Re: [postgis-users] Getting TopologyExections when trying to node linestrings to create an overlay

2015-02-18 Thread BladeOfLight16
On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 6:25 AM, Sandro Santilli wrote:

 First of all I confirm it still happens with GEOS=3.5.0dev-CAPI-1.9.0
 Second, I took a look at a random set (geom_set_id=1) and I found it pretty
 big. That's to say you could probably further reduce the dataset for the
 ticket. That set contains 109 polygons, I can get the error by attempting
 to union the boundaries of the first 40 in that set, and I'm sure you can
 further reduce the input.

Thanks for taking a look. I'll work on doing that when I can find the time,
but I don't expect that to be a fast process at all. Even just checking for
the pairwise case took a decent amount of time to develop the query and
took overnight to finish running (even with optimizations like a bounding
box intersection test). I don't really have any good heuristic that could
narrow down the possibilies for reproducing, so I don't see much option
other than to brute force it possibly with some kind of filter. That's why
I didn't put more effort into shrinking the input set to begin with.

Is a PostGIS database dump an okay format to provide the shapes, or would
you prefer something else? I suppose I could dump groups into shapefiles or
something like that if it's more convenient.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 7:00 AM, Rémi Cura wrote:

 this is a precision related issue, coordinates are way too big and should
 be translated.

I understand what you mean by that (as in floating point problems due to
size), but these coordinates are pretty typical. This is a standard UTM
projection, zone 15N in middle America. It's even predefined in PostGIS'
list of spatial references. I'm told ESRI had this kind of problem years
ago, but they dealt with it as far as I know. While I would choose PostGIS
over ESRI any day, this could be viewed by my coworkers as a good argument
against using PostGIS; it represents a serious reliability concern since it
applies to a broad range of functions and 2D projections. Basically, if you
use any projection with coordinates of this size (of which there are a good
number), there seems to be no telling when any function will just blow up
in your face at random.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 7:04 AM, Rémi Cura wrote:

 I executed your data,
 the following command solve the problem (with very recent GEOS for me)
 (POSTGIS=2.2.0dev r12846 GEOS=3.5.0dev-CAPI-1.9.0 r0 PROJ=Rel. 4.8.0,
 6 March 2012 GDAL=GDAL 2.0.0dev, released 2014/04/16 LIBXML=2.8.0


The change compared to your approach : convert input to table of simple
 polygons, (no array, no multi).
 Then  translate to improve precision in geos computing
 Then the union.
 I don't really understand what you are trying to do,
 but ist_union seems dangerous and quit ineffective  for that .

I'm looking at this function call in your code: ST_Union(
ST_MakePolygon(ST_ExteriorRing(geom)) ). That call seems to remove all
holes and then create the union of all the covered areas (a single
multipolygon that covers all areas covered by the originals). That is not
what I'm trying to do; I already have an outer boundary that I could use
for that purpose.

Here's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to create an overlay (as I said in
the first sentence of my original e-mail but didn't elaborate on), in the
sense that the term is used by these two articles: or What
they do is they create a sort of Venn diagram, if you will; they take all
the polygons and create a new polygon for each area with a different set of
overlappying polygons. Both of them use ST_Union in the same way I am: they
take a set of linestrings and union them to create a fully noded
linestring, and then they use this linework to create a bunch of new
polygons. I'm leveraging ST_Boundary instead of ST_ExteriorRing in my code
because I need to preserve holes, but that shouldn't change the results as
far as I know. In what way is ST_Union dangerous and quite ineffective
for the purpose of noding lingstrings? If that's true, I'm apparently not
the only one who has some misconceptions, since both these articles use it
the same way. I should also note that I don't show the whole process here;
I'm only showing the part where I'm noding the linestrings because that's
where this error occurs. Once I have the polygons, I also go back and
relate them to the attributed rows in the original tables (of which there
are several).

That said, I'm trying out the translate and cutting out multi, but I am
still using an array in my actual code for a reason. Namely, I need to be
able to do this with *different* sets of geometries. These geometries come
as the result of selecting polygons from 3 or 4 different tables, each
having completely disparate sets of attributes. So basically, I need to be
able to use an arbitrary query to get the group of polygons 

Re: [postgis-users] operator is not unique: text || geometry

2015-02-18 Thread Rémi Cura
(better to stay on list )
I meant
You must understand that plpgsql function fabricate on the fly SQL
statement (meaning, at execution time).
That means that without actually executing the function, there is no way to
know exactly what it does.
Now i I __*can't*__ execute your function, not having your table

Now at execution,
it will stop you function there, and print the UPDATE query that should
have been executed.

