Re: [polymer-dev] Does Polymer Support native app features??

2019-06-09 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Fri, 7 Jun 2019 at 08:06,  wrote:

> Hi Team,
> We are developing webapps uisng Polymerjs, I would like to know dose
> polymer support native app features like Push-notifications, camera
> scanner,figure print authentication etc..,

These features are provided by your browser, and as Polymer is "just"
javascript then you can use the features the same as you can in any
javascript app.
Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat

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Re: [polymer-dev] how to structure a polymer project?

2018-02-08 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 8 February 2018 at 15:58, Joern Turner <> wrote:

> And here's the actual problem. Lets say my new app 'my-app' loads
> 'my-comp1' from external git. 'my-comp1' will have e.g. a html import
> pointing to 'bower_compoents/paper-input/paper-input.html. This resolves
> just fine when i use my-comp1 directly.
> But when i bower install it it will land in the bower_components folder of
> 'my-app' and the pathes inside of 'my-comp1' will break as they don't
> resolve to 'my-app/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input.html' but to
> 'my-app/bower_component/my-comp1/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input.html'
> which is not there.
> I've searched the net for advice for hours both in the bower and the
> Polymer world but couldn't find an answer on how to organize a
> componentized project. Maybe i'm just overlooking the obvious but i'm
> really stuck on this.

​Don't commit the bower_components directory to git in your projects. When
bower installs your element it will parse the down-level `bower.json` file
and install all the dependencies mentioned there in the top-level
`bower_components` folder alongside your elements.

To access those dependencies, in your subordinate element use the path
`../`. That way, when your super app installs your elements via bower
your element will be able to access it's dependencies from the same
`bower_components​` folder as it resides itself. This will mean you can't
use your component as a standalone app directly, but to get around that you
can create a minimal wrapper which just embeds your element and provides
the correct location for the `bower_components` folder one-level up from
your element.

Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat

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Re: [polymer-dev] Timelines or estimates for processing pull requests

2017-12-27 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 27 December 2017 at 09:39, <> wrote:

> Hi! I'm very interested in changes provided by #185 PR in `paper-checkbox`
> element ( Is
> there any information about how long can it take to review specified PR?
> Should I wait or is it better to create custom component with required
> functionality? Thanks in advance!

​The paper- elements are supposed to implement the Material Design as
specified by Google: and​. They are opinionated by intent and design. Unless you
provide a detail/reasoned rationale as to why the visual design should be
changed then your PR is unlikely to be included. Especially if the changes
aren't included in the Material Design specification first.

Also, it is the western holiday season right now due to the religious
festival celebrated by Christian adherents; a lot of companies are closed,
so the Google employees in control of the paper-checkbox repository are
likely to not be working until the new year.

Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat

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Re: [polymer-dev] Can Polymer bundled components convive in the same page?

2017-10-19 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 19 October 2017 at 12:44, Jose Carlos Vílchez <>

> Hi, im trying to develop multiple bundled components in Polymer (each one
> with all dependencies) in the same HTML page. The idea is that each
> component can be a standalone, is this possible?
> Can i have my Component1 and my Component2 depending on distinct versions
> of "iron-ajax" (in example) in the same page?
> When i do this, i receive an error in console that says "You are trying to
> register a duplicate tag", both components works but the second one is
> using the registered "iron-ajax" by the first one.
> Note: iron-ajax is only an example, but can be a own custom element
> instead.

​It's not currently possible to have multiple versions of the same element.
This is a limitation of the way that web browsers treat JavaScript​.

Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat

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Re: [polymer-dev] Re: Polymer 2.0 - HTML Imports Error - Trying to serve files from bitbucket/Github

2017-07-23 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 22 July 2017 at 23:11, Naga Sai A <> wrote:
> If I am not wrong , files from GIt/bitbucket are exposed through HTTP and
> HTTPS .If it is wrong , how JS ans CSS works fine but not HTML files?

​You specifically asked about HTML Imports without a web server. HTTP and
HTTPS are web protocols and therefore require a web server to serve them.
You stated the situation in your original email perfectly: HTML Imports
follow the same resource sharing constraints as XHR. That means that you
need your resources to either be on the same domain name as your website OR
include an appropriate access-control-allow-origin header on them
indicating your domain name as allowed to access. Neither of those are
possible via bitbucket AFAICT.

Aside: Git is not necessarily served via HTTP. That depends on the
repository you save your data into. Bitbucket are a Git hosting provider,
who happen to expose the files via HTTP as a feature. Bitbucket is not the
same as Git, and vice versa.​ You can use Git without a hosting provider,
or with a provider other than bitbucket, and many people do either and both
of these.

Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat

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Re: [polymer-dev] Polymer 2.0 - HTML Imports Error - Trying to serve files from bitbucket/Github

2017-07-22 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 22 July 2017 at 05:36, Naga Sai A <> wrote:
> But is there an option/workaround to import file from bitbucket/Git
> without using webserver

​HTML Imports only work through HTTP and HTTPS. You therefore need to use a
system that exposes your files over an HTTP connection. For development you
can use the polymer-cli with the `serve` command.

Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat

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Re: [polymer-dev] Polymer2.0-paper-tabs with iron-pages

2017-07-10 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 9 July 2017 at 03:43, Naga Sai A <> wrote:
> webcomponents+1.0.0/components/">
>Tab 1
>Tab 2
>  Tab1 content
>   Tab2 content

​You cannot data-bind outside of a custom element. The easiest way to allow
data-binding when you ​include multiple components within  is to use
the  element to wrap your implementation. Alternatively move all
your code into a custom element and in the main body just put the single
reference to your new element. I've amended your example with a 

Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat

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Re: [polymer-dev] Polymer 2.0 - Trying to local storage object

2017-07-05 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 6 July 2017 at 01:08, Daniel Llewellyn <> wrote:
>   var app = document.getElementById("app");
>   app.temp = localStorage.getItem("saved");

​Oops, I also bound the array directly to the string-requiring field in
this first example. You probably want to use something like the _getAnItem
function from the second example in the example above. (the function is

>   // add _getAnItem() function to return something meaningful - you need a
> string, but the example you provided in temp holds an array.
>   app._getAnItem = function(arr) {
> return arr[0].name;
>   }

Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat

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Re: [polymer-dev] polymer data binding

2017-07-01 Thread Daniel Llewellyn

> On 29 Jun 2017, at 01:17, wrote:
> why in polymer older version we can direct to binding property value use 
> other element like "{{$.core_input.value}}",but  in polymer 2.0 
> impossible.impossible.
>   inputvalue="w" value="w" id="core_input">
>  id="core_input2">

Use a proper variable when binding:



Alternatively use a computed binding:


class your_component extends Polymer.Element {
// fill the rest yourself per standard patterns

core_input_value() {
return this.$.core_input.value;


Daniel Llewellyn.

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Re: [polymer-dev] iron-list+iron-scroll-threshold inside a div using scroll-target with an element not working

2017-04-24 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 24 April 2017 at 15:10, Ignacio Manzano <>

> Thanks!
> It is the key of the iron-list demo example, it is not mine :). is in
> the github's file

>From what I can discern, the scroll-target attribute takes the name of a
_variable_ which points to the HTML Element you wish to monitor for scroll

In the example you shared from iron-list's repo the variable is the
top-level `document` object. You can populate a variable using `var cc =
document.getElementById('cc');` if you are sure you want to monitor scroll
events on the element with the ID of "cc".

I believe the variable needs to be either global or local to the element
which hosts the `iron-scroll-threshold` instance. In the example from
iron-list that meant the variable needed to be defined in the main document
scope or the global scope; because `document` is in the global scope it
satisfies that requirement.

Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat

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Re: [polymer-dev] Re: "content" tag in PolymerJs 1.0 not rendering table rows properly in IE11. Plz suggest

2017-04-24 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 14 April 2017 at 15:45, <> wrote:


I can't find any px-column elements listed on What is
this element designed to do, and where did you get it from? Did you write
it yourself? If you wrote it yourself then you'll need to share it's
definition. Ideally you should create a minimal example on a site like
jsbin or codepen and share the link with this mailing-list so that someone
can see what is happening and they can then fork the bin/pen to try
different fixes.

If you meant to be referring to px-data-table-column then I do not believe
it works in the way you have specified, which might account for the
behaviour you witness. The predix documentation at might help you figure
it out in that case.

Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat

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Re: [polymer-dev] How To Disable Accessing Polymer CustomElements Property Accessing From Google Chrome Console

2017-04-13 Thread Daniel Llewellyn

> On 13 Apr 2017, at 10:32, wrote:
> suppose i have created an element  having one 
> boolean property myvar..Currently Anyone Can modify this value from Chrome 
> console.i want to avoid it
> ex
> var ele=document.querySelector('my-element');
> ele.myvar=false;

You have three options:

1. Rename the property to `_myvar` to indicate that it is private (but this 
does not prevent access)

2. Do not expose the property (remove it from the `properties{}` object). 
Instead, use the value as a variable internal to your element and do not allow 
any assignment from outside the element. This does not update bindings 
automatically. In Polymer 1.x that will be similar to:

(function() {
is: ‘myelement’,
properties: {
// removed the myvar from here
myvar: false,
setMyvar: function(newval) {
// allow setting myvar only when you approve of the change with 
tests in here
if (allowedToSet) {
this.myvar = newval;
// update your DOM as required here, because this does not 
update bindings automatically

3. Expose the property but do not use directly inside your element, referring 
instead to a variable which is assigned by an observer. This does not update 
bindings automatically. For Polymer 1.x this would be similar to:

(function() {
var myvar = false;
is: ‘myelement’,
properties: {
myvar: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
observer: ‘onMyvarChanged’
_myvar: false,
onMyvarChanged(newValue, oldValue) {
// allow setting myvar only when you approve of the change with 
tests in here
if (allowedToSet) {
this._myvar = newval;
// update your DOM as required here, because this does not 
update bindings automatically

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Re: [polymer-dev] sub-request

2017-04-06 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 5 April 2017 at 10:08, <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I would nest 2 Ajax requests.
> I have to make a first request to have the list of commands and go looking
> for the detail of each command with another queries.
> But my command displays on outes the records the detail of the last
> command :(
> auto
> id="requestRepos"
> url=";
> params='{"ws_key":"X","filter[current_state]":"9","
> output_format":"JSON"}'
> handle-as="json"
> last-response="{{response}}">
>  auto
> id="requestDetail"
> url="{{}};
> params='{"ws_key":"XX","output_format":"JSON"}'
> handle-as="json"
> last-response="{{jsondata}}">
>   {{}}
>  {{jsondata.order.total_paid_real}}
> €

​Nesting is not your issue.

The issue is that you are assigning the output of each repeated iron-ajax
into the same variable (jsondata). This obviously means that only the last
result to be returned is displayed on all instances. The best way to work
this is to extract the content of your dom-repeat into a separate element
that takes a an order id as input and displays the card associated with
that one order id. Then include that element in your dom-repeat so that
there is no shared-state:


Then your element includes something along the lines of:[[orderId]];


Polymer({is: 'my-order-element'});

Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat

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Re: [polymer-dev] Help with deployment

2016-12-12 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Wed, 30 Nov 2016 at 01:39 Peter Cruz  wrote:

> Hi, im starting to learn polymer and i want to deploy the starter-kit
> example in apache server; i have already build the project with cli, then i
> tried to run the result with apache but the web explorer searches resources
> on http://localhost/ instead of http://localhost/my-app/ ... i have not
> found documentation about it

By default all paths in the starter-kit are relative to the file which
includes the reference. For example all paths in components in
bower_components/* will usually reference
../[component-name]/[component-name].html in any rel=import link tags. In
files you edit you should also reference things correctly in their standard
hierarchy. E.g. if you have a reference in index.html which includes ../ as
the first element of the path then it will look in the directory above
where index.html resides, e.g. / where your index.html is in /my-app/.

what am i doing wrong?
> is there any example or documentation on the web that i can read?

