electron debug build

2020-04-25 Thread Kevin Chadwick
running electron, I sometimes get a segfault on startup:

#0  0x1bbf78f770f1 in ?? ()
Error accessing memory address 0x1bc1ec93fe60: No such file or directory.

I see there isn't a debug flavor. Is there a way to build the port with debug


Re: Slight grafana file permissions improvement

2020-04-14 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On 2020-04-14 14:15, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> my 2p: setting the directory 750 is a pain for tab completion,
> so if this is changed I think it would be better to set permissions on
> the sensitive files only.

AFAIK /etc/grafana/config.ini is the only sensitive config file. Though I have
seen various other names for the configuration file in documentation. The db dir
is already secured.

Re: Slight grafana file permissions improvement

2020-03-13 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On 2020-03-13 14:10, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> Grafana only runs as one user, so should work well. Ideally the config would
> still be world readable and the secrets separated out.

I should say that by ideally I just mean in case the config and anything else is
useful to multiple users, rather than having a use case in mind. I think the
config atleast can be taken from the http api anyway.

Re: Slight grafana file permissions improvement

2020-03-13 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On 2020-03-13 00:07, Eric Elena wrote:
> Changing /etc/grafana to root:_grafana 750 looks reasonable, I'll try to send 
> a diff soon. v6.7.0-beta1 was released a few hours ago, maybe the fix can go 
> with v6.7.0 as we

Grafana only runs as one user, so should work well. Ideally the config would
still be world readable and the secrets separated out. I've sounded out on the
Grafana slack channel whether to create a github issue but I get the feeling
that container type systems are more their priority (ENV variables).

Slight grafana file permissions improvement

2020-03-11 Thread Kevin Chadwick
Thankyou for updating the Grafana port.

The /etc/grafana/custom.ini contains a default key and can contain passwords.

These are public knowledge but may be changed and better to be secure by 


Could the recent import be edited to do similar or atleast for custom.ini?

Set files in /etc/grafana to mode 0640 and group ownership to _grafana

They are currently root:wheel 0644 in the previous and most recent 6.2.2 pkg

[update] sysutils/grafana/grafana-6.6.1

2020-02-14 Thread Kevin Chadwick
Seems to work and has various graph creation and interface improvements

Index: sysutils/grafana/Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/sysutils/grafana/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -p -u -r1.9 Makefile
--- sysutils/grafana/Makefile   12 Jul 2019 20:49:43 -  1.9
+++ sysutils/grafana/Makefile   14 Feb 2020 15:21:08 -
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ COMMENT = monitoring and metric analytic

 GH_ACCOUNT =   grafana
 GH_PROJECT =   grafana
-GH_TAGNAME =   v5.4.3
+GH_TAGNAME =   6.6.1

 CATEGORIES =   sysutils

 HOMEPAGE = https://grafana.com

-   ${GH_PROJECT}-${GH_TAGNAME:C/^v//}.linux-amd64${EXTRACT_SUFX}:0
+   ${GH_PROJECT}-${GH_TAGNAME}.linux-amd64${EXTRACT_SUFX}:0
+MASTER_SITES0 =https://dl.grafana.com/oss/release/

 # Apache 2.0 (bundles roboto and opensans fonts)
Index: sysutils/grafana/pkg/PLIST
RCS file: /cvs/ports/sysutils/grafana/pkg/PLIST,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -p -u -r1.6 PLIST
--- sysutils/grafana/pkg/PLIST  8 Feb 2019 20:08:10 -   1.6
+++ sysutils/grafana/pkg/PLIST  14 Feb 2020 15:21:33 -
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ share/examples/grafana/provisioning/data
 @sample ${SYSCONFDIR}/grafana/provisioning/datasources/
 @sample ${SYSCONFDIR}/grafana/provisioning/datasources/sample.yaml
 @sample ${SYSCONFDIR}/grafana/config.ini
@@ -30,111 +32,103 @@ share/grafana/public/app/

Electron for signal, freebsd bounty

2017-11-05 Thread Kevin Chadwick

C++ unfortunately but apparently a bounty is available if anyone is
interested or working on an electron port already.

Re: 5.7 & 32-bit

2015-10-16 Thread Kevin Chadwick
> I think I know how my 20 years of dedication is seen by others.

I'm still trying to catch up in the mailing list but just wanted to say
though I know that you know already. A big thanks from the world not
just the community Theo for all your hard work and shining a light
from the end of the tunnel for 2038 and I'm hoping everyone important
catches up/on before it's too late.

People with too much pride to go and look into the facts even when
prodded will always pop up from time to time.


KISSIS - Keep It Simple So It's Securable

Re: Java IDE

2015-08-13 Thread Kevin Chadwick
  Hello ports I'm just wondering if NetBeans or Eclipse will be updated to a
  more current version soon.

The OS independent zip downloads from netbeans.org works on OpenBSD. I
only use it for web coding so I haven't tested the compiling though.

Eclipse also has parts that need compiling and so it's strangely java
based but not OS independent and so has the negatives of JAVA, without
the benefits and building is also poorly documented. I had a quick go
but found eclipse a real pain to update even with FreeBSD's port as a
reference and with most devs using vim I guess it may stay out of date.

I find eclipse better than vim even with taglist and various plugins for
learning a new code base but eclipse is far slower obviously not that
that matters too much but it's complexity certainly causes many issues


KISSIS - Keep It Simple So It's Securable

Re: Webpage Contain Flash

2015-06-22 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Mon, 22 Jun 2015 14:33:38 +0430
Mohammad BadieZadegan wrote:

 Well, It's good tools and usefull for me to finding Internet Speed.
 But Why Flash did not support by OpenBSD? Is that high vulnerable tools?

It is like js and due to it's nature, often vulnerable, but that is not
why. Flash is Adobe's product and theses days I believe their support
even for Linux has diminished to security updates or possibly switched
to just the pepper version, possibly due to the slowly increasing usage
of html5 video.

You can use youtube_dl for downloading video from sites other than
youtube or also get flash videos working seamlessly in browsers if you
wish, is it greasemonkey that's useful here?. There are many threads in
the mailing list archive about that but flash in general does not work
beyond projects like gnash or maybe linux emulation. The latter I
believe was once used for opera but I have personally stayed clear of
linux emulation, so far.

