On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 04:27:07PM +0100, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:

> When sending to nashfinch.com I get:
> Feb 11 16:23:36 mail postfix/smtp[22382]: setting up TLS connection to
> nashfinch.com.s5a1.psmtp.com[]:25
> Feb 11 16:23:37 mail postfix/smtp[22382]: Trusted TLS connection
> established to nashfinch.com.s5a1.psmtp.com[]:25: TLSv1 with
> cipher AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)

The nashfinch.com email service is proxied by Postini.

> Feb 11 16:23:42 mail postfix/smtp[22382]: BDCC11C35E9: host
> nashfinch.com.s5a1.psmtp.com[] said: 451 Remote TLS ERROR -
> Connection closed by peer (state:SSLv2/v3 read server hello A)
> (host:[]) - psmtp (in reply to RCPT TO command)
> on all of their 4 Postini MX hosts.

Postini connects to the remote system at "RCPT TO" and tries to maintain
the same security level by using STARTTLS with the next-hop server. This
fails, and Postini gives you the bad news.

> This started shortly after midnight (local time), thus no changes to
> the system.

The real nashfinch.com server is not feeling well.


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