Re: He is American

2009-04-03 Thread smrstrauss

Here’s something new. Next month Obama plans to visit Indonesia.

He wouldn’t do that if he had ever been a citizen of indonesia because
that could lead to quite a few complications, such as maybe he could
be drafted or have to pay back taxes, or in the coverage of his visit
some newspaper or correspondent might report that he was once a
citizen of Indonesia.(And such authorities as the State Department and
the Secret Service would naturally advice him not to take the trip IF
he had been a citizen.)  But, as the Indonesia government says, he was
never a citizen of Indonesia, so he doesn’t have to worry about any

I will bet you now that before, during and after his visit to
Indonesia there will not be any news from a reliable news agency or
newspaper—USA, British, French or Indonesia—saying that he was once a
citizen of Indonesia. Why not? Because (1) there is no proof that he
ever had Indonesia citizenship, only a document showing that his
parents claimed he had Indonesian citizenship; (2) the Indonesian
government says that he was never a citizen of Indonesia.

When Indonesia says that Obama was never a citizen of Indonesia that
is the ultimate authority. There is no way to prove that Obama was a
citizen of Indonesia if the Indonesia government says that he was not
a citizen of Indonesia.  If a jury saw Obama’s parents’ Indonesian
school application (which by the way says that he was born in
Honolulu) and then heard sworn testimony from the Indonesian
ambassador that Obama was never a citizen of Indonesia, they would
believe the ambassador and conclude that the document lied. Do people
lie when they want their children to attend a particular school? Sure.

Now, as to the visa. I am referring to a US visa.

In the 1970s and 1980s and even today, someone who was not a US
citizen needs a US visa to travel to the USA, except for particular
countries where visas are waved, and Kenya (or the Kenyan colony of
Britian) was NOT one of them. Nor was Indonesia.

Let’s start with leaving the USA to go to Indonesia. IF Obama were NOT
a US citizen, he could not travel on his mothers’ passport. He could
only be entered on his mothers’ passport if she showed proof that he
was a US citizen and that she was the mother.

How do I know? I remember my parents having to find my birth
certificate when I was entered on my mother’s passport. Moreover, if
the US government did not require proof of citizenship and proof that
she is the mother, then anyone could go abroad and bring back anyone
and claim that it is her kid. Or, someone could leave the USA with a
kid who is not hers. So with two proofs: (1) memory and (2) it would
be illogical not to require proof, Obama’s parents had to prove that
he was a citizen before he could leave Hawaii for Indonesia, and they
did. If he returned with his mother, he could have returned on that
passport, but the point is that they had to prove that he was a US

How did they prove that he was a US citizen? They showed something,
perhaps only a COLB, but more likely at the time it was the original
birth certificate. Either way, the US government accepted that he was
a US citizen in order to either give him a passport or enter him on
his mother’s passport.

Now, let us imagine that he was born in Kenya. For him to get to the
USA, he would have had to either get a Kenyan/British passport, or be
entered on his father’s Kenyan/British passport AND get a visa from
the USA. Why a visa? Because we required a visa from every non-citizen
at the time, and under this possiblity he was not a citizen.

Or, if the US authorities in Kenya concluded that he was a US citizen
(unlikely, but possible), then he would have either had to get a
passport or be entered on his mother’s US passport. Either way, there
would be records in the files in the USA embassy in Kenya. The same
with a visa; there would have to be records in Kenya or in the State
Department in Washington. Passport files are private, but requests for
a visa are not private, nor is the cable traffic between the US
consultate in Kenya and the State Department in Washington. If Obama
had been born in Kenya, there would have been plenty of cable traffic
asking whether he was a US citizen because of his mother or not a
citizen at all. Or, if he was not a US citizen, then should we grant
this child a visa? This would have been found long before now.

But even if it wasn’t found, the fact would have been that Obama’s
parents had filed all kinds of proof with the US government that Obama
had been born in Kenya. And, if those documents were on file, and
people actually saw the child being taken from Kenya on a plane, then
it would have taken a lot of guts and gall to come back to Hawaii and
claim that the child was born in Hawaii.

I  have shown earlier, quoting from Lori (but you do not believe her.
In fact, she wrote all this on a Web site long before the election,
and while Hillary was still running, and Lori was a supporter of

Re: He is American

2009-04-03 Thread smrstrauss


Also, check out this Wiki article regarding private, corporate/

The automatic translation of the first documents did not work. Please

There is, of course, International schools in Indonesia as there are
in every country. The International School teaches in English. The
Cendana School teaches in Indonesian. but it is a private school and
hence charges money. People who want their kids to attend a private
school generally do so because they think it will give better
education, not necessarily because the public schools will not accept
foreigners. The site does not say that this school exists because
Indonesian schools do not or did not accept foreigners (Though the
site implies that public schools did not accept foreigners before

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Re: He is American

2009-04-03 Thread smrstrauss

This is the version of the Indonesian constitution that I used:


(1) Every person shall have the right to develop him/herself through
the fulfilment of his/her basic needs, the right to get education and
to benefit from science and technology, arts and culture, for the
purpose of improving the quality of his/her life and for the welfare
of the human race.

is in the most recent amendment to the Constitution.

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Re: He is American

2009-04-02 Thread smrstrauss

Fixing Typos:

Re: “Oh but it does. Constututions are documents of legal inclusion,
they list all that is allowed unless interpreted by judicial authority
to include more or differently. There are no documents or rulings in
Indonesia that includes anyone except Indonesians in its protections.
This is a departure from the US system (but in accordance with the
vast majority of countries) that gives these constitutional rights to
anyone on its soil.    Other laws are those of exclusion.”


I have just called the Indonesian Embassy in Washington, and the press
officer there told me that he attended public schools in Jakarata and
that he had many foreign friends attending public school with him.
That was in the 1970 and 1980s, about the time when Obama was in
public schools in Jakarta. The press officer said that as far as he
knew, even earlier there were no restrictions on foreigners attending
public schools. "Public schools are for everyone, so long as they can
speak Indonesian," he said.

Re:  "There are no documents or rulings in Indonesia that includes
anyone except Indonesians in its protections. This is a departure from
the US system (but in accordance with the vast majority of countries)
that gives these constitutional rights to anyone on its
soil.    Other laws are those of exclusion.”

All this is interpretation and speculation, done by an American who is
not an expert in Indonesian Law. If you really want to speak to an
expert in Indonesian Law, there is one at the Indonesian Embassy, his
name is Mr Razal, and he can be reached on 202-775-5329.

Here are the facts: (1) Foreigners can attend Indonesian public
schools, and they do. (2) Obama never was an Indonesian citizen and
never had an Indonesian passport. (3) Obama did not need an Indonesian
passport in order to travel to Pakistan. Pakistan granted US citizens
visas at the airports;

(4) In order to get from Hawaii to Indonesia, Obama had to either get
a US passport of his own, or travel on his mother's passport. In
either case, the US government (the State Department) would have
required proof that he was a US citizen, which of course would have
been his Hawaii birth certificate. I do not know
whether that was a COLB or the original birth certificate, but it was
accepted as proof that he was born in Hawaii.

Now, as to the Indonesian Constitution. It says: "Every citizen has
the right to receive education." That does not mean that foreigners in
Indonesia CANNOT receive education. If they do not receive education,
that's too bad. They do not have a right to education, like citizens,
but there's nothing saying that they should be excluded either, and as
the Indonesian Embassy says, they are not and were not excluded. So,
whomever told you that you had to be an Indonesian citizen to go to
school in Indonesia is wrong.

And there is this: From the Indonesian Constitution. Article 28C

"(1) Every person shall have the right to develop him/herself through
the fulfilment of his/her basic needs, the right to get education and
to benefit from science and technology, arts and culture, for the
purpose of improving the quality of his/her life and for the welfare
of the human race. '

Notice every PERSON has the right. I don't think that this means that
every foreign person has the right to go to school, but it does NOT
mean that they are forbidden to attend public school either. And, as
the Embassy says, they are not excluded and were not excluded.

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Re: He is American

2009-04-02 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "Plaintiff has received copies of the school registration in which
it clearly states Obama’s name as
“Barry Soetoro,” and lists his citizenship as Indonesian."

I've even seen a photo of that registration on line. But that does not
mean that the registration is the truth.
The fact is that the government of Indonesia says that Obama was never
a citizen of Indonesia. So, that means that the registration must have
been a lie. Why would the parents lie? Well, the public schools in
Indonesia took in foreigners. BUT we do not know whether this
particular PRIVATE school accepted foreigners. Maybe it did not. So,
what is the easy thing to do, apply for citizenship for Obama, or just
lie about it?

There is reason to believe that if they had applied for citizenship
for Obama, the Indonesian government would not have granted it. THAT
is because of the laws in Indonesia that forbid dual nationality.
Obama was not old enough to legally renounce US citizenship in a
statement at a US Embassy. If he could not renounce US citizenship, he
would stay a US citizen under US law. The Indonesians knew this, and
since they did not allow someone to become an Indonesian citizen who
had dual nationality, they would not have accepted Obama.

