbians are the logical refuge for 
women. The edge of manic rage that marks a lot of feminism seems to owe quite a 
lot to sexual jealousy, one of the most destructive of human emotions. 

So there's a lot riding on the Myth of Female Weakness, from ego, to sexual 
passions, to deliberately cultivated group rage, to money and career ambitions. 
Without the Myth a rage-driven feminist like Heather Mallick would not have a 
high-paid career with the government-own broadcaster in socialist Canada. All 
the feminist professors who were hired to create gender balance in our 
schools and colleges, all the Ms. Magazine writers, all the media ladies, the 
affirmative action bureaucrats and victimology peddlers would lose the only 
career they know. A huge amount of money, prestige, snobbery, influence, ego, 
rage and sexual passion rides on the feminist myth. 

Sarah Palin shatters their reasons for being. 

Once a majority of normal women decide they are not victims at all, Leftist 
feminism is a goner. Which would be 

Is McCain's on the edge of dementia ?

2008-09-11 Thread mike532

Is McCain's on the edge of dementia  ?
(1) McCain is nearly 72
(2) His recently released medical records say nothing about his mental
(3) Almost all men of his age show significant slowing of their mental
(4) He's showing apparently diagnostically significant signs of
dementia or some similar condition - see after the fold
(5) The MSM and the establishment seem to be happy to push a guy into
the WH who probably isn't fit on mental health grounds to complete one

And I didn't even mention the fact that most forms of dementia are
accompanied by a tendency toward irascibility and loss of emotional
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McCain owes America Answers

2008-09-11 Thread mike532

 McCain owes America Answers
There is no way I could support McCain for president unless he
is willing to 1) prove has the mental capacity to fulfill
the term as president. The inexperienced VP candidate
Palin does not have the experience to step in as president.
McCain seems to already be showing signs of dementia. McCain does
not seem to be in complete control of his mental facilities, he
can not remember what he says from one day to the next. McCain
either has dementia or is an outright liar. 2) McCain also
needs to declassify all his records from the Viet Nam War era.
I have a problem supporting a man who violated the military code
of conduct and made 32 anti-American propaganda tapes for his
captors.3) McCain needs to explain why he abandoned his
disabled first wife for a younger, richer drug abusing woman.
Can we trust McCain would not abandon our country's citizens
needs to improve his own wealth and power. 4) McCain owes
America a complete financial disclosure of his and Cindy's
finances. What is he
hiding keeping his war records classified and family finances

McCain's age is no joke. He is now 72 and would be
halfway to 73 if elected and sworn in on January 20, 2009. That
would make him the oldest first-term President ever, two
years older than Ronald Reagan. Reagan developed dementia
during his first term and was unable to function as president
most days during his second term, with his condition kept
secret from the public. McCain has survived four skin cancers
(melanomas), including one in 2000 that was classified as Stage
McCain is two years older than his father was
when he died suddenly of a heart attack at 70. He is 11
years older than his grandfather was when he died
suddenly of a heart attack at age 61.

Now with his choice of the most inexperienced Vice
Presidential candidate in history. Ms Palin a first
term governor of the least populous state in the union, less
residents than any of the100 largest cities in the nation. Her
previous experience was one term as mayor of a city with less
than 9,000 population! Can you imagine this inexperienced woman
being taken serious in a crisis, negotiating with experienced
leaders of Iran, Russia, Pakistan or North Korea? Ms. Palin can
not even manage her own family, her 17 year old daughter is
pregnant and unmarried. The United States cannot afford the
risk that McCain would die suddenly or not have the mental
capacity to govern in the middle of an international crisis.
God help us if Ms. Palin, who is not qualified or experienced,
has to step up to divert a crisis.
Nor can we afford the
risk of dementia. 22% of Americans over 70 are affected by mild
cognitive impairment, while 13% of Americans over 65 have
Alzheimer's. Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at
age 83, but early signs were evident during his first term.
Britain's Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher developed
dementia at age 75.
McCain has never had an
Alzheimer's test, even though he has 6 of the 10
warning signs, including his inability to
remember recent facts like the number of homes he owns,
the $1M lawsuit he filed in 1990, the U.S. invasion of Iraq in
2003, not reimbursing contributors for illegal trips or that
Iraq is still a dangerous war zone.
John McCain owes
America the release of his Viet Nam War records and a thorough
test for Alzheimer's and cognitive impairment long before
Election Day.

. America
deserves answers and explanations to the 4 items questioned.

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Re: McCain's Integrity

2008-09-11 Thread mike532

putting McCain and integrity in the same sentence just doesn't seem
right ! kind of like putting fox and news or repulican and patriotic
in the same sentence . they just don't go together !

On Sep 11, 4:45 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 McCain's Integrity
 Editor's Note: Historically a John McCain supporter, conservative
 journalist and blogger Andrew Sullivan takes on the issue of John
 McCain's integrity as he strives to win the presidency. - vh/TO

     For me, this surreal moment - like the entire surrealism of the
 past ten days - is not really about Sarah Palin or Barack Obama or
 pigs or fish or lipstick. It's about John McCain. The one thing I
 always thought I knew about him is that he is a decent and honest
 person. When he knows, as every sane person must, that Obama did not
 in any conceivable sense mean that Sarah Palin is a pig, what did he
 do? Did he come out and say so and end this charade? Or did he
 acquiesce in and thereby enable the mindless Rovianism that is now the
 core feature of his campaign?

     So far, he has let us all down. My guess is he will continue to do
 so. And that decision, for my part, ends whatever respect I once had
 for him. On core moral issues, where this man knew what the right
 thing was, and had to pick between good and evil, he chose evil. When
 he knew that George W. Bush's war in Iraq was a fiasco and
 catastrophe, and before Donald Rumsfeld quit, McCain endorsed George
 W. Bush against his fellow Vietnam vet, John Kerry in 2004. By that
 decision, McCain lost any credibility that he can ever put country
 first. He put party first and his own career first ahead of what he
 knew was best for the country.

     And when the Senate and House voted overwhelmingly to condemn and
 end the torture regime of Bush and Cheney in 2006, McCain again had a
 clear choice between good and evil, and chose evil.

     He capitulated and enshrined torture as the policy of the United
 States, by allowing the CIA to use techniques as bad as and worse than
 the torture inflicted on him in Vietnam. He gave the war criminals in
 the White House retroactive immunity against the prosecution they so
 richly deserve. The enormity of this moral betrayal, this betrayal of
 his country's honor, has yet to sink in. But for my part, it now makes
 much more sense. He is not the man I thought he was.

     And when he had the chance to engage in a real and substantive
 debate against the most talented politician of the next generation in
 a fall campaign where vital issues are at stake, what did McCain do?
 He began his general campaign with a series of grotesque, trivial and
 absurd MTV-style attacks on Obama's virtues and implied disgusting
 things about his opponent's patriotism.

     And then, because he could see he was going to lose, ten days ago,
 he threw caution to the wind and with no vetting whatsoever, picked a
 woman who, by her decision to endure her own eight-month pregnancy of
 a Down Syndrome child in public, that he was going to reignite the
 culture war as a last stand against Obama. That's all that is
 happening right now: a massive bump in the enthusiasm of the
 Christianist base. This is pure Rove.

     Yes, McCain made a decision that revealed many appalling things
 about him. In the end, his final concern is not national security. No
 one who cares about national security would pick as vice-president
 someone who knows nothing about it as his replacement. No one who
 cares about this country's safety would gamble the security of the
 world on a total unknown because she polled well with the Christianist
 base. No person who truly believed that the surge was integral to this
 country's national security would pick as his veep candidate a woman
 who, so far as we can tell anything, opposed it at the time.

     McCain has demonstrated in the last two months that he does not
 have the character to be president of the United States. And that is
 why it is more important than ever to ensure that Barack Obama is the
 next president. The alternative is now unthinkable. And McCain - no
 one else - has proved it.
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Re: McCain owes America Answers

2008-09-11 Thread mark

bwahahahahahahahahaha another load of crap.  funny though.  always
start the day with a good laugh

On Sep 11, 6:31 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  McCain owes America Answers
 There is no way I could support McCain for president unless he
 is willing to 1) prove has the mental capacity to fulfill
 the term as president. The inexperienced VP candidate
 Palin does not have the experience to step in as president.
 McCain seems to already be showing signs of dementia. McCain does
 not seem to be in complete control of his mental facilities, he
 can not remember what he says from one day to the next. McCain
 either has dementia or is an outright liar. 2) McCain also
 needs to declassify all his records from the Viet Nam War era.
 I have a problem supporting a man who violated the military code
 of conduct and made 32 anti-American propaganda tapes for his
 captors.3) McCain needs to explain why he abandoned his
 disabled first wife for a younger, richer drug abusing woman.
 Can we trust McCain would not abandon our country's citizens
 needs to improve his own wealth and power. 4) McCain owes
 America a complete financial disclosure of his and Cindy's
 finances. What is he
 hiding keeping his war records classified and family finances

 McCain's age is no joke. He is now 72 and would be
 halfway to 73 if elected and sworn in on January 20, 2009. That
 would make him the oldest first-term President ever, two
 years older than Ronald Reagan. Reagan developed dementia
 during his first term and was unable to function as president
 most days during his second term, with his condition kept
 secret from the public. McCain has survived four skin cancers
 (melanomas), including one in 2000 that was classified as Stage
 McCain is two years older than his father was
 when he died suddenly of a heart attack at 70. He is 11
 years older than his grandfather was when he died
 suddenly of a heart attack at age 61.

 Now with his choice of the most inexperienced Vice
 Presidential candidate in history. Ms Palin a first
 term governor of the least populous state in the union, less
 residents than any of the100 largest cities in the nation. Her
 previous experience was one term as mayor of a city with less
 than 9,000 population! Can you imagine this inexperienced woman
 being taken serious in a crisis, negotiating with experienced
 leaders of Iran, Russia, Pakistan or North Korea? Ms. Palin can
 not even manage her own family, her 17 year old daughter is
 pregnant and unmarried. The United States cannot afford the
 risk that McCain would die suddenly or not have the mental
 capacity to govern in the middle of an international crisis.
 God help us if Ms. Palin, who is not qualified or experienced,
 has to step up to divert a crisis.
 Nor can we afford the
 risk of dementia. 22% of Americans over 70 are affected by mild
 cognitive impairment, while 13% of Americans over 65 have
 Alzheimer's. Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at
 age 83, but early signs were evident during his first term.
 Britain's Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher developed
 dementia at age 75.
 McCain has never had an
 Alzheimer's test, even though he has 6 of the 10
 warning signs, including his inability to
 remember recent facts like the number of homes he owns,
 the $1M lawsuit he filed in 1990, the U.S. invasion of Iraq in
 2003, not reimbursing contributors for illegal trips or that
 Iraq is still a dangerous war zone.
 John McCain owes
 America the release of his Viet Nam War records and a thorough
 test for Alzheimer's and cognitive impairment long before
 Election Day.

 . America
 deserves answers and explanations to the 4 items questioned.
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Judges endorse coed restrooms Court says challenge to 'discrimination' ban failed because dead voters not represented

2008-09-11 Thread mark

Maryland's highest court has endorsed Montgomery County's plans for
coed restrooms and showers, concluding that a challenge to the new law
had to fail because there were not enough signatures on the referendum
petitions to represent dead voters.

The organization has been fighting the law since it was adopted by the
county board in 2007 in its campaign for nondiscrimination against
individuals with gender identity issues. In that effort, the county
failed to provide an exemption from the nondiscrimination law for
locations of shared nudity, such as restaurant restrooms, community
swimming pool shower rooms, and the like. Nor are there exemptions for
religious organizations.

The organization has been fighting the law since it was adopted by the
county board in 2007 in its campaign for nondiscrimination against
individuals with gender identity issues. In that effort, the county
failed to provide an exemption from the nondiscrimination law for
locations of shared nudity, such as restaurant restrooms, community
swimming pool shower rooms, and the like. Nor are there exemptions for
religious organizations.

The opinion from the state Court of Appeals overturned a decision by a
judge who found that voters should be allowed to determine the future
of the discrimination ban. The reasoning by the high court was
available only through comments made during the hearing, since the
actual court order is a terse two-paragraph demand that the circuit
court order be overturned and the reasons would be stated in an
opinion later to be filed.

Circuit Judge Robert A. Greenberg earlier had concluded that Bill
23-07, which was approved by the county board and signed into law by
county executive Isiah Leggett, should be on the November ballot for
voters, despite the wishes of Equality Maryland, an activist group for
homosexuals, which did not want voters to have their say.

But the higher court's ruling left its opponents stunned.

The court ruled … that the [Board of Elections] should have included
'inactive voters' when calculating the number of signatures that were
required to place the issue on the ballot. Months after the deadline
for turning in signatures, the court increased the number of valid
signatures required from 25,001 signatures to over 27,000, the
organization said, including the emphasis in its prepared statement.

Inactive voters are those who have failed to vote in two elections and
have not responded to two letters from the government. Most are either
dead or have moved out of state.
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Re: Why Feminists Fear Strong Women (THE BIG LIE)

2008-09-11 Thread mark

the liberal women are obviously showing their dementia.  Sarah is
everything they have been screaming about for decades.  a mother, with
a successful career.  a successful woman in a male dominated
profession.  oh wait I forgot, she is a conservative.  that
disqualifies her.  silly me.  my bad.

On Sep 11, 6:50 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Goebbels and Prescott Bush's friend Hitler would have been proud of
 you for posting this rather obvious propoganda piece

 On Sep 11, 6:04 am, Cold Water [EMAIL PROTECTED] wro  Why Feminists Fear 
 Strong Women
  By James Lewis

I assume John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential partner 
  in a fit of pique because the Republican money men refused to let him have 
  the stuffed male shirt he really wanted. She added nothing to the ticket 
  that the Republicans didn't already have sewn up, the white trash vote, the 
  demographic that sullies America's name ... yet has such a curious appeal 
  for the right.

  That delicious tidbit comes from a Canadian feminist named Heather Mallick, 
  who writes for the tax-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Mallick is 
  a career journalist for the CBC and other major Canadian media. She has 
  decided to blame Governor Sarah Palin on the white trash vote -- because 
  it's obvious that trash attracts trash.

  This just another little tribute from sneering, caterwauling, 
  traditional-woman-hating feminists all over the Western world. (With the 
  wonderful exception of Camille Paglia.)

  Aye, 'tis a grand sight to behold.

  Governor Sarah Palin is Everywoman -- she is your mother, your sister or 
  your wife; even your grandmothers and great-grandmothers, going back 
  generations. She is a normal strong, healthy woman. Just as in Lake 
  Woebegon, in reality all normal women are strong.

  For decades we've been told that half the human population -- the female 
  half -- are somehow weak, oppressed victims, who cannot handle the normal 
  challenges of life.  Those are not the women you or I know. Normal women 
  are incredibly strong; that's how evolution, or if you prefer God, made 
  them; they are hardly pushovers or pitiable weaklings. Weaklings perish 
  over the generations. The strong survive.

  All too often modern women have been suckered and bamboozled by a lifetime 
  of Leftist agitprop, which has turned their strengths into weaknesses. But 
  it's 100% hogwash.

  Hillary Clinton has based her whole political career on the Myth of the 
  Victimized Woman. Feminists who run our schools and colleges are always 
  trying to push that story to naive students, just like the young Hillary of 
  forty years ago, who was indoctrinated at Wellesley College. Even perfectly 
  normal women have come to believe it.

  But ask yourself: How many weakling women have you ever known? I've known 
  very few, and I suspect those few learned to behave that way for sympathy. 
  Just put them on a jungle island and soon they'd be swinging through the 
  trees like Jane of the Jungle.

  Weak women are a figment of the Left, just like weak black people or 
  weak poor people. Those folks never used to be weaklings, until the media 
  made them think they were. With the unanimous help of mainstream radio and 
  TV you can talk yourself into feeling you're a victim of circumstances, 
  just as under better influences you can talk yourself into feeling strong.

  But the media don't celebrate winners in life. (Wonder why?)

  Comes along Sarah Palin, a strong, joyous, normal woman, who doesn't mind 
  it if the world knows who she is, and shatters the weakling stereotype just 
  by being herself. What a blast! And the voters, who know from personal 
  experience exactly how strong women really are,  are just recognizing their 
  mothers and sisters and aunts in Governor Palin.

  That's not white trash. It's not lipstick on a pig, as Obama wittily 
  told his adoring audience a few days ago. It's normal, healthy behavior --- 
  in fact, it's pretty much like Michelle Obama, who is also a strong woman 
  (but bitterly angry, for some unfathomable reason).

  So why do Leftist feminists fear Sarah Palin? Because their personal 
  ego-trips and their political power depend upon The Big Lie. Like all 
  Leftists, feminists desperately need to feel superior to the rest of us. 
  That makes them feel good about themselves. For some Lesbian feminists I've 
  known there is another, even more personal feeling: An intense sense of 
  sexual competition with men. If you believe that all men are evil abusers, 
  Lesbians are the logical refuge for women. The edge of manic rage that 
  marks a lot of feminism seems to owe quite a lot to sexual jealousy, one of 
  the most destructive of human emotions.

  So there's a lot riding on the Myth of Female Weakness, from ego, to sexual 
  passions, to deliberately cultivated group rage, to money and career 
  ambitions. Without the Myth a rage-driven feminist like 

On this anniversary of 9-11....

2008-09-11 Thread doctoroe

Let us remember:  It has been 7 years, 2,557 days, since Osama bin
Ladin launched attacks on the United States. And it has been 2551 days
since George W. Bush said he'd catch Osama bin Ladin 'Dead or alive.'
Bush said this September 17, 2001.

