[pfx] Re: gmail failing SPF/DKIM

2023-11-28 Thread Matthew McGehrin via Postfix-users


I was able to replicate this error, however it's not a misconfiguration 
in Postfix, but rather a policy change by Google. I didn't notice the 
bounce message sooner, since it was routed to my SPAM folder on Gmail.

If I use a GMAIL From: address and attempt to email another GMAIL 
account, it bounces back with this error. Only, when I use a third-party 
to relay the message. I think what is happening is that Google has 
implemented a new anti-spam policy, rejecting any emails that have GMAIL 
email hosted domain that is failing SPF/DKIM. Only messages relayed via 
Google are valid. If you are using a contact form, the From: address is 
typically munged to be the user filling out the form.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Matthew McGehrin 
To: Matthew McGehrin 
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2023 20:25:24 -0600
Subject: Testing to Gmail

: host gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[]
    said: 550-5.7.26 This mail has been blocked because the sender is
    unauthenticated. 550-5.7.26 Gmail requires all senders to 
authenticate with

    either SPF or DKIM. 550-5.7.26  550-5.7.26

Thank you.


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[pfx] Re: smtpd rate limiting

2023-09-29 Thread Matthew McGehrin via Postfix-users
I might had used the wrong terminology. I was mainly referencing delayed 
email that occurs with Grey listing. Most of the delay email for me is 
either Google or Yahoo.


On 9/29/2023 7:40 PM, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote:

Matthew McGehrin via Postfix-users:
Hi Kevin.
If the delays are being caused by bounce message processing, you could
Then you should configre Postfix to block undeliverable mail.

- Don't accept mail for non-existent recipients.

- Don't forward SPAM to other systems.

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[pfx] Re: smtpd rate limiting

2023-09-29 Thread Matthew McGehrin via Postfix-users

Hi Kevin.

If the delays are being caused by bounce message processing, you could 
run a second instance dedicated to just processing delayed messages 
using fallback_relay.

You can also make adjustments to the individual queues in master.cf, one 
tweak I use is increasing the flush rate to 1800.


flush unix  n   -   n   1800?   0   flush

Thank you.


On 9/29/2023 9:34 AM, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote:

Wietse Venema via Postfix-users:

Kevin Cousin via Postfix-users:

Greetings List,

  We recently had an issue and the active queue was full and slowed
down all new mail delivery. Is it possible to rate limit the mail
flow to protect smtpd from a massive mail input ?t as increasing the 

Can you answer one question: is mail arriving too fast, or are
deliveries too slow? If the problem is the latter, then your queue
may be full of MAILER-DAEMON messages.

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[pfx] Re: Anyone using SMTP relay through dnsexit.com?

2023-06-27 Thread Matthew McGehrin via Postfix-users


Some alternatives might be to use one of the commercial bulk mail 
providers such as:




I use mailersend.com for transactional emails for Reverse.net. Other 
options include buying a $5 KVM and self hosting a public relay for 
outbound only.


On 6/27/2023 10:01 AM, John Stoffel via Postfix-users wrote:

I've got sorta the same issue, but it's more that Spectrum (charter)
is not allowing any emails from my personal domain hosted on Linode to
send email to their customers.  Guess who runs cable in my town?
Sigh... so I too am looking for solutions.
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[pfx] Re: delivery loop?

2023-05-22 Thread Matthew McGehrin via Postfix-users


It really depends on your mail volume and the reliability of your 
primary MX hostname. Typically the RFC permits mail to be delayed for up 
to 5 days at which mail will bounce back as undeliverable. For most 
low-volume sites, a primary only MX configuration is fine.

Both of those domains have either Round-Robin DNS or multiple MX servers 
which provide a similar function.

outlook.com mail is handled by 5 outlook-com.olc.protection.outlook.com.
outlook-com.olc.protection.outlook.com has address
outlook-com.olc.protection.outlook.com has address

Yahoo has multiple server weight 1 servers providing redunancy.

yahoo.com mail is handled by 1 mta6.am0.yahoodns.net.
yahoo.com mail is handled by 1 mta5.am0.yahoodns.net.
yahoo.com mail is handled by 1 mta7.am0.yahoodns.net



On 5/22/2023 6:53 PM, Tom Reed via Postfix-users wrote:

PS: Why do you (think you) need a backup MX?

I am not sure why I need a backup mx indeed, but if you make a simple dig,
you find gmail, fastmail, protonmail, comcast, free.fr those big providers
do have backup MXs.
Though yahoo, outlook don't have backup MX as a comparison.___
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[pfx] Re: Painful Postfix

2023-04-30 Thread Matthew McGehrin via Postfix-users


You can try adding to your main.conf:


See also:


That can help fixing broken window sizes because of a firewall.



On 4/30/2023 12:35 AM, Kolusion K via Postfix-users wrote:

Hello again
My e-mail server is able to deliver e-mail to some hosts but will time 
out when attempting to deliver to other hosts. What could be causing 
this problem?


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[pfx] Re: Painful Postfix

2023-04-29 Thread Matthew McGehrin via Postfix-users


Could you post a copy of the logs that you are seeing for this mail 
delay? What was the reject code?



On 4/29/2023 5:40 AM, Kolusion K via Postfix-users wrote:


I am having a painful experience with Postfix and I hope that someone 
can help me.
 I am trying to send an e-mail, but the receving e-mail server is 
timing out, as per Postfix's mail log file.
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[P-U] Re: New List Host and Reply-to Header

2023-03-09 Thread Matthew McGehrin via Postfix-users

Hi Peter.

The Reply-To has always been the original poster for 10+ years. No sense 
changing it now. :)


On 3/9/2023 1:08 PM, Peter via Postfix-users wrote:

On 10/03/23 07:34, postfix--- via Postfix-users wrote:
Is it the best idea to add a reply-to header to the author on mailing 
list emails?
The problem I see is many people will hit reply in their email client 
which will create an email from them to the author, bypassing the 
mailing list.
Unless they remember to manually alter the To: field to keep the 
conversation on the list, it wont be.

Many email clients have a "Reply List" option which goes to the 
address in the List-Post: header.  Thunderbird has a "Smart Reply" 
button that when displaying a message with List-Post: defaults to 
"Reply List". I've found that hiding the normal reply button in TB and 
enabling the smart reply button has made my world way easier when 
dealing with mailing lists.
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[P-U] Re: Poster Name not visible in Thunderbird

2023-03-07 Thread Matthew McGehrin via Postfix-users


I found the issue. It seems I had the list address saved as a contact, 
so Thunderbird was displaying Postfix Users. I removed the contact and 
it's displaying the poster name.

See screenshot.

Thank you.


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[P-U] Poster Name not visible in Thunderbird

2023-03-07 Thread Matthew McGehrin via Postfix-users


Sadly, when viewing this list in Thunderbird, it only displays "Postfix 
Users" as the From address, versus showing the posters name. I tend to 
ignore posters I don't recognize, and now i need to open each post to 
see who replied.

Any workarounds in Thunderbird to override this behavior?

Thank you.

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