From: Travis
Subject: Revolutionary Idea: Tea Party Anthem by Artist Lloyd Marcus
Date: Friday, March 27, 2009,

           *[image: ChainsFreeLogo]

Visit the website above to see video of artist Lloyd Marcus interpreting the
American Tea Party Anthem and more.

[image: WND Exclusive]
New song recognizes 'tea party' movement
"Mr. President! Your stimulus is sure to bust, It's just a socialistic
scheme" the song starts.
Posted: March 20, 2009
12:00 am Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily
An entertainer who proudly admits to being "an American Black Conservative"
has written a song in honor of the new nationwide "tea
movement protesting Washington's runaway spending.
The song will be performed at an event Saturday in Orlando
Fla., reports WND columnist Andrea Shea
talk show host on<>
and performed by Lloyd Marcus, the song is directed to President Obama.
The "American Tea Party" starts out: "Mr. President! Your stimulus is sure
to bust, It's just a socialistic scheme. The only thing it will do, Is kill
the American Dream."
It has been posted on
also is embedded here:
 The lyrics, copyright Zephyrus Music, are:

Mr President!
Your stimulus is sure to bust
Its just a socialistic scheme
The only thing it will do
Is kill the American Dream

You wanna take from achievers
Somehow you think that's fair.
And redistribute to those folks
Who won't get out of their easy

We're havin' a tea party across this land
If you love this country
Come on and join our band
We're standin' up for freedom and liberty
Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain't free

So when they call you a racist cause you disagree
It just another of their dirty tricks to silence you and me.
I believe in the Constitution and all it stands for.
Anyone who tramples it should be booted out the door.

We're havin' a tea party across this land
If you love this country
Come on and join our band
We're standin' up for freedom and liberty
Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain't free

Now we're not advocating violence
That's what the so-called peace crowd do
We're talkin' peaceful protest to
red, white and blue

We gotta vote out these clowns who don't love the USA
Who stay up late losing sleep fearing what the French might say

We're havin' a tea party across this land
If you love this country
Come on and join our band
We're standin' up for freedom and liberty
Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain't free

We're havin' a tea party across this land
If you love this country
Come on and join our band
We're standin' up for freedom and liberty
Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain't free

Freedom ain't free
(Stand up for America)
Freedom ain't free
(Gotta take a stand)
Freedom ain't free
(Mr Obama)
Freedom ain't free
for our money)
Freedom ain't free
(Don't give it away)
Freedom ain't free
(Save the day)
Freedom ain't free
(Don't go givin' it away)
Freedom ain't free
(It ain't gonna work)
Freedom ain't free
(Give back our freedom)
Freedom ain't free
(Give back our liberty)
Freedom ain't free
(I love my country)

Lloyd's website describes him as believing conservatism is compassionate and
"the true path to achieving the American Dream."
Three of Lloyd's
his series titled, "STOREFRONTS: Reflections of Growing Up in his
Preacher Dad's East Baltimore Church," achieved worldwide recognition when
they were banned from a Florida city's Black
Exhibit. Marcus' art was banned for "religious themes."
While WND has been tracking 170 individual tea
the nation, one group has announced it is planning rallies in 1,000
cities and towns April 15.
The American Family
or AFA, is coordinating 1,000 Taxed Enough Already, or TEA, parties to be
held at 12 p.m. in front of city halls across the nation.
The organization launched a Tea Party Day website just days ago so volunteer
organizers can register their protests with
The website also provides a list of other protests across the nation that
are not organized by

Michael DePrimo, special counsel to AFA President Tim Wildmon, told WND that
AFA has been inundated with e-mails from citizens who want to attend or
organize tea parties in their own cities.
*Are you planning a tea party? WND is your place to launch the tea party
you would like to include your tea party in this list, send
the city, date, time, location and point of contact to WND<>

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