Re: Deprecated: white is better than black

2021-02-25 Thread yuv
plus one for terminating this thread, because

On Thu, 2021-02-25 at 09:33 -0500, micah wrote:
> If people don't like it, please do something productive about
> it, rather than make hundreds of people have to hit their delete key.

Impossible.  The only thing I found to work is the opposite of
productive:  destruct myself before they find me.  Back to playing
chess with my rgb(0,0,0) and rgb(255,255,255) pieces, until the
Ministry of Newspeak learns math. 255>0. Numeric privilege. You know
the rest.
Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

Re: CentOS Linux 8 is being practically abolished

2020-12-09 Thread yuv
On Wed, 2020-12-09 at 17:44 +0200, specktator wrote:
> we need to be *aware of such actions on FOSS.*


this looks like history repeating itself:  back in 1999-2000 Red Hat
pulled the switch on their (whatever the name was) community edition,
trying to coerce users into paid RHEL subscriptions.  No thanks back
then, no thanks today.

Luckily, the universe of FOSS distros is varied and competitive.  Fork
them!  Or better: join a distro with a better track record.

Ultimately, the ethics of the organization is determined by the ethics
of the individuals and it follows them wherever they go.  This kind of
conduct seems to be engrained in that strain of DNA for more than two
decades, and you do not want to be anywhere near it.  Bad apples.
Me always happy to pay for valuable work/development/admin, but
absolutely allergic to taxes, ransom, walled gardens, and other
coercitive shenanigans.

Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

Re: lost connection after STARTTLS

2020-06-12 Thread yuv
On Fri, 2020-06-12 at 09:11 +0200, Fourhundred Thecat wrote:
>  > On 2020-06-12 08:57, Jeroen Geilman wrote:
> > -  too many errors after .* from .*
> > -  warning: non-SMTP command from .*
> > 
> > While these do indicate badly-behaved clients, there is no reason
> > to assume evil intent.

The senior citizen that inadvertendly drove faster than the allowed
speed limit had no evil intent, but they still got a speeding ticket.

> - reject: RCPT from .* Recipient address rejected: User unknown in
> > local recipient table; .*'
> > 
> > This rejection is per-recipient; blocking this *client* because
> > they mis-typed a single address means you /will/ reject valid email
> > later on.
> OK, I see. But I am blocking for 1 hour only anyway.

That is very reasonable.  A civil society does not send all citizens
that have driven a bit above limit to prison.  For mild offenders the
sentence is a small ticket.  For more serious and repeat offenders,
there are temporary license suspensions, and only for the worst
offenders there are life-suspensions and sometimes jail.

Intent is still not part of the equation, and this is by design: 
Proving intent (subjective!) is extremely difficult.  In civil
societies, we do not want to make the mistake of jailing innocent
people, which is why to find intent (and thus criminal guilt), the
standard of proof is "beyond reasonable doubt" (i.e. 100%), much higher
than the standard to find strict liability (responsibility based on
objective facts only, which is the case of the misconfigured client).

Strict liability is easy to find at trial than criminal guilt, but
carries much lighter sentences.

Eventually, your one-hour blocked client will learn from the rejection,
or will be rightfully excluded from the network.

On the other hand, tolerating these bad-behaved clients is a slippery
slope.  If drivers get away with 10Km/h above limit, next week they
will try 15Km/h and next month 20Km/h until there is no limit at all. 
But what was the purpose of the limit in the first place?

Sadly, after the twitterization of language, we are witnessing also the
twitterization of decision-making.  Centuries of wisdom are lost to the
analphabetism of incompetents-in-chief that condense accusation, trial,
verdict and sentencing into one tweet.

> And why can't legitimate client use reasonable ciphers?

This is exactly the question to answer.  Reasonable depends on context
and evolves over time.  Maybe 50 years ago it was reasonable to
tolerate drinking and driving.  Today we know better.  Maybe 40 years
ago encryption was difficult to implement, and even nowadays there may
be reasons not to.  Some banks are sending alerts unencrypted, for
scalability reasons.

