Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-05-01 Thread Ian McWilliam

On 26 Apr 2008, at 9:30 PM, Marc Espie wrote:

We're talking about stupid, evil, legal DRM here.

The pdf document basically says `oh, you're not supposed to do things
with this document, because I say so'. There's nothing that prevents  

from doing anything with the document.

If anything, our xpdf should probably display a notice that says  
`the author
of the document thought you should not be able to print it... or  

Finally, some sense, thanks. The real issue for me at least is the  
fact that one is prepared to modify (in this case xpdf) away for what  
ever standard it is written against, modified away from the original  
software distribution without documenting the change, informing the  
end user who installs the modified software so they can make an  
informed decision as to whether they still want to use the modified  
version or go off and install the unmodified version.

In the case of xpdf, everyone just wanted to shout we can modify the  
software because we can. If the modification is some where  
documented, then I and others don't sit scratching our heads as to why  
this no longer works the way it should according to the standard or  

But there is no actual protection in the document. It's all stupid  

in software.

This is a case where I strongly believe in freedom: the end user  
should be

able to decide what they can do with the document.

And equality: knowledgeable technical users shouldn't have an edge.
It's completely hypocritical to say `oh, you can recompile the  
software to

remove the restriction', because it shuts down some users.

As far as I'm concerned, you've got two levels of protection: legal  


This `drm' part of pdf is purely legal: you get a document, you are  
you're not supposed to do such and such, and THAT'S IT. There's no  

protection to speak of.

For me, the legal barrier is quite enough. As adult, you can make an  

choice whether or not to obey the spirit of the document author.

Ian McWilliam

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-05-01 Thread Ian McWilliam

On 26 Apr 2008, at 1:34 PM, Iruata Souza wrote:

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:25 PM, Ian McWilliam  

Stephan Andre' wrote:

On Friday 25 April 2008 20:49:00 Ian McWilliam wrote:

Ok, Not really wanting to comment on this call me a troll,  
call me

want you want but

The following rant in NOT about GPL licensing.
I am  neither supporting or denying the the said change to xdpf.
This is a discussion about modifying standards..

What is hypocrytical here is the not one person has said the have  
at the standard for PDF to determine the correct behaviour.  
it is for or against peoples wishes, there is a standard  
somewhere and

even the author of xpdf hints that there is one and what you are
removing is against the standard.

... I distribute source code (for Xpdf) under a particular  
license (the
GPL) which depends entirely on users' goodwill for its  
effectiveness. If
any of my users ever decided to violate the license, I would  
never even know about it, much less be able to do anything about  
it. The

only thing I can do is trust the users.

In light of this, it would be very hypocritical of me to, on one  
ask people to honor my licensing restrictions, and, on the other  

bypass (or assist others in bypassing) another author's requested

In addition to all of this, Adobe requires that implementors of  
the PDF

spec adhere to the document permissions.

I haven't read the Adobe PDF sepc or standard and have no  
to. It looks like no body here wants to either. I find that  


According to a recent thread on tech@ recently,

This patch is a joke.  It will never go into OpenSSH since it is
completely incorrect.  The standard is clear --

The version string for an SSH client or server is supposed to be
disclosed.  It is the standard behaviour, and is done for very good

Can anybody explain why is it acceptable to modify a standard for
ports but not not for base?

flame away

Ian McWilliam

P.S I hate DRM as much as the next person.

Because the two are completely different concepts.  The SSH patch
was clueless, both in terms of how OpenSSH works, and the protection
it would(n't) give.

Sorry  STeve but we are not talking directly about the SSH patch in
question. It's the concept of modifying software away from it's  

behaviour / standard.

The removal of the DRM code is has actual benefit, the GPL permits  
and Adobe  *knows* this.  This is useless laywer gobble.  PDF's  
are now

an ISO standard.

So if PDF is now an ISO standrard then what does the standard say  

what being modified?

This still dosn't answer why it is acceptable to modify a piece of  

away from it's standards definition

maybe you are a little confuse about design versus implementation?


Not really, I have no issue with design vs implementation as long as  
it is documented somehow. The issue is that we want to modify software  
away from the original implementation but not document that fact.

Ian McWilliam

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-05-01 Thread Ian McWilliam

On 26 Apr 2008, at 2:30 PM, Nick Holland wrote:

Ian McWilliam wrote:

Can anybody explain why is it acceptable to modify a standard for
ports but not not for base?