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Re: McCain's Integrity

2008-09-11 Thread mark

who writes this crap?  looks like a bunch of monkeys pounding on a
keyboard.  obviously there is no intelligence behind this crap.

On Sep 11, 6:54 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 putting McCain and integrity in the same sentence just doesn't seem
 right ! kind of like putting fox and news or repulican and patriotic
 in the same sentence . they just don't go together !

 On Sep 11, 4:45 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  McCain's Integrity
  Editor's Note: Historically a John McCain supporter, conservative
  journalist and blogger Andrew Sullivan takes on the issue of John
  McCain's integrity as he strives to win the presidency. - vh/TO

  For me, this surreal moment - like the entire surrealism of the
  past ten days - is not really about Sarah Palin or Barack Obama or
  pigs or fish or lipstick. It's about John McCain. The one thing I
  always thought I knew about him is that he is a decent and honest
  person. When he knows, as every sane person must, that Obama did not
  in any conceivable sense mean that Sarah Palin is a pig, what did he
  do? Did he come out and say so and end this charade? Or did he
  acquiesce in and thereby enable the mindless Rovianism that is now the
  core feature of his campaign?

  So far, he has let us all down. My guess is he will continue to do
  so. And that decision, for my part, ends whatever respect I once had
  for him. On core moral issues, where this man knew what the right
  thing was, and had to pick between good and evil, he chose evil. When
  he knew that George W. Bush's war in Iraq was a fiasco and
  catastrophe, and before Donald Rumsfeld quit, McCain endorsed George
  W. Bush against his fellow Vietnam vet, John Kerry in 2004. By that
  decision, McCain lost any credibility that he can ever put country
  first. He put party first and his own career first ahead of what he
  knew was best for the country.

  And when the Senate and House voted overwhelmingly to condemn and
  end the torture regime of Bush and Cheney in 2006, McCain again had a
  clear choice between good and evil, and chose evil.

  He capitulated and enshrined torture as the policy of the United
  States, by allowing the CIA to use techniques as bad as and worse than
  the torture inflicted on him in Vietnam. He gave the war criminals in
  the White House retroactive immunity against the prosecution they so
  richly deserve. The enormity of this moral betrayal, this betrayal of
  his country's honor, has yet to sink in. But for my part, it now makes
  much more sense. He is not the man I thought he was.

  And when he had the chance to engage in a real and substantive
  debate against the most talented politician of the next generation in
  a fall campaign where vital issues are at stake, what did McCain do?
  He began his general campaign with a series of grotesque, trivial and
  absurd MTV-style attacks on Obama's virtues and implied disgusting
  things about his opponent's patriotism.

  And then, because he could see he was going to lose, ten days ago,
  he threw caution to the wind and with no vetting whatsoever, picked a
  woman who, by her decision to endure her own eight-month pregnancy of
  a Down Syndrome child in public, that he was going to reignite the
  culture war as a last stand against Obama. That's all that is
  happening right now: a massive bump in the enthusiasm of the
  Christianist base. This is pure Rove.

  Yes, McCain made a decision that revealed many appalling things
  about him. In the end, his final concern is not national security. No
  one who cares about national security would pick as vice-president
  someone who knows nothing about it as his replacement. No one who
  cares about this country's safety would gamble the security of the
  world on a total unknown because she polled well with the Christianist
  base. No person who truly believed that the surge was integral to this
  country's national security would pick as his veep candidate a woman
  who, so far as we can tell anything, opposed it at the time.

  McCain has demonstrated in the last two months that he does not
  have the character to be president of the United States. And that is
  why it is more important than ever to ensure that Barack Obama is the
  next president. The alternative is now unthinkable. And McCain - no
  one else - has proved it.
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Re: Is McCain's on the edge of dementia ?

2008-09-11 Thread mark

McCain is just fine, but you murky, and your lib idiots are suffering
from severe mental deficiency.  seek help.

On Sep 11, 6:22 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is McCain's on the edge of dementia  ?
 (1) McCain is nearly 72
 (2) His recently released medical records say nothing about his mental
 (3) Almost all men of his age show significant slowing of their mental
 (4) He's showing apparently diagnostically significant signs of
 dementia or some similar condition - see after the fold
 (5) The MSM and the establishment seem to be happy to push a guy into
 the WH who probably isn't fit on mental health grounds to complete one

 And I didn't even mention the fact that most forms of dementia are
 accompanied by a tendency toward irascibility and loss of emotional
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Re: McCain's Integrity

2008-09-11 Thread mike532

if you can dispute anything sulivan said go ahead and do it .

On Sep 11, 7:34 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 who writes this crap?  looks like a bunch of monkeys pounding on a
 keyboard.  obviously there is no intelligence behind this crap.

 On Sep 11, 6:54 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  putting McCain and integrity in the same sentence just doesn't seem
  right ! kind of like putting fox and news or repulican and patriotic
  in the same sentence . they just don't go together !

  On Sep 11, 4:45 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   McCain's Integrity
   Editor's Note: Historically a John McCain supporter, conservative
   journalist and blogger Andrew Sullivan takes on the issue of John
   McCain's integrity as he strives to win the presidency. - vh/TO

       For me, this surreal moment - like the entire surrealism of the
   past ten days - is not really about Sarah Palin or Barack Obama or
   pigs or fish or lipstick. It's about John McCain. The one thing I
   always thought I knew about him is that he is a decent and honest
   person. When he knows, as every sane person must, that Obama did not
   in any conceivable sense mean that Sarah Palin is a pig, what did he
   do? Did he come out and say so and end this charade? Or did he
   acquiesce in and thereby enable the mindless Rovianism that is now the
   core feature of his campaign?

       So far, he has let us all down. My guess is he will continue to do
   so. And that decision, for my part, ends whatever respect I once had
   for him. On core moral issues, where this man knew what the right
   thing was, and had to pick between good and evil, he chose evil. When
   he knew that George W. Bush's war in Iraq was a fiasco and
   catastrophe, and before Donald Rumsfeld quit, McCain endorsed George
   W. Bush against his fellow Vietnam vet, John Kerry in 2004. By that
   decision, McCain lost any credibility that he can ever put country
   first. He put party first and his own career first ahead of what he
   knew was best for the country.

       And when the Senate and House voted overwhelmingly to condemn and
   end the torture regime of Bush and Cheney in 2006, McCain again had a
   clear choice between good and evil, and chose evil.

       He capitulated and enshrined torture as the policy of the United
   States, by allowing the CIA to use techniques as bad as and worse than
   the torture inflicted on him in Vietnam. He gave the war criminals in
   the White House retroactive immunity against the prosecution they so
   richly deserve. The enormity of this moral betrayal, this betrayal of
   his country's honor, has yet to sink in. But for my part, it now makes
   much more sense. He is not the man I thought he was.

       And when he had the chance to engage in a real and substantive
   debate against the most talented politician of the next generation in
   a fall campaign where vital issues are at stake, what did McCain do?
   He began his general campaign with a series of grotesque, trivial and
   absurd MTV-style attacks on Obama's virtues and implied disgusting
   things about his opponent's patriotism.

       And then, because he could see he was going to lose, ten days ago,
   he threw caution to the wind and with no vetting whatsoever, picked a
   woman who, by her decision to endure her own eight-month pregnancy of
   a Down Syndrome child in public, that he was going to reignite the
   culture war as a last stand against Obama. That's all that is
   happening right now: a massive bump in the enthusiasm of the
   Christianist base. This is pure Rove.

       Yes, McCain made a decision that revealed many appalling things
   about him. In the end, his final concern is not national security. No
   one who cares about national security would pick as vice-president
   someone who knows nothing about it as his replacement. No one who
   cares about this country's safety would gamble the security of the
   world on a total unknown because she polled well with the Christianist
   base. No person who truly believed that the surge was integral to this
   country's national security would pick as his veep candidate a woman
   who, so far as we can tell anything, opposed it at the time.

       McCain has demonstrated in the last two months that he does not
   have the character to be president of the United States. And that is
   why it is more important than ever to ensure that Barack Obama is the
   next president. The alternative is now unthinkable. And McCain - no
   one else - has proved it.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Surprise! Palin Investigators Are Obamatrons

2008-09-11 Thread mike532

what speaks volumes is plain trying to block this investigation .

On Sep 11, 7:21 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 so what.  when the 2 top investigators are nobama boys, and refuse to
 step down.  it speaks volumes about the impartiality of them.  we all
 know the outcome of this witch hunt.  kinda like the trials in the old
 south with a negro being tried by a jury of white men.  the lynching
 is inevitable.

 On Sep 11, 4:49 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sean you are wasting your time the three stooges never let facts get
  in the way of a good lie .

  On Sep 11, 3:21 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The investigation began before she was nominated,
   try again, do a little research before posting such BS.

   This Lie was so superficial I could use it for a window pane.

   On Sep 10, 8:58 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In yet another indication of their desperation, Democrats are trying
to concoct a scandal out of Sarah Palin's having fired Walt Monegan,
who used his office to protect a deranged State Trooper best known for
blasting a 10-year-old with a Taser.

you need to go to the website to see the picture referred to

    The man overseeing the investigation, Sen. Hollis French, is the
bald guy near the back (fifth from left, by the Obama '08 posters).
Any doubts about this hack's objectivity yet?

    Well, it gets better. Last week, for obvious reasons, Rep. John
Coghill asked the Alaska Legislative Council to remove French from the
probe. Coghill's request was rejected:

    On Monday, the head of the Legislative Council turned down his
request. Democratic Sen. Kim Elton responded that he is sure that
partisan politics can be kept out of the probe.

    You know what's coming, right? Senator Elton is also in the
picture. He's the tall bearded guy on the far left (ahem) of the

Thankfully, it looks like Obama's campaign will go down like the
Hindenburg. But The One can console himself with the knowledge that
even so, he has left his mark on America, by spreading Chicago-style
politics all the way to Alaska. text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread mark

these neutered  so called men are scared of her because she is tougher
than they are.
and the masculine lib women hate her because she is more of a woman
than they are.
poor little libbers just can't win.
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Re: On this anniversary of 9-11....

2008-09-11 Thread mark

and it has been 7 tears without another attack on our soil from the
muslim animals.  pretty damn good, eh?

On Sep 11, 6:54 am, doctoroe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Let us remember:  It has been 7 years, 2,557 days, since Osama bin
 Ladin launched attacks on the United States. And it has been 2551 days
 since George W. Bush said he'd catch Osama bin Ladin 'Dead or alive.'
 Bush said this September 17, 2001.
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Re: Is McCain's on the edge of dementia ?

2008-09-11 Thread mike532

look at his videos during the debates and look at him today . he is a
sick man !

On Sep 11, 7:40 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 McCain is just fine, but you murky, and your lib idiots are suffering
 from severe mental deficiency.  seek help.

 On Sep 11, 6:22 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is McCain's on the edge of dementia  ?
  (1) McCain is nearly 72
  (2) His recently released medical records say nothing about his mental
  (3) Almost all men of his age show significant slowing of their mental
  (4) He's showing apparently diagnostically significant signs of
  dementia or some similar condition - see after the fold
  (5) The MSM and the establishment seem to be happy to push a guy into
  the WH who probably isn't fit on mental health grounds to complete one

  And I didn't even mention the fact that most forms of dementia are
  accompanied by a tendency toward irascibility and loss of emotional
  self-control- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Obama's museum earmarks draw fire

2008-09-11 Thread mark

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama tried to direct
more than $3 million in taxpayer funds to a Chicago museum whose
chairman is one of the Illinois senator's largest campaign

Mr. Obama has twice since fiscal 2006 sought to have taxpayers foot
the bill for a new theater projector and other equipment at the Adler
Planetarium on the Lake Michigan waterfront. Neither of the requests,
which totaled $3.3 million, was approved by Congress, the museum said.

The planetarium's chairman, then and still, is Frank Clark, chief
executive of ComEd, a unit of Chicago-based Exelon Energy. He has
pledged to raise more than $200,000 for Mr. Obama's run for the White
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Re: Is McCain's on the edge of dementia ?

2008-09-11 Thread mark

seek help murky.  put the bottle down, and seek help before you hurt
some one.

On Sep 11, 8:34 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 there are none so blind as those who will not see !

 On Sep 11, 8:23 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  seek help murky

  On Sep 11, 7:54 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   look at his videos during the debates and look at him today . he is a
   sick man !

   On Sep 11, 7:40 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

McCain is just fine, but you murky, and your lib idiots are suffering
from severe mental deficiency.  seek help.

On Sep 11, 6:22 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is McCain's on the edge of dementia  ?
 (1) McCain is nearly 72
 (2) His recently released medical records say nothing about his mental
 (3) Almost all men of his age show significant slowing of their mental
 (4) He's showing apparently diagnostically significant signs of
 dementia or some similar condition - see after the fold
 (5) The MSM and the establishment seem to be happy to push a guy into
 the WH who probably isn't fit on mental health grounds to complete one

 And I didn't even mention the fact that most forms of dementia are
 accompanied by a tendency toward irascibility and loss of emotional
 self-control- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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London Times: What Sarah Palin Tells Us About Obama

2008-09-11 Thread d.b.baker

[Q] - The character question it raises is not that he is a sexist or
that he lacks courtesy. It is that he folds under pressure. Obama has
looked amazingly uncomfortable under the pressure that Palin has put
him under. He relies on his cool - it is a core part of his appeal. So
he looks bad when he loses it. During the Hillary contest he rarely
came under any pressure from the media. When he did he reacted badly.
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Re: McCain's Integrity

2008-09-11 Thread mike532

mark be careful you are talking the founder of the log cabin
republicans and long time supporter of bush Andrew Sullivan !

On Sep 11, 8:37 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 how many times must I tell you murky, it is a waste of time to dispute
 the ravings of a demented, warped, sick mind.  these posts of yours
 were written by the sick,  and demented mind of a seck person in need
 of serious help.

 On Sep 11, 7:41 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  if you can dispute anything sulivan said go ahead and do it .

  On Sep 11, 7:34 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   who writes this crap?  looks like a bunch of monkeys pounding on a
   keyboard.  obviously there is no intelligence behind this crap.

   On Sep 11, 6:54 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

putting McCain and integrity in the same sentence just doesn't seem
right ! kind of like putting fox and news or repulican and patriotic
in the same sentence . they just don't go together !

On Sep 11, 4:45 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 McCain's Integrity
 Editor's Note: Historically a John McCain supporter, conservative
 journalist and blogger Andrew Sullivan takes on the issue of John
 McCain's integrity as he strives to win the presidency. - vh/TO

     For me, this surreal moment - like the entire surrealism of the
 past ten days - is not really about Sarah Palin or Barack Obama or
 pigs or fish or lipstick. It's about John McCain. The one thing I
 always thought I knew about him is that he is a decent and honest
 person. When he knows, as every sane person must, that Obama did not
 in any conceivable sense mean that Sarah Palin is a pig, what did he
 do? Did he come out and say so and end this charade? Or did he
 acquiesce in and thereby enable the mindless Rovianism that is now the
 core feature of his campaign?

     So far, he has let us all down. My guess is he will continue to do
 so. And that decision, for my part, ends whatever respect I once had
 for him. On core moral issues, where this man knew what the right
 thing was, and had to pick between good and evil, he chose evil. When
 he knew that George W. Bush's war in Iraq was a fiasco and
 catastrophe, and before Donald Rumsfeld quit, McCain endorsed George
 W. Bush against his fellow Vietnam vet, John Kerry in 2004. By that
 decision, McCain lost any credibility that he can ever put country
 first. He put party first and his own career first ahead of what he
 knew was best for the country.

     And when the Senate and House voted overwhelmingly to condemn and
 end the torture regime of Bush and Cheney in 2006, McCain again had a
 clear choice between good and evil, and chose evil.

     He capitulated and enshrined torture as the policy of the United
 States, by allowing the CIA to use techniques as bad as and worse than
 the torture inflicted on him in Vietnam. He gave the war criminals in
 the White House retroactive immunity against the prosecution they so
 richly deserve. The enormity of this moral betrayal, this betrayal of
 his country's honor, has yet to sink in. But for my part, it now makes
 much more sense. He is not the man I thought he was.

     And when he had the chance to engage in a real and substantive
 debate against the most talented politician of the next generation in
 a fall campaign where vital issues are at stake, what did McCain do?
 He began his general campaign with a series of grotesque, trivial and
 absurd MTV-style attacks on Obama's virtues and implied disgusting
 things about his opponent's patriotism.

     And then, because he could see he was going to lose, ten days ago,
 he threw caution to the wind and with no vetting whatsoever, picked a
 woman who, by her decision to endure her own eight-month pregnancy of
 a Down Syndrome child in public, that he was going to reignite the
 culture war as a last stand against Obama. That's all that is
 happening right now: a massive bump in the enthusiasm of the
 Christianist base. This is pure Rove.

     Yes, McCain made a decision that revealed many appalling things
 about him. In the end, his final concern is not national security. No
 one who cares about national security would pick as vice-president
 someone who knows nothing about it as his replacement. No one who
 cares about this country's safety would gamble the security of the
 world on a total unknown because she polled well with the Christianist
 base. No person who truly believed that the surge was integral to this
 country's national security would pick as his veep candidate a woman
 who, so far as we can tell anything, opposed it at the time.

     McCain has demonstrated in the last two months that he does not
 have the character to be 

Re: A judge repeatedly told Palin and family not to badmouth her sister's ex

2008-09-11 Thread mike532

when did false accusations and slander become free speech ?

