We are seeking information on how the industry is or has handled "primary 
startup sources." These sources usually Cf-252, as you know, are received by 
the facility as licensed byproduct material and are required to be inventoried 
and leak tested until subjected to neutron flux. Usually they are installed in 
a primary/secondary startup source assembly for initial reactor start-up. After 
that the secondary source and previously used fuel assembles provide the 
neutrons needed for reactor startup. Typically when removed from the core the 
Cf-252 stays in the assembly and is stored in the fuel pool.
1. Are the sources maintained on the facility's source inventory and tracked 
after installed in the core?

2. After installed in the core as part of the primary/secondary startup source 
assembly is inventory tracking transferred to SNM inventory maintained by 
reactor engineering?

3. When the primary/secondary startup source assembly is removed from the 
reactor how is the CF-252 source tracked and inventoried?

4. At your facility has a Cf-252 startup source been removed from the 
primary/secondary startup source assembly? If so, how is it inventoried.

Thanks in advance.

James (JT) Rolph, CHP
Superintendent, RP Technical Support
Radiation Protection

423-843-8115 (w)
423-521-9169 (m)

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