Wietse Venema via Postfix-users:
> With this in master.cf:
> dkim-sign unix -       n       n       -       0       spawn
>         user=_postfix_xlocal argv=/tmp/s-dkim-sign
>         --milter-macro-sign {daemon_name},sign
>         --key rsa-sha256,rsa,/tmp/pri-rsa.pem
> These are options to a non-Postfix program, so I need to investigate
> why the syntax parser is treating it as Postfix syntax.

This behavior was introduced on 20140927, and it is partially
documented in the master(5) manpage.

  Other command-line arguments
        Specify "{" and "}" around command arguments that contain
        whitespace (Postfix 3.0 and later). Whitespace after"{"
        and before "}" is ignored.

The text should have said:

  Other command-line arguments
        Specify "{" and "}" around command arguments that must start
        with "{" or that must contain whitespace (Postfix 3.0 and
        later). These outer "{" and "}" are removed from the input,
        together with any leading or trailing whitespace.

Basically, Postfix strips one level of {} around any command-line
argument that starts with "{".

In that light, if you want "{daemon_name},sign", you need to specify
{{daemon_name},sign} like this:

dkim-sign unix -       n       n       -       0       spawn
        user=_postfix_xlocal argv=/tmp/s-dkim-sign
        --milter-macro-sign {{daemon_name},sign}
        --key rsa-sha256,rsa,/tmp/pri-rsa.pem

I'll update the manpage text.

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