Re: Frightening Voters into Submission

2010-02-16 Thread Fritz da Cat
The republicans have been doing just exactly that since September 11,

On Feb 16, 10:55 am, "M. Johnson"  wrote:
> Frightening Voters into SubmissionbyJames Bovard, Posted February 16, 
> 2010This article originally appeared in the Novemnber 2009 edition ofFreedom 
> Daily.Former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge has a new book out that 
> reveals that he almost resigned because the Bush administration was hustling 
> bogus terror alerts before the 2004 election. Ridge’s revelation was not 
> surprising to people who had closely followed the tactics Bush used to snare 
> a second term.
> During the 2004 campaign, residents of swing states were under constant 
> bombardment by throat-grabbing political ads. In late September, the Bush 
> campaign released a television ad titled “Peace and Security.” TheNew York 
> Timesdescribed the ad: “A clock ticks menacingly as a young mother pulls a 
> quart of milk out of a refrigerator in slow motion, a young father loads 
> toddlers into a minivan and an announcer intones ominously, ‘Weakness invites 
> those who would do us harm.’”
> The most memorable Bush ad, released a few weeks before the election, opened 
> in a thick forest, with shadows and hazy shots complementing the foreboding 
> music. A female announcer ominously declared, “In an increasingly dangerous 
> world, even after the first terrorist attack on America, John Kerry and the 
> liberals in Congress voted to slash America’s intelligence operations by $6 
> billion cuts so deep they would have weakened America’s defenses.” The ad 
> then focused on a pack of wolves reclining in a clearing. The voiceover 
> concluded, “And weakness attracts those who are waiting to do America harm,” 
> as the wolves began jumping up and running toward the camera. At the end of 
> the ad, the president appeared and announced, “I’m George W. Bush and I 
> approve this message.”
> One liberal cynic suggested that the ad’s message was that voters would be 
> eaten by wolves if Kerry won. A Bush advisor told ABC News that “the ad was 
> produced and tested months ago. Voter reaction was so powerful that we 
> decided to hold the ad to the end of the campaign and make it one of the 
> closing spots.”The theme
> Since the 2004 election largely turned on who would be the best protector, 
> the Bush campaign sought to make Americans view criticism of the president as 
> if it were a weapon of mass destruction. Zell Miller, a Democratic senator 
> and the keynote speaker for the Republican National Convention, delivered the 
> angriest prime-time speech at a modern political convention. Watched by a 
> national television audience of millions, Miller revealed that political 
> opposition is treason: “Now, at the same time young Americans are dying in 
> the sands of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan, our nation is being torn 
> apart and made weaker because of the Democrats’ manic obsession to bring down 
> our commander in chief.”
> There was no evidence that such criticism of Bush’s foreign policy was 
> ripping America asunder but trumpeting the accusation made Bush critics 
> appear a pox on the land. Miller denounced Kerry’s record on national defense 
> and suggested that he would leave the military armed with only “spitballs.” 
> When Miller was pressed for evidence of his charges in a post-speech 
> interview, he angrily talked of challenging MSNBC’s Chris Matthews to a duel. 
> Every word in Miller’s speech was preapproved by the Bush campaign. In the 
> following weeks, Bush often appeared with Miller at campaign stops, 
> signifying his embrace of Miller’s message.The theme echoed
> The Zell Miller “criticism-as-treason” theme permeated the campaign. New York 
> City’s former police commissioner, Bernie Kerik, stumping around the nation 
> for Bush, told audiences, “Political criticism is our enemy’s best friend.” 
> TheWashington Postnoted on September 24, 2004, “President Bush and leading 
> Republicans are increasingly charging that Democratic presidential nominee 
> John F. Kerry and others in his party are giving comfort to terrorists and 
> undermining the war in Iraq a line of attack that tests the conventional 
> bounds of political rhetoric.” When the United States’s handpicked leader of 
> Iraq, Iyad Allawi, visited the White House, Bush declaimed that Kerry’s 
> criticisms of his Iraq policy “can embolden an enemy.”
> Other prominent Republicans jumped on the bandwagon. Sen. Orrin Hatch 
> (R-Utah), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, condemned Democrats for 
> “consistently saying things that I think undermine our young men and women 
> who are serving over there.” John Thune, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate 
> in South Dakota, denounced Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle: “His words 
> embolden the enemy.” Bush campaign manager Ken Mehlman condemned the Kerry 
> campaign for “parroting the rhetoric of terrorists” and warned, “The enemy 
> listens. All listen to what the president s

Re: Tea Baggers do not hate government!

2010-02-16 Thread Fritz da Cat
The ideology of the tea baggers is not that of an American, however
there were certain dictatorships in Europe back in the 1930s where
they would have fit in perfectly with. Also, why aren't there any
black people at tea bag rallies?

On Feb 16, 9:36 am, "Sarcastic American!"  wrote:
> But they love right wing government! Yeah! Welfare to corporations! No
> bid contracts! Do you have cancer? Pray to Jesus it will go away!
> God! I wish Obama was a socialist!

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WHO DAT?!?!?!?!?!

2010-02-07 Thread Fritz da Cat
Congrats to the New Orleans Saints.

New Orleans needed something good to happen and I'm happy the Saints

Also, The Who's performance smoked.

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Re: Haiti: An Urgent Appeal

2010-01-16 Thread Fritz da Cat
*Does seeing Michelle Obama represent the Red Cross on TV make you
less likely to give money to Haiti? *

No, but watching you idiot republicans shit their pants because the
administration is doing exactly the right thing is quite entertaining.
I've donated $50 so far for Haitian relief. How about you?

On Jan 16, 4:31 am, Bruce Majors  wrote:
> Does seeing Michelle Obama represent the Red Cross on TV make you less
> likely to give money to 
> Haiti?
> dex.php?pid=1263640329&_fb_q=1
>     [image: The Daily Reckoning]   Dear *Daily Reckoning* Reader,
> "The Haiti earthquake could not have been worse," according to our Byron
> King - who has a close friend in the middle of it all.
> "A shallow fault zone gave way, almost directly below Port au Prince. The
> full force of the shock - at least 7.0 magnitude - transmitted directly into
> the foundations of a city that lacks even the rudiments of good building
> practices."
> At last word, up to 50,000 people may be dead...and another 300,000
> homeless.
> The UN hasn't even calculated the number of injured, but the need is
> undoubtedly immense...and the quake destroyed many of the nation's hospitals
> within seconds.
> That means the burden on the few remaining is overwhelming - including
> the *Hospital
> Albert 
> Schweitzer*(HAS).
> "HAS," says Byron, "was founded in 1954 as a joint project of the Mellon
> family in Pittsburgh and the legendary humanitarian Albert Schweitzer."
> Byron's friend Ian Rawson is manager at HAS. He writes:
> *"We are far from the epicenter, but overnight [Wednesday into Thursday] we
> began to see more patients from areas outside of the valley, where two and
> three-story buildings are more common.
> "The influx of patients is straining our resources, but has been handled
> calmly and efficiently by the all-Haitian medical and nursing staff. All
> available gurneys and benches are in use, our trauma protocol triage system
> has been implemented, and there is a steady flow of patients to the
> diagnostic center and the operating suite.
> "The lack of communications has been a large psychological problem. All of
> our professional staff have families in Port au Prince, and all cell systems
> have collapsed, so people wait anxiously for news of relatives.
> "Haiti has a long history of natural disasters; floods, mudslides,
> hurricanes, and more. Each one reinforces our awareness of the limitations
> of the formal infrastructure and the resilience of the informal system of
> family and community support."*
> Byron adds this: "Note the comment about 'trauma protocol triage system.'
> That means, they're picking and choosing who gets treatment and lives,
> versus who does not get treatment and dies."
> So that gives you a picture of how urgent the situation is.
> Usually you turn to us for investment ideas - helping you sort through a
> bewildering array of choices.
> Likewise, maybe you've wanted to donate to the relief effort in Haiti, but
> you have no idea which organization is worthy of your dollars: After all,
> many of them waste huge amounts of money on overhead. You want to donate to
> folks who will put your dollars to work actually helping people.
> Byron assures us, "I can vouch for the dedication of the staff, and their
> effective use of resources" at HAS.
> "If you are looking for a good cause that can help relieve the suffering in
> Haiti, there is none more worthy than Hospital Albert Schweitzer."
> *Here's a link to the HAS homepage, where you can
> donate*
> .
> It's this simple: The need is immense. The time is limited. And these are
> the people doing the most good in a horrific situation.
> Sincerely,
> Addison Wiggin
> Executive Publisher, Agora Financial
> *P.S.* If you need a little kick in the rear to get moving on this, I'll
> make you a proposition: *Email us confirmation of your
> donation*
> *(*, and we'll credit you a year's worth
> of Byron's *Outstanding Investments*.
> But do it now. Every little bit will help, and the sooner the better.
>        [image: AGORA FInancial]
> *The Daily Reckoning *provides over half a million subscribers with literary
> economic perspective, global market analysis, and contrarian investment
> ideas. In short, *The Daily Reckoning* shows how to live well even in
> uncertain times. We sent this e-mail to because you
> or someone using your e-mail address subscribed to this service.
> Are you having trouble receiving your Daily Reckoning? You can ensure its
> arrival in your ma

Have you donated to hel Haiti?

2010-01-14 Thread Fritz da Cat

Text Haiti to 90999.

The Red Cross will bill your cell phone for a $10 donation.

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The Fruit of the Boom Bomber....

2010-01-08 Thread Fritz da Cat
May he rot in prison forever.
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Re: Bush Jr.'s job creation programs

2010-01-08 Thread Fritz da Cat
Bush 43's job creation programs created millions of jobs for Indian
and Chinese workers at the expense of the American workers.

On Jan 8, 8:51 am, studio  wrote:
> The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created as part
> of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act passed by the U.S.
> Congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush on November
> 19, 2001.
> TSA employs 50,000 people, including a classified amount of Air
> Marshalls, and as far as I know hasn't caught 1 terrorist yet.
> The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a Cabinet
> department of the United States federal government with the primary
> responsibilities of protecting the territory of the U.S. from
> terrorist attacks and responding to natural disasters.
> Yeah they respond to natural disasters like in hurricane Katrina where
> they blocked FEMA from entering New Orleans for 2 weeks.
> DHS employs over 200,000 people, and as far as I know hasn't caught 1
> terrorist yet.
> In summary; neo-con thinking is that if you can't have a police state,
> why bother having taxation at all.
> Feel free to add to this list of Bush Jr.'s big government police
> state programs. I'm sure there's more. And I'm just as sure they
> haven't caught any terrorists yet either.
> The only people I've heard of catching terrorists are citizens.
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Re: The Difference Between Obama And Bush

2009-12-04 Thread Fritz da Cat
Hey hey Keith, long time no chat. However you're dead wrong. Bush's
legitimacy has been, and will be questioned for generations to come.
Only the radical right wing whackos continue to defend Bush's

On Dec 4, 5:56 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> You really don't want to go there. Bush's legitimacy will be forever
> questioned with election tampering from the 2000 and 2004 elections
> ==
> Hey Fritzie!!
> Good to see ya by the way, but once again, you need to put the crack rock
> pipe down
> The only folks who question Bush's legitimacy, are "Wacko Left,
> Socialist-Elitist Moonbats"; and probably Hollywood!!!
>  Moonbats.JPG
> 144KViewDownload

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Re: The Difference Between Obama And Bush

2009-12-04 Thread Fritz da Cat
You really don't want to go there. Bush's legitimacy will be forever
questioned with election tampering from the 2000 and 2004 elections

On Dec 4, 5:00 pm, KRUB  wrote:
> Bush was legal..
> On Dec 4, 12:28 pm, "M. Johnson"  wrote:
> > The Difference Between Obama And BushPosted byManuel Loraon December 4, 
> > 2009 12:46 PM
> > (ViaMatt Bors)- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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Re: late stage disaster statism

2009-11-15 Thread Fritz da Cat

"yea, poor liberals make th elaws and deregulate,,,BS!
the hell is governance? "

Republican hypocrisy and projection knows no bounds. This is just
further proof of the complete atrophy of honor and integrity of the
republican party and right wing.

