Re(2): Identifying the problems that 'smart' folders may solve part 1

2006-03-23 Thread computer artwork by subhash

[A-NO-NE Music <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 23.3.2006 um 9:19 Uhr:]

>didn't feel it benefits my workflow so I never opened RMW again.

So did I.


Re: Identifying the problems that 'smart' folders may solve part 1

2006-03-23 Thread A-NO-NE Music

Mikael Byström / 2006/03/22 / 12:39 PM wrote:

>One conclusion I made from the "RMW in the browser" discussion is that
>the recent messages listing seem to be a vital part of how PowerMail
>users interact with their email messages. At least for users being on
>this list.
>It's also true for me. Without it, I may have never have chosen PowerMail.

Interesting.  I never felt using that feature.  When I tried it, I
didn't feel it benefits my workflow so I never opened RMW again.


- Hiro


Re: Script activation

2006-03-23 Thread Jim Pistrang

Hi Nick,

>Is there any way to add a key stroke to activate the "delete message
>now" script?

You can do this with the OSX Keyboard Shortcuts in System Preferences. 
Make a new Application Keyboard Shortcut for PowerMail, and in the Menu
Title field enter two spaces and then the EXACT name of the script.  I
have the script in the Custom Scripts section of the menu.  If it's in a
different section you may need to experiment with a different number of

Jim Pistrang
JP Computer Resources
Certified Member, Apple Consultants Network 

IMAP doesn't update

2006-03-23 Thread Max Gossell

I have one IMAP account, set to "check for new mail every 1 minute" but
it *never* checks for mail it seems. The only way I can update my mail
is to open the Background Process window and terminate the IMAP
connection. Then I use the Connect command to re-establish the
connection and then I finally get new mail as well.

This seems rather stone age to me. Is PM really that bad in handling
IMAP or have I done some mistakes in my settings?

Max Gossell
PowerMail 5.2.3
OSX v10.4.5
Dual G4 1.2 GHz / 1GB RAM 


2006-03-23 Thread Mikael Byström

Barbara Needham said:

>I don't. That's the drawback
>But I don't have a huge list of contacts, either.

So you just use the email button in the address window when you want to
send a message to the specific contact?

PM 5.2.3 Swedish | OS X 10.3.9 | Powerbook G4/400Mhz | 1GB RAM | 30GB HD

Re: Identifying the problems that 'smart' folders may solve part 1

2006-03-23 Thread Mikael Byström

Mikael Byström said:

> It's "virtual" in the sense that the messages are actually stored (from
>the user standpoint at least) in "concrete" folders, often in a well-
>known folder structure created by the user him/herself.

Should better have read: "It's "virtual" in the sense that the messages
shown in the RMW are actually stored..."

And the word "work" fell away here:

>Filters are different because they typically at least
>·   *work* on concrete messages, ie on the messages themselves, rather
than on a virtual representation

PM 5.2.3 Swedish | OS X 10.3.9 | Powerbook G4/400Mhz | 1GB RAM | 30GB HD


2006-03-23 Thread Barbara Needham

Mikael Byström on 3/22/06 said

>Barbara Needham said:
>>I don't like any of their address books. [I use Palm address book]
>How do you sync, Barbara?

I don't. That's the drawback
But I don't have a huge list of contacts, either.

Barbara Needham

Identifying the problems that 'smart' folders may solve part 1

2006-03-23 Thread Mikael Byström

Please, pretty please take part in this discussion!

One conclusion I made from the "RMW in the browser" discussion is that
the recent messages listing seem to be a vital part of how PowerMail
users interact with their email messages. At least for users being on
this list.
It's also true for me. Without it, I may have never have chosen PowerMail.

Another main reason for me is because I think PowerMail don't get into
the way of my interaction with my email much. Behind that feat is that
PowerMail has a simple yet powerful way to handle large amount of
messages and that the interface generally is quite intuitive to move
about in the email browser space. It's not without glitches and
contradictions, however.

I have been a vocal supporter in the past (already in 2003) of "smart"
folders in the fashion to fuse saveable search criteria and the recent
mail window.

My reasons, some of which was repeated in the "RMW in browser"
discussion, is that the RMW is a useful feature of PowerMail and vital in
daily message interaction, but that it does have some problems:

1. It's cumbersome or even impossible to affect exactly what ends up
there as the settings are hardwired. The wishes of the user of what to
put or not to put there may also be different from day to day.
2. Message listings are not retained between restarts.**
3. User must chose between, not removing messages, removing all read or
removing all.
4. The Message listing is not scriptable.
5. __ 

**Back in 2003 Jérôme suggested that searching could replace the
functionality of unretained messages between restarts. While this is true
for simple setups, the search result for "date received" would also show
all the messages that didn't end up in the RMW because the user set his
filters to not include them, for whatever reason. I have several filters
set that way because I only want the really important things in the RMW.
It's not possible to repeat that effect with searches today.

