Re: Sender's local time

2004-05-17 Thread Wayne Brissette

Max Gossell [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 17 May 2004 stated:

>Is there a way to add the sender's local time to the Simple Header? If
>not, it would be nice to have it put on the to-do list.


You can add this via an AppleScript for now. Not the best solution in the
world, but it does work and if you don't like to show the long headers,
this might be an option for you.

-- Begin AppleScript

(* Add Time Message was sent by the user to the top of a message

It's important to note that if you get Time Sent of a message via
AppleScript, it is
converted to YOUR local time. Thus it's more important to grab the
message's header and
get the time sent that is placed in the header.


set TID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set NewTID to "Date:"

tell application "PowerMail 5.0b18"
set MyMessage to current messages
repeat with i in MyMessage
set TheTime to (time sent of i)
set TheHeaders to (headers of i)
set theContents to (content of i)

-- Break up header
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to NewTID
set TempTime to text item 2 of TheHeaders
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return
set Users_Time to text item 1 of TempTime
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to TID
-- Make new contents

set MyContents to "User's Local Time When Message was 
sent: " &
Users_Time & return ¬
& "My Time when Message was Sent: " & TheTime & 
return & return ¬
& theContents
set content of i to MyContents
end repeat
end tell
on error
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to TID

end try

-- End AppleScript

Hope this helps.

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Sender's local time

2004-05-17 Thread Max Gossell

Is there a way to add the sender's local time to the Simple Header? If
not, it would be nice to have it put on the to-do list.

With a lot of contacts in different time zones, it would be a great help
to see the sender's local time. For instance when getting an urgent
message, one can make a judgement of how soon it is expected to be
answered by checking if the sender's local time is in the beginning or
the end of his/her business hours.

Max G