You need to verify any paths you've added do not start with / or otherwise
reference directories above the directory of your app.


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Re: [polymer-dev] [Polymer Iron-list] Iterate array item of JSON type and keep getting the following error message - Attributes: couldn`t decode Array as JSON

2016-12-12 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Mon, 12 Dec 2016 at 10:08  wrote:

> Hi,
> Only few posts about this topic on Stackoverflow so I came here for help.
> Many people believe it is due to JSON format is incorrect as result of
> parsing failure. However, I spent quite some time double check to ensure my
> data format can meet JSON standard. I even verified my data with
> JSON.parse() and the return result is okay. But putting the same data
> object on HTML calling iron-list tag simply doesn't work. I believe there
> is a flaw on the array call itself while the return error message doesn't
> provide more details. Please someone help me here or I might have give up
> using this wonderful web element. Thanks.

Please show where you get the posts variable from, where you assign it into
the variable called posts, etc. It is unclear what this variable looks like
without those details. Also beneficial would be a `console.log(typeof
posts, posts);` output to verify what it contains.

By using  <%= posts %> tag on my html, I can see the correct representation
> of my JSON data.

I don't know what <%= posts %> means, but it definitely is not
Polymer-enhanced-HTML or plain-HTML.

> {"Name":"ccc","Address":"ddd","Phone":""},
> {"Name":"eee","Address":"fff","Phone":""}]

That data looks fine.


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Re: [polymer-dev] How to use Paper-item in another item

2016-11-28 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Sun, 27 Nov 2016 at 21:50 Daniel Llewellyn <> wrote:

> To create your own custom list and list-item elements which allow for
> composability you can attempt something like
>  however
> I don't understand that method well enough to advise usage.

Following-up to myself, I've created a codepen which shows how to define a
list and list-item element that allows composition of inner elements:


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Re: [polymer-dev] How to use Paper-item in another item

2016-11-27 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Fri, 25 Nov 2016 at 04:39  wrote:

> Hey!
> If I had a similar list item to the Polymer Shop:
> ..and I wanted to use a paper-icon-item, would the idea be to put the
> paper-icon-item inside shop-list-item?

The shop example is built in a way that shows a working example, but some
of the elements are designed to work with only their siblings. That
includes the shop-list and shop-list-item elements. Unfortunately it means
you cannot modify much without hacking it about directly.

If you just want to replace the image on an item then the object which
defines each item can include an `image` attribute. This attribute will be
passed to shop-image which determines the image display. The attribute
itself should be a single string with the URL to the image you want to

To create your own custom list and list-item elements which allow for
composability you can attempt something like
I don't understand that method well enough to advise usage.


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Re: [polymer-dev] Call a Method From Inside dom-repeat in Polymer

2016-11-27 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Mon, 17 Oct 2016 at 06:37 vishnu.mohan via Polymer <> wrote:

> My problem is the method _getColumnItemValue is not being called. Is
> there any better way to do achieve this?

I've put a simile of your code into a codepen to show you an example which
works: As you can see, the code is
very similar/identical to your own and behaves how it should.


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Re: [polymer-dev] Boolean property value is based on presence of attribute?

2016-11-27 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Tue, 26 Jul 2016 at 00:52 qiuyangs via Polymer <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am having a question about Boolean property value. As the doc says Boolean
> properties are set based on the *presence* of the attribute: if the
> attribute exists at all, the property is set to true, regardless of the
> attribute *value*. If the attribute is absent, the property gets its
> default value.
> Here is my experiment. my-element want to use a collapseOpened property to
> bind to it's local DOM iron-collapse's property 'opened'.
>   some texts
> Polymer({
>   is: 'my-element',
>   properties: {
> collapseOpened: {
>   type: Boolean,
>   value: false,
> }
>   },
> });
> Since in the 'opened' attribute is present in iron-collapse, should it be
> true? But in fact, the iron-collapse is not expanded, which indicates the
> value is false.
> Any ideas?

I believe there are two different things going-on here. You are correct
that HTML specifies that if an attribute is present then it is always a
truthy value when queried by javascript even if explicitly set to false in
the markup. The problem is that your attribute is assigned a value via
Polymer's data-binding. If this were a normal attribute on a regular HTML
specified tag such as  then class would always be truthy.

However as this is a custom-element-specific attribute handled via
Polymer's data-binding then the rules are a bit less well-defined. Polymer
is explicitly setting the javascript property named for the attribute to
the value of "false" via data-binding even-though the attribute is present
in the markup.


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Re: [polymer-dev] How to style the Paper Input to a normal input box?

2016-11-27 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Mon, 21 Nov 2016 at 12:49  wrote:

> Can anyone please help me to style the default  element to a
> normal input box? The default polymer  element is having an
> underline. I want to style it to a normal text box  (input box). I will be
> thankful if you are showing with a small example too.
> Thanks in advance..


The `paper-*` elements are purposefully opinionated about appearance. They
follow the guidelines in the "Material Design" specification that Google
publish. For a regular input box you might have better luck using the
`iron-input` element in-place of paper-input.


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Re: [polymer-dev] paper-textarea value is now an array

2016-11-27 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Wed, 9 Nov 2016 at 18:09  wrote:

> 1: paper-input type password
> 2: paper-textarea
> 3: json detail  display  in  my iron-form after submit in the display event
> pleace help me to resolve this bug


It's not clear (to me, at least) what you're trying to achieve and how you
have attempted to do so. Would it be possible for you to share a code
sample which shows the bug that you mentioned? Alternatively could you
describe in more detail the problem?


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Re: [polymer-dev] Enable HTTPS using keystore.jks file - Polymer

2016-11-27 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Fri, 25 Nov 2016 at 07:59 Abhilash Sathe  wrote:

Currently, my Polymer project is hosted on Amazon Linux server. I use polymer
serve to start my server and get the project up and running.