On Nov 15, 7:27 pm, Doc Holliday  wrote:
> yea, poor liberals make th elaws and deregulate,,,BS! What
> the hell is governance?
> Peace,
> Doc
> On Nov 15, 9:17 pm, Bruce Majors  wrote:
> > [image: ps] 
> > check out Peter's newest release!
> > Was the financial collapse caused by free-market capitalism and deregulation
> > run amok, as liberals claim? Not on your life, says Peter Schweizer. What we
> > are really witnessing is a massive failure of social engineering by
> > liberals.
> > [image: Architects of Ruin by Peter
> > Schweizer]
> > *Architects of Ruin*, bestselling author Peter Schweizer describes in
> > riveting detail how a coalition of left-wing activists, liberal politicians,
> > and "do-good capitalists" on Wall Street leveraged government power to
> > achieve their goal of broadening homeownership among minorities and the
> > poor. The results were not only devastating to the economy, but hurt the
> > very people they were supposedly trying to help.
> > The story begins in the 1960s with Saul Alinsky, the legendary Chicago
> > rabble-rouser who trained his acolytes in highly aggressive techniques of
> > community activism. Alinsky's disciples—along with race-baiting activists
> > like Jesse Jackson—seized on the "redlining" controversy of those years to
> > argue that banks were guilty of racial discrimination. In the 1970s, with
> > the help of liberal senators li*Architects of Ruin*, bestselling author
> > Peter Schweizer describes in riveting detail how a coalition of left-wing
> > activists, liberal politicians, and "do-good capitalists" on Wall Street
> > leveraged government power to achieve their goal of broadening homeownership
> > among minorities and the poor. The results were not only devastating to the
> > economy, but hurt the very people they were supposedly trying to help.
> > The story begins in the 1960s with Saul Alinsky, the legendary Chicago
> > rabble-rouser who trained his acolytes in highly aggressive techniques of
> > community activism. Alinsky's disciples—along with race-baiting activists
> > like Jesse Jackson—seized on the "redlining" controversy of those years to
> > argue that banks were guilty of racial discrimination. In the 1970s, with
> > the help of liberal senators like Ted Kennedy and William Proxmire,
> > legislation was passed that put bankers under the thumb of local activists.
> > In the Clinton years, a new generation of liberal technocrats came to power
> > in Washington and on Wall Street. Schweizer describes how a powerful phalanx
> > of elite liberals, including Bill Clinton, Robert Rubin, Andrew Cuomo,
> > Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Janet Reno, Deval Patrick, Henry Cisneros, Barack
> > Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Charles Schumer, and many others,
> > aggressively pushed banks to make trillions of dollars in loans to
> > individuals who should never have received them.
> > Meanwhile, Clinton forged a new form of state capitalism in which the big
> > Wall Street financial companies were repeatedly bailed out—with their
> > profits intact—from a series of costly errors, leading them to take ever
> > larger risks. Both financial policies had profoundly distorting effects. The
> > result was the bursting of twin bubbles in mortgages and mortgage-backed
> > derivatives, in turn leading to a global economic collapse.
> > This tale of liberal "Robin Hood capitalism run wild" has never been told.
> > But more than just a story about the past, it is also an urgent warning
> > about the future. For today, the very same people who planted the seeds of
> > the collapse are back in Washington, tasked with cleaning up the mess and
> > determined to use the crisis they caused as cover for a massive overhaul of
> > the American economic system.
> > These people have learned nothing from their past mistakes and are busy
> > applying the same methods to other sectors of the economy—health care, the
> > auto industry, real estate (again!), and above all the promotion of "green"
> > technologies—inflating bubbles that are sure to bring about another crisis.
> > Ordinary Americans who foot the bill for the last state-capit alist bubble
> > have reason to be afraid—very afraid—of the inevitable Ted Kennedy
> > and William Proxmire, legislation was passed that put bankers under the
> > thumb of local activists.
> > In the Clinton years, a new generation of liberal technocrats came to power
> > in Washington and on Wall Street. Schweizer describes how a powerful phalanx
> > of elite liberals, including Bill Clinton, Robert Rubin, Andre

Re: OK Conservatives/GOPers...Read It & Apologize

2009-10-06 Thread Fritz da Cat

The only way to really put a damper on illegal immigration is to
enforce the immigration laws on the books and really go after the
employers who hire illegal immigrants. They come here for the jobs.

On Oct 6, 12:54 pm, plainolamerican  wrote:
> yes, only to have them return
> see above
> On Oct 6, 1:55 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > So far, they have not found one illegal immigrant who posed as a legal
> > resident to get benefits.
> > ---­-
> > And yes, illegal immigrants should be deported (aren't they already
> > doing that?).
> > On Oct 6, 11:33 am, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > >,0,560...
> > > > Verification of illegal immigrants is scrutinized amid healthcare debate
> > > > L.A. County officials question cost-effectiveness of rules aimed at 
> > > > screening those trying to get public health services.
> > > > By Teresa Watanabe
> > > > October 6, 2009
> > > > Los Angeles County health worker Leonardo Rincon lifts the birth 
> > > > certificate up to the light and expertly scrutinizes it. Do faint 
> > > > watermarks show up? Yes. He rubs his thumb over the official seal to 
> > > > see if it is raised. It is. He checks the number of digits in the 
> > > > document number. Perfect.
> > > > Ruth Torres, he decides, has brought in valid U.S. birth certificates 
> > > > for her six children, a valid U.S. passport for her husband and a valid 
> > > > green card for herself, a legal immigrant from Mexico. The family will 
> > > > continue to receive public healthcare benefits, as least for the next 
> > > > year.
> > > > Since July 2008, when Los Angeles County began implementing tougher 
> > > > federal verification rules, Rincon and his colleagues have gone back to 
> > > > check the documents of more than 100,000 recipients of Medi-Cal, the 
> > > > public healthcare program for low-income residents.
> > > > The county has received nearly $28 million in state and federal funds 
> > > > to cover the cost of the program and posted 81 people in 27 social 
> > > > service department offices to check documents, Walker said.
> > > > So far, they have not found one illegal immigrant who posed as a legal 
> > > > resident to get benefits, according to Deborah Walker, the county's 
> > > > Medi-Cal program director. Fewer than 1% of applicants between July 
> > > > 2008 and February 2009 lacked the proper documents, and many of those 
> > > > applicants eventually produced them, she said.
> > > > Among new Medi-Cal applicants, county officials have found a relative 
> > > > handful of cheaters under the tougher standards. In the El Monte 
> > > > office, for instance, supervisor Alma Young said that five to eight 
> > > > undocumented immigrants were discovered among about 7,000 applicants in 
> > > > her unit over the last year -- about 0.1% of the total.
> > > > "It's been a big effort without a whole lot of payback," Walker said of 
> > > > the program.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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Birther Bullshit

2009-07-29 Thread Fritz da Cat

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The Shrew(s)

2009-07-29 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Rat Racists

2009-07-29 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Re: CNN Chief Calls Out Lou Dobbs

2009-07-26 Thread Fritz da Cat

Are your alimony payments to reality current since you divorced from

On Jul 26, 3:17 pm, Sage2  wrote:
>           Fritz,
>               GET OFF THE CAT NIP !
> ***
> On Jul 26, 6:14 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > It's been proven beyond any reasonable doubt. If you're too stupid and
> > ignorant to realize that then you need some serious professional help
> > because this kind of irrational delusional line of thought is a clear
> > sign of mental illness.
> > On Jul 26, 2:38 pm, Sage2  wrote:
> > >                 Fritz on the fritz,
> > >                  Well answer the question! Where is the " illegality "
> > > in questioning his birth? It seems to me it would be " illegal" if
> > > Brobama is not an American citizen. That is what the Southern Poverty
> > > Law Center should be determining and examining otherwise one can only
> > > conclude they are being biased & political like the ACLU. That's OK
> > > though Fritz, I know socialist liberals have difficulty in
> > > comprehending the meaning of the word " illegal ", ie. " illegal
> > > immigration " . Please stay off the catnip! It's not good for you.
> > > ***­***­*
> > > On Jul 26, 5:15 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > > > Just keep spewing the same bullshit. It only make you look real stupid
> > > > and ignorant.
> > > > On Jul 26, 1:08 pm, Sage2  wrote:
> > > > >          Hey Travis,
> > > > >            What the hell does Southern Poverty Law Center have to do
> > > > > with Obama's birth certificate, or for that matter the Lou Dobbs show.
> > > > > They are more and more like the ACLU trying to force their political
> > > > > agenda on others. Asking and debating Obama's refusal to present his
> > > > > birth certificate is not illegal.
> > > > > ***­­**­*­***
> > > > > On Jul 26, 3:39 pm, Travis  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > -
> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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Re: CNN Chief Calls Out Lou Dobbs

2009-07-26 Thread Fritz da Cat

It's been proven beyond any reasonable doubt. If you're too stupid and
ignorant to realize that then you need some serious professional help
because this kind of irrational delusional line of thought is a clear
sign of mental illness.

On Jul 26, 2:38 pm, Sage2  wrote:
>                 Fritz on the fritz,
>                  Well answer the question! Where is the " illegality "
> in questioning his birth? It seems to me it would be " illegal" if
> Brobama is not an American citizen. That is what the Southern Poverty
> Law Center should be determining and examining otherwise one can only
> conclude they are being biased & political like the ACLU. That's OK
> though Fritz, I know socialist liberals have difficulty in
> comprehending the meaning of the word " illegal ", ie. " illegal
> immigration " . Please stay off the catnip! It's not good for you.
> ***********
> On Jul 26, 5:15 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > Just keep spewing the same bullshit. It only make you look real stupid
> > and ignorant.
> > On Jul 26, 1:08 pm, Sage2  wrote:
> > >          Hey Travis,
> > >            What the hell does Southern Poverty Law Center have to do
> > > with Obama's birth certificate, or for that matter the Lou Dobbs show.
> > > They are more and more like the ACLU trying to force their political
> > > agenda on others. Asking and debating Obama's refusal to present his
> > > birth certificate is not illegal.
> > > ***­***­***
> > > On Jul 26, 3:39 pm, Travis  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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Re: CNN Chief Calls Out Lou Dobbs

2009-07-26 Thread Fritz da Cat

Just keep spewing the same bullshit. It only make you look real stupid
and ignorant.

On Jul 26, 1:08 pm, Sage2  wrote:
>          Hey Travis,
>            What the hell does Southern Poverty Law Center have to do
> with Obama's birth certificate, or for that matter the Lou Dobbs show.
> They are more and more like the ACLU trying to force their political
> agenda on others. Asking and debating Obama's refusal to present his
> birth certificate is not illegal.
> *
> On Jul 26, 3:39 pm, Travis  wrote:
> >
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Re: Useless Eaters

2009-07-26 Thread Fritz da Cat

The entire right wing are nothing but useless parasites on the
American culture and by that standard are useless eaters.

