Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-27 Thread Predrag Punosevac

Zvezdan Petkovic wrote:

On Apr 26, 2008, at 7:30 AM, Marc Espie wrote:
If anything, our xpdf should probably display a notice that says `the 
author of the document thought you should not be able to print it... 
or whatever'.

I didn't mean to get into this discussion because it really doesn't 
concern me at all.  Whatever the port maintainer decides I'm fine with 

However, I agree with this comment above from Marc Espie.

I am guilty of using DRM in PDF in the past.
Here's my use case.  I used to teach at the university.
My slides usually had figures with animations in it, resulting in 
multiple pages for each step of animation.

If a student presses a print button in a public lab they may pay a lot 
of money for 200 pages of slides in huge letters and page-by-page 

To prevent an unnecessary expense to a student, I always switched ON 
do not allow printing in PDFs of these lecture slides.  I also 
always posted a 4 up version of the slides with *no* protection -- 4 
slides per page with animations turned into a final picture after the 
last step.

Students than could print 10 to 20 pages of this document as opposed 
to 200.  They could also watch original slides on screen if they 
needed to see steps in the particular figure for better understanding 
of a process.

I also alway explained to students in class why there are two copies 
of the same slides and why is only one of them printable.

So, in my opinion this DRM has its use cases.
I hate to disagree with somebody who sounds like my fellow countryman 
but DRM has NO use. I also teach at the University and I some time 
prepare slides too which use over layers and even more fancy stuff. Any 
decant software for preparing slides (in my case I use Powerdot Latex 
class of presentation) has so called note mode. In note mode you can 
choose to put up to 4 slides on the single sheet of the paper for 
purposes of printing hand outs for your students. You may also include 
additional rule lines for taking the notes. Note mode will ignore over 
layers (which are in essence separate slides) or any other additional stuff.

To stay on the same note I think that scientific publishing is in sorry 
state and is ripe for a Theo De Raadt

of open publishing.

I am so sick to see my students spending hundreds of dollars for books  
that  should  not cost mode than $10.
In an era when the role of publisher is in essence reduced to printing 
already prepared manuscript (yes TeX and computers have revolutionized  
publishing almost as much as Gutenberg printing press)  and maybe market 
it little bit

I see no reasons for their existence in present form.
I am sick of cheap tricks like having new editions every two years or so.
I am sick of extra software that comes with the textbooks that nobody 
uses. I am sadden by a use of high quality
paper for books that kids are not going to keep more than a single 
school year.

Most Kind Regards,

Predrag Punosevac

Replacing a protection with a message of intent of the author is 
probably a good idea.

Re: UPDATE: lang/tcl/8.5 and x11/tk/8.5

2008-04-27 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2008/04/27 04:46, Stuart Cassoff wrote:
 Here's a small but very useful update to Tcl/Tk. The only difference is 
 now and are patched to make it a little easier 
 to build Tcl/Tk extensions against the installed Tcl/Tk. This should 
 reduce (by about one) the patches needed to port some extensions, 
 especially those using TEA (Tcl Extension Architecture).

I think this is the correct way to handle it. Tk builds correctly
with the patch removed, so the Tcl change works nicely
for me.

If TEA ports involve anything special (e.g. any special patching,
extra post-install targets, etc) it would be well worth the time to
look at and and consider if creating a module would give an easier and more uniform way to
port new extensions.

 Please remove x11/tk/8.5/patches/patch-unix_configure_in, it is no longer 

If you work on a ports tree checked-out from an anoncvs mirror or
a locally mirrored repo (cvsync/etc), you can cvs add/cvs rm
files (though not directories); this allows you to generate a diff
with cvs di -uN which includes the added/removed files all in
one place, (if you remove files, remind people to patch -E so
they don't end up with 0-byte files). This is a relatively easy
way to get any more-complicated updates to people for testing/

So, the complete diff looks like this (rooted in /usr/ports since
it covers both ports, so 'patch -d /usr/ports -E' to apply) -
PKGNAME also needs a bump.