All this is speculation. The facts are that the Indonesian government
says that Obama was never a citizen of Indonesia.
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Re: He is American

2009-04-02 Thread smrstrauss

Oh but it does. Constututions are documents of legal inclusion, they
all that is allowed unless interpreted by judicial authority to
include more
or differently. There are no documents or rulings in Indonesia that
anyone except Indonesians in its protections. This is a departure from
US system (but in accordance with the vast majority of countries) that
these constitutional rights to anyone on its soil.    Other
laws are
those of exclusion.


I have just called the Indonesian Embassy in Washington, and the press
officer there told me that he attended public schools in Jakarata and
that he had many foreign friends attending public school with him.
That was in the 1970 and 1980s, about the time when Obama was in
public schools in Jakarta. The press officer said that as far as he
knew, even earlier there were no restrictions on foreigners attending
public schools. "Public schools are for everyone, so long as they can
speak Indonesia," he said.

Re:  "There are no documents or rulings in Indonesia that includes
anyone except Indonesians in its protections. This is a departure from
US system (but in accordance with the vast majority of countries) that
these constitutional rights to anyone on its soil.    Other
laws are
those of exclusion.

All this is interpretation and speculation, done by an American who is
not an expert in Indonesian Law. If you really want to speak to an
expert in Indonesian Law, there is one at the Indonesian Embassy, his
name is Mr Razal, and he can be reached on 202-775-5329.

Here are the facts: (1) Foreigners can attend Indonesian public
schools, and they do. (2) Obama never was an Indonesian citizen and
never had an Indonesian passport. (3) Obama did not need an Indonesian
passport in order to travel to Pakistan. Pakistan granted US citizens
visas at the airports; (4) In order to get from Hawaii to Indonesia,
Obama had to either get a US passport of his own, or travel on his
mother's passport. In either case, the US government (the State
Department) would have required proof that he was a US citizen, which
of course would have been his Hawaii birth certificate. I do not know
whether that was a COLB or the original birth certificate, but it was
accepted as proof that he was born in Hawaii.

Now, as to the Indonesian Constitution. It says: "Every citizen has
the right to receive education." That does not mean that foreigners in
Indonesia CANNOT receive education. If they do not receive education,
that's too bad. They do not have a right to education, like citizens,
but there's nothing saying that they should be excluded either, and as
the Indonesian Embassy says, they are not and were not excluded. So,
whoever told you that you had to be an Indonesian citizen to go to
school in Indonesia is wrong.

And there is this: From the Indonesian Constitution. Article 28C

"(1) Every person shall have the right to develop him/herself through
the fulfilment of his/her basic needs, the right to get education and
to benefit from science and technology, arts and culture, for the
purpose of improving the quality of his/her life and for the welfare
of the human race. '

Notice every PERSON has the right. I don't think that this means that
every foreign person has the right to go to school, but it does not
mean that they are forbidden to attend public school either.

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Re: He is American

2009-04-01 Thread smrstrauss

Re: The lagal experts include the written constitution of the nation
FORBIDS foreigners to be enrolled in public school.

What a jerk. You keep saying the same thing over and over as if it
were proof. Where does it specifically say that foreigners are
forbidden or that only Indonesians could go to public school? Tomorrow
I am going to call the Indonesian Embassy again and ask them whether
the constitution forbids foreigners from going to public school.

Re Traveled on mother's passport.

Right, and guess what you have to prove to the US government in order
to have a child entered on the MOTHER'S PASSPORT? You had to prove
that the child was a citizen of the USA.

How? By showing a birth certificate, of course.

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Re: He is American

2009-04-01 Thread smrstrauss

Re: " We also know that he, and anyone, could travel to Pakistan on a
> passport.

No, we do not. There is "0" proof he had one. If there is proof please
produce it and I'll send you 500 USD. "

I won't take your money. As has been shown above, with Keith being one
of the ones who showed it. In 1981, Pakistan gave 30-day visas to US
passport holders when they arrived in Pakistan.
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Re: He is American

2009-04-01 Thread smrstrauss

Re: That is absolutely false In those days children travelled on
passport. I did this as a child until I was 13 (that equals 26 cross
atlantic travels. and covers the sixties)

Yes, I traveled on my mother's passport once too. However, we know
that Obama returned to Hawaii from Indonesia while his mother stayed
in Indonesia.

Also we know, because the Indonesian government says so, that Obama
never had an Indonesian passport. Also with the British. He never had
a British passport.

So he must have used a US passport.
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Re: He is American

2009-04-01 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "The lagal experts include the written constitution of the nation
FORBIDS foreigners to be enrolled in public school. This was posted
discussed with YOU earlier in  this thread. For you to now ask this
is assinine."

Same to you.

(1) A legal expert is a person.

(2) The constitution of Indonesia says that Indonesian children must
be educated. It DOES not say that foreigners are not to be allowed in
public schools.

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Re: He is American

2009-04-01 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "Your contention that a child cannot lose his citizenship through
his parents
acts is an absolute crock. Of course they can."

Baloney! Cite a case.

Here is the US State Department's site showing the causes of loss of
citizenship. Notice that use of a foreign passport is not one of them.
Nor is being adopted by someone.

Naturalization by a foreign country can be a cause, but the State
Department then says:

"In light of the administrative premise discussed above, a person who:

   1. is naturalized in a foreign country;
   2. takes a routine oath of allegiance to a foreign state;
   3. serves in the armed forces of a foreign state not engaged in
hostilities with the United States, or
   4. accepts non-policy level employment with a foreign government,

and in so doing wishes to retain U.S. citizenship need not submit
prior to the commission of a potentially expatriating act a statement
or evidence of his or her intent to retain U.S. citizenship since such
an intent will be presumed.

When, as the result of an individual's inquiry or an individual's
application for registration or a passport it comes to the attention
of a U.S. consular officer that a U.S. citizen has performed an act
made potentially expatriating by Sections 349(a)(1), 349(a)(2), 349(a)
(3) or 349(a)(4) as described above, the consular officer will simply
ask the applicant if there was intent to relinquish U.S. citizenship
when performing the act. If the answer is no, the consular officer
will certify that it was not the person's intent to relinquish U.S.
citizenship and, consequently, find that the person has retained U.S.

Wikipedia notes: "In the wake of administrative practice changes
adopted by the U.S. Department of State during the mid 1990s, it is
now virtually impossible to lose one's citizenship without expressly
renouncing it before a U.S. consular officer."

In Afroyim v. Rusk, 387 U.S. 253 (1967)[1], the Supreme Court ruled
that a United States citizen cannot be deprived of American
citizenship involuntarily.(

And there have been subsequent rulings that a child is not mature
enough to make the voluntary decision to renounce citizenship, nor can
the child's citizenship be taken away due to actions by parents.

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Re: He is American

2009-04-01 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "According to
Indonesian legal experts, it was difficult to enroll non-Indonesian
in public schooling.'

Who are these Indonesian "experts?" Are they willing to be quoted by
name? Were they quoted from WND?

Indonesia was under tight control in 1981, but if you knew the right
people you could get anything done for $$$.

I find it odd that you do not believe the Indonesian government, but
you do believe Obama's parents. This is surely a reversal.

Re: "Indonesian law at the time also did not recognize dual
citizenship, meaning
if Obama became Indonesian."

Certainly. That is why it was difficult to become an Indonesian
citizen. Very DIFFICULT (That is what other Indonesian Law experts
say). So, his parents never even tried to make him a citizen. They
just said that he was.

Re: "Lolo Soetoro could could have adopted Obama in Hawaii, although
such an
adoption would not have necessarily been recognized by Indonesia.'

Not likely. Adoptions are not secret in Hawaii, and the records of
them are public documents and are filed at the office of the Lt. Gov
(a Republican), where the files are available to be searched. I
suppose that the McCain and Hillary campaigns would already have
searched there. Possibly Obama was adopted under Indonesian law, but
just using the stepfather's name with the right bribes would have been
sufficient. Remember that Obama's real father was still alive at the
time, and I imagine that even under Indonesian law they would have
wanted some documents from the real father. In fact, it might be
extremely difficult to adopt even if there were documents from Obama
Sr. A lot of countries do not like allowing another man to become
someone's legal father when the real father is still alive.

Re: "which stipulated any child aged five or
younger adopted by an Indonesian father is immediately granted
citizenship upon completion of the adoption process."

Yes, but the Indonesian government says that he never was a citizen of
Indonesia. That is a fact. The rest is speculation. Speculation that
he was adopted. Speculation that that was really the law. Speculation
that he had an Indonesian passport. Speculation that he used it.

We know that he must have had a US passport because he had to get from
Hawaii to Indonesia the first time, and he had to get back from
Indonesia to the USA to go to school, and if he traveled on an
Indonesian passport on that return, he would have had to get a VISA
from the USA, and the records of that visa would still be on file at
the US State Department in Washington.

We also know that he, and anyone, could travel to Pakistan on a US

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Re: He is American

2009-03-31 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "No, it was not. There is no proof that he had a US passport in
1981. There
is only the statement by him that he did travel then. He has refused
to say
on what passport he travelled.'

The proof is that he never had either an Indonesian passport or a
British passport, which I determined by calling both embassies. As for
it being difficult to travel in Pakistan in 1981.


State Department Travel Advisory Pakistan 1981

“Before traveling to Pakistan, American Citizens should be aware
of the following updated visa requirements: 30 day visas are available
at Pakistani airports for tourists only. As these visas are rarely
extended beyond the 30 day time per visa. Tourists planning to stay
longer should secure visas before coming to Pakistan. Any traveler
coming into Pakistan overland from India must repeat must have a valid
visa, as 30 day visas are not repeat not issued at the overland border
crossing point at Wagha.”