Then you can analyse the UPDATE query that have been printed, and test it
to see why it doesn't work and how you could make it work (how which I have
no idea without the query).

You should see something like (I put xxx because I don' have the value.)
sql NOTICE :
UPDATE fgcm. SET (x,x,x,x)::topogeometry
= topology.toTopoGeom(ST_Transform(x::geometry,32648),'', 1, 1.0)

WHERE  objectid = '
Maybe you need to replace the
= topology.toTopoGeom(ST_Transform($1::geometry,32648), %I, 1, 1.0)
= topology.toTopoGeom(ST_Transform($1::geometry,32648), %L, 1, 1.0)

I can't know.


2015-02-18 20:43 GMT+01:00 Miller, Stephan

  Remi –

 I didn’t understand.

 Adding RAISE EXCEPTION '%',-q ; before the EXECUTE generates a syntax
 error.  Did you mean perhaps


 Instead of

 EXECUTE _q USING r.shape, cleantopo;

 How do I specify the r.shape and cleantopo parameters?

 Sorry to be so dense.



 *From:* Rémi Cura []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, February 18, 2015 1:59 PM

 *To:* Miller, Stephan
 *Subject:* Re: [postgis-users] operator is not unique: text || geometry

 As I wrote before,

 simply print the update query (and don't execute it)

 You can do this by adding a RAISE EXCEPTION '%',-q ; before the EXECUTE

 then test it !


 2015-02-18 19:57 GMT+01:00 Miller, Stephan

 Remi –

 I forced the transform as you suggested using SetSRID.   Now I am failing
 the UPDATE query somehow.

 _q := format('SELECT objectid, f_code, shape, topo_shape
 FROM fgcm.%I',updatedtablename);





 RAISE NOTICE 'Loading % attempt with shape
 = % and topo_shape = %' , r.objectid, r.shape, r.topo_shape;

 RAISE NOTICE 'Table % Shape %',
 updatedtablename, r.topo_shape;

  _q :=

 format('UPDATE fgcm.%I SET
 %I = topology.toTopoGeom(ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID($1, 4326),32648), $2, 1,

 WHERE  objectid = r.objectid' ,updatedtablename, r.topo_shape);

 EXECUTE _q USING r.shape, cleantopo;

 raise NOTICE 'After % Shape

 RAISE NOTICE 'Object % after conversion from shape = %
 to topo_shape = %', r.objectid, (ST_AsText(r.shape)),



 RAISE WARNING 'Loading of record % failed: % %', r.objectid,







   COST 100

   ROWS 2000;

 SELECT * FROM fgcm.hc_check_gaps_in_linear_topology('vnroadsclipped',


 The results for the first feature is shown below.

 NOTICE:  Loading 1 attempt with shape =
 and topo_shape = NULL

 NOTICE:  Table updatedvnroadsclipped Shape NULL

 WARNING:  Loading of record 1 failed: 22004 null values cannot be
 formatted as an SQL identifier

 The absence of the two RAISE NOTICE prints means the UPDATE is failing
 somehow.  Any suggestions?



 *From:* Rémi Cura []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, February 18, 2015 4:47 AM
 *To:* Miller, Stephan

 *Subject:* Re: [postgis-users] operator is not unique: text || geometry


 maybe the srid of $1::geometry is not what it should be, you could try
 to force it (ST_SetSRID($1::geometry,your_srid)
 ST_Transform($1::geometry, 32468)  ---  

 2015-02-17 20:52 GMT+01:00 Miller, Stephan

 Remi –

 I have it working with one exception: my embedded
 ST_Transform($1::geometry, 32468) has stopped working.  It is not
 transforming lat/lon to a local 

Re: [postgis-users] Getting TopologyExections when trying to node linestrings to create an overlay

2015-02-18 Thread Rémi Cura
last chance for you ^^

I successfully was able to remove errors in 2 ways :
 - first your geometry array contains a lot of duplicated geometry.
( rest of this is based on geom_set_id= 1)
   I suspect you forgot a where in an inner join, or something like this.
Removing the duplicate in your data seems to solve the problem
   (removing duplicate : DISTINCT ON (geom))
   I generated each pair of geometry in this set, none gave the error
individually (which lessen the chance of a legit GEOS problem)
 - second, without removing the duplicates, a combination of tanslate and
snaptogrid(0.5) was sufficient to also remove the error.

I would recommend that you analyse a little bit your data.
For instance, simply deuplicating on geom make your data set going from
--15317 geometry in arrays to  --9934

Snapping to a 0.5 grid before deduplicating further reduce the data set to
9617 (which might indicates that somewhere in your workflow you have a
precision related issue).