On Sep 11, 9:31 am, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So the Judge attempted to subvert their Right's to Free Speech, and
 you are proud of that?

 On Sep 11, 2:57 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  A judge repeatedly told Palin and family not to badmouth her sister's
  An Anchorage judge three years ago warned Sarah Palin and members of
  her family to stop disparaging the reputation of Alaska State
  Trooper Michael Wooten, who at the time was undergoing a bitter
  separation and divorce from Palin's sister Molly.

  Allegations that Palin, her husband Todd, and at least one top
  gubernatorial aide continued to vilify Wooten—after Palin became
  Alaska's governor and pressured state police officials to take action
  against him—are at the center of Troopergate, a political and
  ethical controversy which has embroiled Palin's administration and is
  currently the subject of an official inquiry by a special investigator
  hired by the state legislature.

  Court records obtained by NEWSWEEK show that during the course of
  divorce hearings three years ago, Judge John Suddock heard testimony
  from an official of the Alaska State Troopers' union about how Sarah
  Palin—then a private citizen—and members of her family, including her
  father and daughter, lodged up to a dozen complaints against Wooten
  with the state police. The union official told the judge that he had
  never before been asked to appear as a divorce-case witness, that the
  union believed family complaints against Wooten were not job-
  related, and that Wooten was being harassed by Palin and other
  family members.

  Court documents show that Judge Suddock was disturbed by the alleged
  attacks by Palin and her family members on Wooten's behavior and
  character. Disparaging will not be tolerated—it is a form of child
  abuse, the judge told a settlement hearing in October 2005, according
  to typed notes of the proceedings. The judge added: Relatives cannot
  disparage either. If occurs [sic] the parent needs to set boundaries
  for their relatives.

  A spokesperson for the law firm that represented Palin's sister, now
  known as Molly Hackett, said Hackett's lawyer would have no comment
  because custody issues are still in litigation. Other lawyers
  representing Sarah Palin in connection with the state legislative
  investigation—which is examining whether she abused her powers as
  governor in trying to have Wooten fired or disciplined—had no
  immediate comment. Palin's official gubernatorial spokeswoman did not
  respond to e-mails and a phone message requesting comment.

  Wooten's lawyer also did not respond to messages requesting comment.
  John Cyr, executive director of the State Troopers union, who
  testified at the divorce hearing and is acting as Wooten's spokesman,
  said Wooten has avoided giving media interviews because he wants to
  avoid criticizing his former relatives (to date, Wooten has granted
  just one interview, to CNN).

  As the divorce case dragged on, the judge's concern about family
  disparagement appeared to deepen. In an order signed Jan. 31, 2006,
  which granted Palin's sister and Wooten a final divorce decree, Judge
  Suddock continued to express concern about attacks by Palin's family
  on Wooten. The judge even threatened to curb Palin's sister's child
  custody rights if family criticism of Wooten continued.

  In monitoring how a joint-custody arrangement worked out, the judge
  said in his order that he would pay particular attention to problems
  noted by a custody investigator, specifically the disparagement of
  the father [Wooten] by the mother [Molly Hackett, Sarah Palin's
  sister] and her family members.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: New Editon of NATIONAL ENQUIRER is LOADED with new Palin information!

2008-09-11 Thread jgg1000a

PA, candidates' family are not political ammunition.  It is you
leading the demand here for the failed old ways of politics of
personal destruction...Are you proof the Obama is really about

On Sep 10, 4:15 pm, PoliticalAmazon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 LOL.  What's wrong?  Have nothing to say about your Sarah and her drug-
 abusing kids? Attacking the poster and not the contents of the post is
 a sure sign of an impotent poster.

 Palin's claim that running her family makes the case for her being VP
 falls flat on its face, because if she ran the counrty like she's ran
 her family, she would run it straight into the ground.


 On Sep 10, 1:07 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  PA is one of these angry extremeist religious nutcases Hollywood talks
  about...   Smear like a duck, Quack like a duck, drive-by-smears like
  a duck...   Opps my bad, the LW CAN NOT BE EXTREMEIST   They are
  always reasoned and logical and never would be sexist, right???

  On Sep 10, 3:41 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   On Sep 10, 3:33 pm, PoliticalAmazon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

*OH MY!  National Enquirer's teaser sheet on this week's publication:

*OxyContin addiction of Track for 2 years...snorting, eating, smoking
and injecting it.

*Other drugs used by Track.

*Palin banished Bristol from the house when she was found to be

*Bristol's history of heavy partying and drug use, reported to be as
bad as Track's.

*Levi isn't so happy about the shotgun wedding, and for good cause: He
and Bristol have broken up several times and she has been with many
other guys.

*New details about the red-hot affair scandal!

Look at how she has botched her family.  And the GOP wants to put this
loon within a breath of the Oval Office?


The NATIONAL ENQUIRER’S exclusive ongoing investigation of GOP VP Nom
Sarah 'Barracuda' Palin’s goes far beyond a mere teen pregnancy crisis
this week!

 The Enquirer’s team of reporters has combed the Alaskan wilderness to
discover the hidden truth about Gov. Palin’s family, which has become
a central part of political identity.

The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively that Sarah's oldest son, Track,
was addicted to the power drug OxyContin for nearly the past two
years, snorting it, eating it, smoking it and even injecting it. And
as Track, 19, heads to Iraq as part of the U.S. armed forces, Sarah
and her husband Todd were powerless to stop his wild antics, detailed
in the new issue of The ENQUIRER, which goes on sale today.

 THE ENQUIRER also has exclusive details about Track's use of other
drugs, including cocaine, and his involvement in a notorious local
vandalism incident.

“I’ve partied with him (Track) for years,” a source disclosed.  “I’ve
seen him snort cocaine, snort and smoke OxyContin, drink booze and
smoke weed.”

 The source also divulged the girls would do anything for Track and
he’d use his local celebrity to manipulate other guys “to get them to
steal things he wanted.”

“He finally did what a lot of troubled kids here do,” the source
divulged. “You join the military.”

And as Gov. Palin has billed the state of Alaska for various expenses
related to her children, as reported by The Washington Post, The
ENQUIRER's investigation reveals that she was so incensed by 17-year-
old Bristol's pregnancy that she banished her daughter from the house.

Another family friend revealed pre-prego Bristol was as much of a hard
partier as Track was.

“Bristol was a huge stoner and drinker.  I’ve seen her smoke pot and
get drunk and make out with so many guys. All the guys would brag that
the just made out with Bristol.”

 When Sarah found out the teen was pregnant by high schooler Levi
Johnston, she was actually banished from the house.  As part of the
cover-up, Palin quickly transferred Bristol to another high school and
made her move in with Sarah’s sister Heather 25 miles away!

 And the ENQUIRER also learned that Levi Johnston, the baby mamma’s
future wedded dada, who was glad handed by John McCain at the GOP
Convention, isn’t too happy about his impending shotgun nups either.

 “Levi got dragged out of the house to go to Minnesota,” Levi’s friend
told The ENQUIRER.  “Levi realizes he’s stuck being with Bristol
because her mom is running for Vice President.”

The friend also confided that both Bristol and Levi “broke up a few
times and they definitely messed around with other people.”

Meanwhile, as members of the Palin family’s war viciously over
“Trooper-Gate” and claims of Sarah’s extramarital affair have turned
the political race into a chaotic 

Re: Sarah Palin

2008-09-11 Thread jgg1000a

Can you even tell me the difference between the English/Scotish
Enlightenment and the Continental Enlightenment???  Please get a clue

 Although misleading in many ways, this simplification has continued to be 
 used to this day, especially when writing about the 17th and 18th 
 centuries. The three main Rationalists are normally taken to have been 
 Descartes, Baruch Spinoza, and Gottfried Leibniz. Building upon their 
 English predecessors Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbes, the three main 
 Empiricists were John Locke, George Berkeley, and David Hume. The former 
 were distinguished by the belief that, in principle (though not in 
 practice), all knowledge can be gained by the power of our reason alone; 
 the latter rejected this, believing that all knowledge has to come through 
 the senses, from experience. Thus the Rationalists took mathematics as 
 their model for knowledge, and the Empiricists took the physical sciences.

Locke, Hume, and Berkeley were grounded in Deism and that root was a
foundation that ONLY IN PRINCIPLE could all knowledge be discerned by
reason...  This allowed for assumption as inalienable rights not
subject to man or government...

Read the French version, in it it is government the decides what the
rights are and then enforces them or not...   The American version
assumes they come  from a higher place which man nor government can
alter...   In the French version, the ultimate protector of the people
is the government -- In America it is the people themselves...

These are two very different assumption that have profound
consequences...   Until you can comprehend this, you will see America
as a Europe gone astray...To be honest many Americans see Europe
as betraying their own ideas...   They are in fact related
civilizations, while born from the same pre Reformation heritage, our
divergence in paths have create two distinct civilizations...
Moslems can understand America better the Europe precisely because we
have retained our religious roots...

The US in the 60's saw it only mass European Radical
movement  (Europe has has many since 1789)...  That European
Radicalism has largely failed here in the US (just as European style
labor unions failed to take root either in the 19th or 20th
centuries)...  It is that failure that our Democratic Left does not
understand today...

On Sep 11, 3:55 am, creusa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sir when you have come to understand European history, the
 enlightenment and its subsequest effects properly, I will discuss this
 with you gain. I am not here to give you a history lesson and clarly
 you have been educated by a system which is not only biased but
 I suggest a three year stay in Europe so that you will stop making
 such silly remarks.

 On Sep 10, 7:03 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The enlightenment was was the supremacy of reason. Not 
   something you have maintained.

  Go read the Scotiish Enlightenment writers (Locke, Hume,
  Berkley) ...   You will find that they advocated human rights were
  inalienable precisely because those rights came from a higher and
  unknowable power than rational man...

   Don't be silly...France was Roman Catholic.

  The French Enlightenment spawned Karl Marx and his like...  It saw
  rationalism as self defining truth separate from faith...  The English
  Enlightenment was quite the opposite...

   Nonsense. WE have our problems but we don't HATE them as I have seen 
   expressed fact wehave a far greatertolerance for muslims

  than it seems Ameicans have for their black citizens since it is this
  which is making Obama's victory so difficult. Hatred? You have only
  had Civil /Human Rights here for 45 years.

  What BS...  It is clear you believe in the myths MSM force fed
  you...   Would France serious consider a North Africa for
  President???  After all the Moslem population in France is roughly
  that of AA in the US...  Would Germany consider a Turk for PM???
  Would Britian consider a Black Indian Brit for PM???

  Until Europeans are willing to give a member of a 14% minority the
  highest office in the land, then tell me about America's human

   That is why Europe is so keen to see Obama elected...we know he is more 
   in tune with the way the rest of the world thinks.

  AMERICA IS NOT EUROPE  While European settlers dominated from 1700
  to today, we have quite a different culture understanding  --  one
  that allows for multi-culturalism within a relate civil polity...
  Europe is still rift with the problems of ethnic based nationalities
  and a mere 50 years ended a 40 year world-wide European Civil War that
  showed the European underbelly of totalitarianism that one still sees
  in conflicts in Kosovo and Georgia...   Thank god European can not
  vote in the US...  I suspect Germans fell the same way about Turks not
  being able to vote in German elections, I 

Re: NEWSWEEK's article on TROOPERGATE: Palin and family violated court order!

2008-09-11 Thread jgg1000a

The Report was release with Wooten's approval...   Unless you can show
why it should not be trusted, I will go with it...

On Sep 10, 6:51 pm, PoliticalAmazon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't speak to that. I can only speak to what te judge said.  Since
 Palin and her family violated the court's order and continued to
 harass Wooten, maybe the moosie thing happened after the judge's
 statement? Or the judge, being an Alaskan himself, knows that if they
 kept custody rights out of the hands of everyone who shot an animal
 using someone else's tag, there'd be no custody rights granted in the
 state?  It is a fairly common practice, from what I understand.  Just


 On Sep 10, 2:08 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So the State Trooper report lied, right???   As Wooten admitted he
  Tasered his step-son and Wooten being suspended for shooting the
  moose, it seems atleast 2 of the findings in the Troopers were true

  You have lost it PA when you label Palin as a child abuser...

  On Sep 10, 4:13 pm, PoliticalAmazon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The judge found only ONE of Sarah Palins and her family's accusations
   against Wooten to be of merit. ONE.

   Sarah Palin herself was convicted of POACHING by illegally using a
   drift-net while fishing.  Sorry, poaching is much more serious than
   using one's spouse's tag to bag a moose.

   You will note that Wooten didn't harrass Sarah Palin and her family
   for Palins' kids being huge drug users, including injecting drugs, and
   Track's participation an attempt to kill school children by
   participating in vandalism of buses by cutting their brake lines.

   The Palins and her family should not be allowed to be around
   children.  Who knows what Track or Bristol would do in their drug-
   induced frenzies?  Who knows what the kids would witness with Sarah
   and her multiple boyfrieds?

   By the judge's definiion, Sarah Palin is a child abuser.  SHE should
   not be around children, that's for sure.


   On Sep 10, 1:01 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please get your facts straight, even if Newsweek does sloppy
reporting..   The State Troopers did in fact find Wooten Tasared his
step-son, did drive while Drinking Beer while on duty, and did shoot
that Moose...   So when Newsweek says

 The Palins later raised allegations about Wooten

They are misreporting the facts and lying...  Who says so???  The
Alaska State Troopers investigation...,21985,24325497-5012748,00.html

 Wooten recently gave his union permission to release the entire 
 investigative file, all 482 pages and hours of recorded interviews.

The record clearly indicates a serious and concentrated pattern of
unacceptable and at times, illegal activity occurring over a lengthy
period, which establishes a course of conduct totally at odds with the
ethics of our profession, Col. Julia Grimes, then head of Alaska
State Troopers, wrote in March 1, 2006, letter suspending Wooten for
10 days. After the union protested it, the suspension was reduced to
five days.

 She warned that if he messed up again, he'd be fired.

This discipline is meant to be a last chance to take corrective
action, Grimes wrote. You are hereby given notice that any further
occurrences of these types of behaviors or incidents will not be
tolerated and will result in your termination.

It's nearly impossible to know whether other complaints have come in
about Wooten in the last two years. His personnel file is
confidential. But the fact he remains on the force is an indication
that he hasn't had the sort of trouble that Grimes warned against.

Grimes declined to comment, as did various troopers involved in the


As the investigation got under way in 2005, Wooten was in the midst of
a bitter divorce from Palin's sister, Molly McCann. The couple was
fighting over custody of their two young children. Accusations flew
from both sides.

Troopers eventually investigated 13 issues and found four in which
Wooten violated policy or broke the law or both:

• Wooten used a Taser on his stepson.

• He illegally shot a moose.

• He drank beer in his patrol car on one occasion.

• He told others his father-in-law would eat a f'ing lead bullet if
he helped his daughter get an attorney for the divorce.

Beyond the investigation sparked by the family, trooper commanders saw
cause to discipline or give written instructions to correct Wooten
seven times since he joined the force, according to Grimes' letter to

Those incidents included: a reprimand in January 2004 for negligent
damage to a state vehicle; a January 2005 instruction after being

Re: A judge repeatedly told Palin and family not to badmouth her sister's ex

2008-09-11 Thread jgg1000a

Except the State Troopers found these claim to be TRUE...

On Sep 11, 9:47 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 when did false accusations and slander become free speech ?

 On Sep 11, 9:31 am, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So the Judge attempted to subvert their Right's to Free Speech, and
  you are proud of that?

  On Sep 11, 2:57 am, mike532 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   A judge repeatedly told Palin and family not to badmouth her sister's
   An Anchorage judge three years ago warned Sarah Palin and members of
   her family to stop disparaging the reputation of Alaska State
   Trooper Michael Wooten, who at the time was undergoing a bitter
   separation and divorce from Palin's sister Molly.

   Allegations that Palin, her husband Todd, and at least one top
   gubernatorial aide continued to vilify Wooten—after Palin became
   Alaska's governor and pressured state police officials to take action
   against him—are at the center of Troopergate, a political and
   ethical controversy which has embroiled Palin's administration and is
   currently the subject of an official inquiry by a special investigator
   hired by the state legislature.

   Court records obtained by NEWSWEEK show that during the course of
   divorce hearings three years ago, Judge John Suddock heard testimony
   from an official of the Alaska State Troopers' union about how Sarah
   Palin—then a private citizen—and members of her family, including her
   father and daughter, lodged up to a dozen complaints against Wooten
   with the state police. The union official told the judge that he had
   never before been asked to appear as a divorce-case witness, that the
   union believed family complaints against Wooten were not job-
   related, and that Wooten was being harassed by Palin and other
   family members.

   Court documents show that Judge Suddock was disturbed by the alleged
   attacks by Palin and her family members on Wooten's behavior and
   character. Disparaging will not be tolerated—it is a form of child
   abuse, the judge told a settlement hearing in October 2005, according
   to typed notes of the proceedings. The judge added: Relatives cannot
   disparage either. If occurs [sic] the parent needs to set boundaries
   for their relatives.

   A spokesperson for the law firm that represented Palin's sister, now
   known as Molly Hackett, said Hackett's lawyer would have no comment
   because custody issues are still in litigation. Other lawyers
   representing Sarah Palin in connection with the state legislative
   investigation—which is examining whether she abused her powers as
   governor in trying to have Wooten fired or disciplined—had no
   immediate comment. Palin's official gubernatorial spokeswoman did not
   respond to e-mails and a phone message requesting comment.