On Jul 26, 6:20 am, Cold Water  wrote:
> July 26, 2009
> Useless Eaters
> By John Griffing
> While Americans worry over government insurance plans, longer waits for 
> treatment, and "healthcare rationing," a more sinister agenda lurks in the 
> shadows of the healthcare bill now before the House of Representatives.  
> Today's Medicare recipients could be the first to experience our government's 
> new solution to America's "useless eaters."
> Section 1233 of HR 3200, the healthcare reform measure under consideration, 
> mandates "Advance Care Planning Consultation."  Under the proposal, all 
> senior citizens receiving government medical care would be required to 
> undergo these counseling sessions every five years.  Further reading of the 
> law reveals that these sessions are nothing more than a not-so-veiled attempt 
> to convince the elderly to forego treatment.  HR 3200 calls outright for 
> these compulsory consultations to recommend "palliative care and hospice."  
> These are typically administered in the place of treatment intended to 
> prolong life, and instead focus on pain relief until death.  These are, of 
> course, reasonable and beneficial options for terminally ill patients and 
> their families.
> But this legislation doesn't stop there.  Section 1233 requires "an 
> explanation by the practitioner of the continuum of end-of-life services and 
> supports available, including palliative care and hospice, and benefits for 
> such services and supports that are available under this title." But, under 
> the terms of the section, the federal government can compel more frequent 
> end-of-life sessions if it declares a "significant change" in the health of 
> the Medicare recipient, a change that the bill does not confine to fatal 
> illness, but which encompasses broad and abstract conditions described as 
> "chronic," "progressive," or "life-limiting."  The bill even empowers 
> physicians to make an "actionable medical order" to "limit some or all 
> specified interventions..."  In effect, the government can determine that a 
> "life-limiting" condition demands the withholding of treatment.
> The bill puts the Secretary of Health in charge of life and death decisions 
> coming out of these sessions.  Under the heading,  "QUALITY REPORTING 
> INITIATIVE," the bill says, "For purposes of reporting data on quality 
> measures for covered professional services furnished during 2011 and any 
> subsequent year, to the extent that measures are available, the Secretary 
> shall include quality measures on end of life care and advanced care planning 
> that have been adopted or endorsed by a consensus-based organization, if 
> appropriate. Such measures shall measure both the creation of and adherence 
> to orders for life-sustaining treatment."
> These measures are merely an extension of the healthcare provisions hidden in 
> the stimulus bill, which contained alarming new guidelines that required 
> medical practitioners to judge whether or not treating certain patients was 
> "comparatively effective."  These decisions were to be based on the findings 
> of a presidential advisory council on the costs of varying treatments.  As a 
> result of these changes, treatment is now a question of "cost" and humans are 
> viewed as potential "liabilities" instead of patients.  
> Doctors up in arms over these radical changes have been attacked with the 
> worst kind of demagoguery imaginable.  Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) lacks any 
> shame, saying that doctors who oppose this legislation have "lost sight of 
> the common good and the pledge they took in the Hippocratic oath."  Last time 
> I checked, the Hippocratic oath didn't say anything about refusing to treat 
> patients on the basis of cost.  And somehow, whenever the words "common good" 
> are thrown around, individuals are about to be hurt.  McDermott even went on 
> to accuse anti-reform doctors of "practicing fear without a license," saying 
> that "they should be subject to a malpractice suit."
> President Obama has even been so disingenuous as to accuse Republicans of 
> denying medical treatment to people that need it, saying, "The opponents of 
> health insurance reform would have us do nothing. But think about what doing 
> nothing, in the face of ever increasing costs, will do to you and your 
> family."  This is a classic false choice scenario.  Either we pass Obama's 
> legislation, or people will die.   In fact, doing nothing is infinitely 
> preferable to doing the wrong thing, especially when we're being pushed to 
> move too quickly.
> It was the same with the stimulus package.  And we all know how that turned 
> out: 9.4 percent unemployment and a budget deficit four times larger than 
> when President Bush was in office.  Obama has become a master at using false 
> urgency 

I think I just heard a click

2009-07-20 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Rest in Peace

2009-07-17 Thread Fritz da Cat

Walter Cronkite.
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Re: Bombshell: Orders revoked; Major victory for Army warrior questioning Obama's birthplace

2009-07-16 Thread Fritz da Cat

*NO, the USSC has said no such thing. They have said that people up to
that have brought suit before them had no standing... they have never
addressed the issue. *

BULLSHIT. The Supreme Court's refusal to even hear it sets the
precedent. Now court martial this disgrace to the U.S. Army Reserves,
Major Cook who is also a disgrace to America and Americans. You
birthers really do know how to show your asolute ant total ignorance
and stupidity.

On Jul 16, 5:19 pm, Mark  wrote:
> NO, the USSC has said no such thing. They have said that people up to now
> that have brought suit before them had no standing... they have never even
> addressed the issue.
> a little more accuracy and a lot less posturing/spinning please
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 6:10 PM, Fritz da Cat 
> wrote:
> > Until Obama is convicted for anything Obama is still the COMMANDER IN
> > CHIEF. Also the case is baseless. The Us Supreme Court has said so
> > either twice or even three times now.
> > On Jul 16, 5:03 pm, Mark  wrote:
> > > What would the charge be ?? Possibly refusing to follow what he believed
> > to
> > > be an unlawful order ?? Maybe calling attention to that pesky paper and
> > the
> > > requisites not yet proven by Obama ??
> > > The man with a suit to file is Major Cook. If the government is implicit
> > in
> > > his being fired (civilian job) the man will (and should) make millions.
> > > If his career was ended for standing up and following his sworn duty as
> > an
> > > officer to protect and defend the constitution against the politics
> > > involved he should be promoted.
> > > On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Fritz da Cat  > >wrote:
> > > > What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Major Cook has
> > > > cooked his own goose. He should now be court martialed.
> > > > On Jul 16, 11:21 am, Mark  wrote:
> > > > > Frederick,
> > > > > IF Obama is found not to be "natural born" that means that any order
> > he
> > > > gave
> > > > > as CIC was fraudulent at the time it was given. There is but ONE
> > solution
> > > > to
> > > > > the problem . do as EVERY President has done prior  release
> > the
> > > > > documents having to do with his birth and upbringing. Short of his
> > > > proving
> > > > > his eligibility to be CIC doubt exists and that doubt is reasonable.
> > To
> > > > > refuse orders when you doubt the fitness to serve of a senior officer
> > is
> > > > > within the scope his sworn duty.
> > > > > On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Frederick The Moderate <
> > > >  >> wrote:
> > > > > > Sage,
> > > > > > As far as this issue goes, I'm not asserting that Obama will never
> > be
> > > > > > kicked out of office for being there illegally (although I'd bet on
> > > > > > it!). So let's say that eventually happens. Guess what? UNTIL it
> > > > > > happens, every order he issues is a lawful standing order. And as
> > > > > > those who for obvious reasons, have never served and yet, love to
> > spew
> > > > > > their stupidity are unaware, American servicemen and women ARE
> > > > > > government property. Legally. We had a petty officer get a tattoo
> > on
> > > > > > his forehead (he was drunk). At Captain's Mast (minor trial), he
> > was
> > > > > > found guilty of "defacing GOVERNMENT PROPERTY". That's what you
> > sign
> > > > > > up for. Which means that until Obama is found guilty of something
> > in a
> > > > > > court of law, his orders are lawful. And here's the kicker: After
> > > > > > that, they are STILL lawful unless modified by a new CIC.
> > > > > > On Jul 16, 11:01 am, Sage2  wrote:
> > > > > > >                      Obama and his entourage  are being a
> > divisive
> > > > > > > cancer to the defense of the country by refusing to present a
> > legal
> > > > > > > document to prove where he was born. Seems to me if he put up
> > > > everyone
> > > > > > > would shut up.
> > > > > > > There is a long list of papers & writings that have been hidden
> > by
> > > > > > > them 

Re: Bombshell: Orders revoked; Major victory for Army warrior questioning Obama's birthplace

2009-07-16 Thread Fritz da Cat

Absolutely charge Major Cook for refusal to follow orders,
insubordination, and disrespect of the President of The United States
of America. He used his position in the Army reserves, and his uniform
for a political propaganda ploy. He disgraced his uniform and his

On Jul 16, 5:03 pm, Mark  wrote:
> What would the charge be ?? Possibly refusing to follow what he believed to
> be an unlawful order ?? Maybe calling attention to that pesky paper and the
> requisites not yet proven by Obama ??
> The man with a suit to file is Major Cook. If the government is implicit in
> his being fired (civilian job) the man will (and should) make millions.
> If his career was ended for standing up and following his sworn duty as an
> officer to protect and defend the constitution against the politics
> involved he should be promoted.
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Fritz da Cat 
> wrote:
> > What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Major Cook has
> > cooked his own goose. He should now be court martialed.
> > On Jul 16, 11:21 am, Mark  wrote:
> > > Frederick,
> > > IF Obama is found not to be "natural born" that means that any order he
> > gave
> > > as CIC was fraudulent at the time it was given. There is but ONE solution
> > to
> > > the problem . do as EVERY President has done prior  release the
> > > documents having to do with his birth and upbringing. Short of his
> > proving
> > > his eligibility to be CIC doubt exists and that doubt is reasonable. To
> > > refuse orders when you doubt the fitness to serve of a senior officer is
> > > within the scope his sworn duty.
> > > On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Frederick The Moderate <
> >  >> wrote:
> > > > Sage,
> > > > As far as this issue goes, I'm not asserting that Obama will never be
> > > > kicked out of office for being there illegally (although I'd bet on
> > > > it!). So let's say that eventually happens. Guess what? UNTIL it
> > > > happens, every order he issues is a lawful standing order. And as
> > > > those who for obvious reasons, have never served and yet, love to spew
> > > > their stupidity are unaware, American servicemen and women ARE
> > > > government property. Legally. We had a petty officer get a tattoo on
> > > > his forehead (he was drunk). At Captain's Mast (minor trial), he was
> > > > found guilty of "defacing GOVERNMENT PROPERTY". That's what you sign
> > > > up for. Which means that until Obama is found guilty of something in a
> > > > court of law, his orders are lawful. And here's the kicker: After
> > > > that, they are STILL lawful unless modified by a new CIC.
> > > > On Jul 16, 11:01 am, Sage2  wrote:
> > > > >                      Obama and his entourage  are being a divisive
> > > > > cancer to the defense of the country by refusing to present a legal
> > > > > document to prove where he was born. Seems to me if he put up
> > everyone
> > > > > would shut up.
> > > > > There is a long list of papers & writings that have been hidden by
> > > > > them as it relates to Hussein ( the socialist ) Obama.
> > ***­***­***­***
> > > > > On Jul 16, 1:45 pm, Zebnick  wrote:
> > > > > > >His refusal is not based on rumor it is based on an absolute
> > lack
> > > > > > of proven fact.
> > > > > > I don't think that would stand up at a military trial. Regardless
> > of
> > > > > > his or my doubts about Obama's origins, the court would probably
> > find
> > > > > > that he cannot disobey orders based on something unproven.
> > > > > > On Jul 16, 12:40 pm, THE ANNOINTED ONE 
> > wrote:
> > > > > > > His refusal is not based on rumor it is based on an absolute
> > lack
> > > > > > > of proven fact. He swore to defend the constitution and based on
> > that
> > > > > > > to follow lawful orders... those were the terms of his employment
> > > > with
> > > > > > > the Army, Aren't the requirements for POTUS/CIC w

Re: Bombshell: Orders revoked; Major victory for Army warrior questioning Obama's birthplace

2009-07-16 Thread Fritz da Cat

Until Obama is convicted for anything Obama is still the COMMANDER IN
CHIEF. Also the case is baseless. The Us Supreme Court has said so
either twice or even three times now.

On Jul 16, 5:03 pm, Mark  wrote:
> What would the charge be ?? Possibly refusing to follow what he believed to
> be an unlawful order ?? Maybe calling attention to that pesky paper and the
> requisites not yet proven by Obama ??
> The man with a suit to file is Major Cook. If the government is implicit in
> his being fired (civilian job) the man will (and should) make millions.
> If his career was ended for standing up and following his sworn duty as an
> officer to protect and defend the constitution against the politics
> involved he should be promoted.
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Fritz da Cat 
> wrote:
> > What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Major Cook has
> > cooked his own goose. He should now be court martialed.
> > On Jul 16, 11:21 am, Mark  wrote:
> > > Frederick,
> > > IF Obama is found not to be "natural born" that means that any order he
> > gave
> > > as CIC was fraudulent at the time it was given. There is but ONE solution
> > to
> > > the problem . do as EVERY President has done prior  release the
> > > documents having to do with his birth and upbringing. Short of his
> > proving
> > > his eligibility to be CIC doubt exists and that doubt is reasonable. To
> > > refuse orders when you doubt the fitness to serve of a senior officer is
> > > within the scope his sworn duty.
> > > On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Frederick The Moderate <
> >  >> wrote:
> > > > Sage,
> > > > As far as this issue goes, I'm not asserting that Obama will never be
> > > > kicked out of office for being there illegally (although I'd bet on
> > > > it!). So let's say that eventually happens. Guess what? UNTIL it
> > > > happens, every order he issues is a lawful standing order. And as
> > > > those who for obvious reasons, have never served and yet, love to spew
> > > > their stupidity are unaware, American servicemen and women ARE
> > > > government property. Legally. We had a petty officer get a tattoo on
> > > > his forehead (he was drunk). At Captain's Mast (minor trial), he was
> > > > found guilty of "defacing GOVERNMENT PROPERTY". That's what you sign
> > > > up for. Which means that until Obama is found guilty of something in a
> > > > court of law, his orders are lawful. And here's the kicker: After
> > > > that, they are STILL lawful unless modified by a new CIC.
> > > > On Jul 16, 11:01 am, Sage2  wrote:
> > > > >                      Obama and his entourage  are being a divisive
> > > > > cancer to the defense of the country by refusing to present a legal
> > > > > document to prove where he was born. Seems to me if he put up
> > everyone
> > > > > would shut up.
> > > > > There is a long list of papers & writings that have been hidden by
> > > > > them as it relates to Hussein ( the socialist ) Obama.
> > ***­***­***­***
> > > > > On Jul 16, 1:45 pm, Zebnick  wrote:
> > > > > > >His refusal is not based on rumor it is based on an absolute
> > lack
> > > > > > of proven fact.
> > > > > > I don't think that would stand up at a military trial. Regardless
> > of
> > > > > > his or my doubts about Obama's origins, the court would probably
> > find
> > > > > > that he cannot disobey orders based on something unproven.
> > > > > > On Jul 16, 12:40 pm, THE ANNOINTED ONE 
> > wrote:
> > > > > > > His refusal is not based on rumor it is based on an absolute
> > lack
> > > > > > > of proven fact. He swore to defend the constitution and based on
> > that
> > > > > > > to follow lawful orders... those were the terms of his employment
> > > > with
> > > > > > > the Army, Aren't the requirements for POTUS/CIC written in black
> > and
> > > > > > > white in that document ?? Or 

Re: Bombshell: Orders revoked; Major victory for Army warrior questioning Obama's birthplace

2009-07-16 Thread Fritz da Cat

What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Major Cook has
cooked his own goose. He should now be court martialed.

