[protobuf] Re: Windows, VisualStudio, C++, and building libraries

2019-11-25 Thread Martin Scholz
I assume you included your Debug folder as an additional library folder and 
added all the libs as dependencies in your Linker options.

Am Dienstag, 26. November 2019 00:38:27 UTC+1 schrieb Stéphane Charette:
> (Windows10, Visual Studio Community 2019, protobufs v3.10.1, gRPC v1.20.0.)
> I need to use protocol buffers and gRPC to get some data, and then combine 
> that with other things to write a plugin for an existing Windows 
> application.  So my plugin will be a .dll that is dynamically loaded by the 
> application which I didn't write and cannot control.
> For that reason, I wanted gRPC and protocol buffers to be statically 
> linked into my .dll.  This way users will only have a single .dll file they 
> need to manage.  But I'm having a very difficult time figuring out how to 
> properly build protobufs and grpc for Windows so I can link a .lib file 
> into the rest of my code.
> I first tried to use vcpkg, like this:
> vcpkg.exe install zlib:x64-windows-static
> vcpkg.exe install c-ares:x64-windows-static
> vcpkg.exe install openssl:x64-windows-static
> vcpkg.exe install protobuf[zlib]:x64-windows-static
> vcpkg.exe install grpc:x64-windows-static
> If I remember correctly, this led to some link-time problems because the 
> libs use /MT, while the application uses/expects /MD.  So then I switched 
> to this:
> vcpkg.exe install zlib:x64-windows
> vcpkg.exe install c-ares:x64-windows
> vcpkg.exe install openssl:x64-windows
> vcpkg.exe install protobuf[zlib]:x64-windows
> vcpkg.exe install grpc:x64-windows
> But I believe this gave me .dll files instead of .lib files.  I even tried 
> this from a post I saw somewhere:
> So now I'm trying to build protobufs and grpc from scratch.  E.g.,
> git clone -b v3.10.1 https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf.git
> cd protobuf
> git submodule update --init --recursive
> cd cmake
> mkdir build64
> cd build64
> cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Dprotobuf_BUILD_TESTS=OFF 
> -Dprotobuf_WITH_ZLIB=OFF ..
> I then copied the resulting .lib files into my plugin project, but I'm 
> still seeing several unresolved external symbols, such as this:
> 1>app.pb.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
> "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __cdecl 
> google::protobuf::internal::ArenaStringPtr::ClearToEmpty(class 
> std::basic_string,class 
> std::allocator > const *,class google::protobuf::Arena *)" 
> (__imp_?ClearToEmpty@ArenaStringPtr@internal@protobuf@google@@QEAAXPEBV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@PEAVArena@34@@Z)
> referenced in function "public: static void __cdecl 
> google::protobuf::internal::MapTypeHandler<9,class 
> std::basic_string,class 
> std::allocator > >::Clear(struct 
> google::protobuf::internal::ArenaStringPtr *,class google::protobuf::Arena 
> *)" 
> (?Clear@?$MapTypeHandler@$08V?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@internal@protobuf@google@@SAXPEAUArenaStringPtr@234@PEAVArena@34@@Z)
> So I'm still barking up the wrong tree.
> The files I'm attempting to linking against are:
> ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/3rd-party/Debug/gpr.lib
> ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/3rd-party/Debug/grpc.lib
> ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/3rd-party/Debug/grpc_cronet.lib
> ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/3rd-party/Debug/grpc_unsecure.lib
> ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/3rd-party/Debug/grpc++_cronet.lib
> ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/3rd-party/Debug/grpc++_unsecure.lib
> ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/3rd-party/Debug/grpc++.lib
> ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/3rd-party/Debug/address_sorting.lib
> ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/3rd-party/Debug/cares.lib
> ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/3rd-party/Debug/zlibd.lib
> ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/3rd-party/Debug/libprotobuf-lited.lib
> ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/3rd-party/Debug/libprotobufd.lib
> ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/3rd-party/Debug/libprotocd.lib
> This was my attempt to manually fixing up the .lib against which to link.  
> Originally, I had tried it like this:
> Threads::Threads
> protobuf::libprotoc protobuf::libprotobuf protobuf::libprotobuf-lite
> gRPC::gpr gRPC::grpc gRPC::grpc++ gRPC::grpc_cronet
> # c-ares::cares_static
> c-ares::cares # c-ares::cares_static ? should I be using static?
> OpenSSL::SSL OpenSSL::Crypto
> )
> Another possibly-related question:  gRPC seems to include protocol 
> buffers.  Am I reading that correct?  By building gRPC, am I already 
> building protobufs, and thus shouldn't bother with protobufs directly?
> Thanks for any pointers,
> Stéphane

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[protobuf] Windows, VisualStudio, C++, and building libraries

2019-11-25 Thread Stéphane Charette
(Windows10, Visual Studio Community 2019, protobufs v3.10.1, gRPC v1.20.0.)

I need to use protocol buffers and gRPC to get some data, and then combine 
that with other things to write a plugin for an existing Windows 
application.  So my plugin will be a .dll that is dynamically loaded by the 
application which I didn't write and cannot control.

For that reason, I wanted gRPC and protocol buffers to be statically linked 
into my .dll.  This way users will only have a single .dll file they need 
to manage.  But I'm having a very difficult time figuring out how to 
properly build protobufs and grpc for Windows so I can link a .lib file 
into the rest of my code.

I first tried to use vcpkg, like this:

vcpkg.exe install zlib:x64-windows-static
vcpkg.exe install c-ares:x64-windows-static
vcpkg.exe install openssl:x64-windows-static
vcpkg.exe install protobuf[zlib]:x64-windows-static
vcpkg.exe install grpc:x64-windows-static

If I remember correctly, this led to some link-time problems because the 
libs use /MT, while the application uses/expects /MD.  So then I switched 
to this:

vcpkg.exe install zlib:x64-windows
vcpkg.exe install c-ares:x64-windows
vcpkg.exe install openssl:x64-windows
vcpkg.exe install protobuf[zlib]:x64-windows
vcpkg.exe install grpc:x64-windows

But I believe this gave me .dll files instead of .lib files.  I even tried 
this from a post I saw somewhere:


So now I'm trying to build protobufs and grpc from scratch.  E.g.,

git clone -b v3.10.1 https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf.git
cd protobuf
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd cmake
mkdir build64
cd build64
-Dprotobuf_WITH_ZLIB=OFF ..

I then copied the resulting .lib files into my plugin project, but I'm 
still seeing several unresolved external symbols, such as this:

1>app.pb.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
"__declspec(dllimport) public: void __cdecl 
std::allocator > const *,class google::protobuf::Arena *)" 
referenced in function "public: static void __cdecl 
std::allocator > >::Clear(struct 
google::protobuf::internal::ArenaStringPtr *,class google::protobuf::Arena 

So I'm still barking up the wrong tree.

The files I'm attempting to linking against are:


This was my attempt to manually fixing up the .lib against which to link.  
Originally, I had tried it like this:


protobuf::libprotoc protobuf::libprotobuf protobuf::libprotobuf-lite
gRPC::gpr gRPC::grpc gRPC::grpc++ gRPC::grpc_cronet
# c-ares::cares_static
c-ares::cares # c-ares::cares_static ? should I be using static?
OpenSSL::SSL OpenSSL::Crypto

Another possibly-related question:  gRPC seems to include protocol 
buffers.  Am I reading that correct?  By building gRPC, am I already 
building protobufs, and thus shouldn't bother with protobufs directly?

Thanks for any pointers,


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Re: [protobuf] use of custom field-options during code-generation

2019-11-25 Thread 'Adam Cozzette' via Protocol Buffers
Your code looks right as far as I can tell. In C++ there's no need to
manually register extensions because they register themselves before main()
begins. Could you try calling DebugString() on the FieldDescriptor that you
expect to have the extension? Seeing a human-readable summary of that
descriptor might offer some insight.

On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 12:28 PM Leo Hilbert  wrote:

> Hi guys,
> *Background:*
> I'm currently building/prototyping a modified version of the protoc
> java-compiler. I need to change some things from the
> standard-implementation for my usecase, but want to keep most of it.
> To avoid starting from scratch I copied the java-generation-code to my own
> project and started to modify it. I'm a java-dev, so C++ proves to be quite
> the challenge, but I'm learning a lot and am nearly finished with what I
> wanted to do. However now I'm stuck and need your help.
> Here is a quick overview of the relevant folders in my project (
> https://github.com/leohilbert/protoc-gen-java-leo ):
>- *include-folder*: "h-files" that I copied over (otherwise no classes
>from the protoc-libraries were found)
>- *java-folder*: for my java-library. Also contains my
>test-proto-files for now (java/src/test/proto).
>- *src/google/protobuf/compiler/java_leo*: copied and modifed
>java-generation code from the official repo
>- *src/javaleo/proto*: the generated c++ code for my custom
>FieldOption (java/src/test/proto/options.proto)
> btw: if you have any feedback on my setup, it's greatly appreciated! I'm a
> C++ noob and trying to understand everything as I go. :)
> *Now to my actual problem:*
> If you navigate to src/google/protobuf/compiler/java_leo/java_field.cc
>  in
> line 64 you can see that I'm trying to read the value from my custom-field
> option by calling
> string test = field->options().GetExtension(javaleo::proto::javatype);
> This is *always *empty. Although I imported and used this exact custom
> FieldOption
> in my addressbook.proto
> .
> The C++-Class for the option.proto is also generated and add in the
> CMakeList (src/javaleo/proto).
> "javaleo::proto::javatype" *does* compile, so at least it seems to be in
> the executable somewhere.
> What makes me suspicious is that I did not register this custom-extension
> anywhere in my code. I'm thinking of something like
> "ExtensionRegistry.registerExtension(javaleo::proto::javatype);" to add to
> the beginning of my plugin (main.cpp). Otherwise how should protoc know how
> this field should be interpreted. Am I on the right track here, or did I
> understand this whole system wrong.
> I debugged this a lot already and am running out of ideas. Searching for a
> solution online is also really tricky, because not a lot of people have
> compiled there own protoc-compiler.. But maybe I'm looking in the wrong
> direction.
> I hope my issue is somewhat clear, it's hard describing it when knowing so
> little about c++ and how protoc works internally.. ^^
> TLDR: I need to get the value of my custom-option during code-generation,
> but my field-option is always ignored. Help :c
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Protocol Buffers" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to protobuf+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/protobuf/8135f496-9ec3-4e0d-bff2-dd37d85792bc%40googlegroups.com
> .

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[protobuf] use of custom field-options during code-generation

2019-11-25 Thread Leo Hilbert
Hi guys,

I'm currently building/prototyping a modified version of the protoc 
java-compiler. I need to change some things from the 
standard-implementation for my usecase, but want to keep most of it.
To avoid starting from scratch I copied the java-generation-code to my own 
project and started to modify it. I'm a java-dev, so C++ proves to be quite 
the challenge, but I'm learning a lot and am nearly finished with what I 
wanted to do. However now I'm stuck and need your help.

Here is a quick overview of the relevant folders in my project ( 
https://github.com/leohilbert/protoc-gen-java-leo ):

   - *include-folder*: "h-files" that I copied over (otherwise no classes 
   from the protoc-libraries were found)
   - *java-folder*: for my java-library. Also contains my test-proto-files 
   for now (java/src/test/proto).
   - *src/google/protobuf/compiler/java_leo*: copied and modifed 
   java-generation code from the official repo
   - *src/javaleo/proto*: the generated c++ code for my custom FieldOption 
btw: if you have any feedback on my setup, it's greatly appreciated! I'm a 
C++ noob and trying to understand everything as I go. :) 

*Now to my actual problem:*
If you navigate to src/google/protobuf/compiler/java_leo/java_field.cc 

line 64 you can see that I'm trying to read the value from my custom-field 
option by calling 
string test = field->options().GetExtension(javaleo::proto::javatype);

This is *always *empty. Although I imported and used this exact custom 

in my addressbook.proto 

The C++-Class for the option.proto is also generated and add in the 
CMakeList (src/javaleo/proto).
"javaleo::proto::javatype" *does* compile, so at least it seems to be in 
the executable somewhere.

What makes me suspicious is that I did not register this custom-extension 
anywhere in my code. I'm thinking of something like 
"ExtensionRegistry.registerExtension(javaleo::proto::javatype);" to add to 
the beginning of my plugin (main.cpp). Otherwise how should protoc know how 
this field should be interpreted. Am I on the right track here, or did I 
understand this whole system wrong.

I debugged this a lot already and am running out of ideas. Searching for a 
solution online is also really tricky, because not a lot of people have 
compiled there own protoc-compiler.. But maybe I'm looking in the wrong 

I hope my issue is somewhat clear, it's hard describing it when knowing so 
little about c++ and how protoc works internally.. ^^

TLDR: I need to get the value of my custom-option during code-generation, 
but my field-option is always ignored. Help :c

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