US State Department Travel Advisory for Pakistan in 1981, No. 81-33A

So, according to the US State Department, the Pakistan government
would give a US citizen a 30-day visa when she or he showed up at a
Pakistan airport. There is no advice about worrying about riots or
kidnappings. Those were the days!

As the New York Times wrote in a travel article in 1981 about Lahore:

“Lahore is fine. Lahore is a survivor, and all of its bittersweet
history is here for the tourist to see, in the tombs and mosques,
palaces and fortresses, museums, gardens and parks that make this one
of the most fascinating and pleasurable of the subcontinent’s
attractions. Pakistan - Lahore is its second-largest city - has
restored and preserved historical buildings while developing a clean,
modern town around them.”

Re: Further, while residing in Indonesia as a child, President Obama's
and step-father enrolled Obama in school, registering him as a citizen

That is true. But it must have been a lie, a lie, a lie. What they
told the school was that he was a citizen of Indonesia, but he

Why not? Because Indonesia says that he was never a citizen.

Is it immoral to lie? Sure. Is it illegal to lie? Maybe this would
have been illegal in Indonesia 30 or so years ago, but the people who
lied are both dead. Can a lie affect Obama's citizenship? No. Even if
it were the truth, could it affect his citizenship? NO because you
cannot lose your citizenship when you are a child due to some action
taken by a parent.

Re the military rule affecting travel and it being easier to travel on
an Indonesian passport. It was NORMAL for Pakistan to be under a
military government. They rarely had a civilian government throughout
the 1970s and 1980s. I cannot see why travel on an Indonesian passport
would have been any easier for Obama. Imagine the Pakistan officials
checking in a six-foot "Indonesian" when normally they see only 5' 5"
Indonesians, or less.

As for Obama not having said that he had a US passport, when he said
he went to Pakistan he assumed that we would be able to calculate that
if he (1) never had an Indonesian passport, and (2) never had a
British passport, we would be able to draw the conclusion that he
traveled on a US passport. He must have had a US passport. How do you
think he got from Hawaii to Indonesia the first time?

Not only did Pakistan International Airlines fly from JFK to Karachi
in those days, but they did so during a strike by US airlines, and the
newspapers reported on using it as a way to get from the USA to Europe
because it stopped in London. Not only did Pakistan International
Airlines fly from JFK, but it had an office on Fifth Avenue!

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Re: He is American

2009-03-31 Thread smrstrauss

Re: Q: Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. passport in
A: No. It is not possible. Pakistan was on the U.S. State Department’s
travel” list in 1981.

Yes it is possible that he traveled on a US passport. Pakistan was NOT
on a U.S. State Department no travel list in 1981. Pakistan was an
ally of the USA and it was relatively calm then--far calmer than now.
Pakistan International Airlines had flights from Kennedy Airport to
Karachi and some newspapers even had travel articles about how
interesting it was to visit scenic Lahore. Pakistan granted 30 days
visas to Americans on arrival at Pakistan.

It is also easy to show that Obama was never an Indonesian citizen and
hence never had an Indonesia passport. How? Simply call up the
Indonesian Embassy and ask them. No, he was never an Indonesian
citizen and never had an Indonesian passport. You can check, of
course.  Here's the number: (202) 775 - 5200.

So, what passport did he travel to Pakistan on? A US passport, of
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-21 Thread smrstrauss

The COLB is accepted as PROOF of birth in Hawaii by the US State
Department for issuing passports and by the US miliary for enlistments.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-21 Thread smrstrauss

Re: No. it lists A date and A place that is sworn to by the mother for
up to one
year after A birth. and registers it as any other birth.


The provision on late birth was impossible to use because the date of
registration was four days after his birth.
Lori, quoted earlier, has shown that it was NOT possible for a mother
simply to swear that the child was born in Hawaii and that would be
accepted by the officials in Hawaii. If the child was not born in a
hospital, she needed proof that he was born in Hawaii, which would
have been impossible to get if he was born in Kenya and she had to get
back to Hawaii in four days. The COLB clearly shows that the
registration was four days after his birth.

What proof? This is what Lori said: "Vital Records wants solid proof
that the child was born locally - they want a pediatrician’s record
stating he examined the child and is certifying that he is a newborn
infant. they want prenatal care records. And they want a notarized
statement from a midwife or whomever attended the birth."

But that was not necessary because Obama was born in a hospital in
Hawaii, like thousands of other kids born in Hawaii.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-21 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "There is no question that you and I both have  a right to know
whether President Obama is a
natural born citizen."

Absolutely, and we have had our right fulfilled because Obama has
posted a legal document proving that he was born in Hawaii.

But, if you say that we have the right to see his college records. No
we don't.
Or his housing record while at college. No we don't.
Or his college essays. No we don't.

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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-21 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "only that his birth was registered in Hawaii shortly after his

Since Hawaii did not register foreign births at the time, the place of
his birth had to be Hawaii.

Mark keeps saying that a birth can be registered a year after the
birth. But in this case it was registered four days after his birth--
shown on the COLB--and the notice in the newspaper, which was
generated by the Department of Vital Records, appeared in the
newspapers ten days after his birth.

Stanley Obama could not have lied about the place of birth because it
was impossible for her to get back from Kenya and produce fraudulent
evidence--which Hawaii demanded--that he was born in Hawaii.

Instead, the evidence came to the Department of Health and then to the
Department of Vital Records in the normal way, from the hospital.

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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-21 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "there is compelling evidence that would lead any reasonable
person to believe that President Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen."

Baloney! There is no proof that Obama was born in Kenya. There is
official proof that he was born in Hawaii.
When you prove the contrary show me.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-21 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "I doubt very seriously that an infant was required to have had a
Visa when traveling
abroad with his mother. '

I suppose that you are thinking of a US infant traveling out of the
USA. No, what you are talking about in this scenario is a Kenyan
infant traveling to the USA. And infant born in Kenya would be
considered a Kenyan (British subject at the time), or it is possible
but less likely that he could be considered a US citizen born in Kenya
(though many point out that his mother was not old enough to confer
citizenship). In the latter case, he could get a US passport in Kenya
or be added to his mother's US passport. BUT he could not travel to
the USA without any travel document. He would have to have either a
visa or a US passport.

So who would decide? Not the US consulate in Kenya. It would have to
be at the Sate Department in Washington--so cable traffic back and
forth (long before e-mail). And it was in August, when Washington DC
slows down to a crawl.

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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-21 Thread smrstrauss

I  think you are still talking about the law about proof of Hawaiian
birth by race for special land grants.

I have already pointed out to you that DHHL accepts the COLB for proof
of birth in Hawaii. It asks for an original birth certificate, but
DHHL recognizes that only the people whose families saved the original
birth certificate will be able to provide it. If the families did not
save the original birth certificate, or if it was lost, DHHL accepts
the COLB and tries to find other documents that prove Hawaiian race.

This, of course, does NOT apply to Obama, who merely needs to have an
official document proving his birth in Hawaii, which this COLB does.
Not all COLBs say "born in Hawaii," but this one does. When a Hawaiian
COLB says "born in Hawaii," it is accepted as proof of birth in the
USA by such federal agencies as the State Department for passports and
the branches of the military for enlistments.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-21 Thread smrstrauss

Re: Why would you, or any other American, including President Obama be
opposed to
releasing the "vaulted" birth certificate?

Two main reasons, (1) if I want something does that mean that I would
get it? Say I want the Cubs to win the world series. I want, but I do
not expect. In this case, the government of Hawaii says that it will
send out only the COLB. So wanting may have no effect.

(2) Why should I want something if the essential facts of what I want
have already been provided to me? In the COLB it says that Obama was
born in Hawaii. That is not a lie, nor is the document forged. And, in
1961 it was not possible to register a foreign birth in Hawaii. Some
have said that there was a loophole for late registrations of birth,
but we know that Obamas' birth was officially registered four days
after he was born. We also know from Lori that Hawaii insisted on
proof of birth in Hawaii if a person were born outside of a hospital.

(3) Therefore, he must have been born in Hawaii.

(4) Thus I already have proof that he was born in Hawaii and even if I
wanted more, I would not be sure of getting it, because Hawaii says it
does not send it out--not even to the people who ask for their own
birth certificates.

Some other reasons why Obama does not ask for more than the

(1) The COLB is sufficient to legally prove birth in Hawaii

(2) Hawaii sends out only the COLB to people who ask for their birth

(3) So, to get something that the state of Hawaii does not normally
issue to ordinary people is asking for a special privilege.

(4) For Hawaii to send Obama more than the COLB, when it only sends
out the COLB normally would be for it to be granting a special

(5) Not one prominent in the Republican party is asking to see
anything. Who then is asking to see something more than the COLB? By
doing something for them, would I win their votes?

(6) There is no need to disclose anything unless and until a court
asks for it, and if a court ask for it, Obama then does not have to
worry about asking for anything special or Hawaii about doing anything
special. And, if a court asks to see it, a court would be set up to
verify its authenticity, which would not be the case with a Web

(7) The people who are asking to see more than the COLB must logically
believe that Obama's mother lied. He is not likely to do anything to
make such people happy. (There is no way that the COLB can be wrong in
the location of birth unless the mother lied because Hawaii did not
register foreign births in 1961.)