On Jul 16, 11:21 am, Mark  wrote:
> Frederick,
> IF Obama is found not to be "natural born" that means that any order he gave
> as CIC was fraudulent at the time it was given. There is but ONE solution to
> the problem . do as EVERY President has done prior  release the
> documents having to do with his birth and upbringing. Short of his proving
> his eligibility to be CIC doubt exists and that doubt is reasonable. To
> refuse orders when you doubt the fitness to serve of a senior officer is
> within the scope his sworn duty.
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Frederick The Moderate <
>> wrote:
> > Sage,
> > As far as this issue goes, I'm not asserting that Obama will never be
> > kicked out of office for being there illegally (although I'd bet on
> > it!). So let's say that eventually happens. Guess what? UNTIL it
> > happens, every order he issues is a lawful standing order. And as
> > those who for obvious reasons, have never served and yet, love to spew
> > their stupidity are unaware, American servicemen and women ARE
> > government property. Legally. We had a petty officer get a tattoo on
> > his forehead (he was drunk). At Captain's Mast (minor trial), he was
> > found guilty of "defacing GOVERNMENT PROPERTY". That's what you sign
> > up for. Which means that until Obama is found guilty of something in a
> > court of law, his orders are lawful. And here's the kicker: After
> > that, they are STILL lawful unless modified by a new CIC.
> > On Jul 16, 11:01 am, Sage2  wrote:
> > >                      Obama and his entourage  are being a divisive
> > > cancer to the defense of the country by refusing to present a legal
> > > document to prove where he was born. Seems to me if he put up everyone
> > > would shut up.
> > > There is a long list of papers & writings that have been hidden by
> > > them as it relates to Hussein ( the socialist ) Obama.
> > ***­***­***­***
> > > On Jul 16, 1:45 pm, Zebnick  wrote:
> > > > >His refusal is not based on rumor it is based on an absolute lack
> > > > of proven fact.
> > > > I don't think that would stand up at a military trial. Regardless of
> > > > his or my doubts about Obama's origins, the court would probably find
> > > > that he cannot disobey orders based on something unproven.
> > > > On Jul 16, 12:40 pm, THE ANNOINTED ONE  wrote:
> > > > > His refusal is not based on rumor it is based on an absolute lack
> > > > > of proven fact. He swore to defend the constitution and based on that
> > > > > to follow lawful orders... those were the terms of his employment
> > with
> > > > > the Army, Aren't the requirements for POTUS/CIC written in black and
> > > > > white in that document ?? Or is it that you have no use for the
> > > > > constitution ??
> > > > > If I walk up to him wearing a generals or colenels uniform and give
> > > > > him an order should he follow that order when he knows or truly
> > thinks
> > > > > I am not a real general ??
> > > > > On Jul 16, 9:43 am, Zebnick  wrote:
> > > > > > Why is it that you libbies get such delight in the government
> > ruining
> > > > > > peoples lives for political purposes? This guy clearly had no
> > standing
> > > > > > to refuse orders as he cannot claim, based on unsubstantiated
> > rumors,
> > > > > > that the commander in chief is a fraud. He should be treated as a
> > > > > > soldier refusing orders. Not have someone get him fired.
> > > > > > On Jul 15, 9:52 pm, Frederick The Moderate
> > > > > >  wrote:
> > > > > > > db you're laughable. Every soldier is required to obey an order
> > from
> > > > > > > their superior officer and I guarantee that someone between Obama
> > and
> > > > > > > this guy, ordered him to go. But that's okay, they had this guy's
> > > > > > > sentence figured the moment he filed. Instead of going through
> > all the
> > > > > > > legal bs, they just revoked his security clearance. Guess what
> > kind of
> > > > > > > company he works for? Defense contractor. Makes pretty good money
> > too!
> > > > > > > Well, he used to, anyway. Hope his lawyer got paid in advance...
> > > > > > > Funny thing though. When that soldier refused to go to Iraq in
> > 2006
> > > > > > > because the WPA made clear that Bush's war was illegal, all the
> > > > > > > Conservatives and GOP called him a traitor and touted how a
> > soldiers
> > > > > > > duty should never be interefered with by politics and Rush
> > Limbaugh
> > > > > > > brought up the point that, if that were allowed, half our armed
> > forces
> > > > > > > could refuse to fight at any given moment etc

Re: What are they going to do about this whole thing - where are they going to have the trials

2009-07-15 Thread Fritz da Cat

The military trials themselves were illegal. That's why they haven't
happened. The American judicial system has been up to the job since
our nation's inception. It will work just fine for this.

On Jul 15, 8:07 pm, dick thompson  wrote:
> If the rule of law had been followed then the military trials would have
> happened years ago.  It was the leftist lawyers who interfered with the
> rule of law.  Actually the prisoners would normally not even be alive
> today if the Geneva Convention were followed.  As it is generally
> speaking irregular combatants are either killed on the spot or are held
> until the war is over.  Your rule of law is something that the leftist
> lawyers made up on the spur of the moment.
> Fritz da Cat wrote:
> > Oh the horror!!! The rule of law might actually be followed. Oh the
> > horror
> > On Jul 15, 12:50 pm, dick thompson  wrote:
> >> I don't see how they can get valid trials in civilian courts for these
> >> crimes.
> >>
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Re: What are they going to do about this whole thing - where are they going to have the trials

2009-07-15 Thread Fritz da Cat

Oh the horror!!! The rule of law might actually be followed. Oh the

On Jul 15, 12:50 pm, dick thompson  wrote:
> I don't see how they can get valid trials in civilian courts for these
> crimes.
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2009-07-14 Thread Fritz da Cat

Count me as a real patriot then because I will do without before I'll
shop at Wal*Mart.

On Jul 14, 8:33 pm, Hollywood  wrote:
> Travis,
> Isn't it obvious that no patriotic American would shop at Wal-Mart?
> On Jul 14, 10:21 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > And dont forget toys painted with lead based paints as well.
> > On Jul 14, 8:16 pm, Hollywood  wrote:
> > > rigs,
> > > And don't forget the baby formula that proved fatal.
> > > On Jul 14, 10:03 pm, rigsy03  wrote:
> > > > Also inspect all canned goods as to country of origin. Many are coming
> > > > from China and their tinning process is suspect.
> > > > On Jul 14, 9:58 pm, Hollywood  wrote:
> > > > > Travis,
> > > > > Boycott Wal-Mart untill they agree to buy most, or at least SOME, of
> > > > > the products they sell in the U.S instead of from their commie pals is
> > > > > Red China. They are the world's largest retailer, they are big enough
> > > > > that even if a product they want to stock is made no where in the U.S.
> > > > > someone will move or build a plant here to get that business.
> > > > > On Jul 14, 9:22 pm, Travis  wrote:
> > > > > > *John Smith started the day early having set his alarm** **clock*
> > > > > > *(MADE IN JAPAN) for 6 am.*
> > > > > > *While his **coffeepot*
> > > > > > *(MADE IN CHINA)*
> > > > > > *was perking, he shaved with his*
> > > > > > *electric razor*
> > > > > > *(MADE IN HONG KONG)*
> > > > > > *He put on a*
> > > > > > *dress shirt*
> > > > > > *(MADE IN SRI LANKA),*
> > > > > > *designer** jeans*
> > > > > > *(MADE IN SINGAPORE)*
> > > > > > *and*
> > > > > > *tennis shoes*
> > > > > > *(MADE IN KOREA)*
> > > > > > *After cooking his breakfast in his new*
> > > > > > *electric skillet*
> > > > > > *(MADE IN INDIA)*
> > > > > > *he sat down with his*
> > > > > > *calculator*
> > > > > > *(MADE IN MEXICO)*
> > > > > > *to see how much he could spend today. *
> > > > > > *After setting his*
> > > > > > *watch*
> > > > > > *(MADE IN TAIWAN)*
> > > > > > *to the radio*
> > > > > > *(MADE IN INDIA)*
> > > > > > *he got in his **car*
> > > > > > *(MADE IN GERMANY)*
> > > > > > *filled it with **GAS*
> > > > > > *(from Saudi Arabia)*
> > > > > > *and continued his search*
> > > > > > *for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.*
> > > > > > *At the end of yet another **discouraging*
> > > > > > *and **fruitless day*
> > > > > > *checking his*
> > > > > > *Computer*
> > > > > > *(made in MALAYSIA),*
> > > > > > *John decided to relax for a while.*
> > > > > > *He put on his **sandals*
> > > > > > *(MADE IN BRAZIL),*
> > > > > > *poured himself a glass of*
> > > > > > *wine*
> > > > > > *(MADE IN FRANCE)*
> > > > > > *and turned on his*
> > > > > > *TV*
> > > > > > *(MADE IN INDONESIA),*
> > > > > > *and then wondered why he can't*
> > > > > > *find a good paying job*
> > > > > > *in AMERICA*
> > > > > > *MADE IN KENYA*
> > > > > > *Y'all gotta Keep this one circulating, please!*- Hide quoted text -
> > > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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2009-07-14 Thread Fritz da Cat

And dont forget toys painted with lead based paints as well.

On Jul 14, 8:16 pm, Hollywood  wrote:
> rigs,
> And don't forget the baby formula that proved fatal.
> On Jul 14, 10:03 pm, rigsy03  wrote:
> > Also inspect all canned goods as to country of origin. Many are coming
> > from China and their tinning process is suspect.
> > On Jul 14, 9:58 pm, Hollywood  wrote:
> > > Travis,
> > > Boycott Wal-Mart untill they agree to buy most, or at least SOME, of
> > > the products they sell in the U.S instead of from their commie pals is
> > > Red China. They are the world's largest retailer, they are big enough
> > > that even if a product they want to stock is made no where in the U.S.
> > > someone will move or build a plant here to get that business.
> > > On Jul 14, 9:22 pm, Travis  wrote:
> > > > *John Smith started the day early having set his alarm** **clock*
> > > > *(MADE IN JAPAN) for 6 am.*
> > > > *While his **coffeepot*
> > > > *(MADE IN CHINA)*
> > > > *was perking, he shaved with his*
> > > > *electric razor*
> > > > *(MADE IN HONG KONG)*
> > > > *He put on a*
> > > > *dress shirt*
> > > > *(MADE IN SRI LANKA),*
> > > > *designer** jeans*
> > > > *and*
> > > > *tennis shoes*
> > > > *(MADE IN KOREA)*
> > > > *After cooking his breakfast in his new*
> > > > *electric skillet*
> > > > *(MADE IN INDIA)*
> > > > *he sat down with his*
> > > > *calculator*
> > > > *(MADE IN MEXICO)*
> > > > *to see how much he could spend today. *
> > > > *After setting his*
> > > > *watch*
> > > > *(MADE IN TAIWAN)*
> > > > *to the radio*
> > > > *(MADE IN INDIA)*
> > > > *he got in his **car*
> > > > *(MADE IN GERMANY)*
> > > > *filled it with **GAS*
> > > > *(from Saudi Arabia)*
> > > > *and continued his search*
> > > > *for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.*
> > > > *At the end of yet another **discouraging*
> > > > *and **fruitless day*
> > > > *checking his*
> > > > *Computer*
> > > > *(made in MALAYSIA),*
> > > > *John decided to relax for a while.*
> > > > *He put on his **sandals*
> > > > *(MADE IN BRAZIL),*
> > > > *poured himself a glass of*
> > > > *wine*
> > > > *(MADE IN FRANCE)*
> > > > *and turned on his*
> > > > *TV*
> > > > *(MADE IN INDONESIA),*
> > > > *and then wondered why he can't*
> > > > *find a good paying job*
> > > > *in AMERICA*
> > > > *MADE IN KENYA*
> > > > *Y'all gotta Keep this one circulating, please!*- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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2009-07-14 Thread Fritz da Cat

And what about poisoned dog food as well?