Index: lang/tcl/8.5/Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/lang/tcl/8.5/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -p -r1.2 Makefile
--- lang/tcl/8.5/Makefile   25 Apr 2008 19:33:05 -  1.2
+++ lang/tcl/8.5/Makefile   27 Apr 2008 08:56:08 -
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ COMMENT=Tool Command Language
 VERSION=   8.5.2
-PKGNAME=   tcl-${VERSION}p0
+PKGNAME=   tcl-${VERSION}p1
 SHARED_LIBS=   tcl85 0.0
 CATEGORIES=lang lang/tcl
Index: lang/tcl/8.5/patches/patch-unix_tclConfig_sh_in
RCS file: lang/tcl/8.5/patches/patch-unix_tclConfig_sh_in
diff -N lang/tcl/8.5/patches/patch-unix_tclConfig_sh_in
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -
+++ lang/tcl/8.5/patches/patch-unix_tclConfig_sh_in 27 Apr 2008 08:56:08 
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- unix/  Sun Apr 27 09:39:05 2008
 unix/   Sun Apr 27 09:38:19 2008
+ # different place than the directory containing the source files, this
+ # points to the location of the sources, not the location where Tcl was
+ # compiled.
+ # List of standard directories in which to look for packages during
+ # package require commands.  Contains the prefix directory plus also
Index: x11/tk/8.5/Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/tk/8.5/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -p -r1.2 Makefile
--- x11/tk/8.5/Makefile 25 Apr 2008 19:34:21 -  1.2
+++ x11/tk/8.5/Makefile 27 Apr 2008 08:56:08 -
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ COMMENT=graphical toolkit for Tcl
 VERSION=   8.5.2
 SHARED_LIBS=   tk85 0.0
 CATEGORIES=x11 x11/tk
Index: x11/tk/8.5/patches/patch-unix_configure_in
RCS file: x11/tk/8.5/patches/patch-unix_configure_in
diff -N x11/tk/8.5/patches/patch-unix_configure_in
--- x11/tk/8.5/patches/patch-unix_configure_in  25 Apr 2008 14:17:25 -
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-unix_configure_in,v 2008/04/25 14:17:25 deanna Exp $
 unix/ Tue Mar 25 07:42:01 2008
-+++ unix/  Tue Mar 25 07:44:17 2008
-@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ Tk ${TK_VERSION}${TK_PATCH_LEVEL} needs Tcl ${TK_VERSI
- Use --with-tcl= option to indicate location of file for Tcl 
- fi
- #
- # Handle the --prefix=... option
- #
Index: x11/tk/8.5/patches/patch-unix_tkConfig_sh_in
RCS file: x11/tk/8.5/patches/patch-unix_tkConfig_sh_in
diff -N x11/tk/8.5/patches/patch-unix_tkConfig_sh_in
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -
+++ x11/tk/8.5/patches/patch-unix_tkConfig_sh_in27 Apr 2008 08:56:08 
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

Re: UPDATE: www/gnash

2008-04-27 Thread Jonathan Armani


Ok here on i386, I can play youtube video without problem, 90 % cpu but 
it works !

(0.8.0 use the same but play nothing)


Deanna Phillips wrote:

This diff, from brad@, updates gnash to 0.8.2.  So far, it's
only been tested on i386.


Brad takes MAINTAINER (yay!)

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/www/gnash/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -p -r1.19 Makefile
--- Makefile18 Dec 2007 22:04:32 -  1.19
+++ Makefile26 Apr 2008 04:33:58 -
@@ -1,83 +1,59 @@
 # $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.19 2007/12/18 22:04:32 deanna Exp $
-COMMENT=	flash player with firefox browser plugin

-DISTNAME=  gnash-0.8.0
-SHARED_LIBS += gnashbase 2.0
-SHARED_LIBS += gnashgeo 2.0
-SHARED_LIBS += gnashamf 2.0
-SHARED_LIBS += gnashserver 2.0
-SHARED_LIBS += gnashbackend 2.0
-SHARED_LIBS += gnashgui 2.0
-SHARED_LIBS += gnashplayer 2.0
+COMMENT=   Flash player with Firefox browser plugin
+VER=		0.8.2

+DISTNAME=  gnash-${VER}
-MASTER_SITES=  ${MASTER_SITE_GNU:=/gnash/0.8.0/}

-# patented codecs

+# GPLv3
+WANTLIB=   X11 Xau Xdmcp Xext Xrandr Xrender a52 c crypto expat \
+   faac faad freetype fontconfig glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 idn \
+   jpeg m mp3lame ogg pthread ssl stdc++ x264 usbhid z
-LIBTOOL_FLAGS+=	--tag=disable-static

 MODULES=   devel/gettext
-NO_REGRESS=testsuite available at
-USE_X11=   Yes
 LIB_DEPENDS+=  curl.=5::net/curl \
xml2.=9.0::textproc/libxml \
theora.=2::multimedia/libtheora \
agg.=2::graphics/agg \
gdk_pixbuf-2.0,gtk-x11-2.0,gdk-x11-2.0::x11/gtk+2 \
-   boost_thread-mt,boost_date_time::devel/boost \
+   boost_thread-mt.=1,boost_date_time-mt.=1::devel/boost \
ltdl::devel/libtool,-ltdl \
SDL.=7::devel/sdl \
vorbis,vorbisenc::audio/libvorbis \
-WANTLIB=	Xau Xcursor Xdmcp Xfixes Xi Xinerama Xrandr expat \

-   freetype fontconfig Xrender usbhid Xext X11 ICE SM \
-   stdc++ m pthread c ssl crypto z ogg cairo \
-   glib-2.0 pango-1.0 pangoft2-1.0 pangocairo-1.0 pangox-1.0 \
-   gobject-2.0 gmodule-2.0 atk-1.0 png jpeg glitz idn
-.for dir in libamf backend libbase libgeometry gui server
- LINKDIRS+=-L${WRKSRC}/${dir}/.libs
-   -L${LOCALBASE}/lib
+USE_X11=   Yes
 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-media=ffmpeg \
-   --with-plugindir=${LOCALBASE}/lib/mozilla-plugins \
-   --disable-klash \
+   --with-npapi-plugindir=${LOCALBASE}/lib/mozilla-plugins \
--disable-cygnal \
--disable-debugger \
--enable-renderer=agg \
--enable-gui=gtk \
-   --without-gcc-arch \
+INSTALL_TARGET=install install-plugins
+NO_REGRESS=testsuite available at
-MAKE_FLAGS+=	libgnashbase_la_LDFLAGS= \

-   libgnashgeo_la_LDFLAGS= \
-   libgnashamf_la_LDFLAGS= \
-   libgnashserver_la_LDFLAGS= \
-   libgnashbackend_la_LDFLAGS= \
-   libgnashgui_la_LDFLAGS= \
-   libgnashplayer_la_LDFLAGS=
+   @mv ${PREFIX}/bin/dumpshm ${PREFIX}/bin/gnash-dumpshm

Index: distinfo
RCS file: /cvs/ports/www/gnash/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -p -r1.4 distinfo
--- distinfo7 Jul 2007 10:47:04 -   1.4
+++ distinfo18 Mar 2008 20:39:54 -
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-MD5 (gnash-0.8.0.tar.gz) = AvcI2tx839juJY4Ix8Dqyw==
-RMD160 (gnash-0.8.0.tar.gz) = BTFLYbkZD/QsmJqhZu39A+I7d8w=
-SHA1 (gnash-0.8.0.tar.gz) = KainhCElctnX+nw+76RKOxutN2g=
-SHA256 (gnash-0.8.0.tar.gz) = bIPPXiIFzBjqHaJx3LzOvBtTyqWZZLwW0opy6XjlgLQ=
-SIZE (gnash-0.8.0.tar.gz) = 2706203
+MD5 (gnash-0.8.2.tar.gz) = 

Size of patches posted inline

2008-04-27 Thread Stuart Cassoff

Is there an accepted limit to the size of patches posted inline?
I have a 1326 line patch. At that size would it be preferable to gzip it and 
post it as an attachment?