I think Standards is a bogus argument here.  That's not what
this is about.

Try this way of looking at it:
The author of xpdf wants DRM in the source code.  That is his right.
Many users find it more useful without it.  That is their right.
We distribute patches to build a version that disables the DRM that
will never be incorporated into the main package. That is our right.
The author distributes it the way they wish to, and OpenBSD
distributes a patch.  Everyone's rights are respected.

Author has freedom, users have freedom, OpenBSD has freedom.

The authors of OpenSSH don't want to hide the version.  That is
their right.
A few users think there is benefit in hiding the version.  That
is their right (you have the right to remain wrong...)
Someone distributes a patch that will never go into the OpenSSH
code.  That is their right.
The authors distribute the code they wish to and users can
distribute a patch.  Everyone's rights are respected.

Authors have freedom, users have freedom, patchers have freedom.

You see a difference.  I see remarkable parallels.

This is real freedom in action.

What you seem to think is that you get a vote or claim on someone
else's work.  No, you don't.  Not here, at least.
 OpenBSD decides what is in OpenBSD,
 The xpdf authors get to decide what is in xpdf,
 The OpenSSH authors get to decide what is in OpenSSH.
And that is how it should be, and that is how it is.

YOU get to decide what you wish to use, too.

Not if you modify that software away from it's original intention and  
not tell me about it. Then I don't get to decide.

You may use OpenBSD or not.
You may use xpdf in patched or unpatched form.

Only if I know it's changed. No body seems prepared to tell me you  
modified it at point of installation.

You may or may not respect the wishes of the author of documents
you look at with xpdf.

wow, you got freedom too.  Amazing how this works. :)

Think about this:
I suspect most developers and users of OpenBSD think the DRM
features of xpdf are stupid and annoying..but I bet virtually
all of them would fight for the RIGHT of the author to decide to
be stupid and annoying, and put whatever they darned well please
into their own code.

There is a difference between wishing and attempting to persuade
someone to do something differently, and demanding or expecting
them to do something differently.  A very large difference, which
is often missed by many.

 I WISH xpdf didn't have silly DRM stuff in it.
 I WISH people didn't distribute silly patches for OpenSSH
 I am glad they can.

By reading this note, you agree to not think of a big red bird
with fuzzy pink feet.

Ian McWilliam

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-05-01 Thread Deanna Phillips
Ian McWilliam [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The real issue for me at least is the fact that one is
 prepared to modify (in this case xpdf) away for what ever
 standard it is written against, modified away from the
 original software distribution without documenting the change,
 informing the end user who installs the modified software so
 they can make an informed decision as to whether they still
 want to use the modified version or go off and install the
 unmodified version.

I'd call it a sane default.  If we made an xpdf-drm FLAVOR of
this port, how many people do you think would choose it?  Would

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-05-01 Thread Marc Espie
On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 08:43:36PM +1000, Ian McWilliam wrote:
 Finally, some sense, thanks. The real issue for me at least is the fact 
 that one is prepared to modify (in this case xpdf) away for what ever 
 standard it is written against, modified away from the original software 
 distribution without documenting the change, informing the end user who 
 installs the modified software so they can make an informed decision as to 
 whether they still want to use the modified version or go off and install 
 the unmodified version.

I don't see any actual reason to have flavors for xpdf.

As far as I'm concerned, the drm part is just some bits in the document.
This is information, we should display it, let's say add a menu that tells
you what protection the document has, possibly add a notice requester that
tells you the author didn't intend for you to print the document, asking
you for confirmation and... that's it.

I only see reasons to tell people they're about to do something that the
original author of the document didn't intend them to, and to let them
choose what they will do, based on technical possibilities.

Update: security/integrit (3.02.00 - 4.1)

2008-05-01 Thread Oliver Klima

here's an update for security/integrit. Apart from switching to RMD-160
for checksums it includes a couple of bug fixes.

In addition to the update I tweaked the port a bit:
  - build with SEPARATE_BUILD=simple
  - include the (small) test-suite as regression test
  - include original install message as pkg/MESSAGE
  - install with correct file permissions
  - don't install examples to ${SYSCONFDIR}/integrit

Tested with the latest snapshot on i386 and amd64 (both inside qemu) so far.