(8) The people who believe that the COLB is wrong and that Obama was
born in Kenya must believe that there was a way to get a Kenyan-born
infant from Kenya to the USA without a US visa, or that somehow over
the last year a US visa in the State Department files would not have
been found by now. Is it worthwhile doing something for people who can
believe that two plus two may equal three?

(9) Legally, to show the original birth certificate, if that were
possible (since Hawaii sends out only the COLB), would open the way to
the other side to demand other private data, such as college records.

(10) Do presidents have the right of privacy to some extent? I should
fight to protect the rights of other presidents to keep their birth
records private, other than what they show voluntarily. The "birthers"
insist in their lawsuits that they have the right to see this. I say
that they have no right. Let them prove that they have a right, or, if
they do not, then I will prove that president's have at least some
rights of privacy.

and, to repeat (1) the COLB is legally sufficient to PROVE birth in
Hawaii. It is accepted by the State Department and by the branches of
the military, and there is NO evidence that Obama was born anywhere
other than in Hawaii.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-20 Thread smrstrauss

Please cite the full name and full HRS of this law.
I've searched for HRS 303 and found "EMPLOYEES' ANNUITY AND CUSTODIAL

On Mar 18, 7:37 pm, THE ANNOINTED ONE  wrote:
> HRS 303 says both you and he are wrong.
> On Mar 18, 1:49 pm,smrstrauss wrote:
> > Prove that he is wrong!
> > On Mar 18, 3:39 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
> > > Clearly,  Mr. Walden does not know of what he speaks.  A number of his
> > > hypothetical premises are incorrect, in particular with regard to the
> > > Honolulu Advertiser and the Honolulu Star-Bulletin printing the birth
> > > announcements.
> > > On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 1:18 PM,smrstrauss wrote:
> > > > A posting from Andrew Walden, publisher of the Hawaii Free Press, a
> > > > right-wing blog based in Hawaii.
> > > >
> > > >    Barack Obama: Born in Hawai`i
> > > >    by Andrew Walden
> > > >    It is time to focus on REAL issues, not imaginary ones.
> > > >    A fairly impressive internet industry has sprung up claiming that
> > > > Obama was born in either Kenya or Indonesia. This is nonsense, which
> > > > distracts from the broadly unexplored story of Obama’s upbringing.
> > > > This kind of nonsense has emerged because the McCain campaign chose
> > > > not to raise the many questions about Barack Obama’s numerous hard-
> > > > left alliances. Barack Obama was born in Hawai`i, August 4, 1961 at
> > > > Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu.
> > > >    Obama’s birth certificate posted online is exactly the same birth
> > > > certificate everybody in Hawai`i gets from the State Department of
> > > > Health. It is not forged. There is nothing unusual about the design or
> > > > the texture. In addition to the birth certificate, the August 13, 1961
> > > > Honolulu Advertiser also carries an announcement of Obama’s birth. The
> > > > Honolulu Star-Bulletin also carries the same announcement. Both papers
> > > > require submission of a copy of the birth certificate to print a birth
> > > > announcement.
> > > >    End Quote
> > > > Obama's birth certificate is the same as everyone in Hawaii gets.
> > > > Obama's birth certificate says "born in Hawaii." In 1961 there were no
> > > > provisions for registering a foreign birth in Hawaii.- Hide quoted text 
> > > > -
> > - Show quoted text -
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-20 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "President Obama has a duty to prove that he is a natural born

He has. He did so by posting the official birth document issued in
Hawaii, which shows that he was born in Hawaii. This is legal proof,
which is accepted by the US government for proof of birth in Hawaii.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-18 Thread smrstrauss

Prove that he is wrong!

On Mar 18, 3:39 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
> Clearly,  Mr. Walden does not know of what he speaks.  A number of his
> hypothetical premises are incorrect, in particular with regard to the
> Honolulu Advertiser and the Honolulu Star-Bulletin printing the birth
> announcements.
> On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 1:18 PM, smrstrauss  wrote:
> > A posting from Andrew Walden, publisher of the Hawaii Free Press, a
> > right-wing blog based in Hawaii.
> >
> >    Barack Obama: Born in Hawai`i
> >    by Andrew Walden
> >    It is time to focus on REAL issues, not imaginary ones.
> >    A fairly impressive internet industry has sprung up claiming that
> > Obama was born in either Kenya or Indonesia. This is nonsense, which
> > distracts from the broadly unexplored story of Obama’s upbringing.
> > This kind of nonsense has emerged because the McCain campaign chose
> > not to raise the many questions about Barack Obama’s numerous hard-
> > left alliances. Barack Obama was born in Hawai`i, August 4, 1961 at
> > Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu.
> >    Obama’s birth certificate posted online is exactly the same birth
> > certificate everybody in Hawai`i gets from the State Department of
> > Health. It is not forged. There is nothing unusual about the design or
> > the texture. In addition to the birth certificate, the August 13, 1961
> > Honolulu Advertiser also carries an announcement of Obama’s birth. The
> > Honolulu Star-Bulletin also carries the same announcement. Both papers
> > require submission of a copy of the birth certificate to print a birth
> > announcement.
> >    End Quote
> > Obama's birth certificate is the same as everyone in Hawaii gets.
> > Obama's birth certificate says "born in Hawaii." In 1961 there were no
> > provisions for registering a foreign birth in Hawaii.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-18 Thread smrstrauss

A posting from Andrew Walden, publisher of the Hawaii Free Press, a
right-wing blog based in Hawaii.

Barack Obama: Born in Hawai`i
by Andrew Walden

It is time to focus on REAL issues, not imaginary ones.

A fairly impressive internet industry has sprung up claiming that
Obama was born in either Kenya or Indonesia. This is nonsense, which
distracts from the broadly unexplored story of Obama’s upbringing.
This kind of nonsense has emerged because the McCain campaign chose
not to raise the many questions about Barack Obama’s numerous hard-
left alliances. Barack Obama was born in Hawai`i, August 4, 1961 at
Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu.

Obama’s birth certificate posted online is exactly the same birth
certificate everybody in Hawai`i gets from the State Department of
Health. It is not forged. There is nothing unusual about the design or
the texture. In addition to the birth certificate, the August 13, 1961
Honolulu Advertiser also carries an announcement of Obama’s birth. The
Honolulu Star-Bulletin also carries the same announcement. Both papers
require submission of a copy of the birth certificate to print a birth

End Quote

Obama's birth certificate is the same as everyone in Hawaii gets.
Obama's birth certificate says "born in Hawaii." In 1961 there were no
provisions for registering a foreign birth in Hawaii.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-18 Thread smrstrauss

I notice that no one is claiming birth in Kenya anymore.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-18 Thread smrstrauss

I notice that no one is claiming that Obama was born in Kenya anymore.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-17 Thread smrstrauss

I notice no one seems to be claiming that Obama was born in Kenya
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-17 Thread smrstrauss

Re: One of these petitions has over 600,000 names on it,

(1) This one says only 325,000 (and some may have signed several
(2) Are all the people who signed US citizens? Did they have to prove
(3) You said "millions"

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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-17 Thread smrstrauss

But Obama's birth was not registered late. It was registered within a
> few days of his birth.

Proof ??

The date of registration is right on the Certification of Live
Birth.See "Date Filed Bu Registrar" just below Race of Father. It
clearly says August 8, 1961.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-17 Thread smrstrauss

NO. His birth was registered by the State of Hawaii on August 8, 1961,
> four days after his birth.

Proof ?? there is none.

You have to look at the Certification of Live Birth again. Look at the
Date Filed By Registrar, just under Father's Race.
You will see Aug. 8, 1961.

Re: "No, it is sufficient info that his borth was REGISTERED in
Hawaii. Nothing
more without the release of the physicians afadavit.'

The Certification of Live Birth is the Hawaii government's official
certification that the birth took place in Hawaii. That means that the
original birth certificate must say that the birth took place in

Since that is official, nothing more is legally necessary unless there
is proof that he was born somewhere other  than Hawaii, which there is
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-17 Thread smrstrauss

I, as well as millions of Americans believe that there has been
questions raised to constitute "Doubt" as to whether President Obama
born in Hawaii, and because the quesiton raised is of a Constitutional
nature; yes,  President Obama must produce his original birth

Proof that there are millions of Americans who believe what you say?
Where is the proof?
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-17 Thread smrstrauss

Re: The law also says that for up to one year after birth i can
register one by
signing an afadavit as to where the child was born... only after the
is one year old would the record show the delay 

But Obama's birth was not registered late. It was registered within a
few days of his birth.

Re: What that says is that I can get a COLB with nothing but my name
on it.

No it doesn't. The State of Hawaii determines what goes on a COLB and
they are always the same. It always lists  the place of birth.

Re: his birth could have been registered and sworn to by his mother at
any time.

NO. His birth was registered by the State of Hawaii on August 8, 1961,
four days after his birth.

Re: "(yes, the newpaper would pick up on the
birth registration within the normal time limit and printed something
obscure just as for any birth or registration )"

Only if the registration took place before the newspaper was
published, which was on Aug. 13.

There is no proof that he was born in Kenya. The Certification of Live
Birth is sufficient proof that he was born in Hawaii.