Re: first draft: arm-none-eabi-gcc

2015-05-28 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Thu, 21 May 2015 09:50:21 -0400
Dave Vandervies wrote:

  One question, why the linaro
  gcc and not https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded ?  
 Linaro is the variant preferred by the embedded devs I'm working with,
 so in the absence of a good reason to do otherwise I went with the path
 of least resistance.

I don't know how good Linaro's toolchain is so maybe this isn't good
reason but a representative of a chip manufacturer I have spoken too say
the recent ARM developed toolchain had recently (year ago) become as
good if not better than the commercial IAR/Keil compilers.

Of course their IDE uses the ARM developed toolchain so there may be
some bias but it make's sense to me to use ARM's toolchain for ARM's
chips to me.

In any case, thanks for bringing this to OpenBSD.

Re: nginx woes

2015-03-30 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Sun, 29 Mar 2015 22:49:00 +0200
frantisek holop wrote:

 and i have no beef with the chroot patch.
 it is in fact a nice addition, but it is not
 part of nginx itself,

Why not?

I think that is the real issue but perhaps upstream has refused on
some odd basis?

I don't use nginx but it seems more correct for OpenBSD to have the
default chrooted port or not and if anything then a nochroot flavor,
after all it should be secure by default and you may well notice as you
have if it is chrooted but some... many? would not check if it wasn't
and possibly assume that it was.


2015-03-10 Thread Kevin Chadwick
I am looking into using majordomo with opensmtpd and I am unsure
whether to use majordomo from ports or majordomo from mj2.org.

Any advice?


2015-03-02 Thread Kevin Chadwick
I run greyscanner as _greyscanner and add it to group _spamd.

I was about to chuck out my script that su's to greyscanner and use
rcctl but I notice it runs greyscanner as root.

Should it have it's own user?

Re: claws-mail: stop using encrypt()

2015-01-26 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 22:49:00 +0100
Landry Breuil wrote:

  Sorry for that.
  And yes I'm running claws with this diff and it reads and writes my old 
  file just fine, since Jan 4 now.  
 Thanks, commited!

Since I updated to the Jan 18th snapshot I have had the password field
of the first used account (maybe last used before close) get overwritten
with As in accountrc but it only happens occasionally.


I've uchg accountrc as a workaround

Re: [Bulk] Re: ethereal^Wwireshark, take 872

2014-08-14 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Thu, 14 Aug 2014 12:40:10 +0100
Nigel Taylor wrote:

 This does work
 sudo tcpdump -s 1500 -w - | wireshark -k -i -
 User needs to be in the _wireshark group, you can remove the suid from
 /usr/local/bin/dumpcap, the suid is only required if doing captures with

Aye, I must be blind to have missed the lack of global execute
permissions on dumpcap. Having said that I'm sure wiresharks error could
have mentioned not being able to execute dumpcap.

p.s. I couldn't find the wireshark group mentioned anywhere in a
pkg-readme or pkg_info -M

Re: [Bulk] Re: [Bulk] Re: ethereal^Wwireshark, take 872

2014-08-14 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Thu, 14 Aug 2014 21:30:33 +0100
Stuart Henderson wrote:

  p.s. I couldn't find the wireshark group mentioned anywhere in a
  pkg-readme or pkg_info -M

 The readme could do with a quick mention of nosuid mounts, but other
 than that I thought it was pretty clear..

Perfectly clear.

I looked in the pkg-readmes directory before posting and missed it. I
think I'll get an early night, too many calamitous moments today.

Re: [Bulk] Re: ethereal^Wwireshark, take 872

2014-08-13 Thread Kevin Chadwick
previously on this list Nigel Taylor contributed:

 I seem to recall it might have been me that put this there or at least
 an older version.
 You don't capture with wireshark, you use it as a graphical display tool
 only. Using tcpdump to create a file.
 The other way is to pipe tcpdump output into wireshark,
 sudo tcpdump -w - | wireshark -k -i -
 I never run this wireshark thing as root, what others do that's their

Do you have this working with /usr/local set nosuid. I get a dumpcap
permission denied even after doing a chmod -s on /usr/local/bin/dumpcap.

I expect removing the nosuid from /usr/local would make the risk higher
than tcpdumps priv sep as dumpcap wants to run as root and running as
the user would be worse than tcpdump.

The message I get is:

Couldn't run /usr/local/bin/dumpcap in child process: Permission denied 


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

In Other Words - Don't design like polkit or systemd

Re: ACPI Component Architecture

2014-05-20 Thread Kevin Chadwick
previously on this list People contributed:

 I've updated the acpica port in -current but it won't help you with this.
 On OpenBSD acpica is *only* used as a development tool 
 we do not use Intel's acpi code in the kernel, we have our own implementation
 - anything you read about doing this on FreeBSD is not directly relevant.
 For what you're looking for, I think you would need a kernel driver,
 and I think it's going to be fairly machine-specific.

  I think that in OpenBSD there is currently no way to disable particular 
  but as I understand PCI-Express has power-management capabilities and
  can turn off device.

I guess you have checked for any bios settings and disabling the
particular PCI Express port/device via boot -c won't work due to the
single multiplexer if it would have worked anyway?

What does the dmesg show out of interest?


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

In Other Words - Don't design like polkit or systemd


Re: xpdf slow opening postgresql-9.3-US.pdf

2014-05-18 Thread Kevin Chadwick
previously on this list Stuart Henderson contributed:

 Slow with xpdf for me too. mupdf opens them quickly though.

There were some arguments on the debian list about removing xpdf as it
was no longer developed upstream and they had long standing bugs open
against it. Not sure if that is relevant at all.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

In Other Words - Don't design like polkit or systemd

Re: POSIX standard as manual pages

2014-01-23 Thread Kevin Chadwick
previously on this list Vadim Zhukov contributed:

 The following port installs the POSIX standard as manual pages. This
 could be handy when developing new code.

Should the port mention the site wanting those that download the specs
to submit their email and perhaps they should if they use the port?