> I think my settings are not so strict. I believe am using
> recommendations from this mailing list:
> smtpd_tls_ciphers   = medium
> smtpd_tls_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3
> smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols   = !SSLv2, !SSLv3

Depends on the sensitivity of the transmitted/received information and your 
overall protection strategy.

If the information is encrypted with PGP or S/MIME, the choice of TLS becomes 
much less critical.

The test I recommend:  if you are not comfortable putting the information on 
the back of a postcard, use PGP, and make sure that you are comfortable putting 
the PGP-chiphercode on the back of a postcard.

With that out of the way, the choice of encryption is much less critical.  
Have a look at

Generally, weak encryption is better than no encryption.  !SSLv2 is
very sensible because SSLv2 is so bad that it can be used to attack RSA
keys and sites with the same name even if they are on entirely
different servers.  

If SSLv2 is used, An attacker could use a couple of seemingly innocent 
encrypted packets to/from the SMTP server to gain access to the private key and 
attack anything else that is protected by that key.  What were those GET 
requests again?

SSLv3 is "only" weak when used with SMTP.  The POODLE vulnerability is specific 
to HTTP.  May or may not have been applied against SMTP.

You will have to balance your choice for compatibility with your 
correspondents, and there is no absolute right or wrong answer.  Sometimes no 
encryption is better than bad encryption.

Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

Re: Postfix restrictions

2020-06-09 Thread yuv
On Tue, 2020-06-09 at 01:16 -0600, @lbutlr wrote:
> > On 08 Jun 2020, at 16:21, yuv  wrote:
> > 
> > Some of [the alternatives to internet email] will achieve scale as
> > well.  At some point, the cost/benefit analysis of maintaining
> > internet email vs. using alternatives such as SMS will tilt
> > obviously against email
> Sure it will. It hasn't happened yet, and I don't think it will
> happen (SMS is garbage), but it is still irrelevant to the topic.

It may be irrelevant to the topic, but your statement characterizes the
troll perfectly well.

The admins working for the fine companies on the list at the URL below
may be of a different opinion on relevance and on occurence of the
cost/benefit tipping point.

Some of them may even opine that your internet email is garbage.

I am personally agnostic regarding garbage...

> > and that's where "most admins" will regret their narrow view. 
> How do you figure? You think we run Mailservers because we are
> emotionally invested in the idea of email as the ONE TRUE INFORMATION
> EXCHANGE? Nope. We are mail admins because we and our users need
> email. As soon as that is no longer the case I will gleefully switch
> to the better thing.

... but I have zero tolerance for the arrogant attribution of your
preconceived notions.

My thoughts are far from your wishful dreaming.  All things being
equal, internet email is less interesting when it is less reliable and
more spammy, both of which are direct consequences of your myopia.  I
care little whether my communication is carried by pigeons, by fax, or
by internet email.  The question is not "do you want to receive that
email?"  The question is "do you want your message delivered reliably
according to protocol" and if email does not cut it, there are
competing protocols that do.

Here is one for you:

By the time "your" users will no longer need you, you may find that the
competitive landscape has shifted under your feet.  And they may
gleefully leave you and your baggage behind.  Abandonware.
Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

Re: Postfix restrictions

2020-06-08 Thread yuv
On Sun, 2020-06-07 at 20:36 -0600, @lbutlr wrote:
> On 07 Jun 2020, at 06:38, yuv  wrote:
> > Is there a valid reason for a sender not to fix something so
> > essential as DNS configuration?
> That’s not the question.

Oh, yes it is.  Making room for degraded configurations is detrimental
to the protocol and to the federation of internet email server
operators if internet email is ever to mature into a reliable messaging
system on par with snailmail.

