Fwd: [New post] What a surprise! Little ‘Clockmed’ Mohamed is suing the school district that had him arrested for bringing a clock that looked like a bomb to school

2015-09-24 Thread Travis
BareNakedIslam posted: "You can be sure designated terrorist group CAIR is
behind this. Check the links below to see what a fraud little Ahmed really
is. Western Journalism (h/t PrayHard)  The family of Ahmed Mohamed has
retained two high profile Dallas attorneys to bring legal "
New post on *BARE NAKED ISLAM* <http://www.barenakedislam.com/?author=1> What
a surprise! Little ‘Clockmed’ Mohamed is suing the school district that had
him arrested for bringing a clock that looked like a bomb to school
BareNakedIslam <http://www.barenakedislam.com/?author=1>

You can be sure designated terrorist group CAIR is behind this. Check the
links below to see what a fraud little Ahmed really is. Western
Journalism (h/t PrayHard)  The family of Ahmed Mohamed has retained two
high profile Dallas attorneys to bring legal action against the Irving
School District for their son’s detention last week. As reported, Mohamed,

Read more of this post
*BareNakedIslam <http://www.barenakedislam.com/?author=1>* | September 24,
2015 at 1:21 pm | Categories: CAIR Nazis
<http://www.barenakedislam.com/?taxonomy=category&term=cair-nazis> | URL:

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Fwd: [New post] What a surprise! Arab Muslims top the list of people on the terror watch list

2014-08-07 Thread Travis
   BareNakedIslam posted: "In fact, the second-highest concentration of
people designated as “known or suspected terrorists” by the government is
in Dearborn, Mich.—a city of only 96,000 that has the largest percentage of
Arab Muslim residents in the country. Detroit News Whenever "
  New post on *BARE NAKED ISLAM*
<http://www.barenakedislam.com/?author=1>  What a surprise! Arab Muslims
top the list of people on the terror watch list
BareNakedIslam <http://www.barenakedislam.com/?author=1>

In fact, the second-highest concentration of people designated as “known or
suspected terrorists” by the government is in Dearborn, Mich.—a city of
only 96,000 that has the largest percentage of Arab Muslim residents in the
country. Detroit News Whenever Nasser Beydoun flies on business each month,
he expects a long wait. The prominent business owner from […]

Read more of this post
  *BareNakedIslam <http://www.barenakedislam.com/?author=1>* | August 7,
2014 at 12:57 am | Categories: EnemyWithin-America
| URL: http://wp.me/p276zM-16FY

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Fwd: [New post] WHAT A SURPRISE! Turkey blames the Jews for its failure to be chosen as host country for the 2020 Olympics

2013-09-09 Thread Travis
   BareNakedIslam posted: " Turkey's recent wave of civil unrest (which
Turkish officials blame on Israel) is seen as the main factor influencing
the International Olympic Committee's decision to overlook Istanbul again
after it failed to land the 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012 Games. "
  New post on *BARE NAKED ISLAM*
<http://www.barenakedislam.com/?author=1>  WHAT A SURPRISE! Turkey blames
the Jews for its failure to be chosen as host country for the 2020
BareNakedIslam <http://www.barenakedislam.com/?author=1>

Turkey's recent wave of civil unrest (which Turkish officials blame on
Israel) is seen as the main factor influencing the International Olympic
Committee's decision to overlook Istanbul again after it failed to land the
2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012 Games. All the Turks, from the Istanbul mayor to
the minister of sports to the Turkish […]

Read more of this
  *BareNakedIslam <http://www.barenakedislam.com/?author=1>* | September 9,
2013 at 3:24 am | URL: http://wp.me/p276zM-XHP

   See all 

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Gee, what a surprise - the feds are now starting to crack down on employers of illegals

2011-05-29 Thread dick thompson
Once the states started passing the bills doing this same thing and 
started the operations the feds decided to do the same thing and now the 
MSM is telling us how important it is that the feds are doing so much to 
stop illegal immigration.  Bet you this lasts until the first La Raza 
complaint about it and a protest.


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Jerry Brown's Pension Plan Just Fluff - what a surprise

2011-04-05 Thread dick thompson

 Dan Walters: Jerry Brown's pension plan is nothing but fluff


ByDan Walters
Published: Tuesday, Apr. 5, 2011 - 12:00 am | Page 3A
Last Modified: Tuesday, Apr. 5, 2011 - 7:53 am

The timing of Gov. Jerry Brown's "12-point pension reform plan" last 
week was no accident.

The plan was released on Thursday, a couple of days after his 
negotiations with Republicans on a state budget deal collapsed. The 
latter contended that Brown had balked at their demands for public 
pension reforms because of opposition from unions that helped him win 
the governorship last year.

Thus, the plan's release was aimed at giving Brown political cover, 
implicitly demonstrating that he's tough-minded on pensions and not 
beholden to the unions. But while a 12-point plan sounds impressive -- 
especially coming from a politician who historically has sneered at 
multipoint policy plans -- there's less there than meets the eye.

