I picked up an earlier attempt at a port for rebar3, the successor to
devel/rebar.  My main interest in this is that I need it to revive
databases/riak, so for now it's at the version that riak requires.

rebar3 loves downloading things and updating git checkouts when you ask it to
build something.  To convince it to not do that, I've added all its
dependencies as distfiles that are downloaded from http://hex.pm/ and
extracted into two locations, one to stop the rebar3 bootstrap from
downloading them, the second to stop the bootstrapped rebar3 from doing it.

The patches are all in support of using versioned erl and escript binaries.
Since the rebar3 binary is called rebar3, what should its erlang-versioned
binaries be called?  They currently end up called 'rebar3-21' for erlang21,
which isn't great, but I can't think of anything better.

ok to import?

Attachment: rebar3.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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