> The question is, do you want to receive the mail or not? If you do,
> then don’t use reject_unknown_helo_hostname 
> It’s a question only you can answer, but it seems most admins find
> that this results in too much lost mail.

The consequence of this narrow framing is that internet email is
serving the interest of spammers more than the interest of recipients. 
Spammers pay admins better than recipients, so we get what we pay for. 
Meanwhile, alternative messaging systems with more rigid controls, some
of which are proprietary, achieve maturity much faster.  Some of them
achieve scale as well.  At some point, the cost/benefit analysis of
maintaining internet email vs. using alternatives such as SMS will tilt
obviously against email, and that's where "most admins" will regret
their narrow view. 
Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

Re: Postfix -> Whatapp

2020-06-08 Thread yuv
You may be interested in this WhatsApp interface: 

can probably write a glue-script to access it, however it seems to only
be open to "businesses that have been approved by WhatsApp."

Why don't you simply skip WhatsApp which anyway requires a phone
message, and send an SMS to the phone directly?

is easier and reaches a wider audience.  WhatsApp is just a
proprietary, exclusionary tool that serve the spyware economy, not the
users.  I personally do not need this FB subsidiary sucking the blood
out of my digital life.
Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

Re: The historical roots of our computer terms

2020-06-07 Thread yuv
May I offer to those who want to continue this off-topic discussion to
do it at ?

up to 100 participants, no time limits, open for the next few days. 
It's on my firm.  Enjoy.  I will be there for the next little while. 
No reply to the ML, thanks.

Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

Re: Postfix restrictions

2020-06-07 Thread yuv
On Sun, 2020-06-07 at 14:22 +0200, A. Schulze wrote:
> using "reject_unknown_helo_hostname" may trigger some false
> positives. Not every sender have such perfect setups.

Is there a valid reason for a sender not to fix something so essential
as DNS configuration?

Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

Re: The historical roots of our computer terms

2020-06-06 Thread yuv
On Sat, 2020-06-06 at 19:12 +0200, Jaroslaw Rafa wrote:
> Black color is culturally associated with the devil (and also death),
> and white with an angel (innocence, etc.)

in your culture.  have you tried checking other cultures?

> Let's not get crazy.

I agree with you.  It applies to all sides of the debate.

For the technical debate, which is relevant here, colors are/were a
coded abstraction that is unnecessary.  Using more precise, meaningful
terms such as allow/deny reduces ambiguity, improves readability, does
not make the text significantly longer and should be uncontroversial
(other than the pain of migrating configuration files and the likes,
which can be mitigated with appropriate deprecation periods).

For the political debate... it's the twitterization of language.  White
is RGB(255,255,255) and Black is RGB(0,0,0).  Or it can be expressed in
photon's wavelength.  White/Black is not race.  Colours were used as an
approximation of race, not the other way around.  Imposing race as the
definition of the words will make language worse, not better.  I
appreciate and support the intention, but in my view, putting people in
boxes (white, black, whatever) only increases racisms, and detracts
from the ability of a language to describe facts such as reflected
wavelengths.  But then, this is the twitterization of language, and
soon there will be emojis only because of raising analphabetismus and
the lazyness of imperfect definitions.


Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

Re: easiest way to reject/process emails based on Return Path

2020-05-25 Thread yuv
On Tue, 2020-05-19 at 11:38 +0200, Jaroslaw Rafa wrote:
> As a non-lawyer, it is hard for me to understand what you're trying
> to debate about.

The legal issue is NOTICE.  NOTICE is the fact that the recipient knew
or *should have known* the content of the message.  Let me know if you
want me to expand on the concept of notice.

> Even physical postal mail service does not give any guarantee that
> the recipient has actually READ your mail.

That is not of concern, neither for snail-mail, nor for fax, nor for
internet-email.  The three of them have done their job when they have

After delivery, the responsibility (and the legal liability) lies with
the recipient.