Though when I tried with xombrero, the site let me download but didn't
let me submit my email anyway.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

In Other Words - Don't design like polkit or systemd

Re: POSIX standard as manual pages

2014-01-23 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Thu, 23 Jan 2014 21:33:18 +0400
Vadim Zhukov wrote:

 I don't see that this restriction applies to the given package. See the
 man-pages-posix-2013-a.Announce and POSIX-COPYRIGHT files in WRKSRC. There
 was a policy like that some time ago with documentation published online,
 but it's gone, unless I'm mistaken.

Fair enough my only reference was that the site seems to ask you to on
the website when you go to download it but maybe that explains why the
submit didn't work rather than being a problem with the website or

NTFS-3G and Securelevel=2

2014-01-13 Thread Kevin Chadwick
Just thought I would report in case it's not known/expected that
ntfs-3g fails with securelevel=2. Deos it really need raw write access
to mount!?

It can mount read-only just fine but any writable mount fails with
Operation not permitted stating the filesystem is in an inconsistent
state and needs checking.

Setting securelevel=1 and rebooting makes it work fine.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

In Other Words - Don't design like polkit or systemd


Re: nouveau driver help (moved from ports to misc)

2013-10-04 Thread Kevin Chadwick
  What is then the best way to proceed ?  
 Buy an ATI or Intel gfx card.

I assume you meant a system with an intel gfx chip and most use laptops
these days but this raised a thought with me. 

What would be a cheap but decent enough, KMS supported VGA and or PCIEX
card model?


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

In Other Words - Don't design like polkit or systemd

Re: Vtigercrm and php 5.4

2013-10-04 Thread Kevin Chadwick
 As a side note evince takes an age to build Qt and so I have switched
 to epdfview but my favourite reader with tabs and open pdf memory is
 qpdfview which I may find time to port (look at the porting process
 more closely) next year if no one has done so by then.

Out of interest rather than any desire to have this fixed as I am happy
with epdfview. I guess upstream would need to do so anyway and having
noticed epdfview using a qtlib and evince seemingly having a build
depend on the whole of QT. 

I asked a guy at a QT stand if the Gnome devs were likely not building
evince in the correct way and he responded with, probably.

Is it laziness or difficult change tracking or could QT be more


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

In Other Words - Don't design like polkit or systemd

Re: Vtigercrm and php 5.4

2013-09-24 Thread Kevin Chadwick

 Hi. vtigercrm was removed from ports because it is very simple to install it
 and it requires no patching to work on OpenBSD. So you are free to use it with

 Oops, here are the warnings and errors I get after I changed CommonUtils.php

Ok no problem and thanks. I'll try the beta when I have time
tomorrow evening and fallback to 5.3 if need be.

I do appreciate it in ports though depending on 5.3 or kept around as
is or in the attic as it has a slightly useful pkg-readme and gives make
install convenience especially if vtigercrm 6 beta works when released
as I guess it must with 5.4. The port pulls in some dependencies that
are apparent once started but may be harder to find beforehand these
days as vtiger.com seems to be removing (404) the documentation, I
guess to encourage their business of cloud users.

As a side note evince takes an age to build Qt and so I have switched
to epdfview but my favourite reader with tabs and open pdf memory is
qpdfview which I may find time to port (look at the porting process
more closely) next year if no one has done so by then.

Re: Vtigercrm and php 5.4

2013-09-24 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Tue, 24 Sep 2013 12:29:47 -0500
Vijay Sankar wrote:

 I was able to also install vtiger 6.0 beta from June 23, 2013  
 and have that work as well.

Thanks, you may have saved me some time. Did you notice if vtiger 6 beta
looks like it has all/most or more of the functionality of 5.4 release
or alternatively does the beta look useful and so worth checking out?


Vtigercrm and php 5.4

2013-09-23 Thread Kevin Chadwick
Threw vtigercrm on a machine today to see what it's like but got a
blank screen after the system configuration page.

Could be a mysql connection issue but as the install flagged up a
requirement for allow_call_time_pass_reference which has been removed in
php 5.4.

I wonder if it could be this bug and so may require patching or
depending on php 5.3?



'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

Re: [wip] Firefox 24.0b5, Thunderbird 24.0b1

2013-08-28 Thread Kevin Chadwick
 On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 07:35:06PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
   next round of betas for gecko 24, those one are targeted for release in
  Thanks Landry,
  After using the 23 beta and about a week later 24 being released I
  tried but gave up trying to find out if the beta was vulnerable to the
  exploits fixed in 24 and so just rebuilt. I just wonder if you have any
 I have absolutely no idea what exploits you're talking about. If it's
 the reliability fixes in 23.0.1, i vaguely looked at it and mostly saw

I am not talking about getting the fixes as soon as mozilla knows about
them. I was just wondering if I had wasted my time by rebuilding 24 so
close to building your 23 beta as the fixed in 24 erratas on.


may have already been fixed in your 23 beta?

In other words can I just run 23 beta a few days early as safely as 24
until 25 is released. From below I guess I could but would sometimes
miss a security fix or two and it may be a pain to tell. Or maybe when
24 is released it becomes far easier to tell publicly and just rebuild
when that happens?

Anyway no big deal really, just wondering.

  insights on how they are handled (do they bottle them up under wraps
  and apply them all at once on release day or include them silently in
 The security fixes are applied in central, then backported to aurora and
 beta, and eventually to release if they're serious, in that case a
 chemspill release is done including all pending fixes.

  p.s. any tips on tracking webkit vulns and whether they are fixed in
  the port would be much appreciated too as xombrero is now my fav
  browser but I have been using the much slower firefox due to possible
  vulns (osvdb.org) in 2.04.
 You clearly have way too much paranoia. Use lynx ?

I will still use xombrero on some systems just contrasting and
evaluating both for use by me for all tasks. I may even switch at
times and I am not a chromium fan as it doesn't do basic things like
clearing data on close or the whitelisting/noscript functions.



'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

Re: [wip] Firefox 24.0b5, Thunderbird 24.0b1

2013-08-28 Thread Kevin Chadwick
   Thanks Landry,
   After using the 23 beta and about a week later 24 being released I
   tried but gave up trying to find out if the beta was vulnerable to the
   exploits fixed in 24 and so just rebuilt. I just wonder if you have any  
  I have absolutely no idea what exploits you're talking about. If it's
  the reliability fixes in 23.0.1, i vaguely looked at it and mostly saw

Really sorry, I hope you didn't spend long looking for any non
existent urgent exploits. I see why I confused you now. There was a game
on TV and my dinner was ready. I should have written.

