Bls: [proletar] RE: Orang atheis itu per-definisi pintar ?

2013-09-25 Terurut Topik PAREWA
Yg dongok tu ya org yg ngomong macam ni: 

7:4 Lehermu bagaikan menara gading, matamu bagaikan telaga di Hesybon, dekat 
pintu gerbang Batrabim; hidungmu seperti menara di gunung Libanon, yang 
menghadap ke kota Damsyik. (hidung seperti menara kok cantikleher bagaikan 
menara gading mah lehernya mike tyson...bukan leher wanita cantikdasar 
dongok bin bengak)

Dikirim: Rabu, 25 September 2013 11:24
Judul: [proletar] RE: Orang atheis itu per-definisi pintar ?

Hehehe ini mah sama dengan studi2an modelnya si Jondil.  Bisa bener bisa kaga.. 
 tapi lumayan bisa menuh2in majalah cosmo biar bisa naek cetak.. 

Banyak pemikir2/ilmuwan top itu beragama, tapi atheist masih jarang denger. 
Atheis itu sebetulnya cuma agama baru yg dibungkus seolah2 intelek. Setau saya 
pemikir tulen tidak perduli dengan Tuhan dan agama. Tidak perduli tidak sama 
dengan tidak percaya. Itu dua hal yg berbeda...

Atau mungkin studi di bawah memasukkan free thinker ke dalam kelompok atheis..

---In, jack_fanotona@... wrote:

Kalo cuma kasih unjuk satu doang mah kaga valids,

itu ayat2 yang saling bantai gimana ? pedhofil bunuh kafir ? 

kaga di ekspose yah

 Dari: Tawangalun tawangalun@...
Dikirim: Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013 10:56
Judul: [proletar] Narasi Quran lbh sopan dari Bijbel

Ini narasi Kitab saya:

Ali 'Imran Ayat 47

قَالَتْ رَبِّ أَنَّىٰ يَكُونُ لِي وَلَدٌ وَلَمْ يَمْسَسْنِي بَشَرٌ ۖ قَالَ 
كَذَٰلِكِ اللَّهُ يَخْلُقُ مَا يَشَاءُ ۚ إِذَا قَضَىٰ أَمْرًا فَإِنَّمَا 
يَقُولُ لَهُ كُنْ فَيَكُونُ

Maryam berkata: Ya Tuhanku, betapa mungkin aku mempunyai anak, padahal aku 
belum pernah DISENTUH oleh seorang laki-lakipun. 

Nah narasinya DISENTUH,padahal kalau ITEM atau Yusfiq pasti DIENTOT.

Bandingen dg narasi Alkitab nanti kan vulgar dg rating XXX:

AYAT-AYAT CINTA dalam Alkitab Christian
Amsal 5:19 rusa yang manis, kijang yang jelita; biarlah BUAH
DADANYA selalu memuaskan engkau, dan engkau SENANTIASA BIRAHI

AMSAL 7: 16 Telah kubentangkan permadani di atas tempat tidurku,
kain lenan beraneka warna dari Mesir.
17 Pembaringanku telah kutaburi dengan mur, gaharu dan kayu
18 Marilah kita memuaskan birahi hingga pagi hari, dan
bersama-sama menikmati asmara.
19 Karena suamiku tidak di rumah, ia sedang dalam perjalanan

Jadi Alkitabmu itu bahasanya norak dan XXX,nek Kitab saya kan sopan.

Paulus anak wedus.


RE: Bls: [proletar] RE: Orang atheis itu per-definisi pintar ?

2013-09-25 Terurut Topik rparapat

Tapi tetep aja lu baca dan apalin... ---In, wrote:Yg dongok tu ya org yg ngomong macam ni: 7:4 Lehermu bagaikan menara gading, matamu bagaikan telaga di Hesybon,  dekat pintu gerbang Batrabim; hidungmu seperti menara di gunung  Libanon, yang menghadap ke kota Damsyik.
 (hidung seperti menara kok cantikleher bagaikan menara gading mah lehernya mike tyson...bukan leher wanita cantikdasar dongok bin bengak)Dari: rparapat@... rparapat@... Kepada:  Dikirim: Rabu, 25 September 2013 11:24 Judul: [proletar] RE: Orang atheis itu per-definisi pintar ?   

  Hehehe ini mah sama dengan studi2an modelnya si Jondil. Bisa bener bisa kaga.. tapi lumayan bisa menuh2in majalah cosmo biar bisa naek cetak..Banyak pemikir2/ilmuwan top itu beragama, tapi atheist masih jarang denger. Atheis itu sebetulnya cuma agama baru yg dibungkus seolah2 intelek. Setau saya pemikir tulen tidak perduli dengan Tuhan dan agama. Tidak perduli tidak sama dengan tidak percaya. Itu dua hal yg berbeda...Atau mungkin studi di bawah memasukkan free
 thinker ke dalam kelompok atheis.. ---In, jack_fanotona@... wrote:Kalo cuma kasih unjuk satu doang mah kaga valids,itu ayat2 yang saling bantai gimana ? pedhofil bunuh kafir ? kaga di ekspose yahDari: Tawangalun tawangalun@... Kepada:  Dikirim: Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013 10:56 Judul: [proletar] Narasi Quran lbh sopan dari Bijbel   

  Ini narasi Kitab saya:

Ali Imran Ayat 47

قَالَتْ رَبِّ أَنَّىٰ يَكُونُ لِي وَلَدٌ وَلَمْ يَمْسَسْنِي بَشَرٌ ۖ قَالَ كَذَٰلِكِ اللَّهُ يَخْلُقُ مَا يَشَاءُ ۚ إِذَا قَضَىٰ أَمْرًا فَإِنَّمَا يَقُولُ لَهُ كُنْ فَيَكُونُ

Maryam berkata: Ya Tuhanku, betapa mungkin aku mempunyai anak, padahal aku belum pernah DISENTUH oleh seorang laki-lakipun. 

Nah narasinya DISENTUH,padahal kalau ITEM atau Yusfiq pasti DIENTOT.

Bandingen dg narasi Alkitab nanti kan vulgar dg rating XXX:

AYAT-AYAT CINTA dalam Alkitab Christian
Amsal 5:19 rusa yang manis, kijang yang jelita; biarlah BUAH
DADANYA selalu memuaskan engkau, dan engkau SENANTIASA BIRAHI

AMSAL 7: 16 Telah kubentangkan permadani di atas tempat tidurku,
kain lenan beraneka warna dari Mesir.
17 Pembaringanku telah kutaburi dengan mur, gaharu dan kayu
18 Marilah kita memuaskan birahi hingga pagi hari, dan
bersama-sama menikmati asmara.
19 Karena suamiku tidak di rumah, ia sedang dalam perjalanan

Jadi Alkitabmu itu bahasanya norak dan XXX,nek Kitab saya kan sopan.

Paulus anak wedus.






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[proletar] RE: Orang atheis itu per-definisi pintar ?

2013-09-24 Terurut Topik rparapat

Hehehe ini mah sama dengan studi2an modelnya si Jondil. Bisa bener bisa kaga.. tapi lumayan bisa menuh2in majalah cosmo biar bisa naek cetak..Banyak pemikir2/ilmuwan top itu beragama, tapi atheist masih jarang denger. Atheis itu sebetulnya cuma agama baru yg dibungkus seolah2 intelek. Setau saya pemikir tulen tidak perduli dengan Tuhan dan agama. Tidak perduli tidak sama dengan tidak percaya. Itu dua hal yg berbeda...Atau mungkin studi di bawah memasukkan free thinker ke dalam kelompok atheis.. ---In, jack_fanotona@... wrote:Kalo cuma kasih unjuk satu doang mah kaga valids,itu ayat2 yang saling bantai gimana ? pedhofil bunuh kafir ? kaga di ekspose yahDari: Tawangalun tawangalun@... Kepada:  Dikirim: Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013 10:56 Judul: [proletar] Narasi Quran lbh sopan dari Bijbel   

  Ini narasi Kitab saya:

Ali Imran Ayat 47

قَالَتْ رَبِّ أَنَّىٰ يَكُونُ لِي وَلَدٌ وَلَمْ يَمْسَسْنِي بَشَرٌ ۖ قَالَ كَذَٰلِكِ اللَّهُ يَخْلُقُ مَا يَشَاءُ ۚ إِذَا قَضَىٰ أَمْرًا فَإِنَّمَا يَقُولُ لَهُ كُنْ فَيَكُونُ

Maryam berkata: Ya Tuhanku, betapa mungkin aku mempunyai anak, padahal aku belum pernah DISENTUH oleh seorang laki-lakipun. 

Nah narasinya DISENTUH,padahal kalau ITEM atau Yusfiq pasti DIENTOT.

Bandingen dg narasi Alkitab nanti kan vulgar dg rating XXX:

AYAT-AYAT CINTA dalam Alkitab Christian
Amsal 5:19 rusa yang manis, kijang yang jelita; biarlah BUAH
DADANYA selalu memuaskan engkau, dan engkau SENANTIASA BIRAHI

AMSAL 7: 16 Telah kubentangkan permadani di atas tempat tidurku,
kain lenan beraneka warna dari Mesir.
17 Pembaringanku telah kutaburi dengan mur, gaharu dan kayu
18 Marilah kita memuaskan birahi hingga pagi hari, dan
bersama-sama menikmati asmara.
19 Karena suamiku tidak di rumah, ia sedang dalam perjalanan

Jadi Alkitabmu itu bahasanya norak dan XXX,nek Kitab saya kan sopan.

Paulus anak wedus.





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[proletar] Re: Orang atheis itu per-definisi pintar ?

2013-08-15 Terurut Topik johny_indon
yah namanya juga riset rez, kan ada deviasinya juga.
lagian ngga ada koq yg bilang kalo ateis itu pasti pintar atau sebaliknya.
biasanya kan hasil riset itu kan gini (anggap aja bener):
survei membuktikan bahwa 80% ateis pintar.

nah si uplik dan kimhook itu udah pasti yg 20% nya.

jadi kan ngga gimana2 atuh ya.

--- In, rezameutia rezameutia@... wrote:

 Itu riset koran independent tentang atheis di inggris.
 Tapi, kenyataannya orang atheis di milis ini pada dogol tuh.
 Gimana atuh..??
 --- In, Full Gospel Indonesia 
 fullgospel_indonesia@ wrote:
  Memang benar!
  Orang atheis itu per-definisi memang jauh lebih pinter dari pemeluk2 agama 
  lain,  mereka mudah memahami dunia supranatural, ( Kristen Supranatural ) 
  buktinya anggota C.G.I ( Pertumbuhan Gereja Internasional ) partisipants di 
  Rusia ada  200-an lembaga Krsiten, di Amerika cuma 34 di Indonesia 29 
  Pendiri Full Gospel Indonesia bapak Bambang Wiyono dulunya orang athaies, 
  kini beliau paham betul tentang dunia roh, dunia supranatural
  Admin Milis Full Gospel Indonesial 
   From: kim kimhook@
  Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 11:29 PM
  Subject: [proletar] Orang atheis itu per-definisi pintar ?

  Religious people are less intelligent than atheists, according to analysis 
  of scores of scientific studies stretching back over decades
  Study found 'a reliable negative relation between intelligence and 
  religiosity' in 53 out of 63 studies
  A new review of 63 scientific studies stretching back over decades has 
  concluded that religious people are less intelligent than non-believers.
  A piece of University of Rochester analysis, led by Professor Miron 
  Zuckerman, found a reliable negative relation between intelligence and 
  religiosity in 53 out of 63 studies.
  According to the study entitled, 'The Relation Between Intelligence and 
  Religiosity: A Meta-Analysis and Some Proposed Explanations', published in 
  the 'Personality and Social Psychology Review', even during early years the 
  more intelligent a child is the more likely it would be to turn away from 
  In old age above average intelligence people are less likely to believe, 
  the researchers also found.
  One of the studies used in Zuckerman's paper was a life-long analysis of 
  the beliefs of 1,500 gifted children with with IQs over 135.
  The study began in 1921 and continues today. Even in extreme old age the 
  subjects had much lower levels of religious belief than the average 
  The review, which is the first systematic meta-analysis of the 63 studies 
  conducted in between 1928 and 2012, showed that of the 63 studies, 53 
  showed a negative correlation between intelligence and religiosity, while 
  10 showed a positive one.
  Only two studies showed significant positive correlations and significant 
  negative correlations were seen in a total of 35 studies.
  The authors of the review looked at each study independently, taking into 
  account the quality of data collection, the size of the sample and the 
  analysis methods used.
  The three psychologists carrying out the review defined intelligence as  
  the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend 
  complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience.
  Religiosity is defined by the psychologists as involvement in some (or all) 
  facets of religion.
  According to the review, other factors - such as gender or education - did 
  not make any difference to the correlation between intelligence and 
  religious belief.
  The level of belief, or otherwise, did however vary dependent upon age with 
  the correlation found to be weakest among the pre-college population.
  The paper concludes that: Most extant explanations (of a negative 
  relation) share one central theme �the premise that religious beliefs 
  are irrational, not anchored in science, not testable and, therefore, 
  unappealing to intelligent people who 'know better'.
  Criticisms of the conclusions include that the paper only deals with a 
  definition of analytic intelligence and fails to consider newly identified 
  forms of creative and emotional intelligence.
  The psychologists who carried out the review also sought to pre-empt the 
  secularist interpretation of the findings by suggesting that more 
  intelligent people are less likely to have religious beliefs as they 
  associate themselves with ideas around personal control.
  Intelligent people typically spend more time in school - a form of 
  self-regulation that may yield long-term benefits, the 

[proletar] Re: Orang atheis itu per-definisi pintar ?

2013-08-14 Terurut Topik rezameutia
Itu riset koran independent tentang atheis di inggris.
Tapi, kenyataannya orang atheis di milis ini pada dogol tuh.

Gimana atuh..??

--- In, Full Gospel Indonesia 
fullgospel_indonesia@... wrote:

 Memang benar!
 Orang atheis itu per-definisi memang jauh lebih pinter dari pemeluk2 agama 
 lain,  mereka mudah memahami dunia supranatural, ( Kristen Supranatural ) 
 buktinya anggota C.G.I ( Pertumbuhan Gereja Internasional ) partisipants di 
 Rusia ada  200-an lembaga Krsiten, di Amerika cuma 34 di Indonesia 29 
 Pendiri Full Gospel Indonesia bapak Bambang Wiyono dulunya orang athaies, 
 kini beliau paham betul tentang dunia roh, dunia supranatural
 Admin Milis Full Gospel Indonesial 
  From: kim kimhook@...
 Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 11:29 PM
 Subject: [proletar] Orang atheis itu per-definisi pintar ?
 Religious people are less intelligent than atheists, according to analysis of 
 scores of scientific studies stretching back over decades
 Study found 'a reliable negative relation between intelligence and 
 religiosity' in 53 out of 63 studies
 A new review of 63 scientific studies stretching back over decades has 
 concluded that religious people are less intelligent than non-believers.
 A piece of University of Rochester analysis, led by Professor Miron 
 Zuckerman, found a reliable negative relation between intelligence and 
 religiosity in 53 out of 63 studies.
 According to the study entitled, 'The Relation Between Intelligence and 
 Religiosity: A Meta-Analysis and Some Proposed Explanations', published in 
 the 'Personality and Social Psychology Review', even during early years the 
 more intelligent a child is the more likely it would be to turn away from 
 In old age above average intelligence people are less likely to believe, the 
 researchers also found.
 One of the studies used in Zuckerman's paper was a life-long analysis of the 
 beliefs of 1,500 gifted children with with IQs over 135.
 The study began in 1921 and continues today. Even in extreme old age the 
 subjects had much lower levels of religious belief than the average 
 The review, which is the first systematic meta-analysis of the 63 studies 
 conducted in between 1928 and 2012, showed that of the 63 studies, 53 showed 
 a negative correlation between intelligence and religiosity, while 10 showed 
 a positive one.
 Only two studies showed significant positive correlations and significant 
 negative correlations were seen in a total of 35 studies.
 The authors of the review looked at each study independently, taking into 
 account the quality of data collection, the size of the sample and the 
 analysis methods used.
 The three psychologists carrying out the review defined intelligence as  the 
 ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend 
 complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience.
 Religiosity is defined by the psychologists as involvement in some (or all) 
 facets of religion.
 According to the review, other factors - such as gender or education - did 
 not make any difference to the correlation between intelligence and religious 
 The level of belief, or otherwise, did however vary dependent upon age with 
 the correlation found to be weakest among the pre-college population.
 The paper concludes that: Most extant explanations (of a negative relation) 
 share one central theme â€the premise that religious beliefs are irrational, 
 not anchored in science, not testable and, therefore, unappealing to 
 intelligent people who 'know better'.
 Criticisms of the conclusions include that the paper only deals with a 
 definition of analytic intelligence and fails to consider newly identified 
 forms of creative and emotional intelligence.
 The psychologists who carried out the review also sought to pre-empt the 
 secularist interpretation of the findings by suggesting that more intelligent 
 people are less likely to have religious beliefs as they associate themselves 
 with ideas around personal control.
 Intelligent people typically spend more time in school - a form of 
 self-regulation that may yield long-term benefits, the researchers wrote.
 More intelligent people get higher level jobs (and better employment (and 
 higher salary) may lead to higher self-esteem, and encourage personal control 
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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