Oliver Klima
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /data/cvs/ports/security/integrit/Makefile,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
--- Makefile1 May 2008 13:39:29 -
+++ Makefile1 May 2008 13:47:50 -   1.2
@@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
 # $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2007/09/15 23:29:58 merdely Exp $
 COMMENT=   file integrity checker
-VERSION=   3.02.00
+VERSION=   4.1
 DISTNAME=  integrit-${VERSION}
 # GPL
@@ -18,14 +16,11 @@
 ALL_TARGET=integrit utils
${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/integrit
${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/examples/integrit
@@ -33,5 +28,8 @@
  integrit_check viewreport ${PREFIX}/share/doc/integrit 
cd ${WRKSRC}/examples  ${INSTALL_DATA} *.conf \
+   cd ${WRKBUILD}  /bin/sh ${WRKSRC}/test/test
Index: distinfo
RCS file: /data/cvs/ports/security/integrit/distinfo,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
--- distinfo1 May 2008 13:39:29 -
+++ distinfo1 May 2008 13:47:50 -   1.2
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-MD5 (integrit-3.02.00.tar.gz) = Bi2wEWEYcYT3yF91Srb3pQ==
-RMD160 (integrit-3.02.00.tar.gz) = rcB2bbkaPpwz36sNSzmivdtU8uc=
-SHA1 (integrit-3.02.00.tar.gz) = eF07BS7WKsrrXEoWKjDbUOidazE=
-SHA256 (integrit-3.02.00.tar.gz) = xZ4XLpDhcaF13WgLREPNHRXkc9eBsfFQu0d9gpNWm6U=
-SIZE (integrit-3.02.00.tar.gz) = 251649
+MD5 (integrit-4.1.tar.gz) = 9RpbVYmBpdkOfW9OfiaaRg==
+RMD160 (integrit-4.1.tar.gz) = 1WWFycOMLlPxDQrWrvXqkGfd2FI=
+SHA1 (integrit-4.1.tar.gz) = i31sp80UXO/F8XkK8v0zLA8UkX0=
+SHA256 (integrit-4.1.tar.gz) = Kgm2cO4CXW+udW4ET3gMysqQaIqXGDo1CSfjiFF0Ij4=
+SIZE (integrit-4.1.tar.gz) = 271626
Index: patches/patch-Makefile_in
RCS file: /data/cvs/ports/security/integrit/patches/patch-Makefile_in,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
--- patches/patch-Makefile_in   1 May 2008 13:39:29 -
+++ patches/patch-Makefile_in   1 May 2008 13:47:52 -   1.2
@@ -1,27 +1,24 @@
 $OpenBSD: patch-Makefile_in,v 2002/11/17 00:15:19 brad Exp $   Sun Sep 22 04:36:21 2002
-+++ Makefile.inSun Sep 22 04:39:40 2002
+---   Sat Jun  2 23:41:37 2007
 Makefile.inThu May  1 13:22:06 2008
 @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ srcdir= @srcdir@
  # VPATH= @srcdir@
  CC = @CC@
  PROG   = integrit
 -SBINDIR= @sbindir@
  OBJ= @OBJ@
-@@ -84,9 +84,12 @@ $(srcdir)/dep.mak ::
-   fi; \
- done; \
- obj=`echo $$f | sed -e 's/^gnupg\///' -e 's/\.c\$$/.o/'`; \
--printf %s\n\t%s\n \
-+if [ $obj = sha1.o ]; then \
-+  extra_flags=-O0; \
-+fi; \
-+  printf %s\n\t%s\n \
-   $$obj : \$${srcdir}/$$f $$hdeps Makefile \
--  ${COMPILE} \$${srcdir}/$$f; \
-+  ${COMPILE} \$${srcdir}/$$f $extra_flags; \
-   done  dep.mak
- include $(srcdir)/dep.mak
+@@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ install : $(PROG)
+   fi
+   @if test ! -d $(SBINDIR); then \
+ echo creating directory $(SBINDIR); \
+-$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(SBINDIR); \
++$(INSTALL) -d -m $(DIRMODE) $(SBINDIR); \
+   fi
+-  $(INSTALL) $(STRIP) -m 755 $(PROG) $(SBINDIR)/$(PROG)
+   @echo
+   @echo 'It is recommended that the 

Re: NEW: math/wxMaxima

2008-05-01 Thread Iruata Souza
On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 4:15 PM, Iruata Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 wxWidgets GUI for math/maxima. tested on i386.

needs maxima which needs common lisp.


