Re: New AppleScript on PM AppleScript Archives

2004-04-08 Thread John Keegan

Thanks all for your help and the insight into Powermail history
(interesting stuff, Richard). It's much appreciated! I was able to get a
script working which would work as I needed. 

Now before I unleash a bunch of questions that have already been asked -
is there an archive of this list I can search through first?


Re: New AppleScript on PM AppleScript Archives

2004-04-07 Thread Michael Lewis

Wayne Brissette sez:

New File Available:

Name: Copy e-mail (headers at top)
Author: Alan Harper

The following script copies a PowerMail email to the clipboard with
headers at the top in a format that Spamcop can parse (see http:// I believe that the clipboard reflects the canonical
format for an email, which may be useful for other purposes as well.

I would just like to affirm that this script does exactly as advertised:
it allows me to once again paste my spam emails into the Spamcop report
field and get actual reports with no parsing errors based on lines that
all looked fine to me. A big public thank you to Alan harper for figuring
out this one! 

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

New AppleScript on PM AppleScript Archives

2004-04-07 Thread Wayne Brissette

New File Available:

Name: Copy e-mail (headers at top)
Author: Alan Harper

The following script copies a PowerMail email to the clipboard with
headers at the top in a format that Spamcop can parse (see http:// I believe that the clipboard reflects the canonical
format for an email, which may be useful for other purposes as well.

The text of the script is as follows:

property parent : load script alias (((path to scripting additions from
local domain) as text) Library)

tell application PowerMail
set theMessages to current messages
if (count of theMessages)  1 then
error -128
end if
set theMessage to item 1 of theMessages
set theSource to source of theMessage
end tell

However, this textual representation can only be compiled by licensed
owners of the library. 


 My Note: While this was in the document sent to me, I had no
problems compiling this script. Not sure what the story is here, but it
worked, so I'm not complaining. 


I could tell you a million stories, I could cost you your beliefs. But,
I've never stolen from a honest man, 'cause I'm the prince of thieves. 
-- Prince of Theives: Walking Wounded

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