On Jul 14, 8:16 pm, Hollywood  wrote:
> rigs,
> And don't forget the baby formula that proved fatal.
> On Jul 14, 10:03 pm, rigsy03  wrote:
> > Also inspect all canned goods as to country of origin. Many are coming
> > from China and their tinning process is suspect.
> > On Jul 14, 9:58 pm, Hollywood  wrote:
> > > Travis,
> > > Boycott Wal-Mart untill they agree to buy most, or at least SOME, of
> > > the products they sell in the U.S instead of from their commie pals is
> > > Red China. They are the world's largest retailer, they are big enough
> > > that even if a product they want to stock is made no where in the U.S.
> > > someone will move or build a plant here to get that business.
> > > On Jul 14, 9:22 pm, Travis  wrote:
> > > > *John Smith started the day early having set his alarm** **clock*
> > > > *(MADE IN JAPAN) for 6 am.*
> > > > *While his **coffeepot*
> > > > *(MADE IN CHINA)*
> > > > *was perking, he shaved with his*
> > > > *electric razor*
> > > > *(MADE IN HONG KONG)*
> > > > *He put on a*
> > > > *dress shirt*
> > > > *(MADE IN SRI LANKA),*
> > > > *designer** jeans*
> > > > *and*
> > > > *tennis shoes*
> > > > *(MADE IN KOREA)*
> > > > *After cooking his breakfast in his new*
> > > > *electric skillet*
> > > > *(MADE IN INDIA)*
> > > > *he sat down with his*
> > > > *calculator*
> > > > *(MADE IN MEXICO)*
> > > > *to see how much he could spend today. *
> > > > *After setting his*
> > > > *watch*
> > > > *(MADE IN TAIWAN)*
> > > > *to the radio*
> > > > *(MADE IN INDIA)*
> > > > *he got in his **car*
> > > > *(MADE IN GERMANY)*
> > > > *filled it with **GAS*
> > > > *(from Saudi Arabia)*
> > > > *and continued his search*
> > > > *for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.*
> > > > *At the end of yet another **discouraging*
> > > > *and **fruitless day*
> > > > *checking his*
> > > > *Computer*
> > > > *(made in MALAYSIA),*
> > > > *John decided to relax for a while.*
> > > > *He put on his **sandals*
> > > > *(MADE IN BRAZIL),*
> > > > *poured himself a glass of*
> > > > *wine*
> > > > *(MADE IN FRANCE)*
> > > > *and turned on his*
> > > > *TV*
> > > > *(MADE IN INDONESIA),*
> > > > *and then wondered why he can't*
> > > > *find a good paying job*
> > > > *in AMERICA*
> > > > *MADE IN KENYA*
> > > > *Y'all gotta Keep this one circulating, please!*- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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Appalachian Trail

2009-07-14 Thread Fritz da Cat

Ya think?!?!?!

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Re: Fwd: POLITICO Alert: Jonathan Martin has published a new story.

2009-07-13 Thread Fritz da Cat

HOLY COW!!!   I'll alert the media!!!

On Jul 13, 2:57 pm, bruce majors  wrote:
> *Administration gets new car
> czar
> *
> Steve Rattner is leaving his post and will be replaced by Ron Bloom, a
> former union official.
> Read More 
> To unsubscribe click
> here
> 2009 Capitol News Company, LLC
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Re: Only their plastic surgeons know for sure

2009-07-10 Thread Fritz da Cat

I would agree if I was a beer drinker. Then again I don't drink. Me
and alcohol don't get along.

On Jul 10, 2:36 pm, Travis  wrote:
> What a total waste of perfectly good beer money.
> On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Fritz da Cat 
> wrote:
> --
> *~@):~{>
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Re: What Engineers Do When They Retire

2009-07-09 Thread Fritz da Cat

That is a great Rube Goldberg machine.

On Jul 9, 8:09 am, Travis  wrote:
> From: Travis
> Date: Wed, Jul 8, 2009
> Subject:  What Engineers Do When They Retire
>  **
> These engineers have way too much time on their hands!
>    __._,_.___
> --
> *~@):~{>
> --
> *~@):~{>
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Re: Republican Senator won’t deny urging fellow Republican to pay woman he had affair with

2009-07-09 Thread Fritz da Cat

My lawyer will be contacting you, Keith, Annointed One, and Google
over this one.

On Jul 9, 2:58 pm, Zebnick  wrote:
> LOL! This from a guy who endorses pedophilia, as long as its his guy
> who's doing it.
> On Jul 9, 5:56 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > Glad to see your hypocrisy and double standards are alive and
> > kicking.
> > On Jul 9, 11:09 am, Sage2  wrote:
> > >              And John Edwards has a bastard child, John Kennedy
> > > screwed Marylin , hell Bobby K. had an affair Johns
> > > wife.yawn!.yawn!...yawn!  What else is new ?
> > > **************
> > > On Jul 9, 1:42 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > > > Republican family values?!?!? What a joke.
> > > >
> > > > (excerpt)
> > > > Conservative Republican Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) purportedly urged Sen.
> > > > John Ensign (R-NV) to pay off a mistress with whom he admitted having
> > > > an affair — and wouldn’t deny urging payments to the woman and her
> > > > husband when asked about the charge.
> > > > Ensign admitted having an affair last month, saying he “violated the
> > > > vows” of his marriage and adding, “It is the worst thing I have ever
> > > > done in my life. If there was ever anything in my life that I could
> > > > take back, this would be it.”
> > > > Apparently Oklahoma’s Republican senator urged just that.
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I'm Not a Quitter

2009-07-09 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Re: Republican Senator won’t deny urging fellow Republican to pay woman he had affair with

2009-07-09 Thread Fritz da Cat

Glad to see your hypocrisy and double standards are alive and

On Jul 9, 11:09 am, Sage2  wrote:
>              And John Edwards has a bastard child, John Kennedy
> screwed Marylin , hell Bobby K. had an affair Johns
> wife.yawn!.yawn!...yawn!  What else is new ?
> **
> On Jul 9, 1:42 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > Republican family values?!?!? What a joke.
> >
> > (excerpt)
> > Conservative Republican Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) purportedly urged Sen.
> > John Ensign (R-NV) to pay off a mistress with whom he admitted having
> > an affair — and wouldn’t deny urging payments to the woman and her
> > husband when asked about the charge.
> > Ensign admitted having an affair last month, saying he “violated the
> > vows” of his marriage and adding, “It is the worst thing I have ever
> > done in my life. If there was ever anything in my life that I could
> > take back, this would be it.”
> > Apparently Oklahoma’s Republican senator urged just that.
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Republican Senator won’t deny urging fellow Republican to pay woman he had affair with

2009-07-09 Thread Fritz da Cat

Republican family values?!?!? What a joke.


Conservative Republican Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) purportedly urged Sen.
John Ensign (R-NV) to pay off a mistress with whom he admitted having
an affair — and wouldn’t deny urging payments to the woman and her
husband when asked about the charge.

Ensign admitted having an affair last month, saying he “violated the
vows” of his marriage and adding, “It is the worst thing I have ever
done in my life. If there was ever anything in my life that I could
take back, this would be it.”

Apparently Oklahoma’s Republican senator urged just that.
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Bailin Palin excuse for quitting may be bogus

2009-07-09 Thread Fritz da Cat

Why am I not surprised?


Palin asserted that the reason for her departure was that her presence
forced the state to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars in
legal fees to defend her from frivolous ethics complaints, instead of
devoting the much-needed resources to cops, teachers and roads.

But as it turns out, the money for Palin’s lawyers would have been
allocated anyway, and that the lawyers would have been paid even if
they hadn’t been defending Palin. The information was disclosed to
Plum Line’s Amanda Erickson by Palin spokesperson David Murrow.

Murrow revealed that $1.9 million had been allocated for state
lawyers, part of which was used to defend the governor from lawsuits.
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Re: Who Wrote Her Speech, Cheech and Chong?

2009-07-06 Thread Fritz da Cat

She wasn't born in to the Bush family.

On Jul 6, 6:13 pm, "d.b.baker"  wrote:
> It's a shame Sarah didn't go to Columbia or Harvard. Or Princeton on
> Affirmative Action. It's a shame she's not a liberal with the massive
> intellectual capacity of Nancy Pelosi or a Contessa Brewer. No wonder
> the elites are so unhappy she was elected president.
> Which reminds me, a college professor named Barack Obama is proposing
> surrendering our military arsenal to Mr. Putin, supporting dictators
> in Iran and Honduras, and turning Michael Jackson into America's
> national pastime.
> All I can say is that it's a good thing Obama wasn't elected
> president.
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I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here

2009-07-06 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Abraham Lincoln November 21, 1864

2009-07-02 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Re: Michael Jackson's Problem

2009-07-02 Thread Fritz da Cat

If you hear thunder and ruckus from the sky it is not a storm. It's
Elvis kicking Michael Jackson's ass for screwing his daughter.

On Jul 2, 11:42 am, Travis  wrote:
> From: Travis
> Date: Thu, Jul 2, 2009
> Subject: Michael Jackson's Problem
> Alright folks.  I'll say what no one else will.  MJ's problem was that he
> was not White.  He thought he should be White and did everything he could to
> make himself White,  But nothing worked.  He remained Black.  All of which
> just goes to show that no matter how much money you have,  you cannot make a
> White woman out of a Black man.
> --
> *~@):~{>
> --
> *~@):~{>
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Re: " Populist Progressivism "

2009-07-01 Thread Fritz da Cat

Well your libertarian nightmare is what got us in this mess to begin
with, so it's time for something else. If you truly want to be on your
own then don't use the other options. To have something for instance
as vital as health care in only private hands such as it is now for
the most part is a crime against humanity.

On Jul 1, 3:37 pm, Sage2  wrote:
>     The best kind of " Populist Progressivism " is when government
> stays out of the " peoples " pockets. Get that Obama you P.I.M.P. !?
> ( President In MY Pockets )
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Re: Corporate Enemy of America

2009-07-01 Thread Fritz da Cat

I say if a business is too big to fail, then it's too big to exist.
Anti-trust laws need to be rigorously enforced.

On Jul 1, 5:13 pm, Travis  wrote:
> No such thing as a business that's too big to fail.  And when business
> fails, it it their own fault.
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 6:42 PM, Fritz da Cat wrote:
> > Goldman Sachs behind every market crash since 1920s
> >
> > (excerpt)
> > Goldman Sachs has played a crucial role in creating every market
> > bubble since the 1920s -- and has profited from not only the bubbles,
> > but from the crash that followed as well, says a new expose in Rolling
> > Stone magazine.
> > An article in the July 9-23 issue of the magazine, written by Matt
> > Taibbi, lists five asset bubbles that the 140-year-old investment bank
> > helped create -- and one that Taibbi asserts the firm is currently
> > working to make happen.
> > The five bubbles the article says Goldman was central to creating are
> > the Wall Street stock bubble in the 1920s, which led to the Great
> > Depression; the tech-stock bubble of the late 1990s, which ended in
> > the 2001 recession; the housing bubble of the past decade, which
> > resulted in the current economic crisis; the oil price run-up last
> > summer, when oil shot up to $140 a barrel, likely helping tilt the
> > entire world into recession; and what Taibbi describes as "rigging the
> > bailout," when Goldman Sachs' well-placed alumni inside the U.S.
> > government engineered last fall's bank bailout in such a way that the
> > company profited massively.
> > --
> > Corporations such as this should not be allowed to exist, and the
> > policies, and deregulation that allows for corporations like this
> > should be repealed.
> --
> *~@):~{>
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Corporate Enemy of America

2009-07-01 Thread Fritz da Cat

Goldman Sachs behind every market crash since 1920s


Goldman Sachs has played a crucial role in creating every market
bubble since the 1920s -- and has profited from not only the bubbles,
but from the crash that followed as well, says a new expose in Rolling
Stone magazine.

An article in the July 9-23 issue of the magazine, written by Matt
Taibbi, lists five asset bubbles that the 140-year-old investment bank
helped create -- and one that Taibbi asserts the firm is currently
working to make happen.