The `polymer serve` command is not intended to be used for production
purposes. You should use a regular web-server for this.

Now, I need to enabled HTTPS for my server. I have the keystore.jks file
with me. What should be my approach?

You will need to configure whichever web-server you decide to use for
production purposes. For example, a popular choice is Apache which requires
the certificate and key to be supplied in PEM format, which is different to


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Re: [polymer-dev] dynamically generating AJAX requests

2016-11-21 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Mon, 3 Oct 2016 at 14:14  wrote:

> I am trying to develop a component that makes a variable number of AJAX
> requests, to different URL's.  Here is what it does:
>1. Make an initial request to get the groups to which the user belongs.
>2. When the initial request completes, make a request for each group
>returned.  The URL for the request includes the group id returned in the
>response to the initial reqest.
>3. As each group request completes, and the group data to an array
>4. When all of the group requests have completed, set a Boolean
>property so that the "loading" indicator becomes hidden.
Something like this might work:


Re: [polymer-dev] Re: Performance in FF

2016-11-17 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Thu, 17 Nov 2016 at 12:42 Антон Мирошниченко  wrote:

There is no necessity to sign up to see described effect.

четверг, 17 ноября 2016 г., 14:00:29 UTC+3 пользователь Антон Мирошниченко

Hello everyone!

I have my polymer SPA application called "Designmap" (it is not ads). It is pretty massive now.
Everything woks fine on webkit. But if we will try to use FF for instance
it will be not so good. A start loading bar will be showed too long time
(~4sec). And it is directly related with "webComponentsReady" event.
Because i stop loading when all of components is loaded. For example Chrome
needs a few moments to load all components. I use Polymer Starter Kit with
Vulcanizer but it is not a solution. Could somebody help me with it? I
would like to incrase performance of my app in FF.

>From a quick look you appear to be expecting 2 megabytes of HTML to be
parsed quickly. And on top of that you're expecting the parsing to happen
as quickly in a polyfill as it happens natively. I think you need to try
reducing the amount of HTML you send to the browser to be just what is
needed for each view and lazy-load the rest rather than expecting the
visitor to download all 2MB on first-hit.

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Re: [polymer-dev] No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

2016-11-07 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Mon, 7 Nov 2016 at 14:16 Daniel Llewellyn <> wrote:

> Header add Allow-Access-Control-Origin localhost

I mistyped the header name here. It should be
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin". Sorry :-)

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Re: [polymer-dev] No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

2016-11-07 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Mon, 7 Nov 2016 at 11:32 Abhilash Sathe  wrote:

> XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://serverthati' No
> 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
> Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access. I used
> CORS add on in chrome and then it works. But otherwise it doesn't. How can
> I fix this? I'm using node js server. polymer-cli tools.

The server that is hosting your javascript and html imports (serverthati' per your example) needs to add the HTTP header (the
domain-name in your example should be "localhost"):


OR to allow everyone to use those assets:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

The actual configuration of your server is probably beyond the scope of
this list. If "serverthati'" is running Apache then you can
find documentation here: Which
suggests to add into your server config a line similar to (for your

Header add Allow-Access-Control-Origin localhost

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Re: [polymer-dev] Multiple instances of elements seem to be sharing property values ?

2016-10-23 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Sun, 23 Oct 2016 at 20:59 Toni  wrote:

> 1. By default, properties of Polymer objects are shared across all
> instances of the object (or, to be more precise, all references to the
> object, since Polymer doesn't create new instances, as in "new Element()").
> Basically, all properties are by default static.

This is not quite accurate.

> 2. Every property that is supposed to be individual to the specific
> reference, in other words, be not static, and changable without messing
> with any other instance/reference, has to have the field "value: function()
> { return []; }".

This is only required for Arrays and Objects.


In Javascript all variables are passed-by-value. The variable "holding" an
Object doesn't actually hold the Object; it only holds a reference to the
Object in memory. Whereas a variable pertaining to a primitive type
actually holds the value rather than a reference to the value in memory.

When Polymer creates a new instance of your element it copies the prototype
into a new Object. When the variable is copied the value is copied and
passed-by-value but as the value is actually a reference to the original
Object then the new instance will use the same object as all other

This is a problem with Javascript in general and not specific to Polymer.


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Re: [polymer-dev] Avarami equation(Isothermal crystallization)

2016-09-25 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Sun, 25 Sep 2016 at 16:33  wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have electrospun nanofibers. I want to calculated crystallization half
> time by Avrami equation. as paper I attached. But I am not sure that it is
> possible calculated for nanofibers ot the avrami equation is used for
> nanocompoite film.
> the other question that I have is for the date I have (the second
> attached) is it possible to calculated from this equation?

How do people find this mailing list without spotting that it's not about
plastics or manufacturing?

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Re: [polymer-dev] HTML page as template of an element

2016-08-31 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Mon, 1 Aug 2016 at 14:33  wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to refer some HTML page as Polymer element's template? I
> have seen a few examples but local DOM of the elements only have HTML
> markup.

I don't think it's clear what you're asking here. HTML is referenced by

The referenced file may include Javascript and CSS as any other HTML file
can using the standard 

Re: [polymer-dev] iron-image with rounded corners

2016-08-31 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Mon, 30 May 2016 at 19:01  wrote:

> Hi! How to add corner borders to iron-image with sizing=contain? Thank you
> :)
> P.S. border-radius doesn't work. Or works when size euqals to original one.

As you can see, border radius works fine (at least in chrome and edge).
However, when using "contain" the image will potentially have white-space
where it's dimension-ratio is different to that of your containing

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Re: [polymer-dev] Re: Promises in polymer

2016-08-30 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 at 06:49  wrote:

> It appears to me that promises are a part of the default Polymer
> polyfills. I do not know this for a fact, but promises seem to be working
> just fine straight out of the Polymer Starter Kit.

That is incorrect.