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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-17 Thread smrstrauss

Actually, there are a number of reasons not to ask for more than the

(1) The COLB is sufficient to legally prove birth in Hawaii

(2) Hawaii sends out only the COLB to people who ask for their birth

(3) So, to get something that the state of Hawaii does not normally
issue to ordinary people is asking for a special privilege.

(4) For Hawaii to send Obama more than the COLB, when it only sends
out the COLB normally would be for it to be granting a special

(5) Not one prominent in the Republican party is asking to see
anything. Who then is asking to see something more than the COLB? By
doing something for them, would I win their votes?

(6) There is no need to disclose anything unless and until a court
asks for it, and if a court ask for it, Obama then does not have to
worry about asking for anything special or Hawaii about doing anything
special. And, if a court asks to see it, a court would be set up to
verify its authenticity, which would not be the case with a Web

(7) The people who are asking to see more than the COLB must logically
believe that Obama's mother lied. He is not likely to do anything to
make such people happy. (There is no way that the COLB can be wrong in
the location of birth unless the mother lied because Hawaii did not
register foreign births in 1961.)

(8) The people who believe that the COLB is wrong and that Obama was
born in Kenya must believe that there was a way to get a Kenyan-born
infant from Kenya to the USA without a US visa, or that somehow over
the last year a US visa in the State Department files would not have
been found by now. Is it worthwhile doing something for people who can
believe that two plus two may equal three?

(9) Legally, to show the original birth certificate, if that were
possible (since Hawaii sends out only the COLB), would open the way to
the other side to demand other private data, such as college records.

(10) Do presidents have the right of privacy to some extent? I should
fight to protect the rights of other presidents to keep their birth
records private, other than what they show voluntarily. The "birthers"
insist in their lawsuits that they have the right to see this. I say
that they have no right. Let them prove that they have a right, or, if
they do not, then I will prove that president's have at least some
rights of privacy.

and, to repeat (1) the COLB is legally sufficient to PROVE birth in
Hawaii. It is accepted by the State Department and by the branches of
the military, and there is NO evidence that Obama was born anywhere
other than in Hawaii.

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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-17 Thread smrstrauss

Re: The verification process will not, however, disclose information
about the
vital event contained within the certificate that is unknown to and
provided by the applicant in the request.

That is exactly what I said, the verification process will not show
any more than what the COLB showed.

You say that that is not enough. I say it is.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-16 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "Philip Berg is many things, but delusional is not one of them."

You say this despite his claims that the Bush administration was
involved in the fall of the twin towers?

Re: "The fee for a letter of verification is $5 per letter.'

I have no idea what a letter of verification is, but I will bet you
that if you ask they will tell you that a letter of verification will
verify whether the COLB is accurate or not. That's all.

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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-16 Thread smrstrauss

Re: Yep, all that and only ten bucks will get the Vault copy with
afadvit. You
have yet to give me one logical reason he won't simply release it.

All that the DOH will send you, if you send $10 or anything is the
COLB. The COLB is all that they send out. If you do not believe me,
check with them:

So all the questions about why doesn’t he post the long-form birth
certificate have two simple answers:

(1) The Certification of Live Birth is THE official birth certificate,
it shows that he was born in Hawaii, and it is legally sufficient to
prove it. The COLB is accepted by the US State Department for issuing
passports and by the US military for enlisting in the Army, Navy and
Marine. And:

(2) Unless he has kept the original birth certificate and not mislaid
it, all that he can post is what Hawaii will send him, which is only
the Certification of Live Birth, which is what he has already posted.

By the way. I notice you are no longer claiming that Obama was born in
Kenya. Still think so?

Really think that a pregnant Stanley Obama flew to Kenya (when you had
to get Yellow Fever shots) and yet there are no photos of her in Kenya
and no record of her arriving in Kenya and no sign of a US visa for
baby Obama to come to the USA?

Really think she lied about it all her life, never told anyone about
how hot it was giving birth in Kenya? (Because, if she did, someone
might remember it.)

Or, do you just keep saying "the COLB is not sufficient." Under law it
proves birth in the USA unless there is proof to the contrary.

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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-16 Thread smrstrauss

Re: Read it.

Have done so, several times. This is the original complaint:

Berg says he had testimony, but has not shown it.

He also said: "Wayne Madsen, Journalist with Online Journal was a
contributing writer and published
an article on June 9, 2008 stating the GOP sent a research team to
Mombasa, Kenya and
located a Certificate Registering the birth of Barack Obama, Jr. at a
Maternity Hospital,
to his father, a Kenyan Citizen and his mother, a U.S. Citizen."

But here is Madsen's Web site. There's no mention of such an article.

Berg has also claimed that George W. Bush was involved in 911 and that
it was really a plot by the US government.

Another critic of Obama, who has sued to get the original birth
certificate said this:

Andy Martin asks PA Supreme Court to investigate Phil Berg
Filed in Barack Obama, Miscellaneous, Politics on Nov.12, 2008



(NEW YORK)(November 12, 2008) Andy Martin has asked the Supreme Court
of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board to investigate the conduct of anti-
Obama attorney Philip J. Berg of Lafayette Hill, PA. “There have been
a lot of questions, and criticism, swirling around Mr. Berg’s
behavior,” Martin stated. “I thought his behavior merited a look by
the Disciplinary Board. That way there can be a fair and impartial
examination of his claims and actions.”

A copy of Martin’s Statement, which is part of Martin’s form
complaint, (faxed to the DB today, November 12th) follows:

November 12, 2008

Philip J. Berg contacted me in mid-August about a complaint he
proposed to file in federal court. He sent me the complaint to review,
and I advised him the complaint was nonsense. He was suing the wrong
parties in the wrong court for the wrong relief. Berg said he wanted
to “enjoin the Democratic National Convention,” which caused me to
question his sanity. He pleaded that Barack Obama was “born in Kenya”
when there is not a shred of credible evidence to support this claim.

He filed his complaint and then began issuing a series of asinine news
releases about the progress of his lawsuit.

Berg is playing on the vulnerability of people who intensely dislike
President-elect Barack Obama, and using his inflated accusations to
solicit money from the public. He constantly exaggerates or
misrepresents the facts. In early September persons acting on his
behalf claimed there was a “court order” for Obama to produce a birth
certificate. No such order existed.

Then he claimed Obama was in “default” and had “admitted” he was born
in Kenya. This was compete nonsense. As someone who is a genuine
critic of Mr. Obama, I know firsthand what confusion Berg creates with
his false and misleading claims. Most recently he or persons acting in
concert with him have suggested that the U.S. Supreme Court “ordered”
a response to his nonsense. The Court has done nothing of the sort.
The court’s rules simply provide a thirty-day period for responses.

I don’t know whether Berg suffers from an emotional disturbance, or is
merely a money-grubbing huckster, or what, but Berg’s behavior is
undermining public faith in the integrity of the Pennsylvania legal

Berg has been disciplined in the past for misconduct:

Lawyers are entitled to engage in vigorous advocacy. They are
encouraged to extend and revise legal precedents. But they are not
entitled to file delusional claims without a scintilla of support,
particularly when they then use these delusional claims as a basis to
solicit money from the public.

Mr. Berg has previously claimed that the U.S. Government blew up the
World Trade Center, again without shred of evidence to support his

He is a threat to vulnerable citizens who tend to believe his false
claims and give him money on the false assumption that Berg is acting
in good faith. By stealing small amounts of money from people across
the nation he has flown under the radar of professional discipline. No
competent attorney could have acted as Berg did during the past three
months. His behavior in federal court, all of which is a public
record, is outrageous.
A copy of Martin’s complaint is available by fax (not e-mail)
Andy Martin is a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet
columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He has
over forty years of broadcasting experience in radio and television.
He is currently based in New York selling his new book, Obama: The Man
Behind The Mask. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of © Copyright by Andy Martin 2008. Martin
comments on regional, national and world events with over forty years
of ex

Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-16 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "Sworn and notorized  statements by his nearest living relatives
that do not
reside with him. They are from Kenya. "

Baloney. Show them! No one has ever seen them.

The grandmother tape actually shows that he was born in Hawaii. To
hear the full recording of the Obama grandmother interview, go to: ?”
(Click on full Sarah Obama Tape.) Her answer occurs at about five
minutes into the tape following the question: "Whereabouts was Obama

A paternal uncle says that Obama first visited Kenya in 1987.