Re: Size of patches posted inline

2008-04-27 Thread Deanna Phillips
Stuart Cassoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is there an accepted limit to the size of patches posted
 inline?  I have a 1326 line patch. At that size would it be
 preferable to gzip it and post it as an attachment?

No.  People subscribed to this list know what they are getting
into.  Besides, attaching and gzipping makes your patch much
less likely to be read.

UPDATE: devel/tcllib

2008-04-27 Thread Stuart Cassoff

Update to version 1.10.
Simpler/cleaner port.
Examples are now installed.
Regression tests enabled.
Put myself as maintainer (if that's ok).
All patches removed (please use patch -E), so I guess the patches dir should 
go as well.


Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/devel/tcllib/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 Makefile
--- Makefile16 Sep 2007 02:53:14 -  1.8
+++ Makefile27 Apr 2008 13:44:31 -
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2007/09/16 02:53:14 merdely Exp $

-COMMENT=   useful routines for Tcl
+COMMENT=   Tcl Standard Library

-DISTNAME=  tcllib-1.8
-CATEGORIES=devel lang/tcl
+DISTNAME=  tcllib-1.10
+CATEGORIES=devel lang/tcl


# BSD style
@@ -14,19 +16,19 @@

-BUILD_DEPENDS= ::lang/tcl/8.4
-CONFIGURE_STYLE=   gnu dest
+BUILD_DEPENDS= :tcl-=8.5:lang/tcl/8.5


-   ${LOCALBASE}/bin/tclsh8.4 ${WRKSRC}/installer.tcl \
-   -no-wait -no-examples -no-html -no-gui -no-apps \
-   -pkg-path ${PREFIX}/lib/tcllib1.4 \
-   -nroff-path ${PREFIX}/man/mann
+   ${LOCALBASE}/bin/tclsh8.5 ${WRKSRC}/installer.tcl \
+   -no-wait -no-gui -no-html -no-apps \
+   -pkg-path ${PREFIX}/lib/tcllib \
+   -nroff-path ${PREFIX}/man/mann \
+   -example-path ${PREFIX}/share/examples/tcllib
+   ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${LOCALBASE}/bin/tclsh8.5 \
+   ${WRKSRC}/sak.tcl test run -v -s ${LOCALBASE}/bin/tclsh8.5

Index: distinfo
RCS file: /cvs/ports/devel/tcllib/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 distinfo
--- distinfo5 Apr 2007 15:38:07 -   1.5
+++ distinfo27 Apr 2008 13:44:31 -
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-MD5 (tcllib-1.8.tar.gz) = 2L6jsY5R9VHx1SkWSjIV0Q==
-RMD160 (tcllib-1.8.tar.gz) = x/cc2vL1QCh6FMRfCix3o/yDH6A=
-SHA1 (tcllib-1.8.tar.gz) = zInYi0faxCeBfNKbhIt1H+j5pog=
-SHA256 (tcllib-1.8.tar.gz) = W0foCt8nAfRQqyUz6pPeRQMbrO23t7nYsjgcIX3GKqk=
-SIZE (tcllib-1.8.tar.gz) = 2482582
+MD5 (tcllib-1.10.tar.gz) = XdXl2wShw5t+LSXAYU9dyw==
+RMD160 (tcllib-1.10.tar.gz) = 1a5mDibOW/dL95gSamq8kaFHvHU=
+SHA1 (tcllib-1.10.tar.gz) = RP+EaUC8qYdwPFkRzm9qLJPPB44=
+SHA256 (tcllib-1.10.tar.gz) = 7YRemxG5YWlJtPJLWEXD09vd5MeByrsbI525X4KE+s4=
+SIZE (tcllib-1.10.tar.gz) = 3392591
Index: patches/patch-modules_doctools_mpexpand
RCS file: patches/patch-modules_doctools_mpexpand
diff -N patches/patch-modules_doctools_mpexpand
--- patches/patch-modules_doctools_mpexpand 2 Apr 2007 18:59:46 -