   Wooten's lawyer also did not respond to messages requesting comment.
   John Cyr, executive director of the State Troopers union, who
   testified at the divorce hearing and is acting as Wooten's spokesman,
   said Wooten has avoided giving media interviews because he wants to
   avoid criticizing his former relatives (to date, Wooten has granted
   just one interview, to CNN).

   As the divorce case dragged on, the judge's concern about family
   disparagement appeared to deepen. In an order signed Jan. 31, 2006,
   which granted Palin's sister and Wooten a final divorce decree, Judge
   Suddock continued to express concern about attacks by Palin's family
   on Wooten. The judge even threatened to curb Palin's sister's child
   custody rights if family criticism of Wooten continued.

   In monitoring how a joint-custody arrangement worked out, the judge
   said in his order that he would pay particular attention to problems
   noted by a custody investigator, specifically the disparagement of
   the father [Wooten] by the mother [Molly Hackett, Sarah Palin's
   sister] and her family members.- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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Re: Swift fires 100 Muslim workers

2008-09-11 Thread Magna Verse
How about all Roman Catholics decide to take each morning off to go to Mass
for a couple of hours
All Jews Can Take off Fridays to prepare for the Sabbath
The whole country shuts down on Sundays so they can attend church

Why are we bending over for the Muslims
When is Sharia Law going to take effect
Screw our Justice citizens
If I am a Muslim and want to have sex with a Nine year old
If I want to kill my daughter for wearing makeup
if I want to have Four wives
Who the fu*k are you to tell me otherwise

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 9:19 AM, d.b.baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [Q] - More than 100 Muslim workers were fired from a Greeley
 slaughterhouse today after refusing to report for work a day earlier
 in protest of the company's refusal to allow a prayer break during the
 work shift.

 Another 120 workers — most of them Somalis — broke ranks with the
 protesters, went back to work Tuesday and kept their jobs, JBS Swift 
 Co. officials said in a statement. -


May the SCHWARTZ be with you

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Defeating AQ is more important than killing OBL

2008-09-11 Thread jgg1000a

But many will demand OBL death rather than defeating AQ

  On Oct. 1, 2006, argued that dead Iraqis were killing 
 al-Qaida. ... Westerners, unless they observe Arab media closely, and have 
 contacts inside the Arab world, will not have noted this sharp drop in 
 al-Qaida's fortunes.

Al-Qaida's malignant message still dupes some young Muslim men.
Nineteenth and early 20th century militant anarchist tracts still
appeal to violent killers like the Unabomber. Rock music critics and
late-night TV cable talk show hosts toy with anarchist tropes.

Bin Laden still has gangsta appeal, but mere survival was not his

If bin Laden had been killed in Afghanistan in 2001, the United States
would be combating a myth and a legend. Instead of caliphate, bin
Laden has produced his own catastrophe. The bin Laden icon is
seriously fractured, if not quite shattered.
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Re: On this anniversary of 9-11....

2008-09-11 Thread Hollywood


Why do you people seem to think that if George Bush argueably has done
ONE thing right that it is unfair, wrong or even unpatriotic to point
out any fuck-ups? Why is that?

On Sep 11, 6:47 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 and it has been 7 tears without another attack on our soil from the
 muslim animals.  pretty damn good, eh?

 On Sep 11, 6:54 am, doctoroe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Let us remember:  It has been 7 years, 2,557 days, since Osama bin
  Ladin launched attacks on the United States. And it has been 2551 days
  since George W. Bush said he'd catch Osama bin Ladin 'Dead or alive.'
  Bush said this September 17, 2001.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Defeating AQ is more important than killing OBL

2008-09-11 Thread Hollywood


How about defeating AQ AND killing or capturing OBL?
Anyone here suggest it's an either/or situation?

On Sep 11, 9:21 am, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But many will demand OBL death rather than defeating AQ

   On Oct. 1, 2006, argued that dead Iraqis were killing 
  al-Qaida. ... Westerners, unless they observe Arab media closely, and 
  have contacts inside the Arab world, will not have noted this sharp drop 
  in al-Qaida's fortunes.

 Al-Qaida's malignant message still dupes some young Muslim men.
 Nineteenth and early 20th century militant anarchist tracts still
 appeal to violent killers like the Unabomber. Rock music critics and
 late-night TV cable talk show hosts toy with anarchist tropes.

 Bin Laden still has gangsta appeal, but mere survival was not his

 If bin Laden had been killed in Afghanistan in 2001, the United States
 would be combating a myth and a legend. Instead of caliphate, bin
 Laden has produced his own catastrophe. The bin Laden icon is
 seriously fractured, if not quite shattered.
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Re: Swift fires 100 Muslim workers

2008-09-11 Thread Hollywood


Dude, they were fired for not showing up for work, what more do you
want? Relax.

On Sep 11, 9:18 am, Magna Verse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How about all Roman Catholics decide to take each morning off to go to Mass
 for a couple of hours
 All Jews Can Take off Fridays to prepare for the Sabbath
 The whole country shuts down on Sundays so they can attend church

 Why are we bending over for the Muslims
 When is Sharia Law going to take effect
 Screw our Justice citizens
 If I am a Muslim and want to have sex with a Nine year old
 If I want to kill my daughter for wearing makeup
 if I want to have Four wives
 Who the fu*k are you to tell me otherwise

 On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 9:19 AM, d.b.baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  [Q] - More than 100 Muslim workers were fired from a Greeley
  slaughterhouse today after refusing to report for work a day earlier
  in protest of the company's refusal to allow a prayer break during the
  work shift.

  Another 120 workers — most of them Somalis — broke ranks with the
  protesters, went back to work Tuesday and kept their jobs, JBS Swift 
  Co. officials said in a statement. -

 May the SCHWARTZ be with you
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Hillary supporter: “I have no good words for that half-breed Muslin”

2008-09-11 Thread d.b.baker

Let's go to the videotape:

Isn't there someone who can talk the Dems in from the ledge?
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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread Hollywood


Political opposition is not the same as fear bright-boy.

On Sep 11, 6:45 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 these neutered  so called men are scared of her because she is tougher
 than they are.
 and the masculine lib women hate her because she is more of a woman
 than they are.
 poor little libbers just can't win.
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Re: NYT Leaks State Secrets: Bush authorizes commando raids in Pakistan

2008-09-11 Thread Gaar


On Sep 11, 8:02 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Quick, whip out a dictionary and tell me what it is when a country
 sends it's armed forces into the territory of another sovereign
 country without the knowledge or permission of that country.

 On Sep 11, 12:32 am, d.b.baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

      WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush secretly approved
  orders in July that for the first time allow U.S. special forces to
  carry out ground assaults inside Pakistan without the approval of the
  Pakistani government, The New York Times reported on Thursday.

      The new orders reflect concern about safe havens for Al Qaeda and
  the Taliban inside Pakistan, as well as an American view that Pakistan
  lacks the will and ability to combat militants, the paper said.

      The situation in the tribal areas is not tolerable, said a
  senior U.S. official who spoke to the Times on condition of anonymity.
  We have to be more assertive. Orders have been issued.

      The newspaper said the orders also illustrated lingering distrust
  of the Pakistani military and intelligence agencies and a belief some
  U.S. operations had been compromised once Pakistanis were advised of
  the details. - Hide 
  quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Defeating AQ is more important than killing OBL

2008-09-11 Thread jgg1000a

One issue here underlining the capturing of OBL is the Afghan/Paki/
Iranian border tribal areas...  As one Pushan OBL is a new comer to
our centuries old fight...   The problem is there is no easy or clean
way to reduce this Radical Islamic seedbed whose population WANTS to
return back to the 6th century when they were a key link in the trade
routes...  Another issue is assumed Paki sovereignty in an area where
Pakistan HAS NEVER fully controlled...

The point the article was making, and one which most Liberal refuse to
admit, is that AQ's popularity in the 90's to 2005 was built on the
assumptions that

1) America would only back corrupt autocratic governments that
oppressed ordinary Moslems,

2) AQ was a Holy movement built on Islamic principles

3) AQ was the only one attacking America and Europe thus the only one
seeking to liberate Islam from Christianity...

AQ fall was built precisely on the rejection of this branding within
the Moslem world...   As a movement AQ has discredited Radical Islam
in the eyes of the majority of Moslems...  Why???

1) Iraqis are telling their fellow Moslems America is the principle
country will to spend its own blood and treasure to FREE IRAQ from
oppressive elite rulers,

2) AQ own tactics revealed AQ as unIslam in principle and deed, now
they are seen as a death cult

3) AQ focus on the easy targets in Iraq -- that is ordinary innocent
Iraqi Moslems...

It is THIS defeat which is of vastly greater importance than to
capture or kill OBL...   OBL is but a symbol  --- better to transform
the symbol into an evil one  in the minds of ordinary Moslems than to
kill or capture OBL better than transformation...This central
point is NOT understand by Obama nor many Democrats...

On Sep 11, 10:45 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How about defeating AQ AND killing or capturing OBL?
 Anyone here suggest it's an either/or situation?

 On Sep 11, 9:21 am, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  But many will demand OBL death rather than defeating AQ

On Oct. 1, 2006, argued that dead Iraqis were 
   killing al-Qaida. ... Westerners, unless they observe Arab media 
   closely, and have contacts inside the Arab world, will not have noted 
   this sharp drop in al-Qaida's fortunes.

  Al-Qaida's malignant message still dupes some young Muslim men.
  Nineteenth and early 20th century militant anarchist tracts still
  appeal to violent killers like the Unabomber. Rock music critics and
  late-night TV cable talk show hosts toy with anarchist tropes.

  Bin Laden still has gangsta appeal, but mere survival was not his

  If bin Laden had been killed in Afghanistan in 2001, the United States
  would be combating a myth and a legend. Instead of caliphate, bin
  Laden has produced his own catastrophe. The bin Laden icon is
  seriously fractured, if not quite shattered.
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The Russian Echo Chamber

2008-09-11 Thread jgg1000a

When you start to believe your own propaganda, you usually have

  If Russia believed its Georgian operation would discourage its neighbors 
 from joining NATO (to gain protection from Russian aggression), it didn't 
 work. But Russia is not discouraged, especially since the Georgian 
 operation is enormously popular inside Russia. The events in Georgia are 
 interpreted quite differently inside Russia, where some politicians see 
 this as an opportunity for the rest of Europe to join with Russia in an 
 anti-U.S. coalition. Russians really believe this stuff, partly because the 
 government has, in the last few years, taken control of most mass media in 
 the country. Russia also has a new set of satellite states (Armenia, 
 Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) who all 
 expressed approval of the peacekeeping operation in Georgia. These 
 Russian allies are all nations that were formerly part of the Soviet Union, 
 and are still dependent on Russia for economic or political aid.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has provided Georgia with a billion dollars of
economic and military aid. This includes NATO sending technicians and
equipment to link Georgia's air defense radars with the NATO system.
That means anything the Russian Air Force does over Georgia, will
immediately show up in NATO air defense command centers. The U.S. is
also believed sending new anti-aircraft weapons (most likely
Stingers.) This aggressiveness is partly in response to Russian sales
of air defense systems to Syria and Iran. The new Cold War is heating

The pressure from Western Europe, UN and the U.S. has resulted in
Russia saying it will pull all of its troops out of Georgia before the
end of the month, and never turn off the natural gas supplies for
Western Europe. These troops are mainly manning roadblocks (where even
UN aid trucks are being halted) and teams of troops who go around
destroying Georgian military equipment. Russia also announced that it
would station permanent garrisons (of nearly 8,000 troops) in Abkhazia
and South Ossetia (which Russia now recognizes as independent of
Georgia, and sort-of part of Russia). Russia is also looking to build
more natural gas pipelines, so that it has other customers for all
that gas (all of it goes to Western Europe now, which is why Russia
can promise to not cut off the supply to the only customer for the
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Republicans praise McCain for supporting the Surge, I don't get it. Here is why.

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Republicans praise McCain for supporting the Surge,
I don't get it. Here is why.

September 11, 2008
Sean Lewis.

The surge has worked, for the moment,
I still remember the premature celebrations
of the 'mission accomplished' speech.

My problem with Republicans celebrating the
success of the surge and bragging about it
being such a great idea is this

How do you celebrate the guy who organized
the bucket brigade, when he was the one who
set the barn on fire?

Had we not invaded Iraq there would never have
been a need for the surge.

Just a thought.
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So Sambo (Obama) Beat The Bitch (Hillary)! - Sarah Palin Laughed

2008-09-11 Thread RW

She's a bigot, a racist, and a liar, Arnold Gerstheimer, who lived
in Alaska until two years ago and now is a businessman in Idaho, said
of Sarah Palin. Palin is a conniving, manipulative, (expletive
deleted) said another Alaska resident. Even Sarah Palin's own mother-
in-law, who plans to vote for Barack Obama, said this about her: What
has Sarah done to qualify her to be vice president?

Wasilla, Alaska had no debt when Sarah took over as mayor, but she
left it with $22 million of debt. One reporter was threatened by
Palin, and said she had heard of her wild temper and vicious mean
streak, and found it to be true. After hearing of Barack Obama beating
Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, a waitress
overheard Palin exclaim with a laugh, So Sambo beat the bitch. And
she is known to commonly call the Eskimos by such racial slurs as
Arctic Arabs. See
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Re: Defeating AQ is more important than killing OBL

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

How about kill OBL, demoralize and then defeat AQ?

On Sep 11, 10:21 am, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But many will demand OBL death rather than defeating AQ

   On Oct. 1, 2006, argued that dead Iraqis were killing 
  al-Qaida. ... Westerners, unless they observe Arab media closely, and 
  have contacts inside the Arab world, will not have noted this sharp drop 
  in al-Qaida's fortunes.

 Al-Qaida's malignant message still dupes some young Muslim men.
 Nineteenth and early 20th century militant anarchist tracts still
 appeal to violent killers like the Unabomber. Rock music critics and
 late-night TV cable talk show hosts toy with anarchist tropes.

 Bin Laden still has gangsta appeal, but mere survival was not his

 If bin Laden had been killed in Afghanistan in 2001, the United States
 would be combating a myth and a legend. Instead of caliphate, bin
 Laden has produced his own catastrophe. The bin Laden icon is
 seriously fractured, if not quite shattered.
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Re: Defeating AQ is more important than killing OBL

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

It would have been nice if the only promise
Bush had kept to the American people was the one
he made at the shine of Americans vowing he would
get OBL dead or alive.

I guess it was just another photo op with empty words.

All chances of getting OBL went out the door when Bush
agreed to give AQ a safe haven in Pakistan.

On Sep 11, 10:21 am, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But many will demand OBL death rather than defeating AQ

   On Oct. 1, 2006, argued that dead Iraqis were killing 
  al-Qaida. ... Westerners, unless they observe Arab media closely, and 
  have contacts inside the Arab world, will not have noted this sharp drop 
  in al-Qaida's fortunes.

 Al-Qaida's malignant message still dupes some young Muslim men.
 Nineteenth and early 20th century militant anarchist tracts still
 appeal to violent killers like the Unabomber. Rock music critics and
 late-night TV cable talk show hosts toy with anarchist tropes.

 Bin Laden still has gangsta appeal, but mere survival was not his

 If bin Laden had been killed in Afghanistan in 2001, the United States
 would be combating a myth and a legend. Instead of caliphate, bin
 Laden has produced his own catastrophe. The bin Laden icon is
 seriously fractured, if not quite shattered.
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Re: So Sambo (Obama) Beat The Bitch (Hillary)! - Sarah Palin Laughed

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

This needs to be FACT CHECKED!

On Sep 11, 11:49 am, RW [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 She's a bigot, a racist, and a liar, Arnold Gerstheimer, who lived
 in Alaska until two years ago and now is a businessman in Idaho, said
 of Sarah Palin. Palin is a conniving, manipulative, (expletive
 deleted) said another Alaska resident. Even Sarah Palin's own mother-
 in-law, who plans to vote for Barack Obama, said this about her: What
 has Sarah done to qualify her to be vice president?

 Wasilla, Alaska had no debt when Sarah took over as mayor, but she
 left it with $22 million of debt. One reporter was threatened by
 Palin, and said she had heard of her wild temper and vicious mean
 streak, and found it to be true. After hearing of Barack Obama beating
 Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, a waitress
 overheard Palin exclaim with a laugh, So Sambo beat the bitch. And
 she is known to commonly call the Eskimos by such racial slurs as
 Arctic Arabs. See
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Re: Defeating AQ is more important than killing OBL

2008-09-11 Thread studio

On Sep 11, 10:21 am, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But many will demand OBL death rather than defeating AQ

Am I mistaken or is Bin Laden the head of AQ?

As long as the head lives, the body will remain functional.

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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread Hollywood


Just keep telling yourself that.

On Sep 11, 10:13 am, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Political opposition is not the same as Personal attacks either.

 The smell of Fear coming from many on the Left is quite clear.

 On Sep 11, 7:54 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Political opposition is not the same as fear bright-boy.

  On Sep 11, 6:45 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   these neutered  so called men are scared of her because she is tougher
   than they are.
   and the masculine lib women hate her because she is more of a woman
   than they are.
   poor little libbers just can't win.- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: US stocks plunged overnight and the Standard Poor's 500 came within 10 points of its bear-market closing low.

2008-09-11 Thread Hollywood


Oh c'mon, give it a try. When have you ever been at a loss for words
and a willingness to post forever? A good sign for specifically WHO
and WHY?

On Sep 9, 11:35 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You have a hard enough time with Politics...

 I am not going to start explaining Investing to you.

 On Sep 9, 8:24 pm, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



  On Sep 9, 7:27 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Good, a double Bottom...

   That is a good sign.