Jerome Corsi  says in his book “Obama Nation” on pages 24-25:

“Obama has been in Africa three times,” Sayid [Obama, the
President's uncle in Kenya] insisted. “The first time was in 1986.
Then he came back again in 1992, when he was collecting material for
his autobiography…”

And then there is this:

Here’s all the unlikely things that would have to happen for Obama to
have been born in Kenya:

(1) His mother would have had to travel to Kenya in 1961 when she was
already pregnant. It was a relatively expensive and difficult trip (no
direct flights), and airlines in those days often did not allow women
to travel when they were visibly pregnant, even as early as five or
six months. Why? Because of the chances of miscarriages.
(2) She would have had to get a Yellow Fever shot, necessary at the
time to visit Africa, which is bad for pregnant women.
(3) She would have had to forgo one of the advantages of traveling,
seeing the sights on the way to or from Kenya. (Or else there would be
photos of her in such cities as London or Tokyo, or she would at least
have talked about her trip, which someone could have remembered).
(4) She would have had to have gone to Kenya and not been proud of the
trip—how else to explain the lack of photos?
(5) She would have had to have given birth in Kenya but never told
anyone about that birth outside of her family. (Or someone would have
(6) She would have had to have given birth in Kenya, come right back
with infant Obama on the airplane (or ship), and although many people
must have seen her traveling with the child, then filed a Hawaii legal
document saying that Obama was born in Hawaii. (To lie when people
have seen you doing something different than you claim is particularly

(7) IF she had given birth in Kenya, she would have had to get either
a Kenyan or a US travel document for her child to get him to Hawaii.
If the former, there would be a record of a visa issued to Barak H.
Obama Jr in Kenya. If the latter, there would be the record of a US
passport issued to him or a revision of his mother’s passport IN
KENYA. Those records would exist in US files. Yet no one has found them
—and during the election campaign most likely someone would have

(8) Kenya would be part of the conspiracy because if Obama were born
there, there would have to be Kenyan birth records, but the “birthers”
claim that all the files are “sealed.” (There is no independent
confirmation from newsagencies or newspapers that there are any files
or that Kenya sealed anything.)

(9) Or, if Obama’s parents did not lie about the place of birth, and
the Certification of Live Birth issued by Hawaii is wrong about the
listed place of birth—which is Hawaii--then the officials in Hawaii
must be part of the conspiracy.

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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-16 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "Given that you are correct, name ONE "logical" reason to spend
millions to
stop the release of the vault copy instead of spending ten bucks to
comply with constitutional law.'

When you send ten bucks to Hawaii to get a birth certificate, you get
the COLB. That is all you get and it is all that they will send out.
They said so to me. And that is what Obama posted, and it says "born
in Hawaii."

Is it proof of birth in Hawaii? It is legal proof unless there is a
law case with actual proof to the contrary. Is there proof to the
contrary? No.

Re: "Spend millions of bucks." He hasn't. All the cases were about
stopping the election. None were only to ask for a copy of the
original birth certificate.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-14 Thread smrstrauss

Re: So, after all of that you admit to having "0" proof that the COLB
represents facts from a "vault" copy containing an afadavit of birth.

The COLB is proof that the original birth certificate, which must be
from Hawaii, says that he was born in Hawaii.

The details on registration of birth, which Lori shows included
protections against the parents lying about the place of birth,
confirm the COLB.

What Lori is saying is that based solely on the external evidence, the
need for the parents to provide proof of the child being born in
Hawaii if he was born outside of a hospital, it is likely (an
understatement in my opinion) that the COLB is correct.

However, if the COLB were wrong, Lori's evidence shows that even the
original birth certificate would have to be wrong. It is virtually
impossible to fool the system, but if the system were fooled, it would
fool the original birth certificate. The COLB merely reflects the
original birth certificate. There is no way that the original birth
certificate can show that he was born in Kenya or Indonesia because
Hawaii would not accept foreign births in its birth files at that
time. Thus there is no foreign birth certificate in the file and no
Hawaiian birth certificate saying Kenya or Indonesia.

Only a direct lie with forged supporting evidence that he was born in
Hawaii would get an original birth certificate to say that he was born
in Hawaii if he were born somewhere else. And that would have to be a
lie in the face of many people in the planes and in the US government
(which would have had to grant a visa to Obama) knowing that he was
born in Kenya or Indonesia.

Lori thinks that this is not impossible. But I think it is virtually

Re : "Wher does it say anything about foreigners having this right ??'

They do not have the right. On the other hand, they are not barred
from attending either. The constitution allows them to attend, since
it does not say "They may not attend." If there is another law saying
that they may not attend, no one has found it.

The bottom line is that the Indonesian Embassy says that he was never
a citizen. Speculation based on an assumption that Indonesian schools
did not accept foreign citizens is mere speculation. The fact is that
the Indonesian embassy says that he was never a citizen.

Re: "to spend literally millions to NOT show the vault copy."

Internet myth. None of the cases were only about the birth
certificate. Before the election ALL of the cases were about stopping
the election or stopping certification, and that is what the money was
spent on.

The continuing cases are not only about the birth certificate either.
Most allege that he would not be eligible to be president even if he
were born in Hawaii because of his father being Kenyan. So these
lawsuits would not stop even if Obama showed his original birth
certificate, which he does not have to because the COLB is official
proof that he was born in Hawaii, and which he cannot do because
Hawaii sends out only the COLB to people who ask for copies of their
birth certificate.

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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-13 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "The COLB is a registration of birth based on infosupplied by the
so this arguement of yours does apply."

In this case there is good evidence that the COLB is based on an
original birth certificate that was generated by a hospital. Only that
could explain the birth notice in the newspaper that was generated by
the Department of Vital Records of Hawaii and sent out to newspapers
within 10 days of the birth.

The fact that the announcement was generated by the Department of
Vital Records and sent to the newspapers, which published it within 10
days of the birth (hence making it impossible to be a late filing)
comes from this:

which was posted on this Web site

And it is confirmed by another post I saw (but failed to copy, sorry)
which was a fellow who commented briefly that he lived in Hawaii at
about that time and found a notice in the newspaper for the birth of
his child, which he and his family did not post.


Lori (the name of the woman who posted this)

Hi, I’ve talked to the Department of Vital Records and the Honolulu
Advertiser. In 1961, the hospitals would take their new birth
certificates to Vital Records. At the end of the week, Vital Records
would post a sheet that for the newspaper to pick up that contained
births, deaths, marriages and divorces. The Advertiser routinely
printed this information in their Sunday edition. This is not a paid
announcement that his grandmother could arrange. This is information
that comes from Vital Records - we know this because this particular
section reflects those records. They didn’t have a provision for paid,
one sentence announcement that would be included in the Vital Records.
At the time, if a child was born outside a hospital, the family would
have 30 days to apply for a birth certificate and Vital Records would
expect to see prenatal care records, or pediatrician records of the
first check up, etc. They’d also want the notarized statement from the
mid-wife. Of course, they can apply later but that would noted as a
different kind of birth certificate. I think TD has already addressed
that. This information was received by Vital Records the first week of
his birth = that suggests the hospital.

Next, the announcement is from Sunday, August 13th and Obama was born
on Friday, August 4th. Hospitals usually don’t take birth certificate
information the first couple days to avoid changes. So it was likely
filled out on the 4th or so, as hospital stays were usually 3 - 5 days
at the time. Lastly, having worked in a newborn nursery in college,
hospitals don’t ask for documentation. If mom says she’s married,
that’s what they write. They have no authority to question her

In Honolulu at the time, paid birth announcements weren’t in vogue.
Frequently families would post one year announcements that included
pictures from the party, etc. I haven’t checked to see if that exists.

I hope that finishes clearing this up.

(But there was more)

As I just said, the birth announcement comes from the Department of
Vital Records - not from the family. On Fridays, Vital Records would
post a list of births, deaths, marriages and divorces that the papers
would pick up and publish. That’s what this is. The information in
there is the information Vital Records provided to the newspapers for
public record. That’s all this is. The marital status only reflects
what Ann Dunham told the nurse about her marital status - the hospital
has no authority to question the mother’s word.

The family played no role whatsoever in this being published and we
know this from where it is placed in the paper.

(And still more)

Yes, it has changed. Now, births are not publicly announced by Vital
Records as they were at the time. The only birth announcments now are
paid announcements. But in the early sixties, paid announcement were
very rare in that newspaper. The families preferred to do
announcements at the first birthday which included photos, etc.

(And still more)

LB - no, that’s an inaccurate assessment. What you know is that Texas
Darlin’ has received an email forwarded from the Hawaii State Library
that is a a clipping from the Honolulu Advertiser’s Sunday August
13th, 1961 edition that proves the Department of Vital Records
provided a list of births for the previous week that included Barack
Obama - that’s what you know.

You’re not taking my word for it. You’re taking TD’s word for it. I
have given her the name and number of the librarian I spoke with and
she has the forwarded email. You, yourself, are free to call either
Vital Records or the Honolulu Advertiser and ask questions about how
birth certificates and birth announcements were handled in 1961.

(And more)

That’s a lot easier said than done. the child is born on Friday and by
the following Friday, the Department of Vital Records has processed
the birth certificate and put the notice out for the newspapers. If he
was, ind

Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-13 Thread smrstrauss

Re: The Indonesian constitution.

I think you are referring to the line about every citizen is
guaranteed an education.

That does not mean that ONLY citizens can go to Indonesian schools. It
is a law designed to encourage universal education of Indonesian
citizens, but it does not necessarily deprive visitors of education.

You need something else to show that it does not allow non-citizens
into Indonesian schools, and then IF that were true, people could
still send their kids to Indonesian schools by claiming that the kids
were citizens even if they were not.

Add this to the fact that the Indonesian embassy says that Obama was
never a citizen.

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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-11 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "Foreigners may not attend a public school in Indonesia... now or

(1) Who told you this? Did you get it from some authority like the
Indonesian government or an Indonesian Law? If so, please show this.

(2) Even if there were such a law, which I doubt, it would always be
possible for a person who was not an Indonesian citizen to attend a
CITIZEN EVEN IF HE WASN'T. (That and a little bribery will go far.)

