>Mas Tio, 

Alahamdulillah saya punya teman..... saya juga melakukan apa yang anda 
laksanakan sekarang, di Departemen tempat saya bekerja kejadiannya juga sama,, 
aturannya macam macam diantaranya urut kacang.....mungkin urut kacang terpaksa 
kita terima, katanya aturannya begitu walau nggak ada aturan tertulis. Satu 
satu teman teman dapat kesempatan untuk testing Tes Potential Academic (TPA)di 
Bapenas untuk program sekolah keluar negeri, ada yang lulus sih tapi lebih 
banyak yang nggak lulus. Kita sabar saja menunggu panggilan untuk testing..... 
bertahun tahun kita nggak pernah didaftarkan. Lucunya teman teman yang nggak 
lulus test ikut lagi ikut lagi sehingga berkali kali nggak lulus sampai 
berhenti sendiri. Suatu waktu saya sama teman yang satu nasib mencoba mencari 
informasi kesana sini termasuk mampir ke OTO Bapenas jakarta Walau nggak punya 
surat dari kantor .. kami beranikan menghadap bapak pimpinan disana untuk 
mencari tahu bagaimana bisa ikut test. Setelah kami beritahu kami dari 
departemen x, lalu beliau cek dikomputer data pegawai yang ikut dan lulus test. 
Wah... bagaimana Departemen kamu ini... kok Departemen yang segede gajah ini... 
punya staf ribuan dipusat dan didaerah... tapi nggak punya perhatian memajukan 
SDMnya... kok yang ikut test jumlahnya sangat sedikit dibandingkan departemen 
lain.... sudah nggak banyak yang lulus sedikit sekali. Lalu kami tanya apa 
peserta test dibatasin Pak,.... lho siapa yang membatasi... semua sarjana PNS 
baik pusat punya hak untuk ikut test... lagi pula testnya kan didaerah masing 
masing. Singkat cerita kami disuruh bawa pengumuman untuk test berikutnya untuk 
disampaikan sama pimpinan di departemen kami... walau kertas yang sama sudah 
dikirim resmi oleh OTO Bapenas kesemua Departemen. 

Dikantor kami langsung menghadap atasan langsung, orangnya sangat terbuka dan 
berani mengambil putusan (Arek Malang Jatim), begitu kami ceritakan penemuan 
kami di OTO Bapenas dan persekonkolan dikantor... beliau tanpa konsultasi 
Direktur langsung memerintahkan supaya surat dibapenas tsb diumumkan (caranya 
unik sekali). 2 orang insinyur baru bekerja (perempuan dan laki) disuruh 
keliling kantor dor to dor mengumumkan secara terbuka dan mencatat siapa  yang 
berminat ikut test sekolah ke LN. Alhasil cukup banyak yang berminat namun ada 
juga yang takut ikut test. yang takut ikut test rupanya ngeri karena hasil test 
 akan diummumkan secara terbuka ditempel dipapan pengumuman, mereka takut dan 
malu seandainya mereka nggak lulus TPA nanti bisa dicap IQnya jongkok.
Singkat cerita sesudah test dan hasilnya dikirim oleh bapenas... cukup 
mengejutkan .... 60% lulus. Mungkin yang lulus juga sudah tersaring mentalnya, 
karena berani maju ujian tanpa memikirkan takut dicap IQ jongkok kalau nggak 
lulus. Lucunya Bagian kepegawaian marah marah.. dia bilang pendaftaran pegawai 
ikut test ilegal karena tidak mengikuti prosedur, tapi mereka nggak bisa 
protest karena Bapak Kasubdit pasang badan. 

Sepintar pintarnya orang menutupi bangkai, bagaimanapun suatu waktu pasti 
tercium bau busuknya.Ternyata selama ini semua tawaran testing pegawai sekolah 
keluar negeri, atau tawaran beasiswa bilateral dsb. merupakan bancaan cari uang 
dari bagian kepegawaian dikantor kami(kolusi dan korupsi). Pantasan yang ikut 
testing hanya adalah dari kalangan keluarga, teman dekat dan manusia manusia 
yang pegang proyek yang bisa setor. (ini baru cerita satu babak, babak 
selanjutnya lebih seru lagi). 

Kami menghimbau kepada teman teman kiranya bisa mengirim juga pengalaman yang 
dihadapi sebelum berangkan sekolah ke LN.