   After using the 23 beta and about a week later 23 being released I
   tried but gave up trying to find out if the beta was vulnerable to the
   exploits fixed in 23 and so just rebuilt.

'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

Re: [wip] Firefox 24.0b5, Thunderbird 24.0b1

2013-08-27 Thread Kevin Chadwick
 next round of betas for gecko 24, those one are targeted for release in

Thanks Landry,

After using the 23 beta and about a week later 24 being released I
tried but gave up trying to find out if the beta was vulnerable to the
exploits fixed in 24 and so just rebuilt. I just wonder if you have any
insights on how they are handled (do they bottle them up under wraps
and apply them all at once on release day or include them silently in

p.s. any tips on tracking webkit vulns and whether they are fixed in
the port would be much appreciated too as xombrero is now my fav
browser but I have been using the much slower firefox due to possible
vulns (osvdb.org) in 2.04.



'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

Re: font weight changing

2013-03-30 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Sat, 30 Mar 2013 08:55:21 +
James Griffin j...@kontrol.kode5.net wrote:

  but it isn't as bad as you describe. once the line redraws, no other
  line gets messed up and it is only seldom that i see this happen.
 Yes, just to add to my earlier message, I have now seen it again with
 19.x. I thought it had stopped but it's only on one site that I notice
 it, which is Facebook.

If you can reproduce it, I wonder if it only happens with downloaded
fonts. gfx.downloadable_fonts.enabled may test that?

As for the pdf js renderer. I have had someone question me about it
overriding the native reader and showing pdfs looking like some alien
language. It encourages enabling scripts more often and I also expect
it to have many security bugs found before long and so have added
disabling it to my list of default configs. Perhaps a desired default
change for the port, though if someone happens not to have installed a
reader it may well be useful?

Re: [wip] Firefox 19.0

2013-02-25 Thread Kevin Chadwick
 definitely not targeted at 5.3, but could use some testing. So far only
 built on amd64 but should build on i386/macppc.

Built for me on an i386 snapshot. Seemed a little slow on some
javascript heavy sites but worked fine. An embedded youtube video
showed controls but then stopped.

I got the following output in the terminal.

/usr/local/lib/libestdc++.so.14.0 :
WARNING: symbol(_ZN11__gnu_debug17_S_debug_messagesE) size mismatch,
relink your program

(gst-plugin-scanner:18906): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot register
existing type `GstVorbisDec'

(gst-plugin-scanner:18906): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave:
assertion `result != 0' failed

(gst-plugin-scanner:18906): GStreamer-CRITICAL **:
gst_element_register: assertion `g_type_is_a (type, GST_TYPE_ELEMENT)'

Re: result of modern kde4 integration into cvs build

2012-11-13 Thread Kevin Chadwick
 I know some people who are just using konqueror from kde3 for quick
 browsing on simple sites. I'm not kidding. It's still a very fast all-purpose

I've recently switched back to konqueror as file manager on any system
with kde because Dolphin has removed the find files option and the
inbuilt find dialog is impotent. It may be handy for a quick search but
that's no reason to remove the handy link to the more powerful find
files (kfind) under tools. This reminds me of Gnome removing features
without enough thought/peer review and worries me. I already used
konqueror for it's great filesize view plugin so just switched that to
default file manager, rather than create an action.

Does anyone know if Konqueror 4 can be built statically. I'd love to
use it on all my desktops instead of nautilus and thunar, without
pulling in the whole of KDE?


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

Re: result of modern kde4 integration into cvs build

2012-11-13 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:15:31 +0300
Vadim Zhukov wrote:

  I know some people who are just using konqueror from kde3 for quick
  browsing on simple sites. I'm not kidding. It's still a very fast 

  Does anyone know if Konqueror 4 can be built statically. I'd love to
  use it on all my desktops instead of nautilus and thunar, without
  pulling in the whole of KDE?  
 It's part of kde-baseapps package, which depends on (either directly or not):

Came across this but from 2006 and expect it's still the case. I
guess the mentioned minimalist konqueror embedded may be useful to
those who just want the browser but as it's minimalist won't have the
other profiles and file management code.



Re: result of modern kde4 integration into cvs build

2012-11-13 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Wed, 14 Nov 2012 00:40:13 +0300
Vadim Zhukov wrote:

 So what you want is not as easy as porting
 Konqueror/Embedded. Of course, KJS should be fixed, but there are more
 critical tasks now, sorry.

As I say, I'm pretty sure it would only be a browser and not a file
manager like full blown konqueror anyway, so I was really just
highlighting it to anyone who may only want the konqueror browser.



Re: dovecot

2012-09-21 Thread Kevin Chadwick
 Not sure if this is the right spot for this post. I am after a more current 
 version of dovecot than dovecot-2.0.13p5 to run on 5.0 release.
 Does anyone have a package or port available ?

It's easy enough to build.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

Re: dovecot

2012-09-21 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Fri, 21 Sep 2012 12:54:46 +0300
Artturi Alm wrote:

  Not sure if this is the right spot for this post. I am after a more 
  current version of dovecot than dovecot-2.0.13p5 to run on 5.0 release.
  Does anyone have a package or port available ?  
  It's easy enough to build.  
 Yet one should not build it from newer ports on 5.0 release.

True, probably should have been clearer. Just check out the ports
patches adapt them and build outside of ports and test. Easier than
using ports if you are not on current and want a newer version.

Re: dovecot

2012-09-21 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Fri, 21 Sep 2012 14:46:15 +0100
Stuart Henderson wrote:

  True, probably should have been clearer. Just check out the ports
  patches adapt them and build outside of ports and test. Easier than
  using ports if you are not on current and want a newer version.

