Re: Delete duplicates

2005-10-18 Thread Wayne Brissette

>I have been working with MailSmith lately, almost made it to a total
>switch, but I decided to switch back to PowerMail after all.
>There is one feature which really is great, and what I think would have
>to be AppleScriptable. (I think Mailsmith uses quite some AppleScripts
>in its internals):
>Move Duplucate Messages to Trash.
>It filters on Message-Id, which is embedded in the full headers of each
>mail message.
>It is a great wat to clean up after imports, or messed up POP-servers.
>I have just gone out and bought some AppleScripts manuals to teach
>myself what is necessary to do this myself, but.
>Is there anyone (Wayne perhaps) who has this script available, or some

Here is one I wrote this AM for you...

-- Begin AppleScript

(* Delete Duplicates
   Written by: Wayne Brissette
   No extensive testing was done, use at your own risk

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
set TID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set NewTID to "Message-id: "
set AltTID to "Message-ID: "
set Alt2TID to "Message-Id: "

(* There may be other versions of Message ID, if the script fails, 
check the spelling of Message ID and put it above, then add another 
test for count again. *)

set IDStorage to {}
set PMID to {}
set good_IDs to {}

tell application "PowerMail"
set MyMessage to current messages
repeat with i in MyMessage
set MyNewMessage to i
set TheHeaders to (headers of i) as string

(* Test for which version of Message ID is used *)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to NewTID
set X to count of text items of TheHeaders
if X is 1 then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to AltTID
end if
set X to count of text items of TheHeaders
if X is 1 then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to Alt2TID
end if

set TempID to text item 2 of TheHeaders
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return
set Mess_Id to text item 1 of TempID

(* Mess_Id now contains the message ID of the email *)

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to TID
-- Have to place AS TIDs back to normal

(* The meat of the script. checks to see if ID has been used 
if it has, it deletes the message, it doesn't pass go, it 
collect $200 dollars... it deletes it.  *)
if good_IDs contains Mess_Id then
delete i
set good_IDs to good_IDs & Mess_Id
end if

end repeat
end tell

-- End AppleScript

Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.
- Mark Twain

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Re: Delete duplicates

2005-10-18 Thread Mikael Byström

listes said:

>This server which gathered many scripts doesn't exist anymore?

They were moved to I think.

PM 5.2.1 | OS X 10.3.9 | Powerbook G4/400 | 768MB RAM | 30GB HD

Re: Delete duplicates

2005-10-18 Thread listes

A-NO-NE Music <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd love to have the script, too.  Would it detect whether the one
> doesn't have the Server icon?

me too :-)

This server which gathered many scripts doesn't exist anymore?


remove ".listes" and add a dot after fh please
enlevez ".listes" et ajoutez un point après fh

Re: Delete duplicates

2005-10-17 Thread A-NO-NE Music

Mikael Byström / 2005/10/17 / 06:03 PM wrote:

>I have one that works quite well for me. I'm sending it separately to you.

I'd love to have the script, too.  Would it detect whether the one
doesn't have the Server icon?


- Hiro


Re: Delete duplicates

2005-10-17 Thread Mikael Byström

Mirko said:

>Is there anyone (Wayne perhaps) who has this script available, or some

I have one that works quite well for me. I'm sending it separately to you.

PM 5.2.1 | OS X 10.3.9 | Powerbook G4/400 | 768MB RAM | 30GB HD

Delete duplicates

2005-10-17 Thread Mirko

I have been working with MailSmith lately, almost made it to a total
switch, but I decided to switch back to PowerMail after all.

There is one feature which really is great, and what I think would have
to be AppleScriptable. (I think Mailsmith uses quite some AppleScripts
in its internals):
Move Duplucate Messages to Trash.

It filters on Message-Id, which is embedded in the full headers of each
mail message.

It is a great wat to clean up after imports, or messed up POP-servers.

I have just gone out and bought some AppleScripts manuals to teach
myself what is necessary to do this myself, but.

Is there anyone (Wayne perhaps) who has this script available, or some



Mirko Kranenburg
Weert, Netherlands

PowerBook G4 (15" FW-800 1.25 GHz) OS X 10.4.2
PowerMac G4 Cube 450 MHz, OS X 10.4.2, OS 9.2.2
PowerMail 5.2.1, 3 panes

Delete Duplicates

2003-11-29 Thread Mikael Bystr

I myself got thousands of duplicates from PM when it wouldn't sync the
message count from certain servers and I left them on there. I set it to
delete postfetch, but the damage had been done.

I set out to make a delete duplicates script for PowerMail as I couldn't
find any. In the end I translated Paul Berkowitz "Delete Imported
Duplicates X" for MS Entourage instead. It seems to work fine. However,
I'm planning to add a process bar and some other message stuff to it
before release to a PM script site. 
I could use some betatesters for feedback on this script. Anyone
interested should contact me offlist.

Also, any other scripters interested in sharing experiences scripting PM
are equally welcome to contact me offlist.

PM 4.2.1 | OS X 10.2.6 | Powerbook G3/266 | 128 MB RAM | 20 GB HD

delete duplicates script?

2003-06-07 Thread Mikael Bystr

Is there any way I can delete exact duplicates in the mail database? 

I looked for script solutions and found only Wayne Brissettes site
working and no such script there. Aren't there more repositories? 

I guess I could adapt a script for another platform, but I'd rather not.