Promises are not part of Polymer, nor the WebComponents polyfill. They are
already available in all modern browsers (excepting Internet Explorer which
I would consider to not be "modern" anyway). There is no need for polyfills
as the topic-starter requested unless you need to support IE.


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Re: [polymer-dev] FW: invitation to Polymer Summit 2016 - Yandex LLC (Evgeniy Taranov)

2016-08-23 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On Tue, 23 Aug 2016 at 14:01 Svetlana Mashyanova 

> Dear sirs,
> could you please send me today the invitation to Polymer Summit 2016 for a
> visa preparation process for one participant?

This is a public mailing-list which is archived for anyone to read on the
Web. I'm therefore not sure that it is an appropriate place to be listing
Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Also, while this list is about
the Polymer Project, and therefore by association the Polymer Summit, it is
not an official point-of-contact for the organisers of the Polymer Summit.
If you need an invitation to attend the conference for VISA purposes you
will need to find an alternative contact point.

Some information about the VISA requirements may be found at Specifically, I believe the invitation requirement is
for attendees to a conference who will be paid to speak, and a Standard
Visitor VISA could be more appropriate for your visit - though note I am
only basing this on the information I gained from a cursory read-through of - the Standard Visitor VISA information is at, and the information regarding
business trips to the UK from Russia in general is aggregated at

I hope this helps you. Note that I am not an official member of the Polymer
Project nor am I an organiser of the Polymer Summit; I am purely an
interested party who wishes to help.



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Re: [polymer-dev] Polymer in WordPress

2016-05-28 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
I'd recommend the standard process using
0e2a/0? which is documented on the [polymer


bower install --save GoogleWebComponents/google-analytics  


That command should pull everything required for the google-analytics
component to be functional.

Sent from [Nylas N1](
/local-8df068cc-0e2a/2?, the
extensible, open source mail client.  

On May 28 2016, at 5:14 am, wrote:  

> Thank you Daniel!


> I'm really new to all of this, is there a way I can get the files required
(like webcomponents-lite.js) easily, so I can uploaded them to Wordpress?




> Thanks again!  
Take care!  
On Friday, May 27, 2016 at 12:29:29 PM UTC-3, Daniel Llewellyn wrote:


>> Yes it is. You will need to edit your WordPress theme, or preferably
[create a child-theme](
6900c420-b7fb/0? for
your changes so that updates to your theme from the original author don't
destroy your changes when you update.




>> You will need to add declarations in your child-theme's functions.php file
to 'enqueue' the webcomponents polyfill and to output your html imports.
Something [similar to
6900c420-b7fb/1? would probably be




>> For help with WordPress theming you can find myself and others in FreeNode
IRC in the [official #WordPress support




>> Hope this helps.




>> Daniel Llewellyn.




>> Sent from [Nylas N1](
/local-6900c420-b7fb/3?, the
extensible, open source mail client.  


>> On May 27 2016, at 3:20 pm, wrote:  


>>> Hello




>>> I wanted to know if its possible to install Polymer Elements in a
WordPress. I'm interested in using Google Analytics web component.




>>> Thanks!


>>> Follow Polymer on Google+: [](http://  
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Re: [polymer-dev] Polymer in WordPress

2016-05-27 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
Yes it is. You will need to edit your WordPress theme, or preferably [create a
6900c420-b7fb/0? for
your changes so that updates to your theme from the original author don't
destroy your changes when you update.


You will need to add declarations in your child-theme's functions.php file to
'enqueue' the webcomponents polyfill and to output your html imports.
Something [similar to
6900c420-b7fb/1? would probably be


For help with WordPress theming you can find myself and others in FreeNode IRC
in the [official #WordPress support


Hope this helps.


Daniel Llewellyn.


Sent from [Nylas N1](
/local-6900c420-b7fb/3?, the
extensible, open source mail client.  

On May 27 2016, at 3:20 pm, wrote:  

> Hello




> I wanted to know if its possible to install Polymer Elements in a WordPress.
I'm interested in using Google Analytics web component.




> Thanks!


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Re: [polymer-dev] Polymer cli implemented in Typescript? What gives?

2016-05-24 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
Personally, I am a bit ambivalent towards Typescript.


On one hand I like the types system helping me during development; but on the
other, like you, I like to use the language of the platform natively to
prevent weirdness in machine-written code that is less understandable to a
human reader. The IO mentions of using the platform rather than abstractions
also points towards not using Typescript.  
Sent from [Nylas N1](, the extensible, open source
mail client.  


On May 24 2016, at 7:06 pm, wrote:  

> I mean nothing against Typescript but after all the talk at I/O about
sticking to standards and reducing the amount of necessary tooling, whoever
thought this was a good idea? I understand that there are a lot of things that
speak for Typescript in general but I haven't seen it used anywhere else in
the Polymer ecosystem and I don't understand why the team chose to start using
it now. I'm not going to list all the reasons why I think this is a bad idea -
I think everybody in the team is aware of the drawbacks - but I'd love to hear
the reasoning behind this.




> /rant




> Sorry, but I just had to get this out of my system. Really love the work
you're doing! Keep it up!


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[polymer-dev] paper-toolbar > paper-icon-button in very narrow screens

2016-02-04 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
Hi folks, this is more of a bug report (I’ll try to remember to post it onto 
the right GitHub repo when I can).
I’ve created a page using the polymer-starter-kit which has a paper-toolbar as 
part of the layout, slightly modified from the original starter-kit, to include 
my own logo in the middle-container, and a custom heading element in the 







Your better place

The page uses the animation function and styles for the toolbar to shrink, but 
stay onscreen, unchanged from the starter-kit.

