Hello all,

I am having a problem with by installation of PowerMail 5.2.3, and would
very much appreciate any help.

The message database is currently at 2gb, and before I managed to compress
it, a problem developed. After a reboot, PowerMail attempted to rebuild
the sort indicies, but this failed after about 12 minutes with the
following , "A database error occurred" ; "Class=DB ; what=100; when=9;
err=158". I restarted PowerMail a number of times, and this rebuild fails
in the same fashion each time.

Next I tired to to start with the Option and Command keys held down, and
compact the mail, address and settings databases. This failed after about
6 minutes with the  following error, "A database error occured" ;
"Class=DB ; what=100 ; when=9 ; err=158".

I also tired to start with the Option and Command keys held down, and do a
low-level database rebuild. This failed after about 14 minutes with the 
following error, "An error occured while rebuilding the "Message Database"
file" ; "DB write error (disk full?) ; "Class=DB ; what=4 ; when=100 ;

There is 5.02 gig free on my HD.

Thank you!

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