I never used ARCGIS, but I can bet you that ARCGIS is not precision-safe.
The only product that is truly safe is CGAL, which comes with other type of
You could also probably use GRASS safely if cleaning the data with v.clean
on import.

Anyway, there is no safe tool, only safe way to use it. You could very
easily create another SRS that is a translation of your original srs to
increase precision.
So you simply change your workflow to ST_Transform before computing, then
ST_Transform after computing.

Lastly, I don't see the interest of using an array of geom here because you
don't need to be able to do my_array[N] (no need to access).
So you could simply use a geometry collection, so your input is a geom, and
not a geom[].


2015-02-18 10:39 GMT+01:00 BladeOfLight16

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 6:25 AM, Sandro Santilli wrote:

 First of all I confirm it still happens with GEOS=3.5.0dev-CAPI-1.9.0
 Second, I took a look at a random set (geom_set_id=1) and I found it
 big. That's to say you could probably further reduce the dataset for the
 ticket. That set contains 109 polygons, I can get the error by attempting
 to union the boundaries of the first 40 in that set, and I'm sure you can
 further reduce the input.

 Thanks for taking a look. I'll work on doing that when I can find the
 time, but I don't expect that to be a fast process at all. Even just
 checking for the pairwise case took a decent amount of time to develop the
 query and took overnight to finish running (even with optimizations like a
 bounding box intersection test). I don't really have any good heuristic
 that could narrow down the possibilies for reproducing, so I don't see much
 option other than to brute force it possibly with some kind of filter.
 That's why I didn't put more effort into shrinking the input set to begin

 Is a PostGIS database dump an okay format to provide the shapes, or would
 you prefer something else? I suppose I could dump groups into shapefiles or
 something like that if it's more convenient.

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 7:00 AM, Rémi Cura wrote:

 this is a precision related issue, coordinates are way too big and should
 be translated.

 I understand what you mean by that (as in floating point problems due to
 size), but these coordinates are pretty typical. This is a standard UTM
 projection, zone 15N in middle America. It's even predefined in PostGIS'
 list of spatial references. I'm told ESRI had this kind of problem years
 ago, but they dealt with it as far as I know. While I would choose PostGIS
 over ESRI any day, this could be viewed by my coworkers as a good argument
 against using PostGIS; it represents a serious reliability concern since it
 applies to a broad range of functions and 2D projections. Basically, if you
 use any projection with coordinates of this size (of which there are a good
 number), there seems to be no telling when any function will just blow up
 in your face at random.

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 7:04 AM, Rémi Cura wrote:

 I executed your data,
 the following command solve the problem (with very recent GEOS for me)
 (POSTGIS=2.2.0dev r12846 GEOS=3.5.0dev-CAPI-1.9.0 r0 PROJ=Rel.
 4.8.0, 6 March 2012 GDAL=GDAL 2.0.0dev, released 2014/04/16


 The change compared to your approach : convert input to table of simple
 polygons, (no array, no multi).
 Then  translate to improve precision in geos computing
 Then the union.
 I don't really understand what you are trying to do,
 but ist_union seems dangerous and quit ineffective  for that .

 I'm looking at this function call in your code: ST_Union(
 ST_MakePolygon(ST_ExteriorRing(geom)) ). That call seems to remove all
 holes and then create the union of all the covered areas (a single
 multipolygon that covers all areas covered by the originals). That is not
 what I'm trying to do; I already have an outer 

Re: [postgis-users] Getting TopologyExections when trying to node linestrings to create an overlay

2015-02-18 Thread Rémi Cura
Computing finished successfuly on your data.
The change I did is :
ST_Polygonize(ST_Node(ST_Collect(geom)) )

It is awfully slow tough (1 hour for all you dataset I think)


2015-02-18 13:07 GMT+01:00 Rémi Cura

 last chance for you ^^

 I successfully was able to remove errors in 2 ways :
  - first your geometry array contains a lot of duplicated geometry.
 ( rest of this is based on geom_set_id= 1)
I suspect you forgot a where in an inner join, or something like this.
 Removing the duplicate in your data seems to solve the problem
(removing duplicate : DISTINCT ON (geom))
I generated each pair of geometry in this set, none gave the error
 individually (which lessen the chance of a legit GEOS problem)
  - second, without removing the duplicates, a combination of tanslate and
 snaptogrid(0.5) was sufficient to also remove the error.

 I would recommend that you analyse a little bit your data.
 For instance, simply deuplicating on geom make your data set going from
 --15317 geometry in arrays to  --9934

 Snapping to a 0.5 grid before deduplicating further reduce the data set to
 9617 (which might indicates that somewhere in your workflow you have a
 precision related issue).