 That way you're likely to end up with files sprinkled over /usr
 rather than /usr/local which might cause exciting problems later.
 Adapting the newer port is a safer suggestion, and also likely
 to be easier. Though just upgrading is almost always the simplest

I'll bear that in mind. Admittedly the systems I have done this on I
re-install rather than upgrading and only needed a few daemons
building and I was building qmail and monit anyway. There was something
that steered me away from ports but I can't remember now, perhaps a
build failure or dependency issue. Whatever it was, I certainly remember
thinking I don't have this issue in the ones I build.

So I guess always try ports first. I Should have also mentioned, its
important to look at the ports Makefile too.

Re: Hi - PCManFM Dead - SpaceFM

2012-09-09 Thread Kevin Chadwick
 I'm not sure who the maintainer is for PCManFM, but that project has
 been stopped and the developer started from scratch based off of it a
 new file manager called SpaceFM;

That's not quite true, it is not the same developer (unless he took
over) and is apparently working on pcmanfm 2nd generation but spacefm is
based on the PCManFM code in order to work around the udisks package
which broke functionality on linux allowing more control in using sudo
etc. without writing hacks. I'm not certain if pcmanfm is completely
dead either. It seems that the pcmanfm dev does comment on one of
ignorantgurus blogs a couple of comments above this one.



'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

Re: Hi - PCManFM Dead - SpaceFM

2012-09-09 Thread Kevin Chadwick

Seems red-hat are pushing some users towards OpenBSD too.



'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

Re: gftp-gtk.core

2012-04-13 Thread Kevin Chadwick

  is actively maintained

If you mean by upstream. I certainly don't see it as a security problem
as it rides on the back of the awesome ssh and other programs in true
unix spirit.

Re: magnet links

2012-03-28 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Wed, 28 Mar 2012 16:21:17 +0200
Jan Stary wrote:

 Now that ThePirateBay has switched from torrent files to magnet links,
 what do people use instead of btpd?

Ktorrent supports magnet and DHE. Has many features and so probably
bugs but I expect you don't expect this machine getting torrents to be

Re: torrent gui

2011-11-17 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 22:50:01 -0800
Sha'ul wrote:

 I want to be able to select which files I want in 
 the torrent and what I don't before torrent starts downloading.

Another option which does this by default is Ktorrent, it's featureful
and so probably has more bugs of course. 

Re: www/mod_security outdated

2011-11-07 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Mon, 7 Nov 2011 15:01:19 +
Rodolfo Gouveia wrote:

 I was looking through the mod_security and it's kind of outdated.
 It also seems tailored for apache1 from what I can see from the
 Makefile and I would like to use it for apache2.
 Anyone using this ?

OpenBSD comes with a customised apache 1.3 in base, which has meant
we've missed out on some of the exploits, such a shame ;-).

Re: the ports are really functional?

2011-10-31 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 18:01:45 + (UTC)
Josh Grosse wrote:


Functionally identical atleast, different build dates, user etc..
(Pre-empting a wrong checksum complaint)

If you have problems building and don't trust the packages and want the
latest packages the simplest thing to do and I am being serious is the

Download a snapshot .iso and install
update your ports tree to CURRENT
try building the ports you want
if it doesn't work, wait a few days for a new snapshot to hit the
mirrors and retry 
when it does work it will fail eventually so start from the beginning
or deal with the fallout

N.b. The devs here do a brilliant job but don't expect say
firefox to be tested by the exact day it hits mozilla.com

Re: CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2011-09-13 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Tue, 13 Sep 2011 15:29:03 +0200
Marc Espie wrote:

  Log message:
  we don't need qt3 nor qt4 support in poppler.
 Don't do that, it means bulk builds will build poppler twice, and thus
 be slower.
 If you build manually, just install the poppler you want first.

We all benefit from faster bulk builds but if someone who doesn't
realise this like me untill now builds evince it will take them much
much longer to build qt too and they may just not bother?

Re: CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2011-09-13 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Tue, 13 Sep 2011 16:21:06 -0400
Brad wrote:

 Then said users put the manual work in to manually build certain 
 packages using pseudo FLAVORs and such to cut down on building or
 just build them in the same manner as a bulk build.

No big deal just a let down after seeing evince build time being
reduced and wondered if there was a best of both.

I'm guessing there's no quick and easy way for a bulk build environment
variable to be picked up as bulk builders and maintainers are more
likely to know to a greater depth, what they are doing?

Still good to know installing poppler will save time.

Re: webkit 1.4.2

2011-07-11 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Mon, 11 Jul 2011 10:20:53 -0500
Marco Peereboom wrote:

 I am unaware of any awesomeness web sockets brings us btw.

I'm no fan of using browsers like Adobe Air type Apps as I think they
have enough problems to deal with but I read recently that web sockets
are one of the only ways to allow a cross platform app for phones to
receive pushed data unless the browser is closed. (unlike air which can
keep on listening)

Re: webkit 1.4.2

2011-07-11 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Mon, 11 Jul 2011 21:53:26 +0200
Landry Breuil wrote:

   You're trying to slip disable-link-prefetch in, wasnt it supposed to be
   a pref exposed through the api ?  
  No.  It is disabled by default what I am trying to do is to keep it
  that way.  

Why pointless, because it's banging your head against a wall? I thought
the overwhelming consensus was that this behaviour was dumb, especially
by default.

Re: old unused ports: x11/ogle and related

2011-07-05 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Mon, 4 Jul 2011 23:32:00 -0400
Predrag Punosevac wrote:

 Maybe it is just me but I have never been able to get out of MPlayer
 half decent
 support for chapters. Ogle is still my default DVD player.

I find it strange that a 10 year old firmware dvd player can play the
occasional really weird disc who's menu simply refuses to work on PC
dvd player software. I think xine and ogle coped best with the weird
discs but didn't really work like they should. OTOH I don't need an
engineering code or disc conversion to play foreign region discs on PC
and firmware dvd players ecc often suck with DVD-Rs.

Re: any dctc users?

2011-06-30 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Thu, 30 Jun 2011 23:38:15 +0200
Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse wrote:

 mldonkey supports
 Direct Connect too if that's your favorite way to download por^Wdocumentaries.

I believe Ktorrent does too.

Re: webkit woes

2011-06-26 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Sat, 25 Jun 2011 16:33:05 -0500
Marco Peereboom wrote:

 I am still playing with the options to see if I can find out how to not
 have any long lived persistent connections.