The five bubbles the article says Goldman was central to creating are
the Wall Street stock bubble in the 1920s, which led to the Great
Depression; the tech-stock bubble of the late 1990s, which ended in
the 2001 recession; the housing bubble of the past decade, which
resulted in the current economic crisis; the oil price run-up last
summer, when oil shot up to $140 a barrel, likely helping tilt the
entire world into recession; and what Taibbi describes as "rigging the
bailout," when Goldman Sachs' well-placed alumni inside the U.S.
government engineered last fall's bank bailout in such a way that the
company profited massively.

Corporations such as this should not be allowed to exist, and the
policies, and deregulation that allows for corporations like this
should be repealed.
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Re: God Sues Protesters for Libel

2009-07-01 Thread Fritz da Cat

I'm a devout atheist. this whole BS about some mythical cloud being is
only something for me to mock and ridicule.

On Jul 1, 7:53 am, Max52  wrote:
> I don't want to be in the blast zone when those people face G-d.
> These are the kind of people G-d fist question will be: What were you
> thinking and where did  you get those ideas from My Book?
> On Jun 30, 2:42 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
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God Sues Protesters for Libel

2009-06-30 Thread Fritz da Cat

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"Spotlight Scandals"

2009-06-29 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Billy Mays Dead

2009-06-28 Thread Fritz da Cat

Like's a pitch, then you buy.
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Re: Michael Jackson Died

2009-06-25 Thread Fritz da Cat

Yeah I know. I guess with Michael Jackson's passing that will put an
end to Wal*Mart's boy's pants half off sales.

On Jun 25, 4:24 pm, Travis  wrote:
> FOX and CNN are crying so much I had to switch to watching The Simpsons.
> I can't believe they would cancel their very important programming for that
> piece of trash.
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 5:59 PM, Fritz da Cat 
> wrote:
> > He touched so many
> --
> *~@):~{>
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Michael Jackson Died

2009-06-25 Thread Fritz da Cat

He touched so many
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Re: FW: Christianity

2009-06-24 Thread Fritz da Cat

*I'm getting too old to punch people in the head.*

I usually used a thrust kick.

On Jun 24, 4:44 pm, Hollywood  wrote:
> Fritz,
> I'm getting too old to punch people in the head. Used to do it
> frequently and all it got me was arthritis in my knuckles now( and a
> few ass-whippings). I usually let Thomas Jefferson speak for me in
> such a situation:
> "Say nothing of my religion. It is known to God and myself alone. It's
> evidence before the world is to be found in my life; if it has been
> honest and dutiful to society the religion which has regulated it
> cannot be a bad one."
> On Jun 24, 4:46 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > Back when I was in my 20's a bible thumper refused to accept NO for an
> > answer from me. (yes I was an atheist back then. I'm in my mid 40s
> > now). He ended up picking some of his teeth up off the sidewalk. He's
> > lucky I didn't do worse to him. I still hold that same rage towards
> > them, but age and maturity have stayed the violent responses they used
> > to get from me.
> > On Jun 24, 2:29 pm, Travis  wrote:
> > > I am not that polite    .[And Fyi, I resigned in writing from the 
> > > Methodist
> > > church when I was 23. (66 now).]
> > > On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Fritz da Cat 
> > > wrote:
> > > > Who are you to tell me, or dictate to me how and what to believe? My
> > > > responce to anyone who does that is screw you.
> > > > On Jun 24, 2:10 pm, sILVER bELLE  wrote:
> > > > >  sILVER bELLE
> > > > > From:
> > > > > To:
> > > > > Subject: FW: Christianity
> > > > > Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 15:54:05 -0500
> > > > >   If  yall don't believe in  religion, have a need for itin 
> > > > > whom/what
> > > > DO  U believe??  fritz...
> > > > >  sILVER bELLE
> > > > > > Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 13:38:30 -0700
> > > > > > Subject: Re: Christianity
> > > > > > From:
> > > > > > To:
> > > > > > I rarely agree with you on anything Travis, but on this we have 
> > > > > > common
> > > > > > ground.
> > > > > > On Jun 24, 1:34 pm, Travis  wrote:
> > > > > > > No hate, just no use for any religion.
> > > > > > > On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 3:08 PM, plainolamerican
> > > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > > > your hate has been noted
> > > > > > > > On Jun 24, 2:22 pm, Fritz da Cat 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > > > --
> > > > > > > *~@):~{>
> > > > > > 
> > > > > _
> > > > > Bing™  brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place.   
> > > > > Try
> > > > it now.
> > > >
> > > --
> > > *~@):~{>- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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Re: FW: Christianity

2009-06-24 Thread Fritz da Cat

Ray Stevens is hysterical.

On Jun 24, 3:41 pm, dick thompson  wrote:
> Fritz da Cat wrote:
> > Back when I was in my 20's a bible thumper refused to accept NO for an
> > answer from me. (yes I was an atheist back then. I'm in my mid 40s
> > now). He ended up picking some of his teeth up off the sidewalk. He's
> > lucky I didn't do worse to him. I still hold that same rage towards
> > them, but age and maturity have stayed the violent responses they used
> > to get from me.
> > On Jun 24, 2:29 pm, Travis  wrote:
> >> I am not that polite    .[And Fyi, I resigned in writing from the Methodist
> >> church when I was 23. (66 now).]
> >> On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Fritz da Cat 
> >> wrote:
> >>> Who are you to tell me, or dictate to me how and what to believe? My
> >>> responce to anyone who does that is screw you.
> >>> On Jun 24, 2:10 pm, sILVER bELLE  wrote:
> >>>>  sILVER bELLE
> >>>> From:
> >>>> To:
> >>>> Subject: FW: Christianity
> >>>> Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 15:54:05 -0500
> >>>>   If  yall don't believe in  religion, have a need for itin whom/what
> >>> DO  U believe??  fritz...
> >>>>  sILVER bELLE
> >>>>> Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 13:38:30 -0700
> >>>>> Subject: Re: Christianity
> >>>>> From:
> >>>>> To:
> >>>>> I rarely agree with you on anything Travis, but on this we have common
> >>>>> ground.
> >>>>> On Jun 24, 1:34 pm, Travis  wrote:
> >>>>>> No hate, just no use for any religion.
> >>>>>> On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 3:08 PM, plainolamerican
> >>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>> your hate has been noted
> >>>>>>> On Jun 24, 2:22 pm, Fritz da Cat 
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>>> --
> >>>>>> *~@):~{>
> >>>>> 
> >>>> _
> >>>> Bing™  brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place.   Try
> >>> it now.
> >>>
> >> --
> >> *~@):~{>
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Sanford's South American sojourn taxpayer-funded

2009-06-24 Thread Fritz da Cat

Not only was Sanford getting screwed in Argentina he was also screwing
the South Carolina tax payers who unknowingly paid for that trip with
their tax dollars.
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Re: FW: Christianity

2009-06-24 Thread Fritz da Cat

Back when I was in my 20's a bible thumper refused to accept NO for an
answer from me. (yes I was an atheist back then. I'm in my mid 40s
now). He ended up picking some of his teeth up off the sidewalk. He's
lucky I didn't do worse to him. I still hold that same rage towards
them, but age and maturity have stayed the violent responses they used
to get from me.

On Jun 24, 2:29 pm, Travis  wrote:
> I am not that polite    .[And Fyi, I resigned in writing from the Methodist
> church when I was 23. (66 now).]
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Fritz da Cat 
> wrote:
> > Who are you to tell me, or dictate to me how and what to believe? My
> > responce to anyone who does that is screw you.
> > On Jun 24, 2:10 pm, sILVER bELLE  wrote:
> > >  sILVER bELLE
> > > From:
> > > To:
> > > Subject: FW: Christianity
> > > Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 15:54:05 -0500
> > >   If  yall don't believe in  religion, have a need for itin whom/what
> > DO  U believe??  fritz...
> > >  sILVER bELLE
> > > > Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 13:38:30 -0700
> > > > Subject: Re: Christianity
> > > > From:
> > > > To:
> > > > I rarely agree with you on anything Travis, but on this we have common
> > > > ground.
> > > > On Jun 24, 1:34 pm, Travis  wrote:
> > > > > No hate, just no use for any religion.
> > > > > On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 3:08 PM, plainolamerican
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > your hate has been noted
> > > > > > On Jun 24, 2:22 pm, Fritz da Cat 
> > wrote:
> > > > > --
> > > > > *~@):~{>
> > > > 
> > > _
> > > Bing™  brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place.   Try
> > it now.
> >
> --
> *~@):~{>
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Re: FW: Christianity

2009-06-24 Thread Fritz da Cat

Who are you to tell me, or dictate to me how and what to believe? My
responce to anyone who does that is screw you.

On Jun 24, 2:10 pm, sILVER bELLE  wrote:
> From:
> To:
> Subject: FW: Christianity
> Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 15:54:05 -0500
>   If  yall don't believe in  religion, have a need for itin whom/what DO  
> U believe??  fritz...
> > Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 13:38:30 -0700
> > Subject: Re: Christianity
> > From:
> > To:
> > I rarely agree with you on anything Travis, but on this we have common
> > ground.
> > On Jun 24, 1:34 pm, Travis  wrote:
> > > No hate, just no use for any religion.
> > > On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 3:08 PM, plainolamerican
> > > wrote:
> > > > your hate has been noted
> > > > On Jun 24, 2:22 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > > --
> > > *~@):~{>
> > 
> _
> Bing™  brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place.   Try it 
> now.
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2009-06-24 Thread Fritz da Cat

No Silver. It's because free thinkers don't need no stinking

On Jun 24, 1:54 pm, sILVER bELLE  wrote:
>   If  yall don't believe in  religion, have a need for itin whom/what DO  
> U believe??  fritz...
> > Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 13:38:30 -0700
> > Subject: Re: Christianity
> > From:
> > To:
> > I rarely agree with you on anything Travis, but on this we have common
> > ground.
> > On Jun 24, 1:34 pm, Travis  wrote:
> > > No hate, just no use for any religion.
> > > On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 3:08 PM, plainolamerican
> > > wrote:
> > > > your hate has been noted
> > > > On Jun 24, 2:22 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > > --
> > > *~@):~{>
> _
> Hotmail® has ever-growing storage! Don’t worry about storage 
> limits.
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Re: Christianity

2009-06-24 Thread Fritz da Cat

I rarely agree with you on anything Travis, but on this we have common

On Jun 24, 1:34 pm, Travis  wrote:
> No hate, just no use for any religion.
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 3:08 PM, plainolamerican
> wrote:
> > your hate has been noted
> > On Jun 24, 2:22 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> --
> *~@):~{>
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Re: Christianity

2009-06-24 Thread Fritz da Cat

The truth is equivalent to hate in his book.

On Jun 24, 1:14 pm, Hollywood  wrote:
> plain,
> Hate? What did he say that is not true?
> On Jun 24, 3:08 pm, plainolamerican  wrote:
> > your hate has been noted
> > On Jun 24, 2:22 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > - Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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2009-06-24 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Republican Jesus

2009-06-24 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Re: Please do this!

2009-06-21 Thread Fritz da Cat

Post a link

On Jun 21, 2:20 pm, chirpinginnc  wrote:
> If anyone is on twitter, set your location to Tehran and your time
> zone to GMT +3.30. Security forces are hunting for bloggers using
> location/timezone searches. The more people at this location, the more
> of a logjam it creates for forces trying to shut Iranians' access to
> the internet down. Cut & paste & pass it on. Thanks to YSS for the
> info!
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2009-06-19 Thread Fritz da Cat

That's well and good, but what good are aal of those posts if nobody
else is interested in them?

On Jun 19, 4:06 pm, bruce majors  wrote:
> actually the only thing that really interests me in this group are dick
> thompson's posted links
> On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:02 PM, d.b.baker  wrote:
> > Time to establish a thread limit? For example, if prolific posters
> > want to aggregate/disseminate numerous news stories, it's more
> > advantageous to the group that they be confined to one or two daily
> > threads - as opposed to cluttering the board with numerous threads
> > (topics). Especially when the same news topics are widely available on
> > the net.
> > I try to follow this approach myself, especially when posting quotes/
> > links to/in a related topic. This doesn't guarantee "discussion" of
> > the specific subject per se, but it does acknowledge and respect the
> > fact that other members may not share a similar interest.
> > It's also helpful to the group when we revive dormant threads to re-
> > address specific subject matter that's already posted, especially if
> > the thread generated a discussion (i.e., interest).
> > In the end, it's a lot easier to scan a single topic/header than to go
> > back and forth between numerous threads.
> > If you agree, we could to do this as a [voluntary] courtesy.
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Re: "Supreme Leader" tells Iranians to go F**k themselves

2009-06-19 Thread Fritz da Cat

I've seen on several news broadcasts that the military and it's
commanders aren't very interested in opening fire on protesters.

