Re: [PPower4] Installation of ppower4 with Windows XP

2005-01-18 Thread Felix Lazebnik
Dear Gianfranko,
thank you. I think I have the JRE on my machine, but I did not think 
about running it from DOS.
I will try.

Best wishes,
gianfranco wrote:
dear Felix,
to run ppower4 yuo need JRE (java runtime environment) installed on your
If you haven't this installed download the latest version from the sun's
web site, istall it and add the bin folder to your path 
(to set the path start-setting-system-environment variables or samething like that.). 
Now from the dos prompt you shold be able to run the java command.
I'm a linux user, so I'm not familiar with .bat files. Anyway under
linux I'm able to run pp4 like this

java -jar pp4p.jar inputfile.pdf outputfile.pdf
I'm confident you can run pp4 typing the same string to the dos prompt.
good luck

Il ven, 2005-01-14 alle 22:27, Felix Lazebnik ha scritto:

Recently I learned how to use pdfscreen for computer  presentation.
The document for it suggests to use ppower4 for the post processing.
I have been using latex for a long time. Preparing .pdf file for pdfscreen 
creates no problem for me.

It seems that \pause is a very useful command.
In general, the demo from the ppower4 page looks fantastic...
I have difficulties installing  ppower4.
I use Windows XP system.  I dounloaded
 o |pause.sty| 

 o |background.sty| 

 o |pp4link.sty| 

 o |mpmulti.sty| 

 o |texpause.sty| 

 o |pp4slide.sty| 

and keep them in the same directory as my pdfscreen files are.
But probably it is wrong...  Where do I put all these files?
Also, how do I create the file ppower4.bat  and where   exactly I have 
to make changes in my

Do I need to downloaded vlatex?
I am afraid that I already asked too many question...
Thank you,
Felix Lazebnik.


Re: [PPower4] installation

2002-06-27 Thread Sorin Marti


Hi, I would like to use ppower4. 

I think this link will help you in installing pp4...

Re: [PPower4] installation

2002-06-27 Thread Klaus Guntermann

  Hi, I would like to use ppower4. I am using RedHat Linux system, but I do
  not have authority to install something
  as a super user.

This may be hard, if a current version of Java is not installed.

  If possible, I would like to install just on my home
  directory and use it only myself.

See the general documentation about the TeX directory structure and
the search path philosophy, to learn about setting up user defined
additions for an installed TeX base (I assume that there is a TeX
package installed on your system).

  I do not have much experience to install, especially, Tex related

PPower4 is not only TeX related, it is Java related as well.

  The system that I am using doe not contain foil.tex.
  Is it not possible to use slides instead of using foils? If not,
  please tell me what I need to do.

PPower4 is not related to any specific package for creating slides/foils.
If you are used to create your slides with LaTeX, you can continue to
do so and just add some additional commands for the incremental build
of pages.
Foils/foiltex is just the package that we had selected before PPower4
was created. The only reason you might need the foiltex/foils style is
to rerun the examples from the Web page. You can find foiltex.dtx on
CTAN. Do not search for foils.sty!

Klaus Guntermann[EMAIL PROTECTED]
FG Systemprogrammierung, FB Informatik, TU Darmstadt
Wilhelminenstr. 7, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany

[PPower4] installation

2002-06-26 Thread epark3

Hi, I would like to use ppower4. I am using RedHat Linux system, but I do
not have authority to install something
as a super user. If possible, I would like to install just on my home
directory and use it only myself.
I do not have much experience to install, especially, Tex related
It would be really helpful if someone can give me some information how
to install the things that allow me to
use ppower4.
The system that I am using doe not contain foil.tex.
Is it not possible to use slides instead of using foils? If not,
please tell me what I need to do.
Thank you.

Re: [PPower4] Installation ?

2001-03-26 Thread Klaus Guntermann

Pieter Thysebaert writes:
  2. I can't seem to run the .jar ...
 What arguments are needed ?
 I get this : 
   Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
 when starting the ppower4p script
 How do I fix this ? (it doesn't seem right)

Calling the script without arguments should tell you
  File arguments are missing.
  PPower4 [-v|-n|-h|-V|--verbose=n|--nocompress|--help|--version] infile outfile

If the JRE cannot find the Main-Class mainfest, it looks like you have 
a corrupted jar file. Please check the file size.
You may also try to list the contents of the jar file with the command
jar tvf /mnt/pie-win98/Apps/linux/tgz/pdftex/ppower4/pp4p.jar

There should be no need to get a newer version of the JRE than 1.2.x
just for running PPower4.

