Every message has a descriptor object associated. Look in the c++ API
reference (http://code.google.com/apis/protocolbuffers/docs/reference/
cpp/index.html) for it. Once you get the descriptor, you can get a
string type by calling name().

On Feb 10, 5:02 pm, fokenrute <fokenr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I'm developing a C++ application and I use Protocol Buffers for
> network communications.
> Somewhere in my app, I receive messages which can be of different
> types and I'm searching for a mean to dynamically determine the type
> of these messages (which are stored in a buffer). I read something
> about the reflexion interface, but I don't konw how to use it to do
> what i want.
> Thanks in advance for your replies.

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