   On Sep 9, 4:44 pm, Frank [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

US stocks plunged overnight and the Standard  Poor's 500 came within
10 points of its bear-market closing low.

Capital-shortage worries shifted from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to
financial firms without government guarantees, such as Washington
Mutual and Lehman Brothers, the latter falling to its lowest closing
price in nearly a decade.

At the same time, commodities prices continued to decline.

One trader dubbed Monday's action on Wall Street “a great bull trap”
because the bounce may have seduced buyers.

The broad Standard  Poor's 500 plunged 43.28 points, or 3.41 per
cent, to 1224.51, its lowest close since the 1215-finish on July 15
and its biggest percentage drop since February 27 last year.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 280.01 points (2.43 per cent) to
11230.73, giving back all but nine points of its Monday gains. The
technology-oriented Nasdaq Composite fell 59.95 (2.64 per cent) to

Since computer giant Dell raised concerns about technology spending in
parts of Europe and Asia about two weeks ago, tech stocks have felt
the claw of a bear market.

Lehman Brothers dropped 45 per cent to its lowest close since October
14, 1998, its biggest percentage drop ever.

The plunge reflected fears about its ability to raise capital.
Standard  Poor's placed Lehman's credit, including short-term
counterparty ratings, on “CreditWatch with negative implications”.
Nevertheless, SP views the firm's short-term liquidity as
“satisfactory”.- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: NYT Leaks State Secrets: Bush authorizes commando raids in Pakistan

2008-09-11 Thread PoliticalAmazon

What would you want America's response to be if Mexico's president
authorized commando raids in America?

Bush Jr does not have the support of the people.  He must be stopped
from his attempts to start a third World War.


On Sep 10, 10:32 pm, d.b.baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
     WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush secretly approved
 orders in July that for the first time allow U.S. special forces to
 carry out ground assaults inside Pakistan without the approval of the
 Pakistani government, The New York Times reported on Thursday.

     The new orders reflect concern about safe havens for Al Qaeda and
 the Taliban inside Pakistan, as well as an American view that Pakistan
 lacks the will and ability to combat militants, the paper said.

     The situation in the tribal areas is not tolerable, said a
 senior U.S. official who spoke to the Times on condition of anonymity.
 We have to be more assertive. Orders have been issued.

     The newspaper said the orders also illustrated lingering distrust
 of the Pakistani military and intelligence agencies and a belief some
 U.S. operations had been compromised once Pakistanis were advised of
 the details. -
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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread PoliticalAmazon

Palin's refusal to have real interaction with the press is, however,
fear...and cowardice.


On Sep 11, 7:54 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Political opposition is not the same as fear bright-boy.

 On Sep 11, 6:45 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  these neutered  so called men are scared of her because she is tougher
  than they are.
  and the masculine lib women hate her because she is more of a woman
  than they are.
  poor little libbers just can't win.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: He must think we are stupid

2008-09-11 Thread jgg1000a

One line attack response do not address the major flip-flops or the
major sitting on the fence positions by Obama...   Specifically on

Pretending Obama to be a strong leader with clear positions is
folly...   And that is the problem, Obama wants to be seen as a strong
leader WITHOUT taking strong position pro or against...  This is in
part why Obama has refuse up to now to point to his experience in
education reform from 1995-2000 in the CAC...

Then he worked with Bill Ayers and others to recentralize the power of
the school board in Chicago after the decentralization of power in the
70's and 80's (which were reforms put in place by the LW of the
Democratic party)...  The CAC efforts were not very sucessful (some
call them failures)...

 That leaves Obama unrevealed on the D.C. law. In response to my inquiry 
 about his specific position, Obama's campaign e-mailed me a one-paragraph 
 answer: Obama believes that while the Second Amendment creates an 
 individual right, . . . he also believes that the Constitution permits 
 federal, state and local government to adopt reasonable and common sense 
 gun safety measures. Though the paragraph is titled Obama on the D.C. 
 Court case, that specific gun ban is never mentioned. I tried again last 
 week, without success, to learn Obama's position before writing this column.

Obama's dance on gun rights is part of his evolution from the radical
young Illinois state legislator he once was. He was recorded in a 1996
questionnaire as advocating a ban on the manufacture, sale and
possession of handguns (a position he has since disavowed). He was on
the board of the Chicago-based Joyce Foundation, which takes an
aggressive gun control position, and in 2000 considered becoming its
full-time president. In 2006, he voted with an 84 to 16 majority (and
against Clinton) to prohibit confiscation of firearms during an
emergency, but that is his only pro-gun vote in Springfield or
Washington. The National Rifle Association grades his voting record
(and Clinton's) an F.

There is no anti-gun litmus test for Democrats. In 2006, Ted
Strickland was elected governor of Ohio and Bob Casey U.S. senator
from Pennsylvania with NRA grades of A. Following their model, Obama
talks about the rights of Americans to protect their families. He
has not yet stated whether that right should exist in Washington.

On Sep 11, 11:54 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know you are stupid.

 Obama has stated he is against illegal
 handguns or hand guns in the possession
 of criminals. Law abiding citizens can keep
 their guns.

 WHY do you list these dumb opinion pieces?

 On Sep 11, 11:38 am, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
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Re: He must think we are stupid

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

LMAO, you have a problem with the fact that Obama has
stances not made in concrete like Bush?

That Obama allows room for compromise and his positions
are in the middle of the road, NOT as you say on the fence.

That is the problem with the GOP, you are either with them
or against them and if you are against them then you are the enemy.
Absolute positions that allow for only confrontation.

Maybe you haven't noticed, this policy hasn't worked for the last
8 years?

On Sep 11, 12:21 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One line attack response do not address the major flip-flops or the
 major sitting on the fence positions by Obama...   Specifically on

 Pretending Obama to be a strong leader with clear positions is
 folly...   And that is the problem, Obama wants to be seen as a strong
 leader WITHOUT taking strong position pro or against...  This is in
 part why Obama has refuse up to now to point to his experience in
 education reform from 1995-2000 in the CAC...

 Then he worked with Bill Ayers and others to recentralize the power of
 the school board in Chicago after the decentralization of power in the
 70's and 80's (which were reforms put in place by the LW of the
 Democratic party)...  The CAC efforts were not very sucessful (some
 call them failures)...

  That leaves Obama unrevealed on the D.C. law. In response to my inquiry 
  about his specific position, Obama's campaign e-mailed me a one-paragraph 
  answer: Obama believes that while the Second Amendment creates an 
  individual right, . . . he also believes that the Constitution permits 
  federal, state and local government to adopt reasonable and common sense 
  gun safety measures. Though the paragraph is titled Obama on the D.C. 
  Court case, that specific gun ban is never mentioned. I tried again last 
  week, without success, to learn Obama's position before writing this 

 Obama's dance on gun rights is part of his evolution from the radical
 young Illinois state legislator he once was. He was recorded in a 1996
 questionnaire as advocating a ban on the manufacture, sale and
 possession of handguns (a position he has since disavowed). He was on
 the board of the Chicago-based Joyce Foundation, which takes an
 aggressive gun control position, and in 2000 considered becoming its
 full-time president. In 2006, he voted with an 84 to 16 majority (and
 against Clinton) to prohibit confiscation of firearms during an
 emergency, but that is his only pro-gun vote in Springfield or
 Washington. The National Rifle Association grades his voting record
 (and Clinton's) an F.

 There is no anti-gun litmus test for Democrats. In 2006, Ted
 Strickland was elected governor of Ohio and Bob Casey U.S. senator
 from Pennsylvania with NRA grades of A. Following their model, Obama
 talks about the rights of Americans to protect their families. He
 has not yet stated whether that right should exist in Washington.

 On Sep 11, 11:54 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I know you are stupid.

  Obama has stated he is against illegal
  handguns or hand guns in the possession
  of criminals. Law abiding citizens can keep
  their guns.

  WHY do you list these dumb opinion pieces?

  On Sep 11, 11:38 am, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: NYT Leaks State Secrets: Bush authorizes commando raids in Pakistan

2008-09-11 Thread mark

first we need to arrest all those responsible for leaking state
secrets and hang em for treason
second we need to congratulate the President for doing what needs to
be done to stop these muslim animals.

On Sep 11, 12:19 pm, PoliticalAmazon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 What would you want America's response to be if Mexico's president
 authorized commando raids in America?

 Bush Jr does not have the support of the people.  He must be stopped
 from his attempts to start a third World War.


 On Sep 10, 10:32 pm, d.b.baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush secretly approved
  orders in July that for the first time allow U.S. special forces to
  carry out ground assaults inside Pakistan without the approval of the
  Pakistani government, The New York Times reported on Thursday.

  The new orders reflect concern about safe havens for Al Qaeda and
  the Taliban inside Pakistan, as well as an American view that Pakistan
  lacks the will and ability to combat militants, the paper said.

  The situation in the tribal areas is not tolerable, said a
  senior U.S. official who spoke to the Times on condition of anonymity.
  We have to be more assertive. Orders have been issued.

  The newspaper said the orders also illustrated lingering distrust
  of the Pakistani military and intelligence agencies and a belief some
  U.S. operations had been compromised once Pakistanis were advised of
  the details. -
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Re: He must think we are stupid

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

LMAO, I guess you are OK for inner city thugs to buy these guns to
commit crimes. Tell me if an individual has never hunted, has no
hunting license is not a member of a gun club or affiliated with the
military of police organization, why would they have a need for an
assault rifle?

If the NRA was REALLY about gun control and safety, then NRA
would craft a bill that correctly addressed the illegal use of guns
that would PROTECT the legitimate gun owners.

This however is yet another example of the all or nothing mentality
of the far right extremists.

On Sep 11, 12:36 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fairfax, Va. - At a rally in Lebanon, Virginia in front of a crowd of
 rural voters, Barack Obama made another one of his empty election-year
 promises not to take away shotguns, rifles or handguns if elected
 President. However, Obama's words on the campaign trail do not match
 his long record of opposing lawful gun ownership.

 NRA will not allow Barack Obama to revise history. That is why we
 will be sending this fact sheet of Obama votes to wherever hunters and
 gun owners congregate and to 4 million NRA members to share with their
 friends and neighbors. said Chris W. Cox, NRA's chief lobbyist. He
 has supported bans on handguns and semi-automatic firearms, and he has
 voted to ban possession of many shotguns and rifles commonly used by
 hunters and sportsmen across America. And we will remind voters every
 single time he lies.

 In 2003 while serving in the Illinois State Legislature, Obama voted
 in favor of a bill in the Judiciary Committee that would have made it
 illegal to knowingly manufacture, deliver or possess a so-called
 semi-automatic assault weapons. Under this bill, a firearm did not
 actually have to be semi-automatic to be banned. According to
 definitions in the bill, all single-shot and double-barreled shotguns
 28-gauge or larger, and many semi-automatic shotguns of the same size,
 would be banned as assault weapons. This definition would have
 banned a large percentage of the shotguns used for hunting, target
 shooting and self-defense in the United States. The bill also would
 have banned hundreds of models of rifles and handguns.

 Any Illinois resident who possessed one of these commonly used guns 90
 days after the effective date would have had to destroy the weapon or
 device, render it permanently inoperable, relinquish it to a law
 enforcement agency, or remove it from the state. Anyone who still
 possessed a banned gun would have been subject to a felony sentence.

 Obama may argue the bill was poorly drafted, said Cox. But Barack
 Obama - who brags about being a constitutional law professor and the
 former president of the Harvard Law Review - voted for it. That's

 On Sep 11, 12:34 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  LMAO, you have a problem with the fact that Obama has
  stances not made in concrete like Bush?

  That Obama allows room for compromise and his positions
  are in the middle of the road, NOT as you say on the fence.

  That is the problem with the GOP, you are either with them
  or against them and if you are against them then you are the enemy.
  Absolute positions that allow for only confrontation.

  Maybe you haven't noticed, this policy hasn't worked for the last
  8 years?

  On Sep 11, 12:21 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   One line attack response do not address the major flip-flops or the
   major sitting on the fence positions by Obama...   Specifically on

   Pretending Obama to be a strong leader with clear positions is
   folly...   And that is the problem, Obama wants to be seen as a strong
   leader WITHOUT taking strong position pro or against...  This is in
   part why Obama has refuse up to now to point to his experience in
   education reform from 1995-2000 in the CAC...

   Then he worked with Bill Ayers and others to recentralize the power of
   the school board in Chicago after the decentralization of power in the
   70's and 80's (which were reforms put in place by the LW of the
   Democratic party)...  The CAC efforts were not very sucessful (some
   call them failures)...

That leaves Obama unrevealed on the D.C. law. In response to my 
inquiry about his specific position, Obama's campaign e-mailed me a 
one-paragraph answer: Obama believes that while the Second Amendment 
creates an individual right, . . . he also believes that the 
Constitution permits federal, state and local government to adopt 
reasonable and common sense gun safety measures. Though the 
paragraph is titled Obama on the D.C. Court case, that specific gun 
ban is never mentioned. I tried again last week, without success, to 
learn Obama's position before writing this column.

   Obama's dance on gun rights is part of his evolution from the radical
   young Illinois state legislator he once was. He was recorded 

Re: He must think we are stupid

2008-09-11 Thread jgg1000a

Spin baby spin...   Soft stances = more of the same  Reformers on
the whole bring strong stands on key issues as it is that passion
which drive them...

On Sep 11, 12:34 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 LMAO, you have a problem with the fact that Obama has
 stances not made in concrete like Bush?

 That Obama allows room for compromise and his positions
 are in the middle of the road, NOT as you say on the fence.

 That is the problem with the GOP, you are either with them
 or against them and if you are against them then you are the enemy.
 Absolute positions that allow for only confrontation.

 Maybe you haven't noticed, this policy hasn't worked for the last
 8 years?

 On Sep 11, 12:21 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  One line attack response do not address the major flip-flops or the
  major sitting on the fence positions by Obama...   Specifically on

  Pretending Obama to be a strong leader with clear positions is
  folly...   And that is the problem, Obama wants to be seen as a strong
  leader WITHOUT taking strong position pro or against...  This is in
  part why Obama has refuse up to now to point to his experience in
  education reform from 1995-2000 in the CAC...

  Then he worked with Bill Ayers and others to recentralize the power of
  the school board in Chicago after the decentralization of power in the
  70's and 80's (which were reforms put in place by the LW of the
  Democratic party)...  The CAC efforts were not very sucessful (some
  call them failures)...

   That leaves Obama unrevealed on the D.C. law. In response to my inquiry 
   about his specific position, Obama's campaign e-mailed me a 
   one-paragraph answer: Obama believes that while the Second Amendment 
   creates an individual right, . . . he also believes that the 
   Constitution permits federal, state and local government to adopt 
   reasonable and common sense gun safety measures. Though the paragraph 
   is titled Obama on the D.C. Court case, that specific gun ban is 
   never mentioned. I tried again last week, without success, to learn 
   Obama's position before writing this column.

  Obama's dance on gun rights is part of his evolution from the radical
  young Illinois state legislator he once was. He was recorded in a 1996
  questionnaire as advocating a ban on the manufacture, sale and
  possession of handguns (a position he has since disavowed). He was on
  the board of the Chicago-based Joyce Foundation, which takes an
  aggressive gun control position, and in 2000 considered becoming its
  full-time president. In 2006, he voted with an 84 to 16 majority (and
  against Clinton) to prohibit confiscation of firearms during an
  emergency, but that is his only pro-gun vote in Springfield or
  Washington. The National Rifle Association grades his voting record
  (and Clinton's) an F.

  There is no anti-gun litmus test for Democrats. In 2006, Ted
  Strickland was elected governor of Ohio and Bob Casey U.S. senator
  from Pennsylvania with NRA grades of A. Following their model, Obama
  talks about the rights of Americans to protect their families. He
  has not yet stated whether that right should exist in Washington.

  On Sep 11, 11:54 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I know you are stupid.

   Obama has stated he is against illegal
   handguns or hand guns in the possession
   of criminals. Law abiding citizens can keep
   their guns.

   WHY do you list these dumb opinion pieces?

   On Sep 11, 11:38 am, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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Re: He must think we are stupid

2008-09-11 Thread mark

Fairfax, Va. - At a rally in Lebanon, Virginia in front of a crowd of
rural voters, Barack Obama made another one of his empty election-year
promises not to take away shotguns, rifles or handguns if elected
President. However, Obama's words on the campaign trail do not match
his long record of opposing lawful gun ownership.

NRA will not allow Barack Obama to revise history. That is why we
will be sending this fact sheet of Obama votes to wherever hunters and
gun owners congregate and to 4 million NRA members to share with their
friends and neighbors. said Chris W. Cox, NRA's chief lobbyist. He
has supported bans on handguns and semi-automatic firearms, and he has
voted to ban possession of many shotguns and rifles commonly used by
hunters and sportsmen across America. And we will remind voters every
single time he lies.

In 2003 while serving in the Illinois State Legislature, Obama voted
in favor of a bill in the Judiciary Committee that would have made it
illegal to knowingly manufacture, deliver or possess a so-called
semi-automatic assault weapons. Under this bill, a firearm did not
actually have to be semi-automatic to be banned. According to
definitions in the bill, all single-shot and double-barreled shotguns
28-gauge or larger, and many semi-automatic shotguns of the same size,
would be banned as assault weapons. This definition would have
banned a large percentage of the shotguns used for hunting, target
shooting and self-defense in the United States. The bill also would
have banned hundreds of models of rifles and handguns.

Any Illinois resident who possessed one of these commonly used guns 90
days after the effective date would have had to destroy the weapon or
device, render it permanently inoperable, relinquish it to a law
enforcement agency, or remove it from the state. Anyone who still
possessed a banned gun would have been subject to a felony sentence.

Obama may argue the bill was poorly drafted, said Cox. But Barack
Obama - who brags about being a constitutional law professor and the
former president of the Harvard Law Review - voted for it. That's

On Sep 11, 12:34 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 LMAO, you have a problem with the fact that Obama has
 stances not made in concrete like Bush?

 That Obama allows room for compromise and his positions
 are in the middle of the road, NOT as you say on the fence.

 That is the problem with the GOP, you are either with them
 or against them and if you are against them then you are the enemy.
 Absolute positions that allow for only confrontation.

 Maybe you haven't noticed, this policy hasn't worked for the last
 8 years?

 On Sep 11, 12:21 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  One line attack response do not address the major flip-flops or the
  major sitting on the fence positions by Obama...   Specifically on

  Pretending Obama to be a strong leader with clear positions is
  folly...   And that is the problem, Obama wants to be seen as a strong
  leader WITHOUT taking strong position pro or against...  This is in
  part why Obama has refuse up to now to point to his experience in
  education reform from 1995-2000 in the CAC...

  Then he worked with Bill Ayers and others to recentralize the power of
  the school board in Chicago after the decentralization of power in the
  70's and 80's (which were reforms put in place by the LW of the
  Democratic party)...  The CAC efforts were not very sucessful (some
  call them failures)...

   That leaves Obama unrevealed on the D.C. law. In response to my inquiry 
   about his specific position, Obama's campaign e-mailed me a 
   one-paragraph answer: Obama believes that while the Second Amendment 
   creates an individual right, . . . he also believes that the 
   Constitution permits federal, state and local government to adopt 
   reasonable and common sense gun safety measures. Though the paragraph 
   is titled Obama on the D.C. Court case, that specific gun ban is 
   never mentioned. I tried again last week, without success, to learn 
   Obama's position before writing this column.

  Obama's dance on gun rights is part of his evolution from the radical
  young Illinois state legislator he once was. He was recorded in a 1996
  questionnaire as advocating a ban on the manufacture, sale and
  possession of handguns (a position he has since disavowed). He was on
  the board of the Chicago-based Joyce Foundation, which takes an
  aggressive gun control position, and in 2000 considered becoming its
  full-time president. In 2006, he voted with an 84 to 16 majority (and
  against Clinton) to prohibit confiscation of firearms during an
  emergency, but that is his only pro-gun vote in Springfield or
  Washington. The National Rifle Association grades his voting record
  (and Clinton's) an F.

  There is no anti-gun litmus test for Democrats. In 2006, Ted
  Strickland was elected governor 

Re: Republicans praise McCain for supporting the Surge, I don't get it. Here is why.

2008-09-11 Thread mark

what's the matter lib, lose some good terrorist friends who we killed
in the surge?  sorry to see you raghead terrorist buds losing to the
mighty satan?  hate to admit you libs were wrong, again?

On Sep 11, 11:42 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Republicans praise McCain for supporting the Surge,
 I don't get it. Here is why.

 September 11, 2008
 Sean Lewis.

 The surge has worked, for the moment,
 I still remember the premature celebrations
 of the 'mission accomplished' speech.

 My problem with Republicans celebrating the
 success of the surge and bragging about it
 being such a great idea is this

 How do you celebrate the guy who organized
 the bucket brigade, when he was the one who
 set the barn on fire?

 Had we not invaded Iraq there would never have
 been a need for the surge.

 Just a thought.
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Re: 9/11 seven yrs on never forget

2008-09-11 Thread mark

my bad, I should have said, the people who were murdered.

On Sep 11, 8:29 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 never forget.  never forget the people who died.  never forget the
 families of those who died.  and never ever forget those who attacked
 us, and killed our people, for they have vowed to never stop their
 demented desire to destroy all that are not like them.
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Re: So Sambo (Obama) Beat The Bitch (Hillary)! - Sarah Palin Laughed

2008-09-11 Thread mark

more lies from the left.

On Sep 11, 11:59 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This needs to be FACT CHECKED!

 On Sep 11, 11:49 am, RW [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  She's a bigot, a racist, and a liar, Arnold Gerstheimer, who lived
  in Alaska until two years ago and now is a businessman in Idaho, said
  of Sarah Palin. Palin is a conniving, manipulative, (expletive
  deleted) said another Alaska resident. Even Sarah Palin's own mother-
  in-law, who plans to vote for Barack Obama, said this about her: What
  has Sarah done to qualify her to be vice president?

  Wasilla, Alaska had no debt when Sarah took over as mayor, but she
  left it with $22 million of debt. One reporter was threatened by
  Palin, and said she had heard of her wild temper and vicious mean
  streak, and found it to be true. After hearing of Barack Obama beating
  Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, a waitress
  overheard Palin exclaim with a laugh, So Sambo beat the bitch. And
  she is known to commonly call the Eskimos by such racial slurs as
  Arctic Arabs. See
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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread mark

too bad you spend all your time sitting on your liberal brain.

On Sep 11, 12:54 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 LMAO, I am not attracted to a pitbull with lipstick,
 glad you are. But don't think that because I want to see if she
 knows more than one trick, reading from a telepromter and
 repeating the same speech like a trained parrot, doesn't mean
 she intimidates mean. It just means I am not as gullible as the
 same idiots who bought the lies, Iraq has WMD's, Schiavo wasn't
 brain dead, the US doesn't torture, and all the other lies the Bush
 White House was caught repeating.

 I am an independent, not only do I have a Brain but I know how
 to use it!

 On Sep 11, 12:42 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  so did it hurt when you libs were castrated?  and how does it feel to
  be less a man that Sarah is?  yep just nothing but a bunch of liberal
  girlie men.  sorry ass, no nuts, panty wearing girlie men.

  On Sep 11, 12:27 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Point set and match!

   On Sep 11, 12:21 pm, PoliticalAmazon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Palin's refusal to have real interaction with the press is, however,
fear...and cowardice.


On Sep 11, 7:54 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Political opposition is not the same as fear bright-boy.

 On Sep 11, 6:45 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  these neutered  so called men are scared of her because she is 
  than they are.
  and the masculine lib women hate her because she is more of a woman
  than they are.
  poor little libbers just can't win.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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Re: Political activists charged with terrorism. The real purpose of the Patriot act

2008-09-11 Thread Zebnick

The asshole that wrote this article seems to have forgotten that these
fuck wads also had plans to kidnap delegates to the convention.

On Sep 11, 12:49 am, Frank [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Political dissent as terrorism: “Minnesota Patriot Act” charges filed
 against RNC Eight
 By Tom Eley
 11 September 2008

 The charges of terrorism leveled against the eight youth who had
 sought to organize protests and civil disobedience against the
 Republican National Convention (RNC) in Minnesota last week sound an
 alarm that political opposition in the US is on its way toward being

 In what may be the first case of its kind, American citizens have been
 arrested and charged as terrorists for no other act than planning to
 protest and obstruct a political event. In this case the occasion was
 the nominating convention of a party chiefly responsible for policies
 detested by the majority of Americans, including the war in Iraq and
 the enrichment of a tiny layer of the enormously wealthy.

 Even a casual review of the case reveals that the charges are a
 baseless frame-up, carried out in the name of constitutionally dubious
 “anti-terrorist” legislation enacted since 2002.

 More alarming than the case itself, however, is the fact that it has
 gone virtually unnoted by the national news media. This reporter could
 also find no mention of the case on the web sites of left-liberal
 publications such as the Nation, the Progressive, or In These Times.
 No major politician from either party has commented on the case,
 including Minnesota’s Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar. Attempts to
 contact the campaign and Senate office of Democratic presidential
 candidate Barack Obama revealed that the nominee has no media contact
 phone number and that he had not released a statement on the arrests.

 This silence on the case is no indication of its lack of importance.
 In essence, the terrorism charges against the RNC 8 show what the
 World Socialist Web Site has long warned: that anti-terrorism laws
 like the Patriot Act—enthusiastically supported by both major parties—
 have never been about protecting the American people from terrorism.
 They were put into place to create the legal framework for the
 suppression of basic constitutional and democratic rights of the

 The eight members of the anarchist group Republican National
 Convention Welcoming Committee (RNCWC) were arrested the weekend
 before the RNC began and charged with the felony “conspiracy to commit
 riot in the second degree in furtherance of terrorism.” They have
 since been released on $10,000 bail. If convicted at trial, the RNC
 Eight could each face five years in prison plus a $10,000 fine. A
 ninth individual has been named in the police complaint, but has yet
 to be charged.

 Bruce Nestor, president of the Minnesota chapter of the National
 Lawyers Guild and attorney for Monica Bicking, one of the eight
 defendants, told the World Socialist Web Site that the authorities
 have shown no indication that the charges will be dropped.

 The charges are predicated on an a priori assumption of guilt; not on
 what actually happened, but what might have happened had no arrest
 been made.

 Furthermore, the charges are almost entirely based upon the evidence
 of two confidential paid informants.

 Nestor pointed out in an earlier interview with the Minnesota
 Independent that “the most outrageous allegations made by the
 authorities are not supported by any evidence other than the statement
 of the confidential informants. They’re not supported by the evidence

 The physical evidence gathered by law enforcement was even more
 threadbare than the purchased testimony of informants. “We have the
 sheriff displaying a single plastic item that he claims was a shield,”
 Nestor said, “as if one shield was going to protect demonstrators from
 3,500 armed riot police who have projectile-tear-gas weapons.” In
 addition, police seized a rusty hatchet, nails, lighters and other
 common household items as evidence, and rather ludicrously reported
 discovering “weaponized urine.”

 This is the same method the Federal Bureau of Investigation has used
 in its attacks on Muslim organizations and other “terrorism” suspects.
 In such scenarios, anonymous police infiltrators enter an
 organization, create a provocation or even a crime itself, and then
 turn over uncorroborated testimony, thereby implicating an entire
 group of people

 Lawyers for the RNCWC members have also pointed to the climate of fear
 created surrounding their clients by the very charge of terrorism.
 “All they do is they label people as terrorists and anarchists, and at
 that point what people are actually saying and the content of their
 views has no meaning anymore,” said attorney Jordan Kushner.

 Nestor told the WSWS that the arrests are “part of an overall law
 enforcement strategy to intimidate people from exercising political
 rights in the streets and to intimidate 

Re: Democratic Anger

2008-09-11 Thread jgg1000a

Here is another slant on this point...  Not unlike the RW crazies
during the McCarthy years...  Are rabid LW Democrats the new

Last week may have been a turning point in one way, almost regardless
of who wins the election, but certainly if McCain actually wins.  The
week brought into the open - in a way that almost no one in the
country could ignore - some of the craziness that has taken over among
many liberals and Democrats in the past eight to ten years.  Not
necessarily crazy policies so much as a crazy spirit: a kind of
extremist temper, a John-Birch-Society-of-the-left atmosphere.

It's an atmosphere rightly associated with college and university
campuses, where a hectoringly intolerant political orthodoxy took
over, in many cases, years ago.  (See above.)

Most of the mainstream media share it as well - in diluted form
certainly, compared to the full nuttiness on campus.  The media have
been important in promoting it: directly by telling only one side of
the story (the leftist narrative, to put it in leftist jargon); and
indirectly by covering for the growing craziness - almost never
mentioning what's going on at Kos or Democratic Underground or
Harper's or even in the ordinary conversation of a growing number of
ever-more-wildly-talking ordinary liberals across the country.

The frenzy about Sarah Palin has changed things, maybe permanently.
It was (and is) a reflex spasm of hatred, coming from people -
obviously including lots and lots of the media - who had never heard
of Sarah Palin until McCain announced her.  (Just a week ago Friday:
it seems longer ago than that, doesn't it?)  It almost instantly went
far beyond an inquiry into her qualifications and fitness for the vice
presidency - about which reasonable people can certainly differ.  The
unhinged animus (good word; nothing to do with pigs) is too obvious
for anyone to miss.  And instead of carefully ignoring it or smoothing
it over with public-relations cover, as the media usually do with
anything ugly on the left, this time the media openly joined in and
led the crazy charge.

For once, there seems to be a price to be paid.   Suddenly the
political race is tied, or Obama is even falling behind.   Ballistic
left-liberalism hasn't been politely ignored this time.  It's as
though the country is suddenly asking Do we really want to be ruled
by armies of people with this outlook, whom Obama would bring in, all
up and down the federal government?

If the fallout - dangerous, if not fatal, to their political hopes -
helps bring mainstream liberalism back to a less paranoid, less angry
and sneering, and generally less crazed way of talking and feeling, it
will be a very good thing for the country and for all concerned.
Crazy political talk, after all, can start out as just a fashion, a
way of talking that nobody necessarily means very seriously.  But
words, and ways of talking, take on a life of their own: after a while
you start believing what you say, and even acting on it.

It's all much more in the open now than it was a week and a half ago.
That's a good thing.

On Sep 11, 1:08 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 despite being built on myths as stolen election of 2000 and
 swiftboating will be a very destruction emotion within the
 Democratic Party if Obama loses...   Responsible Democrats will have
 to reassert authority to stay competitive in years to come...

 It took Democrats 2 election cycles after 1968...

 It took Republicans 5 election cycles after 1932...

 It took Democrats 4 election cycles after 1896...

 It took Democrats 6 election cycles after 1860...

 It took the Whigs 4 election cycles after 1824...

 For a political party to learn that their anger is due to THEIR
 failures of governing and then accept the absolute requirement of
 altering their basic philosophy and POV takes time...
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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Point set and match!

On Sep 11, 12:21 pm, PoliticalAmazon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Palin's refusal to have real interaction with the press is, however,
 fear...and cowardice.


 On Sep 11, 7:54 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Political opposition is not the same as fear bright-boy.

  On Sep 11, 6:45 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   these neutered  so called men are scared of her because she is tougher
   than they are.
   and the masculine lib women hate her because she is more of a woman
   than they are.
   poor little libbers just can't win.- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Democratic Anger

2008-09-11 Thread jgg1000a

despite being built on myths as stolen election of 2000 and
swiftboating will be a very destruction emotion within the
Democratic Party if Obama loses...   Responsible Democrats will have
to reassert authority to stay competitive in years to come...

It took Democrats 2 election cycles after 1968...

It took Republicans 5 election cycles after 1932...

It took Democrats 4 election cycles after 1896...

It took Democrats 6 election cycles after 1860...

It took the Whigs 4 election cycles after 1824...

For a political party to learn that their anger is due to THEIR
failures of governing and then accept the absolute requirement of
altering their basic philosophy and POV takes time...
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Re: Just what does Charge mean???

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Congress is disfunctional because of the obstructionist
Republican Senators of which McCain is now one of them.

Republicans refuse to compromise, EVEN when it is the will
of the people.

On Sep 11, 12:56 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To Obama it means changing the occupant in the WH while retaining the
 disfunctional Congress -- regardless of who leads it  Democrat or
 Republican...  Note the Democrats control Congressional agenda making

 To McCain it means changing the dyfunctionality of the relationship
 between the WH and Congress...

 We have had 14 years of slim Congressional margins, the last time we
 had a decade or more of slim Congressional margins was from 1942 to
 1958...  LBJ and Dirkson learned how to make Congress functional in a
 bi-partisan fashion...  The result of the historic CR legislation of
 1964...   Today, neither party has Congressional leaders who know how
 to work across the isle...

 The era since 1994 has been one of strong-arm one Party rule built on
 slender majorities...  This reminds one of the Congressional
 stalemates from 1875 to 1896...
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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread Gaar

I will let the Election say all it needs to...

I just hope you and your Liberal friends listen this time.

I won't be holding my breath.

On Sep 11, 9:04 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just keep telling yourself that.

 On Sep 11, 10:13 am, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Political opposition is not the same as Personal attacks either.

  The smell of Fear coming from many on the Left is quite clear.

  On Sep 11, 7:54 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Political opposition is not the same as fear bright-boy.

   On Sep 11, 6:45 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

these neutered  so called men are scared of her because she is tougher
than they are.
and the masculine lib women hate her because she is more of a woman
than they are.
poor little libbers just can't win.- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread Gaar

On Sep 11, 9:27 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Point set and match!

Ahhh, just like a Loony Liberal.

The Debate has only just begun, and he is already claiming Victory, as
if it is his to claim one way or the other.

Idiots like this obviously forget why we have Elections.

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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread Gaar

You mean like reading Change from a Telepromper for 18 months, and
when talking off a Teleprompter you stumble through your answers, like
Barack Obama has?!?!?!?!?

On Sep 11, 9:54 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 LMAO, I am not attracted to a pitbull with lipstick,
 glad you are. But don't think that because I want to see if she
 knows more than one trick, reading from a telepromter and
 repeating the same speech like a trained parrot, doesn't mean
 she intimidates mean. It just means I am not as gullible as the
 same idiots who bought the lies, Iraq has WMD's, Schiavo wasn't
 brain dead, the US doesn't torture, and all the other lies the Bush
 White House was caught repeating.

 I am an independent, not only do I have a Brain but I know how
 to use it!

 On Sep 11, 12:42 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  so did it hurt when you libs were castrated?  and how does it feel to
  be less a man that Sarah is?  yep just nothing but a bunch of liberal
  girlie men.  sorry ass, no nuts, panty wearing girlie men.

  On Sep 11, 12:27 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Point set and match!

   On Sep 11, 12:21 pm, PoliticalAmazon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Palin's refusal to have real interaction with the press is, however,
fear...and cowardice.


On Sep 11, 7:54 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Political opposition is not the same as fear bright-boy.

 On Sep 11, 6:45 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  these neutered  so called men are scared of her because she is 
  than they are.
  and the masculine lib women hate her because she is more of a woman
  than they are.
  poor little libbers just can't win.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Oh I didn't realize this insignificant thread represented the
National Election. I thought it was the undefendable rantings
of a deranged Useless Bush Idiot Apologist?

I stand corrected.

On Sep 11, 1:22 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 11, 9:27 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Point set and match!

 Ahhh, just like a Loony Liberal.

 The Debate has only just begun, and he is already claiming Victory, as
 if it is his to claim one way or the other.

 Idiots like this obviously forget why we have Elections.
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Re: Democratic Anger

2008-09-11 Thread Gaar

Wrong, yet again...

Take a look at the damage the Democrats did to our Constitution under

That damage is unprecedented in our History, and we have yet to
address that damage in any significant way.

It seems we are going to allow it to come close to creating our demise
before we do...

On Sep 11, 10:21 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Never in history has a political party done the amount of
 damage to a nation as the Republican dominated rule
 has wrought on this nation.

 Americans, not just Democrats are angry about this.

 On Sep 11, 1:08 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  despite being built on myths as stolen election of 2000 and
  swiftboating will be a very destruction emotion within the
  Democratic Party if Obama loses...   Responsible Democrats will have
  to reassert authority to stay competitive in years to come...

  It took Democrats 2 election cycles after 1968...

  It took Republicans 5 election cycles after 1932...

  It took Democrats 4 election cycles after 1896...

  It took Democrats 6 election cycles after 1860...

  It took the Whigs 4 election cycles after 1824...

  For a political party to learn that their anger is due to THEIR
  failures of governing and then accept the absolute requirement of
  altering their basic philosophy and POV takes time... 
 Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: He must think we are stupid

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Passion not reason equals the 'Terri Schiavo' laws!

On Sep 11, 12:46 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Spin baby spin...   Soft stances = more of the same  Reformers on
 the whole bring strong stands on key issues as it is that passion
 which drive them...

 On Sep 11, 12:34 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  LMAO, you have a problem with the fact that Obama has
  stances not made in concrete like Bush?

  That Obama allows room for compromise and his positions
  are in the middle of the road, NOT as you say on the fence.

  That is the problem with the GOP, you are either with them
  or against them and if you are against them then you are the enemy.
  Absolute positions that allow for only confrontation.

  Maybe you haven't noticed, this policy hasn't worked for the last
  8 years?

  On Sep 11, 12:21 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   One line attack response do not address the major flip-flops or the
   major sitting on the fence positions by Obama...   Specifically on

   Pretending Obama to be a strong leader with clear positions is
   folly...   And that is the problem, Obama wants to be seen as a strong
   leader WITHOUT taking strong position pro or against...  This is in
   part why Obama has refuse up to now to point to his experience in
   education reform from 1995-2000 in the CAC...

   Then he worked with Bill Ayers and others to recentralize the power of
   the school board in Chicago after the decentralization of power in the
   70's and 80's (which were reforms put in place by the LW of the
   Democratic party)...  The CAC efforts were not very sucessful (some
   call them failures)...

That leaves Obama unrevealed on the D.C. law. In response to my 
inquiry about his specific position, Obama's campaign e-mailed me a 
one-paragraph answer: Obama believes that while the Second Amendment 
creates an individual right, . . . he also believes that the 
Constitution permits federal, state and local government to adopt 
reasonable and common sense gun safety measures. Though the 
paragraph is titled Obama on the D.C. Court case, that specific gun 
ban is never mentioned. I tried again last week, without success, to 
learn Obama's position before writing this column.

   Obama's dance on gun rights is part of his evolution from the radical
   young Illinois state legislator he once was. He was recorded in a 1996
   questionnaire as advocating a ban on the manufacture, sale and
   possession of handguns (a position he has since disavowed). He was on
   the board of the Chicago-based Joyce Foundation, which takes an
   aggressive gun control position, and in 2000 considered becoming its
   full-time president. In 2006, he voted with an 84 to 16 majority (and
   against Clinton) to prohibit confiscation of firearms during an
   emergency, but that is his only pro-gun vote in Springfield or
   Washington. The National Rifle Association grades his voting record
   (and Clinton's) an F.

   There is no anti-gun litmus test for Democrats. In 2006, Ted
   Strickland was elected governor of Ohio and Bob Casey U.S. senator
   from Pennsylvania with NRA grades of A. Following their model, Obama
   talks about the rights of Americans to protect their families. He
   has not yet stated whether that right should exist in Washington.

   On Sep 11, 11:54 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I know you are stupid.

Obama has stated he is against illegal
handguns or hand guns in the possession
of criminals. Law abiding citizens can keep
their guns.

WHY do you list these dumb opinion pieces?

On Sep 11, 11:38 am, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Democratic Anger

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Gaar please, reality is that this country has been gutted
by the Republicans constitutionally, ethically, financially,
morally, politically, militarily and US world preeminence
has been greatly diminished.

That is the REALITY!

On Sep 11, 1:26 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wrong, yet again...

 Take a look at the damage the Democrats did to our Constitution under

 That damage is unprecedented in our History, and we have yet to
 address that damage in any significant way.

 It seems we are going to allow it to come close to creating our demise
 before we do...

 On Sep 11, 10:21 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Never in history has a political party done the amount of
  damage to a nation as the Republican dominated rule
  has wrought on this nation.

  Americans, not just Democrats are angry about this.

  On Sep 11, 1:08 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   despite being built on myths as stolen election of 2000 and
   swiftboating will be a very destruction emotion within the
   Democratic Party if Obama loses...   Responsible Democrats will have
   to reassert authority to stay competitive in years to come...

   It took Democrats 2 election cycles after 1968...

   It took Republicans 5 election cycles after 1932...

   It took Democrats 4 election cycles after 1896...

   It took Democrats 6 election cycles after 1860...

   It took the Whigs 4 election cycles after 1824...

   For a political party to learn that their anger is due to THEIR
   failures of governing and then accept the absolute requirement of
   altering their basic philosophy and POV takes time...
   quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Are we reading the same post? The one I am responding to is
this one...

girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

Someone is making the claim Dems are somehow intimidated
by Palin.

It is a clumsy way of trying to stop honest critism of the flawed
VP candidate.

On Sep 11, 1:29 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 11, 10:25 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Oh I didn't realize this insignificant thread represented the
  National Election.

 You understand who Sarah is, right?

 You realize that she is actually running for Office in this National
 Election, right?

 Yes, you do indeed stand corrected. Nice of you to admit it.
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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread Gaar

I think it is a honest criticism of the people who need to attack
Sarah Palin personally, rather than have a REAL discussion based on
the merits.

On Sep 11, 10:35 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are we reading the same post? The one I am responding to is
 this one...

 girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

 Someone is making the claim Dems are somehow intimidated
 by Palin.

 It is a clumsy way of trying to stop honest critism of the flawed
 VP candidate.

 On Sep 11, 1:29 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Sep 11, 10:25 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Oh I didn't realize this insignificant thread represented the
   National Election.

  You understand who Sarah is, right?

  You realize that she is actually running for Office in this National
  Election, right?

  Yes, you do indeed stand corrected. Nice of you to admit it.- Hide quoted 
  text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Democratic Anger

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Merrits? You are talking of only one issue, Constitutional
I am speaking across a much larger spectrum.

This is not comparing oranges to apples, to is comparing
the island of Guam to the solar system.

This is the whole sale sell out of American values.

On Sep 11, 1:34 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So you say...

 If you like, I can cite specifics.

 Care to discuss this on the merits?

 On Sep 11, 10:31 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Gaar please, reality is that this country has been gutted
  by the Republicans constitutionally, ethically, financially,
  morally, politically, militarily and US world preeminence
  has been greatly diminished.

  That is the REALITY!

  On Sep 11, 1:26 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Wrong, yet again...

   Take a look at the damage the Democrats did to our Constitution under

   That damage is unprecedented in our History, and we have yet to
   address that damage in any significant way.

   It seems we are going to allow it to come close to creating our demise
   before we do...

   On Sep 11, 10:21 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Never in history has a political party done the amount of
damage to a nation as the Republican dominated rule
has wrought on this nation.

Americans, not just Democrats are angry about this.

On Sep 11, 1:08 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 despite being built on myths as stolen election of 2000 and
 swiftboating will be a very destruction emotion within the
 Democratic Party if Obama loses...   Responsible Democrats will have
 to reassert authority to stay competitive in years to come...

 It took Democrats 2 election cycles after 1968...

 It took Republicans 5 election cycles after 1932...

 It took Democrats 4 election cycles after 1896...

 It took Democrats 6 election cycles after 1860...

 It took the Whigs 4 election cycles after 1824...

 For a political party to learn that their anger is due to THEIR
 failures of governing and then accept the absolute requirement of
 altering their basic philosophy and POV takes time...

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Gaar I have posted nothing but the facts, and bozo here can only post
in rebuttal?

I think that sums it up, don't you?

On Sep 11, 1:39 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think it is a honest criticism of the people who need to attack
 Sarah Palin personally, rather than have a REAL discussion based on
 the merits.

 On Sep 11, 10:35 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Are we reading the same post? The one I am responding to is
  this one...

  girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

  Someone is making the claim Dems are somehow intimidated
  by Palin.

  It is a clumsy way of trying to stop honest critism of the flawed
  VP candidate.

  On Sep 11, 1:29 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On Sep 11, 10:25 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh I didn't realize this insignificant thread represented the
National Election.

   You understand who Sarah is, right?

   You realize that she is actually running for Office in this National
   Election, right?

   Yes, you do indeed stand corrected. Nice of you to admit it.- Hide quoted 
   text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Mark this again?

That is the problem with the GOP, nothing original.

You bring out Bush in a Dress and expect the
world not to notice once again it is all image and
no substance.

Bush in a Dress get it, he he he.

On Sep 11, 7:45 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 these neutered  so called men are scared of her because she is tougher
 than they are.
 and the masculine lib women hate her because she is more of a woman
 than they are.
 poor little libbers just can't win.
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Re: Democratic Anger

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Gaar I not interested in this circular argument, you got
a point make it.

The 2006 election results speaks for America's atitude toward
the Republicans.

On Sep 11, 1:40 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am talking about many things as well...

 Again, care to be specific, or just continue on with your ranting?

 On Sep 11, 10:39 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Merrits? You are talking of only one issue, Constitutional
  I am speaking across a much larger spectrum.

  This is not comparing oranges to apples, to is comparing
  the island of Guam to the solar system.

  This is the whole sale sell out of American values.

  On Sep 11, 1:34 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   So you say...

   If you like, I can cite specifics.

   Care to discuss this on the merits?

   On Sep 11, 10:31 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gaar please, reality is that this country has been gutted
by the Republicans constitutionally, ethically, financially,
morally, politically, militarily and US world preeminence
has been greatly diminished.

That is the REALITY!

On Sep 11, 1:26 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wrong, yet again...

 Take a look at the damage the Democrats did to our Constitution under

 That damage is unprecedented in our History, and we have yet to
 address that damage in any significant way.

 It seems we are going to allow it to come close to creating our demise
 before we do...

 On Sep 11, 10:21 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Never in history has a political party done the amount of
  damage to a nation as the Republican dominated rule
  has wrought on this nation.

  Americans, not just Democrats are angry about this.

  On Sep 11, 1:08 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   despite being built on myths as stolen election of 2000 and
   swiftboating will be a very destruction emotion within the
   Democratic Party if Obama loses...   Responsible Democrats will 
   to reassert authority to stay competitive in years to come...

   It took Democrats 2 election cycles after 1968...

   It took Republicans 5 election cycles after 1932...

   It took Democrats 4 election cycles after 1896...

   It took Democrats 6 election cycles after 1860...

   It took the Whigs 4 election cycles after 1824...

   For a political party to learn that their anger is due to THEIR
   failures of governing and then accept the absolute requirement of
   altering their basic philosophy and POV takes time...

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: He must think we are stupid

2008-09-11 Thread frankg


Exactly HOW do you craft a bill that allows these weapons in the hands
of law abiding citizens yet keeps it out of the hands of criminals?
It's not like criminals abide by the laws and follow the legal process
to purchase them. That's why the gun control crowd wants to make the
weapons illegal, so law enforcement can shut down sales and confiscate
any that they find. No one wants a crook to have a gun, but you can't
pass laws that say it's OK to own one of these weapons unless you're a
criminal. So what do you think Obama would propose in the way of

On Sep 11, 12:45 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 LMAO, I guess you are OK for inner city thugs to buy these guns to
 commit crimes. Tell me if an individual has never hunted, has no
 hunting license is not a member of a gun club or affiliated with the
 military of police organization, why would they have a need for an
 assault rifle?

 If the NRA was REALLY about gun control and safety, then NRA
 would craft a bill that correctly addressed the illegal use of guns
 that would PROTECT the legitimate gun owners.

 This however is yet another example of the all or nothing mentality
 of the far right extremists.

 On Sep 11, 12:36 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Fairfax, Va. - At a rally in Lebanon, Virginia in front of a crowd of
  rural voters, Barack Obama made another one of his empty election-year
  promises not to take away shotguns, rifles or handguns if elected
  President. However, Obama's words on the campaign trail do not match
  his long record of opposing lawful gun ownership.

  NRA will not allow Barack Obama to revise history. That is why we
  will be sending this fact sheet of Obama votes to wherever hunters and
  gun owners congregate and to 4 million NRA members to share with their
  friends and neighbors. said Chris W. Cox, NRA's chief lobbyist. He
  has supported bans on handguns and semi-automatic firearms, and he has
  voted to ban possession of many shotguns and rifles commonly used by
  hunters and sportsmen across America. And we will remind voters every
  single time he lies.

  In 2003 while serving in the Illinois State Legislature, Obama voted
  in favor of a bill in the Judiciary Committee that would have made it
  illegal to knowingly manufacture, deliver or possess a so-called
  semi-automatic assault weapons. Under this bill, a firearm did not
  actually have to be semi-automatic to be banned. According to
  definitions in the bill, all single-shot and double-barreled shotguns
  28-gauge or larger, and many semi-automatic shotguns of the same size,
  would be banned as assault weapons. This definition would have
  banned a large percentage of the shotguns used for hunting, target
  shooting and self-defense in the United States. The bill also would
  have banned hundreds of models of rifles and handguns.

  Any Illinois resident who possessed one of these commonly used guns 90
  days after the effective date would have had to destroy the weapon or
  device, render it permanently inoperable, relinquish it to a law
  enforcement agency, or remove it from the state. Anyone who still
  possessed a banned gun would have been subject to a felony sentence.

  Obama may argue the bill was poorly drafted, said Cox. But Barack
  Obama - who brags about being a constitutional law professor and the
  former president of the Harvard Law Review - voted for it. That's

  On Sep 11, 12:34 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   LMAO, you have a problem with the fact that Obama has
   stances not made in concrete like Bush?

   That Obama allows room for compromise and his positions
   are in the middle of the road, NOT as you say on the fence.

   That is the problem with the GOP, you are either with them
   or against them and if you are against them then you are the enemy.
   Absolute positions that allow for only confrontation.

   Maybe you haven't noticed, this policy hasn't worked for the last
   8 years?

   On Sep 11, 12:21 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

One line attack response do not address the major flip-flops or the
major sitting on the fence positions by Obama...   Specifically on

Pretending Obama to be a strong leader with clear positions is
folly...   And that is the problem, Obama wants to be seen as a strong
leader WITHOUT taking strong position pro or against...  This is in
part why Obama has refuse up to now to point to his experience in
education reform from 1995-2000 in the CAC...

Then he worked with Bill Ayers and others to recentralize the power of
the school board in Chicago after the decentralization of power in the
70's and 80's (which were reforms put in place by the LW of the
Democratic party)...  The CAC efforts were not very sucessful (some
call them failures)...

 That leaves Obama unrevealed on the D.C. law. 

Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread Gaar

On Sep 11, 9:27 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Point set and match!

Is this another one of those facts VT?!?!?!?!?!?!?


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Re: Democratic Anger

2008-09-11 Thread Gaar

On Sep 11, 10:43 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The 2006 election results speaks for America's atitude toward
 the Republicans.

And the 2008 Election will speak to what they feel towards Democrats,
and their choice of Barack Obama...

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Re: Democratic Anger

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

OK not for nothing but the last line is pure BS.

If we were under a terror attack why did Bush continue to the
school? Why didn't he put into action anti terrorist actions?
Why did he continue to read for several minutes after the SECOND plan

If he already knew we were under attack, and did nothing
then he was criminally negligent in his duties as commander in chief.

No the truth is Bush is a moron and this was a clear indication
he was well above his pay scale.

To remind you:

Approximately around 9/11: 9:14 AM 1st flight hit the trade tower.
President Bush was vacationing but he released a statement with in
9:31 AM saying that that was an apparent terrorist attack.

The President of United States must be alert 24x7 and he is expected
to prove the same during the campaign.


On Sep 11, 2:06 pm, MANOJ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sen. Hillary Clinton tried to convince their Super delegates that she
 has got the right kind of experience to face an experience candidate
 like John McCain.

 Her 3 AM wake up call in White House proved her capability as a

 American people will prefer a person with accomplishments and records
 because of the better probability of delivering results.

 During Georgia crisis, which was not a Hypothetical, Senator Obama's
 inexperience exposed.

 During DNC conventions, he didn't use the straight talk term Islamic
 radicals and remained politically correct.