The political debate over public pensions has been conducted on two 
levels, the largely superficial and the meaningful.

The superficial aspects -- anecdotal accounts of outrageous pension 
manipulation -- have received the most media attention. Meanwhile, the 
more meaningful issue of whether taxpayers and employees face a ticking 
time bomb of unfunded liabilities is complex and unsexy, receiving 
relatively little attention.

For the most part, Brown's plan deals with the former rather than the 
latter. It gives the illusion of being tough on pension issues without 
making truly tough choices.

Much of it deals, for instance, with "pension spiking" through various 
manipulative techniques -- outrageous, certainly, but of little effect 
on the larger and more serious issue. Other points are of equally light 
weight, such as prohibiting retroactive pension benefits or pensions for 
convicted felons.

Meanwhile, the plan either omits anything that would touch the larger 
issue of unfunded liability or places it in the category of "under 

A couple of years ago, the chief actuary of the California Public 
Employees' Retirement System told a pension seminar that the system's 
benefits were "unsustainable." Outside analysts have pegged the 
potential unfunded liabilities of Cal-PERS, the California State 
Teachers' Retirement System and the University of California pension 
system as high as a half-trillion dollars.

Pension authorities dispute that figure, but they have maintained 
estimates of future earnings that are questionably high, even when their 
actuaries have urged modest reductions.

A real pension reform plan would first seek independent and expert 
analysis of unfunded liability and then lay out what's needed, in either 
reduced benefits or increased contributions by taxpayers and employees, 
to cover it.

The Legislature's budget analyst and the Little Hoover Commission have 
both called for such reforms and have taken political heat from unions 
and their political allies for doing so.

So far, however, all we're getting from Brown is fluff.

© Copyright The Sacramento Bee. All rights reserved. 



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What a surprise - would never have guessed

2010-12-24 Thread dick thompson

Most Americans Don't Trust The "Mainstream" Media:  So says Gallup.
For the fourth straight year, the majority of Americans say they have 
little or no trust in the mass media to report the news fully, 
accurately, and fairly.  The 57% who now say this is a record high by 
one percentage point.
Gallup goes on to say that "perceptions of bias have remained quite 
steady" over the last decade.   That's true, but if you look farther 
back, Gallup's own data shows that trust in the mass media has declined 
sharply since 1972, which was the first year Gallup asked that 
particular question.  In May 1972, 18 percent of the respondents said 
they trusted the media a "great deal", and 50 percent said they trusted 
the media a "fair amount".  In September of this year, the numbers were, 
respectively, 12 and 31 percent.

By way of Andrew Malcolm, who has some funny things to say about this 
poll result.

- 2:12 PM, 23 December 2010   [link

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What a surprise - survey of doctors on Obamacare

2010-12-13 Thread dick thompson


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What a surprise - AP and the Prince George's County, Md corruption story

2010-11-20 Thread dick thompson


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What a surprise - alleged voter fraud in early voting in Houston

2010-10-26 Thread dick

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What a surprise - the NYT supports all Dems

2010-10-26 Thread dick
Loved this comment.  The Republican cannot be independent in today's DC 
but the Democrat can?   Only if San Fran Nan tells them to be and she 
can do without their vote; otherwise they had better stick with the 
program or else.   Check how independent that Dem has been.   Betcha he 
has voted with San Fran Nan well over 90% of the time.   The other 
howler is the bit about hw the congressman wants to improve the HCR 
bill.   How about he should have read the bill before voting for it.   
Then he could have seen to it that most of the fixes would not have been 
needed and who is to say that enough of the fixes will be found in time 
to keep the bill from causing even more damage than it already has.   
The reasoning of this editorial crew is really ridiculous and makes no 
sense at all.


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What a surprise - check out the fed salaries and bennies vs the private sector

2010-10-22 Thread dick

And we are supposed to feel sorry for them?

 Original Message 
Subject:Bureaucrats Irked: Heritage Finds They Are Paid Too Much
Date:   Fri, 22 Oct 2010 14:06:08 -0700
From:   The Heritage Foundation 
Reply-To:   members...@heritage.org
To: Dick Thompson 


October 22, 2010 | By Bethany Murphy

 *Bureaucrats Irked: Heritage Finds They Are Paid Too Much*

In an interview with the Washington Post 
the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, John Berry, directly 
credits The Heritage Foundation as having moved public opinion on the 
issue of overpayment of federal officials:

*He said he was frustrated that “the Heritage and Cato misinformation 
campaign has obviously gained traction.” *The two Washington, D.C., 
think tanks have produced widely discussed reports indicating that 
federal workers are paid too much. *A “pretty prolonged misinformation 
campaign over the last six month leading up to this,” [Berry] said, “has 

Berry was steaming over that last point.

