No, this is not a spam message to sell you something for the upcoming
holiday season.
But I would like to make you aware of an addition to the home page of
PPower4 (

For the adventurous there is now another version of PPower4. It has the
same functionality as the previous version, but it is based on another
library to process the PDF file. We are currently developing this
library and have reached a state, that the functionality needed for
PPower4 is realized. 

For the time being this new library (code name "PAUL" for "Pdf
Advanced Universal Library") is not yet available in source form,
because we reserve the right to change the API if needed. 

If you test this version of PPower4, it will be easier for you to use
other upcoming tools based on our new library (e.g. for adding
thumbnails to PDF files). We expect these tools to become available
until mid February 2000. 

Please note that the library requires Java version 1.2.x and thus does
not work with kaffe currently.

Any reports on experiences with this version are welcome.

        Klaus Guntermann        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        FG Systemprogrammierung, FB Informatik, TU Darmstadt
        Wilhelminenstr. 7, D-64283 Darmstadt

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