 I have great respect for Senator Obama  and believe that in case he
 can't make it to white house this time, he will revisit his mistakes
 ( ungracious to Clintons and not locking up the battle ground states
 by choosing Senator Hillary Clinton as VP) ; this time his campaign
 was not ready to expect the unexpected 'Palin factor'.

 The President of United States is expected to prepared for the worst
 and must have plans to counter the same. The Iran, Russia, Pakistan,
 Afganistan are great National Security issues and in this dangerous
 world of Russia and Islamic state sponsored terrorism - American
 people can't take chances.By the time senator Obama's 300 odd advisers
 reach white house, damage would have done.

 To remind you:

 Approximately around 9/11: 9:14 AM 1st flight hit the trade tower.
 President Bush was vacationing but he released a statement with in
 9:31 AM saying that that was an apparent terrorist attack.

 The President of United States must be alert 24x7 and he is expected
 to prove the same during the campaign.


 On Sep 11, 12:08 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  despite being built on myths as stolen election of 2000 and
  swiftboating will be a very destruction emotion within the
  Democratic Party if Obama loses...   Responsible Democrats will have
  to reassert authority to stay competitive in years to come...

  It took Democrats 2 election cycles after 1968...

  It took Republicans 5 election cycles after 1932...

  It took Democrats 4 election cycles after 1896...

  It took Democrats 6 election cycles after 1860...

  It took the Whigs 4 election cycles after 1824...

  For a political party to learn that their anger is due to THEIR
  failures of governing and then accept the absolute requirement of
  altering their basic philosophy and POV takes time... 
 Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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2008-09-11 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Subject: BREAKING: NY Times
Date: Thursday, September 11, 2008,


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Mexican Makes NY Times Investment No American Will Do

2008-09-11 Thread Travis
From: travis
Date: Thu, Sep 11, 2008
Subject: Mexican Makes NY Times Investment No American Will Do

 Mexican Makes NY Times Investment No American Will
by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace

(2008-09-11) -- Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim Helú has stepped up
to do a job that most American's are no longer willing to do, buying a 6.4
percent stake in The New York Times Co., the newspaper which has struggled
for several years with declining readership, ad revenue and stock price.

7572 Sigmund Road, Zionsville, PA 18092, USA

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2008-09-11 Thread Travis
From: travis
Date: Thu, Sep 11, 2008


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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

LMAO, NO one including yourself has posted any facts.

Feel free to keep throwing those stones.

The original post wasn't based on fact, or even opinion,
it was a hominid attack.

On Sep 11, 1:44 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 11, 9:26 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You bring out Bush in a Dress and expect the
  world not to notice once again it is all image and
  no substance.

  Bush in a Dress get it, he he he.

 Is that one of those facts you say you have posted?

 I see NO facts posted by you in this Thread.
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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis

We did! Because the White House finally admitted there were none.

So please educate us all.

Oh so you understand, I am not taking about unuseable shells,
secured material from the post Iraq 1991 war or non weaponized dual
use components.

Now GO give us the FACTS!

On Sep 11, 1:46 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 11, 9:54 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   It just means I am not as gullible as the
  same idiots who bought the lies, Iraq has WMD's,

 Well, since we actually FOUND SOME...

 Is this another fact?!?!?!?!?!?
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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread Gaar

I didn't say he did...

I SAID we found WMD's there.

Some of the one's that Inspectors had been looking for for well over a

On Sep 11, 11:25 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For the record

 IAEA found “no evidence or plausible indication” that Iraq has revived
 its nuclear weapons program.      Edit

 On March 17, UNMOVIC Executive Chairman Hans Blix and IAEA Director-
 General Mohamed ElBaradei presented their last pre-war briefings to
 the Security Council. On March 19, Blix and ElBaradei submitted draft
 work programs to the Security Council outlining remaining disarmament
 tasks for Iraq. The work programs are required under Security Council
 Resolution 1284. (See ACT, April 2003.)

 Since beginning work November 27, the inspectors have found no
 concrete evidence indicating that Iraq has reconstituted its WMD
 programs. ElBaradei stated in a March 7 report to the Security Council
 that the IAEA found “no evidence or plausible indication” that Iraq
 has revived its nuclear weapons program. The UNMOVIC work program
 states that “no proscribed activities, or the result of such
 activities from the period of 1998-2002 have…been detected through

 On Sep 11, 1:46 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Sep 11, 9:54 am, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

    It just means I am not as gullible as the
   same idiots who bought the lies, Iraq has WMD's,

  Well, since we actually FOUND SOME...

  Is this another fact?!?!?!?!?!?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread Gaar

The Sound of Silence: Iraq's WMDs Found

May 28, 2004

by Joe Mariani

After spending more than a year attacking the Bush administration
daily for their supposed failure to produce the WMDs that everyone --
including the United Nations, as well as most leading Democrats --
believed Saddam had hidden, the Left has suddenly gone strangely
silent on the subject. The mainstream media has been tiptoeing
around the discovery of a 155-mm mortar shell containing Sarin gas in
Iraq, the contents of which have been confirmed. The shell was used as
part of an improvised explosive device (IED) on a road near the
Baghdad International Airport, and exploded as it was being disarmed.

The shell contained three liters of Sarin -- nearly a gallon. It was a
type of shell designed to mix chemical components during flight, which
was why the explosion didn't kill anyone (though two soldiers were
treated for exposure). Three liters of Sarin is enough, if the
components are mixed properly, to realistically kill hundreds, and
potentially thousands. A concentration of 100 milligrams of Sarin per
cubic meter of air is enough to constitute a lethal dose for half the
people breathing it within one minute.

This type of chemical warfare shell had never been declared by Iraq --
it was not even known that Iraq had ever made them. The 1999 UNSCOM
report on Iraq reported that thirty binary/Sarin shells were known to
exist, and stated that all had been accounted for. According to
UNSCOM, Iraq developed a crude type of binary munition, whereby the
final mixing of the two precursors to the agent was done inside the
munition just before delivery. Someone actually had to physically
pour the components of the Sarin (or other type of G-series nerve
agent) into the shells before they could be fired. At least, that's
how the ones we knew about worked.

So, a previously-unknown type of artillery shell is found in Iraq,
containing an actual, verifiable chemical weapon. This is front page
news, right? Should we expect apologies from formerly doubting
Liberals? Newspapers filled with retractions from prominent Democrats?
Conciliatory visits to President Bush from Jaques Chirac and Gerhardt
Schroeder? Not so fast. Remember: it's an election year. Liberals,
Democrats, terrorists and appeasers all want President Bush to lose
the election so everyone can get back to business as usual. Terrorists
want to get back to their implacable war against Western civilisation,
and the others want to get back to trying to placate them. The media,
as long as we let them get away with it, will only run stories that
attack President Bush and undermine support for him. In fact, Liberals
already have their spin on this Sarin find ready to go. The vast
majority of them -- when you can get them to admit that the Sarin and
the shell are real -- argue that it doesn't matter for one of four

A. The shell is old, from before the 1991 Gulf War, so it's not what
we were looking for.

Since the cease-fire that suspended the Gulf War depended on Saddam's
handing over to the UN [a]ll chemical and biological weapons and all
stocks of agents and all related subsystems and components and all
research, development, support and manufacturing facilities, this
shell is precisely what we were looking for, especially if it predates
1991. This shell and others like it is why the UN passed 17
resolutions demanding that Saddam disarm. No matter how old it was, it
was still lethal. There is no statute of limitations on weapons of
mass destruction.

B. There is only one shell, not a stockpile, so it doesn't mean

This one shell contained enough WMD material to potentially kill as
many people as died on 9/11, all by itself. Is it logical to assume
that this is the only one in existence -- or just wishful thinking?
The fact is that we still don't know how much Sarin Iraq actually
produced. At first, Iraq told UNSCOM that it had produced an
estimated 250 tons of tabun and 812 tons of sarin. In 1995, Iraq
changed its estimates and reported it had produced only 210 tons of
tabun and 790 tons of sarin. (Yes, that's tons.) At the very least,
it tells us that we haven't nearly finished looking for the WMDs that
Saddam was supposed to surrender, and didn't. Besides... a shell
containing mustard gas was also found. Well, maybe there were only two
WMD shells in all of Iraq.

C. Just because Saddam had WMDs after all, it doesn't mean Bush didn't
lie about them.

As ridiculous as it sounds, this appears to be the instinctive,
defensive reaction of many Liberals to this news. They so badly need
to believe that President Bush lied in order to legitimise their
hatred of him that they're capable of this sort of twisted reasoning.
The rationale seems to be that WMDs 


2008-09-11 Thread BlueFlorida


Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
12/10/05-12/11/05 ABC Washington, DC
Appearance on This Week $10,785.

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
11/26/05-11/27/05 NBC Washington, DC
Appearance on Meet the Press $1,595

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
10/22/05-10/22/05 Kentucky Democratic Party Cincinnati, OH
Speech to the Kentucky Democratic Party $1,198

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
09/01/05-09/03/05 European House Cernobbio, Italy
Participation in and speech to the Ambroseti forum titled Business
Strategies: The Scenario for Toda... more $2,922.00

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
06/12/05-06/12/05 NBC Miami, FL
Appearance on Meet the Press $115.00

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
05/21/05-05/22/05 Suffolk University Boston, MA
Suffolk law commencement speech $1,881.69

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
04/22/05-04/23/05 Democratic Party of South Carolina Columbia, SC
Speech to the South Carolina Democratic Party Jefferson-Jackson Day
dinner $1,388.90

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
02/27/05-02/27/05 NBC Washington, DC
Appearance on Meet the Press $1,450.00

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
02/16/05-02/19/05 HBO Los Angeles, CA
Appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher $6,585.45

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
02/05/05-02/05/05 Democratic Party of Virginia Richmond, VA
Speech to Virginia Democratic Party Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
10/19/04-10/19/04 United Nations Foundation Boston, MA
Participation in The People Speak, an election forum sponsored by
the United Nations Foundation $314.00

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
09/30/04-10/03/04 Forstmann Little and Co. Aspen, CO
Senator's participation in Forstmann Little, and Co. conference;
foreign policy discussion on Americ... more $17,554.98

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
09/18/04-09/19/04 ABC Chicago, IL
Appearance on This Week $374.83

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
09/02/04-09/06/04 Ambrosetti Lake Como, Italy
Ambrosetti's conference titled Intelligence 2004 on the World, on
Europe, on Italy $12,239.00

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
08/01/04-08/01/04 NBC Washington, DC
Appearance on Meet the Press $1,074.45

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
06/23/04-06/23/04 Pennsylvania Democratic Party Harrisburg, PA
Speech to the Pennsylvania Democratic Party's Legislative Caucus and
the Pennsylvania Democratic Par... more $3,119.17

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
05/21/04-05/21/04 NAACP Columbia, SC
Speech to the South Carolina State conference of the NAACP $1,300.00

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
05/16/04-05/17/04 Northwestern University Chicago, IL
Commencement speech at Northwestern University School of Law $1,416.59

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
05/16/04-05/16/04 NBC Chicago, IL
One-way air fare from Washington, DC to Chicago, Ill. for an event
subsequent to an appearance on M... more $765.00

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
05/08/04-05/08/04 Jackson Country Democratic Committee Wilmington, DE
Speech to the Jackson County Democratic Committee 17th Annual Truman
Days Banquet $676.00

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
04/25/04-04/25/04 ABC Washington, DC
Appearance on This Week $647.29

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
04/11/04-04/11/04 CBS Fort Myers, FL
Auto service in Fort Myers area for appearance on Face the Nation

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
03/24/04-03/24/04 CNN Wilmington, DE
Travel from Washington to Wilmington following appearance on Larry
King Live $638.06

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
03/20/04-03/21/04 ABC Washington, DC
Appearance on This Week $1,594.58

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
03/17/04-03/18/04 Hibernian Society of Charleston Charleston, SC
Speech to the Hibernian Society of Charleston's annual banquet

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
02/13/04-02/15/04 Association of Trial Lawyers of America Orlando, FL
Speech to the Association of Trial Lawyers of America winter
conference $3,830.02

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
02/05/04-02/08/04 U.S. Spain Council Inc. Miami, FL
Speech to U.S.-Spain Council forum $3,366.40

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
01/22/04-01/26/04 World Economic Forum Davos, Switzerland
Attendance at the World Economic Forum annual meeting $2,058.58

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
11/07/03-11/08/03 Syracuse University Syracuse, NY
Speech to the Syracuse College of Law Alumni Association's annual
Distinguished Service Award dinner $2,148.93

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
10/11/03-10/12/03 NBC Washington, DC
Appearance on Meet the Press $6,983.90

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
08/29/03-08/29/03 HBO Los Angeles, CA
Appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher $8,410.75

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
08/28/03-08/31/03 National Foundation for Women Legislators Las Vegas,
Speech to annual conference of the National Foundation for Women
Legislators $2,927.50

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
08/23/03-08/24/03 NBC Washington, DC
Appearance on Meet the Press $2,979.50

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
07/20/03-07/20/03 NBC Washington, DC
Appearance on Meet the Press $1,438.20

Biden, Sen. Joseph Jr (-DE)
05/25/03-05/25/03 NBC Washington, 

Re: NYT Leaks State Secrets: Bush authorizes commando raids in Pakistan

2008-09-11 Thread d.b.baker

On Sep 11, 11:02 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Quick, whip out a dictionary and tell me what it is when a country
 sends it's armed forces into the territory of another sovereign
 country without the knowledge or permission of that country.

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Re: girlie men libs are afraid of Sarah

2008-09-11 Thread VT Sean Lewis


I said these type of shells do not count!
This is from your Proof!

They even say IT IS NOT PROOF!!

A. The shell is old, from before the 1991 Gulf War, so it's not what
we were looking for.

On Sep 11, 2:43 pm, Gaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Sound of Silence: Iraq's WMDs Found

 May 28, 2004
 by Joe Mariani

 After spending more than a year attacking the Bush administration
 daily for their supposed failure to produce the WMDs that everyone --
 including the United Nations, as well as most leading Democrats --
 believed Saddam had hidden, the Left has suddenly gone strangely
 silent on the subject. The mainstream media has been tiptoeing
 around the discovery of a 155-mm mortar shell containing Sarin gas in
 Iraq, the contents of which have been confirmed. The shell was used as
 part of an improvised explosive device (IED) on a road near the
 Baghdad International Airport, and exploded as it was being disarmed.

 The shell contained three liters of Sarin -- nearly a gallon. It was a
 type of shell designed to mix chemical components during flight, which
 was why the explosion didn't kill anyone (though two soldiers were
 treated for exposure). Three liters of Sarin is enough, if the
 components are mixed properly, to realistically kill hundreds, and
 potentially thousands. A concentration of 100 milligrams of Sarin per
 cubic meter of air is enough to constitute a lethal dose for half the
 people breathing it within one minute.

 This type of chemical warfare shell had never been declared by Iraq --
 it was not even known that Iraq had ever made them. The 1999 UNSCOM
 report on Iraq reported that thirty binary/Sarin shells were known to
 exist, and stated that all had been accounted for. According to
 UNSCOM, Iraq developed a crude type of binary munition, whereby the
 final mixing of the two precursors to the agent was done inside the
 munition just before delivery. Someone actually had to physically
 pour the components of the Sarin (or other type of G-series nerve
 agent) into the shells before they could be fired. At least, that's
 how the ones we knew about worked.

 So, a previously-unknown type of artillery shell is found in Iraq,
 containing an actual, verifiable chemical weapon. This is front page
 news, right? Should we expect apologies from formerly doubting
 Liberals? Newspapers filled with retractions from prominent Democrats?
 Conciliatory visits to President Bush from Jaques Chirac and Gerhardt
 Schroeder? Not so fast. Remember: it's an election year. Liberals,
 Democrats, terrorists and appeasers all want President Bush to lose
 the election so everyone can get back to business as usual. Terrorists
 want to get back to their implacable war against Western civilisation,
 and the others want to get back to trying to placate them. The media,
 as long as we let them get away with it, will only run stories that
 attack President Bush and undermine support for him. In fact, Liberals
 already have their spin on this Sarin find ready to go. The vast
 majority of them -- when you can get them to admit that the Sarin and
 the shell are real -- argue that it doesn't matter for one of four

 A. The shell is old, from before the 1991 Gulf War, so it's not what
 we were looking for.

 Since the cease-fire that suspended the Gulf War depended on Saddam's
 handing over to the UN [a]ll chemical and biological weapons and all
 stocks of agents and all related subsystems and components and all
 research, development, support and manufacturing facilities, this
 shell is precisely what we were looking for, especially if it predates
 1991. This shell and others like it is why the UN passed 17
 resolutions demanding that Saddam disarm. No matter how old it was, it
 was still lethal. There is no statute of limitations on weapons of
 mass destruction.

 B. There is only one shell, not a stockpile, so it doesn't mean

 This one shell contained enough WMD material to potentially kill as
 many people as died on 9/11, all by itself. Is it logical to assume
 that this is the only one in existence -- or just wishful thinking?
 The fact is that we still don't know how much Sarin Iraq actually
 produced. At first, Iraq told UNSCOM that it had produced an
 estimated 250 tons of tabun and 812 tons of sarin. In 1995, Iraq
 changed its estimates and reported it had produced only 210 tons of
 tabun and 790 tons of sarin. (Yes, that's tons.) At the very least,
 it tells us that we haven't nearly finished looking for the WMDs that
 Saddam was supposed to surrender, and didn't. Besides... a shell
 containing mustard gas was also found. Well, maybe there were only two
 WMD shells in all of Iraq.

 C. Just because Saddam had WMDs after all, it doesn't mean 

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