Re: clisp: clx flavor

2008-05-01 Thread fulvio ciriaco
From: Michael Small [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: clisp: clx flavor
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 23:11:55 -0400

 On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 11:12:58PM +0200, fulvio ciriaco wrote:
  I added a clx flavor to clisp,
  clx is a foreign interface to Xlib allowing for use
  of X programs in clisp.
  Stumpwm for example ( is a wm running
  under clisp/sbcl dependent on clx. 
  By the way clisp 2.44.1 is out. Instructions recommend libffcall
  but I could not find it anywhere. It compiles and runs fine nonetheless.
 I think that's the package called ffcall under devel.  At least I can
 get fairly far compiling clisp on macppc using that (I'm hitting a
 stack overflow with a 32M stack).
 Mike Small
You are right in fact, ffcall is what instructions mean.
However, though recommended, clisp 2.44.1 does not compile
--with-ffcall on openbsd current i386.
Undefined references to __va_(all kind of vars)
Otherwise it compiles fine --with-gmalloc


Re: vlc bug

2008-05-01 Thread Unix Fan

I just updated to 4.3 and noticed this odd VLC volume bar visual bug, it's 
rather distracting... :(

-Nix Fan.

current or stable?

2008-05-01 Thread Daniel Thomas Nevistic
I am working on learning how to port, c. and am trying to figure out 
which flavor of OpenBSD that I need to run.  Does it need to be current if 
I want to help with porting?

Sorry if this is somewhere in the documentation.  I did not see it clearly 
in any place that I have read so far.


Daniel Nevistic
Electrical Engineering
University of Washington

Re: current or stable?

2008-05-01 Thread Steve Shockley

Daniel Thomas Nevistic wrote:

I am working on learning how to port, c. and am trying to figure out
which flavor of OpenBSD that I need to run. Does it need to be current
if I want to help with porting?

If you want a port to be committed, it needs to compile against -current.

Re: current or stable?

2008-05-01 Thread Mike Erdely
On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 05:52:02PM -0700, Daniel Thomas Nevistic wrote:
 I am working on learning how to port, c. and am trying to figure out which 
 flavor of OpenBSD that I need to run.  Does it need to be current if I want 
 to help with porting?

You should run -current for working on ports.


Re: current or stable?

2008-05-01 Thread Will Maier
On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 05:52:02PM -0700, Daniel Thomas Nevistic wrote:
 I am working on learning how to port, c. and am trying to figure
 out which flavor of OpenBSD that I need to run.  Does it need to
 be current if I want to help with porting?

Changes to the ports tree occur in -current, so you should run that
(or snapshots) if you want to test or submit changes.

 Sorry if this is somewhere in the documentation.  I did not see it
 clearly in any place that I have read so far.

The following two links are very useful for ports people:

The first includes the following in the 'First step' section:

The ports tree is developed against [10]OpenBSD-current; there
is no guarantee that new ports or updates will work correctly on
the other branches. This means you should upgrade your system
and ports tree to -current


o--{ Will Maier }--o
| web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
*-[ BSD: Live Free or Die ]*

Re: NEW (again): x11/tcltutor

2008-05-01 Thread Stuart Cassoff

A happy porting story:

When I was working on this port I asked the author about the license.
He informed me that not only was he going to release a new version of 
TclTutor, he was also changing the license to a BSD-style license. I looked 
at the license ... it was OK, not great ... there was some government clause 
at the end that bothered me. I suggested, since he was already switching 
licenses, to switch to the ISC license. He agreed.

So now a new port! Tcltutor 3b1
Obvious improvements over version 2b4:
- Nicer GUI
- Lessons also available in Portuguese
- ISC license

One more reason to stop putting off learning Tcl! ;)


Description: application/gzip

NEW: devel/sparse

2008-05-01 Thread Daniel Dickman
Here's a port of sparse which I've tested on i386.

From pkg/DESCR:
Sparse, the semantic parser, provides a compiler frontend capable of parsing
most of ANSI C as well as many GCC extensions, and a collection of sample
compiler backends, including a static analyzer also called sparse. Sparse
provides a set of annotations designed to convey semantic information about
types, such as what address space pointers point to, or what locks a function
acquires or releases.

patch has been uploaded here: