there are leaks everywhere in V, this language is not safe and prob. never will

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-------- Messaggio originale --------
On 20 lug 2019, 6:58 AM, Brian Callahan ha scritto:

> Hi ports --
> Attached is a new port, lang/v. V is a simple, fast, safe, compiled
> language for developing maintainable software.
> ---
> pkg/DESCR:
> V is a simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable
> software.
> Features:
> * Simplicity: the language can be learned in half an hour, less if you
>   already know Go
> * Safety: no null, no globals, no undefined behavior, immutability by
>   default
> * C to V translation
> * Hot code reloading
> * Powerful UI and graphics libraries
> * Easy cross compilation
> * REPL
> ---
> This language has plenty of hype and a lot of it is just hype and
> marketing. But the fact of the matter is that (at least on amd64) the
> majority of its tests pass (the failing ones appear to fail because the
> compiler expects deterministic randomness) and its example code runs
> (see [0]). And there seems to be a community interested in writing code
> in the language. So might as well port it.
> I've only tested on amd64 because it is way too hot here to turn on any
> other machines. V is supposed to transpile to C, then call ${CC} to do
> the real work, so it should work everywhere. Testing appreciated.
> OK?
> ~Brian
> [0]

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