(4) If the Indonesian government says "he was never a citizen" means
that you have no credible evidence that he was ever an Indonesian
citizen. The school thing does not prove anything, since if there was
a law it could be violated.

(5) If you don't believe me on the Indonesian Embassy, call them.
Otherwise, get over the Indonesian citizenship thing.

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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-11 Thread smrstrauss

Re: Just like with bank books, if and when someone challenges a
balance, then
there should be some verification process.

The bankbooks I am referring to had printed entries, which were
updated each time you made a deposit at the bank. To be sure, they
could be forged, but there is no question of Obama COLB being forged.

In any case, if there was a question about how much money was in the
account, the depositor could call the bank, identify herself, and have
the clerk read the balance to the person who needs to know about the
credit status.

This was effectively done in Obama's case when the two officials in
Hawaii looked into Obama's file and said that there was an original
birth certificate in the file. NO, it was not a Kenyan birth
certificate, or a late birth certificate that could have been altered.
It was an ordinary Hawaiian birth certificate showing that he was born
in Hawaii. How can we know? Because of what they did not do, which was
to launch an investigation of how he got a COLB saying "born in
Hawaii" if he was born somewhere else than Hawaii.

The COLB is the state's official statement as to certain important
facts of birth. It is the only Hawaiian birth document that Hawaii
issues to people who ask for their birth certificates, and it is
accepted by the US State Department as proof of birth in Hawaii.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-11 Thread smrstrauss

Re: 'her birth is registered in three
countries.. the US, Germany, and Costa Rica. If you pull the Maricopa
County, Az. copy it seems that she was indeed born there there is
information that says otherwise."

How can I comment about the AZ birth certificate? If it actually says
on it "born in Arizona" and is not just an AZ birth certificate
without a place listed on it, it is a legal document that can be used
to show that she was born in the USA. But, you did not say that the AZ
certificate actually says on it "born in AZ."

There are Hawaiian COLBs issued to people born outside of Hawaii, but
when this occurs the COLBs say the right place of birth.

Now, as to the two other countries where she has birth documents. IF
the party that ran in opposition to your daughter knew about these,
they can tell the people during the election, and bring a suit saying
that she is not eligible, based on the evidence.

However, IF the AZ birth certificate said "born in AZ" and there was
no evidence that she was born anywhere else, then the AZ certificate
would be adequate to prove her birth in AZ.

Does it say "born in AZ?" If so, what city?

Turning to Obama. His COLB says "born in Hawaii." In fact, it says:
"Location of Birth: Honolulu." And there is NO evidence that he was
born anywhere else. The grandmother tape does not show this. She
actually says that he was born in Hawaii.

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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-11 Thread smrstrauss

Re: 'registration can take place for up to a year after birth."

But Obama's registration did not take place a year after his birth. It
took place within four days of his birth, and the notices in the
newspapers, which were generated by documents from Hawaii's department
of vital statistics, were in the newspapers ten days after the birth.

The law on late registration does not apply to Obama. The COLB is a
summary of the original birth certificate. Many states issue computer-
generated summaries, and they are perfectly legal. There is no way
that Obama could have been born in Kenya and receive a Hawaii COLB
saying "born in Hawaii."
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-10 Thread smrstrauss

Re: The premise is wrong. In HSS 303 the requirements for info to be
placed on the COLB (which is NOT a legal document for claiming
"natural status" for state services to "natives") are birth
"registration" (NOT live birth) in Hawaii.

This is why ONLY the vault copy will do. It requires and will list the
doctors signature and affadavit of birth.

I'm unable to answer completely because I do not know the exact
reference. Please let me know the full name of the act and its
complete number. Usually Hawaiian legislation goes by HRS number.

But, I think you are referring by "natives" to native Hawaiians, who
for special Homelands services require proof of their race. DHHL,
which administers that program, says it--like all the other Hawaiian
departments--will accept the COLB for proof of birth in Hawaii.

Obama, not being of native Hawaiian race, and not applying for special
homelands services, does not require anything more than the COLB. And,
the Department of Health tells me, that he--like everyone else who
asks for a birth certificate in Hawaii--is sent only the COLB, not a
copy of the original.

So how do applicants for Hawaiian race status prove their status? If
they have the original birth certificates issued to their parents at
the time of birth, they use that. If they have lost them, they have to
apply to the Department of Health like everyone else. They get only
the COLB, the Department of Health tells me. Then what do they do?
They go to the Department of Hawaiian Homelands, which tells me that
it will accept the COLB as a starting point and search for other
records to prove the Hawaiian race of the applicant.

I think this is what you are referring to. If not, let me know.

However, when you say: 'This is why ONLY the vault copy will do. It
requires and will list the
doctors signature and affadavit of birth." I fail to see what you are
getting at.

The COLB is an official certification that the vault copy exists and
has the facts listed on the COLB. It is like a bankbook. Remember
bankbooks? Well, if not, they were little books with your latest
amount of money in the bank listed. If you had to prove to someone, to
establish credit say, that you had a certain amount of assets, you
only had to show your bankbook. You did not have to take the money out
of the bank to show it.

Similarly, the COLB certifies the information in the file. You do not
have to take the original out (and they won't let you anyway). The
COLB carries the state's guarantee that what is contained on the COLB
is exactly what is in the files with regards to the facts listed. The
key fact in this situation is Obama's birth in Hawaii, which the COLB
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-10 Thread smrstrauss

No doubt, the "Obama Indonesian Passport" story has many inaccuracies,
both sides of the aisle)  all of which stems from President Obama
to produce his original birth certificate,

There used to be a thing called a bankbook. A bankbook showed how much
money you had in the bank. You did not have to take cash out of the
bank and show it to people to prove that you had money. All you had to
do was show the bankbook.

This is the same principle behind the Certificate of Live Birth. The
Certificate is the state of Hawaii’s official certification of the
facts in Obamas’ file. The essential fact is that Obama was born in

To say that you do not believe this is to say that you do not believe
Hawaii. But, in fact, the officials in Hawaii looked into the file and
said that they confirmed that there was an original birth certificate
in the file. They did not say, because of the states’ privacy law,
that the original birth certificate also said “born in Hawaii.” But it
must have. Why? Because if there was anything in the file to indicate
that Obama was born anywhere else than Hawaii, the certification would
be wrong, and it would be the responsibility of the officials to point
that out, to launch an investigation, and since their statement was
before the election, to alert the voters. At the very least, they
could not look into the file, and give the impression that it was
perfectly all right. But they did. Why? Because it WAS perfectly all

Then why doesn’t Obama show it?

(1) Show it to whom, please? Are you suggesting that he post it on-
line, where people could claim that the image had been forged?
(2) Who is asking to see it? Is it the head of the Republican Party?
Is it John McCain? Is it a court? No, it is a group of bloggers, most
of whom voted against Obama and some of whom believe that he was born
in Kenya (when his paternal grandmother says that he was born in
Hawaii, and an official document shows that he was born in Hawaii).
(3) So showing another document would at the most make a group of
Obama enemies happy.
(4) It is unnecessary to show an additional document. The
Certification proves that he was born in Hawaii the same way that a
bankbook was proof that you had X amount of money in the bank.
(5) The Certification of Live Birth is the only birth document that
Hawaii sends out to people who ask for their birth certificates these
days, and it is perfectly legal (and it cannot legally say “born in
Hawaii” for someone who was born other than in Hawaii.

Your next comment was “Instead, President Obama and the DNC have
chosen to spend literally hundreds
of thousands of dollars defending against over 42 federal lawsuits,
and hundreds of State lawsuits challenging his Constitutional ability
to be President.”

Most of the lawsuits were before the election, asking that the
election be stopped or Obama taken off the ballot. Some were after the
election, asking that it not be certified. I cannot find a single case
that ONLY asks to see Obama’s birth certificate, except for the Andy
Martin case in Hawaii, which was against the state of Hawaii, and
Obama’s lawyers may have sat in, but did not play a major role. In
that case, the issue was whether Hawaii had the right to keep the
birth files private, which they won at the first level and at the
first appeal. I believe that Martin is still suing.

Could Obama stop the Martin suit by merely giving Martin his original
birth certificate? Perhaps, but that would halt a case that can
strengthen the right of privacy over birth records. Perhaps not,
however, because Hawaii sends out only the Certificate of Live Birth.
Only that document, so unless Obama has his original birth certificate
from the time he was born (saved by his family, of course) and has not
mislaid it, all that he can show is what Hawaii sent him. Would Hawaii
send him the original if he asked for it? Maybe, but why should he ask
for it.

As for the hundreds of thousands of dollars, as I said, the vast
amount of that was to defeat lawsuits that wanted to stop the election
or stop certification. I have also seen that in the latest case, Keyes
v Bowen, Obama’s lawyer is doing the job Pro Bono. The rest of the
money came out of campaign contributions, so you don’t have to worry
about taxpayer money.

Finally, as to the hundreds of thousands of dollars, this sum—if true—
would be about the same amount as Obama’s opponents would be spending,
wouldn’t it? And isn’t Obama delighted that his opponents are spending
hundreds of thousands of dollars? Sure he is.

Re Pakistan not being a tourist mecca.

So what? The issue was whether it was legal and possible for US
citizens to go to Pakistan on US passports, and it was.