The general rule is that spam is in the eye of the recipient:  if you
find my message to be irrelevant to you, I must accept your judgment. 
Except for some specific situations.  For example, a debtor cannot say
that a request to pay from a creditor is spam.  It is a direct
consequence of the debtor accepting a loan.  This is where the concept
of notice kicks in:  the debtor should have known that he owes money,
ignoring the payment request does not absolve the debtor from the
consequences of not paying the debt.  I had clients who learned this
the hard way:  they ignored the snail-mail letters from the bank. the
bank repossessed their home, evicted them, and sold it, at great
expense/loss to the idiots who ignored the letters.

> If you have your OWN SERVER, a 250 reply to SMTP transaction is an
> equivalent of confirming that the message has arrived into your
> "mailbox".

This is a conflation of the general case, and irrelevant to my concern.
In the OWN SERVER case, the law will find that the recipient has
willfully ignored the message and knew or should have known the

> What's ethically doubtful in this? If it were a third party
> who discarded the message - yes, that would be unethical
> (and probably against the law as well). But if the recipient does it
> him/herself - I can see no ethical or legal issue at all.

if the third party is Gmail or Hotmail (and many more, no intention to
single out those two services), then it is not even against the law, as
the contract between the unaware user and the sophisticated "free"
email provider stipulates that the email provider has no responsibility
for delivering the message.  Let me first expand on the legal issue,
and then touch on the soft / ethical issue.

In a previous message on this thread, on Mon, 2020-05-18 at 13:50
-0400, Bill Cole wrote:
| > The legal term is *misrepresentation*
| It is not misrepresentation. The SMTP protocol definitions have
| NEVER required the 250 reply to end-of-data to indicate actual
| (much less final) delivery and has ALWAYS explicitly cautioned
| against reliance in any way on the optional text part of any
| server reply.

A *misrepresentation* occurs when a person lies.  SMTP is not a person.
An MTA is not a person.  A fax is not a person.  They are merely
devices that a person use to make the misrepresentation.

The *LEGAL ISSUE* with an MTA or with a fax is product liability.

The manufacturer of a fax device (or the operator of a fax server -- I
have not owned a fax device since 2003) represents that its device or
service complies with the CCITT standards (or whatever has followed
since, the last time I have looked in depth at the protocols around
faxes during a 1989 summer job when I programmed a software-fax), and
failure to comply with the standard attracts a product liability suit.

Software publishers for MTAs (and in general) exclude product liability
with the licensing term that disclaims "implied warranties or
conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose"
(quoted text from the terms under which Postfix is licensed).  Which
basically says to the user: here is a knife, use it at your own risk.

If the OWN SERVER sends a 250 and discards the message, the user is
both recipient and operator.  The law will find sufficient notice and
the sender is protected.

In the general case, the user is the MTA operator and is not the
recipient.  The user has caused the MTA to send a 250 and
*misrepresented* to the sender that the message was delivered.  The
user has caused the message to be silently discarded, preventing the
recipient from noticing the message.  The user is liable for the damage
caused by the lack of notice, except if said damage is disclaimed in
the general terms and conditions of the service (see reference to
"free" email services above).  Unsurprisingly, free email services
invariably have such disclaimer, preventing the recipient from making a
damages claim against the operator.  I believe that paid email services
(from the same providers) do not have such disclaimer, and if they do,
why would one want to be customer of their service?

The *ETHICAL ISSUE*, and the reason why I do not want to send a 250 and
discard the message in the conflated scenario:  when I am the sender,
and I am told 250, 

Re: easiest way to reject/process emails based on Return Path

2020-05-18 Thread yuv
On Mon, 2020-05-18 at 13:50 -0400, Bill Cole wrote:
> In 30 years of working with Internet email, I have never seen any
> fully 
> automated mechanism for making its delivery reliable in general, 
> non-contracted cases.