Maybe relayds connection: close is more useful than I thought?

Re: webkit woes

2011-06-26 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Sat, 25 Jun 2011 22:32:50 + (UTC)
Stuart Henderson wrote:

 For one side of prefetching (DNS queries), it can be educational
 to install dnstop,

Yeah, I couldn't believe it when groupon.co.uk made me do dns searches
for almost every groupon domain that exists. I didn't know there were
that many country extensions. I should have been bothered to find out
what the heck it was doing, but it was probably just something stupid.

Re: webkit woes

2011-06-26 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Sun, 26 Jun 2011 13:52:36 +0200
Martin Pelikan wrote:

 These are sites just like any other.  What is wrong about google
 prefetching the first result?  

What is right?

The page will see your referer anyway,

Genuine question. Will the page you actually want get the google
referer or first search result referer.

people use first results first, so?

Now Google puts paid ads at the top I always look at no. 3 and below
first. Though there's probably a lot more than 3 paid ones for many
searches. The top ones either cost more or haven't been clicked on as

 If you don't like your search engine to do this, you can use another one

Like scroogle, I guess.

Re: webkit woes

2011-06-26 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Sun, 26 Jun 2011 17:38:23 +0200
Martin Pelikan wrote:

 You'd have to completely disable ANY content from other domain than the
 page the user is browsing.  And by that, you'd break the internet, as
 lots of sites use different servers for static content for example.

Your right but ideally they should use sub domains etc. You shouldn't
break your wheel barrows wheel because the handles rusty. Or put holes
in the barrow because the wheel squeaks and makes it harder to push.

Re: webkit woes

2011-06-25 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Sat, 25 Jun 2011 13:24:13 +0200
Martin Pelikan wrote:

 Sorry, Kevin, for double post; forgot the list's address.

Just glad you realise and give a click or two.

I still can't see any reason for pre-fetching, I know my phone couldn't
handle it spending more time processing than downloading anyway and I
haven't seen slow downs on my desktops for time. Of course I block ads
javascript cookies and caching. I have to really want to use a site
that wants javascript from like 10 domains, to stop me from just
closing the page or closing my account.

Here's an idea, An addon that adds a too much javascript button which
goes to.

Then hopefully they'll notice during a 404 log check.

Re: webkit woes

2011-06-24 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Fri, 24 Jun 2011 21:01:30 +0200
Martin Pelikan wrote:

 Prefetching stuff is a brilliant idea on a sane internet connection. But
 people probably want to use their browser in a bush on GPRS 56k modem
 and share the line with others, too.  Also, at least in our country,
 there are lots of stupid greedy ISPs who bill you based on how much
 traffic do you transfer.  Why should either group of people be limited
 in favor of the other?

Your a brave man. check the mailing lists. Why would you download
stuff you likely won't read, especially on a good internet connection
where you are not waiting.

Re: License question

2011-06-12 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Sun, 12 Jun 2011 15:54:55 -0500
Abel Abraham Camarillo Ojeda wrote:

 Except bad things.

Actually he says you can do bad things too, but have been warned not to.

Re: 4.9 Release packages gd library problem

2011-05-03 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Tue, 3 May 2011 13:42:29 +0200
Otto Moerbeek wrote:

 On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 12:35:12PM +, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
  I've checked with the sha256 file and the checksum is right for
  However upon install in 4.9 release I get
  Can't install gd-2.0.35p0 because of libraries
  :library freetype.17.2 not found
  : /usr/X11R6/lib/libfreetype.so.17.1 (system): minor is too small
  I'll build it from ports.
  Thanks for all the work on releases and all the package building for
  release day.
 I think you forgot to update X. 
 xbase49.tgz includes libfreetype.so.17.2

Just realised that when the built package did the same, sorry.

Re: UPDATE: gnome-mplayer/gecko-mediaplayer 1.0.3 (Was: Flash Video in Firefox)

2011-04-26 Thread Kevin Chadwick

Sounds pretty nifty.

Also with firefox 4 now on OpenBSD, you should be able to add webm=1 to
get many if not yet all youtube links to work natively or get the webm
preference cookie from youtube to enable it for you. Though bear in
mind, video runs faster outside of a browser.

On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 23:00:48 +0200
David Coppa wrote:

 Oh... trailers.apple.com does not work, btw. Probably apple has again
 changed api/formats/whatever...

Of course it seems apple will do anything to avoid webm and so native
firefox and future-proofed chrome support.

Re: CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2011-04-22 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Fri, 22 Apr 2011 12:26:27 +0100
Stuart Henderson wrote:

  I sure wouldn't cry over it ajacoutot@
  Kill it with fire! jasper@

 If you'd like to view Flash adverts (about the only thing
 that seems targetted to older Flash versions) in OpenBSD,
 you can always install gnash and xxxterm instead.

If you'd like to stick red hot pokers in your eye (about the only thing
that seems targetted to older Flash versions) in OpenBSD, you certainly
won't be crying anymore.

Re: Firefox 4.0 on 4.8-stable

2011-04-08 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Fri, 8 Apr 2011 16:47:10 +0200
Puffy BSD wrote:

  Can you give me an example, what should be updated in -stable?  
 firefox35-3.5.11 - firefox35-3.5.18
 mozilla-firefox-3.6.8 - mozilla-firefox-3.6.16
 samba-3.5.4 - samba-3.5.8
 and all other software in ports with known security holes.

The important thing to realise is that stable is only meant for
servers as a service to users a bit like debian stable but far less
patches especially in the kernel and backporting.

I believe you could apply many patches to php 5.2.13 in stable for
example but I'm pretty sure there are no serious security patches and
probably far less undiscoverd ones than in 5.3.

Stable is stable with minimum changes to keep running safely and
represents a guaranteed known level of service or bugfree operation.

Current is hectic and you may be caught out by a transition but aims for
high stability at all times still.

Maybe when the user base or port developer base grows a lot we'll get
auto updates but I've got a sneaky feeling the developers appreciate
keeping the  uninitiated to a minimum.

Re: CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2011-03-26 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Sat, 26 Mar 2011 04:58:36 -0600 (MDT)
Landry Breuil wrote:

 www/firefox36 from the Attic, installing 3.6.16 in
 ${LOCALBASE}/firefox36 with firefox36 binary. Needed for archs
 firefox 4 doesn't support (yet?).