I do not think that Indonesia has to proclaim that Obama was never a
citizen of Indonesia for a small group of right-wing bloggers who
think that he was. If the bloggers are unwilling to call the
Indonesian Embassy to find out. Or, if they call the Indonesian
Embassy and 

Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-10 Thread smrstrauss

This article shows that it was easy to go to Pakistan, and it was even
a tourist site. The article does not show that there were flights by
Pakistan International Airlines from JFK to Karachi. I saw that
somewhere else, but I can assure you it is true, and at the end of the
article you will see that there was an office of Pakistan
International on Fifth Avenue.

Let me stress that it was you who insisted, even though I showed that
the Indonesian Embassy says that Obama had never had an Indonesian
passport, that because of the trip to Pakistan, he had to have had an
Indonesian passport. No, he could get there on a US passport, and did
because he never had an Indonesian Passport, as the Indonesian Embassy


New York Times

Published: June 14, 1981

History has dealt the lovers of Lahore more than their share of broken
hearts. This graceful and cultured city, with a history that stretches
by some accounts back into the days of the epic Ramayana, passed
through many conquering hands - Hindu, Mogul, Persian, Afghan, Sikh
and British -on the way to becoming an intellectual center of the
Indian subcontinent, only to be relegated with the partition of
British India to the status of a provincial Pakistani capital.

Over the years monuments rose, monuments fell and charges flew: Sikhs
decried Muslim damage to their shrines, Muslims pointed to
desecrations perpetrated by Sikhs. A generation of Hindu and Sikh
Punjabis, forced in l947 to flee bloody religious violence, still
mourns the loss of a city they can longer visit but can never forget,
and to which they will always belong.

''Lahore,'' the elderly Sikh photographer in Chandigarh said in a low,
choked voice as he held up to the light the negatives I had brought to
him for printing. ''My god, you have been in Lahore. Tell me, how is
it now?''

Lahore is fine. Lahore is a survivor, and all of its bittersweet
history is here for the tourist to see, in the tombs and mosques,
palaces and fortresses, museums, gardens and parks that make this one
of the most fascinating and pleasurable of the subcontinent's
attractions. Pakistan - Lahore is its second-largest city - has
restored and preserved historical buildings while developing a clean,
modern town around them.

Lahore is quiet now: The reputation for carousing that Rudyard Kipling
touched on in his brief autobiography, ''Something of Myself,'' has
been obliterated by the martial-law government's Islamization program.
There is no more public drinking in Lahore (or anywhere in Pakistan),
and there are fewer women in public places. The Soviet presence in
Afghanistan has closed the overland route from Kabul to Delhi and
Calcutta, reducing the number of foreign travelers. The war between
Iran and Iraq has further deterred tourists. So lovers of Kipling,
admirers of Shah Jehan's architecture or followers of Guru Arjan Dev
may find they will not be elbowed out of the places they came to see.

I went to Lahore after several months in India's Punjab, where it
seemed no one over the age of 40 was without stories to tell and
reminiscences to share about this city. Resisting the blandishments of
the new international hotels advertising on billboards along the road
into town from the border crossing at Wagah, my husband, David, and I
settled in at Faletti's, Lahore's once-grand hotel where pre-
independence society congregated. It was at Faletti's that much of the
rump of British colonial society in the Punjab danced partition away
to the music of a genteel orchestra while neighborhoods burned around

Faletti's, now run by the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation, is
still a comfortable, rambling place separated from busy Egerton Road
by a quiet lawn. Its rooms, arrayed along verandas, are large, though
the furnishings are worn with the kind of age that lacks interest. The
large dining room - the proverbial palm court - was never open during
our stay in January, and all guests were sent to the small and fairly
dismal coffee shop for meals. Breakfast there was fine, but for other
meals we frequently walked around the corner to the Lahore Hilton,
where the menus in both coffee shop and dining room were more varied
and the ambience a good deal cheerier.

Still, Faletti's was an experience we would happily repeat. Like
Flashmann's in Rawalpindi and Dean's in Peshawar, Faletti's has a
feeling all its own: life is lazy among the potted plants; the
roomservice staff seemed more like retainers than employees. There was
always a cup of tea or coffee within minutes of asking. Faletti's was
also handy to airline offices, shopping and restaurants. We did much
of our exploring of the city on foot, supplemented by three-wheeled,
scooter-powered rickshaws when it rained or horse-drawn tongas - two-
wheeled carriages in which passengers sit facing backwards - when we
were tired but not in a hu

Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-10 Thread smrstrauss

Re:"back in the early part of summer, 2008,
Wayne Masden, with "On Line Journal" (and funded by the RNC) went to
Mombassa Kenya where he found a Certificate registering the birth of
President Obama at Maternity Hospital, to the father, a Kenyan citizen
to the Mother, a U.S. Citizen."

IF he did, as Berg says, Masden is not confirming it. This is his Web
site and a search for all the references to Kenya:

Do you see any reference to a trip to Kenya?
Do you see any reference to a trip to Monbassa?
Do you see any reference to a maternity hospital?
Do you see any reference to a birth certificate?

Here is his e-mail address:

You might ask him if he traveled to kenya and found a birth
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-10 Thread smrstrauss

Re: "Just as important, it is very unlikely, most experts say that it
would have
been impossible, for  President Obama to have traveled to Pakistan on
Indonesan Passport.  At the time, travel by U.S. Citizens to Pakistan
forbidden.   Pakistan was under martial law in 1981 and certain
undesirables… Christians, Jews, and Americans… were prohibited from
into the country."

Who told you this? At the time Pakistan Airlines had flights from JFK
airport to Karachi. It was under martial law, but that was the normal
state of affairs in Pakistan. It was peaceful, so tourists were
welcomed, and there was no distinction about religion. I even saw a
travel article written in 1981 saying how interesting it was to visit

So, he traveled on a US passport, since he never had an Indonesian

Oh, I see that you say it would have "been impossible, for  President
Obama to have traveled to Pakistan on an
Indonesan Passport." Yes, in the sense that if he did not have an
Indonesian passport, it would be impossible to travel on one. As for
Pakistan not allowing Indonesians to enter Pakistan, I doubt it, but
who cares?

The bottom line is he never had an Indonesian passport, which is easy
to confirm or deny by simply calling the Indonesian embassy.
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Re: Well...Is He, or Isn’t He?

2009-03-10 Thread smrstrauss

Re: “What is not established, and what is critically important, is
what passport he used during that trip. There are only three
possibilities: Obama could have traveled under a U.S. passport… a
passport first issued when he and his mother moved from Hawaii to
Indonesia in 1967.”

Answer: He traveled on a US passport because he never was an
Indonesian citizen and never received an Indonesian passport. This can
be proven for certain by simply calling the Indonesian Embassy in
Washington. (202) 775 – 5200.

He never had a British passport. This can be proven by simply calling
the British Embassy in Washington: (202) 588-6500.

Re: “Unfortunately for Obama, in the present circumstance, Pakistan
was under martial law in 1981 and certain undesirables… Christians,
Jews, and Americans… were prohibited from entering the country.
Pakistan was on the U.S. State Department’s “no travel” list, making a
U.S. passport no more valuable than an empty chewing gum wrapper at
the Karachi Port of Entry.”

This is all totally wrong. Absurdly wrong. Laughably wrong.

In 1981 Pakistan Air Lines had flights from New York’s Kennedy Airport
to Karachi. And I have seen travel articles recommending visits to
charming old Lahore, which was peaceful and welcomed tourists.
Pakistan was a US ally and was not on the State Department’s “no
travel” list. Pakistan was under martial law, but it was one of those
countries that was practically always under martial law, like Thailand
and, for a time, Greece, and the State Department didn’t worry about
US citizens visiting it because the martial law kept things fairly
peaceful. And Pakistan certainly did not have regulations keeping US
tourists out.

Re: “born in Kenya, not in Hawaii... as his paternal grandmother, a
Kenyan half-brother, and a Kenyan
half-sister insist...”

Answer. He was not born in Kenya. He was born in Hawaii, and his
paternal grandmother said he was born in Hawaii. This can be
demonstrated simply by listening to the complete grandmother tape.

To hear the full recording of the Obama grandmother interview, go
to: ?”
(Click on full Sarah Obama Tape.)

There are quite a few recordings and transcripts that cut the tape at
the five minute mark. It is important to go to the full recording,
which runs about nine minutes. You might ask yourself why anyone would
want to cut the tape at five minutes when the answer to the question
WHERE WAS HE BORN is after five minutes. The answer, sadly, is that
they are not anxious for people to make up their own minds.

Regarding the alleged Kenyan relatives who said that Obama was born in
Kenya, but this cannot be proven. Only WND has said this, and WND has
not shown the interviews to anyone.

There are no physical documents showing that he was born in Kenya, but
the theorists explain this by saying that the Kenya government is part
of the conspiracy and that it has blocked access to those documents.
The very fact that Kenya had blocked access to certain documents would
be possible to prove or disprove. WND’s claim that the files were
blocked has not been substantiated by any news agency other than WND.
There is no copies of his half-brother or half-sister saying that he
was born in Kenya, only WND said it at one time, and even WND has not
quoted it since. On the other hand, Obama’s uncle, the brother of his
father, said that Obama was not in Kenya until 1987. For which the
reference is:

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