+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-modules_doctools_mpexpand,v 1.4 2007/04/02 18:59:46 jasper 
Exp $

 modules/doctools/mpexpand.orig Tue Mar  9 09:20:19 2004
-+++ modules/doctools/mpexpand  Mon Apr  2 17:16:29 2007
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- #! /bin/sh
- # -*- tcl -*- \
--exec tclsh $0 ${1+$@}
-+exec tclsh8.4 $0 ${1+$@}
- lappend auto_path [file dirname [file dirname [info script]]]
- package require doctools
Index: patches/patch-modules_mime_performance_tcl
RCS file: patches/patch-modules_mime_performance_tcl
diff -N patches/patch-modules_mime_performance_tcl
--- patches/patch-modules_mime_performance_tcl  2 Apr 2007 18:59:46 -

+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-modules_mime_performance_tcl,v 1.3 2007/04/02 18:59:46 
jasper Exp $

 modules/mime/performance.tcl.orig  Tue Mar  9 09:20:19 2004
-+++ modules/mime/performance.tcl   Mon Apr  2 17:16:29 2007
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- #! /bin/sh
- # -*- tcl -*- \
--exec tclsh $0 ${1+$@}
- #package require mime
- source ./mime.tcl
Index: pkg/DESCR
RCS file: /cvs/ports/devel/tcllib/pkg/DESCR,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 DESCR
--- pkg/DESCR   21 Dec 2003 16:04:05 -  1.3
+++ pkg/DESCR   27 Apr 2008 13:44:31 -
@@ -1,7 +1,49 @@
-This is the core development home for the tcllib standardized Tcl
-library. This is a set of pure-Tcl extensions that you can use to
-become even more productive with Tcl.
+A collection of pure-Tcl utility modules for Tcl that provide a wide
+variety of functionality, from 

NEW (again): x11/tcltutor

2008-04-27 Thread Stuart Cassoff
I've made all the adjustments suggested to me by various porters - thanks a 
lot for your help and patience. :)
I don't have the original to make a diff against so here's the whole thing 
again - sorry about that.
Beside the suggested changes I adjusted the button and top label fonts; they 
should now be more pleasing to the eye. The other fonts look fine to me.

I was wrong about choosing fonts, one can only change font sizes.

If you have already run tcltutor please remove your ~/.tcltutorrc before 
running this updated version or ... well it simply won't work if you don't.


Description: application/gzip

Re: NEW: devel/tklib

2008-04-27 Thread Stuart Cassoff
Adjustment from suggestion, also remove the '0.4' from the installed dir 

diff -urN otklib/Makefile tklib/Makefile
--- otklib/Makefile Thu Apr 24 18:58:09 2008
+++ tklib/Makefile  Sat Apr 26 16:45:35 2008
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
   ${LOCALBASE}/bin/tclsh8.5 ${WRKSRC}/installer.tcl \
   -no-wait -no-gui -no-html \
-   -pkg-path ${PREFIX}/lib/tklib0.4 \
+   -pkg-path ${PREFIX}/lib/tklib \
   -nroff-path ${PREFIX}/man/mann \
   -example-path ${PREFIX}/share/examples/tklib

-   env -i ${MAKE_ENV} ${REGRESS_FLAGS} \
   ${LOCALBASE}/bin/tclsh8.5 ${WRKSRC}/sak.tcl test

# This regression test wants an X11 display
diff -urN otklib/pkg/PLIST tklib/pkg/PLIST
--- otklib/pkg/PLISTThu Apr 24 14:32:16 2008
+++ tklib/pkg/PLIST Fri Apr 25 09:33:41 2008
@@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
@comment $OpenBSD$

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-27 Thread Matthew Dempsky
On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 12:53 AM, Predrag Punosevac
  I hate to disagree with somebody who sounds like my fellow countryman but
 DRM has NO use. I also teach at the University and I some time prepare
 slides too which use over layers and even more fancy stuff. Any decant
 software for preparing slides (in my case I use Powerdot Latex class of
 presentation) has so called note mode. In note mode you can choose to put up
 to 4 slides on the single sheet of the paper for purposes of printing hand
 outs for your students. You may also include additional rule lines for
 taking the notes. Note mode will ignore over layers (which are in essence
 separate slides) or any other additional stuff.