I've heard firefox 4 removes the status bar, something people may wish
to consider when choosing. Theres a plugin!!! to restore it apparently.

I don't mind a toggle on, instead of off but I'm really starting to
worry about some of mozilla's recent decisions.

I wonder what a firebird developer would have said to the idea of no
status bar.

Re: UPDATE: ffmpeg

2011-03-23 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Wed, 16 Mar 2011 10:23:48 +
Edd Barrett wrote:

  * Need to figure out what to do with the version string (they moved from svn 
git, so it changed)

Apparently it's forked so there's now ffmpeg and libav. One's git and
one's svn. I think the fork took the opportunity to use the old svn that
they preferred.

Re: UPDATE: ffmpeg

2011-03-23 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 08:06:12 -0400
Brad wrote:

 No idea where you got the idea about the use of svn but that's wrong.

No Idea what the latest is but this is what I stumbled across.


Re: evil webkit bug, loads of junk DNS requests

2011-02-14 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Mon, 14 Feb 2011 15:10:52 +0100
Robert Nagy wrote:

 I know, I've read the discussion and I am still saying: do not disable it by 

I always disable prefetching where possible in all browsers. I only want
to connect to and download stuff that I click on. 

Is there a decent example where it's beneficial or might it break

Re: Man page errors in Jan 20 snapshot

2011-02-09 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Wed, 9 Feb 2011 02:28:58 +0100
Ingo Schwarze wrote:

 These are caused by manuals contained so poor markup
 that makewhatis(8) can't make head or tail of them,
 as has been discussed repeatedly.
 However, espie@ is now working on some rather smart ideas
 to fix this - for 5.0, that is, it's too late now for 4.9.

Don't know if tkman is worth looking at for ideas on parsing. It seems
to open a lot more manpage types than say konqueror or any other tool
with a scroll bar that I've found so far. The search highlighting is
pretty cool too.

Re: Can't fetch some distfiles on -current (today)

2011-01-28 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Thu, 27 Jan 2011 18:15:54 -0600
Bryan bra...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 18:10, Stuart Henderson s...@spacehopper.org wrote:
  On 2011/01/27 23:32, Ulrich Kahl wrote:
  If I try to fetch the distfiles from textproc/intltool and
  works for me. Are you using any non-standard FETCH_CMD?
 If any of those try to access SourceForge, there's been a big outage,
 and just got SVN up a few hours ago, and the latest I heard was that
 CVS was still down.

I heard sourceforge had a major security breach, possibly resulting in
trojaned data, a little while back. Maybe this has something to do with

Re: xxxterm

2010-12-28 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 11:21:53 -0600
Marco Peereboom sl...@peereboom.us wrote:

 I added the snazzy js toggle button as well.

Brill, AFAIK only opera has this available by default and even then it's
not enabled. :-)

Re: OpenOffice snapshot

2010-10-06 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Wed, 6 Oct 2010 14:41:32 +0200
Matthias Kilian k...@outback.escape.de wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 02:26:57PM +0200, David Coppa wrote:
   We've cvs deleted editors/openoffice3, soon we'll import
  woah, they changed name?
 They forked and changed the name, because oracle is sooo evil. And now
 they are disappointed that oracle refuses to cooperate with them ;-)
  I didn't even know... And imho the name
  libreoffice sucks ;)
 Yep. Read like lib-re-office (whatever this could mean).
From what I've read it sounded like the opposite. They asked for
oracles position, they got little or no response and when oracle were
asked at a talk the vague response was that taken as a negative.

The developers have decided to change to libreoffice and have offered
oracle to take part and donate the openoffice name and are hoping more
people will contribute if there isn't a single company holding the

Libreoffice will apparently have less licensing restrictions and so can
include more code which currently has to be downloaded seperately.
Hence I guess libre as in free office. Let's hope it will be more free
than FreeBSD.

If we do have both it's certainly gonna push up the package builders

Re: New: chntpw, reset NT/XP/Win7 password

2010-10-06 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Wed, 6 Oct 2010 11:38:40 -0400
Ian Darwin i...@darwinsys.com wrote:

 Now that we have NTFS enabled in GENERIC, why not make use of it?
 I used it last night when I needed to boot into windoze for the first time in 
 5 weeks.
 port .tgz is at http://darwinsys.com/tmp/chntpw.tgz; extracts to 

Just checked a recent man page and it still says only mount writable if
your willing to debug the ntfs filesystem. You'd be better off using
something like sysresccd, boots in seconds and works on windows 7.

Re: x11/kde/pim3

2010-10-03 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Sun, 3 Oct 2010 23:48:20 +0200
Matthias Kilian k...@outback.escape.de wrote:

 On Sun, Oct 03, 2010 at 11:34:39PM +0200, Dorian Büttner wrote:
  While port builds and installs w/o errors, I can't run kleopatra the 
  certificate manager. It just pops up an error window The crypto plugin 
  not be initialized.
  Certificate Manager will terminate now.
  Starting from the konsole will not yield anything hintful, and I don't see 
  debug function.
 Indeed. What a mess :-(
  Before seeking deeper for patches w/ regards to new ssl - has anyone ever 
  this before and can confirm it launched properly? Because I haven't.
 Same here. So could anyone with a not-so-current installation please
 check wether this kleopatra thing works at all? That would be nice.

I get the same crypto plugin message under a few month old snapshot
running fvwm. Don't know if that helps but if it does, your lucky, I'm
upgrading tomorrow to the one just before the ssl 1 upgrade. Would have
upgraded today but had to rejig some hardware around due to intermittent
failures, the type of failure that just wastes your time.

Re: print-preview broken in firefox?

2010-09-28 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Tue, 28 Sep 2010 14:04:10 +0100
Edd Barrett vex...@gmail.com wrote:

 I can not seem to print preview in either firefox35 or 36. It just disappears
 (nothing printed on the terminal). I am using an amd64 machine with cups and I
 *do* have the gtk2 cups dialog installed (as suggested in README.OpenBSD).
 Making a new profile changes nothing.
 Disabling cups (/usr/local/sbin/cupsd-disable) makes no difference.