Klaus Guntermann[EMAIL PROTECTED]
FG Systemprogrammierung, FB Informatik, TU Darmstadt
Wilhelminenstr. 7, D-64283 Darmstadt

[PPower4] Installation ?

2001-03-23 Thread Pieter Thysebaert


I'm kinda new to ppower4...
Well to be honest I'm not very familiar with Latex yet...

I am running RedHat Linux 6.1 and tried to install ppower4 (the latest
version I believe, some beta 5 of september 2000 ?)
I have jdk 1.2.2 by Sun.

1. I've read somewhere that it needs pdflatex = 13.0d (or something)
   pdflatex -v shows : 
  pdfTeX (Web2C 7.3.1) 3.14159-0.13d

   I assume that's ok ? (so I probably meant 0.13d)

2. I can't seem to run the .jar ...
   What arguments are needed ?
   I get this : 

 Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from

   when starting the ppower4p script
   How do I fix this ? (it doesn't seem right)

3. More of a tex question ...
   I installed all the .sty files related to ppower4 in
   (the docs talked about the tex/latex/ppower4 dir)
   How do I setup pdflatex to see this directory ?
   (usepackage{pause} doesn't find it automatically so I always have to
   specify the full path to it on the command line)


AW: [PPower4] Installation ?

2001-03-23 Thread Andreas Fieger

Hi Pieter,

 -Ursprngliche Nachricht-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Im Auftrag von
 Pieter Thysebaert
 Gesendet: Freitag, 23. Mrz 2001 16:47
 Betreff: [PPower4] Installation ?

 1. I've read somewhere that it needs pdflatex = 13.0d (or something)
pdflatex -v shows :
   pdfTeX (Web2C 7.3.1) 3.14159-0.13d

I assume that's ok ? (so I probably meant 0.13d)

I'm not sure about 13 or 14 but it definitely is version 0.x and not x.0

 3. More of a tex question ...
I installed all the .sty files related to ppower4 in
(the docs talked about the tex/latex/ppower4 dir)
How do I setup pdflatex to see this directory ?
(usepackage{pause} doesn't find it automatically so I always have to
specify the full path to it on the command line)

you will have to run texhash in order to update the ls-R database
that is searched. Before doing so you might want to change the
installation location of the ppower4 sty-files to be in the
localtexmf tree.


Dr. Andreas Fieger
ServiceBarometer AG
Tel +49.89.89666917

Re: [PPower4] Installation ?

2001-03-23 Thread Pieter Thysebaert

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Karel Dekimpe wrote:

 Pieter Thysebaert wrote:
  I'm kinda new to ppower4...
  Well to be honest I'm not very familiar with Latex yet...
  I am running RedHat Linux 6.1 and tried to install ppower4 (the latest
  version I believe, some beta 5 of september 2000 ?)
  I have jdk 1.2.2 by Sun.
  1. I've read somewhere that it needs pdflatex = 13.0d (or something)
 pdflatex -v shows :
pdfTeX (Web2C 7.3.1) 3.14159-0.13d
 I assume that's ok ? (so I probably meant 0.13d)
  2. I can't seem to run the .jar ...
 What arguments are needed ?
 I get this :
   Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
 when starting the ppower4p script
 How do I fix this ? (it doesn't seem right)
  3. More of a tex question ...
 I installed all the .sty files related to ppower4 in
 (the docs talked about the tex/latex/ppower4 dir)
 How do I setup pdflatex to see this directory ?
 (usepackage{pause} doesn't find it automatically so I always have to
 specify the full path to it on the command line)
 Concerning the ppower4 question.
 Please provide more details on your script and what you type in
 at the prompt and what the machine exactly answers.

the script ppower4p : 

#!/bin/sh # NOTE: this requires Java 1.2.x!
java -jar ${basedir}/pp4p.jar "$@"

Just running this without arguments gives : 

Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