Zvezdan did say I also always posted a 4 up version of the slides
with *no* protection -- 4 slides per page with animations turned into
a final picture after the last step.

His use case for PDF's DRM was simply to protect students from
accidentally printing the animated slides instead of the still 4-up

Re: vpn, isakmpd, and X509 certificates

2008-04-27 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2008/04/27 14:18, Marten Rizwan wrote:
 Hello ports@,

this isn't exactly ports@ material...CC'd/reply-to set to misc.

 I'm a happy user of sane OpenBSD IPsec. There is one thing that
I haven't been able to figure out yet though. I want to simultaneously
connect to two IPsec servers, both of which are OpenBSD boxes and
both of them use X509 certificates. These two servers are managed
by different administrators and are absolutely unrelated. Hence,
their X509 certs are created with different CAs. In both cases, I
haven't been given opportunity to provide my own CSR for them to
generate my certificate. Hence, I'm given two pair of keys/certs
for each server. Basically, the two CSRs are signed using two
different private keys. What this means to me is that I need to
have two separate /etc/isakmpd/priavte/local.key for each server.
I believe that /etc/isakmpd/priavte/local.key is glued in isakmpd
and I have no way of specifying a separate local.key for each server
I'm connecting to. Am I missing something? By the way, I obviously
use ipsecctl(8) to configure IPsec.
 Thanks in advance.

I haven't tried this, and it's not in the manual as far as I can
see, but it looks like isakmpd looks in files named after the
identity of the local peer (i.e. srcid) before it tries local.key.
If you get it working, let me know the details and I'll try and
come up with something for the manual...

Re: UPDATE: devel/tcllib

2008-04-27 Thread Deanna Phillips
Stuart Cassoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] echo You may wish to add %D/man/mann to /etc/man.conf
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] echo You may wish to remove %D/man/mann from /etc/man.conf

This is no longer necessary, since we added section n to the
default search path earlier today.  This gives a handful of
other ports access to docs that were previously dropped there
without warning.

I think we should also move Tcl and Tk 8.5 manpages out into
${PREFIX}/man, but others will probably disagree.

Re: UPDATE: www/gnash

2008-04-27 Thread Ian Darwin

Deanna Phillips wrote:

This diff, from brad@, updates gnash to 0.8.2.  So far, it's
only been tested on i386.


Yes, it is a lot closer to working, and should go in.

Not sure if this is new or not, but there is a shm leak
when it fails to run a movie, it appears to quit without freeing shared 

ian:68$ ipcs
Message Queues:

Shared Memory:
m655365432001 --rw--- _postgresql _postgresql
m65538  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian
m65545  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian
m65546  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian
m   524307  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian

s655365432001 --rw--- _postgresql _postgresql
s655375432002 --rw--- _postgresql _postgresql
s655385432003 --rw--- _postgresql _postgresql

ian:69$ r gnash
gnash player.swf\?mediaId=837486\affiliateId=84576
Could not load movie 'player.swf?mediaId=837486affiliateId=84576'
ian:70$ ipcs
Message Queues:

Shared Memory:
m655365432001 --rw--- _postgresql _postgresql
m65538  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian
m65545  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian
m65546  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian
m   196626  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian
m   524307  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian

s655365432001 --rw--- _postgresql _postgresql
s655375432002 --rw--- _postgresql _postgresql
s655385432003 --rw--- _postgresql _postgresql

ian:71$ gnash player.swf\?mediaId=5\affiliateId=5
Could not load movie 'player.swf?mediaId=5affiliateId=5'
ian:72$ ipcs
Message Queues:

Shared Memory:
m655365432001 --rw--- _postgresql _postgresql
m   655361  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian
m65538  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian
m65545  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian
m65546  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian
m   196626  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian
m   524307  0 --rwarwarwa  ian  ian

s655365432001 --rw--- _postgresql _postgresql
s655375432002 --rw--- _postgresql _postgresql
s655385432003 --rw--- _postgresql _postgresql


Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-27 Thread Zvezdan Petkovic

On Apr 27, 2008, at 12:20 AM, Matthew Dempsky wrote:

In lieu of that, a simpler solution would seem to be to title your
links to the slides as Printer-friendly sides (no animation) and
Screen-friendly slides (animation).  Hopefully university students
can read, and if not, they should learn quickly after paying for a 200
page printout. :-)

Thank you for the comment Matthew.
That is exactly what I did.
The lecture table on the class web site looked something like this.

Lecture title   Slides  Printable 4 up slides

I also agree with you that the message could be too intrusive.
I knew that more advanced students who use Linux or BSDs can go around  
the protection on the slides and I didn't worry about that at all.   
I simply knew that they know enough to take care of themselves.

Best regards,


NEW: ssvnc-viewer

2008-04-27 Thread Stuart Henderson
This is a port of ssvnc's vncviewer, which is an enhanced TightVNC
viewer. Notable improvements include screen resizing, server-side
scaling, lower-colour modes, and a much more complete F8 menu.

I haven't changed the filename from the distribution (vncviewer),
so it's marked as conflicting with tightvnc-viewer; as far as I'm
concerned it obsoletes tightvnc-viewer, it's much more useful and
I haven't run into any compatibility problems (having used it for
a few months against various server types).

ssvnc also comes with a customised stunnel and some other parts
for connection menus; I've never felt the need, so haven't included
them in this version of the port, does anyone feel they'd be
really useful? (I left the pkgname open to convert to a multi-
package later and add them if need be).

Anyway please give it a spin if you use vncviewer, especially if
you use it regularly on arch other than i386/amd64.

Description: application/tar-gz

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-27 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Predrag Punosevac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Zvezdan Petkovic wrote:
  So, in my opinion this DRM has its use cases.
 I hate to disagree with somebody who sounds like my fellow countryman
 but DRM has NO use.

Actually, he stated a use for it.  Just because there are alternatives
doesn't mean that his use isn't valid.

 To stay on the same note I think that scientific publishing is in
 sorry state and is ripe for a Theo De Raadt of open publishing.

Considering that many researchers post there papers on there own web
pages, there is the arXiv, a second (at least) free textbook publisher
announced on slashdot a few days ago, department made texts at many
Universities (several of my classes had them at my old U) and the
existence of places like, I don't think that we are in such
dire straights as you seem to imply that we are in.  All that I think
needs to happen is that Profs take advantage of the resources that are
already out there.  As in, it's one thing for these texts to exist, but
quite another for them to be used.

But, it does also take man power to create these texts in the first

 I am so sick to see my students spending hundreds of dollars for
 books that  should  not cost mode than $10.
 In an era when the role of publisher is in essence reduced to
 printing already prepared manuscript (yes TeX and computers have
 revolutionized publishing almost as much as Gutenberg printing
 press)  and maybe market it little bit I see no reasons for their
 existence in present form. I am sick of cheap tricks like having
 new editions every two years or so.

In general I agree, but there are some exceptions.  For instance, there
is Dudley's Elementary Number Theory and Nering's Linear Algebra and
Matrix Theory among others (some by Lang and Rudin).  All of those
worth there high price tag.  Let's not ignore corner cases.

But, even then, Profs should start to apply pressure to publishing
houses to lower the prices of (at least) the older texts.  It's not
like they haven't recouped the expenses.

 I am sick of extra software that comes with the textbooks that nobody
 uses. I am sadden by a use of high quality paper for books that kids
 are not going to keep more than a single school year.

Not to mention the glare that comes off that paper that makes it
difficult to read... at least for my older eyes ;)

At any rate, so as to not have this mail completely off topic, if the
maintainer would include a patch to get rid of the DRM in xpdf, I'd
greatly appreciate it.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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