On Jun 19, 3:50 pm, "d.b.baker"  wrote:
> On Jun 19, 6:45 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > That is if the military doesn't mutiny on the "Supreme Leader" and
> > take his ass out.
> That's what we're hoping.
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Re: "Supreme Leader" tells Iranians to go F**k themselves

2009-06-19 Thread Fritz da Cat

That is if the military doesn't mutiny on the "Supreme Leader" and
take his ass out.

On Jun 19, 3:22 pm, "d.b.baker"  wrote:
> On Jun 19, 12:32 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > I think the shit will hit the fan there.
> Only if the "Supreme Leader" is prepared to kill millions of Iranians.
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Re: "Supreme Leader" tells Iranians to go F**k themselves

2009-06-19 Thread Fritz da Cat

I think the shit will hit the fan there.

On Jun 19, 7:21 am, "d.b.baker"  wrote:
> Bolstered by Obama's ongoing support of Iran's Acorn election, Allah's
> mouth-peace speaks of slaughtering lambs:
> [NYT] - Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, sternly warned
> opposition supporters on Friday to stay off the streets and raised the
> prospect of violence if the protests continued.
> TEHRAN — In his first public response to days of mass protests, Iran’s
> supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, sternly warned opposition
> supporters on Friday to stay off the streets and raised the prospect
> of violence if the defiant, vast demonstrations continued...
> Reiterating his Saturday affirmation of the official election results,
> he said that the participation, as officially reported, had shown “the
> hand of the Lord of ages supporting such a great development.”
> “This is a sign of God’s mercy for this nation. The fate of the
> country should be decided in ballot boxes, not on the streets.” 
> --
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Re: "Supreme Leader" tells Iranians to go F**k themselves

2009-06-19 Thread Fritz da Cat

On Jun 19, 7:21 am, "d.b.baker"  wrote:
> Bolstered by Obama's ongoing support of Iran's Acorn election, Allah's
> mouth-peace speaks of slaughtering lambs:
> [NYT] - Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, sternly warned
> opposition supporters on Friday to stay off the streets and raised the
> prospect of violence if the protests continued.
> TEHRAN — In his first public response to days of mass protests, Iran’s
> supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, sternly warned opposition
> supporters on Friday to stay off the streets and raised the prospect
> of violence if the defiant, vast demonstrations continued...
> Reiterating his Saturday affirmation of the official election results,
> he said that the participation, as officially reported, had shown “the
> hand of the Lord of ages supporting such a great development.”
> “This is a sign of God’s mercy for this nation. The fate of the
> country should be decided in ballot boxes, not on the streets.” 
> --
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The Insurance lobby

2009-06-18 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Re: End free healthcare for the House and Senate members.

2009-06-15 Thread Fritz da Cat

"And of what kind are the men that will strive for this profitable
preeminence, through all the bustle of cabal, the heat of contention,
the infinite mutual abuse of parties, tearing to pieces the best of
characters? It will NOT be the wise and moderate, the lovers of peace
and good order, the men fittest for the trust. It will be the bold and
the violent, the men of strong passions and indefatigable activity in
their selfish pursuits. These will thrust themselves into your
government, and be your rulers. And these, too, will be mistaken in
the expected happiness of their situation; for their vanquished
competitors, of the same spirit, and from the same motives, will
perpetually be endeavoring to distress their administration, thwart
their measures, and render them odious to the people."~Benjamin

This is more of a prophecy. Benjamin Franklin was way ahead of his

On Jun 15, 1:35 pm, MWR  wrote:
> LOL @ Keith agrees with Fritz, who'da thunk?are you running a
> fever??  :o)
> Cut back on the amount of honorariums and only pay per diem would sure
> help us out of this mess!
> "And of what kind are the men that will strive for this profitable
> preeminence, through all the bustle of cabal, the heat of contention,
> the infinite mutual abuse of parties, tearing to pieces the best of
> characters? It will NOT be the wise and moderate, the lovers of peace
> and good order, the men fittest for the trust. It will be the bold and
> the violent, the men of strong passions and indefatigable activity in
> their selfish pursuits. These will thrust themselves into your
> government, and be your rulers. And these, too, will be mistaken in
> the expected happiness of their situation; for their vanquished
> competitors, of the same spirit, and from the same motives, will
> perpetually be endeavoring to distress their administration, thwart
> their measures, and render them odious to the people."    ~Benjamin
> Franklin
> Franklin had the vision, but many refused to listen.
> On Jun 15, 3:10 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
> > Everyone sit down...I actually agree with Fritzie on this one.   Of
> > course, if it were up to me, every Senator and every Congressman would take
> > their butts home, to their constituency, and come to Washington only several
> > times a year, stay at the Holiday Inn, after being toted up to Washington on
> > a C-140.   Their pay would be cut to $1.00 a year, but they would be allowed
> > to earn all of the "honoraria" that they can tote.
> > The goal while in Washington, is to see how many laws and code of federal
> > regulations that the Congress as a whole can do away with during any given
> > session.
> > Health Care?   Nada.
> > On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:05 PM, Arlene C/New Orleans Crime Examiner <
> >> wrote:
> > > Wow, I only have a moment, but I wish I had the time to fully
> > > respond.  If they were threatened with even so much as a chinky HMO,
> > > they might get their rears in gear doing something for the rest of
> > > us.  This is a post that could facilitate a lot of interesting
> > > banter.  I look forward to seeing how that goes.
> > > On Jun 15, 1:27 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > > > Why should they get free healthcare for life when most Americans can't
> > > > even afford healthcare at all?- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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Re: End free healthcare for the House and Senate members.

2009-06-15 Thread Fritz da Cat

Actually, I say make them hitchhike.

On Jun 15, 12:44 pm, Travis  wrote:
> C-130?  Nah.  Greyhound.
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Keith In Tampa wrote:
> > Everyone sit down...I actually agree with Fritzie on this one.   Of
> > course, if it were up to me, every Senator and every Congressman would take
> > their butts home, to their constituency, and come to Washington only several
> > times a year, stay at the Holiday Inn, after being toted up to Washington on
> > a C-140.   Their pay would be cut to $1.00 a year, but they would be allowed
> > to earn all of the "honoraria" that they can tote.
> > The goal while in Washington, is to see how many laws and code of federal
> > regulations that the Congress as a whole can do away with during any given
> > session.
> > Health Care?   Nada.
> >   On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:05 PM, Arlene C/New Orleans Crime Examiner <
> >> wrote:
> >> Wow, I only have a moment, but I wish I had the time to fully
> >> respond.  If they were threatened with even so much as a chinky HMO,
> >> they might get their rears in gear doing something for the rest of
> >> us.  This is a post that could facilitate a lot of interesting
> >> banter.  I look forward to seeing how that goes.
> >> On Jun 15, 1:27 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> >> > Why should they get free healthcare for life when most Americans can't
> >> > even afford healthcare at all?
> --
> *~@):~{>
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Re: End free healthcare for the House and Senate members.

2009-06-15 Thread Fritz da Cat

What about banning all private money from the election process and all
elections for federal office be publicly funded?

On Jun 15, 12:10 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
> Everyone sit down...I actually agree with Fritzie on this one.   Of
> course, if it were up to me, every Senator and every Congressman would take
> their butts home, to their constituency, and come to Washington only several
> times a year, stay at the Holiday Inn, after being toted up to Washington on
> a C-140.   Their pay would be cut to $1.00 a year, but they would be allowed
> to earn all of the "honoraria" that they can tote.
> The goal while in Washington, is to see how many laws and code of federal
> regulations that the Congress as a whole can do away with during any given
> session.
> Health Care?   Nada.
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:05 PM, Arlene C/New Orleans Crime Examiner <
>> wrote:
> > Wow, I only have a moment, but I wish I had the time to fully
> > respond.  If they were threatened with even so much as a chinky HMO,
> > they might get their rears in gear doing something for the rest of
> > us.  This is a post that could facilitate a lot of interesting
> > banter.  I look forward to seeing how that goes.
> > On Jun 15, 1:27 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > > Why should they get free healthcare for life when most Americans can't
> > > even afford healthcare at all?
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Re: End free healthcare for the House and Senate members.

2009-06-15 Thread Fritz da Cat

Me too.

On Jun 15, 12:05 pm, "Arlene C/New Orleans Crime Examiner"
> Wow, I only have a moment, but I wish I had the time to fully
> respond.  If they were threatened with even so much as a chinky HMO,
> they might get their rears in gear doing something for the rest of
> us.  This is a post that could facilitate a lot of interesting
> banter.  I look forward to seeing how that goes.
> On Jun 15, 1:27 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > Why should they get free healthcare for life when most Americans can't
> > even afford healthcare at all?
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End free healthcare for the House and Senate members.

2009-06-15 Thread Fritz da Cat

Why should they get free healthcare for life when most Americans can't
even afford healthcare at all?
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Re: Three Right Wing Terrorists charge for double homicide in Arizona

2009-06-14 Thread Fritz da Cat

Excuse me Keith, but none of the links I posted were from NBC or
MSNBC. Also keep in mind taht until MSNBC decided to balance out cable
news all there was from Fox, CNN and MSNBC was the right wing point of
view. MSNBC didn't decide to balance out the rhetoric until about 2
years ago.

On Jun 14, 1:23 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
> No Fritz, they are not the leadership of the Arizona Minutemen Group, nor
> were they a member of the Arizona group that is watching the border.   They
> were members of  a group called the "Minutemen American Defense" Group,
> which released the following statement:
> ===
> *Statement From M.A.D Officers*
> *Rule Of Law Without Excuse *
> *
> Minuteman American Defense (M.A.D.) and its officers wish to submit this
> following statement:
> First we wish to offer our deepest regrets to the Flores family of Arivaca,
> Arizona for the loss of their loved ones by this terrible event.
> MAD will cooperate totally and fully with any and all Law Enforcement
> agencies and the appropriate judicial system to bring this most terrifying
> event to a close.
> MAD does not endorse or condone any events that are outside of the normal
> boundaries of law enforcement and we do work totally within the boundaries
> of law enforcement and with the total cooperation of all appropriate Law
> enforcement agencies.
> MAD will continue to plan and activate border operations against illegal
> immigration and drug smuggling into the boundaries of the United States.
> Minuteman American Defense has never and will not participate in any
> activities that will risk the lives of any human such as home invasions,
> sniper posts or ambush patrols or any terrorist tactics.
> MAD will not participate in, condone or support any smear campaigns against
> it’s members such as those that are already started by others.
> MAD will continue to observe, document and report any and all illegal
> immigration or smuggling activity that we observe on our properly committed
> border operations.
> We respectfully request all active members to immediately contact this
> EMAILwith their current
> contact information, and if they are on an operation,
> your current location.
> Please help us work through this tragic situation by cooperating totally and
> completely with law enforcement as they investigate this matter.
> This is the only statement that Minuteman American Defense wish's to submit
> to media at this time.*
> **
> *==*
> Once again, the likes of hate groups and smear merchants like NBC, and MSNBC
> attempt to portray a tragedy in the light most negative.   Where was NBC and
> MSNBC when two servicemen were gunned down in Arkansas?  Not even a peep
> from NBC, when a African American who converted to Islam gunned down two of
> our own American servicemen, yet NBC has the time to propagandize this
> nonsense
> This should make you stop and think Fritzie!!!
> On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Fritz da Cat 
> wrote:
> > No Keith. The three perps in this double homicide are the leadership
> > of the Arizona Minutemen Militia, a radical right wing group.
> >
> > On Jun 14, 12:40 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
> > > "The husband who was murdered has a history of being involved in
> > narcotics
> > > and there was an anticipation that there would be a considerable amount
> > of
> > > cash at this location as well as the possibility of drugs," Dupnik said.
> > > ==
> > > Sounds like a drug crime to me, no "right wing terrorism" involved here,
> > > just some drug smugglers doing what drug smugglers do..
> > > On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Fritz da Cat  > >wrote:
> > > > Jason Eugene Bush, 34, Shawna Forde, 41, and Albert Robert Gaxiola,
> > > > 42, have been charged with two counts each of first-degree murder and
> > > > other charges, said Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima County, Ariz.
> > > >
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Re: Three Right Wing Terrorists charge for double homicide in Arizona

2009-06-14 Thread Fritz da Cat

No Keith. The three perps in this double homicide are the leadership
of the Arizona Minutemen Militia, a radical right wing group.