The Heritage Foundation has been at the forefront of the overpayment 
Heritage research has found that 
the average federal employee earns an annual salary almost 60% higher 
than the average private-sector employee — $79,000 vs. $50,000. Even 
after controlling for education and experience, federal employees get 
paid significantly better — 22% more per hour, on average — than 
private-sector workers. Once you add up the benefits, the gap in total 
compensation rises even higher — 30% to 40% above comparable 
private-sector workers.

But defenders of the federal pay system, including the OPM, have 
mischaracterized our analyses by suggesting they ignore skill 
differences between the public and private sectors, resulting in an 
“apples to oranges” comparison. On the contrary, Heritage has carefully 
accounted for skill differences 
always comparing apples to apples.

In a letter the Washington Post this week, Heritage economist Bill Beach 
directly addresses those critical of our analysis:

Ignoring this evidence [of standard practice in calibrating data], 
government and union representatives quoted in your column attack our 
findings by relying on a survey that examines job descriptions. But 
federal workers tend to be less skilled within an occupation level - a 
senior accountant may qualify only as a junior accountant in the private 
sector. So economists look at skills and experience, not just official 

> Other Heritage Work of Note

   * The Heritage Foundation has long called on Congress to defund
 liberal mouthpiece NPR. Writing on FoxNews.com, Heritage vice
 president Mike Gonzalez argues that

 “National Public Radio’s dismissal of Juan Williams is a powerful
 indictment of NPR’s practices and corporate culture. Small wonder
 voices are once again calling for the federal government to defund
 NPR—which gets 16% of its budget from taxpayers.”
   * President Obama sold his new health care plan to the American
 public on the premise that it would help many Americans. But
 according to Heritage analysis, the reality is quite different.
 “Unfortunately, Obamacare’s new federally mandated, essential
 benefits package will diminish new job opportunities, especially
 for low-income workers,” writes Kathryn Nix
 “This is expected to occur because the new law requires employers
 to offer health care coverage or pay a penalty.”
   * North Korea has declared that its military might had increased
 “1000-fold.” This claim coincides with the upcoming transition of
 authority from dictator Kim Jong-Il to his son, Kim Jong-un.
 Writing in the Boston Herald, Heritage analyst Peter Brookes

 argues that the change in power will not result in a change in
 policy. “Even with a new king . . . er, Kim in charge in North
 Korea, nukes will stay front and center of Pyongyang’s polic

What a surprise - this admin is beyond belief - totally contemptible of the public

2010-08-17 Thread dick thompson

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Looks like Zero ain't doing so well in Britain these days - what a surprise

2010-06-19 Thread dick thompson


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What a surprise!! Holder ducks and dodges questions

2010-05-15 Thread dick thompson

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Updated May 13, 2010

 Holder Mum on Allegation of Illegal White House Job Offer to
 Pennsylvania Rep.


Attorney General Eric Holder, grilled Thursday at a Capitol Hill 
hearing, would not say whether his Justice Department was looking into 
allegations that the White House illegally offered a job to Rep. Joe 
Sestak in exchange for him getting out of the Pennsylvania Senate race. 

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Attorney General Eric Holder testifies before the House Judiciary 
Committee May 13 on Capitol Hill. (AP Photo)

Attorney General Eric Holder, grilled Thursday at a Capitol Hill 
hearing, declined to say whether his Justice Department was looking into 
allegations that the White House illegally offered a job to Rep. Joe 
Sestak in exchange for him getting out of the Pennsylvania Senate race. 

Sestak, a Pennsylvania Democrat, leveled the charge in February, telling 
a Philadelphia television anchor he was offered the federal job to drop 
out of the primary race against Sen. Arlen Specter. Sestak did not 
withdraw and is still competing against Specter in Tuesday's election -- 
but the congressman has not elaborated on his charge publicly since the 
February interview. 

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., has taken up the case. He called on Holder 
in late March to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the matter 
and on Thursday, hours into a House Judiciary Committee hearing, got his 
chance to press the attorney general. 

Issa said the accusation would amount to "multiple felonies" and wanted 
to know what Holder was going to do about it. He said he was "deeply 
concerned," with the election just five days away. 

Issa grew visibly frustrated as the attorney general declined to respond 
to his questions. 

"It is the department's policy ... not to comment on pending matters," 
Holder said at the end of a tense back-and-forth. "That is not what we do." 

Issa suggested Holder's reluctance to answer meant there was no 

"You don't answer or apparently investigate. ... You're not 
investigating whether it's a false statement by a member of Congress or 
a crime by the White House. What are we to do?" he said. 

Issa, earlier in the hearing, expressed frustration that the White House 
has responded to the charges with "the opinion of a non-attorney, a 
press secretary, that these were not problematic." 

He was referring to a response from White House Press Secretary Robert 
Gibbs in March. 

Gibbs said he talked to "people" in the White House about the claim and 
that, "I'm told whatever conversations have been had are not 
problematic." Gibbs said the matter was "in the past." 

Issa also pressed Holder Thursday on why he apparently hadn't responded 
to his letter bringing the allegation to his attention. Holder insisted 
that he thought he had responded and apologized. 

"It could be in the mail. It's very slow sometimes," Issa said.


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Re: Another GOP Office Attacked in Ohio - Window Smashed - what a surprise

2010-04-05 Thread Chickie
It's official

IT was targeting RINOs, right?

On Apr 4, 9:27 pm, dick thompson  wrote:
> Very true.
> Bruce Majors wrote:
> > Democrats are nazi storm troopers prepared to prevent Obama and his
> > regime from being thrown out by the voters
> > On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 12:13 AM, dick thompson
> > mailto:rhomp2...@earthlink.net>> wrote:
> >     � � Previous
> >     
> >   
> > |Home|
> >       Next
> >     
> > 
> >     � �        
> >     BREAKING: Another GOP Office Attacked in Ohio� Window Smashed
> >     
> > 
> >     Saturday, April 3, 2010, 5:47 PM
> >     Jim Hoft
> >     *Vandals threw a brick through GOP Party headquarters.*
> >     
> > 
> >     Another GOP office was attacked in Marion, Ohio last night. The
> >     vandals left a threatening note in purple ink saying, *�Stop the
> >     Right Wing.�*
> >     The Marion Star
> >      reported:
> >         Two Republican party officials were shocked to hear someone
> >         had thrown a brick through a window at their headquarters
> >         downtown � with a message directed at stopping conservatism.
> >         *�Stop the right wing,�* was written in purple ink on a piece
> >         of notebook paper.
> >         �The bottom was torn off of it, maybe like they made a mistake
> >         or something when they were writing it the first time,� said
> >         Kenneth Stiverson, president of the Marion County Republican Club.
> >         Employees at the law offices next door to the headquarters, at
> >         114 S. Main St., called party members to let them know the
> >         window had been broken Tuesday.
> >         Police were called and took the brick and note as evidence.
> >         Stiverson said he didn�t think people in Marion would do such
> >         a thing. Republican party members who were helping to clean up
> >         found the note after they found the brick.
> >         �You hear about this stuff in the big cities,� he said. �I
> >         didn�t think there was anyone in Marion that would do anything
> >         like that.�
> >     This story didn�t make national headlines for some strange reason?
> >     Comments (23)
> >     
> > 
> >     
> > *http://gatewaypundit.firstthings.com/2010/04/breaking-another-gop-off...
> >     --
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> >     For options & help seehttp://groups.google.com/group/PoliticalForum
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> >     * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
> >     * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
> > --
> > Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> > For options & help seehttp://groups.google.com/group/PoliticalForum
> > * Visit our other community athttp://www.PoliticalForum.com/
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> > * Read the latest breaking news, and more.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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Re: Another GOP Office Attacked in Ohio - Window Smashed - what a surprise

2010-04-04 Thread dick thompson

Very true.

Bruce Majors wrote:
Democrats are nazi storm troopers prepared to prevent Obama and his 
regime from being thrown out by the voters

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 12:13 AM, dick thompson 
mailto:rhomp2...@earthlink.net>> wrote:

« « Previous


» » 

BREAKING: Another GOP Office Attacked in Ohio– Window Smashed

Saturday, April 3, 2010, 5:47 PM
Jim Hoft

*Vandals threw a brick through GOP Party headquarters.*

Another GOP office was attacked in Marion, Ohio last night. The
vandals left a threatening note in purple ink saying, *“Stop the
Right Wing.”*

The Marion Star

Two Republican party officials were shocked to hear someone
had thrown a brick through a window at their headquarters
downtown — with a message directed at stopping conservatism.

*“Stop the right wing,”* was written in purple ink on a piece
of notebook paper.

“The bottom was torn off of it, maybe like they made a mistake
or something when they were writing it the first time,” said
Kenneth Stiverson, president of the Marion County Republican Club.

Employees at the law offices next door to the headquarters, at
114 S. Main St., called party members to let them know the
window had been broken Tuesday.

Police were called and took the brick and note as evidence.

Stiverson said he didn’t think people in Marion would do such
a thing. Republican party members who were helping to clean up
found the note after they found the brick.

“You hear about this stuff in the big cities,” he said. “I
didn’t think there was anyone in Marion that would do anything
like that.”

This story didn’t make national headlines for some strange reason?

Comments (23)

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Re: Another GOP Office Attacked in Ohio - Window Smashed - what a surprise

2010-04-04 Thread Bruce Majors
Democrats are nazi storm troopers prepared to prevent Obama and his regime
from being thrown out by the voters

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 12:13 AM, dick thompson wrote:

>  « « 
> Previous
>   |Home|   
> Next»
>  »
> BREAKING: Another GOP Office Attacked in Ohio– Window 
> Smashed
> Saturday, April 3, 2010, 5:47 PM
> Jim Hoft
> *Vandals threw a brick through GOP Party headquarters.*
> Another GOP office was attacked in Marion, Ohio last night. The vandals
> left a threatening note in purple ink saying, *“Stop the Right Wing.”*
> The Marion 
> Starreported:
> Two Republican party officials were shocked to hear someone had thrown a
> brick through a window at their headquarters downtown — with a message
> directed at stopping conservatism.
> *“Stop the right wing,”* was written in purple ink on a piece of notebook
> paper.
> “The bottom was torn off of it, maybe like they made a mistake or something
> when they were writing it the first time,” said Kenneth Stiverson, president
> of the Marion County Republican Club.
> Employees at the law offices next door to the headquarters, at 114 S. Main
> St., called party members to let them know the window had been broken
> Tuesday.
> Police were called and took the brick and note as evidence.
> Stiverson said he didn’t think people in Marion would do such a thing.
> Republican party members who were helping to clean up found the note after
> they found the brick.
> “You hear about this stuff in the big cities,” he said. “I didn’t think
> there was anyone in Marion that would do anything like that.”
>  This story didn’t make national headlines for some strange reason?
>  Comments 
> (23)
> *
> http://gatewaypundit.firstthings.com/2010/04/breaking-another-gop-office-attacked-in-ohio-smashed-windows/
> *
> --
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> For options & help see http://groups.google.com/group/PoliticalForum
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Re: Another GOP Office Attacked in Ohio - Window Smashed - what a surprise

2010-04-04 Thread studio
Must be those crazy Tea Baggers again.

Yeah, the national news should cover all broken windowsnot.

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Another GOP Office Attacked in Ohio - Window Smashed - what a surprise

2010-04-03 Thread dick thompson
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BREAKING: Another GOP Office Attacked in Ohio-- Window Smashed 

Saturday, April 3, 2010, 5:47 PM
Jim Hoft

*Vandals threw a brick through GOP Party headquarters.*

Another GOP office was attacked in Marion, Ohio last night. The vandals 
left a threatening note in purple ink saying, *"Stop the Right Wing."*

The Marion Star 

   Two Republican party officials were shocked to hear someone had
   thrown a brick through a window at their headquarters downtown ---
   with a message directed at stopping conservatism.

   *"Stop the right wing,"* was written in purple ink on a piece of
   notebook paper.

   "The bottom was torn off of it, maybe like they made a mistake or
   something when they were writing it the first time," said Kenneth
   Stiverson, president of the Marion County Republican Club.

   Employees at the law offices next door to the headquarters, at 114
   S. Main St., called party members to let them know the window had
   been broken Tuesday.

   Police were called and took the brick and note as evidence.

   Stiverson said he didn't think people in Marion would do such a
   thing. Republican party members who were helping to clean up found
   the note after they found the brick.

   "You hear about this stuff in the big cities," he said. "I didn't
   think there was anyone in Marion that would do anything like that."

This story didn't make national headlines for some strange reason?

Comments (23) 


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What a surprise

2010-04-03 Thread dick thompson

 Black Dem Rep. Who Was Reportedly Spit on by Tea Party Protester:
 I Never Claimed to Have Been Spit on Intentionally, Others Are
 Making the Claim on My Behalf, Refuses to Confirm it
 Happened..(Update) He's Full of Shit...

More proof this claim is 100% bullshit. If Rep. Emanuel Cleaver was spit 
on he would be milking it for everything it's worth

   *U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver voted in favor of the controversial
   health care reform bill, but talk isn't raging about how voted, but
   whether or not he was purposely spit on as he and other congressmen
   made their way to the U.S. Capitol building to cast their vote.*

   In video of the incident, a man is seen with his hands around his

   mouth and yelling at the Kansas City, Missouri, Democrat as he
   walked by. The footage shows Rep. Cleaver reacting to the man, and
   is seen a few seconds later wiping his face.

   The video is not clear as to whether or not the man spit in

   Cleaver's face intentionally, or if it was a matter of "say it,
   don't spray it." *Rep. Cleaver never commented on the incident, but
   it didn't take long before many people claimed that he was spit upon*.

   *In an interview on Tuesday with FOX 4 News, Rep. Cleaver would not

   directly answer the question of whether or not he was intentionally
   spit upon.*

   "I haven't talked about this incident on TV or anywhere, and I've

   been approached to talk about it on every national TV show," said
   Rep. Cleaver in an interview with FOX 4 News. *"I never, I never
   reported anything, never a single thing in Washington, not one
   thing. People assume I went somewhere, never done press conference,
   never done an interview on it and I'm not going to do it."*

   /Rest here>>>

*UPDATE* (thanks momma): What the hell is Cleaver talking about? He 
absolutely claimed he was spit on. Here's the statement HIS office 
released following the incident:

   Here's the statement that Cleavers office released about the
   incident: Rep. Emanuel Cleaver's office released the following
   statement: For many of the members of the CBC, like John Lewis and
   Emanuel Cleaver who worked in the civil rights movement, and for Mr.
   Frank who has struggled in the cause of equality, *this is not the
   first time they have been spit on during turbulent times.*

   *This afternoon, the Congressman was walking into the Capitol to
   vote, when one protester spat on him.* The Congressman would like to
   thank the US Capitol Police officer who quickly escorted the others
   Members and him into the Capitol, and defused the tense situation
   with professionalism and care. After all the Members were safe, a
   full report was taken and the matter was handled by the US Capitol
   Police. *The man who spat on the Congressman was arrested, but the
   Congressman has chosen not to press charges. He has left the matter
   with the Capitol Police*.

   /Rest here>>>

I interpret this as Cleaver backing away from his initial claim he was 
spit on. Again, proving it NEVER happened...


Posted on April 02, 2010 at 10:52 AM

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What a surprise - another wonderful judge and reporter tied to the Clintons

2010-03-24 Thread dick thompson

March 23, 2010

 Sweetness & Light Rips AP Coverage of Judge's Release of Gitmo

Filed under: MSM Biz/Other Bias 
, MSM Biz/Other 
Ignorance , Taxes 
& Government , US & 
Allied Military  --- 
TBlumer @ 2:12 pm


Doing work the Associated Press refused to do --- or more specifically, 
providing context the AP refused to provide --- Sweetness & Light's 
indefatigable blogger Steve Gilbert gave readers the back story 
behind the order by U.S. District Judge James Robertson (pictured at 
right) to release Guantanamo Bay detainee Mohamedou Ould Salahi, who is 
said to have, in the words of the wire service's Pete Yost, "provided 
advice to three of the Sept. 11 hijackers."

First, here's what little Yost deigned to divulge 

   A judge has ordered the release of a Guantanamo Bay detainee
   described in the 9/11 commission report as a significant al-Qaida
   operative who provided advice to three of the Sept. 11 hijackers.

   The ruling in favor of detainee Mohamedou Ould Salahi was disclosed
   Monday in a two-sentence court entry.

   U.S. District Judge James Robertson will issue a written decision at
   a later date explaining his reasons for granting the detainee's
   petition. The detainee remains at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay,
   Cuba, and the Obama administration could appeal Robertson's order.
   Even if the administration were to decide against appealing, Salahi
   would remain at Guantanamo until U.S. diplomats found a nation
   willing to accept him.

   The 9/11 Commission report says Salahi was known to U.S. and German
   intelligence a decade ago and living in Germany when he gave
   instructions to four men about how to reach Afghanistan to train for

   Three of the men later became Sept. 11 hijackers --- Mohamed Atta,
   Ziad Jarrah and Marwan al Shehhi.

Yost wastes his final three paragraphs with smell test-failing verbiage 
about former military prosecutor Lt. Col. Stuart Couch, who has said 
that he refused to press charges against Salahi because he had been 
subjected to "torture."

In 205 words, followed by a blistering final dozen, Gilbert succinctly 
states what Yost failed to reveal when given a total of over 400 to work 
with (links are in original):

   For instance, Judge Robertson threw out Ken Starr's charges against
   the Clintons' bag man and fall guy, Web Hubbell
   . And he has protected many other Clinton
   cronies  over the years.

   More recently, Mr. Robertson blocked the release of First Lady
   Hillary Clinton's phone records  from
   FOIA requests.

   More to the point, however, Mr. Robertson is also the same heroic
   judge who resigned from the FISA court in a self-righteous hissy fit
   protest .

   He also summarily released 30 other terrorists detainees last
   November .

   More importantly perhaps, Judge Robertson is the also same legal
   hero who begat the Hamdan ruling , when he
   demanded that foreign combats should receive /habeas corpus/ rights.

   But why should the AP bother its readers with such meaningless details?

Gilbert also has posts on the Communist Party USA's various 
pronouncements praising the passage of ObamaCare 
("a giant first step") and concomitant government takeover of the entire 
student loan industry 
You can rest assured that the AP won't take any interest in these 

/Cross-posted at NewsBusters.org 

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Gee, what a surprise - the Terror attempt may hinder plans to close Gitmo - what a novel thought

2010-01-01 Thread dick thompson

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What a surprise that Murtha and Moran would be doing this - or maybe not

2009-10-23 Thread dick thompson


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Gee, what a surprise - the NYT comes out in favor of raising taxes

2009-09-04 Thread dick thompson

Advertise on


Once and Future Taxes

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Published: September 3, 2009 

So far, the Obama administration’s plan for dealing
with the budget deficit — an estimated $9 trillion over a decade — is
to not dig the hole any deeper. That’s an important first step.
President Obama deserves credit for proposing ways to pay for his two
big initiatives to date: health care reform and energy legislation.
Reducing the growth in health care costs, in particular, is vital to
curbing future deficits. 

Skip to next paragraph

Your Money Guides
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for the hundreds of billions of dollars in economic stimulus, their
impact on long-term deficits is marginal because the spending is
temporary. More important, deficit spending is warranted in a recession
because it eases the downturn and in so doing, averts even worse damage
to the economy and the budget. 
But, sooner than he may prefer,
Mr. Obama will have to face up to what he has so far avoided: the need
to raise taxes broadly to rein in deficits. 
The deficits are
not of his making. Some two-thirds of the $9 trillion shortfall
resulted from policies that predate his administration; most of the
rest is the cost of policies that both parties consider necessary, like
continued relief from the alternative minimum tax. 
But when he
inherited the burden of the budget mess, Mr. Obama also inherited the
responsibility to clean it up. Neither economic growth nor spending
cuts will be enough to fix the projected shortfalls. Nor is there
enough to be gained by confining tax increases only to families making
more than $250,000 a year, a campaign promise that Mr. Obama still says
he will keep.
Assuming the economy has begun to recover by 2010,
next year would be the natural time to start raising taxes. That’s
because the Bush-era tax cuts are set to expire at the end of 2010. If
Congress does nothing, taxes will revert to higher levels for everyone;
if it extends all of the cuts, taxes will stay low for everyone; if it
extends some and lets others expire, taxes will stay low for some
taxpayers and go up for others. 
Since 2010 is also a
Congressional election year, lawmakers will be reluctant to raise taxes
at all, and certainly not without considerable support from the White
House, which is already worried about the 2010 elections.
these political pressures, Congress might be tempted to extend all of
the Bush cuts at least through 2011 — and that would be a dangerous
move because time is not necessarily on Mr. Obama’s side. 
one is angling to raise taxes during the recession, but the longer it
takes to show real progress on deficit reduction, the greater the
possibility that the nation’s creditors will demand higher interest
rates on loans to the Treasury. That would worsen the deficit by
raising the nation’s borrowing costs. And with the recovery of both the
financial system and the housing market dependent on low interest
rates, an unanticipated or uncontrolled rate increase would be a crisis
in its own right. 
The question then is not whether taxes must
go up, but when, how and how much. The White House budget director,
Peter Orszag, has said the administration is working to bring the
deficit down in the 2011 budget, due early next year. But when asked
recently by The Wall Street Journal for details, including the
possibility of higher taxes on families making less than $250,000, Mr.
Orszag said that the administration was not yet giving any specifics on
the next budget. 
In the meantime, the tax code remains
inadequate to the task of raising sufficient revenue — and high-income
taxpayers are about to benefit once again. Next year, a misguided law
enacted in 2006 will take effect, giving high-income taxpayers the
chance to shelter much of their money from future tax increases. 
law will let high-income taxpayers transfer traditional individual
retirement accounts into so-called Roth I.R.A.’s. Unlike regular
I.R.A.’s., no tax is due when money is withdrawn from a Roth. That
often makes Roths a better deal, especially if you believe that tax
rates will be higher in the years to come — and they are bound to be
higher. Taxpayers who switch to Roths will have to pay tax upfront on
the amounts they transfer, so the government will get a jolt of
revenue. But later, the transfers will be a money loser for the
government as high-income Americans and their heirs make tax-free
withdrawals that would have been taxable at tomorrow’s higher rates.
Obama administration may not want to talk about the need for broad tax
increases while other issues dominate the agenda. But if the
administration and Cong

What a surprise - Obama is once again a hypocrite

2009-07-29 Thread dick thompson


Wonder if anyone asked Randi Rhodes about this interview lately.

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What a surprise!!

2009-07-28 Thread dick thompson


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What a surprise - Ground Zero transportation hub is all about the look and not the function - and is way more expensive than planned

2009-05-11 Thread dick thompson


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What a surprise - or not

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson


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What a surprise!!

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson


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What a surprise

2009-05-01 Thread dick thompson

constituent criticism:

  After some rather self-congratulatory remarks by Sen. Dodd and
Murphy, the U.S. congressman from the district (and a former intern in
Dodd’s office), the questions were chosen and read.
  Nothing about the banking crisis. Nothing about Countrywide or
Nothing about Sen. Dodd’s lovely seaside “cottage” in Ireland, which
has led to some intriguing questions about mortgage financing and
property transfers. Not a word about any of it.
  My question for Sen. Dodd was this: Shouldn’t you consider, in
of the compromising information that has been reported, resigning as
chairman of the Senate banking committee?
  It was not read. Nor were any questions submitted by the other
journalists read. Meanwhile, Dodd and Murphy held forth at length on
the benefits of single-payer health insurance (good), global warming
(bad), and the beliefs and practices of the previous administration and
Congress (really bad). The hours passed slowly.

I’m sure they did.

Posted at 9:17 am by Glenn Reynolds   

Gee, an ethical politician - what a surprise

2009-04-08 Thread dick thompson


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What a surprise

2009-04-06 Thread dick thompson


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What a surprise!!

2009-03-30 Thread dick thompson


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What a surprise!

2009-03-28 Thread dick thompson


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What a surprise - the Brits are seeing Bambi clearer than the US is but we are getting there

2009-03-28 Thread dick thompson


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What a surprise!

