I would like to inject a tracking header in an email before it is sent.
Nothing malicious, just something I can use to uniquely identify a
specific email that was sent from our server's web application.

Here's the use case narrative:

We build web based applications where we need to be able to audit: "Did
so-and-so get an email?" When the user is outside our system, the only
thing we can verify is that the recipient server on the other end
responded with a 250 OK. So, I need to be able to pair that 250 OK
response with a specific email that was generated out of our system.

To do that, I am planning on writing a milter in python that will look
at the headers (before or after it is sent, I haven't decided on that),
and then figure out the post-send disposition (250 OK, 550 5.7.1
Rejected, etc...) and update the database.

My current thought on how to do this would be to add a header to the
email that corresponds to the id that email has in the database. Just an
integer value. (THe secuirty guy in me says use a nonce instead. It
could be either).

So, the first part of my task is: can I add a header to the email that
will safely be ignored by everything? Something like: "X-Tracking:

If the answer to that is "Yes", then my next task will be to research
what hooks are available for a miter to look at the results of a sent
mail so I can get the remote server response to store in the database.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

I am completely open to scrapping my current idea and adopting a better
way. I have no pride in the concept. I just want something that works
well and is an elegant approach.

Thanks in advance,

Michael Munger, dCAP, MCPS, MCNPS, MBSS
High Powered Help, Inc.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft Certified Small Business Specialist
Digium Certified Asterisk Professional

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