On Jun 14, 12:40 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
> "The husband who was murdered has a history of being involved in narcotics
> and there was an anticipation that there would be a considerable amount of
> cash at this location as well as the possibility of drugs," Dupnik said.
> ==
> Sounds like a drug crime to me, no "right wing terrorism" involved here,
> just some drug smugglers doing what drug smugglers do......
> On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Fritz da Cat 
> wrote:
> > Jason Eugene Bush, 34, Shawna Forde, 41, and Albert Robert Gaxiola,
> > 42, have been charged with two counts each of first-degree murder and
> > other charges, said Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima County, Ariz.
> >
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Three Right Wing Terrorists charge for double homicide in Arizona

2009-06-14 Thread Fritz da Cat

Jason Eugene Bush, 34, Shawna Forde, 41, and Albert Robert Gaxiola,
42, have been charged with two counts each of first-degree murder and
other charges, said Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima County, Ariz.

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Re: Head Case

2009-06-09 Thread Fritz da Cat

So says another anti-American treasonous cocksucker.

On Jun 9, 7:12 pm, Zebnick  wrote:
> Frtiz,
> Shouldn't you be back on the other forum where you can run to your
> moderator boyfriend and have the grown-ups that constantly bitch slap
> you banned?
> On Jun 9, 9:47 pm, Fritz da Cat  wrote:
> > *And I called you Pussy Boy because that was more polite than calling
> > you a
> > shit sucking moron *
> > Well you know that's a piss poor pathetic attempt at projection anti-
> > American treasonous cocksucker.
> > On Jun 9, 3:16 pm, bruce majors  wrote:
> > > I always comment on idiots on the net
> > > And I called you Pussy Boy because that was more polite than calling you a
> > > shit sucking moron
> > > On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Fritz da Cat 
> > > wrote:
> > > > What's the matter CONman? The truth hurting that much?
> > > > On Jun 9, 12:22 pm, bruce majors  wrote:
> > > > > Poor Fritz the castrated anencephalic cat
> > > > > Yesterday all the ethics charges little shiteaters like Fritz used to
> > > > smear
> > > > > Palin were found to be spurious and tossed out in court
> > > > > And now all Fritz can do is play with his crayons
> > > > > A man might at least say he was wrong about his smears, but still
> > > > disagrees
> > > > > with her on issues
> > > > > But Fritz, Holly, and other Demwits, not men.  Not even human.
> > > >  Sub-humans.
> > > > > Turds from sub-humans.
> > > > > On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Fritz da Cat 
> > > > >  > > > >wrote:
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Re: Head Case

2009-06-09 Thread Fritz da Cat

*And I called you Pussy Boy because that was more polite than calling
you a
shit sucking moron *

Well you know that's a piss poor pathetic attempt at projection anti-
American treasonous cocksucker.

On Jun 9, 3:16 pm, bruce majors  wrote:
> I always comment on idiots on the net
> And I called you Pussy Boy because that was more polite than calling you a
> shit sucking moron
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Fritz da Cat wrote:
> > What's the matter CONman? The truth hurting that much?
> > On Jun 9, 12:22 pm, bruce majors  wrote:
> > > Poor Fritz the castrated anencephalic cat
> > > Yesterday all the ethics charges little shiteaters like Fritz used to
> > smear
> > > Palin were found to be spurious and tossed out in court
> > > And now all Fritz can do is play with his crayons
> > > A man might at least say he was wrong about his smears, but still
> > disagrees
> > > with her on issues
> > > But Fritz, Holly, and other Demwits, not men.  Not even human.
> >  Sub-humans.
> > > Turds from sub-humans.
> > > On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Fritz da Cat  > >wrote:
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Re: Bin Limbaugh Greatest Hits

2009-06-09 Thread Fritz da Cat

Too fucking bad.

On Jun 9, 12:27 pm, bruce majors  wrote:
> Pussy Man you are getting boring
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Fritz da Cat wrote:
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Re: Head Case

2009-06-09 Thread Fritz da Cat

What's the matter CONman? The truth hurting that much?

On Jun 9, 12:22 pm, bruce majors  wrote:
> Poor Fritz the castrated anencephalic cat
> Yesterday all the ethics charges little shiteaters like Fritz used to smear
> Palin were found to be spurious and tossed out in court
> And now all Fritz can do is play with his crayons
> A man might at least say he was wrong about his smears, but still disagrees
> with her on issues
> But Fritz, Holly, and other Demwits, not men.  Not even human.  Sub-humans.
> Turds from sub-humans.
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Fritz da Cat wrote:
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Science vs Religion

2009-06-09 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Head Case

2009-06-09 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Re: Don't trust Obama In The Muslim World

2009-06-05 Thread Fritz da Cat

I don't trust right wingnut pieces of shit. PERIOD.

On Jun 5, 2:49 pm, Travis  wrote:
> I dont trust no damn commie muzzie pieces of shit period.
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 4:47 PM, Fritz da Cat wrote:
> --
> *~@):~{>
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The Pinata

2009-06-05 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Phil Spector, Rock Legend

2009-06-04 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Humpty Dumpty 2009

2009-06-03 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Tomas De Torquemada: Inquisitor General - Spain 1467-1498

2009-06-03 Thread Fritz da Cat

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The Torch is passed

2009-06-03 Thread Fritz da Cat

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The Penguin

2009-06-03 Thread Fritz da Cat

A penguin was driving through the desert when his car broke down. He
waddled to the nearest phone to call AAA. His car was quickly towed to
the nearest garage where the mechanic told him he would need a couple
of hours to check out the car. The penguin, being a good-natured bird,
didn't complain but wandered off to find the closest supermarket. He
proceeded to the frozen
foods section and hung out near the fish sticks. After an hour he got
in the freezer next to the vanilla ice cream and ate several gallons.
Then he saw the time and went back to the garage covered in ice cream.
The mechanic walked over to him wiping his hands and shaking
his head saying, "It looks like you blew a seal."  Blushing, the
penguin said, "Oh no! It's just ice cream."
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Thou Shall Not Kill

2009-06-02 Thread Fritz da Cat

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They kept us safe?"

2009-06-01 Thread Fritz da Cat

Trauma of 9/11 Is No Excuse  Richard Clarke 

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GOP Talking Points Warehouse

2009-06-01 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Cheney's 2009 Torture Tour!

2009-05-30 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Petraeus: US violated Geneva Conventions

2009-05-29 Thread Fritz da Cat

OK then. It's time to investigate and prosecute his former bosses and
their lawyers.
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I hope to G-d that's Batman

2009-05-28 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Re: Fear & Smear

2009-05-28 Thread Fritz da Cat

No. The fact of the matter is Cheney is a lying sack of shit war
criminal. I say Cheney should keep at it. He'll contribute even more
to the extinction of the radical right wing from our government.

On May 28, 8:31 am, bruce majors  wrote:
> Poor Fritz
> Unable to discuss Cheney's speech, which wiped Odumbie's and flushed it down
> the toilet, you must instead use crayons
> lol
> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Fritz da Cat 
> wrote:
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Fear & Smear

2009-05-28 Thread Fritz da Cat

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Re: Wild-Eyed Radicals

2009-05-27 Thread Fritz da Cat

"I am one that believes politics should really really really stay out
of the judiciary!!!"

Then we have common ground.

On May 27, 2:11 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
> Hello Fritzie!!
> No, you are already slinging barbs!  (Which I just did too!!!  LOL!)
> I have not had the time to go in and review Ms. Sotomayor's record, and I
> think I am a damn good judge of Appellate Court Judges!!  I have never met
> Ms. Sotomayor, and know little about her, but rest assured, I will know much
> more about her before the weekend!!!  Until such time, I too am reserving
> judgment!  I am one that believes politics should really really really stay
> out of the judiciary!!!
> On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Fritz da Cat 
> wrote:
> > Sorry Keith, but until I see hard verifiable proof on this I have to
> > call it what it is. Bogus right wing spin.
> > On May 27, 2:04 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
> > > *Supreme Court nominee supports reverse discrimination *
> >  > **
> > > Here is a brief look at President Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court.
> > You
> > > may want to forward this to your friends.
> > > Judge Sonia Sotomayor
> > > Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
> > > President Obama has promised to nominate liberal judicial activists who
> > will
> > > indulge their left-wing policy preferences based on "empathy" instead of
> > > neutrally in applying the law. In selecting Sonia Sotomayor as his
> > Supreme
> > > Court nominee, President Obama has carried out his promise.
> > > In a speech as a Court of Appeals judge, she said, *"The court is where
> > > policy is made."* Her opinions have followed that approach. What she was
> > > referring to was that public policy was made by the Court of Appeals, not
> > by
> > > the Legislature.
> > > In a recent case, *Ricci v. DeStefano*, Sotomayor ruled that reverse
> > racism
> > > was to be used in making decisions. She ruled in favor of a city that
> > used
> > > racially discriminatory practices to deny promotions to firefighters. In
> > > Ricci, an applicant to be a firefighter scored the highest on the test
> > but
> > > was denied the job because he was not black.
> > > According to Judge Jose Cabranes, Sotomayor's colleague, Sotomayor's
> > opinion
> > > "contains no reference whatsoever to the constitutional claims at the
> > core
> > > of this case," and its "perfunctory disposition rests uneasily with the
> > > weighty issues presented by this appeal." Even the liberal Washington
> > Post
> > > columnist Richard Cohen expressed disappointment with the case,
> > > stating, "*Ricci
> > > *is not just a legal case but a man who has been deprived of the pursuit
> > of
> > > happiness on account of race."
> > > Sotomayor readily admits that she applies her feelings and personal
> > politics
> > > when deciding cases. In a 2002 speech given at Berkeley, Sotomayor said
> > she
> > > believes it is appropriate for judges to consider their "*experiences as
> > > women and people of color*," which she believes should "*affect our
> > > decisions*." She went on to say in that same speech, "I would hope that a
> > > wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often
> > than
> > > not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that
> > life."
> > > The poor quality of Sotomayor's decisions is reflected in her record of
> > > reversals by the Supreme Court. *Sixty percent of Sotomayor's decisions
> > have
> > > been reversed by the Supreme Court.
> > > *
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Re: Wild-Eyed Radicals

2009-05-27 Thread Fritz da Cat

Sorry Keith, but until I see hard verifiable proof on this I have to
call it what it is. Bogus right wing spin.

On May 27, 2:04 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
> *Supreme Court nominee supports reverse discrimination *
> **
> Here is a brief look at President Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court. You
> may want to forward this to your friends.
> Judge Sonia Sotomayor
> Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
> President Obama has promised to nominate liberal judicial activists who will
> indulge their left-wing policy preferences based on "empathy" instead of
> neutrally in applying the law. In selecting Sonia Sotomayor as his Supreme
> Court nominee, President Obama has carried out his promise.
> In a speech as a Court of Appeals judge, she said, *"The court is where
> policy is made."* Her opinions have followed that approach. What she was
> referring to was that public policy was made by the Court of Appeals, not by
> the Legislature.
> In a recent case, *Ricci v. DeStefano*, Sotomayor ruled that reverse racism
> was to be used in making decisions. She ruled in favor of a city that used
> racially discriminatory practices to deny promotions to firefighters. In
> Ricci, an applicant to be a firefighter scored the highest on the test but
> was denied the job because he was not black.
> According to Judge Jose Cabranes, Sotomayor's colleague, Sotomayor's opinion
> "contains no reference whatsoever to the constitutional claims at the core
> of this case," and its "perfunctory disposition rests uneasily with the
> weighty issues presented by this appeal." Even the liberal Washington Post
> columnist Richard Cohen expressed disappointment with the case,
> stating, "*Ricci
> *is not just a legal case but a man who has been deprived of the pursuit of
> happiness on account of race."
> Sotomayor readily admits that she applies her feelings and personal politics
> when deciding cases. In a 2002 speech given at Berkeley, Sotomayor said she
> believes it is appropriate for judges to consider their "*experiences as
> women and people of color*," which she believes should "*affect our
> decisions*." She went on to say in that same speech, "I would hope that a
> wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than
> not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
> The poor quality of Sotomayor's decisions is reflected in her record of
> reversals by the Supreme Court. *Sixty percent of Sotomayor's decisions have
> been reversed by the Supreme Court.
> *
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Wild-Eyed Radicals

2009-05-27 Thread Fritz da Cat

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