I have put together a basic port of PyPy 1.8 here:


"PyPy is a fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python language
(equivalent to CPython 2.7.2)." For "pure" Python 2.7 programs, PyPy is
generally a drop-in replacement; many programs benefit significantly from its
tracing JIT.

Unfortunately, PyPy's distribution and installation mechanism is currently
rather non-standard; to make the problem tractable, the package installs into

This has currently had relatively light testing and I would be grateful for
comments. Until it has had more testing, I can't consider it suitable for
submission to CVS, so if you're interested in PyPy, please test and comment!

[In the longer term, I intend adding an RPython sub-package, but that's an
unnecessary complication at this stage.]

Personal                                             http://tratt.net/laurie/
The Converge programming language                      http://convergepl.org/
   https://github.com/ltratt              http://twitter.com/laurencetratt

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