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From: Trave and Vacation <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 12:48:07 AM
Subject: Aceh Travel Guide

Aceh Trave Guide
Of all the regions in Indonesia, Aceh, at the northwestern 
end of Sumatra, is the first to have come into contact with the world outside. 
Chinese chronicles of as early as the sixth century A.D. spoke of a kingdom on 
the northern tip of Sumatra named Po-Li. Several Arabic writings of the early 
ninth century, and later inscriptions found in India also mentioned the area. 
1292, Marco Polo, the famous Venetian adventurer, on a voyage from China to 
Persia visited Sumatra and reported that on the northern part of Sumatera there 
were as many as six trading ports including Ferlec, Samudera and Lambri. The 
irony is that this area, which had for so many centuries maintained contact 
others, is at present one of the least known of Indonesia even among 
Give Peace a Chance Pulau Weh, Indonesia
monkeys were out in full force this morning, shimmying along the electrical 
wires strung through the trees, leaping nimbly up tree trunks and swinging from 
branch to branch. Tiny hairy human beings with an equal lack of morality. 
Looking for bananas and whatever else they can find. It is Friday, the Muslim 
holy day, today. No boats will be out on the water until noon. I sat under the 
thatch-roof gazebo around the communal restaurant table, sipping my morning 
Acehnese coffee with a couple of interesting blokes from London I met last 
night. They had displayed an impressive knowledge of Trailer Park Boys, just 
about the funniest thing going in Canadian comedy (and with exports like Jim 
Carey, Eugene Levy of American Pie fame, and Mike Meyers, "Austin Powers," 
Canada has a hell of a lot of good stuff). [MORE....]Another Hidden Paradise in 
Sabang, Aceh, Indonesia
This is my unexpected trip, but also 
my dream trip. I have been dreaming this trip since about 4 years ago, since 
Tsunami hit this island. Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. This is a province on the top 
corner of Sumatera Island, and part of Indonesia Continent.In this trip, I try 
to spare my time to take a holiday to Sabang Island. It wasn't an exciting trip 
at the first time, because I hate Ocean, I hate Sea, I hate deep water. I hate 
those places, because I'm afraid of the Ocean, Sea and Deep Water. But thanks 
God, I have a friend who is working there in Aceh, and she convinces me that I 
won't regret for this trip. The place we are going is so beautiful and she 
ensure me that I will be fine on the boat which takes us there. At that time, I 
have heard the rumors that the wave seems too big, and most of my friends there 
suggested me not to go... But I don't know why, even I have a doubt, still I 
want to go to Sabang, because I know this probably my last chance to see what 
Sabang look like. I don't know when I will be able to coming back to Aceh, and 
have a chance to go to Sabang. [MORE....]
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