On very narrow screens, when the page is scrolled so that the toolbar is in the 
collapsed-but-visible state where the middle container is at the same vertical 
spacing as the paper-icon-button, the menu button is unclickable due to the 
middle container overlapping and intercepting the clicks/touches. The required 
width of screen to guarantee this error is max-width: 240px. The behaviour 
begins to be noticeable at max-width: 300px.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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[polymer-dev] Hello

2015-11-23 Thread Daniel Llewellyn

This is a discussion mailing list about the Polymer technology. Most of the
members of this list are unassociated with the Polymer team at Google, and
I doubt the members that are in the paid employ of Google have the ability
to hire you directly. I believe you might be better served by visiting

‪On Mon, 23 Nov 2015 at 11:43 ‫תומר קיסר‬‎ 

> Polymer team honor Greetings.
> I loved the framework you've built, straight power.
> My name is Tomer Keisar I am  32-year-old  married with three children and
> lives in Israel.
> I would like to work for you and promote Polymer Israel.
> My education:
> 1. 10 years of studying Torah, Jewish studies and a lot of Toshba.
> 2. Seven years of experience of programmer, three years of experience as a
> team leader and Director of Development, seven years of experience as a
> lecturer.
> 3. blessed with thinking outside the box and brilliant ideas and unusual.
> 4. As noted above serves as a lecturer in the number of software
> Professions colleges in Israel.
> 5. Professional at Microsoft writes a blog link below:
> 6. Now work as  director of a team of five people in Clal Insurance.
> 7. In addition to assimilating new technologies at work on an hourly basis
> in several companies in the country.
> 8. I used to work as a writer of books of satire and even took out a book
> published.
> Full Disclosure:
> In the past year working on an open architecture and programming "Product
> oriented" You could say I was writing my own alternative to polymer.
> In recent months I have been exposed to your solution and understand that
> you hold the ultimate solution it all so I was looking for.
> I just think the polymer will success, I'm sure it will success, but I
> estimate that swept other open community concept, only around the year -
> 2017.
> I am very interested in working for you and wants to bring the concept to
> the developer community in Israel. By the following:
> • providing courses on polymer
> • Open a Hebrew site for the developer community
> • Development of advanced components written in polymer technology
> And more ...
> My salary: hourly wages and be delivered on demand.
> Would be very happy to collaborate and be part of your team, you sure I
> can contribute in many and large.
> good luck,
> Tomer-
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RE: [polymer-dev] Usage of $= to bind dynamic value into a classattributes

2015-10-21 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
Setting the property as readonly means you cannot assign a value to it using 
the declarative markup in your page. This has the effect that the component 
discards the value you set in the attribute in the html.

Normally you would set the value statically in the property definition in your 
component when defining the property as readonly. To be able to assign a value 
to the property from outside the component via html markup then you need to 
remove the readonly setting.


From: André Jacques
Subject: [polymer-dev] Usage of $= to bind dynamic value into a classattributes

  I create a property like this:

properties: {
    somevar: {
        type: String,
        readOnly: true

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Re: [polymer-dev] Cleaning up the mailing list

2015-10-16 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 16 October 2015 at 18:36, Kayce Basques  wrote:

> Hello! I am going to moderate this mailing list. My first duty is to
> delete spam posts. If you see me slacking on my duties please call me out!

​Excellent news. The regular arabic(?) language facebook mails sent through
the list have been irksome :-)

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[polymer-dev] Re: Polymer iron-ajax can't load data to control

2015-09-15 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
I spot a couple problems straight-off. They're shown inline.

On Tuesday, 15 September 2015 17:40:05 UTC+1, Fasasi Faiz wrote:
> Please help me out! I was unable to load data from my "data.json" file 
> into my polymer controls
> =

remove is="dom-bind" - that is used for anonymous templates.

>   auto
> url="data.json"
> handle-as="json"
> last-response="{{data}}">
> {{item.title}}
> {{item.description}}
>   Polymer({
> is: "list-binding",,
> ready: function() 
>   }
>   });

There's syntax errors here.


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Re: [polymer-dev] Re: Accessing JSON array element in Polymer 0.9

2015-08-20 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 20/08/2015 10:02, Anandhi Subramani wrote:
 Hi am trying to rean an external json file as response to an ajax
 call. But am not able to display the value from json in template using
 binding. Am using polymer 1.0
From your code it's probably dying before assigning the variable because
you've got incorrect javascript syntax in your Polymer() call, which is
likely causing all javascript to stop running.
  dataType: json,
You're assigning the value of the response to a variable named
identically to a function that already exists. The resultant behaviour
as far as I can tell is undefined, but will probably overwrite the
function (effectively deleting the function from memory). To use
ajaxResponse as a function you need to change the above to rename or
remove the assigned variable and add an on-ajax-response=ajaxResponse
attribute. Don't forget to alter the textarea definition for the updated
variable name below.
   textarea value={{}}/textarea

   is: 'gauge-ajax'
The next two characters are incorrect for Polymer 1.0, which only has
one argument to the Polymer function,
so, remove the curly bracket but leave the comma (you can move the comma
onto the end of the is: line if it looks more neat).
   ajaxResponse: function(request) {
You now need to close the function request and object argument with
}); without the quotes.

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Re: [polymer-dev] Derivative work relicensing

2015-06-30 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 30/06/2015 14:26, Leonardo Brito wrote:
 Is there a guide for relicensing customized components? I made some
 components based on the gold-zip-input and I'm trying to update the
 license as it state clearly that Google or Polymer authors names should
 not be used to endorse any derivative work.

Bearing in-mind that IANAL:

Even if you re-license a component, you still need to abide by all the
terms of the component's original license agreement. This means that you
will likely be required to include all copyright notices from the
original component such as the google or polymer copyrights, and if the
original license requires that neither google nor polymer be used to
endorse the work then you need to include those restrictions on your
derivative work.

You cannot remove terms and conditions unless they are explicitly stated
to be removable in derivative works. This means that you cannot for
example take a GPL project and release your derivative under a different
license because the GPL restrictions require that derivatives be
licensed under the same terms as the original. The restrictions of the
GPL applied to the original project are transferred to derivative works.