 I never used ARCGIS, but I can bet you that ARCGIS is not precision-safe.
 The only product that is truly safe is CGAL, which comes with other type
 of constraints.
 You could also probably use GRASS safely if cleaning the data with v.clean
 on import.

 Anyway, there is no safe tool, only safe way to use it. You could very
 easily create another SRS that is a translation of your original srs to
 increase precision.
 So you simply change your workflow to ST_Transform before computing, then
 ST_Transform after computing.

 Lastly, I don't see the interest of using an array of geom here because
 you don't need to be able to do my_array[N] (no need to access).
 So you could simply use a geometry collection, so your input is a geom,
 and not a geom[].


 2015-02-18 10:39 GMT+01:00 BladeOfLight16

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 6:25 AM, Sandro Santilli wrote:

 First of all I confirm it still happens with GEOS=3.5.0dev-CAPI-1.9.0
 Second, I took a look at a random set (geom_set_id=1) and I found it
 big. That's to say you could probably further reduce the dataset for the
 ticket. That set contains 109 polygons, I can get the error by attempting
 to union the boundaries of the first 40 in that set, and I'm sure you can
 further reduce the input.

 Thanks for taking a look. I'll work on doing that when I can find the
 time, but I don't expect that to be a fast process at all. Even just
 checking for the pairwise case took a decent amount of time to develop the
 query and took overnight to finish running (even with optimizations like a
 bounding box intersection test). I don't really have any good heuristic
 that could narrow down the possibilies for reproducing, so I don't see much
 option other than to brute force it possibly with some kind of filter.
 That's why I didn't put more effort into shrinking the input set to begin

 Is a PostGIS database dump an okay format to provide the shapes, or would
 you prefer something else? I suppose I could dump groups into shapefiles or
 something like that if it's more convenient.

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 7:00 AM, Rémi Cura wrote:

 this is a precision related issue, coordinates are way too big and
 should be translated.

 I understand what you mean by that (as in floating point problems due to
 size), but these coordinates are pretty typical. This is a standard UTM
 projection, zone 15N in middle America. It's even predefined in PostGIS'
 list of spatial references. I'm told ESRI had this kind of problem years
 ago, but they dealt with it as far as I know. While I would choose PostGIS
 over ESRI any day, this could be viewed by my coworkers as a good argument
 against using PostGIS; it represents a serious reliability concern since it
 applies to a broad range of functions and 2D projections. Basically, if you
 use any projection with coordinates of this size (of which there are a good
 number), there seems to be no telling when any function will just blow up
 in your face at random.

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 7:04 AM, Rémi Cura wrote:

 I executed your data,
 the following command solve the problem (with very recent GEOS for me)
 (POSTGIS=2.2.0dev r12846 GEOS=3.5.0dev-CAPI-1.9.0 r0 PROJ=Rel.
 4.8.0, 6 March 2012 GDAL=GDAL 2.0.0dev, released 2014/04/16


 The change compared to your approach : convert input to table of simple
 polygons, (no array, no multi).
 Then  translate to improve precision in geos computing
 Then the union.
 I don't really understand what you are trying to do,
 but ist_union seems dangerous and quit ineffective  for that .

 I'm looking at this function call in 

[postgis-users] [OFF-TOPIC] SQL question

2015-02-18 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

I have an interesting join problem that I'm not sure how to tackle in sql.

I have two tables that I need to join (well really match) like this:

create table a (
  gid serial,
  item text,
  data text

create table b (
  gid serial,
  item text,
  moredata text

gid can be used to force correct ordering of the records.
item can be one or more rows with the same value in it (for example 
there might be 10 item='foo' records)

data and more data is stuff related to the given record.

What I know is that:

1. if table a has N rows for a given item then table b will have N rows
2. that the N rows in table a and table b are in the same order by gid
3. it is not safe to assume that a.gid=b.gid will link the correct records

What I need is to match/join is:

a.item.row[1] to b.item.row[1]
a.item.row[2] to b.item.row[2]
a.item.row[N] to b.item.row[N]

where a.item=b.item

Any thoughts on how to solve this with SQL?

select aa.item, aa.cnt, bb.cnt
  from (select item, count(*) as cnt from a group by item) aa
  left outer join (select item, count(*) as cnt from b group by item) b
on aa.item=bb.item
 order by aa.item;

So likewise, we should be able to do something like:

select aa.item,, bb.moredata
  from (select item, data from a order by item, gid) aa
  left outer join (select item, moredata from b order by item, gid) b
on aa.item=bb.item and a.itemrow=b.itemrow
 order by aa.item;

This needs some way of assigning itemrow numbers that can be matched. I 
think this is an application of over() but I'm not quite sure how to 
apply it.

Thoughts would be appreciated :)

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