Hi all,

This is a port of my implementation of WireGuard.

I had some trouble with the following when creating the port:

1. I was not able to set "SEPARATE_BUILD = Yes", I get the error "cannot open

/usr/ports/net/wiresep/ $ make build
===>  Verifying specs:  c crypto
===>  found c.95.1 crypto.45.5
===>  Checking files for wiresep-0.8.2-rc.3
`/usr/ports/distfiles/wiresep-0.8.2-rc.3.tar.gz' is up to date.
>> (SHA256) wiresep-0.8.2-rc.3.tar.gz: OK
===>  Extracting for wiresep-0.8.2-rc.3
===>  Patching for wiresep-0.8.2-rc.3
===>  Compiler link: clang -> /usr/bin/clang
===>  Compiler link: clang++ -> /usr/bin/clang++
===>  Compiler link: cc -> /usr/bin/cc
===>  Compiler link: c++ -> /usr/bin/c++
===>  Generating configure for wiresep-0.8.2-rc.3
===>  Configuring for wiresep-0.8.2-rc.3
===>  Building for wiresep-0.8.2-rc.3
make: cannot open Makefile.
*** Error 2 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2800
*** Error 1 in /usr/ports/net/wiresep
(/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2466 'build')

2. somehow `rcctl stop wiresep` does not execute my custom rc_stop
function in /etc/rc.d/wiresep

3. portcheck(1) issues "hardcoded paths detected in pkg/MESSAGE,

When I try to replace "/usr/local" with ${TRUEPREFIX} it does not
get substituted and is displayed verbatim when the MESSAGE file is
displayed right after installing the package with `doas make install`.

Kind regards,


Attachment: wiresep.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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