For MIT or BSD licensed projects, which are more liberal in their
allowances, you are still required to maintain the original copyright
and restrictions on endorsements even if you release your derivative
under a different license, be that proprietary or open source. This
means you need to include those same restrictions into whichever terms
your derivative work is released under.


Daniel Llewellyn

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Re: [polymer-dev] Effect of temperature

2015-06-23 Thread Daniel Llewellyn

On 23/06/2015 08:51, Par Rastegar wrote:
 Hello, I have two capacitive humidity sensors with two different
 polymeric sensing layer. the capacitance of one of this sensor increase
 by increasing the humidity and *temperature* and the capacitance of
 another sensor decrease by increasing the humidity and *temperature*.
 this is my question why the capacitance of one sensor *increase at
 higher temperature* but the capacitance of another sensor *decrees at
 high temperature*? what is the reason?  

I really wonder how folk think this list is some manufacturing (or in
this case, electronics?) mailing list.

AFAICT it's pretty obvious in all the links that this ML is about a
computer-software project. Most places even indicate that it's
specifically a web-development software-project. So how people take
those indications and think it's a good place to discuss polymer-forming
or polymeric capacitors as above, or even discuss business deals
regarding physical products as seen in previous emails, is beyond my
comprehension Maybe someone can enlighten me?

Daniel Llewellyn; Bowl Hat
PGP/GPG: 0x0349ED21;

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RE: [polymer-dev] Facing problem with new dom-binding technique

2015-06-03 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
The {{}} needs to be wrapped such that it appears in its own dom node. Data 
binding is currently limited this way.

An example that should fix it is to add an additional span tag around your 

-Original Message-
From: Tushar Mishra
Sent: ‎03/‎06/‎2015 12:44
Subject: [polymer-dev] Facing problem with new dom-binding technique

Please help me in figuring out why this doesn't work.
I've made a simple element whose code is pasted here: 

The element shows up in the Dev tools of chrome with no errors in the console.
However the DOM does not show anything inside the span area of the element.

I am unable to figure out what could be causing this.
Please help me.
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Re: [polymer-dev] property's accepted values

2015-05-19 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
so I went ahead and built that module I alluded to below. It can be found
at my github:

   - for the pretties (docs),
   - for the codes.

On 19 May 2015 at 03:32, Daniel Llewellyn wrote:

 Just musing to myself I wondered if there exists currently or on the
 roadmap the ability to specify a set of values a particular property may
 accept. This would be similar to other languages' `enum` type where you
 specify up-front all the possible values and the implementation refuses to
 accept things outside of those values. Another idea is a regular expression
 validator on incoming values. My idea is that if a component's property is
 set to an invalid value by one of these two validations then the component
 code we write ourselves is never notified of the change and it is silently
 ignored. This would allow component authors to be sure that values they
 receive are correct without having to write boilerplate to actually verify
 that fact.

 Thinking about a possible implementation I suppose a validator-proxy
 component could be created which encapsulates all the required validation
 in generalised terms which takes an input value, a default, and either a
 regex or list of accepted values and has an output property which will only
 ever contain normalised values.

 Then we can even create a series of known-good intermediate
 implementations of the validator-proxy which contains pre-build validations
 for things like css colours, telephone numbers etc. which just take
 a single input and give a single validated output without the requirement
 to write the regex every time an author wants a common validation.

 In fact I might just go ahead and write that component while I'm faffing

 P.S. 4am coding is always good for these random ideas! Oh it's nearly 4am
 (3:30) now :-p

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Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat

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[polymer-dev] property's accepted values

2015-05-18 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
Just musing to myself I wondered if there exists currently or on the 
roadmap the ability to specify a set of values a particular property may 
accept. This would be similar to other languages' `enum` type where you 
specify up-front all the possible values and the implementation refuses to 
accept things outside of those values. Another idea is a regular expression 
validator on incoming values. My idea is that if a component's property is 
set to an invalid value by one of these two validations then the component 
code we write ourselves is never notified of the change and it is silently 
ignored. This would allow component authors to be sure that values they 
receive are correct without having to write boilerplate to actually verify 
that fact.

Thinking about a possible implementation I suppose a validator-proxy 
component could be created which encapsulates all the required validation 
in generalised terms which takes an input value, a default, and either a 
regex or list of accepted values and has an output property which will only 
ever contain normalised values.

Then we can even create a series of known-good intermediate implementations 
of the validator-proxy which contains pre-build validations for things like 
css colours, telephone numbers etc. which just take a single input 
and give a single validated output without the requirement to write the 
regex every time an author wants a common validation.

In fact I might just go ahead and write that component while I'm faffing 

P.S. 4am coding is always good for these random ideas! Oh it's nearly 4am 
(3:30) now :-p

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Re: [polymer-dev] looking for a consultant who is specialist in compounding of PA (nylon)

2015-04-07 Thread Daniel Llewellyn

On 07/04/2015 06:14, wrote:

Dear friends,
we are looking for a consultant who is specialist in compounding of PA 
(nylon). Retireds  from  BASF, DSM and Rhodia are dominant. if you 
know please help us.

we want  to restart a company in Iran.
this gave me a good giggle. I wonder how the author got all the way to 
signing up for, and sending an email to, the list without noticing that 
all the material around it neglects to mention any form of manufacturing 

Daniel Llewellyn, Bowl Hat

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Re: [polymer-dev] Fwd: Web Component

2015-03-05 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
Hash: SHA1

On 06/03/2015 01:30, kanchana weerasinghe wrote:


this looks like a function call to a jQuery plugin which will require
that the chartContainer be sugared by jQuery before the function will
exist. Therefore, untested, but you might try:


Caveat: I know very little of Polymer's internals, and none of jqxChart.

- -- 
Daniel Llewellyn, Bowl Hat
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[polymer-dev] simple example of polymer in production

2015-01-29 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
Hi gang,

Thought you might be interested in a project I worked on using a small
amount of polymer.