Yulheri Abas  

he2 Bung Roil....
>Soalnya gw dulu pernah susah nyari info beasiswa2 dan di kantor juga ditutup 
>tutupin info2 spt itu..krn byk alasan: urut kacang lah..biar org2 tertentu yg 
>pergi lah...takut bersaing lah dll....
>So g mau kejadian yg sama terjadi sama org lain ...gw mau semua org punya 
>informasi yg sama sehingga punya kesempatan yg sama pula dan bersaing dengan 
>sehat....rezeki pan ude ada yg ngatur,.. bukan begitu penonton...?
>Dan juga gw g bs kontribusi apa2 ke indo selain info2 ini..Biar semua rakyat 
>indonesia bisa punye pengalaman sekolah ke LN yang nantinya bisa ade gunanya 
>buat indonesia saat mereka (kalau) kembali...
>From: M Roil Bilad <roilbilad...@gmail.com>
>To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 12:34:15 AM
>Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] [info] PhD and Postdoc position in INSTITUTE OF 
>Rajin banget posting lowongan beasiswa---
>Salut bangets---
>On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 12:18 AM, Setio Pramono <hafidz...@yahoo. com> wrote:
>from September 2009, the Institute
>of Statistics of the Université catholique de Louvain,
>Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, is offering a series of full time teaching
>assistant positions and one research assistant position for preparing a PhD
>in statistics, as well asone
>postdoctoral research position. 
>Description of the positions
>as of now, and until the application deadline (May 22, 2009), the Institute of 
>Statistics(IS) is
>filling 7 teaching and one research position for preparing a PhD and one
>postdoctoral position.
>As a
>teaching assistant (up to 6 years? contract with average monthly salary of
>about 2600 Euros including social security) the doctoral student, besides
>working on his/her thesis, is teaching tutorials in a variety of service and
>master courses of the IS. 
>As a research assistant (up to 4 years?
>tax-free monthly grant of about 1500 Euros) the doctoral student?s main
>activity is working on his/her thesis in the field of asymptotic theory for
>semiparametric statistics, but he/she can be involved on a small scale into
>some teaching activities of the IS.  
>The postdoctoral position (1 year grant,
>roughly 2000 Euros per month tax-free) is not linked to a specific domain but
>can be in any of the fields connected to those represented by the researchers
>at the IS.
>Description of the working environment
>The Institute of Statistics
>is a renowned research centre of high international reputation which offers a
>very stimulating working environment. It is equipped with modern computing
>facilities, a statistics library, a vivid visitors? programme and ample funding
>for scientific travel. At the IS there are about 15-20 doctoral students 
>under the supervision of 10 professors, in a variety of fields of 
>methodological and applied statistics, including biostatistics
>and actuarial sciences. They are integrated into the Graduate School in 
>and Actuarial Scienceswhich offers them an up-to-date
>training in their field via regular seminar series, short courses and
>workshops, all in English and often given by international short and long-term
>visitors. A high percentage of the PhD students graduate from the IS and
>succeed in starting a promising career, be it in academia or industry.
>The IS is part of a large international research network.
>It has numerous academic contacts, including those to neighbouring fields
>(medicine, agronomy, social science, economy, finance and engineering) as well
>as collaborations with industry. It is placed in the heart of a modern, vivid
>and international university
>campus, in close proximity of Brussels
>and its international airport, and in short travel distance to other European
>Required qualifications
>-    For
>the PhD positions: degree on the master level in statistics, mathematics or
>physics, bio-engineering, commercial or civil engineering, quantitative
>economics, finance or actuarial sciences. This diploma must be obtained
>with at least distinction or an equivalent grade.
>-    For
>the postdoc position: PhD in statistics or mathematics.
>-    Good
>active knowledge of French for the teaching assistant positions (however,
>French is not a requirement for a research grant position).
>To apply 
>·       For
>the teaching positions, please register and send the required documents
>following the link http://www.uclouvain.be/11617 under the item : Assistant,  
>as of now and at the very latest before May 22, 2009.
>·       For
>the research and postdoc position, please send the following documents to the
>administrator of the IS, Isabelle Petit (isabelle.petit@ uclouvain. be) as of 
>now and at the very latest before May 22, 2009:
>-        a
>letter of motivation (which can -  but
>does not have to -  include a statement
>of interest in one or several of the diverse fields of research at the IS)
>-        a
>curriculum vitae including a list of the relevant courses taken within a
>qualifying progamme (including evaluation grades)
>-        copy
>of diplomas
>-        two
>letters of reference to be sent by e-mail directly by the referees
>understand that only duly completed applications can be taken into account 
>Simultaneous applications (teaching and research position) are possible by 
>stating so in your letter of motivation.
>further information please contact Professor Ingrid Van Keilegom 
>(ingrid.vankeilegom@ uclouvain. be)
>and/or Professor Rainer von Sachs (r...@uclouvain. be).
>information on the Institute of Statistics can be
>obtained from http://www.uclouvai n.be/en-stat. html.

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