On Sat, Dec 17, 2005 at 05:04:59PM +0530, Purnendu Chakraborty wrote:
> I wanted to make slides compatible with acrobat 1.5 standard. The 
> reason behind in doing so is to
> exploit new transition effects available. However, I  found  that  
> although my initial pdf file
> (created by  pdflatex  with \pdfoptionpdfminorversion 5 )  is of type 
> PDF-1.5, the post-processing
> afterwards makes it PDF-1.3.  How to resolve this issue?

>From my source logs I read that this problem should have been resolved
in April 2003. Please upgrade to the beta version prepared in late 2003,
which is available from 
If the problem persists in the latest version, I would like to get a
short example (not to the list, please) for checking why the fix does
not help.

Best wishes for the upcoming holiday season to everybody and my apologies, 
that I have not been that responsive during the last year, and that this 
old beta version has not yet made it into the general distribution.
        Klaus Guntermann        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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