It's important to note that the RMW is different in concept and
characteristics than the browser.
· It's "virtual" in the sense that the messages are actually stored (from
the user standpoint at least) in "concrete" folders, often in a well-
known folder structure created by the user him/herself.
· The recent mail window, to my knowledge, doesn't rely on Foxtrot(TM)
technology, but filters affect what doesn't end up there.

The Search Results Windows are also "virtual", but
· they are based on Foxtrot(TM) technology and therefore...
· rely on the search index.
So results are typically somewhat different.

The main problems of searches are:

1. They are limited on what is actually stored in the search index, i.e.
"words" and not complete strings or parts of strings, sometimes making it
hard to or even impossible to be sure you have found all the messages you
want. Typically this means search results are broader than intended. This
is not always a big problem, but it can be.
2. The Search dialog doesn't completely reflect the nature of the indexed
searches, sometimes leading the user to expect results that are not
possible to achieve.
3. The searches are not saveable, making it cumbersome to repeat a set of
searches on a daily basis.
4. __

We also have 2 more technologies at our disposal:
· The "view all", "view unread" or "view drafts" setting, which most
often does exactly what is says. Sometime the current setting is not
reflected so well in the interface.
· The "Show only" filter in the browser, which work also on parts of a
word or string, but only in the folder where the filtering string of
characters was entered. As of today there are few bugs at play too, but
that's beyond the scope here.

Filters are different because they typically at least
· on concrete messages, ie on the messages themselves, rather than on a
virtual representation (The exception being affecting what is not in the RMW)

The main email filter problems are:
1. The list can over time become quite unwieldy to manage.
2. It's hard to always remember exactly what a filter does and why,
3, It's even more hard to know what to expect how it will work on actual
messages (that may or may not contain what you expect). So setting up
effective filters is not always a piece of cake.
4. You have to look at and analyze headers in order to get full
effectiveness. Something not all know enough of to do easily.
5. ___

So, if the above mentioned problems are indeed problems to deal with, do
'smart' folders solve them?

Well, if we're talking about 'virtual' smart folders that seek to fuse
RMW with searches I think that 2 and 3 of Recent Mail Window problems may
be fully solved. 1 and 4 could be solved, but needs more than just
'smart' folders.

The Searches problems 2 and 3 may be fully solved, given the interface of
setting up and saing searches is also improved to give realistic user

Re: Solving filter list management problem (was "RMW in browser")

2006-03-23 Thread Rick Lecoat

I do the same thing -- 'dummy' filters that act as dividers. Folders
would be preferable, of course, as they would, when collapsed, actually
shorten the filter list considerably, whereas our current workaround
lengthens it.

From my own point of view, the filter organisation issue is a completely
different discussion/wish to the smart folders thing (although I
acknowledge that there is some tangential* overlap, as Marlyse pointed out).


*Tangential to me, possibly not to others.

G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.4.5  ::  PM 5.2.3  ::  3 pane mode

Shark Attack: A Design Studio

Original message:
Received from Mikael Byström on 22/3/06 at 14:16

>Currently as my solution to this problem I mark up the list with inactive
>filters in a fashion to become headlines and organize the relevant
>filters under these.

Re: "Find" & "Copy" broke when viewing HTML messages?

2006-03-23 Thread Justin Beek

I have do some mods; but I don't have any haxies per se..
One of the machines tested, other than additional  screensavers & 
fonts, is almost a default install.

On Wednesday, March 22, 2006, at 08:46  AM, Mikael Byström wrote:

> Justin Beek said:
>> PowerMail version: PowerMail version 5.2.3 build 4406 English
>> Mac OS version: 10.2.8
>> I have re-downloaded and re-installed the app twice now.
>> Justin
>  You have any haxies or other system modifications made? I've had
> problems with these in the past.
> PM 5.2.3 Swedish | OS X 10.3.9 | Powerbook G4/400Mhz | 1GB RAM | 30GB 
> HD

Re: "Find" & "Copy" broke when viewing HTML messages?

2006-03-23 Thread Mikael Byström

Justin Beek said:

>PowerMail version: PowerMail version 5.2.3 build 4406 English
>Mac OS version: 10.2.8
>I have re-downloaded and re-installed the app twice now.
 You have any haxies or other system modifications made? I've had
problems with these in the past.

PM 5.2.3 Swedish | OS X 10.3.9 | Powerbook G4/400Mhz | 1GB RAM | 30GB HD