> There is no virtual replacement for a physical process server. Maybe 
> someday that will mean robots of some sort (e.g. drones) but

before I embark on an interesting conversation, can somebody confirm that I am 
not veering off-topic?  I came here for a technical solution.  Jerry gave an 
elegant one, although I am not ethically comfortable with it.

The problem of Internet email is the problem of any federated standard.  
Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.  Internet email is being replaced by text 
messaging, and I dare betting that fax will survive Internet email, because fax 
has a niche that Internet email has failed to create for itself.

Fax niche is the communication with adverse interest.  A minimum common 
denominator, that enable the less powerful of the parties to stay in the game.  
Internet email could have been even better.  Could have...

I am not expecting process serving standards (though I wish mechanical process 
serving could be replaced by something electronic).  Just the same reliability 
of fax transmission (if the message gets lost after the 250, the fax operator 
is liable) would be good enough to give Internet email more purpose than the 
delivery of spam.

Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer
https ://
Tel: 1.844.234.5389
Fax: 1.888.900.5709

Re: easiest way to reject/process emails based on Return Path

2020-05-18 Thread yuv
On Fri, 2020-05-08 at 09:51 +0200, Gerald Galster wrote:
> > > Below is the PCRE that I came up with to catch the offending
> > > messages,
> > > without blocking other correspondence (the contacts and their
> > > organizations are likely to use Google's SMTP for their regular
> > > emails):
> > > 
> > > /^Return-Path:(.+)(calendar-
> > >*)/  REJECT No
> > > Google Calendar Spam Here
> > 
> > If you reject mail from Google, Google will stop sending you mail.
> > ALL mail. Can you afford that?
> You could use DISCARD instead of REJECT.
> #DISCARD optional text...
> #   Claim successful delivery and silently discard  the
> #   message.   Log the optional text if specified, oth-
> #   erwise log a generic message.

Thanks for the suggestion, Gerald.  I was hoping for something more ...
*honest*.  To claim successful delivery and silently discard a message
is a lie.  The legal term is *misrepresentation* and I am eagerly
waiting for the client coming through my door who has been damaged by
an email service operator that replied with a 250 and then silently
discarded the message.  It is one of the main reasons why we lawyers
continue to use fax transmission: the protocol is reliable, my fax
device receives the equivalent of a 250, I can rely on the fact that
something has been delivered.  Not silently discarded.

As for the other comments elicited by my post: is there any evidence
that Google stops sending ALL mails on some very specific rejections? 
or is this just FUD?  After all, Google is used by millions of senders,
and some of them are most obvious spammer.  Does anyone expect an email
server to accept an email containing a request to send money by Western
Union to some exotic country in exchange for the prospect of receiving
an inheritance from an obscure prince or despot of said country?


easiest way to reject/process emails based on Return Path

2020-05-07 Thread yuv
Hello List:

I am operating a smallish postfix server for my law office.  Many of
our contacts use Google's calendar, and when they enter one of our
email addresses into their calendar entries, we receive a flood of
annoying emails.  Invitations / reminders / updates / changes /
cancellations of meetings.

Initially, after receiving twelve emails for a single calendar entry
repeated weekly for three months, I wanted to outright reject the
Google spam.  After the second change within 24 hours, I also wanted to
fire the client.  But maybe there is smarter way to deal with this
annoyance, such as re-directing the emails to an auto-responder or some
other form of automated processing (/dev/null comes to my mind too)?

Below is the PCRE that I came up with to catch the offending messages,
without blocking other correspondence (the contacts and their
organizations are likely to use Google's SMTP for their regular

/^Return-Path:(.+)(*)/  REJECT No
Google Calendar Spam Here

where/how do I best add the restriction to Postfix?  I was thinking to
make it an smtpd_restriction_classes so that I can apply it to some
recipients but not to others.

But maybe rewriting the destination address, or sending an auto-
responder right away?  I just want to get that spam out of the way in
the most elegant way possible.

Thanks in advance for your help,