For i386 atleast this is already in the ports mailing list!

From: Landry Breuil lan...@rhaalovely.net
To: ports@openbsd.org

Subject: Re: Print Preview crashing firefox-3.6.8

Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2010 12:34:31 +0200
Sender: owner-po...@openbsd.org
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

On Sun, Aug 08, 2010 at 12:11:25PM +0200, Andreas Bihlmaier wrote:
 Hello ports@,
 I think to have found a rather nasty bug in firefox (on i386) because
 it makes printing close to impossible.
 This is on a snapshot from a couple of days ago with the newest firefox
 port (see below) together with CUPS.
 pkg_info | egrep '(firefox|cups)'
 cups-1.4.4p1Common Unix Printing System
 firefox-i18n-de-3.6.8 de language pack for Firefox
 gnash-0.8.3p4   flash player with firefox browser plugin
 kdecups-3.5.10p6K Desktop Environment, cups support
 mozilla-firefox-3.6.8 Mozilla web browser
 Should be easy to reproduce
 (just hit Print Preview with cups installed and watch firefox crash).
 Sometimes it also crashes just hitting Print, but not always.
 The same happend with firefox-3.6.6 btw.  

And if you install gtk cups subpackage ?

There are known printing failures:

Be my guest, fix them.


Re: print-preview broken in firefox?

2010-09-28 Thread Kevin Chadwick
Shit, well I'm a fuckin moron and just put landry's email on the net.

I've sent a message requesting deletion to owner-ports, is that the
right thing to do?

Sorry, Landry

On Tue, 28 Sep 2010 14:17:40 +0100
Kevin Chadwick ma1l1i...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

 On Tue, 28 Sep 2010 14:04:10 +0100
 Edd Barrett vex...@gmail.com wrote:
  I can not seem to print preview in either firefox35 or 36. It just 
  (nothing printed on the terminal). I am using an amd64 machine with cups 
  and I
  *do* have the gtk2 cups dialog installed (as suggested in README.OpenBSD).
  Making a new profile changes nothing.
  Disabling cups (/usr/local/sbin/cupsd-disable) makes no difference.
 For i386 atleast this is already in the ports mailing list!
 From: Landry Breuil lan...@rhaalovely.net
 To: ports@openbsd.org
 Subject: Re: Print Preview crashing firefox-3.6.8
 Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2010 12:34:31 +0200
 Sender: owner-po...@openbsd.org
 User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)
 On Sun, Aug 08, 2010 at 12:11:25PM +0200, Andreas Bihlmaier wrote:
  Hello ports@,
  I think to have found a rather nasty bug in firefox (on i386) because
  it makes printing close to impossible.
  This is on a snapshot from a couple of days ago with the newest firefox
  port (see below) together with CUPS.
  pkg_info | egrep '(firefox|cups)'
  cups-1.4.4p1Common Unix Printing System
  firefox-i18n-de-3.6.8 de language pack for Firefox
  gnash-0.8.3p4   flash player with firefox browser plugin
  kdecups-3.5.10p6K Desktop Environment, cups support
  mozilla-firefox-3.6.8 Mozilla web browser
  Should be easy to reproduce
  (just hit Print Preview with cups installed and watch firefox crash).
  Sometimes it also crashes just hitting Print, but not always.
  The same happend with firefox-3.6.6 btw.  
 And if you install gtk cups subpackage ?
 There are known printing failures:
 Be my guest, fix them.

Re: Mozilla bugfix/security updates (ffx 3.5.12, 3.6.9, sm 2.0.7, xl

2010-09-09 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Thu, 9 Sep 2010 09:32:26 +0200
David Coppa dco...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Landry Breuil lan...@rhaalovely.net wrote:
  Now two options :
  - fallback to internal sqlite (bah!)
  - build systemwide sqlite with this option (bah!)
  Opinions on that ?
  New diffs fallbacks to internal sqlite, as it seems the more
  'reasonable' option.
 First, libpng with non-standard apng support and now this...
 Bah, i'm puzzled...

Maybe when google stole some of their developers, they left a few in as
moles to cause problems in an effort to get the community to switch to


Thanks for all your efforts Landry

Re: firefox 3.5.11

2010-08-01 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Sun, 1 Aug 2010 12:05:24 +0200
Landry Breuil lan...@rhaalovely.net wrote:

 we still have ffx 3.5 for the ones who need java plugin - so convert it
 to mozilla MODULE. while here this gains us --enable-libxul, which
 permits us to have way less libs in the port, and brings patches inline
 with other mozilla ports.

Nice one,

Does this module affect anything from a java plugin building point of

Re: Ffx 3.6.7, Tb 3.0.6, xulrunner

2010-07-26 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Sun, 25 Jul 2010 20:42:10 +0200
Landry Breuil lan...@rhaalovely.net wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 11:33:28AM -0700, patrick keshishian wrote:
  this made me smile: 3.6.8 is out now ;)
  MFSA 2010-48 Dangling pointer crash regression from plugin parameter array 
 I didn't specifically smile. i was rather ohn...@#]~¹]@
 oh well. Seems like i'll handle it.

I was like, for fucks sake I've just updated my OpenBSD clients!!

Has anyone noticed that this has given Ubuntu (standard repository) a
days unpatched record, on par with Windows. How come company's with lots
of resources seem to fuck things up.

Re: Porting flashrom to OpenBSD

2010-06-26 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 20:53:35 -0400
Brynet bry...@gmail.com wrote:

 I know of at least one OpenBSD developer wanting to update their BIOS
 from OpenBSD.

Sorry, but it's an imperfect world and I'm sure everyone appreciates
your efforts.

Personally I'd much prefer using a boot disk (OpenBSD or not) or
even a special kernel to do this and only this. I am disgusted with the
live updates of bios and video bios on windows.

I'm sure that developer is perfectly capable of checksumming his bios
and updating.

Many may not realise the risks, which are often there during every
boot and may not check their bioses or wish to do so so often. The ones
who do, may take precautions and still wish to do less checks.

I'd prefer to know my bsd.rd environment cannot do this when I run
something from userland and the security of OpenBSD improved to the
highest level, when/if X solves the remaining issues.