2009-03-20 Thread dick thompson


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what a surprise - the Leftists get their talking points here

2009-03-19 Thread dick thompson


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What a surprise - Sen Sherrod Brown of Ohio is a hypocrite

2009-03-18 Thread dick thompson

  Porkopolis's Catch of the Week: Sherrod Brown Cast the Deciding Vote
  for Allowing AIG Bonuses He Now Opposes (Bigger Point: Geithner Acts
  As De Facto Financial Dictator)

Filed under: Economy , Taxes 
& Government  --- 
TBlumer @ 1:51 am

Sherrod Brown's Bluster 

March 17, 2009

WASHINGTON, D.C. --U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Chairman of the
Senate Banking Subcommittee on Economic Policy, today called on
American International Group (AIG) Chairman and CEO Edward Liddy to
immediately renegotiate contacts to prevent $165 million in bonus
payments to AIG executives.

"AIG's actions are a slap-in-the-face to hardworking Ohio families,"
said Brown. "Bonuses at companies like AIG---companies relying on
taxpayer funds to stay afloat---are an outrage. I hope AIG
executives voluntarily return these bonuses. If they don't, I will
push to have them recouped through the U.S. tax code." .

*Brown first condemned AIG's proposed bonus payments on November 14,

"Paying out hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses to the
employees of a company that is essentially insolvent smacks of
greed, arrogance, and worse," Brown continued in his statement.  "We
shouldn't be financing one dime of bonuses for AIG employees whose
actions took the form of reckless endangerment."

(Aside --- "Hundreds of millions" means "$200 million or more." Brown 
can't count to two. This puts him in an even worse position than Barack 
Obama, who can't count to 50 
and Joe Biden, who can't count past three 

Wait. A. Minute.

Tax Cheat Tim Geithner was one of the guys who thought it was okey-dokey 
to throw money at AIG 
apparently without conditions:

Geithner worked with Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S.
Bernanke on the government-engineered sale of Bear Stearns Cos., the
bailout of American International Group Inc. and the decision not to
prop up Lehman Bros. Holdings Inc.

In the real world, the above means that Geithner did the detail work.

Prudent lenders write bonus caps into loan agreements. Apparently Tax 
Cheat Tim didn't. Now, under instructions from Dear Leader 

"to use the government's leverage to pursue ways to 'block these 
bonuses,'" Geithner has said that he is going to take the bonuses back 
from the company 
, but 
not (yet) from the individuals who may have collected these bonuses.

But here's the sad part: While we haven't been paying enough attention, 
AIG has been nationalized anyway, since Uncle Sam "now holds a(n) 80 
percent stake in the company." The left pocket (actually, the far-left 
pocket) is in essence collecting from the right pocket.

*Please, please, note that Geithner can make his bonus pullback stick 
NOT because he can do so under the government's lending and/or 
investment contracts with AIG (if there even ARE any), but ONLY because 
he has the awesome powers (oh, excuse me, "leverage") of Uncle Sam to 
cover for his incompetence. *Who would dare oppose this takeback? Tax 
Cheat Tim is also Tyrant Tim.

Now let's get back to the normally invisible Sherrod Brown, who SOBer 
Porkopolis notes has been thoroughly busted 

(Brown is the same Senator who) was shuttled back to Washington D.C.
by Obama

on a White House provided plane to cast the deciding vote on the
Spending Stimulus Bill.

It was Brown's vote that put into law the provision

guaranteeing the payments (emphasis added):

/(iii) The prohibition required under clause *(i) shall not be
construed to prohibit any bonus payment required to be paid pursuant
to a written employment contract executed on or before February 11,

What a surprise - A Bronx Rep Loses a Tax Break - or a Bronx Rep is a tax cheat

2009-03-15 Thread dick thompson
BTW the Rep part refers to his being a representative, not a 
republican.  If he were a republican this would be a headline story in 
the NY papers.

*The Associated Press Tries To Cover For A Tax Cheat:  *Here's the story 

Maryland tax officials said that a New York representative is not
entitled to a residents' tax break on the house in a Washington
suburb that he has claimed as his primary residence for at least 10
. . .
To receive the credit, homeowners must live in Maryland at least six
months of the year, have a Maryland driver's license, be registered
to vote in Maryland and file Maryland income taxes.

Mr. Engel and his wife do not qualify since they both have New York
licenses and vote in New York.   [Engel's spokesman] Mr. Tomasulo
said that Mr. Engel filed his income taxes in New York, and did not
respond to questions about Ms. Engel's taxes. 

Those rules should make it obvious to anyone that Congressman Engel did 
not deserve the tax break.   But he claimed it anyway, successfully, for 

Congressman Eliot Engel  is a Democrat.  That 
may explain why the AP treats his tax fraud so gently.

The AP treated the story gently, but the New York Times actually tried 
to cover up the crime.  The Times put this headline on this story of 
blatant tax fraud: "Bronx Representative Loses a Tax Break".

(The New York Post followed the AP on this, but did a much better 

- 6:55 AM, 15 March 2009 

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