[protest-ro] Re: test

2006-06-05 Fir de Conversatie casssssstor
--- In protest-ro@yahoogroups.com, Motanul Sah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

e acelasi motan de la inceputuri, care umbla la/pe tastatura?
sau reloaded

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[protest-ro] Re: pedo vs gay

2006-06-05 Fir de Conversatie casssssstor
--- In protest-ro@yahoogroups.com, Asociatia ARIN 

 From: casstor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cam unde e limita sau, pe cale de consecinta,  mai poate fi 
vorba de
 vre-o limita, Odata deschisa cutia?
 de CE o varsta anume si nu alta? CE argumente stiintifice 
exista pentru
 stabilirea limitei (de fapt, de doar DOUA zile) 
intre pedofilie 
si altceva, 

Limitele cred ca se stabilesc pe baza experientei sociale, un bun 
simt al societatii respective .Respective ca loc, traditii dar si 
Tendinta acestor cereri pare spre scaderea varstei, in Anglia cred 
ca s-a solicitat 13 ani, sau 14 , nu-s sigur) si camera lorzilor a 
respins, desi exista sustinere si de la primul ministru, dar nu 
Pe de alta parte limitele schimbatoare, au tendinta sa fie majorate, 
varsta minima de angajare a crescut de la.8-10 ani sau 14 mai 
recent , la 16 deci o prelungire a copilariei.
Prelungirea scolaritatii, aduce un sindrom (are un nume dar nu-l 
stiu) de prelungire a copilariei, intarziere a maturizarii, lucru f 
vizibil chiar si la noi, unde s-a tot umblat la limitele de 
Asi zice ca e  pe invers cu ce cer unii si altii.

In acelasi timp, la mai toate sporturile exista categorii de 
greutate (gabarit, oarecum), dar si categorii de varsta.

In mod stupid la BAC, la noi, nu exista nici de greutate sau talie 
si nici de varsta, foarte important ca diferentiere.
La acelasi test sportiv, vine un intarziat de 23-25 de ani si 
beneficiaza de aceleasi baremuri ca un coopil firav de 17.

Deci, nu suntem chiar in pas cu vremurile si nici prea consecventi. 
Si la gay si si la pedo va fi un hei rup , traditional.

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[protest-ro] Re: pedo vs gay

2006-06-05 Fir de Conversatie casssssstor
--- In protest-ro@yahoogroups.com, Asociatia ARIN 

 From: casstor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cam unde e limita sau, pe cale de consecinta,  mai poate fi 
vorba de
 vre-o limita, Odata deschisa cutia?
 de CE o varsta anume si nu alta? CE argumente stiintifice 
exista pentru
 stabilirea limitei (de fapt, de doar DOUA zile) 
intre pedofilie 
si altceva, 

Limitele cred ca se stabilesc pe baza experientei sociale, un bun 
simt al societatii respective .Respective ca loc, traditii dar si 
Tendinta acestor cereri pare spre scaderea varstei, in Anglia cred 
ca s-a solicitat 13 ani, sau 14 , nu-s sigur) si camera lorzilor a 
respins, desi exista sustinere si de la primul ministru, dar nu 
Pe de alta parte limitele schimbatoare, au tendinta sa fie majorate, 
varsta minima de angajare a crescut de la.8-10 ani sau 14 mai 
recent , la 16 deci o prelungire a copilariei.
Prelungirea scolaritatii, aduce un sindrom (are un nume dar nu-l 
stiu) de prelungire a copilariei, intarziere a maturizarii, lucru f 
vizibil chiar si la noi, unde s-a tot umblat la limitele de 
Asi zice ca e  pe invers cu ce cer unii si altii.

In acelasi timp, la mai toate sporturile exista categorii de 
greutate (gabarit, oarecum), dar si categorii de varsta.

In mod stupid la BAC, la noi, nu exista nici de greutate sau talie 
si nici de varsta, foarte important ca diferentiere.
La acelasi test sportiv, vine un intarziat de 23-25 de ani si 
beneficiaza de aceleasi baremuri ca un coopil firav de 17.

Deci, nu suntem chiar in pas cu vremurile si nici prea consecventi. 
Si la gay si si la pedo va fi un hei rup , traditional.

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[protest-ro] vor sutine homo pe pedo???

2006-06-03 Fir de Conversatie casssssstor
Dutch paedophiles to launch political party 
By Vincent Smits in Amsterdam and Stephen Castle in Brussels 
Published: 01 June 2006 
Paedophiles have tested the limits of Dutch tolerance with a plan to 
launch a political party to push for a cut in the legal age of 
consent and legalisation of pornography featuring young people. 

The group, which is due to be registered this week, said it wants 
the consent age dropped from 16 to 12, before having it scrapped 
completely. It also proposes to make child pornography and sex with 
animals legal.

The move to set up the NVD Party (which says it stands for love of 
one's fellow man, freedom and diversity) has provoked condemnation 
from politicians, demands for a government ban and protests from the 
public on websites.

One of the founders of the NVD, Ad van den Berg, 62, told the Dutch 
newspaper de Telegraaf that the fledgling party has been swamped 
with telephone calls from concerned people. We have a lot of 
explaining to do, he admitted.

Mr Van den Berg said he is surprised by the reactions. Ten years 
ago we were on speaking terms with society, he said, but ever 
since the Dutroux-affair [a notorious child killer jailed in 2004] 
in Belgium, nothing has been open for discussion. Society just 
ignores us. According to Mr Van den Berg the only way to make their 
paedophiles' voice heard was via politics.

On its website, the party says children should legally be able to 
have sex from the age of 12 as long as they provide consent. The NVD 
says it also wants to introduce a quality mark for child 
pornography. An independent committee should judge if the children 
had been coerced.

The party also wants to abolish the Dutch Senate, introduce a chosen 
prime minister, legalise soft and hard drugs, as well as indecent 
exposure, and have two-time murderers automatically jailed for life.

Lousewies van der Laan, the leader of the D66 Liberal Party, 
said these people need a psychiatrist, not a political party. The 
right-wing MP Geert Wilders asked the Dutch Interior and Justice 
ministries to look at options for banning a party with such sick 
ideas. That request was backed by the Christian party SGP, which 
urged the cabinet to look at all possibilities to ban this 
absolutely disgusting initiative.

Meanwhile Rita Verdonk, the architect of a host of tough Dutch 
immigration policies, last night lost her bid to lead the country's 
VVD Liberal Party.

Ms Verdonk, known as the iron lady of the Netherlands, had hoped 
her election as party leader might pave her way to become the next 
prime minister. But she appeared to pay the price for her role as 
Immigration Minister in threatening to strip the Somali-born critic 
of Islam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, of her Dutch citizenship. Ms Hirsi Ali, 
who had admitted lying on her asylum application 14 years ago, was 
an ally of the murdered film-maker, Theo Van Gogh. Ms Verdonk's 
decision divided the nation and was criticised by several political 

Despite predictions that her tough stance on immigration would bring 
Ms Verdonk victory, the 40,000-strong party membership backed Mark 
Rutte, the education minister. Regarded as a more elegant debater, 
he won 51 per cent of the vote to Ms Verdonk's 46.

Ms Verdonk, a populist, has as Immigration Minister drawn up new 
tests on language and culture for immigrants. She also refused to 
pardon 26,000 asylum-seekers who have been living in the Netherlands 
for more than five years. 

Paedophiles have tested the limits of Dutch tolerance with a plan to 
launch a political party to push for a cut in the legal age of 
consent and legalisation of pornography featuring young people. 

The group, which is due to be registered this week, said it wants 
the consent age dropped from 16 to 12, before having it scrapped 
completely. It also proposes to make child pornography and sex with 
animals legal.

The move to set up the NVD Party (which says it stands for love of 
one's fellow man, freedom and diversity) has provoked condemnation 
from politicians, demands for a government ban and protests from the 
public on websites.

One of the founders of the NVD, Ad van den Berg, 62, told the Dutch 
newspaper de Telegraaf that the fledgling party has been swamped 
with telephone calls from concerned people. We have a lot of 
explaining to do, he admitted.

Mr Van den Berg said he is surprised by the reactions. Ten years 
ago we were on speaking terms with society, he said, but ever 
since the Dutroux-affair [a notorious child killer jailed in 2004] 
in Belgium, nothing has been open for discussion. Society just 
ignores us. According to Mr Van den Berg the only way to make their 
paedophiles' voice heard was via politics.

On its website, the party says children should legally be able to 
have sex from the age of 12 as long as they provide consent. The NVD 
says it also wants to introduce a quality mark for child 
pornography. An independent committee should judge if the children 

[protest-ro] politic incorect

2005-03-21 Fir de Conversatie casssssstor

politic incorect


Daca ce ascult la tv e cat de cat corect ori coerent, aflu ca un
cadru didactic din iasi este , urmarit ori haituit pentru ca a
exprimat in cadru academic o opinie care , pare unora a contravine
legii romane .
de fapt a spus, sau asa reiese din cele relatate de media si 
minister, ca germanii o duc mai bine ca nu mai au o povara economica  
a persoanelor cu handicap, comparat cu Romania; cele spuse avand 
legatura cu politica nazista din germania anilor 30-45.
Chiar daca nu cred ca economic e relevant si nici ca sunt  nu politic 
corecte , incerc sa desprind daca in Romania opinii neconforme cu 
parerile partidului comunist, sau in cazul de fata cu ale ale 
societatii civile, ar fi putut, sau pot fi exprimate???
Ori legea la care se face referinta  se refera la organizarea de 
activitati etc etc, sau
eventual la acte antisemitae etc etc,si dintr-o ...scapare a legii
nu si la referiri la persoane cu handicap, chiar daca exista o
legatura cu germania - nazista - in acest subiect.
De fapt chiar si in tari puritane sau bastioane ale democratiei ,
opiniile din mediul academic sunt scutite de cenzura chiar si in cele
mai negre politic incorecte cazuri.
Delicata situatie pentru aparatorii libertatii de expresie!!!

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