I recently launched a tiny informational site in the UK on behalf of
Sanofi-Aventis (the pharmaceutical company) about their relaunch of a UK
brand of headache medication called Syndol. While I didn't use polymer
or web components exclusively, or even extensively, I have utilised them
on a very limited basis for the encapsulation capability which allowed me
to (mainly) insert retina-capable imagery with webp alternatives using the
picture element. The encapsulation capability of polymer allowed me to
simplify the image code to a single line of code for each image instead of
the verbosity that is picture, srcset and source.

The best example of my usage is this page (the thumbnails):

Daniel Llewellyn.

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Re: [polymer-dev] Re: Can I use polymer with PHP?

2014-12-27 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
simple example:

On 27 December 2014 at 07:58, wrote:

 Could me show me some example?
 Thank you :)

 On Saturday, December 27, 2014 2:46:37 PM UTC+7, Markus Gattol wrote:

 Probably yes as Polymer works in the front-end rather than on the server
 (which is where you PHP interpreter runs). You need to find out how
 templating works with PHP and adapt/create your templates so that you have
 it spiced up with web components bits and pieces.

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Daniel Llewellyn
Bang Communications Limited
t: 01256 370 952

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Re: [polymer-dev] Re: Easier way to get the index value in a repeat template in js?

2014-12-14 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
you are redefining the idx variable so you cannot reference the
outer-template's index - try changing the outer-template idx variable name:,output

On 14 December 2014 at 19:39, wrote:

 Yes I did do that but that gives me the index for the Phones array that is
 a sub array of Contacts.  So I have the index of the Phones array to remove
 but I need the Contact index that the Phones array is attached to,output

  removePhone: function(e, detail, sender){
   var contactIdx = parseInt(sender.templateInstance.model.c.idx)
   var phoneIdx = parseInt(sender.templateInstance.model.idx)[contactIdx].splice(phoneidx,1);

 When you click on a particular phone to delete from a contact it calls the
 above function. You can see that in order to remove the phone that I have
 the index for, I need to have the contact index as well.  But in this
 function I only have access to the model associated with the Phones and not
 the Contact.  Is there a way to traverse up the templateInstance chain to
 get the templatInstance associated with the Contact?

 On Sunday, December 14, 2014 1:49:12 AM UTC-5, wrote:

 I am trying to convert Knockout contacts example to Polymer just for
 reference and was wondering if there is an easier method to get the
 selected index of a row.

 Here is the Knockout example I am converting http://jsfiddle.

 Here is what I am working on,output

 I know I can find the index by using something like this, this would be
 for deleting a contact

 removeContact: function(e, detail, sender){

 var obj =;
  var found_index =;
  if (found_index !== -1) {,1);

 Or if I want to pass the index from the template I can do something like 
 using the   polymer index syntax and assigning it to a html5 data 
 attribute such as data-idx

 template repeat='{{c,idx in data}}'tr
  input value='{{idx}}' /
  input value='{{c.firstName}}' /
  diva href='javascript:;' on-tap='{{removeContact}}' 
  tdinput value='{{c.lastName}}' //td

 But having to add the polymer index syntax and data- attribute or having to 
 search for the index in js each time is a little bit of a pain especially 
 since Polymer already has the index for the selected row.

 Is the selected index exposed in js somewhere that I am missing?

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Daniel Llewellyn
Bang Communications Limited
t: 01256 370 952

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Re: [polymer-dev] Re: resizable elements

2014-11-11 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
That raises an interesting edge-case bug - in chrome:

click the button in stack overflow to run the code, and resize the red area
beyond the containing element's dimensions and let go of the mouse while
the pointer is outside the containing element. if it behaves how I'm seeing
the mouseup event doesn't get fired so the red element is resized but the
reported dimensions don't update to match.

On 12 November 2014 00:52, Eric Bidelman wrote:


 On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 11:16 AM, Matt Johnston wrote:

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Daniel Llewellyn
Bang Communications Limited
t: 01256 370 952

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Re: [polymer-dev] I am new to polymer - how to install polymer in windows.

2014-09-10 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 10 September 2014 08:36, DINESH T.M. wrote:

 Hi friends,

   I am new to polymer and I didn't know how to use polymer.anyone can
 explain how to install polymer in windows.then how to start edit polymer
 design. please explain step by step. has the
relevant details if you care to click through to the various links.

you probably want bower:

which requires git and nodejs to be installed first: and

once git and node are installed run from a terminal the command on the
bower site to get bower installed.

now bower is installed you can follow the instructions on the polymer page
that details Installing with bower:

Daniel Llewellyn
Bang Communications Limited
t: 01256 370 952

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Re: [polymer-dev] Submit Custom Elements

2014-08-24 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
Hi Ron

On 24 August 2014 23:04, Ron Truex wrote:

  I am sure you get asked this a lot.  But how does one submit custom new

 For example I have created 2 new elements one is a tri drawer so it has 3
 different settings depending on the screen size.  Then the other is more of
 a general site layout using that.  I have modeled it after the following
 general theme.

While I'm not a member of the development team for Polymer, and I usually
sit quietly on the sidelines and just watch, this is a question I can

For registering your own components I believe the accepted method is to
upload the code to github and use `bower register` to get the component
installable via bower's standard methods. To enable discoverability by
other users, the easiest way is to add a keywords stanza to your
bower.json file in your component with an entry of web-component. This
will then be picked up by and which both index available web components for
public consumption.

example bower.json for identification of being a web-component:

  name: component-name,
  version: 0.0.1,
  authors: [
any other contributors
  description: short one-line description of the component,
  main: the-component.html,
  keywords: [
  license: Component's License (I use 'MIT'),
  dependencies: {
polymer: ~0.3.5

Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat
t: 07500 968 611

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Re: [polymer-dev] Submit Custom Elements

2014-08-24 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 25 August 2014 01:03, Ron Truex wrote:

 So basically you have to join one of git hubs paid membership options?

Nono, the paid github plans are not required for this, just a free account.
Github allows public code (free/libre software) to be stored free-of-charge
(no cost).

Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat
t: 07500 968 611

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